1. If we are engaged in a war and the other player killed a military leader, then no that wouldn't count as terrorism.
If your country is engaged in warefare with another and your wearing the uniform then you are technically a valid target no matter your location.
The rules of war seem to predicate that both sides wear uniforms, and in this case the purpetrator was from a third country not involved in the war who essentially used an IED to kill someone for financial and social gain. $100K and an EU passport.
So the conflict that the US is involved with... name anyone you please... one of the countries you are raping and robbing puts out a bounty on US military in the US and some random guy... say a Canadian or Mexican takes up the offer of $100K and Iranian citizenship and takes out a US general in the US and you would just blow it off as a fact of war?
I seriously doubt that.
Judging by how Russian retaliation hitting certain airfields more than once, yeah, they seem to be returning where they fly from.
That is not logical. The Russians will attack any airfield being used to launch aircraft from but that does not prove that is where the aircraft that take off land at afterwards.
And the purpose of such systems like Voronezh radar, it would be able to identify the target from point of launch to point of return. It is really indeed a new generation of VHF/UHF radar systems.
But they wont know where it lands until it does and the time it takes to get munitions and missiles and other platforms to deal death to where the aircraft land would be enough time to get the aircraft away from the runway and hidden inside a building of one sort or another.
As for vlad, I know he left not entirely our of his own volition, but the guy fled to France.
I really didn't know Vlad very well and didn't know or expect to know about his private life.
The purpose of this forum is not for Russians, it is for western people to learn about Russia, which is why it is an english only forum.
Something hard to do here because there is a cult like following of the Russian leadership.
There is nothing of the sort, that is bullshit. The reason you get shit is because something happens and you immediately claim it is all Putins fault because obviously he should have anticipated everything and why hasn't he nuked them for that like the Americans would.
If you would react more like a human being and just said that this is bad I wonder what he is going to do about it then you would get such criticism... instead you say.... Putin is not going to do anything and when Trump gets in Putin is going to agree to Zelenskys peace plan and fold like a deck chair.
One major thing that makes mp.net and this site similar is if you criticise something that is popular, it becomes a lynch mob. For everything people bitch about that site, it has become the same thing here.
The difference is that you get banned at the other sites for saying bad things about Bush, or nice things about Putin.
In the Keymags forum a dickhead posted a thread showing a Russian airline using tape on the upholstery on the seats inside the aircraft. I called him out on his flamebaiting and posted an image of an American airlines aircraft with tape on a control surface on the fucking wing. I got banned for that.
Didn't bother going back.
Hell, it's worst because you got people like Tolstoy who is not only an idiot, he is a racist one too who really shows it openly and does so without punishment. Sujoy is the very type of person he insults because goes after his ethnicity and religion. He keeps claiming I'm Indian Hindu or whatever, guy is as dumb as a sack of rocks and even if I posted my picture he would still call me Indian Hindu. That shit didn't fly there.
Banning him wont stop him being racist. If someone gets upset about what he says to them they can complain to a mod and that mod will look at what is happening and make a decision.
Racism isn't against the rules. Abusing members is against the rules.
Why do people swear?
Usually they do it to upset the person they are arguing with. Racist words often upset people the most so I understand why they are used... sometimes by people who aren't actually racist... but they know it will get the biggest effect.
Genuinely racist people are rather more common than you think and it is largely from stereotypes too... many Russians seem to have had a rather high opinion of westerners and a low opinion of Chinese and Indians... fortunately that is reversing, but it takes time.
I prefer people to be honest over them being perfect for the forum...
I will be honest... I don't trust white people... I just don't like them...
Arrogant and opinionated and just rude... thinking everything they do is right and that they have nothing to learn from any other culture or group.
In about 10 years from now, there will be plenty of talk, even on this forums (if it still exists) of where things went right and where things went wrong with this war and people will complain about Putin. I'm wondering if the cult following of him will still be as strong by then as it is now.
When you run the world I look forward to reading your book on being perfect and never making any mistakes or ever being wrong.
Decisions have to be made when they are made and seeing the future is not part of the decision making process and some people actually make promises and openly lie to your face.
Putin cannot predict the future, but he is very good at adapting and changing to the situation at hand.
As for Georgia part. Troops were outside of Tbilisi and headed there. Recall Shakashvili ducking for cover when Russian Su-25's were flying over the city? Tie eater was scared for his life and fled.
Russian troops entered Georgian territory far enough to collect up all the weapons and equipment the Georgian troops dropped when they ran away, there was never any plan to take Tiblisi and no Russian troops entered the city.
The Tie eater was scared of his own shadow... just like Zelensky was until that Israeli official who talked to Putin and got assurances that Z would not be targeted personally.
Subsonic cruise missiles aren`t that good anymore. Everyone has smartphones everywhere, not very hard to inject the phones with soft that uses the phones mic to record the sounds of cruise missile engines and use that data to triangulate and track the missile. Its why Russia fires so much Gerans to mask the their Kalibrs with the loud blower noise everywhere...
Low flying subsonic cruise missiles would be an incredible problem for western countries... it is not just detection and tracking... it is also about having something that can shoot it down... they don't have very many at all, and they tend to be used around HQs... which will likely be hit first by hypersonic and supersonic weapons...
What Putin is waiting for is for Trump to cease and desist with the strikes on Russian territory. Retaliation is postponed until then.
Or he might be waiting for more suitable targets to present themselves... Putin is a patient man.
Biden is trying to get an over reaction that upsets Trump and leads to a problem between them, but really they don't need to get along... Kiev is lost and I rather doubt Trump understands the situation well enough to present an agreement Putin would be happy with.
There will likely be no agreement and the conflict will continue till the Ukrainian military revolts or collapses.
That's what happens when you spend your money on endless wars.
It is also what happens when you think spending top dollar gets you the best equipment.
Seeing the MiG-25 at an airshow scared the shit out of the US, and their response was to essentially copy it... but to fit the best engines they could make and the best radar they could make and the best avionics and systems and weapons, and the result was a decent but very expensive aircraft.
Ever since they have been doing the same and it has been getting more and more expensive, but they have lost sight of the job at hand.
$800K for a Javelin system to blow up tanks. A Kornet system costs $5K and it has double the range and almost double the armour penetration and flys about three times faster and can be fired from a moving vehicle because it is beam riding and not wire guided.
One Kornet is better than one Javelin... 10000 Kornets is what makes the system so good, because they can't make that many Javelins... that would cost too much.
Having 10,000 Kornets makes it even more potent because no armour could move on the battlefield.
If the enemy has 10 Javelins, with cope cages you might not even lose a single vehicle...