Recall Georgian war and when Russia was already at Tblisi, how quick they folded?
Russian troops never entered Tiblisi, they pushed the Georgian troops back from the front line border area and continued back to collect up Georgian arms that were dropped when the operators ran away. Russian troops never went near let alone entered Tiblisi.
I know my fellow Ukrainians, and I know it would have ended but eh, whatever. Let more innocent die and we shall see where this ends.
Men who go to the front line and pick up their rifle or weapon and defend themselves from the Russian forces are not innocent. If you drop your weapon and surrender you might survive. Fight and die.
Now I see why Vlad left. I may have disagreed with him on lots of things, but now things are more clear than ever. TR1 also left too. He also was Russian.
Vlad79 didn't leave by choice... last post was almost 10 years ago. AFAIK he had a disagreement with Vlad or other Mod.
Wasn't TR-1 complaining and saying they will never make more than 8 Borei subs and their production rate of subs will never increase or some such nonsense?
I get it, you don't like how this war is being conducted by Russian leadership. I don't like it too, I want Russia to be more proactive and very harsh. Yet, I know that eventually this war will heat to the point that Russia will have no choice but to do as I said, so no point for me yapping until then. I see where this is going.
This conflict is damaging the west, the longer it continues the more sanctions from the west against Russia the less ties between the west and Russia... when the conflict ends the west will start dropping sanctions that hurt them the most... but of course they wont drop all the sanctions. And of course they will demand Russia drops its sanctions against them.
They already complain about airline overflights despite the fact that they started it with banning Russian airline flying in their airspace... are they so stupid they thought Russia would not impose the same restrictions on their airlines? Yes, they are.
They are the worlds police and are imposing judgements against Russian to punish her for her bad behaviour... but Russia can't respond in kind... the prisoner can't send the judge to do jail time...
Killing leadership is one thing, what Russia is doing now, is killing population and hopefully, 18 year old will be drafted soon and the women as well. Now, this would be a way how to defuse the country, reduce human capital to irrecoverable levels. This democide is called THD, please remember when you turn off the lights in Ukraine.
If they want to keep fighting Russia can keep killing. Eventually they will say no, but their propaganda is strong... but then it is just so easy to blame Putin for everything and anything.. Seph and Firebird are doing it now...
The strategy has been working and is working... Ukraine could have surrendered 10 years ago or it might never surrender. Shock and awe is not going to defeat the Taliban, why would anyone think brainwashed Ukrainians will surrender.
Killing them is not to get them to surrender... killing them is to get their society to collapse so it is no threat for rather more time than if they just stopped fighting with plans to build up and have a go when they are stronger again.
People defending Putin for not responding to the killed general are clueless.
These types of actions are considered a no no even by our standards.
The west tries to take out opposition forces leadership all the time... the guy currently in charge of Syria has a 10 million dollar US bounty on his head FFS.
How long did the US try to kill Castro and Saddam and Osama Bin Laden... they had a fucking playing card system in Iraq to keep track of all the men they wanted to murder...
These idiots whining that Putin didn't respond didn't wait for the investigation to determine who gets the response...
His killing wouldn't count as terrorism, try again.
If we are going to be logical here, there is no rule in war that says his killing was illegal or a terrorist based act.
He was a uniformed man.
Interesting logic there... so anyone can kill American soldiers because American soldiers are involved in so many wars they therefore technically are at war.
Japan and the Soviet Union never signed a peace agreement either so Russians and Japanese can kill each other with impunity too because technically they are still at war.
Don't be shocked when Ukraine does under handed tactics, when you are fighting for your life, there is little you won't do.
They were targeting civilians when they thought they were winning, that ship has sailed.
Don't blame a cornered dog for biting blame tue idiot standing there letting themselves get bit
Except when a dog you don't like bites you you be wary of its teeth... the first chance you get you kick them in.
You want your little slow slow slow war, guess what stuff like this is the price.
If they wanted any war they would not have bothered with the Minsk agreements.
The slow war is the best of a range of bad options.
The west has pumped most of their ammo and weapon reserves and hundreds of billions of dollars into this conflict... they have also sold their credibility to the rest of the world and when you look at the international sanctions on Russia you see they are western sanctions... the west is isolating itself with this bullshit.
Again I fail to understand the impatience. Time is Russia's ally, not NATO's ally.
It is costing the west too much money and causing disunity amongst the western allies... and the results are nothing like what they expected... a surrendering drunk Russian army collapsing with their economy and begging to be allowed to sell energy to Europe for even less money than ever before...
I am sick of seeing my fellow countrymen on both sides, innocent ones, keep getting killed and the people who can stop it, taking their sweet time and only having taken 1 glove off instead of both
Putin has done everything to find an alternative to war and the west gave him no other option.
It is the west that is pushing Ukrainians into the Russian meat grinder, but you blame Putin.
The US has arse raped Germany by essentially cutting off cheap Russian energy via NSs and now the gas flow across Ukraine is about to end, and Germanys response is to blame Putin and buy US gas at three times the price... some of the US gas sold to the EU is from India... which is Russian gas before the Indians process the other chemicals out of it that the Europeans used to process out of it. They lost their chemicals industry and are paying even more for their energy... but it is Putins fault.
**** America and **** the EU.
They are to blame.
Aside from some news or economic/tech stuff, I don't think I will bother even saying anything anymore here. No point.
Because honestly blaming Putin makes you sound like a Filth columnist... (not dirty... not number 5).
Nuclear war would be good for Ukraine – neo-Nazi activist
Getting desperate and suicidal... but some here say they are winning.
Karas claimed that the November release of the video game ‘S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl’, which was developed in Ukraine, has prepared the country for a nuclear war. The country will come through a nuclear crisis and make a leap forward in technology, producing artificial intelligence and advanced robots, Karas believes.
Yeah, cause radioactive zombies make the best factory workers and miners....
Seriously. A dog shits on the pavement and its all Putins fault.
But it is true it is true...
This tragic incident won't deny Russia from its final victory but think about it, how many years and how much money you have to spend to have a general like this ?
Not a tragic accident, a paid for terrorist attack... a paid hit... the attacker is not Ukrainian and did it for money and a new life in the EU...
Most of the deaths in this conflict are tragic and not worth it but the alternative is surrender.
But one thing you may have missed is that Russia doesn't lack satellite based launch detection systems and guarantee they are monitoring not from the sides but from above. Which could very well easily spot these planes and missiles.
Spotting them is not enough... spotting an Su-24 at 25m altitude launching a storm shadow the 200km into Russian territory means it is 100km from the front line... which SAM type can intercept a low flying fast target 200km away that has now turned away and is racing to a place to land and be moved into a building or hangar to hide it...
This is why in many case, the bases where these planes fly from and launch, usually get hit hard soon after by Russia.
So you think in that situation they will fly that plane back to the airfield it took off from?
The effectiveness of Pantsir with that job is amazing.
The Soviet and Russian air defence equipment has proven to be outstanding.
And they continue to improve it and adapt it.
The west is going to need an all new set of weapons for their next conflict with Russia.
The West has launched a propaganda campaign comparing Russia to the USSR before its collapse
The absolutely hilarious thing is that the way US and western propaganda work is that when they criticise Russia or the Soviet Union they usually do it by talking about themselves and reflecting to to their enemy.
In this case are they foreseeing a western collapse?
Military in effect which came to a juddering halt due to potential copyright issues.
More like the photos threads started to be not anti Russia enough, but had been tolerated because they generated a lot of interest and traffic for the site. essentially died when they closed those photo threads and then went a bit mental.