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    U.S Military encirclement of China


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    U.S Military encirclement of China - Page 18 Empty Re: U.S Military encirclement of China

    Post  flamming_python Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:37 pm

    Hole wrote:Well, if the people of Taiwan are fed up they can vote in politicians that will negotiate a reunification with the mainland. Otherwise it´s their own fault.

    Yeah but people are stubborn. If they perceive someone is trying to punish them they may decide to rally around their US puppet leaders instead

    There are a lot of mainland Chinese working in Taiwan, and Taiwanese nationalism is not actually some major thing. Last thing China actually needs is to transform Taiwan into its own version of Cuba. So far it's not, it's just business, 2 great powers in a tug of war.

    The optimal move might be to enact this blockade for a certain-length of time but then lift it after the message has been sent and received.
    Or else launch a military operation with all the consequences.

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    Post  sundoesntrise Wed Aug 10, 2022 7:29 am

    kvs wrote:All the "China chickened out" drivel has really shown itself to be premature ejaculation.

    The exercises are basically a blockade.   Expect the precious, precious microchips to get rare and
    expensive.   The retards (or higher functioning autistics) in Washington really stepped in it with
    Pelosi's clown show visit.

    I think China is ready to take on US carrier groups.   The Washington retards will now have no
    choice but to try to dislodge China via military means.   It will not go well for them.

    Here is your blockade.

    I know it stings but China ain't ready yet to sit at the big boys table.

    U.S Military encirclement of China - Page 18 Fzkwnp10

    During the exercises (which have finished days ago already).

    U.S Military encirclement of China - Page 18 Fzlfou10

    Last edited by sundoesntrise on Wed Aug 10, 2022 10:24 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  GarryB Wed Aug 10, 2022 9:15 am

    The irony is that if chips from Taiwan are blocked the next best place to get them from is China and who in the west could possibly switch from Taiwanese chips to Chinese chips to support the Chinese blockade... the rest of the world will be fine and China will benefit from that, but a sudden stop in available computer chips on that scale will seriously effect western production of goods.

    And of course why not... western sanctions are essentially trade embargoes so the west really can't complain if China decides to move forward with such a plan.

    They could schedule their exercises to slow trade with Taiwan without permanent blockading the island.

    Interesting the variety of reactions... when Kiev claimed Crimea and Donbass and Lugansk regions were theirs the US and her lackies supported them completely, but with Chechnia or Kosovo or Taiwan they support the breakaway groups...

    Western ethics are so flexible...

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    Post  kvs Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:02 pm

    Western ethics and morality are a two-faced con job to serve western imperial ambitions. Of course they want to
    carve up peer level countries like China and Russia. They dream of having a collection of easy to control "countries".
    Having every ethnic (or regional) group at each other's throats serves this agenda as well. For example, the British left
    a lot of centuries long strife in their wake. The whole Sri Lanka vs India problem is purely the result of the British using
    Sri Lankans against the mainland Indians. In North America the French and the British systematically baited the aboriginal
    peoples against each other. That is why the Mohawks exterminated the Hurons. Rwanda is the legacy of the French.

    Taiwan was run by Japan for something like 50 years from just before the turn of the last century. Japan was another
    imperial wannabe at that time and Taiwanese "identity" is fake like Ukrainian "identity" in the south and east of the fake
    state called Ukraine. America wants Taiwan as an anti-China bastion to harass and suppress China. This is enough
    reason for China to delete this fake country. It is really tiresome listening to western bleating about territorial integrity.
    According the 2008 ICJ ruling on Kosovo no such concept exists. Not that I support that kangaroo court verdict since
    it attempts to promote "international recognition" into being more fundamental than local and regional rights and responsibilities.
    Foreign clowns are elevated to god level by the ICJ. This just shows you how corrupt the west and its institutions are.

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    Post  Hole Sun Aug 14, 2022 12:33 pm

    U.S Military encirclement of China - Page 18 Faerm810

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    Post  Backman Mon Aug 15, 2022 5:02 am

    Which thread are we going to use for the Taiwan thing ? Either one is fine by me but 2 doesn't work.

    Anyway another American delegation just landed in Taiwan. All of the delegates is from the US arms services committee. You can't make it up.

    The non reaction from Pelosi's illegal visit is rapidly becoming a sunk cost for Xi Jinping.

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    Post  Backman Mon Aug 15, 2022 5:06 am

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    Post  sundoesntrise Mon Aug 15, 2022 5:23 am

    Backman wrote:Which thread are we going to use for the Taiwan thing ? Either one is fine by me but 2 doesn't work.

    Anyway another American delegation just landed in Taiwan. All of the delegates is from the US arms services committee. You can't make it up.

    The non reaction from Pelosi's illegal visit is rapidly becoming a sunk cost for Xi Jinping.

    Pelosi hadn't even left yet and Menendez was already preparing the next bill - one that would prepare the stage for the eventual declaration + US recognition of Taiwanese independence, in other words a strategic  US withdrawal on their One China Policy

    I am not quite sure on the current status of the bill as it still had to pass and there is allegedly some pushback against it from within the Biden Administration but judging from the current trajectory its very clear where this is going

    Last edited by sundoesntrise on Mon Aug 15, 2022 5:43 am; edited 1 time in total

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    U.S Military encirclement of China - Page 18 Empty Re: U.S Military encirclement of China

    Post  sundoesntrise Mon Aug 15, 2022 5:42 am

    I ve been following some of the English language official Chinese media channels. Chen WeiHua, Hu XiJin on Twitter, Global Times etc.

    In the past couple of weeks they have tried to spin the Pelosi visit +subsequent military drills as a Chinese victory. It has only made the fallout bigger. Someone should tell these clowns to either put up or shut up

    August 9. Pencilnecked Chinese official declares The Taiwan Strait as Chinese waters and outside the US' sphere of influence.

    U.S Military encirclement of China - Page 18 Screen31

    August 13. The US announces it will send warships and planes through the Strait

    U.S Military encirclement of China - Page 18 Screen33

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    Post  Backman Mon Aug 15, 2022 7:08 am

    ^ Yeah things are moving a hell of a lot faster than China wants to admit. They seem to think that things will go back to normal for another 5-10 years. They are wrong.

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    Post  AlfaT8 Mon Aug 15, 2022 3:56 pm

    Unless the independance thing is announced the target practice in the straight will be allowed to live.
    If washington thinks they can pull a fast one, then i feel sorry for all those soon to be dead american sailors.
    To say nothing of Taiwan.

    All this for the mid-terms, like wtf?

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    Post  GarryB Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:13 pm

    For the Americans it is a game... political points in mid term elections... they are literally playing chicken with China.

    What they don't understand is that the Taiwan issue is rather more serious for China than they seem to appreciate... this might bite them in the arse if they think the Chinese are going to back down and surrender.

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    Post  kvs Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:38 pm

    Funny how cognitive function works in westerners.   The US is pushing for Taiwan's independence while at the same time actively
    supporting the Kiev regime suppression of the Lugansk and Donetsk republics.   That microscopic fig leaf called territorial integrity
    must look huge to the average westerner.   The routine activity of contradictory ideas as viable reasoning is called schizophrenia.  

    And this is not recent.   The NATzO recognized "country" calling itself Kosova involved the same support for the ethnic cleansing
    of Serbs after secession.  

    China just needs to keep with the war games for a few years and Taiwan will collapse economically.   No amount of visits by US
    politician blowhards will save it.   The US is going to have to risk its overhyped carrier fleets to physically dislodge China.   China
    knows this and also knows that it can send those fleets to the bottom of the ocean.   Maybe it is restrained by the prospect of
    sore loser murikans resorting to nukes.   But it is now forming a strong alliance with Russia which will mean that murikans are
    risking their own annihilation.   Russia is actually facing the same sort of nuke threat from the lunatics in NATzO whose autistic
    brains believe that they can win any war against Russia.

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    Post  Hole Tue Aug 16, 2022 6:04 pm

    Double standards are a western speciality. NATO states were crying about Russia arming evil "separatists" in Donetsk and Luganks while they delivered weapons to al-Kaida and Daes/IS in Syria.

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    Post  ALAMO Tue Aug 16, 2022 6:10 pm

    Not only in Syria.
    The Taliban is struggling seriously with ISIS for a while, and they openly comment that it is being supported by the western special services.

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    Post  RTN Wed Aug 17, 2022 10:18 am

    With the recent construction of DF-5 like silos they will probably use DF-5 boosters (DF-5B). Equally possible that PRC is developing a new liquid fuel heavy ICBM.

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    Post  LMFS Wed Aug 17, 2022 5:41 pm

    It seems the Chinese have some heavy PR artillery ready to use  Wink

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    Post  Backman Thu Aug 18, 2022 1:14 am

    China is cranking up the rhetoric again. Maybe they just see the rhetoric as procedural or something ? Im on China's side but common. How can we keep verbally supporting China if they let us down

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    Post  GarryB Thu Aug 18, 2022 8:47 am

    China is cranking up the rhetoric again. Maybe they just see the rhetoric as procedural or something ? Im on China's side but common. How can we keep verbally supporting China if they let us down

    Your mistake is thinking that yours or ours or western opinion even comes in to Chinese leadership thinking...

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    Post  LMFS Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:00 am

    Backman wrote:China is cranking up the rhetoric again. Maybe they just see the rhetoric as procedural or something ? Im on China's side but common. How can we keep verbally supporting China if they let us down

    Russia said the same for years and did nothing, until they did something. I would not assume we know what they are up to better than they themselves...

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    Post  kvs Thu Aug 18, 2022 12:40 pm

    The Twatter style fixation on follow through from China on "threats" is inane. China is communicating to the precious west
    that the west should ease off. China is not pouncing on the west without warning. That the west refuses to listen will
    eventually, as we see in Ukraine, lead to action.

    Twatters reflect the mentality of the west where only the language of force is "respected". Diplomacy and calls for restraint
    are all signs of weakness. Really, the west is a collection of barbarians.

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    Post  Kiko Thu Aug 18, 2022 12:59 pm

    Reading now Thomas Mann's Doctor Faustus, a very up-to-date novel best read in German. Indispensable reading if you interpret present-day Yanquiland & West.

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    Post  sundoesntrise Thu Aug 18, 2022 5:13 pm

    It's getting hot in there. LiJian Zhao is the spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Next thing they might actually start mentioning the role 'America's greatest ally' played in that whole ordeal. Or is that high tech backdoor transfer still up and running?

    U.S Military encirclement of China - Page 18 Img_2023

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    Post  TMA1 Fri Aug 19, 2022 4:03 pm

    LMFS wrote:It seems the Chinese have some heavy PR artillery ready to use  Wink

    Wtf that is nuts. This would never be even dreamt of before trump. Frankly I like it, and it is true. This all has to happen. Though it all is so dangerous.

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    Post  LMFS Fri Aug 19, 2022 9:41 pm

    TMA1 wrote:Wtf that is nuts. This would never be even dreamt of before trump. Frankly I like it, and it is true. This all has to happen. Though it all is so dangerous.

    Dangerous for our beloved elites, too, that is why they are getting so mad. They know if they fail they are going to be destroyed till their last bit, slowly and painfully. The world is crying for justice.

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