I just like to believe that there is something beyond just this life especially after we die, otherwise it's for naught.
Existence after death has nothing to do with religion... a made up god wont send you to heaven, nor will gods you don't believe in send you to their hell.
People who believe in this or that god or even this or that way of living are not protected from good or bad so how could such a thing determine what happens to You when your components stop supporting your current existence.
Heaven and hell are constructs by human beings as promises and carrots to follow a set of beliefs and a set of rules. it can't be you will find a dollar on the ground every two weeks.... it has to be big... you and all your family and friends and everyone you know and like and even your pets and favourite animals are going to go to heaven where there is always plenty of room for everyone... no eating or sleeping, no need for money, no pain and no humiliation.... for eternity.
Don't believe this or that then an eternity of pain and suffering in a fiery hell.
Pretty amazing reward... and pretty extreme punishment... especially for people who have never even heard of this particular religion you happen to be pedalling... and the fact that half your friends and family and even your pets might be a completely different religion for all you know.
Death is the next adventure... this is life... there are lots of choices and decisions you can make in life... some will lengthen it and some will end it quickly, but most you can't tell until you try them and it could go either way. Wearing a seatbelt... most of the time it saves lives... sometimes it traps you in a car that might be burning or sinking in deep water. Sometimes it prevents serious injury, other times it can cause death. Holding you in place when you want to get out. Someone I knew was a truck driver and it is believe he fell asleep while driving up a winding gorge... from the scene it seems his truck went off the road and he fell out the door and the last set of wheels ran over him and killed him. Of course the problem was that he fell asleep on a difficult piece of road and if he had been wearing his seat belt he might not have survived either...
We can't know what death is like because living people have only seen short glimpses of it... do you think a caterpillar... a tube of muscle with a mouth and an arse that just eats and eats and eats and hopes nothing finds it before it follows its instincts and builds itself a cocoon and then darkness and change... and the next thing you know it has beautiful wings and antenna and eyes and it can fly... and then it hits a spiders web.
The caterpillar has no idea about the life as an egg or as a butterfly and the butterfly likely has no memories as an egg or a catepillar... who knows what happens to it when it then dies... but in a sense you could say it has already died twice... that is not religion, that is science.
Not trying to change your views or influence you, if you believe what you believe and it makes sense to you, or you don't think anything else makes better sense than what you think then that is just fine, but it is all sales and marketing... not for your soul, but for your effort and support and your money and time.
With that said, people have believed in aliens for forever too. I never do think it would interfere in any belief.
Isn't it odd though that religions talk about humans and the animals... but not alien species that would include other animals and other currently dominant species that could be the equivalent to humans on other planets. In fact the whole universe seems to be located here on earth... an all powerful god only put life on one planet and only talks about one planet... you would think after 13 billion years there would be billions of galaxies teeming with life flourishing and spreading willy nilly this way and that and Earth would be welcomed with open arms as the new branch of the religion... ohh, you believed the one about the goats did you... ahh... that is interesting...
Ironically believing and following the words of Iron Maiden is a good example... songs are the poetry of the modern age so really you are just listening to a famous poet that has a large following. How much would there need to be for them to release a set of moral rules to live by and stories that show their view of things and what happens if you don't follow their path and what happens if you do.
Honestly, I don't know what would be scarier - if we are alone or not.
There we go... if we are alone... how precious is life and how precious is our environment... people scoff at flights to mars or flights to the moon but it is all about learning to live using the minimum of resources and reusing what we can in places and environments where resources and things are not abundant like here on earth. Of course as we pollute and destroy fresh water and clean air and food resources are declining. Learning the fix things, clean things, be sustainable and responsible are important goals that we need to learn if we are to survive on earth and to spread through this part of the universe..
Of course no matter the model of the universe that is all going to end eventually... how can heaven or hell continue after the universe itself has gone dark and cold and expanded to the point where matter collapses or disintegrates... subatomic particles return to energy...
But if there are aliens, my best guess would be something from "The Thing" more likely.
The problem there would be the need to retain intelligence and have complete control of your own DNA down to the cellular level, but to be able to instantly change from one cell structure to another... skin cells turning into claws or hair or eyeballs... like most religions... a fun story but difficult to actually believe it could actually happen for real.
The sheer luck of human life evolving in this solar system is so amazing that you would think it would never happen, but life itself has happened trillions of times on earth where things are just right, and on another planet of moon where things are just right or only sort of right it should happen if you give it long enough... the point is that there are more galaxies in this universe than there are grains of sand in the world and in each of those galaxies there are more stars than there is sand on any beach you have ever visited and around those stars are likely more planets than stars.... so just talking about odds and chances I would say the chances of life in MOST galaxies is actually probably close to CERTAIN. The real problem there is whether there is intelligent life that hasn't destroyed itself yet and again the numbers would suggest there are probably dozens to thousands in each stable galaxy more than 3-4 billion years old... it sounds like there was life on earth a couple of billion years after things settled and it has been trying to kick start ever since.
The worst thing is that time and space separates us so without Dr Whos Tardis we might never meet up with any of them... in which case perhaps we should have a bit more respect for the other people here and this thin blue line between rock and the vacuum of space and take more measures to make this place better and safer and cleaner and more suitable for us to expand and grow and develop and mature. Killing ourselves because of stupid growing pains or to stop others developing faster and past us like the US is currently trying would be a really sad reason to fail. But currently the most likely reason for us to fail ATM.