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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  etaepsilonk Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:44 pm

    Stealthflanker wrote:Lookin at a thread in other forum... Someone posted twitter link there stated that some Ukraines are bravely marched to Russian occupied airport...

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Bh3NyffIUAAysaQ

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Bh3OctqIUAAw9Ax

    Dammit.. That thread's now essentially become a newsfeed for ukraine..(It supposed to be Role playing forum)

    Russian respond ? Stop the coloumn.. firing warning shots and..basically stand down for order.

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Bh3TignIMAAAtFt

    Unfreakingbelievable  Rolling Eyes  I wonder where those "brave Ukrainian soldiers" were, then Crimean Tatars and Russians were beating and killing each other???

    I really don't want to show any disrespect for them, but so far they showed complete ignorance and impotence in dealing with this crisis in their own country. And now they play "patriots" to the Russians who are trying to do that FOR THEM  Rolling Eyes 
    How about marching to Kharkov instead????

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  medo Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:45 pm

    I read, that Crimea recognize Janukovich as only legal Ukrainian president. This is good move. I hope other eastern regions will follow to recognize Janukovich for legal president, what will show, that eastern part support legally elected president and that Maidanuts in Kiev doesn't represent them. Crimea should start negotiations with Janukovich for future status of Crimea or recognizing its independence. I hope eastern Ukrainians will follow Crimeans and separate from maidanuts from the west. All treaties Kiev junta sign with IMF must be declared illegal in eastern Ukraine.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  Viktor Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:29 pm

    Its about time ....  thumbsup 

    Gazprom to Cancel Gas Discount for Ukraine

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  sepheronx Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:20 pm

    Wow. is being bombarded with morons who are pretty much talking nothing but about how crazy and stupid Putin is, and brave unarmed soldiers walking back to a useless base.

    Becoming hard to find decent news at this point.

    Victor, do you have any links regarding economic sanctioms each country is against? Thanks.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  etaepsilonk Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:26 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Wow. is being bombarded with morons who are pretty much talking nothing but about how crazy and stupid Putin is, and brave unarmed soldiers walking back to a useless base.

    Becoming hard to find decent news at this point.

    Victor, do you have any links regarding economic sanctioms each country is against? Thanks.

    I'm really wondering why the most butthurt people regarding Ukraine are Polish? What, they have some expansionist ambitions, or something?  Laughing 

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  sepheronx Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:35 pm

    etaepsilonk wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:Wow. is being bombarded with morons who are pretty much talking nothing but about how crazy and stupid Putin is, and brave unarmed soldiers walking back to a useless base.

    Becoming hard to find decent news at this point.

    Victor, do you have any links regarding economic sanctioms each country is against? Thanks.

    I'm really wondering why the most butthurt people regarding Ukraine are Polish? What, they have some expansionist ambitions, or something?  Laughing 

    They are forefront for anything anti russian. You are not polish if you dont....
    Now an american saying Russians are cowards because of standing behind woman and children comment. Guy doesnt read Russian so I wonder if he is just being retarded? Yep.

    So far, this whole affair has been all talk.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  Austin Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:40 pm

    Washington is likely to take steps on sanctions against Russia "later in this week", a US official travelling with Secretary of State John Kerry to Kiev said Tuesday.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  Werewolf Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:43 pm

    Austin wrote:16:46
    Washington is likely to take steps on sanctions against Russia "later in this week", a US official travelling with Secretary of State John Kerry to Kiev said Tuesday.

    Russia should ban all metal export to US and if EU dares to even speak about sanctions, ban them too.
    Russia won't be hurt by not exporting to US, actually they will get better paid when they sell to China and china is very clever they buy off resources on the market as much as they can, they think in long terms not in short terms.

    Than let's see how the prices for metals and cars or anything like that will raise and the sells will decline in the west.

    They rely on Asia more than Asia on any other continent or any country.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  Austin Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:48 pm

    China reacts to Ukraine crisis  Cool

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  Regular Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:52 pm

    Who seen Putin interview? Apparently soldiers disarming Ukrainian army are not Russians:D There are other gems as well...

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  Viktor Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:58 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Wow. is being bombarded with morons who are pretty much talking nothing but about how crazy and stupid Putin is, and brave unarmed soldiers walking back to a useless base.

    Becoming hard to find decent news at this point.

    Victor, do you have any links regarding economic sanctioms each country is against? Thanks.

    Sorry man. Im reading hundereds of articles daily and have been trying to keep away from discussions to awoid total consumption  Very Happy .

    The thing is that EU and US have totally different goals in this game but because EU is still under huge influence of US it has to keep most of its actions under the US radar.

    The best outcome for all would be Russia-EU agreement like it was before US meddled in and send those Nazi hordes in the coup.

    I dont know what will US do but I strongly believe that we wont see any practical action from EU on this matter because diplomacy and talk is the way of the EU even more

    because this is THEIR mess. EU is the one that allways likes to brag about with its rule and respect for law and all and the paper that EU ministers signed

    (that US opposed) with Maidan protesters and Russia agreed on (but still did not signed which does not matter) is the one that is being broken

    and it was Russian reaction on EU disrespect for law that brought this situation upon them so even though they would never acknowledge that, EU is embarrassed which is why

    its all talk.

    Also its what I have been saying for a long time. China FULLY supports Russia which is immensely important and tells a tale about much stronger relations that any of the "western"

    diplomats can even imagine.

    @ sepheronx

    All memeber states of the EU must vote unanimously in order to pass sanctions and it took me 1 min to find the last country to speak against sanctions

    President of Latvia does not support sanctions against Russia

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  Viktor Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:28 pm

    Nothing will happen. Soon it will be bussines as usuall except Russia had to react. West was pushing to much.

    - France already stated that no deals with Russia will be broken (including military)
    - Germany said there is no way that Russia will be expelled from G8
    - Italy is pressing on with G8 and intends to come
    - Britain (secrety photographed papers) does not intend to impose any sanctions

    It will be all talk which will at the end rise the Russian influence in the world and make western politicians think twice before they decide to do something without consulting Russia on
    the topic.

    In the meantime with Crimea out (and specially Crimea) we have:

    - Ukraine gas dependance is secured (there can now be no ofshore drilling)
    - Russian economy gravitational force is just to strong for Ukraine to get out of Russian influence
    - no NATO membership (because of Crimea - which is why it is important to perserve Ukrainian territorial integrity)
    - Russian Sevastopol base secured forever (because of special autonomy status it will regain after elections)
    - Ukranian east completely dependant on CIS market
    - Huge new oil and gas fields in Crimea territorial waters for Russia and none for Ukraine

    The thing is that Crimea will after these elctions have status of autonomy republic in a way that it will:

    - have its own army and police forces
    - its independant finance
    - its independant foreign policy
    - etc

    but will still be part of Ukraine (although purerly on paper  Very Happy  )

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  Viktor Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:33 pm

    Austin wrote:China reacts to Ukraine crisis  Cool

    China has started thier announced (in December 2013) process of de-Americanization of the World. Its selling about 50 bin $ of their debt per month and getting rid of the $ currency in all.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  Austin Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:42 pm

    Good Analysis Viktor my vote.

    Any link where they say China will sell USD 50 billion per month ?

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  etaepsilonk Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:23 pm

    Those Ukrainian soldiers, marching earlier to Belbek airport, left appearantly.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  medo Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:37 pm

    Viktor wrote:Nothing will happen. Soon it will be bussines as usuall except Russia had to react. West was pushing to much.

    - France already stated that no deals with Russia will be broken (including military)
    - Germany said there is no way that Russia will be expelled from G8
    - Italy is pressing on with G8 and intends to come
    - Britain (secrety photographed papers) does not intend to impose any sanctions

    It will be all talk which will at the end rise the Russian influence in the world and make western politicians think twice before they decide to do something without consulting Russia on
    the topic.

    In the meantime with Crimea out (and specially Crimea) we have:

    - Ukraine gas dependance is secured (there can now be no ofshore drilling)
    - Russian economy gravitational force is just to strong for Ukraine to get out of Russian influence
    - no NATO membership (because of Crimea - which is why it is important to perserve Ukrainian territorial integrity)
    - Russian Sevastopol base secured forever (because of special autonomy status it will regain after elections)
    - Ukranian east completely dependant on CIS market
    - Huge new oil and gas fields in Crimea territorial waters for Russia and none for Ukraine

    The thing is that Crimea will after these elctions have status of autonomy republic in a way that it will:

    - have its own army and police forces
    - its independant finance
    - its independant foreign policy
    - etc

    but will still be part of Ukraine (although purerly on paper   Very Happy  )

    We have to wait for results of Crimean referendum. This time it will go through, question is, what will be written on it. Full autonomy, independence or part of Russia. However, Crimea will be example for the rest of southeastern Ukraine. When Crimea go, they will go too. Separation of Ukraine is the only possible solution for Ukraine, that west and east could live as they want. If western Ukraine want nazi government, let them have it, but eastern part will have its own government without fear westerners will again do a revolution against them.

    this is exactly, why I say Crimea and eastern provinces have to recognize Janukovich as only legal president and make negotiation with him and not with maidanuts.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  sepheronx Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:07 pm

    So CNN is throwing random Ukrainian around saying he speaks Russian but not Ukrainian (lol, similar language) and saying there is no language issue and his friend Yuri says crimea dont want Russians. Sounds like his friend Yuri is legit....
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  Hannibal Barca Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:19 pm

    sepheronx wrote:So CNN is throwing random Ukrainian around saying he speaks Russian but not Ukrainian (lol, similar language) and saying there is no language issue and his friend Yuri says crimea dont want Russians. Sounds like his friend Yuri is legit....

    Stop taking seriously everything any stupid channel might say. God we are in 2014!
    TV is for the old, the handicapped and the unemployed. Public opinion is for those who don't react. For those who react there is fame. Good or bad fame is of no importance.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  etaepsilonk Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:23 pm

    sepheronx wrote:So CNN is throwing random Ukrainian around saying he speaks Russian but not Ukrainian (lol, similar language) and saying there is no language issue and his friend Yuri says crimea dont want Russians. Sounds like his friend Yuri is legit....

    My father, while serving in the soviet army, was told by officers to never place eastern and western Ukrainians in one guard post, so that they "wouldn't loose teeth by accident" Smile

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  Stealthflanker Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:08 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Wow. is being bombarded with morons who are pretty much talking nothing but about how crazy and stupid Putin is, and brave unarmed soldiers walking back to a useless base.

    Just ditch that god damn hellhole forum. I can't stand the hypocrisy running there.. I never visited that place again since last "incident" Involving mods there who edited his debate opponent's post to win arguments.


    BTW Nice pick Victor :3 So basically EU and US are powerless there. I just wish this could end with no unnecessary bloodshed.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  Sujoy Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:42 pm

    Republican senators tell Fifa Russia must be kicked out of 2014 World Cup

    Last edited by Sujoy on Sun Mar 09, 2014 5:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  TR1 Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:50 pm

    sepheronx wrote:So CNN is throwing random Ukrainian around saying he speaks Russian but not Ukrainian (lol, similar language) and saying there is no language issue and his friend Yuri says crimea dont want Russians. Sounds like his friend Yuri is legit....

    CCN is equivalent to PRavda these days.
    It is pathetic.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  TR1 Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:52 pm

    etaepsilonk wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:Wow. is being bombarded with morons who are pretty much talking nothing but about how crazy and stupid Putin is, and brave unarmed soldiers walking back to a useless base.

    Becoming hard to find decent news at this point.

    Victor, do you have any links regarding economic sanctioms each country is against? Thanks.

    I'm really wondering why the most butthurt people regarding Ukraine are Polish? What, they have some expansionist ambitions, or something?  Laughing 

    haha so true.

    All these Poles calling Russia backward, and weak.

    This is Poland. POLAND.
    One of the least relevant nations in Europe.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  TR1 Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:54 pm

    Regular wrote:Who seen Putin interview? Apparently soldiers disarming Ukrainian army are not Russians:D There are other gems as well...

    Several important things:

    1.) Putin doesn't want to reinstate Yanukovich.
    2.) Not discussing includion of Crimea into Russia.
    3.) No need to bring in regular army (ok just admit Spestanz is there Putin).

    This is a good development, all in all.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #1 - Page 37 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #1

    Post  etaepsilonk Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:33 pm

    TR1 wrote:
    etaepsilonk wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:Wow. is being bombarded with morons who are pretty much talking nothing but about how crazy and stupid Putin is, and brave unarmed soldiers walking back to a useless base.

    Becoming hard to find decent news at this point.

    Victor, do you have any links regarding economic sanctioms each country is against? Thanks.

    I'm really wondering why the most butthurt people regarding Ukraine are Polish? What, they have some expansionist ambitions, or something?  Laughing 

    haha so true.

    All these Poles calling Russia backward, and weak.

    This is Poland. POLAND.
    One of the least relevant nations in Europe.

    Poland is game to you?!


    Hey, does anyone know, what those covers in front of "Urals" radiators are for? Dust collecting maybe?

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