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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  flamming_python Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:50 pm

    I secound that, has been a valuable source.

    First RIA Novosti, now lenta. So far at least RIA Novosti hasn't changed their tune, at least not that I've noticed.

    And of course the Russian TV media is completely zombified - not as bad as the madhouse Ukrainian TV media but you can still clearly see that it's just following the government line and agenda.

    More and more media outlets under the Russian government's thumb.

    And yes I know that you have something like that in Western media - but that doesn't make it OK.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  Austin Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:31 am

    Ulyukayev: RF will have to reduce payments in dollars in the case of U.S. sanctions

    "The degree of freedom of the American partners to apply some tough measures much more (than EU - Ed.). I think they did not have to go beyond the introduction of individual sanctions, if they go, it means complication of the system of international payments system of trade relations, payments. This means that we have to work those lines, we used to do - that is, to increase the volume of trade with countries that are calculated national currencies, "- said in an interview on Uljukaev" Russia 24 ".

    "Why in the relationship with China, India, Turkey, we have contracted in dollars? Why do we need it? We have contracted in national currencies - this also applies to energy and other areas," - says the minister.

    "First and foremost it should touch our oil and gas companies that they boldly walked for contracts in rubles and foreign currency of the partner country. I think that now there is an additional impetus to finally finalize this work", - concluded Uljukaev .

    According to him, this also applies to reserve management, and investment cooperation: maximum focus on local currency, on the local financial system - this is the normal way.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  Werewolf Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:41 am

    TR1 wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:
    TR1 wrote:

    Wow.'s long time editor-in-chief is forced out and replaced. is just retarded, i remember an interview with Khordokowsky, where the female reporter always made stupid remarks like "you were jailed innocent and for no reason".  Well if you consider 72 murders, at least 780 bln USD stolen directly from russian economy and selling out russian companies to west which were worth over the years trlns the russian economy, as not illegal than he must be innocent.

    They can stomp down this entire western slave "journalists" and this firm.

    You are judging an entire website by one interview?

    There are many contributors to Lenta, and they take articles from other places too.

    Nonetheless it has been a good site over the years.
    A Kremlin shill being the editor in chief is horrible news.

    Who the hell wants their media to be checked by the gov before it is OKed?

    Better question is how many foreign shills with anti russian agendas are infiltrating russian media sources and russia.

    There was a report in 2004 that stated that 713 Foreign Media "news" networks have been created in russia just 6 month after the fall of Soviet Union. Where lot of this news agencies have been proven to be financed directly over Western (NATO) countries or oligarchs such as our well known Soros and Berezowski.
    Don't you think that is little bit suspiscious?

    I do not like government controlled medias, but for the biggest part russian controlled media are much less biased and so far haven't seen twists and made up lies on RT for example compared with Western so called medias like CNN,BBC,MSNBC,FOX,ABC news and more, making reports about Syria and the actor Danny which has made 4-6 videos, which i have seen myself, always switching roles, one time a reporter, than a "freedom fighter", than again a civilian that was injured by "Assad regime" and so on.
    If russian govt. is editing something than it is not good, but that is how todays big media companies work, there is not a single News Agency that is not funded and controlled by government, editing included with clear agendas.

    Only independed medias are most of the part unbiased and those alledged "independed" medias you have sometimes to doublecheck who are their investors, like in case of Ihor Kolomoisky, a jewish oligarch supporting fascists in ukraine such as udar and worth 2 bln at least, or Pierre Omidyar ebay founder created the news agency First Look Media and The Intercept.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  Austin Thu Mar 13, 2014 1:54 am

    Bill O'Reilly on Putin: 'Long Past Time to Deal With This Thug'

    Counter Point

    Stephen F. Cohen, Ph.D. on O'Reilly claiming we're Putin bashing

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  TR1 Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:05 am

    Nobody listens to O'reilly.

    Well, FOX news watchers, but they do not make policy.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  TheArmenian Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:47 am

    flamming_python wrote:
    Russia should lead by example. It should show the world how a large, powerful country should behave, not simply use rhetoric and point to Western double-standards in order to justify its own actions - the same sort of thing.
    And no, it doesn't matter even if the West started first, or whatever, this is all childish and Russia should rise above it.
    I think that Russia disappointed a lot of people with these actions in the Crimea. Many were genuinely hoping for it to be an example of a more progressive, non-aggressive world power that stands for the principles of territorial integrity, non-interference in foreign affairs, etc... exactly what Lavrov has been talking about non-stop for the past 10 years!

    Now I'm no idealist, I realise that this isn't always possible and sometimes Russia will be forced into making a choice between the bad and the worse; such as when Georgia attacked in 2008. But even then, one can think of ways in which Russia could have avoided that situation, such as not using the Western support for Kosovan independence in order to justify the expansion of co-operation with Georgia's breakaway republics.
    Likewise here, it's becoming apparent that Russia had a good bit of reason in seizing the Crimea ahead of time; judging by the iron-fisted way in which Kiev has been crushing dissent in its Eastern regions and the military buildup that threatened to turn to a Ukrainian attack on Crimea just 2 nights ago. But again, Russia - by acting pre-emptively, may have created the threat, rather than prevented it; it has driven the Kiev putschist government into hysteria and has led to it beating the war drums among its own population; were Russia to have stayed its hand Kiev might not have been able to mobilise the popular support and manpower anyway.

    More than anything I'm quite impressed with China's tolerance and patience. In the US, hating on China and talking about its imperialist intentions or threats to its neighbours (not witnessed since the Chinese invasion of Vietnam in 1979 at the very least) is a popular theme but in actuality it all just reflects back on them.

    I understand and appreciate your noble and idealistic point of views, but I completely disagree with you Python.
    The kind of approach you are suggesting Russia should adopt will only embolden the predators in NATO. Remember, their ultimate aim is to dismember Russia. The various Kosovo and Maidan events are just the Russia-undermining/weakening steps to achieve their ultimate goal.
    If the Russian Bear does not show its "teeth", there will be many more Maidan-like events within the Russian sphere of influence. Hell, one of the targets is my own country (Armenia) where western operators (in the guise of human-rights activists, democracy seekers, corruption-fighters, tree-huggers, etc. etc.) are doing everything to undermine the government who has decided to embrace the Customs Union. The West-sponsored protests have been peaceful so far. But I tell you, any Yanukovich-style signs of weakness and they will try a Maidan-style uprising. The West is doing everything to divide Armenian society into Pro and Anti Russia....and this is not limited to Armenia.
    Python, the kind of clean-hands approach with the West's predators will not work. Eventually it will end up with a Kiev-style event in Moscow...China is not immune either as the West is trying to destabilize places and create Maidans in Tibet and in other Chinese provinces.
    The West's predators will use any possible means, soft-power, money, bribes, economic aid, economic sanctions, military force, subversive agents, disinformation, media etc.etc. to achieve their aims.
    Russia should make them understand that the West will have to pay a heavy price for any Kosovo or S. Ossetia or Kiev style situations. The Bear should "show its teeth", roar and even maul every time the West undertakes or sponsors the above kind of actions. It may be harsh, it may not be ideal or just, but that is the only language these predators understand.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  GarryB Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:56 am

    The CIA and the KGB regularly used media in foreign country to rig elections and to sway public opinion one way or the other... governments talk about national security but only the US demands a free press and then "buys it".

    Politicians want to control information and started years ago excluding press that weren't favourable to their agenda. Didn't tow the party line... don't get anything to print.

    Anything to print was better than nothing so the press basically agreed to the rules and have become lapdogs... they even use politician speak when they report the news...

    If the Russian government is taking control of the Russian media... I say good work... they are an excellent check on power when used properly, but mostly they are just muck rakers that run smear campaigns... Murdocs dogs et al.

    BTW read my signature 10 times Flamingpython... the west didn't get so powerful by being nice or by having the nicest ideals... to quote an alien in the Star Wars universe... Its a Trap!

    they are stand in a clearing with a native and look carefully at the enormous nugget of silver the native has found and "oooh look at that over there" Clunk... Oh dear native seems to be taking a nap... I will just bury him and he probably doesn't need that huge nugget of silver any more nice and moral with their high civilised western standards... boy that native should be glad we killed him because he could have been killed by savages that would not have even buried him...

    Deep Throat
    Deep Throat

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  Deep Throat Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:07 am

    TR1 wrote:Well, FOX news watchers, but they do not make policy.

    Ahhhh .....  Rolling Eyes not quite . FOX is the only channel here in the US that commands a loyal viewership . In fact people who watch FOX hardly have any time for CNN or MSNBC among others , but the opposite is not true .

    FOX news has a significant viewership among TEA PARTY members who vote in large numbers mostly for the Republicans .

    So , to answer your question , FOX news watchers do make policy , albeit indirectly .


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  Austin Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:14 am

    Ukraine’s ex-security chief accuses US, Poland of nipping peace effort in the bud (VOR )

    The United States and Poland have played a force multiplier role in the Ukrainian coup, where Washington was reluctant to let the conflict de-escalate into a peaceful settlement. This is according to Ukraine’s former Security Chief Alexander Yakimenko. The United States and Poland have played a force multiplier role in the Ukrainian coup, where Washington was reluctant to let the conflict de-escalate into a peaceful settlement. This is according to Ukraine’s former Security Chief Alexander Yakimenko.

    "At Maidan, there were several political parties and movements who then joined forces to build the Right Sector, plus Western patrons, of course," the former head of Ukraine’s National Security Service said in an interview with the Rossia 24 TV channel.

    "Poland and the United States played a special role in it. Poland was represented by EU’s envoy in Ukraine [Jan Tadeusz] Tombiński. He is a national of Poland, which regards its participation in the EU, NATO and all manner of blocs and organizations as a means to boost its leverage."

    Mr. Yakimenko said Poland “pulled every string,” using the EU and NATO as its vehicles to "subjugate Ukraine."

    According to the disgraced security chief, Washington wasn’t content with EU's peace initiative in Ukraine. "They weren’t all too happy about EU’s intent to go ahead with peace negotiations and peace policy [in Ukraine]. They weren’t happy about the attitude of EU leaders and of [EU’s High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy] Catherine Ashton, who held talks with Yanukovych as the country’s legitimate president."

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  Austin Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:19 am

    Snipers shot people from buildings, controlled by Maidan protestors - Ukraine's ex-security chief (VOR)

    Snipers, who were killing people during the Euromaidan, were situated in the building of philharmonic society. At a point in time, the building was controlled by Andrey Parubiy, commandant of the Euromaidan, Alexander Yakimenko, former Head of the Security Service of Ukraine, told Rossiya 1 Russian TV channel. He thinks that Parubiy contacted with the US intelligence representatives.

    "Snipers shot people from the building of philharmonic society, which was controlled by commandant Andrey Parubiy. These people attacked Ukrainian law enforcers, who were demoralized and fled, because snipers were shooting them," Alexander Yakimenko said.

    "The law enforcers were chased by armed people with different types of arms. At the very moment, snipers began to shoot the pursuers. When the first wave of shootings ended, witnesses saw 20 people, leaving the building of philharmonic society. These people had a special uniform, cases for sniper rifles and the AKMs rifles. The fact is that not only law enforcers saw these people, but the Maidan protestors, including representative of Svoboda, Right Sector, Batkivshchyna and UDAR parties as well.

    According to Yakimenko, during the massacre the opposition leaders contacted him and asked him to deploy special force unit to scoop out the snipers from buildings in central Kiev, but Parubiy made sure that won't happen.

    "The Right Sector and Freedom Party have requested me to use the Alpha group to cleanse these buildings, stripping them from snipers," Yakimenko said. According to him Ukrainian troops were ready to move in and eliminate the shooters.

    "I was ready to do it, but in order to go inside Maidan I had to get the sanction from Parubiy. Otherwise the 'self-defense' would attack me in the back. Parubiy did not give such consent," Yakimenko said noting that the Maidan leader had full authority over the access to weapons on Maidan, and not a single gun including a sniper rifle could get in or out of the square.

    The latest developments in Ukraine were the result of an accelerated implementation by external forces, first of all, the United States, of a scenario that was to be used in the country in 2015 during presidential elections, the former head of the Ukrainian Security Service, Alexander Yakimenko, said in interview to Rossiya 24 Russian TV station.

    He said Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich was out of favor in the West, adding that a number of countries were conducting work aimed at bringing to power representatives of other political forces at the 2015 presidential elections.

    He said Western countries "flirted" with Yanukovich saying Europe was supporting him, and planned "to protract the negotiating process" for Kiev to sign an association agreement with the European Union "for Russia to help reinforce the social and political structure in Ukraine."

    According to Yakimenko, this was done in order "to bring Ukraine to Europe for Russian money" later by replacing the Ukrainian president.

    Ukrainian President Yanukovich left Ukraine in February after a coup in his country. He told reporters in southern Russia on Tuesday that he remained the legitimate Ukrainian leader despite "an anti-constitutional seizure of power by armed radicals." Russia considers Yanukovich the legitimate Ukrainian president.

    The coup came on the wave of mass anti-government protests in Ukraine that started in November 2013 when the country's authorities refused to sign an association agreement with the EU at a Vilnius summit, opting for closer ties with Russia instead.

    Yakimenko also said some representatives of the new Kiev authorities are now still actively implementing the will of their American patrons who "need a Ukraine that would fulfill what they believe necessary."

    He said he believes the West will continue its policy aimed at destabilizing the situation in Ukraine's southeastern regions and then in Belarus and Kazakhstan.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  Austin Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:21 am

    Looking at these reports and Putins statement that Maidan Right Wing were trained in Poland and Lithuania.

    It seems the entire Coup was planned at Langley with Active participant from Poland.

    The rest of the EU crowd just got pulled and shepherded into the movement to do what is right for Democracy and EU etc

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  arpakola Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:28 am

    TheArmenian wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:
    Russia should lead by example. It should show the world how a large, powerful country should behave, not simply use rhetoric and point to Western double-standards in order to justify its own actions - the same sort of thing.
    And no, it doesn't matter even if the West started first, or whatever, this is all childish and Russia should rise above it.
    I think that Russia disappointed a lot of people with these actions in the Crimea. Many were genuinely hoping for it to be an example of a more progressive, non-aggressive world power that stands for the principles of territorial integrity, non-interference in foreign affairs, etc... exactly what Lavrov has been talking about non-stop for the past 10 years!

    Now I'm no idealist, I realise that this isn't always possible and sometimes Russia will be forced into making a choice between the bad and the worse; such as when Georgia attacked in 2008. But even then, one can think of ways in which Russia could have avoided that situation, such as not using the Western support for Kosovan independence in order to justify the expansion of co-operation with Georgia's breakaway republics.
    Likewise here, it's becoming apparent that Russia had a good bit of reason in seizing the Crimea ahead of time; judging by the iron-fisted way in which Kiev has been crushing dissent in its Eastern regions and the military buildup that threatened to turn to a Ukrainian attack on Crimea just 2 nights ago. But again, Russia - by acting pre-emptively, may have created the threat, rather than prevented it; it has driven the Kiev putschist government into hysteria and has led to it beating the war drums among its own population; were Russia to have stayed its hand Kiev might not have been able to mobilise the popular support and manpower anyway.

    More than anything I'm quite impressed with China's tolerance and patience. In the US, hating on China and talking about its imperialist intentions or threats to its neighbours (not witnessed since the Chinese invasion of Vietnam in 1979 at the very least) is a popular theme but in actuality it all just reflects back on them.

    I understand and appreciate your noble and idealistic point of views, but I completely disagree with you Python.
    The kind of approach you are suggesting Russia should adopt will only embolden the predators in NATO. Remember, their ultimate aim is to dismember Russia. The various Kosovo and Maidan events are just the Russia-undermining/weakening steps to achieve their ultimate goal.
    If the Russian Bear does not show its "teeth", there will be many more Maidan-like events within the Russian sphere of influence. Hell, one of the targets is my own country (Armenia) where western operators (in the guise of human-rights activists, democracy seekers, corruption-fighters, tree-huggers, etc. etc.) are doing everything to undermine the government who has decided to embrace the Customs Union. The West-sponsored protests have been peaceful so far. But I tell you, any Yanukovich-style signs of weakness and they will try a Maidan-style uprising. The West is doing everything to divide Armenian society into Pro and Anti Russia....and this is not limited to Armenia.
    Python, the kind of clean-hands approach with the West's predators will not work. Eventually it will end up with a Kiev-style event in Moscow...China is not immune either as the West is trying to destabilize places and create Maidans in Tibet and in other Chinese provinces.
    The West's predators will use any possible means, soft-power, money, bribes, economic aid, economic sanctions, military force, subversive agents, disinformation, media etc.etc. to achieve their aims.
    Russia should make them understand that the West will have to pay a heavy price for any Kosovo or S. Ossetia or Kiev style situations. The Bear should "show its teeth", roar and even maul every time the West undertakes or sponsors the above kind of actions. It may be harsh, it may not be ideal or just, but that is the only language these predators understand.
    I couldn't say it better my self
    by the way
    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 %D0%9D%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8F_%D0%9A%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BC%D1%83_%D1%83_18-21_%D1%81%D1%82
    Does any body know how/why the tartar population increased rapidly the last decades?

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  arpakola Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:31 am

    Austin wrote:Looking at these reports and Putins statement that Maidan Right Wing were trained in Poland and Lithuania.

    It seems the entire Coup was planned at Langley with Active participant from Poland.

    The rest of the EU crowd just got pulled and shepherded into the movement to do what is right for Democracy and EU etc
    The coup (or the NATO take over) was planed since the time they gave EuroVision to Ukraine many many years ago , promoting the "european dream"
    (which aparently we taste it in Greece and we realy dont like it .. but still there are illusions..)
    any translation wellcomed.. Very Happy 

    Last edited by arpakola on Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:44 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  Regular Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:40 am

    Austin wrote:Looking at these reports and Putins statement that Maidan Right Wing were trained in Poland and Lithuania.

    It seems the entire Coup was planned at Langley with Active participant from Poland.

    The rest of the EU crowd just got pulled and shepherded into the movement to do what is right for Democracy and EU etc

    Trained? No. Supported through these countries financially and by other means - yes.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  Austin Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:25 am

    What if Russia refuses to accept referendum for Crimea to be accepted into Russia and just accept its independence ?

    Mean while Merkal says

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a speech in parliament on Thursday that EU partnership with Ukraine is not targeted against Russia, and pointed out that "terrirotial integrity of Ukraine cannot be called into question."

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  arpakola Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:03 am

    Austin wrote:1. What if Russia refuses to accept referendum for Crimea to be accepted into Russia and just accept its independence ?

    Mean while Merkal says

    http ://voiceofrussia,com/news/2014_03_13/EU-partnership-with-Ukraine-is-not-targeted-against-Russia-Germanys-Merkel-7607/

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a speech in parliament on Thursday that EU partnership with Ukraine is not targeted against Russia, and pointed out that "terrirotial integrity of Ukraine cannot be called into question."

    1. If Russia refuses the anexation asked, then has also to forget any influence that has internationaly.
    Will be hated from enemies (although cogratulated from them )  but aslo hated and abadond from friends..

    2. Merkel said... and who beleived her ?

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  arpakola Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:32 am


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  Austin Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:40 am

    arpakola wrote:
    Austin wrote:1. What if Russia refuses to accept referendum for Crimea to be accepted into Russia and just accept its independence ?

    Mean while Merkal says

    http ://voiceofrussia,com/news/2014_03_13/EU-partnership-with-Ukraine-is-not-targeted-against-Russia-Germanys-Merkel-7607/

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a speech in parliament on Thursday that EU partnership with Ukraine is not targeted against Russia, and pointed out that "terrirotial integrity of Ukraine cannot be called into question."

    1. If Russia refuses the anexation asked, then has also to forget any influence that has internationaly.
    Will be hated from enemies (although cogratulated from them )  but aslo hated and abadond from friends..

    2. Merkel said... and who beleived her ?

    ITs important to respect Germanys view as she is the best Russian partner in EU.

    There is no need to Annex Crimea just decalare her independent like Abkazia or S Ossetia.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  TheArmenian Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:30 am

    Austin wrote:

    ITs important to respect Germanys view as she is the best Russian partner in EU.

    There is no need to Annex Crimea just decalare her independent like Abkazia or S Ossetia.

    Why should Russia respect their view? Did anybody respect Russia's view?

    Why should Russia play soft when the west is ready to punch at every opportunity?

    Not integrating the Crimea will result in:
    1- Showing weakness
    2- Disappointing the Crimeans
    3- Loosing credibility in front of other allies who may look for Russia's protection in the future

    I say Russia should go all the way:
    1- Integrate Crimea
    2- Support Russians in the Eastern and Southern regions in every possible way (including separation from Ukraine)
    3- Raise gas prices (already decided to take effect from 1st of April)
    4- Cut gas in case of delayed payments
    5- Apply economic pressures on Kiev at every opportunity
    6- Make life harder (Economically, socially, emotionally and psychologically) for the Kiev junta (just like they did to the Orange junta) until they collapse
    7- Reciprocate against any western sanctions

    As Garry said a few posts ago: The west moaning and bitching means that Russia has the better hand in this round.

    Don't listen too much to the west Austin. They talk big, but they are much weaker than you think. They will blink - in fact they already have.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  arpakola Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:32 am

    Austin wrote:
    arpakola wrote:
    Austin wrote:1. What if Russia refuses to accept referendum for Crimea to be accepted into Russia and just accept its independence ?

    Mean while Merkal says

    http ://voiceofrussia,com/news/2014_03_13/EU-partnership-with-Ukraine-is-not-targeted-against-Russia-Germanys-Merkel-7607/

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a speech in parliament on Thursday that EU partnership with Ukraine is not targeted against Russia, and pointed out that "terrirotial integrity of Ukraine cannot be called into question."

    1. If Russia refuses the anexation asked, then has also to forget any influence that has internationaly.
    Will be hated from enemies (although cogratulated from them )  but aslo hated and abadond from friends..

    2. Merkel said... and who beleived her ?

    ITs important to respect Germanys view as she is the best Russian partner in EU.

    There is no need to Annex Crimea just decalare her independent like Abkazia or S Ossetia.

    1.Taking in account some ones view is one thing , respect is another. Respect must be mutual otherwise is defeat
    2. If Crimea is not annexed , there will be an eternal problem of a false state NOT internationaly recognised . So Russia will have to support it , blamed because has military in a "foreign " country , bla bla bla. And why to do that ? Every one knows that Crimea was/is a Russian teritory by all measures. I heard some ideas that say kazakstan or Uzbekistan may worry. I DONT THINK so.. they also know history. The same history and reasoning stands also for Odessa , Donetsk , etc.. not to exlude KIEV.


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  Firebird Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:36 am

    You've gotta laugh at that witch Merkel. She's always got that evil smile. Reminds me of the witch in Hansel and Gretl. Maybe she should have been called Smirkel.

    Anyway, who the fuck is that bitch to lecture Russia on territorial matters.
    1)She puts her own Nazis in power in a coup in the Ukr.
    2)The Ukr isn't a real country. It was set up as a part of the USSR, and was part of Ru for zillions of yrs before that. There was no democratic mandate for the Ukr to even become independent from Moscow. Just a couple of halfwits like Yeltsin the stooge let Communism end and the CIS form. Which was basically a federal arrangement ... of sorts, anyway.
    3)Finally, Smirkface Merkel seems to forget that her whole precious EU is about questioning and destroying terrirorial integrity. Nation states are being subsumed into the EU bureacratic monster, making Germany richer and richer, and sending others into poverty. Again, no democratic mandate whatsoever.

    Someone arrest that bitch and drag it to the Hague. Which.. ok is a pretty dubious organisation at the best of times.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  Hannibal Barca Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:40 am

    Russia can't compromise with anything less than dethroning the government and replace it with a russophile one which will turn the country towards the customs union.
    If this happen Russia can happily return Crimea or any other part of East Ukraine to Kiev and restore economic ties and investments.

    As long as russophobes have the power Russia should do anything she can to destabilize their rule, freeze any economic activity and activate Crimea
    and the other Russophile oblasts against them.

    Russia is the one which has "bouts on the ground" so obviously she is calling the shots. Anything less that an 80% favorable solution classifies as failure.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  arpakola Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:45 am

    TheArmenian wrote:
    Austin wrote:

    ITs important to respect Germanys view as she is the best Russian partner in EU.

    There is no need to Annex Crimea just decalare her independent like Abkazia or S Ossetia.

    Why should Russia respect their view? Did anybody respect Russia's view?

    Why should Russia play soft when the west is ready to punch at every opportunity?

    Not integrating the Crimea will result in:
    1- Showing weakness
    2- Disappointing the Crimeans
    3- Loosing credibility in front of other allies who may look for Russia's protection in the future

    I say Russia should go all the way:
    1- Integrate Crimea
    2- Support Russians in the Eastern and Southern regions in every possible way (including separation from Ukraine)
    3- Raise gas prices (already decided to take effect from 1st of April)
    4- Cut gas in case of delayed payments
    5- Apply economic pressures on Kiev at every opportunity
    6- Make life harder (Economically, socially, emotionally and psychologically) for the Kiev junta (just like they did to the Orange junta) until they collapse
    7- Reciprocate against any western sanctions

    As Garry said a few posts ago: The west moaning and bitching means that Russia has the better hand in this round.

    Don't listen too much to the west Austin. They talk big, but they are much weaker than you think. They will blink - in fact they already have.

    I beleave next step must be Penestrovia to have a referendum and annexed if they want. This action will disorient NATO as they will not know how to deal with the rest of Moldova.

    Also for the next hard year for Ukraine (they will taste the goodies of IMF) Russia must support the constraction of independent forms and status in the east. I.e de facto elected governor, The police must obay the local authorities, have both Russian and Ukranian flags (for the moment) in Public buildings.
    The issue of independance and split MUST be on a DAILY agenta but with no radical moves. This will create a status AND WILL DISCOURAGE ANY FOREIGN INVESTEMENT in Ukraine for the next couple of years. After the sure deterioration of economy , the issue of split will gain momentum also within the population now they Dream EU as a paradise. Then will be the time of real action

    But in the mean time, Penestrovia has no reason to wait over there alone , inside the teeth of NATO

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  Austin Thu Mar 13, 2014 8:06 am

    Russia is no China or US .......the economic sanctions will badly impact Russia warned and most country will now flock to NATO.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #2 - Page 9 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #2

    Post  TheArmenian Thu Mar 13, 2014 8:26 am

    Austin wrote:Russia is no China or US .......the economic sanctions will badly impact Russia warned and most country will now flock to NATO.

    Russia is not Iraq or Burma.....economic sanctions are a two way street when you are dealing with a superpower.

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