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    Republic of Novorossiya


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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  TheArmenian Thu May 01, 2014 7:03 am

    flamming_python wrote:Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Novoru10

    Well here's the flag I made. Sorta like a mix between the Russian and the SSR one.

    Might be worth it to come up with some policies, economic development plans, military composition & equipment, international relations priorities, etc...

    That is the flag of Soviet Armenia.

    The other one with the coat of arms looks better.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  flamming_python Thu May 01, 2014 3:19 pm

    TheArmenian wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Novoru10

    Well here's the flag I made. Sorta like a mix between the Russian and the SSR one.

    Might be worth it to come up with some policies, economic development plans, military composition & equipment, international relations priorities, etc...

    That is the flag of Soviet Armenia.

    The other one with the coat of arms looks better.


    Well I made it myself  Razz
    Should have known that it would be used for something already.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  arpakola Thu May 01, 2014 6:04 pm

    Russia does not have to step in but just support a proxy war , heavily arming the local militsia .. so they can arest heavy armor from Ukranian army.
    Even they can impose a NO FLY zone over SEast Ukraine.
    At the moment the dynamic in the south and harkov is not high because of fear .. people arent shure thw Russia will help one way or another.

    Putin has to sacrifies some of the luxary life of the people they have money .. (sanctions etc) to save his own people.

    He cannot do both
    in the mean time .. some Russian sufer .. while some in Moscow count the plus and minus in dolars and market bonds..

    violence towards arrested Pavel Gubarev in kiev's court - two thugs are trying to tear off him the St George ribbon.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  arpakola Mon May 12, 2014 4:23 pm

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    Post  George1 Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:05 pm

    Premier Zakharchenko Leads in Donetsk People's Republic's Elections With 81%: Exit Polls

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    Post  medo Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:10 pm

    Good. New presidents in Donetsk and Lugansk will be also commanders in chief of their armed forces. From president down, there will be unified chain of command and unified commanding structure will make Novorussian army more effective.

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    Post  medo Tue Nov 04, 2014 4:24 pm

    Inauguration of the head of DNR Zaharchenko.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  George1 Sat Nov 22, 2014 12:37 am

    LPR intends to create internal bank in month
    18:32 November 21, 2014 Interfax

    The administration of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People's Republic (LPR) plans to create its own internal banking system.

    Igor Plotnitsky, the head of the LPR, addressed the situation with the payment of pensions of wages in the Friday meeting of the Council of Ministers. "We currently cannot make all payments in full. We have made a decision to create an internal bank with support from the Russian Federation. In a month, it will be much easier to make payments," he said.

    Problems will be resolved in every specific district, he said. "It's a normal process. The situation is gradually improving. The administration of the republic has full information. Everything is being done to help people," Plotnitsky said.

    "Even in the past week, the administration of the republic did a lot for the decentralization of the administration. No one wants to have two administrations - military and civilian - in the same hands. There will be no Cossack republics," he said.

    "We have survived the most difficult time, when we didn't have anything, water, power, and communications. Now they are trying to pressure us economically. But the question is that, like Poroshenko said, we have been 'cut off,' which means we have received what we wanted, our independence. Let's begin resolving problems, not just voice them. We, for our part, will do all we can to help all districts of the LPR in a centralized way," Plotnitsky said.

    Source: Russia Beyond the Headlines -

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    Post  George1 Sat Nov 22, 2014 1:00 am

    Donetsk Republic authorities establish Pension Fund
    November 21, 23:31 UTC+3

    DONETSK, November 21. /TASS/. The government of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) has decided to establish a Pension Fund, the DPR press center reported Friday.

    “The decision was made in connection with cessation of operations by the Pension Fund of Ukraine on the DPR territory,” the report said. Galina Sagaidakova was appointed acting chairwoman of the Pension Fund.

    Last week, Poroshenko signed a decree that puts into force the decision of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council of November 4 “On urgent measures to stabilize the social and economic situation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.”

    The decree in particular envisions that the Verkhovna Rada (parliament) will consider the bill on invalidation of the law “On a special procedure of local self-rule in separate districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions” adopted in September.

    Poroshenko's decree touches upon the operation of the social and economic structures of Donbass (Donetsk and Lugansk regions): in particular, it envisions that pensions will no longer be paid to residents of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s republics. The republic’s authorities say the decree aimed at economic suffocation of Donbass is out of line with Ukraine’s constitution.

    The document also contains a number of other instructions to various Ukrainian ministries and departments, which relate to the operation of the social and economic structures of Donbass.

    Fierce clashes between troops loyal to Kiev and local militias in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions during Kiev’s military operation, conducted since mid-April, to regain control over the breakaway southeastern territories, which call themselves the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s republics, have killed over 4,000 people.

    The parties to the Ukrainian conflict agreed on a ceasefire at talks mediated by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on September 5 in Belarusian capital Minsk two days after Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed his plan to settle the situation in the east of Ukraine.

    The ceasefire took effect the same day but has reportedly occasionally been violated.

    Ukraine’s parliament on September 16 granted a special self-rule status to certain districts in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions for three years.

    The Trilateral Contact Group on Ukraine comprising representatives of Ukraine, Russia and the OSCE adopted a memorandum on September 19 in Minsk, which outlined the parameters for the implementation of commitments on the ceasefire in Ukraine laid down in the Minsk Protocol of September 5.

    The nine-point document in particular stipulates a ban on the use of all armaments and withdrawal of weapons with the calibers of over 100 millimeters to a distance of 15 kilometers from the contact line from each side. The OSCE was tasked with controlling the implementation of memorandum provisions.

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    Post  George1 Thu Nov 27, 2014 4:11 pm

    Donetsk Republic to send delegation to Venezuela, Cuba for recognition talks

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  medo Sat Mar 07, 2015 8:14 pm

    Как сообщает «ЛуганскИнформЦентр» со ссылкой на заявление главы ЛНР Игоря Плотницкого, подписание контрактов с российскими импортёрами позволит восстановить на луганской фабрике «Глория Джинс» до 80% рабочих мест от довоенного уровня.

    Сегодня на брифинге министр инфраструктуры, транспорта и связи ЛНР Александр Чумаченко анонсировал начало работы автосборочного завода в Красном Луче.

    «Мы заключили договор с российской стороной. Согласно договору, основная сборка автобусов будет производиться в Красном Луче», — заявил Чумаченко.

    В то же время, согласно словам министра, окончательная сборка автобусов будет производиться в Донецке Ростовской области, что позволит получать документы на готовые автобусы российского образца.

    Аграрии Донецкой Народной Республики стараются закрыть потребность в мясе и других продуктах животноводства своими силами. Об этом, как сообщил корреспондент ИА «Новороссия», сегодня заявил и.о. министра агропромышленной политики и продовольствия ДНР Максим Савенко.

    По информации главы ведомства, объём реализации на убой скота и птицы в текущем году по состоянию на 3 марта достиг 1871 тонны. В сравнении за аналогичным периодом прошлого года это составляет прирост порядка 109%.

    Электроснабжение Чернухино восстановят к 14 марта

    Власти Дебальцево открыли первый после окончания боев детский сад

    Some of positive news from Novorussia with renewing of industrial and food production and with normalizing of life in newly liberated area.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Empty Counting the Dead in Donbass

    Post  franco Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:29 pm

    So how many have died in Donbass in the last year besides way too many?

    The UN has a figure closing in on 6,000 but that is just what the Ukrainian authorities tell them.

    The German Intelligence Agency told their Parliament that the actual figure could be as high as 50,000.

    Some sources in Donbass state the total to be closer to 45,000.

    This week alone I read 6 different articles and viewpoints on it. Unfortunately it is impossible to really know and it is far from being over.

    A couple of blogger / analysts have been trying to keep track and calculate the grim reapers score and their figures are close being in the 25-30,000 range.
    One of them has the Ukrainian forces losses at in excess of 14,000 and closing in on 15,000.
    NAF losses at in excess of 8,000.
    Civilian causalities at being in excess of 5,000.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  kvs Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:10 pm

    Even the Kiev regime admits that its total losses are nearly 10,000 (around 3,000 MIA). So the 14,000 figure is actually
    quite conservative. I would put regime force KIA around 20,000. Judging by the effectiveness of the rebel forces (e.g.
    I have not heard of single rebel cauldron) I would say the rebel KIA are around 7,000. Given the conventional nature
    of this war and the incessant shelling of civilians by regime forces, that the figure of around 20,000 civilian dead is realistic.
    So 45-50,000 total is plausible and is likely to be an underestimate.

    The 6,000 civilian figure is what one gets by tracking the few reports of casualties from the web including rebel sources.
    The problem is that such reports are partial. They seem to be mostly from the large population centers and the small
    villages and towns are not as well covered. I think this is due to lack of internet access and use in these smaller population
    centers and the fact that devastation can be more total with less observers around to make reports.

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    Post  George1 Sat Apr 18, 2015 3:04 pm

    Putin Does Not Comment Possibility of Russia Recognizing Donbass Republics

    Russia has not officially recognized Donbass republics' independence or their regional elections, but the Russian Foreign Ministry said it respected the will of the people of Donetsk and Lugansk.

    VLADIVOSTOK (Sputnik) – Russian President Vladimir Putin declined to comment on the possibility of Moscow recognizing the self-proclaimed people's republics of Donetsk and Lugansk (DPR and LPR) when the issue was brought up by the host of the "Vesti v Subbotu" (Saturday News) television program.

    "I do not want to comment on this right now, because regardless of what I say, it could be counterproductive. We will look at the realities that emerge."

    Kiev launched a military operation in Donbass in mid-April, 2014, after local residents refused to recognize the new authorities that came to power after the February overthrow of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

    On May 11, referendums were held in southeastern Ukraine on the status of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, following which the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR republics were established. On May 24, the self-proclaimed republics signed a treaty of association into Novorossiya, a union of the people's republics.

    DPR and LPR held elections of regional heads and legislative bodies on November 2. The elections were not recognized either by Kiev or its Western allies.

    Read more:

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  Firebird Sat Apr 18, 2015 3:57 pm

    If it was 10k or 20k Novorossiyans killed (civillians and Resistance army) then there is a major issue for Putin looming.

    The death statistics cant be kept quiet forever. Ultimately Russia would have to secure the blood price not the gold price as compensation, to quote Game of Thrones. Otherwise he could find himself history as  leader.

    My guess is that people confuse injuries, AWOLs and other disappearances with deaths.

    Thankfully the Nazis/Lvov shit got a good beating. But sadly not enough so far.

    I'm just as concerned about the terrorists that are orchestating it from abroad. Like the ones sending into Lvov cargo planes with Javelins etc.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  Khepesh Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:46 pm

    There is this article by Yura from Sumy about what is Novorossiya. He asks is it anti Ukraine, or "New Ukraine"?.
    A very short synopsis. yurasumy is saying that while Novorossiya can be seen as those regions of the Southeast that are antifascist and anti Kiev, this is essentially divisive and is causing an attitude to develop where people from both sides are seeing the others as an enemy. We can all see that is is more true about the divide between Galicia and the rest of Ukraine, and yurasumy has written in the past that Galicia and all the banderas should be removed from the current state of Ukraine. What he says is that Novorossiya should be seen as a "New Ukraine" and that the people of Kiev, and by implication the populations of the central and northern regions, should see VSN as liberators, not enemies. He is saying that Ukraine, apart from Galicia, tho he does not mention this in the article, should all be not necessarily a Novorossiya, but a Novo-Ukraine. Not Russia as part of RF, but a country that is with Russia. His argument goes beyond the "big Novorossiya" were VSN take all of what we understand as Novorossiya from Kharkov to Odessa and, by many opinions, become part of Russia, and includes, apart from Galicia, all of Ukraine. In short, he says get the fascists and other clowns out of Kiev, by liberation if necessary, remove Galicia and begin to create a new Ukraine. I would think this is an idea that Alexei Mozgovoi may agree with. yurasumy understands that some will, because of the fighting and deaths, want nothing to do with any Ukraine, but thought must be given to what we have now and what happens when the fighting stops. Is it acceptable to have only Donetsk and Lugansk as some small country called Novorossiya, or as a part of Russia, and leave millions of people who are not happy with Kiev to remain under the control of the fascists. Will there be a "Big Novorossiya", which many want, including myself, but then still leaving the junta in Kiev and what remains of Ukraine as a NATO base. Or would it be best to liberate all of Ukraine, except the banderas, and, despite the howls of rage from Washington etc, have the problem dealt with conclusively and permanently, knowing that eventually realpolitik will emerge, at least in places like Berlin and Paris. What we have now cannot continue, will not continue, so what to do?
    I cannot post links yet, but the article is on yurasumy's new site under the tab Новая Украйна at top of main page, or accesible from yurasumy's livejournal or adding the relevent missing parts to get to

    Last edited by Khepesh on Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  TheArmenian Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:06 pm


    I know you are well informed on the Ukraine civil war subject. Please keep us updated on the situation.

    In my opinion, the conflict is a very long term one and will last for years.
    There may or may not be more military clashes, but the struggle will continue and can take different forms. Civil wars have a mind of their own.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  Khepesh Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:31 pm

    ^ Thanks, I will try, and could do a better job if I had Rozhin's resources, but I don't Smile

    But yes, not enough attention is given to the bigger picture, of were this all ends, and it will one day. When the war resumes and Kiev fails again, what then, Minsk 3, then six months later another attempt by Kiev, another fail and Minsk 4? No, this it, no Minsk 3, but then what, Kharkov as a minimum, the Dnepr at Kherson, but Odessa still a dream...

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  flamming_python Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:37 pm

    Khepesh wrote:There is this article by Yura from Sumy about what is Novorossiya. He asks is it anti Ukraine, or "New Ukraine"?.
    A very short synopsis. yurasumy is saying that while Novorossiya can be seen as those regions of the Southeast that are antifascist and anti Kiev, this is essentially divisive and is causing an attitude to develop where people from both sides are seeing the others as an enemy. We can all see that is is more true about the divide between Galicia and the rest of Ukraine, and yurasumy has written in the past that Galicia and all the banderas should be removed from the current state of Ukraine. What he says is that Novorossiya should be seen as a "New Ukraine" and that the people of Kiev, and by implication the populations of the central and northern regions, should see VSN as liberators, not enemies. He is saying that Ukraine, apart from Galicia, tho he does not mention this in the article, should all be not necessarily a Novorossiya, but a Novo-Ukraine. Not Russia as part of RF, but a country that is with Russia. His argument goes beyond the "big Novorossiya" were VSN take all of what we understand as Novorossiya from Kharkov to Odessa and, by many opinions, become part of Russia, and includes, apart from Galicia, all of Ukraine. In short, he says get the fascists and other clowns out of Kiev, by liberation if necessary, remove Galicia and begin to create a new Ukraine. I would think this is an idea that Alexei Mozgovoi may agree with. yurasumy understands that some will, because of the fighting and deaths, want nothing to do with any Ukraine, but thought must be given to what we have now and what happens when the fighting stops. Is it acceptable to have only Donetsk and Lugansk as some small country called Novorossiya, or as a part of Russia, and leave millions of people who are not happy with Kiev to remain under the control of the fascists. Will there be a "Big Novorossiya", which many want, including myself, but then still leaving the junta in Kiev and what remains of Ukraine as a NATO base. Or would it be best to liberate all of Ukraine, except the banderas, and, despite the howls of rage from Washington etc, have the problem dealt with conclusively and permanently, knowing that eventually realpolitik will emerge, at least in places like Berlin and Paris. What we have now cannot continue, will not continue, so what to do?
    I cannot post links yet, but the article is on yurasumy's new site under the tab Новая Украйна at top of main page, or accesible from yurasumy's livejournal or adding the relevent missing parts to get to

    Damn straight.

    I don't care about Ukrainian territory; Russia has enough of its own. I didn't even care much for annexing the Crimea.

    But where Novorussia is supposedly an 'anti-Ukrainian' project, then the Ukraine itself is most certainly an anti-Russian project.
    It should survive, it's in most everyone’s interests; as the alternative is a Yugoslav-scenario and an unending war - but it needs to be reformatted; whether by transforming into another state - Novorussia, while excluding the Western regions - or through federalization of the country and getting rid of the oligarchical elite in power and the Nazis they use to enforce order.
    The best solution would have been a bloodless split into two countries; each going their own way and without any undue butthurt - but I guess that's not a possibility now.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  TheArmenian Fri Apr 24, 2015 5:26 pm

    Khepesh wrote:^  Thanks, I will try, and could do a better job if I had Rozhin's resources, but I don't Smile

    But yes, not enough attention is given to the bigger picture, of were this all ends, and it will one day. When the war resumes and Kiev fails again, what then, Minsk 3, then six months later another attempt by Kiev, another fail and Minsk 4? No, this it, no Minsk 3, but then what, Kharkov as a minimum, the Dnepr at Kherson, but Odessa still a dream...

    In my humble opinion, there may be a Minsk 3 but there won't be a Minsk 4.
    If and when Minsk 3 happen, it will happen after large territorial changes occur on the battlefield. The current Kiev rulers can not survive that, they will have to go. Some sort of a new Ukraine will emerge.
    But I think a non-military downfall of the Kiev regime is equally likely. Remember Maidan 1? How long did the orange revolution last?

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  Khepesh Sat Apr 25, 2015 2:38 pm

    TheArmenian wrote:
    Khepesh wrote:^  Thanks, I will try, and could do a better job if I had Rozhin's resources, but I don't Smile

    But yes, not enough attention is given to the bigger picture, of were this all ends, and it will one day. When the war resumes and Kiev fails again, what then, Minsk 3, then six months later another attempt by Kiev, another fail and Minsk 4? No, this it, no Minsk 3, but then what, Kharkov as a minimum, the Dnepr at Kherson, but Odessa still a dream...

    In my humble opinion, there may be a Minsk 3 but there won't be a Minsk 4.
    If and when Minsk 3 happen, it will happen after large territorial changes occur on the battlefield. The current Kiev rulers can not survive that, they will have to go. Some sort of a new Ukraine will emerge.
    But I think a non-military downfall of the Kiev regime is equally likely. Remember Maidan 1? How long did the orange revolution last?
    I am still not betting against a coup in Kiev when the next military disaster happens, for instance creation of another pot of ukrops forces when they attempt to cut off VSN at Azovsk. I'm still thinking history will record a "Battle of Telmanovo". With perhaps two ukrops tank brigades in a pot and soon afterwards Mariupol surrounded, I would sense the end game for Kiev. Getting ahead of reality there, but feasable. Maybe if it looks that the junta is falling, then perhaps a sort of Minsk 3 after a little more pressure is applied, but really just to stop and watch the implosion. But yes, still possible that Kiev will simply collapse by itself as the junta is built on sand.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  TheArmenian Sun Apr 26, 2015 5:16 am


    Everybody is expecting something from the Azov Sea/Mariopol front. Also, a lot of talk of something happening towards the Slavyansk/Kramatorsk area.
    In my opinion, these moves would be too predictable and the junta military commanders are prepared for those.

    Military moves are made to achieve objectives. Now, I ask myself this question: If Kiev restarts hostilities, what should be Novorossiya's (and Russia's) objectives: Liberating more Donetsk and Lugansk territory is simply not enough in this case. The battle should move to other oblasts. Kharkov is next door and has the most anti-Kiev sentiment in it's population.

    Mariopol and Avdeevka can be used as diversionary moves, the real push should be through northern Lugansk and all the way to Kharkov.
    Why through northern Lugansk? Because the "Northern Wind" can help make the move very swift.

    Once the opolchensya set foot in Kharkov oblast, it while be a whole new game...

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  Khepesh Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:03 am

    I think when the war resumes everybody will certainly be looking north at what happens, and probably a lot will be happening and even cries of "wow! look what happens at location X Y or Z", but I'm going keep looking south. I think what happened in January at Elenovka and Marinka were probing attacks. I know it seems obvious that a large offensive in the south will happen, but both those attacks came as a bit of a surprise, particulary Marinka even tho the information from locals came thro early in the morning that ukrops were evacuating civilians, then the attack and some mad rush to move Givi and Motorola from the airport to deal with the situation. IMO that exposed a weakness if you have to redeploy arguably your best troops, sure only from north to south of the city, but if ukrops had known about this redeployment while it happened and not after when it was too late, then they could have attacked the airport and caused serious problems as not much more than Oplot was left to defend. Then at Elenovka, was that a serious attack, or were ukrops wasting their mens lives to see if strategic reserve would move, and where from, in what strength and how fast. Tho both attacks failed, I think ukrops learned too much from them. I think when it happens, then what happens in the north will be a surprise, at least what happens other than an expected attack towards Konstantinovka and Artemovsk, what happens in the south will not, it cannot be as the options are too few and too obvious, Elenovka or Volnovakha or both simultaneously, but the surprise may be on timing. I haven't spoken about Kharkov, but yes, any attack in that direction that looks successful would be a significant game changer and Kharkov could be the key to start an end game for Kiev. All depends on puppeteers and if they want to be a Buratino with a golden key or a Barabas Karabas with a whip and a cage.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  Dima Sun Apr 26, 2015 4:20 pm

    Ukrainian neo-nazis from Azov batallion burned alive a Novorossia resistance fighter on a cross (video 18+)

    April 24, 2015

    Translated from Russian by Kristina Rus

    Ukrainian fighters from a nationalist voluntary regiment "Azov" sent a video of an execution of a Novorossia fighter to militia fighters and hackers from "Cyberberkut".

    "According to the authors of this video, the footage was filmed near the village of Shirokino, and "all the separatists, traitors of Ukraine and militia fighters will be treated the same", - "Cyberberkut" quoted the message from "Azov".

    The footage shows how several punishers tied their victim to the cross, stuck the cross into the ground, and set fire to the wooden structure.

    "This will not add fear neither to us nor the Armed Forces of Novorossia: we have already experienced too much in this life! But after this hardly anyone will capture "Azov" members alive" - responded the hackers to the atrocities of the security forces.

    The authenticity of the video is not yet reliably confirmed. No official statements were made by the authorities of DPR.

    "Azov" is one of the most infamous units of the Ukrainian National Guard, was formed as a battalion, in the fall expanded to a regiment. The unit consists of staunch nationalists - Ukrainian and mercenaries from other countries. The regiment uses the symbols of SS of Nazi Germany on its flag. Atrocities, harassment and war crimes of "Azov" fighters against the civilian population were repeatedly reported. Based in Mariupol.

    Wish that none of these neo-nazi guys are taken prisoners anymore by the NAF. Its a real shame that there are people supporting these dirty pigs.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 2 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  collegeboy16 Sun Apr 26, 2015 4:37 pm

    hope its fake - but still, wtf!

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