Khepesh Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:46 pm
There is this article by Yura from Sumy about what is Novorossiya. He asks is it anti Ukraine, or "New Ukraine"?.
A very short synopsis. yurasumy is saying that while Novorossiya can be seen as those regions of the Southeast that are antifascist and anti Kiev, this is essentially divisive and is causing an attitude to develop where people from both sides are seeing the others as an enemy. We can all see that is is more true about the divide between Galicia and the rest of Ukraine, and yurasumy has written in the past that Galicia and all the banderas should be removed from the current state of Ukraine. What he says is that Novorossiya should be seen as a "New Ukraine" and that the people of Kiev, and by implication the populations of the central and northern regions, should see VSN as liberators, not enemies. He is saying that Ukraine, apart from Galicia, tho he does not mention this in the article, should all be not necessarily a Novorossiya, but a Novo-Ukraine. Not Russia as part of RF, but a country that is with Russia. His argument goes beyond the "big Novorossiya" were VSN take all of what we understand as Novorossiya from Kharkov to Odessa and, by many opinions, become part of Russia, and includes, apart from Galicia, all of Ukraine. In short, he says get the fascists and other clowns out of Kiev, by liberation if necessary, remove Galicia and begin to create a new Ukraine. I would think this is an idea that Alexei Mozgovoi may agree with. yurasumy understands that some will, because of the fighting and deaths, want nothing to do with any Ukraine, but thought must be given to what we have now and what happens when the fighting stops. Is it acceptable to have only Donetsk and Lugansk as some small country called Novorossiya, or as a part of Russia, and leave millions of people who are not happy with Kiev to remain under the control of the fascists. Will there be a "Big Novorossiya", which many want, including myself, but then still leaving the junta in Kiev and what remains of Ukraine as a NATO base. Or would it be best to liberate all of Ukraine, except the banderas, and, despite the howls of rage from Washington etc, have the problem dealt with conclusively and permanently, knowing that eventually realpolitik will emerge, at least in places like Berlin and Paris. What we have now cannot continue, will not continue, so what to do?
I cannot post links yet, but the article is on yurasumy's new site under the tab Новая Украйна at top of main page, or accesible from yurasumy's livejournal or adding the relevent missing parts to get to
Last edited by Khepesh on Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:14 pm; edited 1 time in total