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    Republic of Novorossiya


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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  marat Thu Jun 11, 2015 8:13 pm

    Flagship Victory wrote:
    George1 wrote:In a joint statement the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics in eastern Ukraine said that they would like to join Russia.

    Read more:

    Putin won't accept but the next Russian president will absorb. Land is the most valuable thing in the world. Man has fought wars over land for hundreds of thousands of years. It would be stupid to not want land when people there want to join.

    Peoples are the most valuable thing on earth, land is not.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Novorussian Economy

    Post  medo Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:13 pm

    I will open a new tread to discuss rebuilding and modernization of Novorussian economy in times of war to secure supplies to their people ant to export goods to earn money for their needs.

    Металлургические гиганты ДМЗ и ЕМЗ снова в строю.

    Металлургические заводы-гиганты Донецка и Енакиево возобновили свое производство после длительной горячей консервации и сейчас наращивают производство. Об этом сообщил начальник управления стратегии развития промышленности администрации Главы ДНР Евгений Лавренов.

    «Енакиевский и Донецкий металлургические заводы практически полностью восстановились и ведут производство», — сказал он.

    Лавренов отметил, ДМЗ на сегодняшний день работает приблизительно на 40 процентов от плановой мощности и не испытывает дефицита кокса.

    «По производству коксохимии выстраивается тенденция производства металлургии, которые неразрывно связаны. Наша задача в том, чтобы постепенно выйти на плановые мощности», — подчеркнул он.

    Metallurgical gigants in Donetsk and Enakievo restart their production after longer conservation and now increase their production and produce on 40% of their capabilities.

    DPR government designed a program of coal mines reconstruction – Lavrenov

    Donetsk, July 1, the Donetsk News Agency

    Coal mines in the DPR will be reconstructed withing the framework of a national program, told head of the Board of Industrial Development Strategy of DPR Head’s Administration Yevgenoy Lavrenov told the journalists in the course of his working visit to the mining equipment repairing plant.

    “Recently a program aimed at reconstruction of our mines has been worked out in the Republic. Certainly, among them there are enterprises, which cannot be launched in the nearest future. Nevertheless they have got all the necessary equipment”, – head of the Board said.

    Pharmaceutical production is being launched in the Lugansk People’s Republic; hemodialisis was renewed and insulin issue settled
    on: March 12, 2015

    The Lugansk People’s Republic is going to launch its own pharmaceutical production in the circumstances of economic blockade on the part of Ukraine and closed border with Russia in order to eliminate at least partially the problem of provision of the population with medicines.

    As Minister of Health of the LPR Igor Solyanik said on March 11, one state-owned pharmaceutical plant is already functioning in the Republic (earlier it belonged to enterprise “Lugansk Regional Pharmacy”). Many kinds of medicines sold in the pharmacies of Lugansk now have been produced at this plant.

    According to the Minister, another chemical and pharmaceutical works will resume functioning in the nearest future, which produces cardiac medicines mainly. The raw materials for the works are being bought in Russia.

    rain harvest campaign began in Krasnodon district of LPR
    on: July 08, 2015

    Grain harvest campaign began in the Krasnodon district today, director of the Krasnodon Grain Enterprise Vadim Lunichev told the Lugansk Information Center.

    “Yesterday, we gathered the first harvest – 120 tons of food grain, both third and second class. Now, we’re working to preserve the harvest… drying it, threshing it, and laying it down in long-term storage. Our enterprise is one of five in the LPR that stores grain and oilseeds, and refines them to indicated standards,” – Vadim Lunichev said.

    Some of the news of reviving of Novorussian economy.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  sepheronx Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:23 pm

    Ukraine’s Donetsk Republic to supply engineering goods to Russian market

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  medo Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:01 pm

    My opinion is, that DNR and LNR should build new industrial capabilities, with the help from Russia and maybe even Belarus, in safe places of republics, which are outside of range of Ukronazis. They should at first invest in agronomy and food production to produce enough food for their people and in capabilities to produce medicaments and sanitets materials. Than they should invest in production of other goods for domestic use and for export.
    Karl Haushofer

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  Karl Haushofer Sun Jul 12, 2015 12:09 pm

    marat wrote:
    Flagship Victory wrote:
    George1 wrote:In a joint statement the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics in eastern Ukraine said that they would like to join Russia.

    Read more:

    Putin won't accept but the next Russian president will absorb. Land is the most valuable thing in the world. Man has fought wars over land for hundreds of thousands of years. It would be stupid to not want land when people there want to join.

    Peoples are the most valuable thing on earth, land is not.
    In this case there is no contradiction. Russia should get Donbass (both people and the land) while it still can.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  medo Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:12 pm

    В Луганске возобновляет свою работу ЧАО "Луганский патронный завод".

    Совет Министров Луганской Народной Республики (далее Совмин ЛНР)

    на сегодняшнем заседании назначил временную администрацию на ЧАО "Луганский патронный завод", который прекратил свою работу с июля прошлого года.
    Expand text..

    Возглавил временную администрацию работавший ранее на этом заводе главный энергетик - Михаил Желтобрюхов.

    Со слов председателя Совмина ЛНР Г.Цыплакова для начала полноценной работы предприятия необходимо назначить временную администрацию, к тому же уже поступил гос.заказ на производство патронов.

    Причиной "остановки производства послужило самоустранение руководства от ведения хозяйственной деятельности" - сообщили в Министерстве промышленности ЛНР.

    М.Желтобрюхов отметил, что всё оборудование и коллектив предприятия сохранены и в скором времени производство будет возобновлено.

    In LNR ammunition factory will soon restart its production of ammunition. Factory stopped its production in July last year and LNR will now install new leadership in factory.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  medo Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:25 pm

    Ранее данная продукция выпускалась на Снежнянском машиностроительном заводе (СМЗ) в городе Снежное Донецкой области, в настоящее время находящемся на территории Донецкой народной республики. СМЗ является основным поставщиком комплектующих для объединения «Мотор Сич». По данным российского журнала «Экспорт вооружений», в 2014 году завод произвел более 2,1 миллиона лопаток различных типов и более 9 тысяч дисков компрессоров, обеспечив производство двигателей на головном предприятии. При этом, как отмечается в статье «Оборонная промышленность Донбасса», опубликованной во втором номере журнала за текущий год, рост объема производства по сравнению с 2013 годом составил 93,6 процента.

    It is interesting, that turbine blades and turbine discs for Motor Sich engines were produced in SMZ factory in Snezhnoe in DNR and they still produce and sell them for Klimov plant to produce helicopter engines. I hope Novorussia will enlarge the factory to produce whole engines for helicopters and Yak-130 trainers, which could become a basis for Novorussian aviation industry. If Zaporozhje will be included in Novorussia, than whole Motor Sich company will be in Novorussian hands and this will be an excellent basis to create Novorussian air force.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  medo Sat Aug 01, 2015 7:51 pm

    В ДНР приступили к разработке программы развития животноводства.

    Первый заместитель министра аграрной политики и продовольствия ДНР Дмитрий Конаков сообщил, что власти ДНР совместно с агропромышленным комплексом приступили к разработке Государственной программы по развитию животноводства.

    «Разрабатываемая программа предусматривает восстановление и развитие животноводческих предприятий, — сказал он в ходе в ходе совещания с главой администрации Новоазовского района Олегом Моргуном. — Ставка в ней будет делаться как на развитии птицеводства, свиноводства, так и на самое сложное направление в животноводстве – разведении крупного рогатого скота (КРС)».

    Конаков подчеркнул, что это дело ни одного месяца и даже ни одного года. «Но начинать его необходимо уже сейчас, — сказал Конаков. — И тут Новоазовский район, возможно, станет флагманом в сфере разведения крупного рогатого скота».

    DNR start developing a program to develop a livestock production for all types of meat and they want to start producing them as soon as possible.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  sepheronx Fri Aug 07, 2015 5:18 am

    From the DNR in Russia will be delivered 160 tons of metal per month
    DONETSK, 6 Aug — RIA Novosti. The company TD "machine engineering technologies in Yenakiyevo the self-proclaimed Donetsk people's Republic has received an order from Russia for the production of 160 tons of metal products per month, said Thursday the Director metalware factory Gennady Angelica.

    "We've retooled the equipment on heavy metalware and I have an order from the Russian Federation to 160 tons per month", — quotes the Director of the plant Donetsk news Agency.

    As noted by the Minister of economic development DNR Eugene Samokhina, the enterprise is a clear example of what the Republic needs no materials from Ukraine and can produce them at the factory.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  higurashihougi Fri Aug 07, 2015 6:32 am

    medo wrote:It is interesting, that turbine blades and turbine discs for Motor Sich engines were produced in SMZ factory in Snezhnoe in DNR and they still produce and sell them for Klimov plant to produce helicopter engines. I hope Novorussia will enlarge the factory to produce whole engines for helicopters and Yak-130 trainers, which could become a basis for Novorussian aviation industry. If Zaporozhje will be included in Novorussia, than whole Motor Sich company will be in Novorussian hands and this will be an excellent basis to create Novorussian air force.

    Actually Russia has already replaced much of the Sich's products by the ones of Russian domestic enterprise. Sincerely I feel sad for Motor Sich, it has been suffered a lot under the rotten authority of Kyiv.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  flamming_python Sat Aug 08, 2015 3:17 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:
    medo wrote:It is interesting, that turbine blades and turbine discs for Motor Sich engines were produced in SMZ factory in Snezhnoe in DNR and they still produce and sell them for Klimov plant to produce helicopter engines. I hope Novorussia will enlarge the factory to produce whole engines for helicopters and Yak-130 trainers, which could become a basis for Novorussian aviation industry. If Zaporozhje will be included in Novorussia, than whole Motor Sich company will be in Novorussian hands and this will be an excellent basis to create Novorussian air force.

    Actually Russia has already replaced much of the Sich's products by the ones of Russian domestic enterprise. Sincerely I feel sad for Motor Sich, it has been suffered a lot under the rotten authority of Kyiv.

    I feel bad for the Berkut members strangled and shot in Kiev, the Odessa protestors burned and bludgeoned to death in and around the trade house building, the independent journalists murdered by the new regime, the Party of Regions and Communist party MPs beaten, coerced, threatened and forced out of parliament, the former members of Yanukovich's administration who were persecutted and jailed or forced into exile, the anti-Maidan activists in the East of the country who are charged with seperatism and incarcerated by the SBU or beaten by patrolling Nazis in their own cities, the Crimean population who were cut off from water/electricity/banking/etc..., the families in the Donbass who've been shelled, killed, robbed, blockaded, etc... by the Ukrainian army and its pet Nazi battallions, the Donbass defenders who've been killed or maimed in the line of duty or taken prisoner and tortured.

    I feel bad for all of them. Sincerely.

    I don't feel bad for Motor Sich, or Yuzhmash, or Kharkov Machine-Building Plant, or Nikolayev Shipbuilding Wharfs, or any of the other rotten, treacherous industrial enterprises, their management and their thousands of workers, that have offered their production and expertise to Kiev for the purpose of building new weapons and means of war, to keep the war going and prolong the suffering their fellow Russian-speakers in the Donbass as much as possible; purely because of their own selfish interest in securing government orders and/or keeping their jobs.
    May they rot in hell.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  Godric Sat Aug 08, 2015 3:49 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    higurashihougi wrote:
    medo wrote:It is interesting, that turbine blades and turbine discs for Motor Sich engines were produced in SMZ factory in Snezhnoe in DNR and they still produce and sell them for Klimov plant to produce helicopter engines. I hope Novorussia will enlarge the factory to produce whole engines for helicopters and Yak-130 trainers, which could become a basis for Novorussian aviation industry. If Zaporozhje will be included in Novorussia, than whole Motor Sich company will be in Novorussian hands and this will be an excellent basis to create Novorussian air force.

    Actually Russia has already replaced much of the Sich's products by the ones of Russian domestic enterprise. Sincerely I feel sad for Motor Sich, it has been suffered a lot under the rotten authority of Kyiv.

    I feel bad for the Berkut members strangled and shot in Kiev, the Odessa protestors burned and bludgeoned to death in and around the trade house building, the independent journalists murdered by the new regime, the Party of Regions and Communist party MPs beaten, coerced, threatened and forced out of parliament, the former members of Yanukovich's administration who were persecutted and jailed or forced into exile, the anti-Maidan activists in the East of the country who are charged with seperatism and incarcerated by the SBU or beaten by patrolling Nazis in their own cities, the Crimean population who were cut off from water/electricity/banking/etc..., the families in the Donbass who've been shelled, killed, robbed, blockaded, etc... by the Ukrainian army and its pet Nazi battallions, the Donbass defenders who've been killed or maimed in the line of duty or taken prisoner and tortured.

    I feel bad for all of them. Sincerely.

    I don't feel bad for Motor Sich, or Yuzhmash, or Kharkov Machine-Building Plant, or Nikolayev Shipbuilding Wharfs, or any of the other rotten, treacherous industrial enterprises, their management and their thousands of workers, that have offered their production and expertise to Kiev for the purpose of building new weapons and means of war, to keep the war going and prolong the suffering their fellow Russian-speakers in the Donbass as much as possible; purely because of their own selfish interest in securing government orders and/or keeping their jobs.
    May they rot in hell.

    I couldn't put it any better if I tried

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  higurashihougi Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:01 am

    JohninMK posted in in Ukraine situation thread but I believe it should appear here, too.

    JohninMK wrote:The Transport Ministry of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic has prepared the local railway network for a link-up with Russia's railway network, and negotiations are now underway on the resumption of rail traffic across the Russian border, DPR First Deputy Transport Minister Vladimir Kabatsy told the Donetsk News Agency on Tuesday.

    "We are now technically prepared to carry out rail service with the Russian Federation. Our railway workers have completed their task," Kabatsy told the news agency, adding that "now the process of negotiations is underway" with the Russian side. The minister emphasized that DPR authorities very much look forward to a positive outcome in the negotiations.

    Over the weekend, the press service of the DPR's Transport Ministry reported that a rail link with Ukraine restored only days earlier had been cut following the Ukrainian military's shelling of a section of track on the Yasynuvata-Skotovataya route, resulting in damage to the track itself and leaving a section of the route without power. Work on repairing the damage has been hampered by its proximity to the line of contact.

    Prior to the onset of the Ukrainian civil war in April 2014, Donetsk Railways served as one of the largest railway divisions in the country. Late last month, railroad workers resumed running commuter trains on a test basis from the city of Yasynuvata north of the capital of Donetsk to the village of Kvashino in the region's southeast, near the Russian border. Earlier this month, the Ukrainian-DPR Contact Group's sub-group on economic issues had discussed the prospects for demining and restoring rail traffic in the area.

    Read more:

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  VARGR198 Wed Aug 12, 2015 5:01 pm

    Russia has supplied a number of combine harvesters to lugansk. All of which look new or at least in good condition

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  higurashihougi Fri Aug 21, 2015 5:20 am

    Basically Novo ram up their own production to deal with Kyiv economic blockade. Productivity of local Novo enterprises have been remarkably increased.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  George1 Sat Sep 12, 2015 2:15 am

    LPR residents want to launch movement for joining Russia

    The main reasons are that the Russian ruble is the main currency in the republic and Russia remains our only trade partner amid expanding economic blockade from Ukraine

    MOSCOW, September 11. /TASS/. Residents of the Prevalsky district in the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) want to start a movement for joining Russia, head of the local administration Vitaly Mikhaylov told Luhansk Inform Center on Friday.

    On Thursday, Mikhaylov attended a meeting at the local branch of the public movement "Peace to Luhansk." "After the meeting, local residents came up to me — an initiative group that wants to launch a movement for joining Russia. And this really has grounds to exist. For the population of the republic, the Russian Federation is a certain guarantor of preventing humanitarian catastrophe toward which current Ukranian authorities are pushing us," he said.

    Mikhaylov noted that "if there is such request from our residents, it cannot be ignored because authorities should hear its people and take their opinion into consideration."

    "The Russian ruble is the main currency in the republic. With expanding economic blockade from Ukraine, Russia remains our only trade partner. I am confident that the majority of republic’s residents will support the initiative of the people from out district," he said.

    The head of local administration stressed that LPR residents "always felt as part of Russia." "If accession to Russia takes place, it will be like returning to homeland for the republic’s population," he concluded.

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  VARGR198 Wed Sep 23, 2015 9:01 pm

    Apparently these basic cars were donated to Luhansk from Russia. For civilians whose cars have been destroyed?


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    Post  Khepesh Thu Oct 08, 2015 12:05 pm


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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  franco Sat Oct 10, 2015 3:36 pm

    An optimistic view towards the future of the Donbas republics;

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  medo Sat Oct 10, 2015 8:29 pm

    С начала года в ДНР возобновили работу более 200 крупных предприятий

    Двести четырнадцать крупных предприятий возобновили свою деятельность на территории ДНР ДНР с начала 2015 года. Об этом сегодня на пресс-конференции в ДАН заявила министр экономического развития Республики Евгения Самохина.

    «Всего из юридических лиц, крупных компаний за год возобновило деятельность 214 предприятий», сказала она.

    Самохина отметила, что за этот же период 2 793 предприятий — юридических лиц увеличили значительно количество рабочих мест, «что служит ярким примером восстановления молодой Республики»

    From the beginning of 2015 214 bigger companies restart their production in DNR and LNR and the number of employed workers is growing.

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    Post  medo Sun Nov 20, 2016 10:39 am

    Wednesday, November 2, 2016 - 11:34

    The special economic report from the year 2016, provided to the DONi News Agency reveals, that macro economic situation in the Donetsk People’s Republic has been stabilized and shows signs of improvement.

    According to the factual numbers, given by the DPR Ministry Economic Development, economic output in the country has even surpassed the pre-war levels. This information gives also needed answer to the important question, from where the new people's republic in Donbass gets funding for its budget?

    "The economic blockade and the ongoing hostilities have had a significant negative effect on the area’s economic output, but the situation has been stabilized and many areas show signs of improvement. In some spheres the output has surpassed the pre-war levels", says the minister of economic development, Victoria Romanyuk.

    DPR reached 47 % economic output from pre-war level

    The total economic output of the DPR is now 47% of its pre-war level. Over a two-year period 60% of companies have resumed activities comparing to the pre-war period. Volume of final industrial products of the main variants of industrial activity has reached 31% of its pre-war level.

    Volume of retail sales is at 26,1% and average staffing number of regular employees is at 61% of pre-war levels.

    Agriculture production increased in some spheres over 5,5 times from pre-war levels

    Especially the agricultural output has seen a considerable increase. Meat production (animal and fowl butchering in live weight) is at 23,2% and cereal and leguminous crops production is at 13,6% over their pre-war levels. Potato production is at 34,8% over its pre-war output and field vegetables are produced 2,1 times more.

    Processed farmyard fowl meat production saw a 3,1-fold increase. Animal feed is produced 14,9% more and the production of a natural mineral water increased 5,5 times compared to the pre-war volumes. The production of eggs remains at 69,2% of pre-war levels.

    According to the preliminary results from crop harvesting of 2016 (harvesting continues), comparing to 2013, 3,7 times more spring wheat was gathered and the production winter wheat is at 33,3% and barley at 19,9% over the pre-war figures. The development and production of greenhouses for year-round vegetable growth has also seen a positive trend.

    DPR population is growing, more children born

    This year has seen the turning in the population growth from negative to positive, as the net migration growth during January – August amounted to 585 people in the republic. In addition, 1507 more children were born in this year compared to the same period in 2015.

    DONi News Agency, editorial article, Janus Putkonen

    Novorussian economy is now stable and is growing. Food production is now even higher than before the war. They also reach population growing. No doubt, Novorussian economy is healtier than Ukrainian and it will not last long, when they will be stronger than Ukraine.

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    Post  George1 Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:26 pm

    Russia to supply power to Lugansk Republic after Ukraine cuts electricity — source

    On April 25, Kiev cut power supplies to the Lugansk Republic's territory

    MOSCOW, April 25. /TASS/. Russia’s Energy Ministry has decided to supply power to the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) after Ukraine cut electricity, an informed source told TASS on Tuesday.

    At midnight on April 25, the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry, as well as the Energorynok state company, cut power supplies to the LPR’s territory.

    Read also
    Donetsk water filtering station cut off electricity after shelling by Ukrainian troops

    "Such steps taken by the Ukrainian authorities may lead to a humanitarian disaster, this is why Russia’s Energy Ministry has made a decision to start supplying electricity in order to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of the LPR," the source said. "The necessary level of power supplies has been maintained," he added.

    The source pointed out that the Zuyevskaya Themal Power Station and the Starobeshevskaya Thermal Power Station located on the territory of Ukraine’s Donetsk region were capable of producing enough power to meet the needs of the Lugansk region.

    Meanwhile, the Russian Energy Ministry declined to comment on power supplies to the LPR.

    Earlier on Tuesday, the LPR Ministry of Energy said that it was currently providing electricity to the republic’s citizens using its own capacity.


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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  miketheterrible Mon Jun 19, 2017 4:15 am

    Looks like Turkey is now purchasing Donetsk Coal while Ukraine stopped buying coal from them Razz

    Media: Turkey buys coal of the rebellious Donbass

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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  George1 Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:07 am

    Malorossiya project is personal initiative of self-proclaimed republic's leader — Kremlin

    The presidential spokesman stressed that Russia stays committed to the Minsk agreements

    MOSCOW, July 18. /TASS/. The idea of the establishment of a new state Malorossiya is a personal initiative of Alexander Zakharchenko, Head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Russian president’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday.

    "The statement Zakharchenko made this morning about Malorossiya is his personal initiative. Moscow learnt about it from the press. We stay committed to the Minsk agreements," he stressed.

    Earlier in the day, a project for the establishment of a new state - Malorossiya - that would be Ukraine’s successor and would include a number of its regions was announced at a public meeting in Donetsk. Two documents - a political declaration and a constitutional act - were adopted by voting. According to the project’s initiators, the initiative is geared "to stop the civil war and avoid further casualties."

    The neighboring self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) said however it is not taking part in the project. "The LPR was established as an expression of people’s will and we have no right to make such steps without hearing people’s opinion," the press service of LPR Head Igor Plotnitsky said. "The republic thinks it important to stay committed to the Minsk agreements and will continue to demand Ukraine do the same."

    Commenting on this initiative, Russia’s chief negotiator in the Contact Group for settlement of the crisis in eastern Ukraine Boris Gryzlov said it should not be taken as manifestation of real politics. "This initiative doesn’t fit into the Minsk process. I take it merely as an invitation for discussion. This statement has no constitutive effects," he said. "This initiative is rather a part of information warfare than a subject of real politics."


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    Republic of Novorossiya - Page 4 Empty Re: Republic of Novorossiya

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Aug 13, 2017 5:52 am

    The DNR began to produce passenger buses

    The self-proclaimed Donetsk people's Republic released the first passenger buses "Donbass", told reporters the head of the DND Alexander Zakharchenko.
    These buses are here. Soon the bus fleet DNR will completely change and will be updated. The first ten buses going to Gorlovka, and plans that in all the major cities of the DNI will these buses— said Zakharchenko.

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