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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  Werewolf Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:09 pm

    fragmachine wrote:Come on, I won't place my bet on a old mind-ill b*tch saluting at me straight from a wheelchair  Razz  

    Im sure she would like to just push the button to be done with Russians on the east, then she could send her banderdogs to murder Poles, like they did in their history before. Wonder what reaction would be in our media, hmmm... unshaven

    Putin did it....

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  flamming_python Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:11 pm

    Werewolf wrote:You can not have jewish blood. Jews are not an ethnicity. Jews are a religious groups.

    Well, I do. My father's side of the family traces its lineage further than just Odessa; in the interwar period they actually hailed from Bessarabia; one of my ancestors actually served as a Romanian border-guard in the 30s, he spoke no less than about 4-5 languages. He was a huge powerful man - one time, he killed someone with his bare hands - when he was insulted about being a Jew. Bessarabia was taken by the USSR in the 40s and that same ancestor of mine ended up thus fighting in the Soviet army in WW2, against those same Romanians no less. He was eventually wounded by an incendiary bullet to the arm, and survived the war. Another ancestor of mine also fought in the war - as political commissar; he had a high rank - General or some such. He was responsible for the evacuation of either Odessa, or Sevastopol - which he fked up and ended up nearly getting executed by Stalin for; he was pardoned in the last minute.
    That same family traces its lineage further back than just Romania, my cousin did the research - turns out that we all hail from Iraq originally; where by all accounts that familly was a wealthy Jewish one, in charge of a synagogue or some such.

    You have never heared of people saying they have christian,muslimic or buddhistic roots.

    You do however hear of people saying they have Sikh roots, which is another religion that is small enough to have merged with an ethnic identity.
    Or Yezidi roots - the Yezidis are basically Kurds but they worship a particular blend of Islam and Zoroastrianism called the Yezidi religion, and they consider themselves as a separate Yezidi people, albeit they mix and intermarry with Muslim Kurds too of course.
    There is actually a large Russian-speaking Yezidi diaspora hailing from Armenia; they have some Russian-language forums on the ru-net and so on - so you can ask them if you don't believe me.

    I'm sure there are other examples too.

    Jews often till this day try to create the bullshit that they are an own folk and ethnicity  while this is a straight up lie which can be seen on every jew. There is a big portion of jews in Israel that are from Poland and Russia, this groups is even so big that they have several TV shows in Israel in russian language and they speak fluently russian without this distinctive hebrew accent you often hear from younger israelits. Those jews who speak russian are all white, they are conventants to judaism. Real semitic jews where the word semit refers to a Region in Middle East not to one group of people, Palestinians,Jordanians,Syrians and Lebanese people are all semitic all have brown skin, black hair and brown eyes.

    Actually I don't disagree with you, and I've often wondered, and argued about - the exact same thing.

    But one thing you should note - the Jews themselves always vehemently deny it, they always insist that they are a separate people, and a preserved one, who have not forgotten their cultural and religious traditions; no matter what mixing with what other people (which they play down too).

    And in the end it's hard to argue with that. They are separate, they are their own folk and ethnicity - because they themselves consider themselves as such, and they've not forgotten about their culture, their history of statehood even from 3000 years ago - all that stuff has been preserved more or less, even despite genetic drift, even despite losing the Hebrew language, and mixing and so on.

    Yes about the Semetic stuff, you are right too - but again, to a seperate ethno-cultural identity it's not an obstacle. Ukrainians are exactly the same as Russians, yet they have their seperate identity now too - because they want it, and value it.

    Please don't try to educate me about judaism since im the only person around here who actually read their so called holy book the Talmud, like i did with bible which is why i am atheist, because i read the bible and the entire magic sphere that i was thought by my orthodox christian grandmother and mother vaporized.

    You should read the talmud and not trying to educate people about things you have not read yourself. That is the common bad behavior with most religious people trying to speak about religion without ever reading their holy books.

    Well then you're probably doing it wrong. There's a right and wrong way to read religion.

    Turning someone into a pillar of salt or taking the 'eye for an eye' a little too literally is the wrong way.

    As for Christianity - it's very simple, I'll explain - it's all about following the teachings of Jesus Christ. That's all there is too it. And as long as you do that, you won't be led astray - figure out the spirit of Christ's teachings, don't try to over-interpret the letter like some Christian fundamentalists do.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  fragmachine Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:18 pm

    It seems strange to me that many Poles remember Khatyn, were Polish officers were shot dead and even celebrate a memory day of this event, but it is very hard to get any grasp of information about Ukrainian "patriots" who nailed womens to the doors of the barn and raped them at the eyes of the whole family, ripped guts of their children with knives... Officialy in just Volyn massacre died around 60.000 Poles but IMO this is underestimated due to Wikipedia sources. Estimates are about 200 000 Poles died at Volyn an Galicia massacre. I found estimates counting up to 500.000 just Poles murdered. And that was done with the help of the local population of Ukraine. And these murderers are still living there, even giving interviews and nobody gives a fuck.

    And WTF does they forgot about that bestiality? I wouldn't even call this a bestiality, animals are much better than this.

    BTW. Considering UPA vs Nazi Germany, III Reich wasn't all that bad. Banderits were specialised at: tearing people alive with horses, gouging off their eyes, ripping-off tongues​​, butchering with saws etc. Hard to look for other examples like these from other parts of the world in XX century.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  Werewolf Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:57 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    Well, I do. My father's side of the family traces its lineage further than just Odessa; in the interwar period they actually hailed from Bessarabia; one of my ancestors actually served as a Romanian border-guard in the 30s, he spoke no less than about 4-5 languages. He was a huge powerful man - one time, he killed someone with his bare hands - when he was insulted about being a Jew. Bessarabia was taken by the USSR in the 40s and that same ancestor of mine ended up thus fighting in the Soviet army in WW2, against those same Romanians no less. He was eventually wounded by an incendiary bullet to the arm, and survived the war. Another ancestor of mine also fought in the war - as political commissar; he had a high rank - General or some such. He was responsible for the evacuation of either Odessa, or Sevastopol - which he fked up and ended up nearly getting executed by Stalin for; he was pardoned in the last minute.
    That same family traces its lineage further back than just Romania, my cousin did the research - turns out that we all hail from Iraq originally; where by all accounts that familly was a wealthy Jewish one, in charge of a synagogue or some such.

    What an bear armed ancestor of yours did for being insulted with some other guy has zero value for the question i asked. Religion is religion and just because someone makes up the lobbyistic driven propaganda of somehow becoming from religion to ethnicity it does not make that right and factual.

    You have never heared of people saying they have christian,muslimic or buddhistic roots.

    You do however hear of people saying they have Sikh roots, which is another religion that is small enough to have merged with an ethnic identity.
    Or Yezidi roots - the Yezidis are basically Kurds but they worship a particular blend of Islam and Zoroastrianism called the Yezidi religion, and they consider themselves as a separate Yezidi people, albeit they mix and intermarry with Muslim Kurds too of course.
    There is actually a large Russian-speaking Yezidi diaspora hailing from Armenia; they have some Russian-language forums on the ru-net and so on - so you can ask them if you don't believe me.

    I'm sure there are other examples too.[/quote]

    There are some nutheads on IQ destroying television that some times bring some morons who tell that they were upducted by aliens or have alien roots... so i should believe that just because people saying things?
    We have such thing as Etymology,antropology,ethniology and cultural studies whos job it is to bring evidence for ethnicities,cultures and find roots for words and their meaning or references.

    Actually I don't disagree with you, and I've often wondered, and argued about - the exact same thing.

    But one thing you should note - the Jews themselves always vehemently deny it, they always insist that they are a separate people, and a preserved one, who have not forgotten their cultural and religious traditions; no matter what mixing with what other people (which they play down too).

    Of course they are vehemently denying that. And if you would read the Talmud you would know the reason for this. Jews are not allowed to fully assimilate with other religions or among nations. They are allowed to hide their religion but are not allowed to deny their religion or assimilate with others to not offend jehova.

    And in the end it's hard to argue with that. They are separate, they are their own folk and ethnicity - because they themselves consider themselves as such, and they've not forgotten about their culture, their history of statehood even from 3000 years ago - all that stuff has been preserved more or less, even despite genetic drift, even despite losing the Hebrew language, and mixing and so on.

    Well just because people feel in one way i have no problem with that, but that does not create out of a sudden a new ethnicity.

    Yes about the Semetic stuff, you are right too - but again, to a seperate ethno-cultural identity it's not an obstacle. Ukrainians are exactly the same as Russians, yet they have their seperate identity now too - because they want it, and value it.

    I really have no problem with cultural seperate identity as long it does not violate anyones freedom or health and that right i also grand to animals, at least to the extent that they should not be killed kosher. For those who don't know what that means, it means killing an animal with a knife to the neck while it is alive and letting it bleed out. Which was done not only by jews but lot of religions, but today AFAIK there are not many who practice this crap.
    There is almost no significant cultural difference between xoxols and russians. Nothing that would make me think that those two are actually two different, to me they are one and the same with such minor differences that you could find in any other region of the world of a group that is today thought as being the same but have much greater diffrences among them compared to xoxols and russians.

    Well then you're probably doing it wrong. There's a right and wrong way to read religion.

    Ohh Really?

    I will quote from the Talmud. That is a quote 1:1 from ex jews.

    All children of the ‘goyim’ (Gentiles) are animals.” (Yebamoth 98a)
    “Jews may use subterfuges to circumvent a ‘goy.’” (Baba Kamma 113a)
    If a Jew murders a ‘goy’ there will be no death penalty.” (Sanhedrin 57a)
    “The ‘goyim’ are not humans. They are beasts.” (Baba Mezia 114b)

    Now please tell me, is there any wrong way to read that Goyims are just beasts to the jews?

    I often here such nonsense from jews who tried to defend their talmud, some just laughed at me and said god will murder you, you animal. Well yes that was on internet where people are d*cks anyway, but non the less, that does not at any good image to them.

    Turning someone into a pillar of salt or taking the 'eye for an eye' a little too literally is the wrong way.

    Even tho, religios "holy books" are full of metamorphic stuff, but the chapter that is called "Noah's Law" or also called Sanhedrin, is pretty straight, it does not use metamorphic gibberish. It is quite out punch in the face. You really should read the stuff and then point me out where i read "wrong".

    As for Christianity - it's very simple, I'll explain - it's all about following the teachings of Jesus Christ. That's all there is too it. And as long as you do that, you won't be led astray - figure out the spirit of Christ's teachings, don't try to over-interpret the letter like some Christian fundamentalists do.

    Well you may have read the bible, but ignoring some stuff in there like the 25+ mln deaths on gods account, or slavery, human first born sacrifices, plagues, destruction of cities because all knowing god was butthurt after finding out humans did not what he wanted them to do. Or stoning homos, pedophilia, well and lot of such things. I understand people today don't go along and stone every gay, or slap women who speak to men without permition from men or stoning cheating women/men, but i still don't understand how people can follow one religion when this exact religion violates so many things it tries to teach at the same time.

    "Love your next, but stone the gays and cheating spouses, but don't murder or i will let you burn in hell for the end of time."
    I really can't understand that, that is also the main reason i distance myself from religions, especially abrahamic religions which all off them speak about lot of those evil crap.

    Those teachings of "jesus" not only that the good stuff in the bible is actually something that every functional brain and with a shred of decency in every person would be rational thinking. Treat others like you want to be treated. I don't need an ancient book for something a 5 year old can understand. That is common sense and also instinct. Attacking someone and not expecting to get a protective and hostile reaction from him is suicidal brain missfunction.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  Firebird Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:01 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Ok, let me get something off my chest:

    Because of certain family members of mine, coming from Ukraine, I am classified as partly Ukrainian Jewish. That being said, I am fully against Ukraine gov as well as US gov over this. So please, can we stop this jewish consipiracy crap? It really doesnt do us any good and our image. Heck, it hurts our credibility compared to the facists from Ukraine government or the crap being spewed by western media. It just makes many of you sound like conspiracy nutjobs and makes me hard to believe you guys. Werewolf, you can be full of good info, but these jew this and that just goes too far.

    I understand that many of these people have jewish ancestry, but I highly doubt it has anything to do with anything. Human greed, incompetence and evil extends more than just one ethnic/religious group.

    Sepheronx, I completely agree with you.For instance, I found the Holocaust denialism claims here absolutely outrageous.

    I don't consider the Ukraine to be a Jewish conspiracy. THat would be nonsense.

    However, there is something I'd like to illustrate. Petro007 is Jewish, most likely N American Jewish.
    What I am so astounded by is that there are Jews, Kolomoisky, Petro007 and many others who are allied with Banderism, and other types of Fascism.

    Personally, I'm sickened that any Jew could ever even consider for a millisecond allying themselves with Banderite Fascism. And yet, we see some do exactly that. It shows an utterly depraved character. I also wonder what sort of banner these people must be rallying under. Like so much of Ukrainianism, its so full of inherent contradictions. Ultimately, I think its greed that drives these people. Part of it is the stars and stripes, land of the free American bullshit. The idea of the Washington "Consensus" blowing up, pillaging and enslaving anything in its path. Morals, the facts, anything like that, are irrelevant to these people. They are opportunist shysters who'll make up any shit to feed their own lust.

    It all goes to show how fundamentally warped people in some positions of power are. Whether that is Washington, Kiev or elsewhere.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  Firebird Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:15 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    Firebird wrote:The poster Petro007 as well as being a troll, is a North American Jew.
    Quite likely Canadian, as they have many of the most moronically Russia-hating ignorance)
    I can't guarantee the N American bit, but the latter, I know for a fact.
    (I can tell from his post, if he denies it, I can point out the absolute giveaways)

    And I don't mean that in the anti-semetic claptrap way. There's nothing wrong with either being American or Jewish.

    BUT what is absolutely appalling in this ignorance that Petro007 is coming out with.
    The Ukraine was part of Russia for the last 1100 years, ie since Russia's inception. The case for an independent UKraine is utter nonsense.
    THe case for Banderite Fascists and Neo Conservatives ransacking the region to then threaten Russia is equally outrageous.

    And frankly, I don't need a lecture on the region from a troll. My family were from Kiev, AND some of the Western Ukraine. And they were as Russian as St Basils. The anti Russia hatred in the Ukraine comes from i)cold war meddling scum in America, ii)Banderite scum who ethnically cleansed much of the region iii)opportunist greedy scum as the lackeys of American troublemakers eg Kolomoisky, Tymoskanko, Willy Wanker of the Chocolate Factory etc etc.

    How a Jew could choose to support Banderism is beyond me. Given the amount of Jews murdered by Bandera. It just goes to show, some people only ever care about money, about their own personal greed and vanity. If it means mass murder of people who are the same as them, what do they care? Just look at pondlife like Kolomoisky. Their true religion isn't even Judaism. Judaism is the club, the networking. But in reality all  they worship  is money and power.  Their god is the dollar. The Washington "Consensus" is nothing but an attempt at global tyranny, just like the Nazism of the last century. Former enemies such as Banderites and certain(but certainly not all!) Jewish oligarchs and their lackeys join forces for a new tyranny. Really goes to show how fucked up these people are.

    Yeah I noticed the 'G-d' stuff too - but I thought he was probably just taking the piss.

    I doubt any English-speaking Jews are going to get too worked up over the Ukraine honestly; actually most people in the West just don't give a damn.

    Yep you got it.

    I was surprised, some British ones I spoke to are obsessed with all this "evil Russia" shite. Even tho, they're probably(usually!) of Russian blood themselves. A fair number of them work in finance in London. To them, the Ukraine is the next meal in the "international financial community" ie the Dollar bloc's pillaging. Stagnant western economy, something new to feast on. Money money money, the only thing that ever interests them.

    Likewise, with certain American Jews.
    Again its not inherent in all Jews. Its just, I think "for fucks sake, these people SHOULD know MUCH better".
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  Hannibal Barca Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:19 pm

    Well as a matter of fact holocaust (what a ridiculous PR expression by the way) never took place. Jews suffered just about anyone else but really no more.
    This plan of extermination is total crap and concentration camps where labor camps not extermination camps this are worlds apart!
    Jews did got ghettoized but hey who wouldn't take precautions against them after what they did to pre war Germany.
    All just pure hype like the propaganda that Yankees won the war or saved Europe and all this BS spread by the masters of the universe who need the high moral ground
    and when they don't have it need to create it.
    I am happy that I still live in a country where I can speak the historic truth unlike Jewish vassal Germany but thinks chance here rapidly as well am afraid towards totalitarianism...

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  Firebird Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:28 pm

    Hannibal Barca wrote:Well as a matter of fact holocaust (what a ridiculous PR expression by the way) never took place. Jews suffered just about anyone else but really no more.
    This plan of extermination is total crap and concentration camps where labor camps not extermination camps this are worlds apart!
    Jews did got ghettoized  but hey who wouldn't take precautions against them after what they did to pre war Germany.
    All just pure hype like the propaganda that Yankees won the war or saved Europe and all this BS spread by the masters of the universe who need the high moral ground
    and when they don't have it need to create it.
    I am happy that I still live in a country where I can speak the historic truth unlike Jewish vassal Germany but thinks chance here rapidly as well am afraid towards totalitarianism...

    In all fairness, another example of jawdropping garbage. And really lowers the tone of this forum.

    I've studied all of this in depth ie degree level, and from all sides. And the facts are absolutely overwhelming.
    To dispute that, you just make yourself look extremely stupid.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  Hannibal Barca Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:33 pm

    Oh thanks mate. And I studied how Putin dropped MH-17. I even saw the pictures and read the confessions... they are the same jewish media telling the story...
    Kapish? Keep the "truth" for yourself if you are so sure. Perception is an art...

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  Werewolf Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:37 pm

    Really you studied it?

    Also the facts that those gas chambers were build after 1945? Have you studied this too?

    Or that the logistics and those gas chambers and the lift for the dead bodies did not work even mathematically on paper to kill in the time frame of 6 mio. people and all the documents of entering people and leaving/death books.

    You studied nothing of value like it seams.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  flamming_python Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:53 pm

    Werewolf wrote:"Love your next, but stone the gays and cheating spouses, but don't murder or i will let you burn in hell for the end of time."
    I really can't understand that, that is also the main reason i distance myself from religions, especially abrahamic religions which all off them speak about lot of those evil crap.

    Would Jesus have done any of that?

    I'm confident that the answer is 'no', hence Christianity can't be said to teach things like that.

    About Judaism and Islam I have less knowledge, but most pious Muslims and Jews I've heard of abhor all the nasty stuff too and claim that it has nothing to do with their religion. There are also plenty of them that explain all sorts of good life principles, morals, etc... with quotes from their holy books.
    So on the whole I'm not really worried. Were everything as you say though, the Jews would harbouring thoughts of murdering everyone they come across. Nothing like that is happening. Even the Israel-Palestine conflict is childs play compared to what's going on in Iraq or Syria at the moment.

    Those teachings of "jesus" not only that the good stuff in the bible is actually something that every functional brain and with a shred of decency in every person would be rational thinking. Treat others like you want to be treated. I don't need an ancient book for something a 5 year old can understand. That is common sense and also instinct. Attacking someone and not expecting to get a protective and hostile reaction from him is suicidal brain missfunction.

    You say that, and I do agree that morality is inherent and something that has evolved within us as a species - but actually people all too often need to get reminded even of simple things, 'reinforced' if you will. Jesus was a very intelligent man and you give him too little credit; his words and deeds are much more complicated than what they might seem at first glance; were he repeating the same things a 5-year old understands, there wouldn't have sprung up a whole religion dedicated to his philosophy after his martyrdom/execution. It was impossible to catch the man off-guard, even when confronted with immediate, urgent situation he simply had the right answer every single time.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  mack8 Tue Aug 26, 2014 12:02 am

    Indeed, there are some exceptional posts made in the last couple of pages made by FP, Sepheronx and so on, but this absolutely disgusting half coherent racial and xenophobic jibe (against jews and other groups) from the "loonies" here is indeed anticlimatic. There's one thing to hate and loath a group of occult interests like corporations, oligarchs, governments and so on, quite another to hate and entire race or ethnicity purely because they are what they are (jews, arabs, africans etc.). You are no better that jihadist extremist fundamentalists for instance, you are extremist fundamentalists but of another creed. You are throwing a bad light on the "good" side here (i.e. pro-Russia and pro-Novorussia) maybe you should post less and educate yourself (much) more, you are a shame to this community. Rolling Eyes

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  Werewolf Tue Aug 26, 2014 12:50 am

    flamming_python wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:"Love your next, but stone the gays and cheating spouses, but don't murder or i will let you burn in hell for the end of time."
    I really can't understand that, that is also the main reason i distance myself from religions, especially abrahamic religions which all off them speak about lot of those evil crap.

    Would Jesus have done any of that?

    I'm confident that the answer is 'no', hence Christianity can't be said to teach things like that.

    About Judaism and Islam I have less knowledge, but most pious Muslims and Jews I've heard of abhor all the nasty stuff too and claim that it has nothing to do with their religion. There are also plenty of them that explain all sorts of good life principles, morals, etc... with quotes from their holy books.
    So on the whole I'm not really worried. Were everything as you say though, the Jews would murdering everyone they come across. Nothing like that is happening. Even the Israel-Palestine conflict is childs play compared to what's going on in Iraq or Syria at the moment.

    May i quote an israeli jew about this that will explain the situation.

    Quote about genocide and how to treat palestinians.

    Yitzhak Rabin 1983 " Israel will create in the course of the next 10-20 years which would attract natural and voluntary migration to the refugees of Gaza strip and west bank to jordan. To achieve this we have to come to an aggreement with King Hussein and not with Yasser Arafat."

    Yitzhak Shamir 1997 "The settlement of the Land of Israel is the essence of Zionism. Without Settlements, we will not fullfill Zionism. It's that simple."

    PM Yitzhak Shamir 1988 "The palestinians will be crushed like grasshoppers...heads smashed against the boulders of walls."

    Bini Nut an yahoo 1989 "Israel should have exploited the repression of demonstrations in China, when world attention focused on that country, to carry out mass expulsion among the Arabs of the territories."

    PM Ariel Sharon, 2001 to Shimon Perez. "Every time we do something, You tell me America will do this and do that. I want to tell you something very clear. Don't worry on the american pressure on Israel. We the jewish people control america and they know it."

    Rabbi Yakof Peren to the New York Times 20.02.1994. "1.000.000 Arabs are not worth a single jewish finger nail"

    Prime Minister Begin Menachem in the Knezeet 1982. "Our race is the Master race. We're devine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly Kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve as our slaves."

    You say that, and I do agree that morality is inherent and something that has evolved within us as a species - but actually people all too often need to get reminded even of simple things, 'reinforced' if you will. Jesus was a very intelligent man and you give him too little credit; his words and deeds are much more complicated than what they might seem at first glance; were he repeating the same things a 5-year old understands, there wouldn't have sprung up a whole religion dedicated to his philosophy after his martyrdom/execution. It was impossible to catch the man off-guard, even when confronted with immediate, urgent situation he simply had the right answer every single time.

    That is maybe the case for mentally ill or maybe for people who have to grow up in the worst conditions you can imagine, where life is treated worthless and no real consequences are present. Like for child soldiers.
    Mike E
    Mike E

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  Mike E Tue Aug 26, 2014 12:59 am

    Poor Petrol Porky-shank-u, he is now going to be known as a dictator! - Now that the parliament...

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  Werewolf Tue Aug 26, 2014 1:05 am

    mack8 wrote:Indeed, there are some exceptional posts made in the last couple of pages made by FP, Sepheronx and so on, but this absolutely disgusting half coherent racial and xenophobic jibe  (against jews and other groups) from the "loonies" here is indeed anticlimatic. There's one thing to hate and loath  a group of occult interests like corporations, oligarchs, governments and so on, quite another to hate and entire race or ethnicity purely because they are what they are (jews, arabs, africans etc.). You are no better that jihadist extremist fundamentalists for instance, you are extremist fundamentalists but of another creed. You are throwing a bad light on the "good" side here (i.e. pro-Russia and pro-Novorussia) maybe you should post less and educate yourself (much) more, you are a shame to this community. Rolling Eyes

    Just another of those idiots like i was once, eagerly to defend and protect jews without knowing what those radicals think of all non jews. Your word has zero value since you are just another of those who have never read the talmud and therefor no qualification to speak about this kind of mater. Jews are not a race but a diabolic religious nuthead group. Read the god damn talmud and then you can open your mouth.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  Regular Tue Aug 26, 2014 1:05 am

    Hannibal Barca wrote:Well as a matter of fact holocaust (what a ridiculous PR expression by the way) never took place. Jews suffered just about anyone else but really no more.
    We alone killed about 90 percent of our jews. It sent the country ass backwards as jews were very important in our culture, science and business. Gypsies and some locals were killed too AFAIK, but not on the same scale.
    But enough about jews.
    Anyone seen news about Pskov VDV soldiers who died in Ukraine?
    Mike E
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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  Mike E Tue Aug 26, 2014 1:16 am

    Judging a nationality (ethnicity etc) based of a few corrupted leaders is ridiculous... No matter what ethnicity it is! I might as well condemn Slavs because of Stalin... - I'd never do that, but you get my point.

     - Spoken by a born American with northern-Italian and Polish roots...

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  Werewolf Tue Aug 26, 2014 1:21 am

    Mike E wrote:Judging a nationality (ethnicity etc) based of a few corrupted leaders is ridiculous... No matter what ethnicity it is! I might as well condemn Slavs because of Stalin... - I'd never do that, but you get my point.

     - Spoken by a born American with northern-Italian and Polish roots...

    Stalin was Georgian and Jews are not an ethnicity for 1000 times. That is also not based on some, but on the entire religion that teaches that all non jews can be killed to a number where some can remain as personal slaves among jews. So how many slaves those 14 mln jews need out of 7bln?

    For f*ck sake stop talking about things you don't know and actually research it by reading the source before engaging into conversation about matter you have no plan off.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  Big_Gazza Tue Aug 26, 2014 1:33 am

    Discussions regarding the historical truth of the Holocaust are always charged with accusations of anti-semitism as the defenders of the orthodoxy always resort to cheap dirty tactics to silence their critics and prevent the lies of the past from being exposed. For what it's worth, i'll throw my hat into the ring...

    There is no doubt the Nazis persecuted the Jews but the 6 million dead is an invention, and gas chambers are a fiction. The official tally at Auschwitz is now <1M and that includes all prisoners & slave workers, not just Jews. The number is supported by the camp medical records made available after the collapse of the USSR. The 6M figure was based on 4M dead in Auschwitz, but if "only" 1M died, why has the 6M figure not been revised? The answer of course is politics.

    The official verdict is that there were no homicidal gassings in Germany. What then to make of the "gas chamber" at Dachau, which has long been a central exhibit in the propaganda apparatus? It is now known that it was constructed in 1946 by US Army engineers as a display for public consumption, and today there is a small plaque stating no gassings were actually conducted there. Have there been any retractions? Has any government attempted to correct the publics perceptions? Of course not! You believe that the truth has any importance to the Ruling Elite?
    Similarly , the chamber at Auschwitz 1 is a fake, converted post-war by the USSR.

    The so-called gas chambers at Auschwitz were simply crematoria. The buildings at Birkenau (Auschwitz II) had long rectangular cellars for storage of cadavers awaiting incineration, partially below ground level to reduce the internal temperature and help to delay putrifaction. The cellars had air vents to disperse gas from putrifaction, but the propagandists claim these were used to administer Zyklon pellets to gas prisoners, but which is the more rational explanation? Consider than cyanide gas leaves behind characteristic blue stains on masonary, and these are entirely absent from the cellars, yet are very prominent in the real fumigation cupboards?

    Crematoria were real, but that was for disposal of people who died in the camps, and given the number of prisoners & slave labourers, deaths were inevitable. Burial was not feasible at Auschwitz as the water table was 1m below ground level and burying bodies would lead to contamination of wells. The existence of crematoria does NOT prove war crimes. In the typhus epidemics of 1942, Auschwitz suffered 10,000 deaths per month (camp records confirm this) before the outbreak could be controlled. The dead had to disposed of - what would you suggest they do?

    Typhus was a major killer before antibiotics were available, and was endemic in East Europe & Russia. If typhus got into a camp, the result was horrific, and the Nazis had protocols to prevent it. New prisoners were stripped, showered and dusted with DDT (to kill lice) while their clothes were fumigated with cyanide in purpose-build fumigation cupboards using Zyklon B granules. The use of Zyklon for mass murder is post-war propaganda, and based entirely on lies from tortured Nazis, cooperative anti-Nazi Germans and Jewish victims seeking revenge. Physical evidence is absolutely zero.

    As for the so-called "Death Camps" in Poland, there is zero physical evidence of the claimed millions of dead bodies as no forensic exhumations were ever conducted by the post-war Powers. How can this be? After Srebrenica in Bosnia, every grave within 100km of the town has been exhumed and the bodies examined and cataloged, yet in no such studies have been conducted at Treblinka, Sobibror, Magdenak, Chelmno or Belzec. We are simply told that we must accept the crimes happened, and doubters are punished by law. Lets break the ground and conduct forensic studies, and find out once and for all.

    Another lie is the use of mobile "gas vans" to kill prisoners. This seems to be based on German war-time use of "producer gas" generators on all civilian vehicles (oil-based fuels were scarce and limited to military, government and emergency services). Wood shavings were heated by a coal burner to produce volatile gases which contained lethal quantities of carbon monoxide, and was sufficient to power an engine for local journeys. Use of such was potentially dangerous and subject to strict procedures. Why would the Nazis use such dangerous methods to kill prisoners when a firing squad is so much quicker and easier?

    The Nazis were a bunch of ruthless, psychotic, racist warmongers, and were certainly responsible for many of the crimes they are accused of. However, just because some of the allegations are true, does not mean they all are. The list of false allegations include: gas chambers, 6M Jews murdered, making soap from human fat, human-skin lampshades, Katyn massacre (now admitted). I suspect the "Death Camps" are also fabrications, but forensic evidence is needed to settle this, and I cannot see this ever happening due to political interference from the pro-Israel Ruling Elite.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  Big_Gazza Tue Aug 26, 2014 1:48 am

    Werewolf wrote:Your word has zero value since you are just another of those who have never read the talmud and therefor no qualification to speak about this kind of mater. Jews are not a race but a diabolic religious nuthead group. Read the god damn talmud and then you can open your mouth.

    FWIW, I'm in full agreement on this score, as the Talmud appears to be chock full of regressive, racist and simply plain outrageous statements.  If true, much of the historical distrust and hatred of Jews can be attributed to Jewish people living such "values" and suffering the predictable backlash from non-jewish neighbours.  For example, a quick google search reveals gems such as these:

    "Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Jew like a monkey to a human."
    Schene luchoth haberith, p. 250 b

    "A Jew need not pay a gentile ("Cuthean") the wages owed him for work."
    Sanhedrin 57a

    "Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile."
    Baba Kamma 113a

    Does anyone on this forum read Hebrew or Yiddish and can confirm or debunk these passages?  I have read rebuttals by many Jews who claim they are faked or false, but then those same people decry the Palestinians as nothing more than "human trash and vagrants stealing Jewish land", so their personal embrace of the first quote tends to confirm its authenticity?...

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  Vann7 Tue Aug 26, 2014 2:04 am

    Werewolf wrote: Jews are not a race but a diabolic religious nuthead group. Read the god damn talmud and then you can open your mouth.

    The Talmudic jews yes.. they are zionist ,and they created state Israel and they have a significant influence in US policy. But not all jews are zionist or believe in the talmud teachings.

    BUt this one takes the cake, Jews in support of IRAN and giving a gift to its former president...  Laughing

    A little secret is that the biggest community of jews or one of them biggest in world Live in IRAN that the US and Israel call and axis of evil..and wanted to bomb. They live in peace in IRAN and can practice their religion freely ,Most jews Unfortunately are zionist in some form or another.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Tue Aug 26, 2014 3:11 am; edited 5 times in total
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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  Mike E Tue Aug 26, 2014 2:07 am

    Werewolf wrote:
    Mike E wrote:Judging a nationality (ethnicity etc) based of a few corrupted leaders is ridiculous... No matter what ethnicity it is! I might as well condemn Slavs because of Stalin... - I'd never do that, but you get my point.

     - Spoken by a born American with northern-Italian and Polish roots...

    Stalin was Georgian and Jews are not an ethnicity for 1000 times. That is also not based on some, but on the entire religion that teaches that all non jews can be killed to a number where some can remain as personal slaves among jews. So how many slaves those 14 mln jews need out of 7bln?

    For f*ck sake stop talking about things you don't know and actually research it by reading the source before engaging into conversation about matter you have no plan off.
    You get the point...  The heck are you talking about Werewolf? Please provide at least a little evidence for those claims! Besides, I'm not talking about religion, I'm talking about the Jewish ethnic!

    So what, I used it as a basic example. Not like Slavs haven't done any damage! 

     - This isn't about religion, it is about ethics! Once again, spewing crap based off of a person heritage or ethnics or anything else related is retarded... There is no substance!

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  Regular Tue Aug 26, 2014 2:23 am

    So how do You call people with curly dark hair and big noses?
    Mike E
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    Post  Mike E Tue Aug 26, 2014 2:36 am

    A person.... I don't care whether a person is a Jew or Mexican or whatever else. They are people either way!

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #7

    Post  Vann7 Tue Aug 26, 2014 2:43 am

    Regular wrote:So how do You call people with curly dark hair and big noses?

    Traditional jews are not zionist.. they are more closer to the christian teachings.. ie.. 10 commandments..
    and do not support the state of israel.

    Radical jews = Zionist = Talmudic jews.. this is merely a political organization that ask for world domination.

    if you speak about race.. there is not a jewish race.. at all.. same way you cannot speak about a christian race..
    that doesn't exist.. a jew or christian can be anyone..   But the zionist people that created Israel ..that are big noses people as you call it.. they come NOT from the middle east.  Their DNA have been proven to not belong to any part of middle east. One israeli Pro Truth scientist on an extensive research claims the Big noses modern Israelis that used jews religion as a pretext to be given free land come from southern Russia and southern Ukraine.  

    Top Israeli geneticists scientist says Ashkenazi Jews who moved to Palestine after world war 2, and created artificially a state with the name Israel ,came from Khazaria, not Palestine.

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #7 - Page 36 Khazaria1

    So you can call the big noses,Neocons -simply Khazars or khazar jews . they are eastern Europeans. When Russia Empire embraced Christianism as the official religion probably most  Khazars moved to northern Europe and to America and after that to Palestine with their free land. The original biblical jews however were not people with european white skin blue eyes appearance. but instead looked like palestinians. This is according to historians investigations.

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