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    NATO: Discussion and News


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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  nemrod Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:46 pm

    Mike E wrote:NATO was done when the CCCP collapsed, ....

    ???? dunno Question Question Question Question Question
    Please clarify.
    Mike E
    Mike E

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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  Mike E Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:52 pm

    "When the Federation was born". - That better?

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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  nemrod Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:03 pm

    Mike E wrote:"When the Federation was born". - That better?

    Yes it is.

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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty United States European Command

    Post  Airbornewolf Tue Dec 30, 2014 6:50 pm

    like myself, more and more people people that where either active or former NATO soldiers are getting fed up with what the NATO organisation stands for and does. that is only serving the U.S foreign policy of waging war with anyone opposing U.S interests.

    most recent an high-level soldier being an Czech Luitenant-Colonel that wrote in an open letter his reasons and handing in his NATO medals. as he said: “anyone who opposes any power interests of the US, even if defending identity, economy and sovereignty of their nation, must be ‘wiped off the map.’”

    in my recent activities i visited Germany and France for events and caught up with active troops as well i knew from my service. and usually we talk about a lot of things afterwards with an few drinks concerning our military's.  considering the U.S foreign policy in Ukraine and supporting and illegal coup there that used guys wearing Swastika's did not sat well with a lot of them. most felth their politicians did not represent their country's interrest and where "whores" to the U.S government. some viewed the U.S bases and troops in Europe as "occupiers since ww2" and others kept it more like: "we will not play any part in razing europe to the ground an third time in history, and certainly not because of the fucking yankee's".

    and what did pleasantly surprised me as well is most look trough all the media bullshit because of their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan and how the U.S and NATO twisted facts on the ground to suit their dirty political goals. and openly bring up the question if the U.S is the actual enemy to Europe, and in extension to the rest of the world's stability.

    for all the political tough-talk coming from E.U leaders and the U.S, the loyalty of the majority of E.U troops towards NATO and in extension U.S is very low. it was not always this low, but the last 15 years it really took an nose-dive.  only the old dinosaurs in the top or brainwashed little kids without experience believe the propaganda bullshit that the leadership spouts. and there are a lot of open spots in the E.U military's because a lot of guys decide to quit their careers for the reasons as described by the czech luitenant-colonel and others like me that share his opinion.

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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  Werewolf Tue Dec 30, 2014 7:00 pm

    I am former Bundeswehr soldier and now in a reservists and there were already a few "journalists" who asked if our reservists federation administrative head could give an interview to Russia and Putin, which they layed down a script of the interview to demonize russia and putin. This is full war propaganda that is currently spreaded in germany and entire EU and even in former warsaw bloc countries. They want a war with EU's idiots lifes, because if US stays in the background and lets keep a slow war between non nuclear countries against russia it is safe for them to asume it stays conventional untill they operate 5th columnists within to overtake the government and sell out the country once more.

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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Dec 30, 2014 7:08 pm

    The craziest thing about NATO is the ridiculous lunacy of the Euro ABM, or what I like to call the Euro Meatshield. The likes of Radoslaw Sikorsky (Poland's foreign minister) admitted in private conversation that his colleagues and himself 'prostitutes' themselves politically for the interests of America. They're such 'Prima Faci' cases of sychophants, their willing to sacrifice their country and citizens for a Euro Meatshield, that won't protect them but destroy them, all so the Pentagon could have 'pseudo-first strike potential'...that's what they're willing to do to advance their own careers!!!

    Leaked tape has Polish FM comparing ties with US to giving oral sex

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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  Airbornewolf Tue Dec 30, 2014 7:32 pm

    im aware of those practices, they did the same with us when deployed to Afghanistan and we had journalists asking for interviews. we also got this lists of "opinions" we should had. some that did those interviews actually tried to bring up the real things going on. but the millitary leadership had the final say of what the media would air on TV because of "the sensitivity of millitary operations" and would just edit out the parts that did not agree with their bullshit puppet show.

    even worse, some guys lost their jobs in the army because they tried to be truthful. but this practice of trying to tell soldiers to say things they do not believe in works against them in the long run. it works as an knife in the back in soldiers that trust the organisation they fight for.

    truthfully tough, im confident the U.S pursue's an "all or nothing" strategy to pit europe and its military's against Russia or the others not suiting the U.S foreign policy. but like the situation in Ukraine that strategy is falling apart. if it was up to the U.S "we" European troops would be foaming at the mouth about now ready to go to Russia's throats. but exactly the opposite is happening.

    @ magnumcromagnon

    im aware of that remarks of the Polish FM, but the truth is that NATO's strategy concerning the Euro meatshield is nothing new in the general strategy of the cold war. where it was already established that the Soviets would be able to take europe in conventional war. Europe just had to delay the soviets long enough so the Americans could arrive in full force to Europe. its genius for the U.S, E.U and Soviets grind eachother down and they march in and "safe" europe from the soviets. and propably would have irridiated half of europe with tactical nukes they had lying all over European NATO airfields to use against the soviets.

    the U.S are not allies, its like an neighbour pretending to be your friend asking you to go smash up some dude's car he had an arguement with. and when that dude comes with an knife that neighbour pushes you into that knife so he can run away to get his gun. the U.S government in an nutshell Wink.

    same for the missile shield, it does nothing but to draw fire away from the U.S. itself. people mistake it as protection but in reality its the U.S and E.U politicians sacrificing the E.U entirely. but,... i think most of us agree E.U politicians serve the U.S without question. it must be a lot of money they get for committing high-treason to their own country's. but hey, even if it fails im sure they get safety in the U.S either way just like Shaakashvili after he declared war on Russia and ....NATO didn't safe his ass.


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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  George1 Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:22 am

    NATO Should Invite Macedonia, Montenegro to Join Bloc – Warsaw

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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  Airbornewolf Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:09 am

    George1 wrote:NATO Should Invite Macedonia, Montenegro to Join Bloc – Warsaw

    Read more:

    Really?, come on!. i just can not believe the average Macedonian would fall for this. first the U.S sends its Albanian terrorist stooges into Macedonia spilling Macedonian blood for NATO's Geopolitical interest and now for some reason Macedonia should enslave itself to NATO's absolute rule?. at the least Macedonia has a score to settle with the West. they should just look to their South and North as examples what the EU/NATO does to countries that do not what they are told. they either get war (Serbia) or receive economic subjugation trough the ECB/IMF comparable to wartime conditions (Greece).

    that polish defense minister is living in his own fairytale version and certainly on an Washington payrole for spewing such misguided garbage.

    but on itself, this statement is just an desperate attempt meant to attempt to block the Russian pipeline project that is being constructed now trough Turkey and Greece.

    the EU union is collapsing and can not maintain much longer its house build out of cards. it takes one to fall to cause an domino effect and see country's "defecting" towards Russia. Syriza is playing hard-ball with Brussels, Podemos is rising fast in Spain and Italy is pretty fed up too with Brussels. then you got the Slovakian PM that was pretty condemning verbally about EU sanctions....the list goes on.

    i already said before, NATO lost its structure of "unity" some time ago. but the more NATO officials talk about war, the more NATO EU troops shift their opinions. seeing NATO is the only one talking about war while Russia and China are reserved in both strategic movements and political statements.

    all the NATO mouthpieces can talk tough-talk against russia, it does not mean anything when more than half of EU's NATO forces perceive the U.S as its enemy to their own country's interests. and thats millitary-wide. airforce, army and navy. this is also confirmed recently by an poll among NATO country's in case of war with russia.


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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  George1 Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:58 am

    Expansion Continues: Now, It is Montenegro's Turn to Join NATO in 2015

    Montenegro may join NATO already before this year is out, Russian media reported Monday, citing a source at the alliance’s headquarters in Brussels.

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has been expanding eastward ever since the 1992 Soviet breakup. Almost all former members of the now-defunct Warsaw Treaty Organization, and the three ex-Soviet Baltic republics joined NATO between 1999 and 2009.

    Poland earlier said that during its July 2016 summit in Warsaw NATO would invite Montenegro and Macedonia to join the alliance.

    “Montenegro is an ideal candidate,” the source told the Moscow-based Kommersant newspaper, adding that no other country had any real chances of joining the Western defense alliance any time soon.

    The newspaper also quoted a government source in Podgorica as saying that Montenegro was the only non-NATO country in the Adriatic and that NATO membership was seen as the only way to ensure the country’s security.

    According to the newspaper, the Montenegrins expected an invitation to join in during the NATO summit in Cardiff in September 2014, but eventually decided to bring the matter up at the meeting of NATO foreign ministers in December 2015, without waiting for the next NATO summit in Warsaw in July 2016.

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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  George1 Sat Jul 11, 2015 1:35 am

    Obama Designates Tunisia as Major Non-NATO Ally

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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  George1 Fri Jul 24, 2015 1:14 pm

    Poland 'Dreams' of Montenegro Joining NATO at 2016 Warsaw Summit

    Poland plans to encourage other NATO countries to support Montenegro's membership bid, Foreign Minister Grzegorz Schetyna said. According to him, Montenegro’s admission to NATO would help stabilize the situation in the Western Balkan region.

    Montenegro should become part of NATO at the next summit of the alliance, Polish Foreign Minister Grzegorz Schetyna said during his visit to Pristina, the capital of Montenegro.

    Schetyna arrived in Pristina for talks on Montenegro’s admission to NATO.

    "Our dream is that Montenegro would be the 29th full-fledged NATO member at the Warsaw summit in July 2016," he was quoted as saying by Polish Press Agency.

    The chances of Montenegro joining NATO during the Warsaw summit are high, he underscored.

    According to the minister, Montenegro’s admission to NATO would help stabilize the situation in the Western Balkans and be a step towards the country’s future EU membership.

    He added that Poland plans to encourage other NATO members to support Montenegro membership plans.

    Earlier, NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg said the decision on Montenegro’s membership bid would be made during a foreign ministerial meeting scheduled in December.

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    max steel
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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  max steel Sat Aug 08, 2015 2:30 am

    NATOs Rot from within

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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  George1 Fri Aug 21, 2015 1:21 am

    NATO StratCom opens new office in Latvia

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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  George1 Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:04 am

    Referendum on NATO Membership in Montenegro ‘Could be Rigged’

    Sputnik spoke to John Laughland, Director of Studies at the Institute of Democracy and Cooperation, about the NATO referendum in Montenegro. He said that the referendum could be rigged just as the one for independence.

    The Parliament of Montenegro has approved a resolution in support of the country’s membership in NATO. Fifty out of 79 MPs voted in favor of joining the Alliance with only 26 politicians opposing the initiative.

    According to the resolution, NATO would become a guarantor of Montenegro’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. It would also reinforce democracy and enhance living standards in the country.

    Earlier in June, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that Montenegro would benefit greatly, if it joins the Alliance.

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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Ideal Time For Germany to Quit NATO

    Post  BTRfan Tue Oct 06, 2015 4:18 am

    Given the recent US abuses of Germany viz a viz the German gold reserves that have clearly been misappropriated and stolen by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and the overall uselessness of the NATO alliance, would not now be an ideal time for Germany to leave NATO and seek an alliance with Russia?

    If Germany were to leave NATO it would mean that Poland would be isolated and would likely withdraw from NATO rather and at least become neutral. The Baltic States would also likely quit NATO.

    Is it possible for a Russian-German alliance to be achieved?

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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  sepheronx Tue Oct 06, 2015 4:35 am

    BTRfan wrote:

    Is it possible for a Russian-German alliance to be achieved?


    Germans are fooled.

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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  GarryB Tue Oct 06, 2015 11:18 am

    Even if Germany quit NATO Poland certainly would not and the baltic states would not either... it is their parapet to shout at Russia from... if they left NATO they would be mice in the lions cage... again.

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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  BTRfan Tue Oct 06, 2015 4:36 pm

    GarryB wrote:Even if Germany quit NATO Poland certainly would not and the baltic states would not either... it is their parapet to shout at Russia from... if they left NATO they would be mice in the lions cage... again.

    Would Poland really want to become an island of NATO surrounded by a sea of Russia and Germany?

    Russia could leverage a lot of diplomatic and economic pressure and start causing major splinters and fractures in NATO.

    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  Guest Sat Oct 17, 2015 3:38 pm

    George1 wrote:Referendum on NATO Membership in Montenegro ‘Could be Rigged’

    Sputnik spoke to John Laughland, Director of Studies at the Institute of Democracy and Cooperation, about the NATO referendum in Montenegro. He said that the referendum could be rigged just as the one for independence.

    The Parliament of Montenegro has approved a resolution in support of the country’s membership in NATO. Fifty out of 79 MPs voted in favor of joining the Alliance with only 26 politicians opposing the initiative.

    According to the resolution, NATO would become a guarantor of Montenegro’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. It would also reinforce democracy and enhance living standards in the country.

    Earlier in June, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that Montenegro would benefit greatly, if it joins the Alliance.

    Read more:

    They even have certain public figures in Montenegro making commercials in which they call people to vote for NATO joining on referendum, naturally in cooperation with Montenegro gov and NATO.

    There is even official NATO Montenegro profile on youtube where you can enjoy such videos:

    Most famous is this one however, in which famous artists of all kinds participate including Mima Karadžić, famous actor actor in this does miracles i suppose. And he was known for ages as person that does not like US/NATO...

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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:13 pm

    lol1 lol1 lol1

    While Russian Warplanes Bomb Terrorists, NATO Gets Stuck on a Sandy Beach

    Hovercraft and Hunvees taking part in NATO's Trident Juncture training made hard work of the Portuguese coast after being released from the USS Arlington, and eventually got stuck just meters from the shore.

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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  Guest Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:19 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    lol1 lol1 lol1

    While Russian Warplanes Bomb Terrorists, NATO Gets Stuck on a Sandy Beach

    Hovercraft and Hunvees taking part in NATO's Trident Juncture training made hard work of the Portuguese coast after being released from the USS Arlington, and eventually got stuck just meters from the shore.

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    Reminds me of UK Royal artillery famous desant

    (yeah, these guys are artillerymen actually, not marines)

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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  Zivo Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:21 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    lol1 lol1 lol1

    While Russian Warplanes Bomb Terrorists, NATO Gets Stuck on a Sandy Beach

    Hovercraft and Hunvees taking part in NATO's Trident Juncture training made hard work of the Portuguese coast after being released from the USS Arlington, and eventually got stuck just meters from the shore.

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    Come on guys, when driving on sand you have to let the air out of the tires or you end up sinking like a rock. Rolling Eyes

    Whoever was in charge should have made them ditch the vehicles and march to their objective.

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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  Kyo Thu Oct 22, 2015 12:58 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    lol1 lol1 lol1

    While Russian Warplanes Bomb Terrorists, NATO Gets Stuck on a Sandy Beach

    Hovercraft and Hunvees taking part in NATO's Trident Juncture training made hard work of the Portuguese coast after being released from the USS Arlington, and eventually got stuck just meters from the shore.

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    Looks like a Brazilian joke on Portuguese fellas to me.

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    NATO: Discussion and News - Page 2 Empty Re: NATO: Discussion and News

    Post  AlfaT8 Thu Oct 22, 2015 6:56 am

    For comparison (sadly not the same beach and i couldn't find one of Tigr-M on a beach)

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