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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  sepheronx Mon May 18, 2015 1:41 am

    Nikander wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:
    Nikander wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:
    Neutrality wrote:sephernox help me understand a thing. You call up on every Russian to wake up and realize what's happening on their soil. You hold Putin accountable for what's happening on Russia's doorstep. Please tell me why you're not so hard for the people of Eastern Ukraine, who up to this day allow the atrocities to happen in their country. Why do Russians living in Russia have to be more concerned about Ukraine than the people of Ukraine themselves?

    In all honesty dude, I am terribly disappointed in you. You always seemed as a calculated person in your replies. I've been reading your posts long before I decided to join on I'm shocked at these unintelligent and emotional outbursts that you're writing.

    Because I disagree with you people about Putin and how I see he is doing squat, compared to everyone else claiming he is doing things behind the scenes, makes me unintelligent and miscalculated? Eastern Ukraine is doing something about it, hence the Donetsk and Lugansk regions being their own territory. They are fighting off a regime who is funded by US while these guys are getting scraps. But they have asked for help to Russia initially and got nothing while Crimea got it all. As a Ukrainian ethnic myself, I find it sad and very much a betrayal. Add to that, Putin has shown support to Kiev by giving cheap gas, over looked the stealing of gas and not demand compensation, sold it cheap coal, and has not called in the $3B debts early since Kiev broke the agreements held on it. Add to this, he allowed civillians in his own territory to be killed By another nations army and did nothing about it. No retalitory strike. All of this points out to me a different story than what many here think. This shows to me he has gotten cold feet over the sanctions and is more worried about the supposed 2-3% gdp drop this year and potential growth next year, and wants it all to go back to way it was before.

    One must understand, that if you show weakness, people will take advantage of that. Putin has shown weakness on Ukraine affair, and after Ukraine, US will attempt further.

    Another thing I see is that he has not gone after NGO's within his own country as some of them openly refused to register properly, that is breaking the law. Yet, they still opperate freely in Russia, no one arrested Or the NGO not kicked out. And they have enough evidence that where money is coming from and going to. They know all of this and doing nothing (was said in media). Even Venezuela reduced US embassy to a couple of people and started kicking out the foreign NGO's causing problems. Putin has not, at all, except USAid. So why just one NGO, when many others are doing the same as USAid and even worst, breaking the law.

    I have my beliefes, and something tells me he is being paid off or someone is threatening him.

    You continue to talk out of your ass. Today's world order is crumbling, economic model is not working but the ruling classes are desperate to save it to save themselves. As it stands the future that awaits the world is either major war, civil war in the US or elsewhere in the West, hyperinflation or changing the economic model into something better and more human. What do you think is the favorite scenario for the bankers and their servants? I'm pretty sure a major war in which Russia is the key participant. Putin knows this and that's why he was saying that he will not allow anyone to push Russia into war. That's also the reason for the very pacifist stetements that he makes, because it's clear by reading and watching the western media that they want people to hate Russia so as to accept war as something inevitable if it happens. Russia and Putin are beating this trap very well till now with their calm and calculated actions, working the media very well and yes even that annoying thing that everyone hates when they call anyone in the West their partners and friends is part of the same game. If Russia acted as Strelkov wanted and you obviously, not only would they lose friends in the East but the warmongers in the West would get everything  they want to put their plan into action. Because the neoliberal elite wants war Putin needs to do everything  that it doesn't happen, and that means delaying it as much as possible to give Russia a chance to be more ready for it if it happens, give antiwar forces in the West to stop it and also hope that situation changes in the Ukraine herself.

    So what constitutes not getting Russia into war?  So if USA attacked tomorrow, Russia wont bother defending itself cause it doesn't want to get into a war?  Are you serious?  Already Russians are getting snuffed off.  If I was talking out of my ass, you would be simply taking each point I am saying and disproving it.  Pray tell, how am I wrong?  Should I present links for you of the cheap gas and cheap coal?  Or how part of the $3B purchases in Eurobonds was that Ukraine cannot contain more than 70% debt to GDP, which they already have, and thus would require for Russia to call in that debt?  I am not talking out of my ass son, I am just pointing out facts that were present in media.

    - Cheap Gas March 31 2015:
    - Cheap Coal/Electricity Dec 27,2014:
    - Ukraine breaks $3B Eurobond Debt Agreement:

    Of course that Russia would defend herself but US won't attack tomorrow. They must have a reason for their actions, so when Crimea happened they did what? More troops in the East, spearhead forces, control centers. They could do it because they had a reason which  could be sold to the public. If Russia invaded Nato could do whatever they wanted, propaganda would be enormous and people in the West would applaud Nato actions whatever they might be. I already disapproved your points. Cheap gas and coal are linked with lack of water and electricity in Crimea. Also lets remember Transnistria, there was bargaining  with Ukraine also. For the bonds I have also answered you but you want to believe the worst and that Putin is some kind of traitor, so what can I say to you. Believe what you want

    You disproved nothing. BTW, water pipes from Russia to Crimea are completed, so what now? They have flooded crimea with generators as well.

    Once kerch strait is built and they do nothing, what is your next excuse? Btw, i didnt necessarily say invasion, but full support to Donbass.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  auslander Mon May 18, 2015 1:42 am

    Good lord. Three or four of you trolls need to get a room and consummate your love affair. I don't have the time to read in detail what's been going on all night, a skim read was all that was necessary.

    1. Putin is as high in popularity with Russian citizens as ever and he is the envy of every other leader in the world.

    2. Krimu Nash. Know that, understand that, live with that. There will be no betrayal of Krimu. Period.

    3. Sevastopol Nash. See '2'.

    4. Mr. Putin has clearly stated on more than one occasion he will not allow Novorossiya to fall. See '2' & '3'.

    5. Polkovnik Strelkov did what he was told to do. He had nothing to do with Krimu and Sevastopol, we the people did that.

    6. Mr. Putin is doing his utmost to stave off and prevent, if possible, a war with The West, proxy or real. So far he is successful.

    7. Mr. Putin is steadily and intelligently weaving a web of allies world wide, much to the dismay of Washington.

    8. Mr. Putin is not the Czar, and even the Czar never had absolute power by any stretch of the imagination.

    Reality is Novorossiya will not fall. There will be no RF Armed Forces intervention in the conflict between what is now Novorossiya and Ukraine. DPR/LPR are perfectly capable of defending themselves from Ukraine as it stands.

    End of short class in reality. You three or four trolls can now get back to smooching each other in public. We are busy.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  sepheronx Mon May 18, 2015 1:43 am

    Osobist wrote:
    Neutrality wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:No, when you cant pay your bills, you get cut off. So effectively, Ukraine should have been cut off, but instead, Russia allowed contract to be overwritten and they now sell it at a discount. That is keeping kiev alive. Debt was supposed to be dealt with last year, and this year, Ukraine went past debt agreement on how much debt they can collect from IMF, which of course kiev broke and Russia once again did not call in the debt.

    If they had cut off the gas completely, Kiev would simply steal gas that was meant for Europe (transit gas) and Moscow wouldn't be able to do anything at all. Let's hope Turkish Stream is on schedule and is finished on time so Moscow can get rid off this fucking headache for good.

    Let's hope nothing happens with participants of Turkish stream - Turkey, Greece, Serbia, Makedonia and Hungary... Oh wait...

    Yeap. Problems already. Turkey making up issues about Crimean tatars even though two days before, their minister said all is OK, and as well, saying Crimea unification was illegal. Turk stream will be dead like south stream. Cant trust a turk it seems.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  sepheronx Mon May 18, 2015 1:52 am

    auslander wrote:Good lord. Three or four of you trolls need to get a room and consummate your love affair. I don't have the time to read in detail what's been going on all night, a skim read was all that was necessary.

    1. Putin is as high in popularity with Russian citizens as ever and he is the envy of every other leader in the world.

    2. Krimu Nash. Know that, understand that, live with that. There will be no betrayal of Krimu. Period.

    3. Sevastopol Nash. See '2'.

    4. Mr. Putin has clearly stated on more than one occasion he will not allow Novorossiya to fall. See '2' & '3'.

    5. Polkovnik Strelkov did what he was told to do. He had nothing to do with Krimu and Sevastopol, we the people did that.

    6. Mr. Putin is doing his utmost to stave off and prevent, if possible, a war with The West, proxy or real. So far he is successful.

    7. Mr. Putin is steadily and intelligently weaving a web of allies world wide, much to the dismay of Washington.

    8. Mr. Putin is not the Czar, and even the Czar never had absolute power by any stretch of the imagination.

    Reality is Novorossiya will not fall. There will be no RF Armed Forces intervention in the conflict between what is now Novorossiya and Ukraine. DPR/LPR are perfectly capable of defending themselves from Ukraine as it stands.

    End of short class in reality. You three or four trolls can now get back to smooching each other in public. We are busy.

    I agree somewhat. I am happy for you Crimeans that they got what you guys demanded. But, I believe Donbass and Lugansk when they asked, should have received the same treatment. Of course he wont give back Crimea, after the water pipes that were recently built and now that Kerch strait bridge is being built, it is pretty much game set match.

    Problem I have is that why didn't Putin show full support for Donbass and Lugansk? I mean, they wanted same treatment as Crimea and fought long, hard and many died. They deserve a lot better rather than being used like they currently are by Russian government if everyones claim of their support is there. They fought, and fought, many died, and they get pittance from Russia in terms of assistance. At least from government. The average Russian and oligarches that are sending money and equipment are major help. I mean, if I had the money, I would be sending them every bit I had to help them (can barely help myself or my family at this point). To me, as a Ukrainian, it feels like somewhat of betrayal and abandonment. Maybe that is just me.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon May 18, 2015 1:58 am

    LMAO...Ukrappy's are, or should I say sell...sell 3 and get one free...Sell 3 of your friends down the river for mobilization, and your ass will get a deferral lol!

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    Post  Cyberspec Mon May 18, 2015 2:23 am

    sepheronx wrote:And this is why Russia needs to act, not sitting on the sidelines waiting to eventually be invaded by USA. Soon, Russia will effectively be by itself with no allies or partners, and if they get surrounded by NATO and US bases and troops, they may feel they have the opportunity to kill off Russia and invade. Putin will go down in history as weak and foolish for allowing all of this to happen and did nothing to prevent it.

    But they wont attack directly. They will throw separatists around and eventually Russia will be a tenth the size it is now.

    No offence, but you (and a lot of others here) seem to be out of control panic queens living in a world of conspiracies, doom and gloom Suspect tongue

    Just like the loud mouth Strelkov supporters who are actually doing harm to the Russian cause (actually acting treasonasly) by constantly screaming and yelling - Betrayal, Betrayal...

    auslander wrote:Good lord. Three or four of you trolls need to get a room and consummate your love affair. I don't have the time to read in detail what's been going on all night, a skim read was all that was necessary.

    1. Putin is as high in popularity with Russian citizens as ever and he is the envy of every other leader in the world.

    2. Krimu Nash. Know that, understand that, live with that. There will be no betrayal of Krimu. Period.

    3. Sevastopol Nash. See '2'.

    4. Mr. Putin has clearly stated on more than one occasion he will not allow Novorossiya to fall. See '2' & '3'.

    5. Polkovnik Strelkov did what he was told to do. He had nothing to do with Krimu and Sevastopol, we the people did that.

    6. Mr. Putin is doing his utmost to stave off and prevent, if possible, a war with The West, proxy or real. So far he is successful.

    7. Mr. Putin is steadily and intelligently weaving a web of allies world wide, much to the dismay of Washington.

    8. Mr. Putin is not the Czar, and even the Czar never had absolute power by any stretch of the imagination.

    Reality is Novorossiya will not fall. There will be no RF Armed Forces intervention in the conflict between what is now Novorossiya and Ukraine. DPR/LPR are perfectly capable of defending themselves from Ukraine as it stands.

    End of short class in reality. You three or four trolls can now get back to smooching each other in public. We are busy.

    Agreed with everything accept with point No: 8

    Yes he is the closest thing to a modern era Czar (symbolicaly speaking)....just like the panic queens, you seem to have missed the panoply of western leaders crawling to Moscow (not the other way around) to pay homage to the Czar and try to salvage what they can and lick their's fuking embarassing to watch Very Happy russia

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  Osobist Mon May 18, 2015 2:57 am

    UA blogger writing from within Ukrainian army. His post summarised

    In short - bretty sh/tty...


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  KoTeMoRe Mon May 18, 2015 4:36 am

    Osobist wrote:UA blogger writing from within Ukrainian army. His post summarised

    In short - bretty sh/tty...

    As stated continuously by all the other guys with the Regulars or the "Volunteers". Ukraine's issues lie with the fact it has nowhere the means to sustain the "ATO". Good call.

    On a more serious note...err

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    Post  Khepesh Mon May 18, 2015 5:59 am

    There is a time and a date for all this to end. Noon on 30 September 2015 a VSN tank will have smashed thro gates and be sitting on lawn of Mariinsky palace. I don't think so, but the prediction is made so we will see. Also about the war resuming in about 3 weeks. For myself I do predict that when the war resumes it will not stop until major operations have finished and that it will not last very long. There will still be some fighting, but more like internal security cleaning isolated pockets of banderas. I know some are gloomy about apparent lack of resistance in Kharkov and Odessa, but when ukrops suffer major battlefield defeat, let us say for example in the direction of Izyum, Kharkov will probably rise. When ukrops are defeated in the future "Battle of Telmanovo" and there are no substantial forces left to prevent an advance to the Dnepr, Odessa will prepare, and when VSN are at the Dnepr, will rise. Yeah, conjecture, over optimism, bla bla bla, lets see. I believe VSN have the ability to do all this for I still say, as I have since last year, that ukrops are a like an inverse hollow shell around Donbass and will crack and fall apart when hit with sufficient force and determination. Don't forget that soon after he landed on Cuba, Castro had only 20 men left, and went on to eventual victory. Nothing is impossible in war.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  Neutrality Mon May 18, 2015 6:35 am

    So Nuland just met with a certain Apparently a human rights activist. Russian Wikipedia mentions that she has both the Russian and US citizenship. Huge red sign and I hope the FSB are watching this closely. Apparently they talked about the growing anti-American sentiment in the country. Well no fucking shit Nuland, what else did you expect?

    Remind me again, what would happen if someone from the Russian FM met with a human rights activist in the US? I bet Fox News would be all over it with the "the communists are invading!" rhetoric.

    EDIT: Just took a look at her "Awards" and it couldn't be more obvious. Swedish, French, German and Estonian awards of honour.

    For example: To honour the independence of the Estonian state. The Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana is bestowed by the President of the Republic on foreigners who have rendered special services to the Republic of Estonia.

    Or how about: It is awarded for achievements that served the rebuilding of the country in the fields of political, socio-economic and intellectual activity, and is intended to mean an award of all those whose work contributes to the peaceful rise of the Federal Republic of Germany.

    Or: The Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas is the Lithuanian Presidential Award which was re-instituted to honour the citizens of Lithuania for outstanding performance in civil and public offices

    This is basically screaming "I want a revolution in Russia".

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  Rodinazombie Mon May 18, 2015 7:06 am


    On the surfsce of it you would think what the hell is russia doing in allowing such meetings to take place. Whilst it would be fun to see russia shutting it down, you can already hear the cry of 'liberal america' and the propaganda that would ensue.

    Its probably much more profitable to let them meet, spy on them and see what they are up to. Also, the opposition is hanging itself by meeting clowns like nuland, the russian people can see what traitors they are, better that than banning the meeting and seeing the opposition grow.

    Just keep giving them enough rope...

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  Neutrality Mon May 18, 2015 7:13 am

    Rodinazombie wrote:@neutrality

    On the surfsce of it you would think what the hell is russia doing in allowing such meetings to take place. Whilst it would be fun to see russia shutting it down, you can already hear the cry of 'liberal america' and the propaganda that would ensue.

    Its probably much more profitable to let them meet, spy on them and see what they are up to. Also, the opposition is hanging itself by meeting clowns like nuland, the russian people can see what traitors they are, better that than banning the meeting and seeing the opposition grow.

    Just keep giving them enough rope...

    I agree. The Russian media should make extensive reports every time an official from the US Department meets any "human rights activists". In case of Nuland, this should include the crisis in Ukraine, her intercepted phone conversation and her walk on Maidan square. Present enough objective material so that any common Russian citizen can have his own opinion on these matters.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  PapaDragon Mon May 18, 2015 8:13 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:LMAO...Ukrappy's are, or should I say sell...sell 3 and get one free...Sell 3 of your friends down the river for mobilization, and your ass will get a deferral lol!

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 CFMxtl6UkAEpGU5

    Jesus Eglesias Christ!!!  

    Never in human history have a country (or any entity resembling or aspiring to be something like a country) fallen so low... This is rock bottom.  pale

    Prison gangs in max. security penitentiaries  planet-wide have more moral integrity and honor than these maggots.

    And now I feel bad for offending real maggots... sorry maggots... lol1


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    Post  Regular Mon May 18, 2015 9:03 am

    That shit could be fake, but I wouldn't surprise me if someone wrote it with serious face. It's Ukraine we are talking about... "If You bring 3 of Your friends You will get a talon  for American uniform." Lol wut

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  Werewolf Mon May 18, 2015 9:05 am

    Summerize it pls because this shit ukrainian made up language is hard to understand.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  kvs Mon May 18, 2015 9:33 am

    Neutrality wrote:So Nuland just met with a certain Apparently a human rights activist. Russian Wikipedia mentions that she has both the Russian and US citizenship. Huge red sign and I hope the FSB are watching this closely. Apparently they talked about the growing anti-American sentiment in the country. Well no fucking shit Nuland, what else did you expect?

    Remind me again, what would happen if someone from the Russian FM met with a human rights activist in the US? I bet Fox News would be all over it with the "the communists are invading!" rhetoric.

    EDIT: Just took a look at her "Awards" and it couldn't be more obvious. Swedish, French, German and Estonian awards of honour.

    For example: To honour the independence of the Estonian state. The Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana is bestowed by the President of the Republic on foreigners who have rendered special services to the Republic of Estonia.

    Or how about: It is awarded for achievements that served the rebuilding of the country in the fields of political, socio-economic and intellectual activity, and is intended to mean an award of all those whose work contributes to the peaceful rise of the Federal Republic of Germany.

    Or: The Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas is the Lithuanian Presidential Award which was re-instituted to honour the citizens of Lithuania for outstanding performance in civil and public offices

    This is basically screaming "I want a revolution in Russia".

    It was clear in 2011/12 during the frenzied demonstrations over alleged "fraud" of the UR win that there was not going to be any
    Maidan or colour revolution in Russia. Fast forward to 2015 and whatever level of positive sentiment there was in 2012 towards
    NATO has basically disappeared. Sure, the hard core liberast fringe zealots still worship to their NATO god, but who the fuck cares?
    Nuland can't turn this zealot sycophant fringe into a power base. She can spend $500 billion on "civil society" in Russia and still she
    will get nothing. I fully expect that the next step will be for the USA to sponsor terrorism in Russia since that is all they have left.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon May 18, 2015 9:35 am

    Pukrainians are so desperate for money, their demanding that Mongolia pay reparations for Genghis Khan LMAO!!!

    The Verkhovna Rada adopted a resolution "On the genocide of the Ukrainian people in the 13th century, the criminal regime of the Mongol Empire" and sent a formal request to the authorities of Mongolia to pay compensation for the destruction of Kiev troops of Batu Khan. Answer the Mongolian side was completely humiliating.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  BKP Mon May 18, 2015 9:47 am

    ^ Ah, dude... that thing you posted, it's a joke? Some kind of satire?
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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  Flagship Victory Mon May 18, 2015 9:53 am

    UAF reports 2 servicemen KIA and 4 more WIA yesterday.

    Let us remember, the brave people of Donbas who endure artillery bombardment every day, day and night, they are not only fighting for themselves, they are fighting for the entire Russian people and nation. They should not be ignored at any time.

    The US talking diplomacy with Russia on Syria? Who is arming FSA with thousands of TOW anti tank missiles? No it's not Russia. Shocked Such snakes.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  BKP Mon May 18, 2015 10:07 am

    kvs wrote:
    Neutrality wrote:So Nuland just met with a certain Apparently a human rights activist. Russian Wikipedia mentions that she has both the Russian and US citizenship. Huge red sign and I hope the FSB are watching this closely. Apparently they talked about the growing anti-American sentiment in the country. Well no fucking shit Nuland, what else did you expect?

    Remind me again, what would happen if someone from the Russian FM met with a human rights activist in the US? I bet Fox News would be all over it with the "the communists are invading!" rhetoric.

    EDIT: Just took a look at her "Awards" and it couldn't be more obvious. Swedish, French, German and Estonian awards of honour.

    For example: To honour the independence of the Estonian state. The Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana is bestowed by the President of the Republic on foreigners who have rendered special services to the Republic of Estonia.

    Or how about: It is awarded for achievements that served the rebuilding of the country in the fields of political, socio-economic and intellectual activity, and is intended to mean an award of all those whose work contributes to the peaceful rise of the Federal Republic of Germany.

    Or: The Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas is the Lithuanian Presidential Award which was re-instituted to honour the citizens of Lithuania for outstanding performance in civil and public offices

    This is basically screaming "I want a revolution in Russia".

    It was clear in 2011/12 during the frenzied demonstrations over alleged "fraud" of the UR win that there was not going to be any
    Maidan or colour revolution in Russia.   Fast forward to 2015 and whatever level of positive sentiment there was in 2012 towards
    NATO has basically disappeared.   Sure, the hard core liberast fringe zealots still worship to their NATO god, but who the fuck cares?
    Nuland can't turn this zealot sycophant fringe into a power base.   She can spend $500 billion on "civil society" in Russia and still she
    will get nothing.   I fully expect that the next step will be for the USA to sponsor terrorism in Russia since that is all they have left.

    Nope, arm-in-arm, Lyudmila and Vicki are surely marching toward the Kremlin at the head of a vast throng. Putin kaput!

    Actually, the thing that rankles me is the sheer nerve of that move. It's just a low insult is all. After all the trouble she caused, she has the nerve to do that. They should have booted her in the c*** as soon as she got off the plane, then immediately stuffed her big ass back onto it to be flown back to Washington. F**king monster.

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    Post  Flagship Victory Mon May 18, 2015 10:39 am

    You know, DPR released all captured Maidanists out of a gesture of good will. Don't expect Maidanists to do the same.  Shocked  Foolish decision by DPR IMO. But Zackarchenko is not to be blamed. Rather, Putin should be blamed for this. It must have been Putin who said to release all Maidanists out of a gesture of good will.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  Neutrality Mon May 18, 2015 10:59 am

    Total collapse of the Ukrainian rocket-building industry:

    tl;dr of the entire text: Ukrainian authorities need to secure orders for the company or liquidate it. Congratulations to Kiev for destroying one of the best performing businesses in the country. Russia should approach specialists from this company and offer them contracts. With the recent news in the Russian space industry, this should be a great opportunity and a massive PR win for Moscow.
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Mon May 18, 2015 11:05 am

    Neutrality wrote:So Nuland just met with a certain Apparently a human rights activist. Russian Wikipedia mentions that she has both the Russian and US citizenship. Huge red sign and I hope the FSB are watching this closely. Apparently they talked about the growing anti-American sentiment in the country. Well no fucking shit Nuland, what else did you expect?

    Remind me again, what would happen if someone from the Russian FM met with a human rights activist in the US? I bet Fox News would be all over it with the "the communists are invading!" rhetoric.

    EDIT: Just took a look at her "Awards" and it couldn't be more obvious. Swedish, French, German and Estonian awards of honour.

    For example: To honour the independence of the Estonian state. The Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana is bestowed by the President of the Republic on foreigners who have rendered special services to the Republic of Estonia.

    Or how about: It is awarded for achievements that served the rebuilding of the country in the fields of political, socio-economic and intellectual activity, and is intended to mean an award of all those whose work contributes to the peaceful rise of the Federal Republic of Germany.

    Or: The Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas is the Lithuanian Presidential Award which was re-instituted to honour the citizens of Lithuania for outstanding performance in civil and public offices

    This is basically screaming "I want a revolution in Russia".

    That tells me the war party in the USA is desperate.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  Pinto Mon May 18, 2015 11:32 am

    If ukraine continued to get excited about joining NATO, them it must also remain prepared for Crimea like happenings as Russia will never tolerate NATO sitting over its head in neighbourhood Razz

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #13 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #13

    Post  franco Mon May 18, 2015 11:39 am

    So Nuland says that the US doesn't want resumption of hostilities in East Ukraine and that the Kiev leadership have assured her that they don't then the NAF should be put on High Alert!

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