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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes


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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes Empty US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  istworldview Fri Jun 19, 2015 1:03 pm

    On Tuesday presidential candidate Jeb Bush spoke about the first meeting between himself and his future foreign bride, Columba. " It was love at first sight. I spoke little Spanish and she spoke little English, but when you are in love you can overcome those barriers pretty quick. There's another language that matters the most."

    John Ellis "Jeb" Bush is an American businessman and politician who served as the 43rd Governor of Florida from 1999 to 2007. He is the second son of former President George H. W. Bush and former First Lady Barbara Bush, and the younger brother of former President George W. Bush.

    Bush met his wife while in Leon, Mexico helping to build homes. León is a city in the Mexican state of Guanajuato. They married a few years later in Austin, Texas, and now live in Coral Gables, Florida.

    Is there a difference between Jeb Bush's Foreign Bride and so called Mail Order Brides? Feminists and women rights groups have argued for years that men who travel across boarders for love take advantage of women that come from lower economic regions. In 2005 the Tahirih Justice Center and Senator Cantwell pushed legislation regulating foreign brides, stating that men take unfair advantage of women in foreign counties. The law (IMBRA ) requires marriage brokers to run background checks on all men that seek a foreign bride. Bush's wife was underage at the time they met and came from one of the poorest areas of central America. Did Jeb Bush then take advantage of his future wife Columba? After all she came from poverty and Jeb Bush came from a powerful, wealthy family.

    Kenneth Agee, Marketing of Director of A Foreign Affair, a company that specializes in foreign bride match-making says, "Absolutely not! In our society and most societies women are always looking to find a better way of life. It is instinctual for females to find the best possible suitor for having a family, just like it is instinctual for men to be attracted to certain physical aspects of women. How would marrying into wealth make you a victim? The notion that men have economic control of women, at best, would not last long after marriage. It is equally invalid to say women have a control over men because of their beauty. The truth is, a negative situation can happen no matter where you meet and has more to do with character than economics or location. Personally, my wife is from Russia, is very strong-willed, and would never let herself become a victim. I find this to be true of most foreign women. I'm sure Jeb Bush would agree. Contrary to the opinion of Terra Justice Center, an INS study showed there were fewer issues with cross-border marriages than domestic marriages. In fact they have a much higher success rate"

    And Jeb Bush is not the only candidate with a foreign-born wife. Candidate Donald Trump is also currently married to Melania Trump, a former model from Slovenia. Donald Trump's first wife, Ivana, is from the Czech Republic.

    Marrying foreign women is becoming a trend for the elite. FOX News CEO Rupert Murdoch is married to Wendi Deng Murdoch from Jinan, China, with a 38 year age difference.

    Yet feminists continue to argue that men seek foreign brides only because they lack the necessary social skills to find someone in the US. This is clearly not the case, as these successful men do not lack socials skills.

    Society has changed greatly over the years and love has no borders. Looking worldwide for love is becoming the norm now. Each week companies like A Foreign Affair take dozens of men to countries all over the world where they attend social events, meeting hundreds of beautiful women and models, who like themselves are serious about finding true love and marriage. These men are from many varied walks of life: doctors, CEOs, policemen, businessmen, you name it. You don't have to be a Bush or Trump to see the advantage of looking abroad for real love.

    With two candidates, Jed Bush and Donald Trump, both married to foreign brides, we could see our first foreign-born First Lady in the White House.
    max steel
    max steel

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  max steel Fri Jun 19, 2015 1:51 pm

    Jab will going to remain se as previous bush . moreover he isnt gonna win farce elections . It will be Hillary . He isnt even serious at first place .

    introduce yourself .

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  GarryB Sat Jun 20, 2015 10:32 am

    I am less afraid of Jeb than I am of Hillary...

    BTW it is a forum rule that you introduce yourself in the introductions and rules section... any questions feel free to ask... Smile

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  Werewolf Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:48 pm

    Tbh, it will be Hillary there is not even a drop of evidence supporting any other preselected candidate and at that time under her, i think many people will envy New Zealanders or even some africans, if nukes don't fall under her face then humanity might have a chance, but i doubt that under any other figurehead the people will tolerate nukes being thrown around. She is the true evil, she has no political power but Power resides were the stupid mass believes power resides, the elite and MIC will do whatever they have dreamed about under Killary Clinton, because the people know what they can expect under her and no one with 3 digit IQ expects peace under her. Like someone said, "Peace was never an option."

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  Regular Sat Jun 20, 2015 9:01 pm

    I personally don't see difference who is in power. JFK was the last president IMHO, no matter who is in power US will pursue same politics.
    Mike E
    Mike E

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  Mike E Sun Jun 21, 2015 2:13 am

    GarryB wrote:I am less afraid of Jeb than I am of Hillary...

    BTW it is a forum rule that you introduce yourself in the introductions and rules section... any questions feel free to ask... Smile
    They are both absolutely horrible, like really, really, really bad. 

    We could have started something with Ron Paul, but he was never going to succeed with media and business against him.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jun 21, 2015 2:19 am

    Regular wrote:I personally don't see difference who is in power. JFK was the last president IMHO, no matter who is in power US will pursue same politics.

    You are right, they are just figureheads, they do not have power, but citizens are fools they believe presidents are the policy makers so based on the image of the figurehead citizens expect something and will be doing nothing when specific things have not been achieved or specific things have been done for the worse. The US citizens would tolerate nuclear weapons use more under Killary Clinton then they would tolerate the same under Obama. This is a paradox, there was even a terminology for this paradox which i don't remember.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  BTRfan Tue Jun 23, 2015 8:54 pm

    Mike E wrote:
    GarryB wrote:I am less afraid of Jeb than I am of Hillary...

    BTW it is a forum rule that you introduce yourself in the introductions and rules section... any questions feel free to ask... Smile
    They are both absolutely horrible, like really, really, really bad. 

    We could have started something with Ron Paul, but he was never going to succeed with media and business against him.

    The only two acceptable major party candidates are Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul. Voting for anybody else is merely voting for corporate control, big business, central banks, and war.
    max steel
    max steel

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  max steel Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:17 pm

    Rand Paul supports israel occupation . He ain't like his father .

    Moreover Bilderberg group in Austria has decided their next usa prez as Hitlary Clinton .

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  BTRfan Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:53 pm

    max steel wrote:Rand Paul supports israel occupation . He ain't like his father .

    Moreover Bilderberg group in Austria  has decided their next usa prez as Hitlary Clinton .

    Well I'm very likely to be leaving the USA in the next few years, so I am rapidly losing the ability to care what goes on in the USA or what happens involving the USA.

    I am likely to be leaving the Northern Hemisphere entirely because the Northern Hemisphere seems bent on destroying itself in war... The main culprits will be the USA and NATO, but I am not going to stick around for that mess...

    The main thing is I want to buy land and a house with somebody and she doesn't want to move to the USA, and I really don't want to live in the USA, at least not more than the next few years, so it is time to start getting things wrapped up and getting ready to leave the USA in the next few years.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes Empty US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes what really happens?

    Post  Vann7 Fri Jul 10, 2015 3:04 am

    I have been noticing since 2012 elections a phenomenon that people
    cannot ignore ,specially americans.. And it is that the so called "Democracy in America"
    The whole election process every 4 years is a 100% a total Fraud.. A Rigged System ,
    with manipulated voted machines and with many Actors and that it should be better seen
    as Tragic-Comedy movie.   That after some research and investigation ,have lead me to
    conclude that...

    1)That unless you belong to Republican or Democrat party.. your chance to be elected as President is ZERO.
    2)That a Shadow Power ,Elite , probably of Billionaires and Military Generals and defense Industry ,Wallstreet  Pick the President or at least the final two finalist, before even any vote count start and NOT the american people.
    3)That the whole process of elections ,the debates and the election day and people voting
    is a complete fraud.. a circus.. a distraction.. they do not count anything.. Is all a show
    to make it look there was an Election Democratic Process.. reason why american do not allow
    not even the Europeans allies or United Nations monitors ,to inspect and monitor their elections. As happens in every other nation in the world.
    4)and that in the day on the elections..before any voting start. The Elite of Billionaires, based on candidates charisma speaking and how they project their image , is selected by them.. as the next President of USA.. means that who elect the US president could be a group of just
    a few dozen of Billionaires. Based on their preferences but not necessarily ignoring the advices of wallstreet and US defense Industry and pentagon or Foreign Powers allies advices..

    If you notice the debates for example of Republicans.. they will look
    more like a contest of who is the one more stupid. like a competition of who will have
    the less support.. and auto-disqualify before anything start..  And is so obvious the fraud..
    Because you will notice a repetition of the same pattern..  People with PHd in University saying
    stupid things ,that you can't believe he is real .. but he says it seriously because.. -> is just a show. and they all know who will be at least the final 2 candidates.. who will be before the race start  

    in 2012 , the republicans candidates .. lets see a few examples of how every candidate
    for Presidential Elections did everything to NOT be popular and be taken seriously .

    So lets see what they told..

    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes 200px-Rick_Santorum_by_Gage_Skidmore_2

    Rick Santorum ..acted like a religious christian extremist and wanted to Ban Porn and
    ban abortion.  Shocked     I never forget when he told that.. someone else noticed this..
    in youtube and told.. he doesn't want to be elected.. and thats when i saw it was a circus
    and the whole thing was not real just a game for americans to fool them to think they live in
    a democracy. (yes he knew ,what he proposed was going to be rejected and still told that)

    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes 200px-Newt_Gingrich_by_Gage_Skidmore_3

    Newt Gingrich , told Palestine never existed.. and wanted to Bomb China and Bomb IRAN...
    Why Bomb China? simply because no reason given.. just bomb it.. for the fun of it.

    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes 200px-Rick_Perry_by_Gage_Skidmore_4

    Rick Perry -- He quit withing days.. and got an scandal with wife.. conventiently allowing him
    to justify leaving the race.

    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes 200px-Michelebachmann

    Michele Bachmann ,she wanted more military spending ,more troops in IRAQ ,and Invade IRAN too..  Rolling Eyes   (yes ,she knew that was not popular ,what she proposed and still told that)

    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes 200px-Mitt_Romney_by_Gage_Skidmore_6

    Rommey.. was the finalist.. picked.. he seemed the most moderate of all Republicans in many ways.. but still told Russia was the greatest threat of America..

    Obama.. everyone knows.. he proposed castles in the air.. peace and dialogue and transparency Government..and to respect the constitution. he proposed CHANGE  lol1
    What change was those? That instead of using US army to invade other nations ,they will use
    Alqaeda and other Terrorist ..that they will finance and train.. and give weapons..

    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes 200px-Ron_Paul_0723_%28cropped%29_2

    Ron paul-- yes even him.. promoted the total cut of social help in America.. that is ZERO health care and ZERO food stamps ,Zero help for poor people.. lets them die.  Shocked But he made the mistake to say ,he proposed to send all American troops back home..and make a policy of peace and legalize drugs...This means he was not going to get the support of middle class or migrants either.. still he peace proposition was too tempting ,with the Bad luck ,that he got
    a LOT of votes and support  and what he did?  

    he quit when was ahead on the polls vs Rommey and winning. .. because was "short on money" and interestingly his son began to compete against him too...and to Sabotage his father ,Rand Paul Later was seen in honeymoon with Rommey..endorsing HIm and NOT his Father..  Shocked  What the fuck.. is that for real? . Did Rand Paul backstabbed his own Father candidacy.. no.. it was a dam show ,a circus ,the whole thing.. and every 4 years in so called
    "Elections" americans are fooled again and again into thinking they live in a democracy.

    You can see here if you Webster tarpley exposed the Ron and RAnd Pauls fraud..

    They say the right things in Public but they flip flop and the time of truth in Elections..
    and Ron Paul quit ,and endorsed his Son.. and RAnd paul Endorsed Rommey.. is that for real?
    Like taken from a circus or tragic-comedy movie.. but is true.. For any reason ,, Ron paul
    betrayed his own supporters by quitting.. some claim he was threated his life.. etc.. but no
    one knows for sure why the Pauls betrayed americans and sided with the Republican war monger party in the end.

    Rommey and Obama were selected to be the final candidates in the race.. and everyone
    else had to do Everything to NOT WIN.. and not be taken seriously. Is the only possible
    explanation for the Circus and People quiting when winning.

    Now in the new preparations for so called "elections" for 2016 , you have candidates already in a very FIERCE competition to NOT BE ELECTED..

    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes 1ade690e-53f5-4ae2-9264-f36a61ef7173

    Ben Carson - a Neuro Surgeon.. a very intelligent Doctor with success that now is in politics..
    he is not an idiot.. but you know what is he proposing? He is already speaking about going
    into a war against Russia.
     Rolling Eyes  yes he will not rule out using Military Force against Russia IF.. just IF,he is elected.   Is he an idiot? No he is not.. the whole Thing is a CIRCUS
    SHOW.. to make it believe There was a democratic process in America and people could choose. when in reality everyone disqualified on purpose ,before the race began and hand picked people where chosen already before any vote.. to be President of United states.

    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes Donald-trump-obama-ivy-240

    Donald Trumph
    Now is proposing a new Berlin wall in Mexico border, and have been saying that Mexico send terrorist and rapist.. to America and that he will build a wall and will force mexico to pay for it.
    and insulting even the miss Universe of Colombia in public calling her Hypocrite. He is in a war
    against 30% of the people who vote in USA.. if he is crazy? not he is not.. he knows what he is doing.. Is a Show . The whole US elections are a show a circus..  

    I will not be surprised someone comes proposing Arming Alqaeda and ISIS with nuclear weapons and sending them to fight Russia.. The whole thing is a show and the americans
    did not choose for any President.. is just a fraud.  The final two candidates are selected by the
    US shadow Power of Mega Ritches and only them choose who will be the next spokesman
    of US Defense Industry and wallstreet. better know as President of United states.

    All this auto Disqualification ,is working as intended.. i can guarantee , that Hillary Clinton will be in the Final Race against Possibly Jeff Bush.. and they all will come with a "more moderate"
    less propositions to fix the world.  

    United States is not a democracy ,is more closer to Communist China than people think..
    that is Fascism but with capitalism and some freedoms.  In China you have 1 party constitutional dictatorship. and presidents are only elected by the elite of the country.
    In USA you have a 2 party dictatorship and just like China the elite elect their president.
    But contrary to China.. US is a police ,very repressive state.. but with better economy and more freedoms to critisize the government.. but not complete freedom.because Snowden and
    brandley manning will disagree.

    IF anyone have been living under a rock..and do not know how US government rig the
    symbolical circus Final Presidentail elections , look in youtube for [Hacking democracy]. Shows clear cut evidence of Fraud. How voting machines have malicious hardware to allow the machines . IT explain the Fraud of how Bush got more votes.. The votes purpose even if they mean nothing , is to validate the US shadow Elite pre selected President.. To make it look
    more real and more democratic.. but the whole thing is a Fraud.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  Werewolf Fri Jul 10, 2015 6:44 pm

    +1 Nothing to add, just hit on the nail.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  George1 Fri Aug 21, 2015 1:14 am

    Bernie Sanders Wants to Abolish Private Prisons with New Bill

    Its not all talk with the rising star of the Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders, the senator from Vermont says in September he will be introducing full federal legislation to abolish private for-profit prisons.

    The announcement came at a campaign rally attended by approximately 4,500 supporters in Nevada on Tuesday.
    Hillary Clinton, the former Secretary of State, has recently announced her candidacy for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination.

    “When Congress reconvenes in September,” Sanders said, “I will be introducing legislation, which takes corporations out of profiteering from running jails.”

    The senator spoke at length about unfair policies which disproportionately affect people of color and his plan to focus much of his campaign on the War on Drugs.

    The senator is sure to face extreme backlash for his plans, as the private prison industry is massively profitable. Between the two leading prison corporations, Corrections Corporation of America and GEO Group, they bring in over 3 billion dollars annually- much of which is used for lobbying lawmakers.

    “We want to deal with minimum sentencing,” Sanders stated at the rally,“too many lives have been destroyed for non-violent issues. People that are sent to jail have police records. We have got to change that. Our job is to keep people out of jail, not in jail.”

    While the self-proclaimed democratic socialist once trailed Clinton by over 40 points nationally, he is now within 19 points according to polls released on Friday.

    “The campaign contributors are so powerful that no president – not the best – can do it alone, unless millions of people stand up and loudly proclaim that this country and our government belong to us and not just a handful of billionaires,” Sanders proclaimed while speaking on Republican candidates and their mega-donors.

    The group “Hookers for Hillary,” a group comprised of sex workers from the “Moonlite Bunny Ranch” brothel in Carson City, Nevada, also made a brief appearance at the campaign stop, but left without causing any interruption.

    Read more:

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  Vann7 Sat Aug 22, 2015 12:26 am

    The role of most US presidential candidates from the popular Republican and Democrats
    parties is to get another elected..  they auto disqualify themselves ,to give the illusions
    that americans had a choice... in next Elections my bet is Hillary CLinton and Jeff Bush already
    have been picked by the elites to be the finalist .. and anyone else who show up.. it will be a Circus.. Independent Candidates  that threaten the REpublican or Democrats historical domination are not even mentioned in the American Media.. RT had to celebrate Public debates ,for them using their own media.  

    The Big question is Donald Trumph.. he is billionaire and cannot be bribed as easily , and even though he is acting like the every others circus.. im not sure if he is trying to not get elected
    like the average politician who goes to debates..  He could be well fooling the Elite into thinking
    he is one that will continue US Imperial policies ..using a different tactic..  He talks alot of how
    we will strike a deal with Putin..  So he could be a wolf ,and acting as if he is one of the easy
    to manipulate ones.. to get a chance ..  

    But again all this could be more of the same show.. lets not forget Obama adversised CHANGE
    in big letters and how we was going to "build bridges" in the world with Russia and CHINA , and end the wars in middle east..  The only curiosity for me.. is that Donald is very rich and he have no need to participate in politics and that he previous experiences in doing business in RUssia and with Putin have been good. But when it comes to US politics after OBAMA and clinton betray of their own promises ,i cannot be surprised any more.. if this one just more of the same.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  Vann7 Sat Sep 12, 2015 3:04 am

    And the presidential Race Show ,circus continues..

    he does it again..

    Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry drops out of 2016 presidential race before it even start.
    There are supposedly 16 candidates to US Presidential elections.. WOW
    what a democracy.. isn't it? Wink

    But they all already know the last 2 or last 3  who will be..
    and this is before the race start.

    No kidding ,American politics ,when it comes to Presidential race ,
    are like American WWF wrestling.

    Is just pure entertainment and not real fights.. yes everyone know this..
    [b] but not everyone knows US official presidential elections are exactly the same thing.. pure circus, pure comedy ,just a SHOW ,and the finalist and winners are preselected before the competition even start.  Wink

    You see them doing fake attacks and fake jumps but so many believe is real.. Smile
    Is just Pure Entertainment.. and the mission of all candidates minus the Pre-selected 2 or 3 ones is to disqualify themselves.. I will not be surprised if they are Paid well to participate in
    the fake Presidential race elections. and keep silence about it being a show..

    WHy RIck Perry drops this time? It was a wife scandal last time.. now what is?
    No is not the wife scandal for leaving.. now he told ... "
    “steps aside knowing our party is in good hands.”   lol1

    Is a show, is a circus and now here is the trick.. still it is important show to keep quiet American Society ,to make them believe they live in a democracy and that people can choose anything.
    also the show is important for elite to know, which of the already pre-selected last two or last three candidates give better discourses and is better in bullshit and can sell better US imperialism in the world. that many will resist.

    And attract more people. So in previous elections , either Obama or the Republican who ran "against him" could execute the policies that he was asked to do. But the Elites of USA will pick
    the one that could attract more super delegates.. more money and that could do a better Job
    to push American Imperialism to the next level..  

    In previous elections if everyone remembers Ron Paul dropped out of the race ,when he was winning . That was denounced by Tarpley.. who was following the movements of Mitt Romney
    and ROn Paul and which state they visit and what they do.. and he observed how Ron paul not
    even show in the zones that could allow him to win.  And to make things more weird.. His Own SOn.. Ran Paul ,who was at the start supporting his father ,betrayed his own Father and moved
    halfway the race to the Mitt Rommey side ,when ROn Paul was ahead in polls..  lol1

    Such things don't happen.. unless it was totally fixed before the race it even start.. So US elections are nothing but a Show..and no one elect anyone.. only the American elite select
    Presidents. And the Presidential Race is only to give the appearance there is democracy in America and people can "elect a president" .  People should not forget how Hillary and Obama that were preselected to be finals on the democrat side... had to interrupt his race to visit some
    obscure Hotel and talk with some obscure Rich people.. and only after they leave the Hotel ,they
    have a clear idea who will be the finalist and the other the Second hand.

    Im almost 100% sure.. that is not possible to win in United States unless you are sponsored
    by the American 1% elite first and participate in their forums.. Because the whole election is not only a show but also they have extra security measures to make sure that in the final race ,only
    the one the elite wants wins..  Anyone remember how Bush won on his first elections? the voting machines were counting in reverse on his opposition.. and many civilian votes were disqualified in florida.  the interesting part in all this is not that republicans cheated in the elections.. by manipulating the voting machines ..since the whole race was a show from the start.. the interesting part was that the democrat candidate did not contested the results.. even when he knew there was a major controversy for votes in Florida ,a real one with the voting machines..the interesting part is that he accepted the controversial results and without any protest.. he just quit and did not even wanted any investigation or to contest the results.  Wink

    The only way for moving to the top and taking control of US presidency is to get the support
    of the US elite .. and either deceive them... (As Putin Did in Russia) .. he appeared to be a liberal and pro USA..when join Yeltsin group.. and no one of the neoliberal Elite in Russia perceived Putin to be Anti American.. he seemed easy man to control because he was small and quiet and not emotional... Laughing   But little by Little , moving pieces here and there Putin rescue
    Russia by deceiving the Elite there.. and puting them in Jail one by one. who were robbing Russia.  Cool

    This is why im not sure about Donald trumph..  he could be acting like an egomaniac..
    because he is not racist.. but the way he is now in the presidential race ,looks more like a show.
    But the interesting part about Trumph is that he is promoting US emperialism to a new level..
    With better Nukes and take control of all oil fields in middle east.. and create a modern
    Army.. You see all American mainstream media love him..because he says how he wants to put America again and the strong nation it was..with no contest..he even say Obama problem is that he is weak.. and don't know how to make deals.. and he said he will strike a deal with Putin he will not refuse...  So either he is a show.. and he just part of the game... like all others..
    Or he simply is deceiving the Elite into thinking he is one of them.  Because Donald trumph is already billionaire he cannot be bribed as easily for pennies , like all others.. So he don't need
    to lick the shoes of anyone ..he is already very rich..  He could be the most fascist president of all.. another Bush.. but im curious still if he is not just acting to fool the US elite into accepting
    him and lead US presidency.   Is not impossible this to happen..last time this happened was under JFK presidency .. but you know how it ended for him.. as soon he negotiated with Soviets in CUBA and retreated , and make moves ,to remove from Israel its nuclear program.. he was neutralized..

    For now enjoy the next show ,that will happen in US presidential race with Popcorn..and
    observe the ridiculous promises candidates will make..  One wants War With Russia..
    another will again say lets invade IRAN and Syria.. another will propose war with CHina ,another lets Arm Alqaeda. another lets Ban porn.. another could say.. lets annex Mexico.. Laughing   or how all Latins are loser ,bandits and criminals..  Is a show folks..  lol1   The only sad thing is that americans believe is real.. that is the believe that they live in a democracy and US elections are real.   No

    Interestingly The only genuine Candidates for US elections who try in vain to win ,in a rigged system ,are the ones that American Mainstream media NEVER cover their debates.. and do not belong to the Republican and Democrat party..and run independently. This candidates were
    only covered by Russian Media RT..

    and this is really dangerous for US elite.. Russia is giving a platform for real Americans who
    wants to lead America to participate and compete and be heard.   Cool  They will have no chance to win ,no matter if 99% of americans vote for them.. but at least they will be heard.

    And reason why there is no chance to win without having the support of wallstreet and US neocon elite is because ,they control the voting system. So is not who get more votes who win..
    but the one who count them.. Still is dangerous however.. because this can promote and lure away US Elite from the traditional system.. if an alternative is being offer to US imperialism.
    after all anyone can be influenced.. logic and reason combined with overwhelming people support can convince anyone that their actions are wrong..when they are.

    Is dissapointing the American Society are living in a parallel world.. they don't know how they
    all manipulated by their Government ,by their media.

    major Lies being told to them are..

    1)  US fights for "Democracy and freedom"
    2) US "fights against terrorism"..
    3) How the Government is "liberating" the world.
    4)How US welcomes "Free market" without interference from the government..
    not true.. US use its business as a political tool and regulate which nations can do business or not in America but also pressure Europe.. through sanctions to do the same.
    5)That their media is free..
    6)and that NATO role is to defend its allies.. and not for Imperialism.
    7) and that the world needs to be lead by them..without them the world will not progress or
    become civilized.

    and their history books are being rewritten shamelessly.  To portrait America as a nation that "liberates the world" from dictators and fascism.. and how they invented nearly everything that exist in the planet.  Rolling Eyes   How their major competition Russia is a gas station , and produce no technology.. and a poor country , full of repression and people suffering and how everyone in Russia wants to leave
    to America.  Rolling Eyes  If you can control the information the society receive in any nation.. you can control that society..and im afraid it will become worse.. and you will see in the next generation
    of US politicians to start to ban Russian RT media under any pretext.. and starting the ban of
    any real independent media..  UK governmet already began a major offensive against RT..
    and banned its bank accounts..  Wink   So it will not be long , Russian media is declared "Putin Dangerous propaganda" and banned from US and UK and all Europe.  This already happens
    in Poland and baltic fascist states and Ukraine.  Wink

    and for the record ,im not anti american.. only anti injustice and anti bullshit.
    Is silly to call a nation "more exceptional" than others.. i think all people have same capabilities
    than any other to develop science and technology.. It just happens ,that the nations with more economic resources and with more healthier political environment and people more united are the ones that can more invest in research and technology.. and can focus more in taking a nation development forward and develop new things.

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    Post  BTRfan Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:35 pm

    istworldview wrote:

    On Tuesday presidential candidate Jeb Bush spoke about the first meeting between himself and his future foreign bride, Columba. " It was love at first sight. I spoke little Spanish and she spoke little English, but when you are in love you can overcome those barriers pretty quick. There's another language that matters the most."

    John Ellis "Jeb" Bush is an American businessman and politician who served as the 43rd Governor of Florida from 1999 to 2007. He is the second son of former President George H. W. Bush and former First Lady Barbara Bush, and the younger brother of former President George W. Bush.

    Bush met his wife while in Leon, Mexico helping to build homes. León is a city in the Mexican state of Guanajuato. They married a few years later in Austin, Texas, and now live in Coral Gables, Florida.

    Is there a difference between Jeb Bush's Foreign Bride and so called Mail Order Brides? Feminists and women rights groups have argued for years that men who travel across boarders for love take advantage of women that come from lower economic regions. In 2005 the Tahirih Justice Center and Senator Cantwell pushed legislation regulating foreign brides, stating that men take unfair advantage of women in foreign counties. The law (IMBRA ) requires marriage brokers to run background checks on all men that seek a foreign bride. Bush's wife was underage at the time they met and came from one of the poorest areas of central America. Did Jeb Bush then take advantage of his future wife Columba? After all she came from poverty and Jeb Bush came from a powerful, wealthy family.

    Kenneth Agee, Marketing of Director of A Foreign Affair, a company that specializes in foreign bride match-making says, "Absolutely not! In our society and most societies women are always looking to find a better way of life. It is instinctual for females to find the best possible suitor for having a family, just like it is instinctual for men to be attracted to certain physical aspects of women. How would marrying into wealth make you a victim? The notion that men have economic control of women, at best, would not last long after marriage. It is equally invalid to say women have a control over men because of their beauty. The truth is, a negative situation can happen no matter where you meet and has more to do with character than economics or location. Personally, my wife is from Russia, is very strong-willed, and would never let herself become a victim. I find this to be true of most foreign women. I'm sure Jeb Bush would agree. Contrary to the opinion of Terra Justice Center, an INS study showed there were fewer issues with cross-border marriages than domestic marriages. In fact they have a much higher success rate"

    And Jeb Bush is not the only candidate with a foreign-born wife. Candidate Donald Trump is also currently married to Melania Trump, a former model from Slovenia. Donald Trump's first wife, Ivana, is from the Czech Republic.

    Marrying foreign women is becoming a trend for the elite. FOX News CEO Rupert Murdoch is married to Wendi Deng Murdoch from Jinan, China, with a 38 year age difference.

    Yet feminists continue to argue that men seek foreign brides only because they lack the necessary social skills to find someone in the US. This is clearly not the case, as these successful men do not lack socials skills.

    Society has changed greatly over the years and love has no borders. Looking worldwide for love is becoming the norm now. Each week companies like A Foreign Affair take dozens of men to countries all over the world where they attend social events, meeting hundreds of beautiful women and models, who like themselves are serious about finding true love and marriage. These men are from many varied walks of life: doctors, CEOs, policemen, businessmen, you name it. You don't have to be a Bush or Trump to see the advantage of looking abroad for real love.

    With two candidates, Jed Bush and Donald Trump, both married to foreign brides, we could see our first foreign-born First Lady in the White House.

    I lack the social skills to make a relationship work with somebody [i.e. average American woman] who brings nothing to the table except mountains of debt, baggage from 1-2 dozen previous relationships, endless demands, and an attitude that I should know exactly what is wrong without her telling me what is actually on her mind... I also lack the social skills to make a relationship work with somebody who thinks Iran is going to blow up the world so we'd better blow them up first, Assad is affiliated with Al-Qaeda, there were WMDs in Iraq, Wall-Street had to be bailed out, Kim Kardashian stories are newsworthy and should be discussed, and who upon hearing the word "Plato" thinks of "Play Dough" that kids play with.

    It also doesn't help American women that the average one is 5'6 tall and 168 pounds in weight... In short, the average American woman is obese... A full 25% of them take anti-depressants and other mind-bending pharmaceuticals, they are physical and mental wrecks.

    I consider myself very fortunate to be with my girlfriend, and I am grateful she is not American, was not born in America, was not raised in America, and was not educated in America. She does not like the USA, she is rather quiet, reserved, humble, pleasant to be around, smart, reasonably well-read [she has read many philosophical works], she can converse about meaningful topics, she can articulate herself without teen cellphone text jargon that sort of "OMG, what do u mean" etc, she has reasonable personal and professional ambitions and she wants to get ahead on her own merits [I've seen many American women outright blatantly declare their goal is to find a rich guy and chill while the guy supports them].

    When I was visiting her in her home country we actually had a minor argument because I was operating under the view that I should pay for all of the meals, dates, etc, she insisted on paying her way because she believes in supporting herself and she said she didn't want to cost me more money because I work hard for my money and had already spent money on airfare and such.

    When I was down visiting with her I noticed she was washing dishes by hand and I asked her, "can we go to town and find a department store, I'll buy you a dishwasher, your time is important, you shouldn't have to wash dishes by hand." She declined and said she can wash dishes by hand and that she will eventually save up and buy a dishwasher later.

    Americans, especially women [who are much more attuned to social norms and thus inclined to conform] basically come off a mass production assembly-line, similar values, similar appearance, similar attitudes, similar behaviors, etc...

    So in short, I could have stayed in the USA and gotten involved with some spoiled upper middle-class bourgeois brat who styles herself a princess and whose head is filled with pop culture and neo-con warhawk propaganda, but I didn't. It is refreshing to be with somebody who asks me "what are you thinking?" and doesn't use my answer against me or try to demean me for having feelings and being willing to express them. A lot of American women, if you even tell them how you are feeling when they prompt you with a question, they use the answer against you, either questioning your manliness or condemning you for this or that or trying to tell you that you shouldn't feel that way or think that way.

    Actually when it was time to come back to the USA I was seriously considering simply not coming back, calling my father, telling him what to sell, where to wire the money to, and what to package and ship to me.

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    Post  BTRfan Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:40 pm

    A friend of mine is a professor, formerly a research and development worker in Bell Labs, he has a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and he made some breakthrough discoveries in the field of engineering.

    His wife worked as a travel agent for a brief time...

    One day at a dinner party they were playing a game, with question cards, it was a couple's game, where couples paired off. The question they got was "which of the two of you is the smarter one?" and she immediately said, "oh he is" and the other women get outraged and upset, "how dare you declare that your husband is smarter..."

    But by any reasonable criteria, it is plainly obvious.

    In the USA today it is expected that a PhD in mechanical engineering should grovel and declare that his wife is smarter than him.

    You could have a PhD in Physics and a PhD in Nuclear Engineering and you would still be expected to smile, nod, and declare your wife with a bachelor's degree in art history is smarter.

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    Post  Vann7 Sun Sep 27, 2015 2:19 pm

    US Republican presidential candidate Ben S. Carson is playing the "Chinese aggression"

    This is one of the monkey actors.. His job is to auto disqualify itself..
    CHina have done nothing to America that they could use as excuse for any hostility ,
    Yep he talks about "CHina aggression" where? Does China have invade anyone?

    China "Aggression" is to give loans to AMerica of 1 Trillion dollars so they continue operating..

    The Elections in US is like a reality show in American television ,that results are rigged
    before the show began... But that the show organizers pay attention to ratings ,so if one looks
    like more stronger and confident as President (qualities the US elite wants the president to project) they it could be picked before anyone vote for him.

    Republicans finals will be Trumph and Bush.. and possibly it could add another one.

    Wait the Democrats debates.. 95% of them will behave like the idiot above , proposing a war with Russia and CHINA.. or banning porn , or to invade IRAN..or banning all government aid
    to veterans and poor people..  Laughing   (hello ROn Paul) , a tax for fat people.. and any other idiots idea.. that will make sure it will not have a chance to be taken seriously.. and that could help to see the others like genius in comparison.  im not aware of Democrats candidates but my bet is
    Hitler Clinton will make it to the finals.. and was selected by the elite to get to the democrats final round  before any race began.

    Independent candidates not aligned with US elite ,will be covered by RT.. They have no chance
    to get elected not even if 99% of americans vote for them.. IT doesn't matter who gets more support or more votes.. IF US elite controls the voting process , they can count votes in any way they want and not even count at all.. and simply pick a winner. the really independent candidates knows they have no chance to win..unless the US billionaires elite pick them. Still they do it ,to raise awareness on american society of the real problems of America..  

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    Post  BTRfan Mon Sep 28, 2015 3:09 pm

    Perhaps Russia can sponsor a UN Security Council resolution to send international election observers to the USA.

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    Post  George1 Sun Oct 25, 2015 7:29 pm


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    Post  1stworldviewzz Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:13 pm

    It's more than a little ironic that a guy as hardline on immigration as Donald Trump has been surrounded by immigrants his entire life, starting from the very beginning.

    "My mother was born in Scotland, in the Hebrides, in Stornoway, so that's serious Scotland. And she was a great woman," Trump said in a 2010 documentary. "Whenever anything was on about, ceremonial about the Queen she could sit at the television and just watch it. She had great respect for the Queen and for everything (she) represents"

    In 1930, an 18-year-old Mary MacLeod sailed for America from Glasgow on the S.S. Transylvania, according to a copy of the ship's passenger list on MacLeod arrived in New York and married Fred Trump, the son of German immigrants himself.

    "My grandfather Frederick Trump came to the United States in 1885. He joined the great gold rush and instead of gold he decided to open up some hotels in Alaska. He did fantastically well. He loved this country, likewise my father and now me," Trump said in a taped message for a German-American pride parade a few years ago.

    But on the campaign trail, Trump sounds more like a nativist than the son and grandson of immigrants.

    Trump told a meeting of conservative activists last year that the nation's 11 million undocumented immigrants would never vote Republican.

    "You'd better be smart and you'd better be tough," Trump said. "They're taking your jobs, and you'd better be careful."

    It's tough rhetoric that comes with a twist. Trump's current wife is an immigrant herself.

    Melania Trump moved to New York about 20 years ago. The Slovenian born model now has her own jewelry and caviar-cream skincare lines. She married Trump in 2005 in a fairytale wedding that included a wedding gown reported to cost $100,000. And the next year, she became a citizen -- a decade after arriving in America.

    "She went through a long process to become a citizen. It was very tough," Trump told CNN recently, adding that Melania agrees with his immigration position. "When she got it, she was very proud of it. She came from Europe, and she was very, very proud of it. And she thinks it's a beautiful process when it works."

    And of course, Trump's first wife, Ivana, was an immigrant too. Born in Czechoslovakia, she married an Austrian ski instructor in order to get a foreign passport to leave the communist country, her divorce lawyer has said.

    She and Trump married in 1977, but she didn't become an American citizen for another 11 years.
    For "The Apprentice," Trump was honored with
    Trump has said he supports legal immigration, but on the stump he seems to show little interest in the dreams of modern day immigrants. His immigration plan calls for foreign workers abroad to take a back seat to the domestically unemployed.

    "You have a border, you have a country, and if you don't have a border what are we?" Trump asked before answering himself. "Just a -- just a nothing. A nothing."

    Trump is not the only Presidential candidate with a foreign bride, Jeb Bush met his wife while in Leon, Mexico helping to build homes. León is a city in the Mexican state of Guanajuato. They married a few years later in Austin, Texas, and now live in Coral Gables, Florida.

    It is Ironic while many candidates talk tough on immigrants coming to America, they seek, travel and marry women from other countries, Then bring them in on a K-1 Visas or what otherwise is called a fiancee visa. Kenneth Agee, Marketing Director of A Foreign Affair, a company that specializes in foreign bride match-making says, "We get politicians, celebrates and CEO's for all over the USA, many have strong anti immigration attitudes yet they do not look at bringing a foreign bride to the USA in the same way as other foreigners entering the US, Look at Fox News with it's strong anti Immigrant position yet FOX News CEO Rupert Murdoch is married to Wendi Deng Murdoch from Jinan, China, with a 38 year age difference. Its is natural for men to seek beautiful young women no matter where they are from, Just remember love trumps hate, no pun intended. " Kenneth would not give us names of the celebrates they have help find a foreign brides for citing company policy, but A Foreign Affair web sites states that each year the help thousands of men find love abroad.

    Trump hasn't been shy about celebrating his immigrant roots. He served as the grand marshal of the annual German-American Steuben Parade in New York City. And he's reminisced about that day and how far his family had come from its European heritage.

    Remembering the 1999 parade, Trump said, "We passed Trump Towers, 69 stories. I looked up and I said, 'This is a long way from Kallstadt,'" referring to the town in Germany where his grandfather was from.

    But on the campaign trail, Trump is singing a very different immigrant song.

    "We're building a wall. It's going to be a wall that is not -- nobody's going through my wall," Trump has said. "Trump builds walls. I build walls."

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    Post  George1 Fri Jan 15, 2016 9:54 pm

    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Sat Jan 16, 2016 12:23 am

    I'd like to know if The Donald really has ties to the Mafia in the USA, and if he has ties to wealthy, influential people in Eastern Europe.

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    Post  Vann7 Wed Jan 27, 2016 1:16 pm

    Hillary will win regardless of how Elections goes.. an insider leaked the info.

    This is what i have been thinking since the so called emails "Scandal" on hillary began.
    All was a Big montage to make her a "victim" of big government chasing her. to later come
    victorious in the end. For me it was either clinton vs Bush again.. and trumph calls for peace
    for Russia will not go in line with the Policy of the NEOCons in America. But it was
    the emails circus of Hillary ,what made me more suspicious about the real intentions
    of this so called "Crime". When Obama and Pentagon finance ISIS and Alqaeda in Syria.
    and get away with it.. i find fishy that they will "put in jail anyone for email leaks" since the
    american government does not care about its own constitution or its own laws.

    What all this means.and confirms.. it happens , is that the whole Elections process in US is
    rigged. and that the only reason Presidential candidates do debates and a race is for the
    American Elite to test the waters to see how the public react and support each candidate.
    To see if anyone makes them change their mind about the next US president. It pretty much
    looks Donal trumph will not get the support of the elite that rigs the elections for its pro Russian views.

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    Post  higurashihougi Wed Jan 27, 2016 1:54 pm

    The problem here is, well, who can gained the greatest financial support to buy the vote ?

    And who will never disobey the will of Wall Street Oligarchs ?

    After the death of Andrew Jackson, almost all U.S. Presidents have been the representative of FED and big conglomerates.

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