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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 8 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  Hannibal Barca Tue Nov 15, 2016 9:57 pm

    Trump is the real deal. He is really gonna change evrything.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 8 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  kvs Wed Nov 16, 2016 1:10 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:Looks like we've all been had! I knew I was right to be skeptical.........if something is too good to be true, it is!

    Trump’s Worrisome Neo-Con «Brain Trust»

    Well, at least the WWIII hysteria has died down. They will have to spin it up again since Trump's supporters voted against war with
    Russia among other things.

    But some in the Trump camp are now trash talking like Obama about how Russia would back down if faced with American military might.
    Pure hubris based BS. The US cannot win against Russia. Period. That does not mean that Russia will not suffer, but the US will
    have its ass handed back to it on a plate. And this time around the US homeland will not be unscathed.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 8 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Nov 16, 2016 1:26 am

    Take into account all the anti-russian comments were prior to the Trump victory.  These guys are protecting their jobs because, well, it was the popular thing to do (bash Russia).  But Trump will be president and he will be the one with the final say, and he has already expressed interest with working with Russia.

    Let us not forget, it was Obama and his crew talking sweet words to Russia and did the opposite.  This will be no different with Trump - tough talk but probably will end up working out deals together.

    My understanding too is that Trump put a lot of these neocons in their place and that they have no choice but to follow through with him.

    So it is still worth to see what happens.

    Plus the discord in the United States at current times, I doubt they will find much time for foreign politics.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 8 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  jhelb Thu Nov 17, 2016 5:08 pm

    With the Browning of America now almost complete it was only a matter of time that someone like Trump becomes President.

    The vast majority of Whites in America have had to face tremendous hardship because of the unbridled flow of migrants from Mexico, Africa and Asia. This has also given rise to extremely popular movements like the ALT RIGHT. In order to capitalise on the popularity of the ALT RIGHT, Trump has made their very experienced and charismatic leader Steve Bannon his Chief Strategist.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 8 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  KiloGolf Thu Nov 17, 2016 6:36 pm

    If Trump manages to fix US-Russian relations, expand trade and cooperation in eliminating IS and AQ (both). Russia will most definitely gain a lot but the US as well. For that to happen I expect US cars exported to Russia with local share in key components (pickup trucks and SUVs), 787 deal unfrozen, Russian nuclear fuel, oil and gas exported to the US. Also there's other minerals and processed metals Russia can export and possibly even specialized products could enter the US market much more aggressively and better-priced (guns, food). Tourism on both sides will also benefit.

    It would be a huge deal. The EU will feel the bite if this happens.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 8 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  OminousSpudd Thu Nov 17, 2016 6:41 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:If Trump manages to fix US-Russian relations, expand trade and cooperation in eliminating IS and AQ (both). Russia will most definitely gain a lot but the US as well. For that to happen I expect US cars exported to Russia with local share in key components (pickup trucks and SUVs), 787 deal unfrozen, Russian nuclear fuel, oil and gas exported to the US. Tourism on both sides will benefit.

    It would be a huge deal. The EU will feel the bite if this happens.
    The market for Yank tanks outside of the US is pretty marginal, aside from Ford Rangers, focus etc. Even then, their car industry is not competitive, both Holden (in AUS) and Ford (which are both GM subsidiaries) have been shutting down factories in recent years. Japan is a better bet.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 8 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  KiloGolf Thu Nov 17, 2016 6:43 pm

    OminousSpudd wrote:The market for Yank tanks outside of the US is pretty marginal, aside from Ford Rangers, focus etc. Even then, their car industry is not competitive, both Holden (in AUS) and Ford (which are both GM subsidiaries) have been shutting down factories in recent years. Japan is a better bet.

    I can see a niche market the Americans can fill in Russia, when it comes to both SUVs and Pickup trucks. Moscow ageing G-class, Hummers and Range Rovers aint gonna replace themselves in a few years pirat

    PS. Focus is made in the UK iirc

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    Post  miketheterrible Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:42 pm

    Ford already has a good grip on the Russian market with its plant as well as engine factory as well. GM closed off production in Russia due to poor sales, and this was more or less signs pointed prior to the sanctions due to poor quality overall of Garbage Motors, and fact Russian car market to foreigners were being lost to domestic mixed with domestically built Korean. China is going to get a good chunk now with the building of the "Great Wall" motor plant in Russia.

    Ford is really the only brand getting their bet. Hummer isn't American anymore as it is Chinese and Landrovers are absolute garbage and is only popular in the Indian community because TATA owns them and Jaguar.

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    Post  KiloGolf Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:49 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:Landrovers are absolute garbage and is only popular in the Indian community because TATA owns them and Jaguar.

    Yeah.. no, they're decent cars, designed and made in the UK. The ownership is irrelevant.
    Moscow is full of them, Russians love their Evoques, etc. And LR just revealed a hybrid SUV concept.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 8 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  AlfaT8 Thu Nov 17, 2016 11:07 pm

    Bhahaha, the salt, ooh the salty salt. Laughing


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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 8 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  JohninMK Fri Nov 18, 2016 12:52 am

    KiloGolf wrote:
    OminousSpudd wrote:The market for Yank tanks outside of the US is pretty marginal, aside from Ford Rangers, focus etc. Even then, their car industry is not competitive, both Holden (in AUS) and Ford (which are both GM subsidiaries) have been shutting down factories in recent years. Japan is a better bet.

    I can see a niche market the Americans can fill in Russia, when it comes to both SUVs and Pickup trucks. Moscow ageing G-class, Hummers and Range Rovers aint gonna replace themselves in a few years pirat

    PS. Focus is made in the UK iirc
    Ford make no cars or vans in the UK any more. They do make engines and gearboxes. The Focus is assembled in Germany. The big manufacturers left here are LR/Jag, GM, BMW's Mini, Nissan, Honda and Toyota, in no particular order.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 8 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  TheArmenian Fri Nov 18, 2016 8:54 am

    Guess what, the Ford Focus is made in Russia

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 8 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  KiloGolf Fri Nov 18, 2016 5:18 pm

    TheArmenian wrote:Guess what, the Ford Focus is made in Russia

    For which markets and which model? The ones in EU apparently are made in Germany.

    Anyway, enough OT. Check out the #BH here:

    These people are foaming by their mouths

    lol1 lol1 lol1

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 8 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  KiloGolf Tue Nov 29, 2016 5:29 am

    Appointing ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis to Lead the Pentagon Could Be Trump’s Best Decision


    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 8 1*19c-Jz1oY8kx5O2zMQ8U3w

    “It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right up there with you. I like brawling.” For many Americans that’s the quote that has come to define James “Mad Dog” Mattis, a retired U.S. Marine general who has emerged as a front runner to take over the Pentagon under a Donald Trump administration. It’s a quote his detractors and fans have used for years to paint him as a trigger happy maniac. The image is no doubt part of Mattis’ appeal for Trump, who has cultivated an image for himself on the campaign trail as a tough guy who’s plan for ISIS is to “bomb the shit out them,” implement torture “worse than waterboarding” and kill the families of suspected terrorists.

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    Post  KiloGolf Wed Dec 07, 2016 2:04 am

    He actually did it attack

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 8 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  kvs Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:35 am

    It would be nice if he told the maggots in Congress where to shove their warmongering neocon agenda. But
    these days there probably are no equivalents of Patton.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 8 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  KiloGolf Thu Dec 08, 2016 10:29 pm

    kvs wrote:It would be nice if he told the maggots in Congress where to shove their warmongering neocon agenda.   But
    these days there probably are no equivalents of Patton.

    He's appointed 3 generals so far and if Petraeus or Stavridis take over State, it's four. pirat

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    Post  JohninMK Thu Dec 08, 2016 11:08 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:
    kvs wrote:It would be nice if he told the maggots in Congress where to shove their warmongering neocon agenda.   But
    these days there probably are no equivalents of Patton.

    He's appointed 3 generals so far and if Petraeus or Stavridis take over State, it's four. pirat
    Almost a military coup under the guise of an election. The US Junta has a nice ring to it.

    Imagine what the US MSM would be saying if this was happening anywhere else in the world.

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    Post  KiloGolf Fri Dec 09, 2016 12:52 am

    JohninMK wrote:
    Almost a military coup under the guise of an election. The US Junta has a nice ring to it.

    Imagine what the US MSM would be saying if this was happening anywhere else in the world.

    The US MSM are already going ape about this. Look it up today.
    Even on Fox today I watch the Five where the liberal one of the lot, used the word 'junta'.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 8 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  Austin Sun Dec 18, 2016 7:44 am

    A brazen Russia must face US retribution

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    Post  GarryB Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:30 pm

    What an odd article.

    No question in the writers eyes that Putin interfered in the US election by ordering the hacking... very fucking Ironic when he is accusing the leader of Russia of giving the American people access to the truth behind a US political party just before an election so that the US people will know what cheating lying bastards they are... I thought a US patriot would expect other US patriots to expose such corruption and lies within US parties for the good of the country... why is America so afraid of the truth.

    It seems Truth Justice AND the American way has become the war cry... I thought it used to be Truth and Justice WAS THE AMERICAN way... but clearly what they actually want is lies and revenge... so Truth, Justice And the American way becomes Truth, Justice, Lies and Revenge.

    Even more interesting is that the writer admits that the US has a long history of interfering with the democratic process in other countries so why should they not accept the same?

    At least the Russians didn't assassinate Hilary.

    I mean with all the crap her husband did and of course all the bullshit subsequent US leaders have done... like illegal invasions, torture of kidnap victims, adultery, none of which led to any impeachments... why should a little bit of criminality from Hilary bother the voting American public leading up to an election?

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 8 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  kvs Mon Dec 19, 2016 12:21 am

    Austin wrote:A brazen Russia must face US retribution

    Well, these CNN cuntrags can go and teach Russia a lesson. But they should realize that America will not be safe
    and secure at the sidelines of the conflict like during WWII. It will have all the key areas glassed. Unfortunately,
    CNN maggots do not have the required number of neurons to actually think. They are hate propaganda drones.
    And history repeats with yet another drang nach osten. Maybe Russia needs to seriously consider a final solution
    for the western problem.

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    Post  kvs Tue Dec 20, 2016 1:07 pm

    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 8 C0Fzvf1UQAAiW-q
    par far

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    Post  par far Thu Jan 19, 2017 3:56 pm


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