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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes


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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 2 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  George1 Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:28 am

    Iowa caucuses: Ted Cruz wins; Clinton declares victory

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    Post  George1 Wed Feb 10, 2016 7:05 am

    First 2016 Primary: Donald Trump Takes New Hampshire

    Read more:

    #FeelTheBern: Sanders Takes New Hampshire in First National Primary

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    Post  JohninMK Wed Mar 16, 2016 10:45 pm

    Trump's first attack ad against Hilary. Genius and Mr P gets a spot too.


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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 2 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Mar 17, 2016 5:27 am

    Now I am quite clear that the U.S. people should NOT vote for Hillarious Clinton.

    Multi-billionaire investor George Soros is pouring money into the race for the White House, particularly supporting Hillary Clinton, saying he’s alarmed by the rise of Donald Trump.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 2 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Mar 17, 2016 7:03 am

    higurashihougi wrote:Now I am quite clear that the U.S. people should NOT vote for Hillarious Clinton.

    Multi-billionaire investor George Soros is pouring money into the race for the White House, particularly supporting Hillary Clinton, saying he’s alarmed by the rise of Donald Trump.

    Something to keep in mind:

    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 2 CdlnPTJXEAAs4-m

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    Post  George1 Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:02 am

    Clinton, Trump Winning Big in Arizona State Primaries – Preliminary Results

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    Post  George1 Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:26 am

    Sanders wins Washington and Alaska Democratic Caucuses

    Sanders is leading with 76% of the votes in Washington and 79% in Alaska


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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 2 Empty 2016 US presidential debates, runs, etc

    Post  sepheronx Sat Apr 02, 2016 2:56 am

    Figured a thread may have been needed. Lets get the thrashing going.

    I'll start:

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 2 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  NationalRus Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:26 am



    seriously, I love this guy he basically broke down by himself the culture of PC that was indoctrinated over the past 2 decades by the regressive masochistic left

    and have god mercy if that psycho bitch becomes president
    max steel
    max steel

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    Post  max steel Sat Apr 02, 2016 11:19 am


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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 2 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:21 am

    While all the useful idiots are debating Trump, Cruz, Hillary, and Sanders the most dangerous (for the world of course) may actually be the next U.S. president...a guy who masterminded the push to put Georgia and Ukraine in NATO, and ABM's in Eastern Europe...his name is General James Mattis:

    A new Eisenhower against Trump?

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    Post  George1 Wed Apr 20, 2016 8:40 am

    Trump and Hillary won in New York.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 2 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  Vann7 Mon May 09, 2016 5:46 am

    When it comes to who will be next president in United States..
    here is the way i see it.

    United States is in one of its most difficult times on history. Is on the risk of a major
    economic collapse worse than 2008 ,that potentially will not recover and its own illegal wars in middle east are risking a major world war 3 with Russia.

    So what options the Wallstreet elite have?

    If the next president of United States is someone hated by a significant number of the population
    (someone like Hillary clinton) . The elite risk a major revolution at the big major mistake committed by them. something like a happy trigger general that attacks Russia or China plane get its warship destroyed in retaliation for example. could provoke a major revolution in united states.

    So there is a major risk for American Elite to get Hillary in power. ideally for them
    a candidate needs to be someone that all Americans majority of them have big hopes and
    trust more. Just like all had it with Obama when no one knew how treasonous he really was.

    So if the elite manage to get donald under control , with any deal. then for sure
    it will be either donald or Bernie the next president.

    If they notice donald cannot be loyal to wallstreet and American imperialism. then hillary
    will get elected and they will take the risk. There is also another option to leave Obama in power
    under the excuse of a war , that obama suspend elections for war . one that they can provoke.
    lets say with north korea or major risk of war with Russia and China.

    So the next president can be either one of the finals candidates. and Donald trump or Bernie
    seems the ideal candidates for wallstreet if they get assurances of their loyalty. To US policy
    in the world of creating an empire. In that case Donald or bernie ,just like Obama did , will
    betray their supporters. and continue Bush-Obama wars. on middle east. and their isolation of Russia.


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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 2 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  sepheronx Wed May 11, 2016 5:15 am

    Top Hillary Clinton Aide Walks Out In Middle Of FBI Interview
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    Cowboy's daughter

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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed May 11, 2016 11:03 pm

    Exclusive: Trump surges in support, almost even with Clinton in national U.S. poll

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    Post  Zivo Thu May 12, 2016 12:25 am

    Cowboy's daughter wrote:Exclusive: Trump surges in support, almost even with Clinton in national U.S. poll

    America is becoming radically divided. Regardless of who actually ends up president, one half of the country will be completely pissed, perhaps pissed enough to hit the streets. The future doesn't look good.


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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 2 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  andalusia Fri May 13, 2016 11:53 am

    Do a lot of people on this forum believe Trump is an outsider who will deliver on his promises and will turn America around? However, when Obama ran back in 2008, he made a lot of promises like having more transparency in the government.

    I want to know is people's faith in Trump a little naive? Will he continue the same destructive foreign policy of the US such as provoking Russia and having military bases in other countries? I doubt the players behind the scenes are going to allow any slight challenge to their power. Is Trump simply being a shrewd politician by saying what many on the right want to hear and when he gets into office will be just another politician? I simply do not trust any politician from the left or the right when they have reached that level of power.

    He talks about building a wall and banning muslims from entering the US and that sounds good to conservative Americans but will he deliver on those promises.  What is the perspective of people outside the United States?

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 2 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  Svyatoslavich Sat May 14, 2016 3:11 am

    andalusia wrote:Do a lot of people on this forum believe Trump is an outsider who will deliver on his promises and will turn America around? However, when Obama ran back in 2008, he made a lot of promises like having more transparency in the government.

    I want to know is people's faith in Trump a little naive? Will he continue the same destructive foreign policy of the US such as provoking Russia and having military bases in other countries? I doubt the players behind the scenes are going to allow any slight challenge to their power. Is Trump simply being a shrewd politician by saying what many on the right want to hear and when he gets into office will be just another politician? I simply do not trust any politician from the left or the right when they have reached that level of power.

    He talks about building a wall and banning muslims from entering the US and that sounds good to conservative Americans but will he deliver on those promises.  What is the perspective of people outside the United States?
    Yes, I ask myself the same questions. Obama was placed in order to gain votes from liberals who were tired of neoconservatism, making them believe that he would employ soft power and diplomacy, close Guantanamo prision, decrease tensions with Russia, stop intervening in other countries and creating wars, and didn't deliver any of his promises. Now Trump is appealing to conservative voters, supposedly an outsider hated by big media and entertainers, someone who will bring back industries to the US and decrease the influence of financial powers, but who knows if all this is true.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 2 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  KiloGolf Wed Jun 15, 2016 5:35 pm

    Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump

    Russian government hackers penetrated the computer network of the Democratic National Committee and gained access to the entire database of opposition research on GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to committee officials and security experts who responded to the breach.

    The intruders so thoroughly compromised the DNC’s system that they also were able to read all email and chat traffic, said DNC officials and the security experts. The intrusion into the DNC was one of several targeting American political organizations. The networks of presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were also targeted by Russian spies, as were the computers of some Republican political action committees, U.S. officials said. But details on those cases were not available.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 2 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  AlfaT8 Wed Jun 15, 2016 6:20 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:
    Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump

    Russian government hackers penetrated the computer network of the Democratic National Committee and gained access to the entire database of opposition research on GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to committee officials and security experts who responded to the breach.

    The intruders so thoroughly compromised the DNC’s system that they also were able to read all email and chat traffic, said DNC officials and the security experts. The intrusion into the DNC was one of several targeting American political organizations. The networks of presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were also targeted by Russian spies, as were the computers of some Republican political action committees, U.S. officials said. But details on those cases were not available.

    Man, the WP has been losing there shit recently, "the red are coming the reds are coming", idiots.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 2 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  OminousSpudd Wed Jun 15, 2016 8:26 pm

    AlfaT8 wrote:
    KiloGolf wrote:
    Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump

    Russian government hackers penetrated the computer network of the Democratic National Committee and gained access to the entire database of opposition research on GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to committee officials and security experts who responded to the breach.

    The intruders so thoroughly compromised the DNC’s system that they also were able to read all email and chat traffic, said DNC officials and the security experts. The intrusion into the DNC was one of several targeting American political organizations. The networks of presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were also targeted by Russian spies, as were the computers of some Republican political action committees, U.S. officials said. But details on those cases were not available.

    Man, the WP has been losing there shit recently, "the red are coming the reds are coming", idiots.
    Bahahaha, do they actually think for a millisecond that Russia needs information from the Democrats research team, so much so that the gov would sponsor a hack? Retards, really.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 2 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  KiloGolf Wed Jun 15, 2016 8:29 pm

    OminousSpudd wrote:
    AlfaT8 wrote:
    KiloGolf wrote:
    Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump

    Russian government hackers penetrated the computer network of the Democratic National Committee and gained access to the entire database of opposition research on GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to committee officials and security experts who responded to the breach.

    The intruders so thoroughly compromised the DNC’s system that they also were able to read all email and chat traffic, said DNC officials and the security experts. The intrusion into the DNC was one of several targeting American political organizations. The networks of presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were also targeted by Russian spies, as were the computers of some Republican political action committees, U.S. officials said. But details on those cases were not available.

    Man, the WP has been losing there shit recently, "the red are coming the reds are coming", idiots.
    Bahahaha, do they actually think for a millisecond that Russia needs information from the Democrats research team, so much so that the gov would sponsor a hack? Retards, really.

    Why not? A good amount of dirty secrets of a future President can be there.
    It's not unheard of.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 2 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  OminousSpudd Wed Jun 15, 2016 8:40 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:
    OminousSpudd wrote:
    AlfaT8 wrote:
    KiloGolf wrote:
    Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump

    Russian government hackers penetrated the computer network of the Democratic National Committee and gained access to the entire database of opposition research on GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to committee officials and security experts who responded to the breach.

    The intruders so thoroughly compromised the DNC’s system that they also were able to read all email and chat traffic, said DNC officials and the security experts. The intrusion into the DNC was one of several targeting American political organizations. The networks of presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were also targeted by Russian spies, as were the computers of some Republican political action committees, U.S. officials said. But details on those cases were not available.

    Man, the WP has been losing there shit recently, "the red are coming the reds are coming", idiots.
    Bahahaha, do they actually think for a millisecond that Russia needs information from the Democrats research team, so much so that the gov would sponsor a hack? Retards, really.

    Why not? A good amount of dirty secrets of a future President can be there.
    It's not unheard of.
    Meh, smells of propaganda mixed with butthurt. Wouldn't bet on it to be honest, especially considering Russia would have most if not all info they need on Trump already, you'd have to ask why they'd be doing their homework now, so close to elections.

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    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 2 Empty Re: US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes

    Post  Vann7 Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:51 am


    US 2016 elections. Behind the scenes - Page 2 CoFBsQbWAAAEuJS

    So what we have now in US elections?

    Not surprising the whole FBI vs Hillary was a circus , to give a sense of a
    women being "chased" by an evil government.  And trump to my surprise NOT
    will be his competition.  

    All this will go down two things..

    If Hillary is selected by the elite.. she will continue Obama policies with more of that.
    The risk in selecting hillary is her popularity is very low.. she is not an unifying force.
    so Hitlery clinton could risk a civil war at the first mistake she does . that hillary provokes
    a small conflict with Russia and americans gets killed.

    IF donal trump is selected by the elite..
    He projects a lot more leadership than hillary , a top business deal maker.
    So many in the elite might be inclined to try an see if Trump can get things done
    in a different way.  Trump support Israel and was in favor on major confrotantion
    with IRAN and even recognize Palestine as Israel land. SO jews have many things
    to win ,by selecting Trump , Israel will get recognized and just maybe  he can get a deal with Putin ,to support American Domination in the world ,and its dollar in change for some respect
    of interest for Russia. in Ukraine and Syria. Probably Trump will offer IRAQ real security from terrorism and from saudi arabia for oil and money. and with the help of Russia ,get a deal for Israel and keep hezbolah away. SO trump seems that will seek to solve most with Business deals.. Money for peace in case of middle east.. and in case of Russia ,support of US dollar and domination and open for most american business in change for respecting its interest.

    Trump have been smart and have taken some support of Neocons and Jewish elite.
    he was dinning with Fox news owner and for sure many jews elite support trump.

    All Things said.. without a doubt the elite that elect Presidents in United States..
    is officially split. Hillary seems to get the support of the more hardliners .Bush-clinton era and most big bankers.. and Trump also gets some decent support.  So the final decision of American elite will be either pick Hillary - a weak but very loyal president to the elite ,that could truly
    mess things ,even more than Obama,and turn every US allies away of US.  or a leader like trump ,that promotes a more practical business aproach ,with a lot of focus in making deals
    and money. So either one can win..  For Sure the US elites will talk to Donald and Hillary to
    get a clear view of which one will be the best leader for United States. Hillary risk is that could
    turn away any nation against USA and weaken world support and trump risk is to get too close
    to Russia and ruin any plan for a one world government.

    Trump tactics could be to fake to be a puppet and later turn again their own masters.
    This is similar to what Putin did ,that made it look ,he was very pro USA.. and turned to be
    very patriotic. and he just moved things little by little to get full control of Russia.

    So there is real chances for trump to win the electrions ,it all will depends not in any vote.
    but on how he manage to convince the elite to follow a new policy. still it will not be suprising if the Elite picks the safer bet and selecte Hillary CLinton's package.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:17 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  sepheronx Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:01 am

    Democrats In Turmoil: DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz Resigns After Wikileaks Revelations

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