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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 12 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Khepesh Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:01 pm

    Good report by Graham Phillips from the front at Marinka. We all know he is highly regarded in Donbass but has no profile at all in the west, so I wonder that if he survives to the end of the war, and is not then arrested and imprissoned on return to UK for "glorifying terrorism", that he will eventually get the recognition he deserves. Still odd that he very rarely makes any report in English, because surely it is the Anglophone audience he needs to convince of what really happens, and his audience at the moment is people who already know and agree with him. I sense a lost opportunity by Phillips.

    Also, a Ukranian "invasion" of Russia this morning when there was a shoot out at a border crossing in Rostov oblast and a guard was shot in the shoulder. Two Ukranians from Zaporozhiya then escaped in a red Mitsubishi with Rostov number plate towards Rostov city. Curious, probably "normal" crimminal scum

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 12 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Erk Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:15 pm

    Khepesh wrote:Good report by Graham Phillips from the front at Marinka. We all know he is highly regarded in Donbass but has no profile at all in the west, so I wonder that if he survives to the end of the war, and is not then arrested and imprissoned on return to UK for "glorifying terrorism", that he will eventually get the recognition he deserves. Still odd that he very rarely makes any report in English, because surely it is the Anglophone audience he needs to convince of what really happens, and his audience at the moment is people who already know and agree with him. I sense a lost opportunity by Phillips.

    Patrick Lancaster is Graham's camera man, and often does his own English reports:


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 12 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:33 pm

    Ruthenius wrote:Just in case if someone didn't notice. Since previous Monday it's become very popular (among some bloggers) to speculate that recent claims made by Zakharchenko\Lavrov\Putin and others regarding Minsk agreements in particular and regarding political-economic trends btw Russia and West in general mean that Russia is going to somehow lay down its hands and force Donbas back to Ukraine.
    From the other hand we have reports stating that Kiev continues to increase military presence in rebellious regiouns, intensifies hostilities and obviously tryhards to present itself as totaly complying with The Minsk despite serious internal problems that are happening outside conflict zone.

    The main point - some people noted that all these actions and trends (increase of political pressure on Russia + muster of military forces) look very, very similar to actions and trends that we were observing during Autumn-2014 - Winter-2015, right before the major esacaltion began and the Battle for Debaltsevo happened.

    I don't want to be a downer, but considering that notorious "announcement" of the results of MH17 inмestigation has been postponed till next February, voentorg is "reported" to be working as usual, Ukraine economics isn't going to cheer up,  what are the chanсes that we will see the Heat in a short perspective?
    I should remind that scenario used by Croatia to deal with Serbian Krajina still seems fancy for the Ukrainian hot-heads and their fanboys.


    I sincerely trust that we are able to make discussions civil. I doubt that it is possible to have Hollis sorting out wackos and woosies as it used to be in the previous place, so tryhard to be disciplined.
    Its very civil here, no need for a 'Hollis' or 'Digrar', I got infracted over there last month, served the time and for unknown reasons have remained on 'holiday'. There is certainly a much better self discipline about staying on topic on this thread, no history of eastern Europe sagas and virtually no pointless arguments from entrenched positions.

    I am not sure what happened about the announcement of the MH-17 report delay until next year but it seems the initial investigation report is still on schedule and will be released, as a secret document, to the countries next month. Maybe its the criminal investigation that is next year.

    Although planned to be secret from the beginning (partly to flush out as much data as possible) it is still causing suspicions to be raised, like who benefits? This has appeared

    The refusal of the Ukrainian government to release the results of the official international investigation into the Malaysia Airlines crash a year ago will increase concerns it may have been shot down by Ukrainian fighters, US experts told Sputnik.

    WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — On July 17, 2014, Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crashed in Ukraine's eastern region of Donetsk en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. All 298 people on board, mostly Dutch citizens, died. Forces seeking independence in eastern Ukraine were widely blamed in the West for the attack.

    “Responses to the MH17 incident have been suspect from the first,” veteran International Herald Tribune correspondent and European affairs analyst Patrick Smith told Sputnik. “There has been a worrisome absence of hard evidence made public, apart from Russia’s report that it had satellite imagery indicating two Ukrainian fighter jets had been following the airliner prior to the explosion. This report, was of course, ignored among the Western powers.”

    On Tuesday, Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister for European Integration Olena Zerkal told a briefing in Kiev that the results of the international inquiry would remain classified. “The latest determination by the Kiev government to classify results of an international investigation adds significantly to the concerns of many that the Ukrainian air force may have been responsible for the fatal mistake.”

    The analyst also criticized the administration of President Barack Obama for its refusal to demand that the findings of the new report be published at once. “The State Department’s silence on this development, given its energetic assertions in the past, is still more worrisome. It is no longer defensible to dismiss the thought that blame lies precisely with those who were first and readiest to point fingers.”

    Ivan Eland of the Independent Institute pointed out that evidence available over the past year threw doubt on the US and Ukrainian claims that the aircraft had been shot down by the independence militants. “The Ukrainian government kept open a commercial air corridor through a war. That is the first problem. Therefore, the only way a crime could be committed is if those who shot down the aircraft knew it was a civilian aircraft and shot it down anyway.”

    New York-based foreign policy analyst and Eurasia Review columnist Michael Averko told Sputnik, the Ukrainian government’s decision to keep the new report under wraps was bound to boost suspicions around the world that they were trying to cover up a conclusion that would damage Kiev’s narrative. “The ‘classified’ designation plays into the reasoned notion of a cover-up, relating to the belief that the rebel side shot down the MH17.” Prior to the MH17 tragedy, Averko pointed out, the Kiev regime forces were attacking their adversary from the air in action which led to civilian deaths. The Kiev regime had the responsibility to report on airspace within their domain which is unsafe for civilian flights, Averko added. The Ukrainian government’s reluctance to completely disclose all ground control correspondence on this matter is suspicious, he concluded.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 12 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  whir Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:49 pm

    Khepesh wrote:Good report by Graham Phillips from the front at Marinka. We all know he is highly regarded in Donbass but has no profile at all in the west, so I wonder that if he survives to the end of the war, and is not then arrested and imprissoned on return to UK for "glorifying terrorism", that he will eventually get the recognition he deserves. Still odd that he very rarely makes any report in English, because surely it is the Anglophone audience he needs to convince of what really happens, and his audience at the moment is people who already know and agree with him. I sense a lost opportunity by Phillips.
    According to him he was stopped at London Airport (I can't remember which one) immediately after his arrival few months ago, questioned about some legal paperwork and then he was left to go.

    In the UK he has received some bad press (but not really from mainstream media that from time to time has used his videos without much hassle) after being accused of sexual tourism (like that's something new in either UK or Ukraine Rolling Eyes) or being paid (that is always an argument to discredit someone) but nothing that could be considered a crime.

    Remember that he's practically a one man army (he teamed with Patrick Lancaster to ease the workload for both) so I suppose it's easier for him to make reports directly in Russian. Subtitling requires a lot of time and complex editing like having to record the question in English, then repeat it in Russian then later cut it out and finally add the English subtitles or stitch the improvised translation to the answer while repeating this process several times for a single video can be very tedious and exhausting. To reach a wider audience probably he needs more hands.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 12 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:57 pm

    DONETSK (Sputnik) —The militias of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) have completed the removal of armored vehicles with weapons with caliber less than 100mm from the line of contact, Donetsk news agency cited the DPR Defense Ministry as saying on Wednesday.

    "The DPR completed the unilateral withdrawal of armored vehicles 3 kilometers away from the peaceful sections of the front line," the ministry said. The ministry said that the tanks and armored vehicles would remain in the "hot spots" along the contact line, specifically the areas north of Donetsk and Debaltsevo.

    On July 18, DPR, along with Luhansk People's Republic (LPR), announced the complete pullout of heavy weapons to a 1.9-mile minimum distance from the line of contact with government troops. The withdrawal process was launched with the supervision of Organization of Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) monitors.

    LPR has completed withdrawal of weapons with a calibre of less than 100mm to a distance of at least 1.8 miles from the line of contact with Ukrainian troops.

    The withdrawal of heavy weapons with a caliber of over 100mm and the creation of an 18-mile buffer zone by both Kiev forces and Donbass independence supporters are among provisions of the Minsk ceasefire deal signed in February.

    The Minsk peace accord is a set of 13 measures elaborated by the leaders of France, Germany, Ukraine and Russia and aimed at facilitating the Ukrainian peace process.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 12 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  flamming_python Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:25 pm

    Khepesh wrote:Good report by Graham Phillips from the front at Marinka. We all know he is highly regarded in Donbass but has no profile at all in the west, so I wonder that if he survives to the end of the war, and is not then arrested and imprissoned on return to UK for "glorifying terrorism", that he will eventually get the recognition he deserves. Still odd that he very rarely makes any report in English, because surely it is the Anglophone audience he needs to convince of what really happens, and his audience at the moment is people who already know and agree with him. I sense a lost opportunity by Phillips.

    Graham Phillips has been back to the UK a number of times since he started reporting from the Donbass; last time I think wasn't too long ago, maybe 4-5 months back.

    As mentioned, he got detained/questioned briefly by British police or intelligence at least once, but they got nuthin' on him, so he can't be held.

    You know, as bad as the UK is in terms of following Washington's directives, and supporting coups and so on around the world - I lived long enough in the UK to know that it has a strong foundation of civil rights and a predictable justice system (if for no other reason than that the British government/intelligence know that there are certain things that they'll never get away with if they try to pull it off at home).

    Imprisoning Graham Phillips, or any other journalist, is one of those things - the outcry would be absolutely enormous, this man is pretty well known as a journalist and I'm sure has more than enough connections; the UK journalistic community will undoubtedly close ranks with him and declare support for him too. RT will constantly run material about him, and RT has huge viewship in the UK.
    Such a move by the British government will do more to publisice him than anything else.
    Once that happens, I'm pretty sure he'll get some support from various MPs in the houses of parliament, some political parties too.

    Therefore imprisoning him or charging him on some phony pretense is just something that they can never get away with, and will never try because it's just not worth it for them.
    They can't do the same as the US tried against Manning or Snowden either; accusing someone of being a traitor is just not something that will fly in British society unless the man really was a traitor and brought harm to his countrymen by aiding an enemy at war; which is certainly not the case for Graham Phillips. The UK is not the US and accusing someone of being unpatriotic or whatever is something that will raise nothing more than a few eyebrows.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 12 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Firebird Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:36 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    Khepesh wrote:Good report by Graham Phillips from the front at Marinka. We all know he is highly regarded in Donbass but has no profile at all in the west, so I wonder that if he survives to the end of the war, and is not then arrested and imprissoned on return to UK for "glorifying terrorism", that he will eventually get the recognition he deserves. Still odd that he very rarely makes any report in English, because surely it is the Anglophone audience he needs to convince of what really happens, and his audience at the moment is people who already know and agree with him. I sense a lost opportunity by Phillips.

    Graham Phillips has been back to the UK a number of times since he started reporting from the Donbass; last time I think wasn't too long ago, maybe 4-5 months back.

    As mentioned, he got detained/questioned briefly by British police or intelligence at least once, but they got nuthin' on him, so he can't be held.

    You know, as bad as the UK is in terms of following Washington's directives, and supporting coups and so on around the world - I lived long enough in the UK to know that it has a strong foundation of civil rights and a predictable justice system (if for no other reason than that the British government/intelligence know that there are certain things that they'll never get away with if they try to pull it off at home).

    Imprisoning Graham Phillips, or any other journalist, is one of those things - the outcry would be absolutely enormous, this man is pretty well known as a journalist and I'm sure has more than enough connections; the UK journalistic community will undoubtedly close ranks with him and declare support for him too. RT will constantly run material about him, and RT has huge viewship in the UK.
    Such a move by the British government will do more to publisice him than anything else.
    Once that happens, I'm pretty sure he'll get some support from various MPs in the houses of parliament, some political parties too.

    Therefore imprisoning him or charging him on some phony pretense is just something that they can never get away with, and will never try because it's just not worth it for them.
    They can't do the same as the US tried against Manning or Snowden either; accusing someone of being a traitor is just not something that will fly in British society unless the man really was a traitor and brought harm to his countrymen by aiding an enemy at war; which is certainly not the case for Graham Phillips. The UK is not the US and accusing someone of being unpatriotic or whatever is something that will raise nothing more than a few eyebrows.

    Thats an absolute fucking outrage detaining Graham
    Even if he was a soldier, he wouldn't have been doing anything illegal under British law.

    The Kiev junta broke Ukrainian lawyer. And Donbass refused to aid and abet the lawbreakers in Kiev.

    The British govt are such scum its unbelievable.

    As an aside, someone was charged with supporting a Syrian terror gp. The British judge said "well the Br govt was arming this gp, so he has to be released".

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 12 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Khepesh Wed Jul 22, 2015 6:40 pm

    flamming_python wrote:

    Graham Phillips has been back to the UK a number of times since he started reporting from the Donbass; last time I think wasn't too long ago, maybe 4-5 months back.

    As mentioned, he got detained/questioned briefly by British police or intelligence at least once, but they got nuthin' on him, so he can't be held.

    You know, as bad as the UK is in terms of following Washington's directives, and supporting coups and so on around the world - I lived long enough in the UK to know that it has a strong foundation of civil rights and a predictable justice system (if for no other reason than that the British government/intelligence know that there are certain things that they'll never get away with if they try to pull it off at home).

    Imprisoning Graham Phillips, or any other journalist, is one of those things - the outcry would be absolutely enormous, this man is pretty well known as a journalist and I'm sure has more than enough connections; the UK journalistic community will undoubtedly close ranks with him and declare support for him too. RT will constantly run material about him, and RT has huge viewship in the UK.
    Such a move by the British government will do more to publisice him than anything else.
    Once that happens, I'm pretty sure he'll get some support from various MPs in the houses of parliament, some political parties too.

    Therefore imprisoning him or charging him on some phony pretense is just something that they can never get away with, and will never try because it's just not worth it for them.
    They can't do the same as the US tried against Manning or Snowden either; accusing someone of being a traitor is just not something that will fly in British society unless the man really was a traitor and brought harm to his countrymen by aiding an enemy at war; which is certainly not the case for Graham Phillips. The UK is not the US and accusing someone of being unpatriotic or whatever is something that will raise nothing more than a few eyebrows.
    Probably all true, but I do not trust them and think they are not the same people who fought in WWII. 紙老虎

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 12 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  medo Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:35 pm

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 12 Pk32n910

    "В разрушенном луганском аэропорту обнаружен склад американского оружия. Об этом сообщил сегодня на бриффинге сообщил начальник следственного отдела Генпрокуратуры ЛНР Леонид Ткаченко. "Суть всего происходящего было в следующем. При разборе завалов в Луганском аэропорту рабочими был обнаружен склад с боеприпасами, стрелковым и тяжелым вооружением, в том числе производства США. Доступ в данное помещение до этого дня был физически невозможен, поскольку вход в складское помещение был завален обломками", - пояснил Ткаченко. Он указал, что среди найденного вооружения были найдены переносные зенитные ракетные комплексы (ПЗРК). "В частности, предположительно, ПЗРК "Стингер". Все указанные предметы имеют специальную маркировку и обозначения принадлежности к "департаменту обороны США", - уточнил руководитель ведомства. Сотрудники МВД ЛНР произвели изъятие и фиксацию оружия и боеприпасов. Ведется следствие, цель которого - точное установление страны производства каждой из единиц. В Луганске намерены выяснить, как в аэропорту, где велись военные действия летом прошлого года, оказалось иностранное оружие."

    Novorussian army find in Lugansk airport an Ukrainian cache of US made weapons, where they also got Stinger MANPADs from US Army.
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 12 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:44 pm

    Ispan wrote:My contribution to the thread. published an interview with a Spanish young medicine doctor that went straight from university as a volunteer to Donbass to aid the suffering civilians.
    The interview was taken in early July.

    I will note down the interesting points:

    - The food situation: People are not starving but there are shortages. It has improved but there is scarcity of fresh fruits and vegetables. This guy only ate canned food and ended up suffering heart problems because of that.

    One of the causes that explains  the delay of a Novorussian offensive was the pressing need to plant crops and harvesting. I had read some news item about people in Donetsk and Lugansk managing to get fuel and fertilizer to run the machinery and grow and harvest crops for the coming winter, so hopefully the food situation will be not so dependent on aid convoys from Russia.

    On the opposite side, Ukraine may face food shortages because the plummeting of the grivna will make harder for peasants to buy seed, fertilizer and fuel. Already people are cutting down on food consumption because they haven't money to purchase anything other than essentials.

    - Medical and humanitarian situation: It is bad because many doctors and medical personnel have fled. It is difficult to maintain clean the hospitals because there's lack of cleaning and desinfection products. On the bright side, supplies of medicines are adequate, thanks to aid. But at the end he comments there are little shortages of everything. Antibiotics are scarce, and for one thing, he ran out of iodine tincture for disinfecting. People with chronic sickness are doomed to die as they can't get their meds.
    Elderly people also have few chances of survival. There are lot of victims due to disease, exposure and malnutrition, particularly in the countryside.

    No aid is coming from Europe or the Red Cross. The doctor is bitter about the Red Cross, nothing surprising, they don't do anything. The NGO Doctors without borders meets a hostile reception as the population sees them as Western spies. Probably they are right, as it makes a good cover.

    - The situation at the front: doctor has been a month at the frontlines. in Alchevsk and near Debaltsevo. Says that bullets and bombs, he got used to it, but that the worst is hunger and cold. Unfortunately, it seems the Novorussian fighters had not enough food and clothing. Nor medical supplies, it was complicated to treat wounded because there was a lack of everything. This is not good as points to many casualties and lack of proper medical care. Situation is not as bad as on the other side, but victories haven't come cheap. Further on he said on one day of early july, the militia lost 10 killed in Spartak. Everyday there is a trickle of dead.

    -Ceasefire and morale: Say there was never a real ceasefire, and shelling was daily. People he talks with say they don't believe Minsk accords are good for nothing and  believe war will last 2 or 3 years. I do agree with that assesment, unless there is a decisive summer campaign this year. When questioned if people can endure 2 or 3 years of wars, he says everybody is fed up, but that war is frozen, though he does believe the Novorussians do have the ability to attack and be victorious, but that for political reasons they are held back. He guesses the situation is the same in the junta side.

    On a personal note he comments he really doesn't know how he can get out of this. His Russian visa expired, so doesn't know how he can cross the border and he is afraid of coming back to Spain and get arrested and face a politically motivated trial and charges of 10 years in prison, as a couple other volunteers were arrested. I guess he doesn't want to run risks until those on trial are acquited.

    - More comments about the front:

    He must dress in unfirom and do not draw attention as a medic as there are snipers that shoot the medical personal. He has seen foreign mercenaries: Poles, Americans and Europeans. He says Geneva Conventions are ignored and ambulances are shot up.

    Lack of spares and materials lead to many improvised repairs.

    - On Ukranian terror tactics: Says the main target is the civilian population. Ukrops ignore military targets  even when they could engage them, and prefer to shell the civilians.. The bright side is that though the attacks on infrastructures, power and water utilities continue, the problem is not as bad as before. Interruptions of water and electricity are temporary.

    It says that the bombardments are actually turning the civilians against the junta, more people enlist in the militia and the hatred towards Ukraine grows.Perversely, that's what the nazi battallions want. They want the Novorussians to fight back, so that Ukraine can cry wolf and get more international support to fight "the Russians".

    - On Ukranian army vs Nazi Guard:

    He says there is a big difference between regular army and fascist battallions.

    Briefly, regulars (conscripts) are reluctant to fight, and know they are not fighting Russians but their brothers.

    Very striking is that he comments that while he was in a town near the airport during a couple of weeks, he saw an abnormal number of enemy unexploded shells. Many Ukranian shells fail to explode, because artillerists do not place the fuses on.  

    He confirms that the Nazi Guard battallions shell civilians, rob, pillage systematically every town they enter and rape women. That doesn't appear in Western media.

    He says that while he was in Alchevsk he observed that the Ukranian troops are victims too. He feels sorry for Ukranian army. they do not want to fight and kill, but they have blocking battallions of Nazi Guards keeping them on line. He says that Aidar batallion and regular troops fought several days, they shell and shoot at each other.

    He saw it with his own eyes how the Aidar goons blew up with a mortar a BTR of the regulars in the Kirovsk front. In the airport he saw Polish mercenaries at 400 meters, flying the Poland flag.

    Finally, he saws he had a lot of difficulty with the language, but while he was sick he learned more Russian. He comments in passing he has been hanging with Spaniards in Donetsk, so there are quite a few fighting with the militia, only that they are very discreet.

    The "Polish" mercenaries are not real Poles, they are ethnic Ukrainians from Poland.

    The "flying the Polish flag" is meant to set the real ethnic Poles and Russians against each other.

    Sorry, but in this case you help in spreading disinformation and Ukrainian coup regime propaganda.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 12 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:06 pm

    I can almost taste the tears... lol1

    "Europe Tightens Visa Regime With Ukraine

    Sixteen of the 22 Schengen countries significantly reduced the number of visas issued to Ukrainians over the last year.............."

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    Post  Khepesh Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:13 pm

    This should probably be in general news about Russia but I'm putting it here as it could have a serious effect on dissemination of news from Novorossiya. Due to copyright disputes Youtube may be blocked in Russia. This, if it happens, will be stupid and counterproductive. There will still be Rutube and VK, but both are not as convenient as Youtube as it is not possible, or at least very difficult, to embed the video in forums as Youtube

    Last edited by Khepesh on Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 12 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:14 pm

    "Crimean Official Describes Criticism of French Lawmakers' Visit as Hysteria "

    "The hysteria about 10 French lawmakers' visit to Crimea shows that neither the West nor Ukraine wants to know the truth about the peninsula, Crimea's deputy prime minister said.

    SIMFEROPOL (Sputnik) – Harsh rhetoric by French and Ukrainian Foreign Ministries regarding the visit of French parliament members to Crimea borders on hysteria, Crimean Deputy Prime Minister Ruslan Balbek said on his Facebook page Wednesday.

    Ten French lawmakers, headed by former French Transport Minister and current member of parliament Thierry Mariani, will visit Crimea July 23-24................................"

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 12 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  whir Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:32 pm

    Khepesh wrote:This should probably be in general news about Russia but I'm putting it here as it could have a serious effect on dissemination of news from Novorossiya. Due to copyright disputes Youtube may be blocked in Russia. This, if it happens, will be stupid and counterproductive. There will still be Rutube and VK, but both are not as convenient as Youtube as it is not possible, or at least very difficult, to embed the video in forums as Youtube
    Expect YouTube to purge some accounts and go back to business as soon as possible, in other countries Google has faced the same treatment with countless ISPs and every single time they've avoided it by implementing local regulations about copyright (as in theory they should be doing from the beginning). Why kill the cash cow when you can milk it ad infinitum.

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    Post  JohninMK Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:48 pm

    Clearly they had to check with the PR department in Kiev. Not a lot of chance this getting real, Kiev has just spent $40M on shiny new trenches. But wait a mo, this could be a chance of building more, further back. Another 'commission' opportunity.

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) — All the members of the Contact Group aimed to resolve the situation in eastern Ukraine were prepared to sign an agreement on establishing a 30-kilometer buffer zone along the demarcation line on Tuesday in Minsk, but Ukraine requested a "time-out", Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin said Wednesday.

    "Yesterday, the representatives of Donetsk, Lugansk, the representatives of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Russian Federation were ready to make such a commitment, but at the last moment the representatives of Ukraine took some time out to coordinate it," Karasin told RIA Novosti.

    Earlier on Wednesday, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said he had instructed the representatives of Kiev in the tripartite contact group to immediately sign an agreement on the establishment of a 30-kilometer buffer zone along the demarcation line.

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    Post  Ispan Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:13 pm

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:

    The "Polish" mercenaries are not real Poles, they are ethnic Ukrainians from Poland.

    The "flying the Polish flag" is meant to set the real ethnic Poles and Russians against each other.

    Sorry, but in this case you help in spreading disinformation and Ukrainian coup regime propaganda.

    I take offense and I find that very insulting, as I only report something when I am quite sure about it and the sources are credible, but I will let that pass in the interest of the thread.

    I am only reporting what an eyewitness saw. Of course he will make mistakes, and some of what he reports are rumors, but on the whole he seems like a intelligent, observant person, as befits a medicine doctor.  Also he is a non combatant and not interested that much in military things, so his observations are valuable because they are about things he found particularly striking and would stick in the memory of a layman. I would love to hear the stories from foreign fighters with the militia as they would have a lot of valuable insight on the military side of things.

    Judging by the posters at MPnet, Russophobia is rampant in Poland. I do have a Polish friend who is fairly moderate and he admits as much. Not everybody in Poland is like that, I would dare say only a minority, but the unpleasant truth is that there is no love lost between the two countries. Some Poles do hate Russia.

    As far as I know there are  no "ethnic Ukrainians" living in Poland, ever since the borders were moved after World War II, unless you mean migrant workers.

    Of all the stories about mercenaries in the junta armies, the ones about Polish mercs are the most credible. After all, Maidan rioters got training in Poland. There is a well known photo of Turchynov hanging around with a former Polish officer and  known mercenary, and there are the trophies of Western small arms captured at the Donetsk airport. There have been lots of stories of foreign mercenaries circulated by the militia. This is the first confirmation from a credible and impartial Western eyewitness. Why would he make stuff up?  He was at the front and is not reporting rumors.

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    Post  Khepesh Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:19 pm

    whir wrote:
    Expect YouTube to purge some accounts and go back to business as soon as possible, in other countries Google has faced the same treatment with countless ISPs and every single time they've avoided it by implementing local regulations about copyright (as in theory they should be doing from the beginning). Why kill the cash cow when you can milk it ad infinitum.
    Oh but this is Russia blocking Youtube, not other way round, so it will be difficult for many to get around this. Most people cannot even do a simple ip number spoof let alone more complicated tricks. I don't think it will happen tho as it will hurt Russians far more than Youtube and will be very unpopular

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    Post  Khepesh Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:25 pm

    ukrops have been bombarding Gorlovka again. Water treatment plant was hit and smell of chlorine spreads.

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    Post  flamming_python Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:55 pm

    Ispan wrote:Judging by the posters at MPnet, Russophobia is rampant in Poland. I do have a Polish friend who is fairly moderate and he admits as much. Not everybody in Poland is like that, I would dare say only a minority, but the unpleasant truth is that there is no love lost between the two countries. Some Poles do hate Russia.

    Forums are not good places to judge anything; here for instance, we have Russia-friendly people from around the world - yet that doesn't mean that the world is Russia friendly or anything even close.

    Poland has an age-old paranoia about Russia and that's no secret, they are afraid of Russia so every time anything happens no matter for what reason, they assume that no matter who's right or who's wrong - Russia is about to get them.
    What also has to be understood though - is that Poland, aside from Russia itself and maybe Belarus, is the country that is the most affected or shall I say interested by the Ukrainian conflict. And there, it would be a big mistake to think that most Poles support the Ukrainians. They might be scared of Russia and a new Cold War, but that doesn't mean that they look upon the Pravyj Sektor, Poroshenko, the shelling and everything that's going on with any sympathy.
    Even despite the propaganda there and so on, and the significant numbers of Maidan sympathisers and/or Russophobes in Poland, Poland is nontheless split in society on this issue, and probably has the highest absolute number of people that outright oppose the Ukrainian government and the war its waging after Russia itself; because they know what kind of government it is.[/quote]

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    Post  Regular Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:25 pm

    Khepesh wrote:
    whir wrote:
    Expect YouTube to purge some accounts and go back to business as soon as possible, in other countries Google has faced the same treatment with countless ISPs and every single time they've avoided it by implementing local regulations about copyright (as in theory they should be doing from the beginning). Why kill the cash cow when you can milk it ad infinitum.
    Oh but this is Russia blocking Youtube, not other way round, so it will be difficult for many to get around this. Most people cannot even do a simple ip number spoof let alone more complicated tricks. I don't think it will happen tho as it will hurt Russians far more than Youtube and will be very unpopular
    Idiotic beyond belief. I have plenty of Russian Youtubers among my favourites. Russian censorship is idiotic, why it became so strickt lalely IDK why. Russian movies and music of today are littery garbage so what kind of copyright they are talking about? People use torrents or hubs to download this stuff, not youtube. Sheesh

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    Post  whir Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:41 pm wrote:Airport Luhansk found "Stingers" (operational mode) / # LNRsegodnya

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    Post  Khepesh Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:54 pm

    Regular wrote:
    Idiotic beyond belief. I have plenty of Russian Youtubers among my favourites. Russian censorship is idiotic, why it became so strickt lalely IDK why. Russian movies and music of today are littery garbage so what kind of copyright they are talking about? People use torrents or hubs to download this stuff, not youtube. Sheesh
    Partly morality panic as on VK and moi mir absolutely anything was available until a few years back and it was almost impossible not to click on something or see a thumbnail that you really, really, did not want to. Also there has been the big effort to stop swears. Was a time when VK blocked foreigners from access to video content because there were so many western copyrighted films available in HD and a lot of complaints from Hollywood, so this move is rather hypocritical.

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    Post  Erk Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:00 pm

    medo wrote:The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 12 Pk32n910

    "В разрушенном луганском аэропорту обнаружен склад американского оружия. Об этом сообщил сегодня на бриффинге сообщил начальник следственного отдела Генпрокуратуры ЛНР Леонид Ткаченко. "Суть всего происходящего было в следующем. При разборе завалов в Луганском аэропорту рабочими был обнаружен склад с боеприпасами, стрелковым и тяжелым вооружением, в том числе производства США. Доступ в данное помещение до этого дня был физически невозможен, поскольку вход в складское помещение был завален обломками", - пояснил Ткаченко. Он указал, что среди найденного вооружения были найдены переносные зенитные ракетные комплексы (ПЗРК). "В частности, предположительно, ПЗРК "Стингер". Все указанные предметы имеют специальную маркировку и обозначения принадлежности к "департаменту обороны США", - уточнил руководитель ведомства. Сотрудники МВД ЛНР произвели изъятие и фиксацию оружия и боеприпасов. Ведется следствие, цель которого - точное установление страны производства каждой из единиц. В Луганске намерены выяснить, как в аэропорту, где велись военные действия летом прошлого года, оказалось иностранное оружие."

    Novorussian army find in Lugansk airport an Ukrainian cache of US made weapons, where they also got Stinger MANPADs from US Army.

    Which is pretty funny considering NAF have no aircraft, just goes to show how aware the US is sending them MANPADS.

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    Post  JohninMK Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:11 pm

    Erk wrote:
    medo wrote:

    Novorussian army find in Lugansk airport an Ukrainian cache of US made weapons, where they also got Stinger MANPADs from US Army.

    Which is pretty funny considering NAF have no aircraft, just goes to show how aware the US is sending them MANPADS.
    At that stage there was probably thinking that Russian aircraft or helicopters may appear.

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    Post  franco Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:16 pm

    Khepesh wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:

    Graham Phillips has been back to the UK a number of times since he started reporting from the Donbass; last time I think wasn't too long ago, maybe 4-5 months back.

    As mentioned, he got detained/questioned briefly by British police or intelligence at least once, but they got nuthin' on him, so he can't be held.

    You know, as bad as the UK is in terms of following Washington's directives, and supporting coups and so on around the world - I lived long enough in the UK to know that it has a strong foundation of civil rights and a predictable justice system (if for no other reason than that the British government/intelligence know that there are certain things that they'll never get away with if they try to pull it off at home).

    Imprisoning Graham Phillips, or any other journalist, is one of those things - the outcry would be absolutely enormous, this man is pretty well known as a journalist and I'm sure has more than enough connections; the UK journalistic community will undoubtedly close ranks with him and declare support for him too. RT will constantly run material about him, and RT has huge viewship in the UK.
    Such a move by the British government will do more to publisice him than anything else.
    Once that happens, I'm pretty sure he'll get some support from various MPs in the houses of parliament, some political parties too.

    Therefore imprisoning him or charging him on some phony pretense is just something that they can never get away with, and will never try because it's just not worth it for them.
    They can't do the same as the US tried against Manning or Snowden either; accusing someone of being a traitor is just not something that will fly in British society unless the man really was a traitor and brought harm to his countrymen by aiding an enemy at war; which is certainly not the case for Graham Phillips. The UK is not the US and accusing someone of being unpatriotic or whatever is something that will raise nothing more than a few eyebrows.
    Probably all true, but I do not trust them and think they are not the same people who fought in WWII. 紙老虎

    They have gone to bat for him both times that the Ukrainians had captured him. Gave him letters afterwards advising him against his actions in Donbas but even his enemies in England would have a problem with him being prosecuted for trying to tell the news. Not cricket you see Wink

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