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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  JohninMK Mon Jul 27, 2015 3:51 pm

    More of these events to come, sadly

    MOSCOW, July 27. /TASS/. A burial site of unidentified people has been found near the settlement of Amvrosiyevka in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Lilia Rodionova, a member of the DPR commission for the affairs of prisoners, said on Monday.

    She said commission members had resumed on Monday the search for bodies of servicemen killed near this settlement. "Today, we began an operation to recover bodies of servicemen killed near Amvrosiyevka. A burial site has been found," the Donetsk News Agency quoted as saying. She said the bodies had been exhumed for forensic studies. "So far, we cannot say how many bodies were buried there and the identity of these people," she said.

    DPR militias have already found a number of other deserted burial sites. Some of them were visited by leaders of a number of European non-government organizations. DPR militias also applied to the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) asking to initiate an emergency investigation over these deserted burial sites near Donetsk.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  JohninMK Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:42 pm

    I haven't spotted this from 5 days ago here so if it a duplicate, sorry. Its all about the 'Maiden Sniper Trial', highlighting the difficulties of fixing or selective selection of evidence in the modern digital age with multiple, time stamped sources some appearing at inconvenient times.

    A delayed trial of two Berkut police members in the Maidan Massacre case [1] have produced striking new revelations providing further confirmations of major findings of my Maidan “snipers’ massacre” study about Maidan snipers killing both police and protesters and subsequent cover up and falsification of the official investigation.[2] But these striking revelations have not been reported by the Ukrainian and Western media, even though the trial proceedings were open to the media, were streamed live over the Internet and their recordings were posted on YouTube.

    On July 15, 2015, the prosecution made public in court for the first time its charges alleging that two arrested members of the Berkut special company massacred 39 out of 49 killed protesters on February 20, 2014.

    However, the prosecution’s case unraveled on July 17 when the brother of one of the victims stated during his questioning by the prosecutors that Andrii Saienko was killed not from Berkut positions but from a top floor of the Maidan-controlled Hotel Ukraina. He made this conclusion on the basis of his brother’s position as shown in a video at the moment of his killing and an entry wound location in upper right chest area and a steep wound channel to the backbone. The prosecutors and relatives of some of the victims reported during the trial that technical expert reports in the investigative file established that Saienko and at least 9 other protesters were killed from the same exact 7.62mm caliber weapon.

    This revelation alone means that a significant proportion of the protesters were shot from this Maidan-controlled hotel, since this caliber bullets were extracted from bodies of 16 protesters. But the prosecution charged two Berkut members with their killings, even though Saienko’s brother and his lawyer officially handed to investigators the aforementioned video file in October 2014.

    Much, much more at

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Lugansk inferno. Trapped

    Post  Ruthenius Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:54 pm

    Popular blogger Kane Vlastilin and Leonid Kozyrevskii wrote a comprehensive report about the Defense of Lugansk against assaulting Ukrainian army in July-August 2014. This is the first part (three in total) of the translation for our non-russophone buddies by me.
    In case if you see some horrific grammar or style errors don't hesitate to correct me.

    The goal of this article is to give the depiction of the events of July-August 2014, the most enduring and devastating days of the defense of Lugansk when the soil was burning under our feet, when the smell of gunpowder and smoke was omnipresent, the days when hundreds of people were killed and when we made the last stand. The defense of Lugansk will be written in history of this war, as one of the most terrible and violent episodes.

    In truth, republics' territories of that period were the places of horror.

    After the fall of Slavyansk-Kramatorsk aglomeration in early July, Ukrainian army launched the offence on all fronts. Their superiority in numbers and firepower seemed unmatched and the scale of lost territories was crushing. I would not like to talk about everything that happened in those days, this story tells only a few episodes of the conflict.

    That summer Lugansk along with his older brother Donetsk experienced the most enduring days in their history. By mid-July 30-40% of the population had already left their homes, and that was just the beginning because in August cities lost up to 70% of their inhabitants. The first shellings of Donetsk had occurred before Strelkov returned from Slavyansk, but reached their climax just with the fall of the front in the suburbs of Donetsk. Lugansk was the second to suffer from arty attacks, since the second decade of July.

    Ukrainian army  had failed to take the border and after two weeks southern borderlands became a cauldron for Ukrainian troops positioned south of LPR and southeast of DPR. By July 22-25 Ukrainian General HQ realized that as well though the cauldron was formed some time later. Militia's stubborn resistance, serious artillery fire (the great share of limited artillery units possessed by militia was transferred to the sector Izvarino-Krasnodon-Rovenki), the fail to enter the southern agglomeration of Donbas cities along the route Rostov-Kharkov, remoteness from the main supply routes and the heavy losses made it extremely complicated for Ukrainians to hold border block posts and secured their defeat in the cauldron. Nevertheless the opponent managed to divert the big bulk of militia forces and for some time was greatly hindering connection with Russia.
    During the battle for Izvarino it was almost impossible to cross the. Sometimes shells fell even on the Russian soil and one citizen was killed in Kuybyshevo. By the end of July the defection of Ukrainian soldiers from the cauldron became so massive that according to some sources a thousand of servicemen managed to escape death in the cauldron by retreating to Russia. Despite the heavy resistance organized in the bottleneck of the cauldron, the trap was closed by the beggining of August and 5 thousand of enemy soldiers were doomed.

    Trapped in the steppes of Lugansk and left without appropriate supply of food Ukrainian forces were destroyed by decisive actions of the militia.  Therefore that sector became a place of defeat for 79th, 72nd, 24th brigade and other units. A along with simultaneous disaster in Shakhtarsk, the first days of August were marked by the first serious defeat of Ukrainian forces and  their so-called "offence" on Lugansk and Donetsk.

    The situation on the northern front was not so pleasant for us. After militia left Rubezhnoe, Severodonetsk and Lisichansk, the small town Pervomaisk and its vicinities took the full blow from Ukrainian Starobelsk-Kremink battlegroup and we are still holding it. Pervomaisk endured several frontal assaults and one of its part was captured and re-captured several times. Today it is held by the militia. Unfortunately enemy's reinforcement arrived just in time from Artyomovsk and  pushed us out from Popasnaya and with the fall of Debaltsevo the future of Stakhanov-Alchevsk agglomeration seemed grim.

    By the second decade of August the enemy realized that it will be too difficult to take Pervomaysk and assault Stakhanov and Alchevsk from the front, because the majority of Ukrainian assaults were successfully repelled by the militia thanks to the specific terrain of that sector and the most courageous actions of "Prizrak batallion" under the command of A. Mozgovoy plus other units though that cannot be said about some cowardly Cossack units .

    Despite our heavy resistance and attempts to counter-attack after the fall of Schastye and Stukalova balka the front line came 4-5 km close to Lugansk. Artillery shellings rose to an unprecedented scale, conducted mostly by mortars rather than artillery. Since the early August Lugansk was infiltrated by a dozen of subversive-reconnaissance groups (DRG) who mercilessly shelled the city from inside taking advantage of the absence of civilians, power shortages and to say the truth - of confusion as well.

    Specific features of the terrain of Zymogorye-Metalist sector gave Ukrainians the opportunity to observe Lugansk in plain sight from the previously captured territories north of the town. By early August Ukrainians captured Sabovka, Zymogorye, Beloye, Vesyolaya, Tarasovka and tried to implement an ambitious plan to build a corridor Lugansk airport and encircle Lugansk. Metalist passed form hands to hands several times, Ukrainian artillery  stationed there was utterly shelling militia positions in Bolshaya Vergunka and Malaya Vergunka. Vicinities of Georgievka were captured July 28-29 and the forces of so-called "Counter-Terrorist Operation" approached Lugansk from the north and the west.

    By the 10th of August the daily casualty rate of Ukrainian forces rose to 30-50 of wounded and killed servicemen, 30th brigade was the most determined to enter Lugansk via frontal assault. 11th of August was marked by literally endless attacks on Lugansk suburb - Alexandrovsk. That little town was captured and re-captured several times in the row but ultimately militia managed to repel Ukrainian attempts to enter Kamenobrodsky district of Lugansk, on August 13 and 14 a dozen of Ukrainian tanks and mortar batteries were destroyed there.

    Fighting for Vergunskii crossroad continued and despite victories claims from Ukrainian National Security Council, so-called "CTO" forces did not take control over Bolshaya Vergunka. They only controlled the forest in Vergunka only on August 14  but retreated later after mortar shelling conducted by LPR soldiers. By the 12 of August Vergunskii crossroad was completely controlled by the junta and that gave them pleasure to announce that UAF managed to break in Lugansk.

    August 16 was marked by notable artillery duels in  Sabovka-Metallist sector. During the fighting enemy lost up to three 2S9, 2S3 and two 2S1 arty pieces.

    Absolutely incompetent junta forces deliberately targeted the residential areas and the places where food supplies were supposed to be stored, e.g. central market was shelled 7 times. Shelling continued on August 15 and 16 as well, supermarket "Epicenter" caught fire, it was impossible to find not only an open shop but even a moving car. The situation with bread supply was catastrophic, 80% of the city was left without water, hospitals had almost no generators and humanitarian aid from Russia simply could not be safely delivered. We were waiting for the relief for 6 long, very long days...

    Lugansk lost electricity supply on August 2 and few days later lost water supply as well for a very long period. Similar problems were experienced in Donetsk and other cities Novorossiya. August 14 Ukies launched an another assault from two directions - Lutugino-Alexandrovsk-Yubileynoe and Georgievka-Novosvetlovka-Khrashevatoye

    A simple splinter of a glass was seen as a bad omen those days. Soon Bolotov was removed and Ukies threw dozens of tanks into the breach ... terrible battles were fought in Vergunka ... a column of tanks broke through Aleksandrovka and was destroyed by militia on the road between Aleksandrovka and Yubileynoye, another column headed to Beloye then entered the airport through Georgievka. These critters rushed to Khrashevatoye and Novosvetlovka later in order to stop the very first humanitarian convoy.

    Barely 80-100 thousand people remained in Lugansk during those days. That was a terrifying number considering pre-war population of 500k. Donetsk had a little less than 400k at that time, although those figures are uncertain, no-one counted them properly. It was possible to do the headcount basing only on the number of distributed h-aid packages. The first h-aid convoy was an exceptional measure to relieve the beleaguered Lugansk.

    To be continued...


    keinplast.livejournal com/4861.html

    Last edited by Ruthenius on Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:01 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Flagship Victory
    Flagship Victory

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Flagship Victory Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:57 pm

    This war is crazy. Every day Maidan shells Donetsk. NAF counter fire kills Maidan arti and personnel which promptly gets replaced. The next day the same thing happens. At this rate, this war will go on for centuries. Shocked Is there any plan for an NAF offensive again?

    The only way for this war to end is direct Russian military intervention and peacekeepers. The people of Ukraine are nothing but zombies at this point. What a Face

    Last edited by Flagship Victory on Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  JohninMK Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:59 pm

    Flagship Victory wrote:This war is crazy. Every day Maidan shells Donetsk. NAF counter fire kills Maidan arti and personnel which promptly gets replaced. The next day the same thing happens. At this rate, this war will go on for centuries. Shocked Is there any plan for an NAF offensive again?
    No, again.

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Guest Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:08 pm

    JohninMK wrote:
    Flagship Victory wrote:This war is crazy. Every day Maidan shells Donetsk. NAF counter fire kills Maidan arti and personnel which promptly gets replaced. The next day the same thing happens. At this rate, this war will go on for centuries. Shocked Is there any plan for an NAF offensive again?
    No, again.
    I'm willing to bet there is, just they haven't been and won't be given the green light.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  flamming_python Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:13 pm

    Ivan the Colorado wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:
    par far wrote:
    Cowboy's daughter wrote:Ситуация Новороссии ‏@EgoRZemtsoV 17h17 hours ago

    Донецкий Беркут:

    Donetsk Berkut:

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 CK3XnNAUYAAK31M

    more photos at link

    What kind of rifle is the young solider on the right carrying? the one that is pointing down, the big rifle.

    Pretty sure it's an RPK-74 but the lighting is so crap it could also be an RPD for all I can see.

    They are both LMGs, not assault rifles.
    Guy holding his gun pointed up has an AK series rifle. Barrel too short and receiver isn't bulky enough to be a RPK.

    I meant both the RPK and RPD are LMGs

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Ghoster Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:23 pm
    Donetsk region, on 27 July.

    The armed forces of Ukraine is preparing a full-scale offensive against Donetsk in August. Rumors about it the first day walking among the officers of the APU.

    This is with reference to its own source in the ranks of Ukrainian army reported on the "New Russia".

    According to the spokesman, at the moment APU actively tightening the troops to Donetsk. About moving equipment towards the line of contact and inform residents of Kiev controlled settlements.

       "In the Donetsk side a lot riding technique. Lots of. All day carry. Yes, the whole day trucks with tanks chase towards the Don. Hold on, "- said a resident of Konstantinovka.

    According to rumors, officers are actively discussing the APU attack on Donetsk could begin in mid-August.

    As previously reported, on Sunday evening APU resumed shelling of Donetsk. As a result of falling shells caught fire a few houses.
    I remember the Ukrainian attack in mid-April this year. I think junta tried to break through Spartak and Donetsk Airport? Anyway, Jageraus (Auslander) posted the date of the attack in February, and later the attack date was posted in some news websites few weeks before hand.

    So, I have no doubt that leaks like that could happen. But currently these are just rumors.
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:32 pm

    JohninMK wrote:Chickens coming home to roost, as we say.

    Ukraine's Chief Military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios stated Monday that fighters from the Tornado territorial defense battalion have resisted Internal Affairs Ministry orders to lay down their arms, and are presently located in a town just outside Kiev, Ukrainian media have reported. Matios told Ukraine's Channel 5 television station that the fighters are holed up in Boyarka, a town southwest of the city. "I don't know what the Tornado company is doing, armed, in Boyarka. Right near Kiev there are many armed men who have not disbanded [from their formations]. Where is the Internal Affairs Minister? Why can't he monitor the implementation his own order?!"

    Last month, Ukrainian law enforcement detained eight fighters from the Tornado special police unit, including company commander Ruslan Onishchenko, suspecting them of committing serious crimes against the civilian population in the Ukrainian-controlled portion of the Lugansk region.

    Matios had earlier complained that 43 of 109 of the company's fighters were recidivist criminals, asking how it was that such men could have come "into positions of leadership and received weapons from the state and the status of police officers, while continuing to commit crimes on the territories they were tasked with patrolling."

    Ukrainian Internal Affairs Minister Arsen Avakov had signed an order disbanding the police unit back in June. The militants had initially resisted, responding to the order by mining the territory around their Severodonetsk base, blocking off the path to the base and threatening to open fire on government forces. The militants later abandoned the territory, and Ukrainian security organs have carried out an investigation.

    The Tornado special police unit has been accused of committing horrific crimes during its service in Donbass, including murder, rape, assault, kidnapping, looting and racketeering. The group recorded much of their gruesome behavior, including the gang rape of a local man, on video.

    Read more:

    I was reading about them earlier today. Horrific torture and rape is what they have done. They truly are a criminal group without any conscience.

    If you type in "Tornado battalion" in twitter, an awful video comes up, by the Ukrainian prosecutor giving testimony. Tornado battalion members are some sick sons of bitches, who liked what they did. Kiev is truly despicable for turning them loose on the population of Ukraine. and so is any and everyone who funded them. Kiev had better do something with them or they are going to have to live with the sons of bitches.
    Pardon my cursing.

    I wonder sometimes if everything that has happened will eventually come out?
    Flagship Victory
    Flagship Victory

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Flagship Victory Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:33 pm

    LOLs if they want to do an offensive they should do it in September. The weather won't be too hot and the days will still be quite long.
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:42 pm

    Ruthenius wrote:Popular blogger Kane Vlastilin and Leonid Kozyrevskii wrote a comprehensive report about the Defense of Lugansk against assaulting Ukrainian army in July-August 2014. This is the first part (three in total) of the translation for our non-russophone buddies by me.
    In case if you see some horrific grammar or style errors don't hesitate to correct me.

    The goal of this article is to give the depiction of the events of July-August 2014, the most enduring and devastating days of the defense of Lugansk when the soil was burning under our feet, when the smell of gunpowder and smoke was omnipresent, the days when hundreds of people were killed and when we made the last stand. The defense of Lugansk will be written in history of this war, as one of the most terrible and violent episodes.

    In truth, republics' territories of that period were the places of horror.

    After the fall of Slavyansk-Kramatorsk aglomeration in early July, Ukrainian army launched the offence on all fronts. Their superiority in numbers and firepower seemed unmatched and the scale of lost territories was crushing. I would not like to talk about everything that happened in those days, this story tells only a few episodes of the conflict.

    That summer Lugansk along with his older brother Donetsk experienced the most enduring days in their history. By mid-July 30-40% of the population had already left their homes, and that was just the beginning because in August cities lost up to 70% of their inhabitants. The first shellings of Donetsk had occurred before Strelkov returned from Slavyansk, but reached their climax just with the fall of the front in the suburbs of Donetsk. Lugansk was the second to suffer from arty attacks, since the second decade of July.

    Ukrainian army  had failed to take the border and after two weeks southern borderlands became a cauldron for Ukrainian troops positioned south of LPR and southeast of DPR. By July 22-25 Ukrainian General HQ realized that as well though the cauldron was formed some time later. Militia's stubborn resistance, serious artillery fire (the great share of limited artillery units possessed by militia was transferred to the sector Izvarino-Krasnodon-Rovenki), the fail to enter the southern agglomeration of Donbas cities along the route Rostov-Kharkov, remoteness from the main supply routes and the heavy losses made it extremely complicated for Ukrainians to hold border block posts and secured their defeat in the cauldron. Nevertheless the opponent managed to divert the big bulk of militia forces and for some time was greatly hindering connection with Russia.
    During the battle for Izvarino it was almost impossible to cross the. Sometimes shells fell even on the Russian soil and one citizen was killed in Kuybyshevo. By the end of July the defection of Ukrainian soldiers from the cauldron became so massive that according to some sources a thousand of servicemen managed to escape death in the cauldron by retreating to Russia. Despite the heavy resistance organized in the bottleneck of the cauldron, the trap was closed by the beggining of August and 5 thousand of enemy soldiers were doomed.

    Trapped in the steppes of Lugansk and left without appropriate supply of food Ukrainian forces were destroyed by decisive actions of the militia.  Therefore that sector became a place of defeat for 79th, 72nd, 24th brigade and other units. A along with simultaneous disaster in Shakhtarsk, the first days of August were marked by the first serious defeat of Ukrainian forces and  their so-called "offence" on Lugansk and Donetsk.

    The situation on the northern front was not so pleasant for us. After militia left Rubezhnoe, Severodonetsk and Lisichansk, the small town Pervomaisk and its vicinities took the full blow from Ukrainian Starobelsk-Kremink battlegroup and we are still holding it. Pervomaisk endured several frontal assaults and one of its part was captured and re-captured several times. Today it is held by the militia. Unfortunately enemy's reinforcement arrived just in time from Artyomovsk and  pushed us out from Popasnaya and with the fall of Debaltsevo the future of Stakhanov-Alchevsk agglomeration seemed grim.

    By the second decade of August the enemy realized that it will be too difficult to take Pervomaysk and assault Stakhanov and Alchevsk from the front, because the majority of Ukrainian assaults were successfully repelled by the militia thanks to the specific terrain of that sector and the most courageous actions of "Prizrak batallion" under the command of A. Mozgovoy plus other units though that cannot be said about some cowardly Cossack units .

    Despite our heavy resistance and attempts to counter-attack after the fall of Schastye and Stukalova balka the front line came 4-5 km close to Lugansk. Artillery shellings rose to an unprecedented scale, conducted mostly by mortars rather than artillery. Since the early August Lugansk was infiltrated by a dozen of subversive-reconnaissance groups (DRG) who mercilessly shelled the city from inside taking advantage of the absence of civilians, power shortages and to say the truth - of confusion as well.

    Specific features of the terrain of Zymogorye-Metalist sector gave Ukrainians the opportunity to observe Lugansk in plain sight from the previously captured territories north of the town. By early August Ukrainians captured Sabovka, Zymogorye, Beloye, Vesyolaya, Tarasovka and tried to implement an ambitious plan to build a corridor Lugansk airport and encircle Lugansk. Metalist passed form hands to hands several times, Ukrainian artillery  stationed there was utterly shelling militia positions in Bolshaya Vergunka and Malaya Vergunka. Vicinities of Georgievka were captured July 28-29 and the forces of so-called "Counter-Terrorist Operation" approached Lugansk from the north and the west.

    By the 10th of August the daily casualty rate of Ukrainian forces rose to 30-50 of wounded and killed servicemen, 30th brigade was the most determined to enter Lugansk via frontal assault. 11th of August was marked by literally endless attacks on Lugansk suburb - Alexandrovsk. That little town was captured and re-captured several times in the row but ultimately militia managed to repel Ukrainian attempts to enter Kamenobrodsky district of Lugansk, on August 13 and 14 a dozen of Ukrainian tanks and mortar batteries were destroyed there.

    Fighting for Vergunskii crossroad continued and despite victories claims from Ukrainian National Security Council, so-called "CTO" forces did not take control over Bolshaya Vergunka. They only controlled the forest in Vergunka only on August 14  but retreated later after mortar shelling conducted by LPR soldiers. By the 12 of August Vergunskii crossroad was completely controlled by the junta and that gave them pleasure to announce that UAF managed to break in Lugansk.

    August 16 was marked by notable artillery duels in  Sabovka-Metallist sector. During the fighting enemy lost up to three 2S9, 2S3 and two 2S1 arty pieces.

    Absolutely incompetent junta forces deliberately targeted the residential areas and the places where food supplies were supposed to be stored, e.g. central market was shelled 7 times. Shelling continued on August 15 and 16 as well, supermarket "Epicenter" caught fire, it was impossible to find not only an open shop but even a moving car. The situation with bread supply was catastrophic, 80% of the city was left without water, hospitals had almost no generators and humanitarian aid from Russia simply could not be safely delivered. We were waiting for the relief for 6 long, very long days...

    Lugansk lost electricity supply on August 2 and few days later lost water supply as well for a very long period. Similar problems were experienced in Donetsk and other cities Novorossiya. August 14 Ukies launched an another assault from two directions - Lutugino-Alexandrovsk-Yubileynoe and Georgievka-Novosvetlovka-Khrashevatoye

    A simple splinter of a glass was seen as a bad omen those days. Soon Bolotov was removed and Ukies threw dozens of tanks into the breach ... terrible battles were fought in Vergunka ... a column of tanks broke through Aleksandrovka and was destroyed by militia on the road between Aleksandrovka and Yubileynoye, another column headed to Beloye then entered the airport through Georgievka. These critters rushed to Khrashevatoye and Novosvetlovka later in order to stop the very first humanitarian convoy.

    Barely 80-100 thousand people remained in Lugansk during those days. That was a terrifying number considering pre-war population of 500k. Donetsk had a little less than 400k at that time, although those figures are uncertain, no-one counted them properly. It was possible to do the headcount basing only on the number of distributed h-aid packages. The first h-aid convoy was an exceptional measure to relieve the beleaguered Lugansk.

    To be continued...


    keinplast.livejournal com/4861.html

    Thank you so much!!
    Flagship Victory
    Flagship Victory

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Flagship Victory Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:56 pm

    Maidan border guards denied shooting at Russian civilians.
    par far

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  par far Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:37 pm

    Ghoster wrote:
    Donetsk region, on 27 July.

    The armed forces of Ukraine is preparing a full-scale offensive against Donetsk in August. Rumors about it the first day walking among the officers of the APU.

    This is with reference to its own source in the ranks of Ukrainian army reported on the "New Russia".

    According to the spokesman, at the moment APU actively tightening the troops to Donetsk. About moving equipment towards the line of contact and inform residents of Kiev controlled settlements.

       "In the Donetsk side a lot riding technique. Lots of. All day carry. Yes, the whole day trucks with tanks chase towards the Don. Hold on, "- said a resident of Konstantinovka.

    According to rumors, officers are actively discussing the APU attack on Donetsk could begin in mid-August.

    As previously reported, on Sunday evening APU resumed shelling of Donetsk. As a result of falling shells caught fire a few houses.
    I remember the Ukrainian attack in mid-April this year. I think junta tried to break through Spartak and Donetsk Airport? Anyway, Jageraus (Auslander) posted the date of the attack in February, and later the attack date was posted in some news websites few weeks before hand.

    So, I have no doubt that leaks like that could happen. But currently these are just rumors.

    They will do a offensive at some time but no one will know when, the good thing about this leak is that is has given time for the civilians to leave and  give the NAF a chance to prepare. The the fascist Kiev regime army has really transformed itself and it not the same, they have gotten better. But the NAF have not been sitting around either, they been preparing and getting better also. The next offensive when ever it comes from the fascists(it has to come because the US is not going to waste money for nothing) is going to a real dirty war(both sides have more heavy weapons), that is why hopefully the civilians get out of there.

    Can somebody tell me what kind of sniper rifles the NAF is using(I saw pics of VKS sniper rifle and others)? I am into sniper rifles a lot. Thanks.

    Last edited by par far on Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:42 pm; edited 3 times in total
    par far

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  par far Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:38 pm

    Cowboy's daughter wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:Chickens coming home to roost, as we say.

    Ukraine's Chief Military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios stated Monday that fighters from the Tornado territorial defense battalion have resisted Internal Affairs Ministry orders to lay down their arms, and are presently located in a town just outside Kiev, Ukrainian media have reported. Matios told Ukraine's Channel 5 television station that the fighters are holed up in Boyarka, a town southwest of the city. "I don't know what the Tornado company is doing, armed, in Boyarka. Right near Kiev there are many armed men who have not disbanded [from their formations]. Where is the Internal Affairs Minister? Why can't he monitor the implementation his own order?!"

    Last month, Ukrainian law enforcement detained eight fighters from the Tornado special police unit, including company commander Ruslan Onishchenko, suspecting them of committing serious crimes against the civilian population in the Ukrainian-controlled portion of the Lugansk region.

    Matios had earlier complained that 43 of 109 of the company's fighters were recidivist criminals, asking how it was that such men could have come "into positions of leadership and received weapons from the state and the status of police officers, while continuing to commit crimes on the territories they were tasked with patrolling."

    Ukrainian Internal Affairs Minister Arsen Avakov had signed an order disbanding the police unit back in June. The militants had initially resisted, responding to the order by mining the territory around their Severodonetsk base, blocking off the path to the base and threatening to open fire on government forces. The militants later abandoned the territory, and Ukrainian security organs have carried out an investigation.

    The Tornado special police unit has been accused of committing horrific crimes during its service in Donbass, including murder, rape, assault, kidnapping, looting and racketeering. The group recorded much of their gruesome behavior, including the gang rape of a local man, on video.

    Read more:

    I was reading about them earlier today. Horrific torture and rape is what they have done. They truly are a criminal group without any conscience.

    If you type in "Tornado battalion" in twitter, an awful video comes up, by the Ukrainian prosecutor giving testimony. Tornado battalion members are some sick sons of bitches, who liked what they did. Kiev is truly despicable for turning them loose on the population of Ukraine. and so is any and everyone who funded them. Kiev had better do something with them or they are going to have to live with the sons of bitches.
    Pardon my cursing.

    I wonder sometimes if everything that has happened will eventually come out?

    They have using these criminals for decades now, the same tactic is being used in Syria and Iraq with the isis terrorist criminals.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Neutrality Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:04 pm

    Flagship Victory wrote:Maidan border guards denied shooting at Russian civilians.

    Thought so. They probably shot themselves. You know, like the people of Donetsk shell themselves on a daily basis.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:23 pm

    Cowboy's daughter wrote:Here's 3 more photos at the same place

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 CK3Xo6kVEAAp9AN

    Those are some very fancy looking vest and uniforms. Looks like voentorog is in the middle of another one of their epic sales.thumbsup

    Year from now NAF will look like current day Russian Army at this rate.

    In two years they will look like freakin' Starship Troopers russia

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:24 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Cowboy's daughter wrote:Here's 3 more photos at the same place

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 CK3Xo6kVEAAp9AN

    Those are some very fancy looking vest and uniforms.  Looks like voentorog is in the middle of another one of their epic sales.thumbsup

    Year from now NAF will look like current day Russian Army at this rate.

    In two years they will look like freakin' Starship Troopers russia

    Not unless they get K-25's, and Armata's.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:29 pm

    Ivan the Colorado wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:
    Flagship Victory wrote:This war is crazy. Every day Maidan shells Donetsk. NAF counter fire kills Maidan arti and personnel which promptly gets replaced. The next day the same thing happens. At this rate, this war will go on for centuries. Shocked Is there any plan for an NAF offensive again?
    No, again.
    I'm willing to bet there is, just they haven't been and won't be given the green light.

    We been over this guys.

    NAF will not attack, they are repositioned, geared-up and are waiting for ukrops to come to the slaughter. Twisted Evil

    And if Ghoster's article is on the money, fire is about to start soon. First come, first served...
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:31 pm

    par far wrote:
    Cowboy's daughter wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:Chickens coming home to roost, as we say.

    Ukraine's Chief Military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios stated Monday that fighters from the Tornado territorial defense battalion have resisted Internal Affairs Ministry orders to lay down their arms, and are presently located in a town just outside Kiev, Ukrainian media have reported. Matios told Ukraine's Channel 5 television station that the fighters are holed up in Boyarka, a town southwest of the city. "I don't know what the Tornado company is doing, armed, in Boyarka. Right near Kiev there are many armed men who have not disbanded [from their formations]. Where is the Internal Affairs Minister? Why can't he monitor the implementation his own order?!"

    Last month, Ukrainian law enforcement detained eight fighters from the Tornado special police unit, including company commander Ruslan Onishchenko, suspecting them of committing serious crimes against the civilian population in the Ukrainian-controlled portion of the Lugansk region.

    Matios had earlier complained that 43 of 109 of the company's fighters were recidivist criminals, asking how it was that such men could have come "into positions of leadership and received weapons from the state and the status of police officers, while continuing to commit crimes on the territories they were tasked with patrolling."

    Ukrainian Internal Affairs Minister Arsen Avakov had signed an order disbanding the police unit back in June. The militants had initially resisted, responding to the order by mining the territory around their Severodonetsk base, blocking off the path to the base and threatening to open fire on government forces. The militants later abandoned the territory, and Ukrainian security organs have carried out an investigation.

    The Tornado special police unit has been accused of committing horrific crimes during its service in Donbass, including murder, rape, assault, kidnapping, looting and racketeering. The group recorded much of their gruesome behavior, including the gang rape of a local man, on video.

    Read more:

    I was reading about them earlier today. Horrific torture and rape is what they have done. They truly are a criminal group without any conscience.

    If you type in "Tornado battalion" in twitter, an awful video comes up, by the Ukrainian prosecutor giving testimony. Tornado battalion members are some sick sons of bitches, who liked what they did. Kiev is truly despicable for turning them loose on the population of Ukraine. and so is any and everyone who funded them. Kiev had better do something with them or they are going to have to live with the sons of bitches.
    Pardon my cursing.

    I wonder sometimes if everything that has happened will eventually come out?

    They have using these criminals for decades now, the same tactic is being used in Syria and Iraq with the isis terrorist criminals.  

    Sad Sad Sad
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:46 pm

    Nothing unusual, just the beach in Mariupol:

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 CK8PtqMXAAEfzCc
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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:51 pm

    I'm not sure when or where this is, or for me, even what.
    Can only post what the video says, and the video.

    Somewhere in the LC

    Russian SPGs And Other Military Equipment Is Accumulated In Luhansk Oblast Of Ukraine


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Erk Mon Jul 27, 2015 8:11 pm

    Cowboy's daughter wrote:I'm not sure when or where this is, or for me, even what.
    Can only post what the video says, and the video.

    Somewhere in the LC

    Russian SPGs And Other Military Equipment Is Accumulated In Luhansk Oblast Of Ukraine is in Kiev. Good luck trusting that.

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    Tech Name: public responsibility euromaidan
    Tech Organization: LLC EMPR
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    Tech City: Kiev
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    Cowboy's daughter
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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Mon Jul 27, 2015 10:48 pm

    [quote="Erk"] is in Kiev. Good luck trusting that.

    Absolutely forget trusting that!

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 25 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Guest Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:29 pm

    Cowboy's daughter wrote:
    Erk wrote: is in Kiev. Good luck trusting that.

    Absolutely forget trusting that!
    I dunno, EMPR is straight yellow journalism, but it is a good barometer of the Ukrainian public. I remember reading the freakouts there when the Northern Wind was blowing Laughing

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    Post  higurashihougi Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:46 am

    JohninMK wrote:Mmmmm. two years in prison or a year plus at the front. Tough decision

    ODESSA, July 27. /TASS/. Two soldiers have been sentenced to two years in prison in Odessa for refusing to fight in the Donbas region, the press service of the Military Prosecutor's Office of Southern region of Ukraine reported on Monday.(...)

    respekt respekt respekt to these two soldiers.

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