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    Syrian Civil War: News #2


    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  Guest Tue Oct 13, 2015 5:22 am

    Cyberspec wrote:
    medo wrote:
    Militarov wrote:

    CH4 in Syria? Filmed above Ghab Plain.

    CH4 could only mean, that Chinese army is in Syria too. Russia doesn't have them and I don't know, if China deliver them to Syria. They deliver them to Iraq, but I'm not sure for Syria.

    One of the new Iraqi ones maybe?

    Well its not Russian for sure. It could be Iraqi, or...on very long stick it could be Syrian, but that is unlikely. ORR, on even longer stick, i mean VERY long stick it could be what some guys suggested Altius-M being "tested".

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Altius

    I dont think its very likely but ill put it on table as possibility, coz it truly does compare to that shape.

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  Guest Tue Oct 13, 2015 5:43 am

    sepheronx wrote:That is true. Hence why Syrian airforce has to protect their skies. They have MiG-29's and MiG-23BM. They need to make it clear to US and its allies that they are unwanted.

    Add to that, russia is doing good. But need to do better. They really need to assist SyAF in training and maybe modernization to strike and provide assistance to ground troops. If Syrian troops were pushed out of an area, that means they didnt get the support needed.

    Imo they should finally reactivate those contracts they had with Syria and deliver them MiG29SMTs from own stock since they have 27 originally ment for Algeria, and then funds they would obtain from Syria one or another way channel to MiG35 or SU30SM idk. And those Yak 130s too. Some SU24s that are nearing end of life could be useful to them also, not all of them are to be modernised for RuaAF anyways, in few years they will throw them away to some field to be eaten by rust and elements, Syrian AF with 10 more SU24s would manage alot more than they are atm.

    As someone already mentioned MiG27s...that would be good idea.... if any of them still exist in some useful form, Russia does not have desert to keep them mothballed properly and dry, nor they care to judging by occasional photos from some bases where they have some out of service machines just standing there in field.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  Cyberspec Tue Oct 13, 2015 6:12 am

    Altius?...Very unlikely I think...but who knows dunno


    Great Hezbolah footage from Zabadani a couple of days ago....helmet cam


    One of those 'Sheytan' Hell Canons has been captured by the SSNP

    #Syria - Hell Cannon seized by the #Syrian Social Nationalist Party #SSNP at Jub Al-Ahmar in the #Latakia countryside

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 CRJKK0xUEAANzkU

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  Guest Tue Oct 13, 2015 6:23 am

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 CRJU9e8WUAADU7I

    Syrian "rebels" with:

    "USA 81mm M56 HE Shell as fired from the 81mm M1 Mortar. It is fuzed with the fuze PD (Point Detonating) M52. The body of the shell is made from thin walled drawn steel, housing a 4,3 pounds (1,95 kg) charge of TNT. In contrast to the 81mm M43A1 type shell, -which was a thick walled HE fragmentation shell with 1,23 pounds (0,577 kg) of THT-, the M56 HE shell was mainly a blast shell, which relied upon a very large gas blast that throws debris around as fragmentation. The body is tapered on both top and base. In top to receive an adepter ring which receives the fuze PD M52, in the base to receive the tailsection. The tail fin assembly is a 12 fins cast piece, pressed over a steel rod, threaded on the outside in top to screw it into the base of the shell body. The base of the tail is drilled out to recieve the cartboard M6 ignition cartridge, locked up by the screwed in percussion primer M34."

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 PICT6234

    Mainly used to be fired from M1 WW2 era Mortar, which was used till late 50s. But it can be used from any 81/82mm mortar basically.

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 US-81mm-M1-mortar-in-Palerm


    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  Guest Tue Oct 13, 2015 6:34 am

    Militarov wrote:
    Cyberspec wrote:
    medo wrote:
    Militarov wrote:

    CH4 in Syria? Filmed above Ghab Plain.

    CH4 could only mean, that Chinese army is in Syria too. Russia doesn't have them and I don't know, if China deliver them to Syria. They deliver them to Iraq, but I'm not sure for Syria.

    One of the new Iraqi ones maybe?

    Well its not Russian for sure. It could be Iraqi, or...on very long stick it could be Syrian, but that is unlikely. ORR, on even longer stick, i mean VERY long stick it could be what some guys suggested Altius-M being "tested".

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Altius

    I dont think its very likely but ill put it on table as possibility, coz it truly does compare to that shape.

    Apparently confirmation came its US MQ9 ER, new modification of Reaper with extended range, seems they were accepted in service just few weeks ago.

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Enhanced-Endurance-PredB_Opt2_ISR-1

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Ob_9e9afb_mq-9-reaper-er-photo-general-atomics


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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  OminousSpudd Tue Oct 13, 2015 7:18 am

    soigneerin wrote:
    Svyatoslavich wrote:Something that is surprising me regarding the Russian intervention in Syria is Israel's silence. There can be no doubt that Israel is fully interested in getting rid of Al-Assad and weakening Syria, but surprisingly I've seen no criticism or strong declarations on the part of Israeli officials regarding Russia's intervention (differently from the US or Turkey). I am pretty sure Netanyahu and Putin reached an agreement when the former traveled to Moscow right before the start of Russia's involvement, but I can't see what. Does anybody have any idea?

    Israel can't bark post-factum against a nuclear superpower. I have no doubts that if Russia would have started the bombing campaign without informing Israel, Israel would simply have nothing to say. It happened, and you can't reverse it. Therefore condemning it would only be a waste of political energy.

    Israel likes to think it can keep relations with Russia fairly warm and fuzzy. They overstepped their mark with aiding opposition forces in Syria, saying nothing is probably the best way they can save face.

    EDIT: Cyberspec, that Hezbollah footage was excellent. Really shows how exceptionally well trained they are.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  Cyberspec Tue Oct 13, 2015 8:58 am

    OminousSpudd wrote:EDIT: Cyberspec, that Hezbollah footage was excellent. Really shows how exceptionally well trained they are.

    Yeah very impressive. I would imagine these guys are from their core units who have a very good reputation. They do also have affiliated militias who aren't of the same quality

    Militarov wrote:Apparently confirmation came its US MQ9 ER, new modification of Reaper with extended range, seems they were accepted in service just few weeks ago.

    It's possible, but so far the only confirmation I've seen is from Youtube comments....I'm sceptical considering the location


    Some fresh footage from Ruptly

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  Guest Tue Oct 13, 2015 8:59 am

    Rodinazombie wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:US stoking the fire if true, it is CNN.

    A group of US cargo aircraft airdropped overnight some 50 tons of small fire ammunition and explosives to rebels in northern Syria’s Hasakah province, CNN reported Monday citing a US official speaking on condition of anonymity.

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The broadcaster claimed that this was a first step in a US effort to boost support to what the White House refers to as moderate opposition forces fighting regular Syrian troops loyal to President Bashar Assad. C-17 cargo planes dropped ammunition on 112 pallets to be retrieved by opposition fighters on the ground from a US-vetted group called by Washington the Syrian Arab Coalition.

    According to the CNN, the newly-named Syrian anti-government force was first mentioned by Christine Wormuth, policy undersecretary at the US Defense Department, during Congressional testimony in September. She said the group was being trained as part of a train-and-equip mission for anti-Assad opposition factions in Syria.

    Read more:

    Yeah apparently yesterday was formed new coalition of "rebels" under name Syrian Democratic Force or SDF also aided apparently by Kurds.

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 CRGqWLKUcAMOJVm

    And US decided to back up this new coalition, apparently info mentioned in that article and some others came directly from Pentagon.

    Since when are the Kurd's siding with the so called 'moderate' FSA? They've been fighting them since day one of the conflict! All of a sudden hundreds, if not thousands of deaths between each other, simply forgotten? Let bygones be bygones at a snap of a finger lol?

    Me thinks that this is pure black propaganda, just like the idea that the Wahabi rebels are now allies to the Kurd's, is just like the idea that Wahabi rebels are moderates....pure BOLLOCKS!!! But what is true is that the YPG have stated that they want to cooperate with the Russian VKS, they're requesting airstrikes to help them, and we've found no evidence so far that they (YPG) want to fight Russia.

    These are just certain groups apparently among "rebels". FSA itself already proved useless.

    But don't you think the so-called alliance with the Kurds seem's a bit fraudulent? I'm calling BS on the so called alliance, if the Kurds want to be protected from Neo-Ottoman bombing raids by the hands of Erdogan, then the last thing they want to do is anger Russia.

    Well, its such a coincidence that everyone is trying to find these invisible 'moderates' and suddenly this springs up, very clever use of the word 'democratic' in its name i have to say. And you know who is always talking about democracy....I think this is just a bit of propaganda fluff by someone and wont change a thing on the ground. I

    Sry for replying with this skyscraper but its better this way, so others can track what was said before this what i will post now.

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Ypg11


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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  Cyberspec Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:07 am

    Not sure YPG can be called pro-Moscow yet....I know they're talking to them.

    But apprently the jihadi's aren't happy with the US aid, saying they're arming the Kurds, pro-Assad Assyrians (Christians) and some YPG controlled bands posing as FSA....the Turks definately won't be happy

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  Guest Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:08 am

    This video tho shows one more thing tho, they badly lack underbarrel grenade launchers or even better something like Russian GM94 or RG6. Despite what people say i wouldnt throw away rifle grenades either, they have heavier warheads than grenade launchers especially useful for laying smoke cover or HE-frag, abit more complicated to use and demands calm people to prevent them from using actual full jacket ammo by mistake.

    Yes that happened many times.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  George1 Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:53 am

    Qatar and Saudi Arabia are planning to transfer MANPADS to Syrian opposition

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 SA-7+313+Brigade+Batteries

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:48 am

    George1 wrote:Qatar and Saudi Arabia are planning to transfer MANPADS to Syrian opposition

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 SA-7+313+Brigade+Batteries

    1. Barrages will be only more intense.
    2. Flat in/ Flat out like Chechnya. Escalacija.
    3. NoVoHouthia will Rise Again.
    4. NoVoKurdia declares Independence.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  Cyberspec Tue Oct 13, 2015 11:04 am

    Interesting....a bit graphic


    Eurasian Economic Union plans to discuss economic cooperation with Syria — official

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  GarryB Tue Oct 13, 2015 11:21 am

    With satellite guided bombs and using Gefest and T upgraded bomb aiming system I suspect most ordinance is dropped from 8km plus altitudes so MANPADS wont have an effect on the bombing.

    With helos however they should send DIRCMs kits to ensure the safety of the lower flying aircraft.

    I would think a low flying drone to attract enemy MANPADS fire with DIRCMS to defend itself would be interesting... all the while detecting launches and directing attacks against the MANPAD teams...

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  zg18 Tue Oct 13, 2015 5:25 pm

    Russian map of frontline in Hama-Latakia-Idlib provinces as of 13th October (red line)

    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 10160044

    Blue line represents frontline as of 8th October

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  JohninMK Tue Oct 13, 2015 6:29 pm

    I don't think that the US is used to playing catch-up in the PR battle.

    WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The US-led coalition against the Islamic State (ISIL) in Iraq and Syria has recently killed key terrorists leaders, Operation Inherent Resolve spokesperson Steve Warren said in a press briefing on Tuesday. “Recent HVI [High Value Individual] strikes have eliminated key enemy leaders, including Hajji Mutazz on August 18 and Junaid Hussain on August 24. Recently, we have also eliminated a number of social media savvy ISIL [Islamic State] members,” Warren said.

    The spokesperson added that the coalition has killed approximately 70 senior and mid-level leaders since the beginning of May.

    Read more:

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Oct 13, 2015 6:54 pm

    Cyberspec wrote:.............................
    Great Hezbolah footage from Zabadani a couple of days ago....helmet cam


    Looks like someone payed attention in boot camp, nice! thumbsup

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Oct 13, 2015 7:19 pm

    Strange title, somethings afoot... Suspect

    US-backed Kurdish forces 'committing war crimes against Syrian civilians'
    par far

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  par far Tue Oct 13, 2015 7:32 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Strange title, somethings afoot... Suspect

    US-backed Kurdish forces 'committing war crimes against Syrian civilians'

    I think(just guessing) that this has something to do about Turkey warning US an Russia about supporting Kurds but it could be something else and it is strange it is coming from West media. Something is definitely going on here.

    Here is Turkey warming: Also from west media

    Last edited by par far on Tue Oct 13, 2015 7:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
    par far

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  par far Tue Oct 13, 2015 7:33 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Cyberspec wrote:.............................
    Great Hezbolah footage from Zabadani a couple of days ago....helmet cam


    Looks like someone payed attention in boot camp, nice! thumbsup

    All of Hezbollah fighters are trained well.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  NationalRus Tue Oct 13, 2015 7:57 pm


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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  Neutrality Tue Oct 13, 2015 7:58 pm

    par far wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Cyberspec wrote:.............................
    Great Hezbolah footage from Zabadani a couple of days ago....helmet cam


    Looks like someone payed attention in boot camp, nice! thumbsup

    All of  Hezbollah fighters are trained well.

    Very cohesive work in tight battles. Experience from wars against the IDF proves itself.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  NationalRus Tue Oct 13, 2015 8:36 pm

    Neutrality wrote:
    par far wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Cyberspec wrote:.............................
    Great Hezbolah footage from Zabadani a couple of days ago....helmet cam


    Looks like someone payed attention in boot camp, nice! thumbsup

    All of  Hezbollah fighters are trained well.

    Very cohesive work in tight battles. Experience from wars against the IDF proves itself.

    more like experienc from iranian training camps, thats not how they fought against idf, but pop up hit and run ambushes, everything to not get seen and spotted

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  Kyo Tue Oct 13, 2015 8:51 pm

    par far wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Cyberspec wrote:.............................
    Great Hezbolah footage from Zabadani a couple of days ago....helmet cam


    Looks like someone payed attention in boot camp, nice! thumbsup

    All of  Hezbollah fighters are trained well.

    That's how they beat the crap out of Tsahal back in 2006

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    Syrian Civil War: News #2 - Page 27 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #2

    Post  Vann7 Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:52 pm

    par far wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Strange title, somethings afoot... Suspect

    US-backed Kurdish forces 'committing war crimes against Syrian civilians'

    I think(just guessing) that this has something to do about Turkey warning US an Russia about supporting Kurds but it could be something else and it is strange it is coming from West media. Something is definitely going on here.

    Here is Turkey warming: Also from west media

    So it is fair when Turkey supply weapons to Alqaeda and ISIS to fight in Syria...
    but if anyone supply weapons to freedom fighters that could be used to Fight the Turkey government they cry foul? lol1

    You have to love the Dictators and war criminals..

    In more news.. some weird reports surfacing that US cargo planes who take off from Turkey drop a big supply of weapons to Kurdish in IRAQ near Turkey border.. and after that Turkey Airforce goes and bomb the shipment recently supplied by Americans to them.. Suspect

    So if the information is true.. you have Turkey own military bases used to supply weapons to
    opposition to Turkey Government ,talk about sleeping with the enemy? Laughing
    Sorry no links.. was posted by a popular member of Syrian perpective forums..  Which ever
    is the case.. im Sure If it is true Americans will no longer drop weapons to Rebels in Syria and now will be kurdish only.. this could be a sign of "saving face" preparing the ground for an honorable retreat (but that appears to not be a retreat) ,from the Syrian conflict at least in a direct way.. and will do things instead through Saudis ,Qatar and Turkey..and other Syrian neighbors.

    and Finally a major terrorist head was killed by Syrian army forces..
    a bit graphic. listen the heroic music.. Syrian do have style.. lol1

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