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max steel
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    Russia and the Baltic States


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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Lithuanian issues

    Post  Werewolf Mon May 11, 2015 2:50 am

    There was a vote in Lithunian TV3 television that asked lithunians if they believe that Russia is increasing its Propaganda towards lithunia.

    The results:
    12% said Yes.
     6% said No increase in Russian propaganda.
    82% said It is not propaganda. Russia tells the truth.

    Russia and the Baltic States LittauenUmfrage

    Video link

    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Re: Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  Guest Mon May 11, 2015 6:01 am

    Werewolf wrote:There was a vote in Lithunian TV3 television that asked lithunians if they believe that Russia is increasing its Propaganda towards lithunia.

    The results:
    12% said Yes.
     6% said No increase in Russian propaganda.
    82% said It is not propaganda. Russia tells the truth.

    Russia and the Baltic States LittauenUmfrage

    Video link
    The people could be beginning to realize that their government prostituted them to the West from the very start. Bet it feels great knowing that you are under a government that makes your land and everything you worked for into nothing more than just a buffer zone for a country a few thousand miles away in case sh!t really hits the fan one day.

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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Pro-Russian eastern Latvian region of Latgale

    Post  whir Fri May 22, 2015 10:08 am

    The New York Times wrote:Latvian Region Has Distinct Identity, and Allure for Russia

    REZEKNE, Latvia — On a continent of fractured loyalties, a kaleidoscope of separatist passions extending from Scotland to eastern Ukraine, Piters Locs, the 70-year-old champion of an obscure and, at least officially, nonexistent language, has a particularly esoteric cause.

    “We are a separate people,” he said, showing visitors around the private museum he built to celebrate the language and literature of Latgale, a sparsely populated and impoverished region of lakes, forests and abandoned Soviet-era factories along Latvia’s eastern border with Russia.

    While Mr. Locs insists that he has no desire to see the area break away from already tiny Latvia, such passion for Latgale’s language and its distinct identity helps explain why Russian nationalists see this region — about a quarter of the country — as fertile ground for their machinations to divide and weaken NATO’s easternmost fringe.

    Only about 100,000 people actually speak Latgalian. The authorities in Riga, Latvia’s capital, consider it a dialect of Latvian, not a separate language, and nobody is punished for speaking it.

    But complaints that the region’s culture, heavily influenced by Russia, is under threat have been taken up with gusto by pro-Russian groups, fueling suspicion that they work as a front for Moscow.

    In a recent article urging Russia to undertake a “preventive occupation” of this and two other Baltic nations, all of them NATO members, Rostislav Ishchenko, a political analyst close to influential nationalist figures in Moscow, asserted that Latgale’s separate identity could help open the way for a “revision” of Baltic borders. A map accompanying the article showed Latgale as a separate entity taking up the entire length of what is now Latvia’s border with Russia.

    Such a scenario would mean a Baltic replay of events last year in Ukraine, where pro-Russian separatists and so-called green men — Russian soldiers in uniforms stripped of insignia — seized Crimea and then territory along Ukraine’s border with Russia. Continue reading.

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    Location : Pindos ave., Pindosville, Pindosylvania, Pindostan

    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Re: Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri May 22, 2015 11:15 am

    whir wrote:
    The New York Times wrote:Latvian Region Has Distinct Identity, and Allure for Russia

    REZEKNE, Latvia — On a continent of fractured loyalties, a kaleidoscope of separatist passions extending from Scotland to eastern Ukraine, Piters Locs, the 70-year-old champion of an obscure and, at least officially, nonexistent language, has a particularly esoteric cause.

    “We are a separate people,” he said, showing visitors around the private museum he built to celebrate the language and literature of Latgale, a sparsely populated and impoverished region of lakes, forests and abandoned Soviet-era factories along Latvia’s eastern border with Russia.

    While Mr. Locs insists that he has no desire to see the area break away from already tiny Latvia, such passion for Latgale’s language and its distinct identity helps explain why Russian nationalists see this region — about a quarter of the country — as fertile ground for their machinations to divide and weaken NATO’s easternmost fringe.

    Only about 100,000 people actually speak Latgalian. The authorities in Riga, Latvia’s capital, consider it a dialect of Latvian, not a separate language, and nobody is punished for speaking it.

    But complaints that the region’s culture, heavily influenced by Russia, is under threat have been taken up with gusto by pro-Russian groups, fueling suspicion that they work as a front for Moscow.

    In a recent article urging Russia to undertake a “preventive occupation” of this and two other Baltic nations, all of them NATO members, Rostislav Ishchenko, a political analyst close to influential nationalist figures in Moscow, asserted that Latgale’s separate identity could help open the way for a “revision” of Baltic borders. A map accompanying the article showed Latgale as a separate entity taking up the entire length of what is now Latvia’s border with Russia.

    Such a scenario would mean a Baltic replay of events last year in Ukraine, where pro-Russian separatists and so-called green men — Russian soldiers in uniforms stripped of insignia — seized Crimea and then territory along Ukraine’s border with Russia. Continue reading.

    The New York Times has gotten to new levels of sickening Russophobic propaganda lol!

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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Re: Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  whir Fri May 22, 2015 11:25 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:The New York Times has gotten to new levels of sickening Russophobic propaganda lol!
    But at the same time raises a few fair points about the feeling of the region's inhabitants that show a subjacent strife as a result from the decay of the region and the mistrust in authorities based on a turbulent past.

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    Location : Pindos ave., Pindosville, Pindosylvania, Pindostan

    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Re: Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri May 22, 2015 11:36 am

    whir wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:The New York Times has gotten to new levels of sickening Russophobic propaganda lol!
    But at the same time raises a few fair points about the feeling of the region's inhabitants that show a subjacent strife as a result from the decay of the region and the mistrust in authorities based on a turbulent past.

    That maybe so, but American media has gotten to Joseph McCarthy levels of paranoia, and just replace one demonized ethnic group (Jews) with another (Russians) and you'll see a lot of Western media is comparable National Socialist levels of paranoia with black propaganda talking points threw media conglomerates, with similar levels of xenophobic fear porn peddling!

    Irony is that despite the hostile pro-Nazi collaborator stance those Baltic states have, Russia didn't stop selling cheap gas to them. You could only imagine how worse off those regions would of been with out Russian energy propping their sorry-asses up!

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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Re: Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  Werewolf Fri May 22, 2015 12:17 pm

    Appareantly some of the ripped apart tanks are blamed to the old woren out and expired ammunition in Ukraine.

    About the problem with the powder charges for tank guns D-81

    May. 21st, 2015 at 11:29 AM

    About the problem with the powder charges for the tanks wrote long ago, in 2006.
    Apparently since no one really on this issue and did not move.
    You can say almost in the literal sense that one of the indicators of the combat power of the tank just simply started to razlagalsa, because since the collapse of the Union new tank shots in the APU is practically not supplied.

    Biryukov, I. Yu.

    Russia and the Baltic States 399011_900
    (the results of these studies showed that the density of the powder is decreased, the powder changed color to dark brown, which is a sign of decomposition.)

    The principal tank of the army of Ukraine is a modernized T-64, armed with a 125 mm tank gun D-81 installed ammunition. For shooting apply shots of separate loading ammunition with different projectiles: armor-piercing, cumulative and high-explosive.
    For throwing these projectiles combat uniform powder charges G in sleeves with burning buildings and steel pallets, as well as additional charges on its armor-piercing shells.
    However, the current state of Arsenal shots for tank gun D-81 in Ukraine characterized by long, considerably exceeding 10 years, their life cycles and lack of production of artillery ammunition, shots of separate loading ammunition for D-81, and this led to the fact that currently are in operation ammunition, the lifetime of which reaches 25-30 years or more.

    ... As is well known [1,2,3], pyroxyline powder, including high used separate loading ammunition charges 4Z-40 for gun D-81, over time, change their properties, resulting in less energy characteristics, increasing the burning rate, up to the acquisition of high explosive properties, this considerably reduces the survivability of the receiver of the complex and there is a risk, both for the material and for the crew. In turn, this leads to a higher maximum pressure in the barrel, change the initial velocity of the projectile, and these factors affect the ballistic characteristics of the gun, which leads to increased consumption of ammunition when resolving fire tasks...

    ... Increasing the maximum pressure determined by the increase of the burning rate gunpowder Ui that due to the following. During storage due to mass transfer and mechanical components to the formation of microcracks in the surface of the powder elements of the developing. Since the rate of combustion and gas formation is directly proportional to the surface area of the powder, its increase leads to an increase in the burning rate. And this leads to an increase of the maximum pressure...

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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Re: Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  Bolt Fri May 22, 2015 5:21 pm

    The authorities in Riga, Latvia’s capital, consider it a dialect of Latvian, not a separate language, and nobody is punished for speaking it.

    Well, this is a nice civil rights achievement for Latvia - not punishing anyone for speaking some language.
    Because in other countries they absolutely punish you if you speak other language.. not.


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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Re: Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  Werewolf Fri May 22, 2015 5:24 pm

    Bolt wrote:
    The authorities in Riga, Latvia’s capital, consider it a dialect of Latvian, not a separate language, and nobody is punished for speaking it.

    Well, this is a nice civil rights achievement for Latvia - not punishing anyone for speaking some language.
    Because in other countries they absolutely punish you if you speak other language.. not.

    Don't worry they will see same fate like ukrainian which is nothing else but a dialect today propagated as some "native" and "genuine" language with own history, culture and all that crap of divide et impera style.

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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Re: Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  GarryB Sat May 23, 2015 10:08 am

    But at the same time raises a few fair points about the feeling of the region's inhabitants that show a subjacent strife as a result from the decay of the region and the mistrust in authorities based on a turbulent past.

    It raises fair points of oppression of a minority in Latvia being oppressed by a Russophobic government, and twists it into aggressive intent from Moscow... in other words... it is bullshit.

    Well, this is a nice civil rights achievement for Latvia - not punishing anyone for speaking some language.
    Because in other countries they absolutely punish you if you speak other language.. not.

    they are now a member of the EU, so their actions are not in question and cannot be criticised...  Rolling Eyes

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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Re: Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  whir Sat May 23, 2015 10:30 am

    GarryB wrote:It raises fair points of oppression of a minority in Latvia being oppressed by a Russophobic government, and twists it into aggressive intent from Moscow... in other words... it is bullshit.
    Bullshit or not those points are more than the usual "nothing to see here, move along" when someone rises that type of questions in the land of the free.

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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Putin jabs Lithuanian Grybauskaitė

    Post  zg18 Sun Jul 26, 2015 7:59 am

    I have to say , this hurts:

    Putin invites Lithuanians to Russia after more than 30% of it`s citizens left country for better life , considering this , it`s no surprising why Vilnius maintains militant anti-Russian line. It`s simply has nothing to offer to it`s people except constantly revolving myths about Russian threat while country is literally dying.

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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Re: Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jul 26, 2015 8:34 am

    zg18 wrote:I have to say , this hurts:

    Putin invites Lithuanians to Russia after more than 30% of it`s citizens left country for better life , considering this , it`s no surprising why Vilnius maintains militant anti-Russian line. It`s simply has nothing to offer to it`s people except constantly revolving myths about Russian threat while country is literally dying.

    Funny isn't it?

    They constantly chapping about "THE RUZZIANS ARE COMING!" While in actual case they are fleeing.

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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Lithuanian issues

    Post  Werewolf Thu Jul 30, 2015 5:01 pm

    Ivan the Colorado wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:There was a vote in Lithunian TV3 television that asked lithunians if they believe that Russia is increasing its Propaganda towards lithunia.

    The results:
    12% said Yes.
     6% said No increase in Russian propaganda.
    82% said It is not propaganda. Russia tells the truth.

    Russia and the Baltic States LittauenUmfrage

    Video link
    The people could be beginning to realize that their government prostituted them to the West from the very start. Bet it feels great knowing that you are under a government that makes your land and everything you worked for into nothing more than just a buffer zone for a country a few thousand miles away in case sh!t really hits the fan one day.

    You do not need to tell me that...

    Jeb Bush Endorses Unlimited Amnesty In Spanish Telemundo Interview - Breitbart:

    This is why I want Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton to be the next US president instead of Donald Trump. Bush wants to give an amnesty to all of illegal immigrants in the US while Trump wants to deport them and build a wall in Mexican border.

    The only way to weaken the US is an endless flow of third-world immigrants. It must continue and the presidency of Trump would ruin it all.

    How cute... someone who believes that there is an election and thinks he can choose.

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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  andrewlya Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:28 am

    Hi guys,
    my manager is into history and politics and he loves speaking to me about both to see my opinions about the current affairs involving Russia and especially Ukraine and the Baltics.
    One time he came in to my office and started a conversation saying that Russia is going to invade Baltic states by 2018.
    I have told him that this is nonsense and these were my reasons.

    1. If Putin really wanted to invade the Baltics, he would have started with Ukraine and would have invaded Ukraine fully by now. Also, he would have annexed Donbas since their referendum on independence they,Donetsk and Lugansk self-proclaimed break-away Republics have sent two formal requests to Kreml to join Russia like Crimea did and on both occasions Putin rejected their request, so if Putin has not annexed Donbas why would on earth he annex Baltics?

    2. What is the point of annexing Baltics since this will only cause a lot of contempt among local population who will rise up in arms and NATO will come to their rescue, which could mean the 3rd world war and this is madness, Putin is too clever to start something like this. He knows history very well and that war causes only misery and a lot of financial loss and he is into reviving Russian economy and making it better.
    Ive told my manager that Russia is not Soviet Republic anymore and Putin is not Stalin. Anyway, his opinion stands the same and mine is that there is not going to be a Russian invasion of Baltics.

    What are your thoughts? Would it not be absolute madness and pointless exercise for Putin to invade Baltics?

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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Re: Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  Werewolf Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:39 am

    Putin wants Lebensraum, because Russia is tiny and there is not enough place for the 140 mln Russians....

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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Re: Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  andrewlya Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:13 am

    Werewolf wrote:Putin wants Lebensraum, because Russia is tiny and there is not enough place for the 140 mln Russians....
    Yeah I take it Tundra is fully inhabited now..
    max steel
    max steel

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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Re: Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  max steel Sat Aug 22, 2015 1:55 pm

    Baltic natives are leaving their countries and moving towards Western Europe , canada and usa. Why would Russia invade them ?

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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Re: Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  kvs Sat Aug 22, 2015 2:15 pm

    max steel wrote: Baltic natives are leaving their countries and moving towards Western Europe , canada and usa. Why would Russia invade them ?

    All of these "new Europe" clown states have a grotesquely exaggerated view of their own value. There is zero value from invading
    any of them. In fact there is a massive negative value. Not because NATO won't like it, but because Russia will have to feed these
    welfare leeches (see the figure I posted in the Russia section).

    These clown states never admit to any of their historical wrong doing. Take Poland as an example. It always ignores the reason why
    it got incorporated into the Russian Empire. It was by no means sitting there minding its own business. It was a bastion of the
    western onslaught on Russia for centuries (
    Same goes for the precious Baltic chihuahuas who were the original base of the Teutonic Knights and their invasion of the Novgorod
    Republic (

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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Re: Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  andrewlya Sat Aug 22, 2015 5:12 pm

    max steel wrote: Baltic natives are leaving their countries and moving towards Western Europe , canada and usa. Why would Russia invade them ?
    Yeah, exactly.

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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Re: Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  andrewlya Sat Aug 22, 2015 5:17 pm

    kvs wrote:
    max steel wrote: Baltic natives are leaving their countries and moving towards Western Europe , canada and usa. Why would Russia invade them ?

    All of these "new Europe" clown states have a grotesquely exaggerated view of their own value.   There is zero value from invading
    any of them.  In fact there is a massive negative value.   Not because NATO won't like it, but because Russia will have to feed these
    welfare leeches (see the figure I posted in the Russia section).    

    These clown states never admit to any of their historical wrong doing.   Take Poland as an example.  It always ignores the reason why
    it got incorporated into the Russian Empire.   It was by no means sitting there minding its own business.   It was a bastion of the
    western onslaught on Russia for centuries .  
    Same goes for the precious Baltic chihuahuas who were the original base of the Teutonic Knights and their invasion of the Novgorod
    Well, the bottom line is that they, the Baltics and Poland, need to calm down a bit and follow their neighbours i.e. Czech Republic and Slovakia who want to have warm relationships with Russia not being eager to star a war against Russia. At the end of the day we have one common enemy and that is a rising militant Islam that poses threat to all of us.

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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Re: Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  Werewolf Sat Aug 22, 2015 5:21 pm

    andrewlya wrote:
    kvs wrote:
    max steel wrote: Baltic natives are leaving their countries and moving towards Western Europe , canada and usa. Why would Russia invade them ?

    All of these "new Europe" clown states have a grotesquely exaggerated view of their own value.   There is zero value from invading
    any of them.  In fact there is a massive negative value.   Not because NATO won't like it, but because Russia will have to feed these
    welfare leeches (see the figure I posted in the Russia section).    

    These clown states never admit to any of their historical wrong doing.   Take Poland as an example.  It always ignores the reason why
    it got incorporated into the Russian Empire.   It was by no means sitting there minding its own business.   It was a bastion of the
    western onslaught on Russia for centuries .  
    Same goes for the precious Baltic chihuahuas who were the original base of the Teutonic Knights and their invasion of the Novgorod
    Well, the bottom line is that they, the Baltics and Poland, need to calm down a bit and follow their neighbours i.e. Czech Republic and Slovakia who want to have warm relationships with Russia not being eager to star a war against Russia. At the end of the day we have one common enemy and that is a rising militant Islam that poses threat to all of us.

    Ohh sure it is Islam not the americanization of all european countries and in particular their hostility growth and eagerness for war and expansion towards east, sure some Islamists are the problem which again are created and used by americans.

    How i hate this nonsense of some wannabe panism guys that are ranting unity while than using again a scapegoat to be used as a threat for union while their real threat is the one that makes their politics a xeno entity that is destroying their host entity.

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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Re: Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  GarryB Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:36 am

    I find it amusing that the west has been interfering in the middle east.... drawing borders based on known oil reserves and ignoring political or cultural boundaries... the British and French CREATED Royal families in the region in the period after WWI when they carved up the region between themselves when the German colonies were devoured... I should know... New Zealand and the US took over Samoa... I remember having a Samoan Maths teacher at school... he had a good Samoan name... Mr Schwalger... pardon the spelling. He was from the german side of Samoa...

    Now the west has bombed Libya and Syria and Egypt and they wonder why so many refugees want out of the area and to live in lovely friendly safe Europe... well duh.

    On topic... Russia has gotten rid of a lot of dead weight... why would it go backwards and try to repatriate parts of the Soviet Union?

    Russia needs to invade its neighbours like it needs AIDS or Ebola.

    It would be much better off with friendly neighbours but it wont get that through invasion... a nuclear attack on Washington that kills all those dumb mfuckers who live and work there would certainly kill the head of the beast that stokes the fires of hate for Russia, but even then the fires will burn long.

    For Russia good relations with its neighbours has been worth lots of self sacrifice... recent talk of reducing Russian trade through foreign ports in the Baltic is an example... they didn't need to push that trade through foreign ports... their own ports would welcome the work... the work went through now hostile ports as a gesture of friendship... Russia didn't need to rely on Motor Sich to make its main helicopter engines and gas turbines for its ships... and why would it do so with a hostile neighbour? Generosity?

    Current sanctions shows Russia who is friend and who is not... and they are REacting in response to aggression.

    The result will not be russia invading anyone... the result will be Russia looking elsewhere for allies and trade partners... ones that wont stab her in the back at the first opportunity... without such close ties to Europe Europe will never have the influence it has had before this situation started again... which means I doubt Russia will ever be as close to Europe again either... there wont be a wall, but I doubt they will bother being very friendly again... this is not their choice... the west has forced this on them.

    I personally can't wait till those liberal EU members find counties and regions voting to adopt sharia law... they deserve it.

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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Re: Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  andrewlya Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:52 pm

    Werewolf wrote:There was a vote in Lithunian TV3 television that asked lithunians if they believe that Russia is increasing its Propaganda towards lithunia.

    The results:
    12% said Yes.
     6% said No increase in Russian propaganda.
    82% said It is not propaganda. Russia tells the truth.

    Ive just let my wife to watch this video since she is Lithuanian and she was impressed!
    She reads Delfi newspaper which is one of the most read newspapers in Lithuania and it is such an anti-Russia propaganda machine, it is embarrassing. She also said that many pro Russian comments are not even posted, how about freedom of speech and democracy? Also, there was a Lithuanian pro Russian Facebook page,, so that was removed as well. Well, there you much for freedom of speech and democracy. This survey is an eye opener that Lithuanians are a smart nation and are not buying into this propaganda, the same with Czechs, including Czech Republic president. According to the EU Observer a new pro-Russia party has emerged on the Polish political scene and is hoping to scoop as much as 12 percent of votes in elections later this year.

    Zmiana - meaning “change” - has a strong anti-American streak and supports Russian president Vladimir Putin’s politics, seeing Russia as a natural ally for both Poland and the European Union.

    Mateusz Piskorski, Zmiana’s leader, denies there is Russian aggression against Ukraine, supports pro-Russian separatists, says Crimea's secession referendum (deemed illegal by the EU and UN) was fair, and criticises the Polish government’s “confrontational” and “anti-Russian” politics.

    "Russia’s support to Ukrainian separatists is a natural reaction to a situation in which country’s compatriots are threatened by Ukrainian nationalists," the political scientist told EUobserver.

    People are getting more informed thanks due alternative media!!

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    Russia and the Baltic States Empty Re: Russia and the Baltic States

    Post  andrewlya Mon Aug 24, 2015 9:10 pm

    GarryB wrote:I find it amusing that the west has been interfering in the middle east.... drawing borders based on known oil reserves and ignoring political or cultural boundaries... the British and French CREATED Royal families in the region in the period after WWI when they carved up the region between themselves when the German colonies were devoured... I should know... New Zealand and the US took over Samoa... I remember having a Samoan Maths teacher at school... he had a good Samoan name... Mr Schwalger... pardon the spelling. He was from the german side of Samoa...

    Now the west has bombed Libya and Syria and Egypt and they wonder why so many refugees want out of the area and to live in lovely friendly safe Europe... well duh.

    On topic... Russia has gotten rid of a lot of dead weight... why would it go backwards and try to repatriate parts of the Soviet Union?

    Russia needs to invade its neighbours like it needs AIDS or Ebola.

    It would be much better off with friendly neighbours but it wont get that through invasion... a nuclear attack on Washington that kills all those dumb mfuckers who live and work there would certainly kill the head of the beast that stokes the fires of hate for Russia, but even then the fires will burn long.

    For Russia good relations with its neighbours has been worth lots of self sacrifice... recent talk of reducing Russian trade through foreign ports in the Baltic is an example... they didn't need to push that trade through foreign ports... their own ports would welcome the work... the work went through now hostile ports as a gesture of friendship... Russia didn't need to rely on Motor Sich to make its main helicopter engines and gas turbines for its ships... and why would it do so with a hostile neighbour? Generosity?

    Current sanctions shows Russia who is friend and who is not... and they are REacting in response to aggression.

    The result will not be russia invading anyone... the result will be Russia looking elsewhere for allies and trade partners... ones that wont stab her in the back at the first opportunity... without such close ties to Europe Europe will never have the influence it has had before this situation started again... which means I doubt Russia will ever be as close to Europe again either... there wont be a wall, but I doubt they will bother being very friendly again... this is not their choice... the west has forced this on them.

    I personally can't wait till those liberal EU members find counties and regions voting to adopt sharia law... they deserve it.

    By the way things are in England, this won't be too long. Some areas in England are almost run by Sharia already.

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