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    Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:23 pm

    Ok. So a dug-in and well commanded force can defend itself against an enemy many times it's size for a very long time - Deir Ezzor is another example of that.

    I really can't wrap my head around the Morek debacle. Rolling Eyes
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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  par far Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:35 pm



    It is very clear that the SAA need men, I know that sending in Russian troops is not a option but I don't get why the Russian government, give the nod to Russian private military, the Russian private military can send can private militas from countries that are friendly to Russia(these will be probably SCO countries and Iran, the former soldiers can get pay days and we can help Syria). Iran also needs to send in more ground troops because the SAA really need soldiers.

    Last edited by par far on Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Erk Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:37 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Still around 50% of all insurgents killed in Syria are Syrians. This isn't a foreign invasion any more than the German intervention in Spanish Civil War was an invasion of Spain.

    Islamism itself, in most variants, is fiercely internationalist and sees national identity as a disease that has to be eradicated. Syrian islamsits do not perceive themselves as Syrians first - they are Muslims first.

    Where do you get your figures from? I find that hard to believe considering ISIS formed in Iraq.


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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Cyberspec Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:53 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Ok. So a dug-in and well commanded force can defend itself against an enemy many times it's size for a very long time - Deir Ezzor is another example of that.

    I really can't wrap my head around the Morek debacle. Rolling Eyes

    Apparently they pulled troops out of that area to lift the blockade of the Khanasser-Aleppo road. They probably only have local NDF militia in North Hama atm. AQ made some more gains there today....the village of Al-Mughayr and a checkpoint west of Morek

    Better news from East Hama....captured the village of Jinan and a 6km strech on the Salamiyah-Raqqa Highway


    SyAF - Daraya

    Reports that militants in #Daraya want to settle for a truce, after recent advances of #SAA and #NDF. Huge if true.


    SAA has reportedly started receiving fresh supplies of Kontakt-1 for their T-72's (note the green tiles)
    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 72dz
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:00 pm

    Kontakt 1? Why not 5? Rolling Eyes

    I am yearnign to see T-90MS in Syria - at least a company of them.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Cyberspec Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:07 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Kontakt 1? Why not 5? Rolling Eyes

    I am yearnign to see T-90MS in Syria - at least a company of them.

    Why Kontak-5, why not go all the way and send Armata Rolling Eyes

    I strongly suspect your yearnings will go unrealised

    Report on SyAF Gazelles

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Vann7 Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:37 pm

    Answering several questions now..

    Why so many Iranian generals die ? the competition thing sounds the most probable of them.
    If you look at Iranian generals they look old as hell , and in Islam to die for Allah or for Islam cause is the greatest possible way to die.. and its celebrated as hero..

    Said in others words ,in ISlam giving away your life for religion is a duty. Islam is an ideology that worship death more than life ,for religious causes. and being killed for saving a Mosque or for defending its religious leader and its nation is seen as the greatest achievement in life.

    Lets see how mr Kadyrov in Chechenia talks in public..

    "I am an infantryman of the supreme commander-in-chief. If I am given an order, I will fulfill it 100 percent. If I have to leave then I will do so, and I am also ready to die.  

    They are always ready to die.. for its religion.Because Islam worship death for the cause of Islam.  But they are never ready to live regardless of its religion or anything. Is a secondary thing.  This is why is so easy to recruit suicide bombers muslins... but you ask a christian to
    go a suicide bomb for God.. he will have a big laugh at you. Not even a criminal who happens to be from a christian background or family will consider being killed acceptable if have the choice
    to live.

    more of kadyrov.. which is being used as an example because everyone knows he is not a terrorist but an example of a patriotic and good muslins.

    Kadyrov ready to die for #Putin.

    See? I lost the count that kadyrov have said is ready to die.. ready to die and ready to die..
    It is as if he really wants to die at the first opportunity that a good cause show up.  Neutral
    And this is the cause of extremism.. Muslins are religious Extremist in nature ,because everything evolve around their religion.

    It is similar to Christian Evangelist of some sects ,that are zionist and worship more the bible than Jesus.That support Israel only because the Bible its jewish part ,says they are the "chosen people of God". that are also religious extremist in nature. I personally have a friend that is Jesus this ,Jesus that and Devil this and devil that.. everything little thing in life is explained to you in a fight between God and Satan. If some negative thought show up is because it had to be because Satan temped them.

    But the Major Big difference between Christian Extremism and Muslins extremism is that Christian worship Life and Muslin worship death.  Christian consider the most sacred to save human lives and being good people.. Muslins consider the most sacred to die for Islam ,for Alah. is the most honorable thing to do.. And this is the reason why terrorism is exclusive of Islam and no other religion. Criminals exist everywhere they fight for money and pleasure.. terrorist fight for religious ignorance and only in muslins regions or communities they live.  you could have a case of "Good" muslins with good feelings but that are terrorist ,because suicide bomb thinking what they are doing is good. while at the same times Criminals are criminals and they know what they do is wrong.  So this is the major difference between Criminals and Terrorism.. the first one knows what they do is wrong..they simply enjoy being bad guys..until they are caught or get tired of that.  and the second one is pure ignorant , and this makes them more dangerous ,because do not reason at all and cannot be reformed and will fight and kill until they killed. Because Islam worship martyrs who die in the name of Alah.

    This is something very common in all Muslins ,they are always in their own words
    Ready to die in defense in Islam.  And this means that they consider being killed acceptable
    whenever they think it could please their God.  In christianity is the opposite.. People do not praise death ..but life and the more religious ones ,material things are secondary. People value life and they will do anything to save their lives or to save other people lives regardless of who they are. There is no glory in Christianity for being killed , no virgins for christians in heaven.
    and christians will only give away their lives in a fight ONly if thats the only way to save many innocent civilians lives. women and children. Religious Muslins in the other hand give away their lives for love of their religion ,ideology and prophet. So is quite different.  In christianity the biggest reward is not to be killed for Christianity.. but to do good things for others. is quite different.

    Muslins celebrate their martyrs killed.. Christians cry their Heroes killed .. No honor for being killed.. death is a failure unless is for natural causes. For one death is more important and for the other life is more important . One is tolerant to others opinions and the other is intolerant. In the "moderate" IRAN  , any muslin iranian converting to Christianity is death sentence.  So is no question ISlam is an Intolerant religion , and is not just Saudi Arabia
    or ISIS but the entire middle east. the ugly truth you will not hear in any world media ,not even in independent ones. is that islam is not a religion of peace but a religion of submission to others,of  intolerance towards others opinions and its totalitarian control on society is what promotes violence. And Syria is attacked for its tolerance to other religions and modern society
    style of government with full freedom and rights for womens ..

    So the competition thing between Iranian generals to become Martyrs for Islam ,very well fits
    in the picture of what could be the reason of so many Iranian general killed. and the fact that Iranian generals are usually old ,it even give more reasons for being careless about their lives.
    and going to the front line even when is not necessary and only done for Pure Emotional reasons .  A well balanced Soldier ,general is one that is NOT emotional and do things not by
    Faith but by logic and reason and its only goal is to achieve the mission and keep safe its soldiers.

    and all this goes to the question why Putin does not want Kadyrov to send its army to fight anywhere. not in ukraine and not in Syria.. because the last thing Russia needs is send muslins to Syria or Ukraine ,that develop a love for war ,become skilled in combat and that later they will become addicted to violence and that they will have to fight later. Emotional muslins are not ideal soldiers to trust in them for any conflict. that is very emotional driven and that do not think much in their actions. as Kadyrov does.. that even threatened to kill the FSB if goes to chechenia withot permission. Aside that Kadyrov popularity could be dangerous for the kremlin is a double edge sword.. if he choose one day to distant from Putin ,and refuse Russia authority in Chechenia it will be a major war.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:10 pm; edited 3 times in total
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:44 pm

    Damn, the role of a general is to effectively lead troops in battle, not to die. They should be protected at all costs, even if it means building underground bunkers for them. Iranian generals are veterans of the Iran-Iraq war with lots of combat experience and letting them them serve on the frontlines like an average troop is... you know. It's stupidity.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Heartbeer Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:00 pm

    This is nice

    United States Apache attack helicopter following behind ISIS convoy into Syria from Iraq

    Hope it's not a repost.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Monarchist Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:02 pm

    The biggest difference being is that Soleimani and other IRGC generals and soldiers are actually men of their words and not only fighting for money but for ideological and religious causes.
    Kadyrov is basically a criminal that doesn't care for islam, Russia, Putin or anything besides himself. He's loyal because of the money Russia pours into Chechnya and his personal pocket. He changed sides once, he would do it again if it gains him. Once a traitor always a traitor.
    One of the biggest crimes in the Putin/Kremlin regime is that they gave him and his murderer of a father amnesty, and heroes of Russia while ethnically cleansing Chechnya from ethnic russians, bragging about killing their first russian at the age of 16 etc. His father even have a street name after him in Moscow. I bet those russian soldiers in the first Chechen war are spinning in their grave's. Rolling Eyes
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:30 pm

    Monarchist wrote:The biggest difference being is that Soleimani and other IRGC generals and soldiers are actually men of their words and not only fighting for money but for ideological and religious causes.
    Kadyrov is basically a criminal that doesn't care for islam, Russia, Putin or anything besides himself. He's loyal because of the money Russia pours into Chechnya and his personal pocket. He changed sides once, he would do it again if it gains him. Once a traitor always a traitor.
    One of the biggest crimes in the Putin/Kremlin regime is that they gave him and his murderer of a father amnesty, and heroes of Russia while ethnically cleansing Chechnya from ethnic russians, bragging about killing their first russian at the age of 16 etc. His father even have a street name after him in Moscow. I bet those russian soldiers in the first Chechen war are spinning in their grave's. Rolling Eyes
    Chechnya does have elements of sharia in it's law - if Kadyrov does not care for Islam, why does he let these old laws to be implemented? he even approved of honor killings on one occasion.

    How is it even possible that a secular Russian Federation has Sharia (even if just elements of it) anywhere on it's territory? Once you understand it, you will also understand why the US sees human rights violations in KSA and does nothing about it.

    Last edited by Walther von Oldenburg on Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:34 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  JohninMK Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:30 pm

    Heartbeer wrote:This is nice

    United States Apache attack helicopter following behind ISIS convoy into Syria from Iraq

    Hope it's not a repost.
    I counted 74 Toyotas, 60 or so with the gun on the back, a few with rocket launcher? and only 2-3 softback.

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    Post  Cyberspec Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:35 pm

    Yeah they should've kept the war going there instead Rolling Eyes ..... Kadirov turned out to be the best investment Russia could make.

    Some reports suggest they're looking for a Syrian Sunni 'Kadirov'....Manaf Tlass has met Bogdanov twice already in Paris recently

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 27-Manaf-Tlass-getty



    When Lavrov says "we met with delegations from the FSA", he really means Manaf Tlass & other defected/retired Syrian army officers in Exile.

    Last edited by Cyberspec on Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:01 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Vann7 Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:49 pm

    Monarchist wrote:The biggest difference being is that Soleimani and other IRGC generals and soldiers are actually men of their words and not only fighting for money but for ideological and religious causes.
    Kadyrov is basically a criminal that doesn't care for islam, Russia, Putin or anything besides himself. He's loyal because of the money Russia pours into Chechnya and his personal pocket. He changed sides once, he would do it again if it gains him. Once a traitor always a traitor.
    One of the biggest crimes in the Putin/Kremlin regime is that they gave him and his murderer of a father amnesty, and heroes of Russia while ethnically cleansing Chechnya from ethnic russians, bragging about killing their first russian at the age of 16 etc. His father even have a street name after him in Moscow. I bet those russian soldiers in the first Chechen war are spinning in their grave's. Rolling Eyes

    Being religious not necessarily means being intelligent. it could means actually being
    emotionally driven and ignorant. Putin probably made a deal with them to win time and see
    if muslins chechens can be turned into allies with the right words and money and power given.
    and it worked. Now Chechens pro Kadyrov fight chechens and Russia can focus in their external enemies. As long Russia economy is strong or stable no other rebellion will happen because
    will be crushed quickly. So Putin Is practical.. and probably Kadyrov saw an opportunity in this deal for an honorable pact..where they a left alone and allowed autonomy. But patriotic Russians they are not. They are muslins first and russian citizens second. So this is why the west attack Russia economy.. because if Russia becomes weak and collapse its economy ,it will be easy to manipulate the minorities for the west. with the right money and propaganda.

    All said even though its a peace deal that until now works.. im Sure the Russia FSB have to be working already in a replacement for Kadyrov. Emotional Leaders like Kadyrov that threaten
    openly nothing less than the kremlin and the FSB with violence cannot be allowed to become too powerful and needs to be keep isolated and weaken its popularity. So the Russian government have to be already creating a more loyal kadyrov ,ideally that is patriotic first and that truly see itself as Russian more than muslin.


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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Cyberspec Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:11 am

    South Aleppo front (if the arabic translation is correct)


    I wonder why we aren't seeing these babies in action Question SAA M-240 (240mm Mortars)
    Last seen at Homs in 2013
    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 M_240_2

    Instead of T-90SM it would be nice to see suplies of the 2S4 Tyulpan Heavy SP Mortar...perfect for this sort of fighting

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 1ez34kiypzc


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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:25 am

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Proven - less than 2km left to Kweires (how many soldiers are trapped there BTW?)
    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 CTZRIQkU8AIFaQS
    Forces look ridiculously overstretched though. I hope they secure their flanks well.

    I noticed that too a while back, they better tread carefully...

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    Post  JohninMK Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:42 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Proven - less than 2km left to Kweires (how many soldiers are trapped there BTW?)
    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 CTZRIQkU8AIFaQS
    Forces look ridiculously overstretched though. I hope they secure their flanks well.

    I noticed that too a while back, they better tread carefully...
    I think they were well aware of that risk and there does not seem to be any major urgency, slow and safe as possible seems to be the mantra.

    Rather than go up the semi open country on the right of that advance, they have chosen to battle their way up through the villages, keeping good visibility to both sides. Could also be lack of armour so doing it the hard way.

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    Post  Cyberspec Tue Nov 10, 2015 1:43 am

    JohninMK wrote:Could also be lack of armour so doing it the hard way.

    There was a report that they were reinforced with some armour yesterday...not sure if confirmed

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    Post  Cyberspec Tue Nov 10, 2015 7:00 am

    Progress reported in Darayya...the SyAF seems to have been unusually active there according to below article

    Syrian Air Force Delivers Hell from Above While the Syrian Army Advances in Darayya


    Interesting comparison...

    on the left -the 'oppresed' children at school languishing in Assad occupied Homs
    on the right - the children in 'free' Idlib basking in their freedom

    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 CTKGC-0UsAExyGX

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    Post  PapaDragon Tue Nov 10, 2015 10:54 am

    Speaking of children, ISIS executed 200 of them, very disturbing footage in the link:

    EDIT: Most likely not kids after all but still not pretty...

    Last edited by PapaDragon on Tue Nov 10, 2015 4:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Monarchist Tue Nov 10, 2015 3:58 pm

    Ibrahim Joudeh ‏@Ibra_Joudeh

    Breaking : Official now #SAA has just entered and lifted siege of #Kuweyres Military Airbase

    Great news. cheers

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    Post  George1 Tue Nov 10, 2015 4:12 pm

    Nice. First they will clear all Syrian territory from ISIS, then they will for Ankara..

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  Solncepek Tue Nov 10, 2015 6:01 pm

    How do you think ?
    When will we see russian jets and choppers in Kweires Airbase ?

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    Syrian Civil War: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #3

    Post  whir Tue Nov 10, 2015 6:07 pm

    Solncepek wrote:When will we see russian jets and choppers in Kweires Airbase?
    Unnecessary risk, fuel is cheaper than lives and machines.

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    Post  JohninMK Tue Nov 10, 2015 7:04 pm

    whir wrote:
    Solncepek wrote:When will we see russian jets and choppers in Kweires Airbase?
    Unnecessary risk, fuel is cheaper than lives and machines.
    Although it will probably be increasingly safe to operate from there, especially the Mi-24s, the fly in the ointment would be logistics. Fuel and munitions etc would need to be brought from the coast, vulnerable trucks.

    As you say, much better to have more minutes of flying time.

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