eehnie Sun Jun 10, 2018 5:36 pm
marat wrote: Big_Gazza wrote:The real deal will be how quickly they can finish off the Petr Morgunov. With design issues solved, funds released, and the lead ship lessons learned, the PM should be done in a few years.
FWIW, the IG was the sad victim of changing requirements, suspended program, lack of interest (ie cash) and the dilapidated state of post-meltdown Russian shipyards and personnel expertise. These factors are all being fixed, and the IG & PM will be useful tank landers when done. Anything that adds to the antique Alligators & Ropuchas can't be a bad thing if the Ruskies ever find they need to intervene in a minor scuffle.
Of course, the perennial members of the IG Hate Club will need to take this last chance at waving their flags...
There are no IG haters club, but rational persons who find that it is shame, at least to say, that this ship was build for 14 years. And persons who find 14 years is totally ok for landing ship.
We know perfectly this people, they hate every Russian Project above 5000 tons, above the size of a Frigate, except if they are almost unarmed and are useless. The Project 11711 is key in the replacement of the fleet supplying Syria, and this is the reason to put it in the hate list.
Like them you seems to be always in the wrong side.
This ship will be commissioned in a few weeks, maybe days, and will reinforce the amphibious fleet of the Russian Navy.
KiloGolf wrote:What's wrong with leasing more Ro-ros? After all Syrian express is a logistics mission, nothing combat-worthy so no need for warships to run these supply convoys.
External ships... external crews too?
Under your awesome proposal is allowed Russia to direct the casting of US military personel and CIA agents to be in the external crews of these Ro-ros?
Last edited by eehnie on Sun Jun 10, 2018 8:50 pm; edited 1 time in total