The average height of humans , pre agriculture was two meters . Their diet consisted mainly of wild fruit and vegetables with a small amount of meat . Post agricultural revolution , the average height of humans were reduced to 1.7 meters . And their diet was replaced by farmed seeds . In the post Industrial period , we have been told to eat three square meals , containing from two to two and half thousand calories a day . This now consists of agricultural products . Processed and high calorie foods .
Progressive dieticians now tell us that we need no more than 1500 calories per day . And to avoid disease we need to get these from slow metabolising foods such as vegetables and a little bit of meat . With very little daily intake of processed carbohydrates such as bread or rice . Cutting out all raw sugar .
Of course your doctor or dietician may tell you otherwise . They believe in industrial medicine . And want to keep the profits of farmers and industrialists . Like a few years ago , smoking was not related to any cancers ! This problem affects all . But those who get a bit older , and are inactive suffer more . Health is 80 percent diet and 20 percent exercise . You don't have to eat three meals a day . You eat when you feel hungry . And you avoid agriculture .