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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    max steel
    max steel

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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  max steel Tue Apr 26, 2016 12:32 am

    Killer airwaves: Russia starts trial of electromagnetic warfare system

    Russia’s electronic warfare equipment producer launched tests of a tactical electromagnetic combat complex fully integrated with latest air-defense systems. It guarantees complete neutralization of all enemy electronics.

    Factory testing is underway for components of the new system, capable of protecting troops and civilian facilities from air and space attacks, a representative of Russia’s leading producer of electronic warfare systems, Radio-Electronic Technologies Concern (KRET), told TASS. The tests are expected to be completed by the end of 2016.

    Integrated with air defense systems and networks, the new complex “maintains automated real-time intelligence data exchange with the airspace defense task force” to facilitate centralized target distribution, the source said.

    Solutions realized in the new complex ensure secure suppression of any existing and perspective airborne electronic equipment, making it impossible for the aircrafts and satellites to proceed with their missions.

    It uses brand-new algorithms of electronic jamming with expanded combat capabilities and modernized command module design. The complex consists of multiple jamming modules exercising long-range impact on enemy command system with a powerful and complex digital signal.

    “We’ve created multichannel information transmission system ensuring simultaneous electronic jamming of various systems,” KRET’s representative said.

    Jamming modules serve as elements of a hierarchically-organized multilevel system, which “optimally distributes its energy, band and intellectual resource,” KRET’s press service cited the deputy general director, Igor Nasenkov.

    Besides that, all modules are equipped with means of electronic self-defense, because they “they come as top-priority target for enemy’s primary attack,” Nasenkov said.

    In November 2015, Nasenkov said that a new upcoming ground-based electronic defense system integrated with air defense system is going to be incorporating antisatellite capabilities.

    The new jammer would render enemy precision weapons useless by suppressing guidance systems, including those relying on satellite signals.

    “The system is meant to jam enemy aviation, carrier-launched, tactical and strategic, and jam the signals of foreign military satellites,” Yury Maevsky, deputy head of KRET, told TASS also last November.

    Maevsky said elements and modules of the upcoming electronic warfare system are going to be deployed at will on various land-based, airborne and naval carriers.
    max steel
    max steel

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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  max steel Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:12 am

    How Russia's Edge in Electronic Warfare Could 'Ground' the U.S. Air Force unshaven


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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed May 04, 2016 5:03 am

    In Russia began testing electronic missile "umbrella"

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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  Mindstorm Fri Aug 26, 2016 1:38 pm

    EW system "Поле-21", designed to warp and suppress UAV ,cruise missile and PGM satellite uplink for guidance and control, in its version conceived for the protection of large area  military and civil infrastructures, enter in full scale adoption.

    In its export version each system (that can be mounted even on simple cellular poles ,each placed at dozen of Km of distance from other) cover a quadrant of 150 k of side.

    It go without saying that the possibility of sequentiation of the suppressing signal from each emitter so widely spaced render the system practically immune to any know anti radiation missile ,that would get anyhow already a very hard time to even track a suitable signal to follow.

    Those kind of systems that can be easily integrated with other masking sytems ,such as the already named ТДА-3, recently tested just for strategic coverage of entire military infrastructures and ground forces in march ,could literally thwart  a large scale air attack single-handedly ,even in absence of any other element of the IADS; from this awareness and for effect of mirror-thinking born the high investment in domestic systems independent from satelittes guidance for navigation and/or weapon guidance ,such as the СВП-24 successfully employed in the operation in Syria.

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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  jhelb Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:09 pm

    Mindstorm wrote:EW system "Поле-21", designed to warp and suppress UAV ,cruise missile and PGM satellite uplink for guidance and control, in its version conceived for the protection of large area  military and civil infrastructures, enter in full scale adoption.  

    Mindstorm,what's the future of EW warfare? In other words what are the technologies that we will see 10-20 years from now?

    In an interview with a Belarusian newspaper, Igor Nasenkov, Deputy CEO of KRET said that Russia is developing new systems based on entirely new principles. He did not elaborate though.

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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  RTN Fri Sep 09, 2016 12:47 pm

    Mindstorm wrote:

    It go without saying that the possibility of sequentiation of the suppressing signal from each emitter so widely spaced render the system practically immune to any know anti radiation missile ,that would get anyhow already a very hard time to even track a suitable signal to follow.

    Those kind of systems that can be easily integrated with other masking sytems ,such as the already named ТДА-3, recently tested just for strategic coverage of entire military infrastructures and ground forces in march ,could literally thwart  a large scale air attack single-handedly ,even in absence of any other element of the IADS; from this awareness and for effect of mirror-thinking born the high investment in domestic systems independent from satelittes guidance for navigation and/or weapon guidance ,such as the СВП-24 successfully employed in the operation in Syria.

    Why do you conclude that the system is immune to anti-radiation missile?

    Fair enough you can integrate the system with other "masking systems" but anti-radiation missiles can still home in on the target. Also, I get it that RF homing for guidance are vulnerable to emission control (EMCON) countertactics. However, that being said anti-radiation missiles like HARM can discriminate between a single target from a number of emitters in the environment.

    I realise that the ambiguities in the radar frequency spectrum can once in a while make accurate platform targeting and missile guidance difficult.That said, the Command Launch Computer perform target identification, prioritization & generates targetting commands for the HARM.

    Moreover, RF homing integrated with an active millimeter wave terminal seeker provides a counter-shutdown capability

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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  Mindstorm Fri Sep 09, 2016 11:15 pm

    RTN wrote:Fair enough you can integrate the system with other "masking systems"

    In mine assertion is not taken onto account the effect of any kind of "masking element" and, even more, any kind of additional aiding system.

    RTN wrote:......but anti-radiation missiles can still home in on the target.

    What target ?

    That system is not a single search or guidance radar that would "shut down" when targeted by an anti-radiation missile.

    With the system in question the original electromagnetic source that such an anti-radiation missile would attempt to detect, insulate and follow (with all the enormous hurdles posed by today state of art digital systems) would likely be "down" even before the same missile would ignite its engine, all of that while another source from a completely different angle would go "active".

    An attack against the system will need a totally different approach : first phase will be a slow and very risky (for the closer range required) SIGINT operation aimed at triangulate the exact position of Поле-21's radiating elements, successive phase will be offensive element selection; the weapon of choices likely missile (instead of gliding or corrected bombs, much more dependent from satellite uplink for flight guidance and correction) with very advanced INS and TERCOM guidance, heavy warheads and delivered from relatively short range so to get a chance to put one of the elements of Поле-21 within the lethal area of the warhead.

    jhelb wrote:what's the future of EW warfare?

    Well foreseable future will likely not see anymore an EW warfare at all, at least in the today meaning of the word Wink

    It will be almost completely supplanted by FW warfare within the next three decades (two day ago first phase, of the five planned, of the domestic RORFAR breakthrough has been completed successfully: a capital achievement).

    Moreover the field will likely absorb also direct energy systems . Here great hopes and prospects retain, in mine opinion, also in reason of some recent highly sinergistic achievements, HPM-generated long live plasmoids.

    In general and still leaving outside the most "revolutionary" side of the sector, is possible to say that the new developments of this field will literally shape even the design layout of future weapon systems and theirs central requirements.


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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  jhelb Sat Sep 10, 2016 9:36 am

    Mindstorm wrote:
    It will be almost completely supplanted by FW warfare within the next three decades (two day ago first phase, of the five planned, of the domestic RORFAR breakthrough has been completed successfully: a capital achievement).  

    Mindstorm, what does FW stand for, Frequency Wave? Also what is RORFAR? Thanks for your answer.

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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  Tolstoy Sat Sep 10, 2016 4:59 pm

    Mindstorm wrote:
    Well foreseable future will likely not see anymore an EW warfare at all, at least in the today meaning of the word  Wink   

    But Krasushka-4 and similar type of EW warfare systems are still being developed? So why won't there be any EW warfare in the future?

    Mindstorm wrote:In general and still leaving outside the most "revolutionary" side of the sector

    Which is the most revolutionary side of this sector?

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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  Mindstorm Sat Sep 10, 2016 8:21 pm

    jhelb wrote:Mindstorm, what does FW stand for, Frequency Wave?

    Well in english it would have been better to write PW, Photonic Warfare or Radio-Optical Warfare which will include obviously also measure designed to contrast various DE weapons.


    jhelb wrote: Also what is RORFAR?

    Also here, in english language, maybe should had been better to translate the acronym with "ROPAA".

    Anyway if you are interested in an idea on the subject ,i point out to you this good interview with General Director at КРЭТ,  В.Г.Михеевым.

    A more simple article in english on the leading state of domestic research in that field can be found at the same site of КРЭТ.

    Tolstoy wrote:But Krasushka-4 and similar type of EW warfare systems are still being developed? So why won't there be any EW warfare in the future?

    1РЛ257 «Красуха-4» has been fully developed and is in full scale production since several years by now (only last year 15 system was delivered to armed forces).

    Do you mean the new system, developed on the basis of the know-how achieved with "Красуха" project, conceived for strategic scale coverage from air space attack planned to be completed within one / one and half years ?

    If you mean that, then maybe i was not clear enough : the transition in the "EW" domain will remain obviously "evolutional" until the introduction, at wide scale production level, of photonic systems which will represent a true critical point of break.

    Being the "front runner" ,for so say, in this segment offer to КРЭТ a very distinctive technological advantage over foreign competitors and even more give to it a privileged posistion in mid-to-long term scientific R&D planning and in conceiving ,in advance, the required changes in military force structure and system design necessary to comply with the new technological reality.

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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  Tolstoy Fri Sep 23, 2016 8:27 am

    Mindstorm wrote:
    Well in english it would have been better to write PW, Photonic Warfare or Radio-Optical Warfare which will include obviously also measure designed to contrast various DE weapons.

    An example of ROFAR is the photonics-based radar system using active radio-optical phased array technology that PAK-FA will receive. This will allow the PAK-FA to view stealth aircraft at distances beyond the range of air-to-air missiles.

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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  Isos Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:39 pm

    Nice video showing the effect of Talisman warefar suite on radars

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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:47 pm

    Mindstorm wrote:

    Tolstoy wrote:But Krasushka-4 and similar type of EW warfare systems are still being developed? So why won't there be any EW warfare in the future?

    1РЛ257 «Красуха-4» has been fully developed and is in full scale production since several years by now (only last year 15 system was delivered to armed forces).

    Do you mean the new system, developed on the basis of the know-how achieved with "Красуха" project, conceived for strategic scale coverage from air space attack planned to be completed within one / one and half years ?

    If you mean that, then maybe i was not clear enough : the transition in the "EW" domain will remain obviously "evolutional" until the introduction, at wide scale production level, of photonic systems which will represent a true critical point of break.

    Being the "front runner" ,for so say, in this segment offer to КРЭТ a very distinctive technological advantage over foreign competitors and even more give to it a privileged posistion in mid-to-long term scientific R&D planning and in conceiving ,in advance, the required changes in military force structure and system design necessary to comply with the new technological reality.

    Looks like it's here:

    Russia tests ‘unrivaled’ new radio-electronic weapon – producer

    Russia has developed and successfully tested radio-electronic weapons systems unmatched anywhere in the world, RIA Novosti reports, citing the manufacturer.

    "Real prototypes of such weapons have already been created and they have proven their efficiency,” a representative of Russia’s United Instrument Manufacturing Company (OPK), which is in charge of the production, told RIA Novosti.

    The new technology falls under the somewhat loose term "weapons based on new physical principles." The grouping includes armaments that employ physical processes and phenomena not generally used in modern weapons. Laser and sonic weapons are among other examples of such technology.

    According to the OPK representative, the brand-new Russian system is as yet unrivaled.

    “This is a completely new type of weapon, which has no analogues in our country, and I daresay, in the world."

    The announcement came during the ‘Arms High-tech’ military exhibition currently taking place in Armenia. The state-of-the-art system is capable of disabling various types of targets without using the traditional rounds or shells. Instead, the weapon uses ‘directed energy.’

    "It conducts indirect physical impact on the on-board equipment of aircraft or drones and neutralizes precision-guided weapons," RIA quotes the OPK representative as saying.

    The weapon was for the first time presented to Russian military officials in September this year during a closed performance at the annual military expo ‘Army 2016’ outside Moscow.

    In February, US Air Force General Philip Breedlove warned of the rising electronic warfare capabilities in Russia, the National Interest reported.

    “They [Russia] have invested a lot in electronic warfare because they know we are a connected and precise force and they need to disconnect us to make us imprecise,” Breedlove said.

    The US is working on numerous projects of non-conventional weapons, including radio, electronic, infrared and laser ones.

    “We have electronic warfare capability – we probably do not have the capacity we need now,” Breedlove noted.

    In April this year, Russia’s Radio-Electronic Technologies Concern (KRET) announced it has started trials of a tactical electromagnetic combat complex fully integrated with the latest air-defense systems.

    The system is designed to suppress any existing and prospective airborne electronic equipment, making it impossible for the aircraft and satellites to proceed with their missions.

    "Weapons based on new physical principles" is code-word for photonic based EM weapons.

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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  Rmf Fri Oct 21, 2016 10:37 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    Mindstorm wrote:

    Tolstoy wrote:But Krasushka-4 and similar type of EW warfare systems are still being developed? So why won't there be any EW warfare in the future?

    1РЛ257 «Красуха-4» has been fully developed and is in full scale production since several years by now (only last year 15 system was delivered to armed forces).

    Do you mean the new system, developed on the basis of the know-how achieved with "Красуха" project, conceived for strategic scale coverage from air space attack planned to be completed within one / one and half years ?

    If you mean that, then maybe i was not clear enough : the transition in the "EW" domain will remain obviously "evolutional" until the introduction, at wide scale production level, of photonic systems which will represent a true critical point of break.

    Being the "front runner" ,for so say, in this segment offer to КРЭТ a very distinctive technological advantage over foreign competitors and even more give to it a privileged posistion in mid-to-long term scientific R&D planning and in conceiving ,in advance, the required changes in military force structure and system design necessary to comply with the new technological reality.

    Looks like it's here:

    Russia tests ‘unrivaled’ new radio-electronic weapon – producer

    Russia has developed and successfully tested radio-electronic weapons systems unmatched anywhere in the world, RIA Novosti reports, citing the manufacturer.

    "Real prototypes of such weapons have already been created and they have proven their efficiency,” a representative of Russia’s United Instrument Manufacturing Company (OPK), which is in charge of the production, told RIA Novosti.

    The new technology falls under the somewhat loose term "weapons based on new physical principles." The grouping includes armaments that employ physical processes and phenomena not generally used in modern weapons. Laser and sonic weapons are among other examples of such technology.

    According to the OPK representative, the brand-new Russian system is as yet unrivaled.

    “This is a completely new type of weapon, which has no analogues in our country, and I daresay, in the world."

    The announcement came during the ‘Arms High-tech’ military exhibition currently taking place in Armenia. The state-of-the-art system is capable of disabling various types of targets without using the traditional rounds or shells. Instead, the weapon uses ‘directed energy.’

    "It conducts indirect physical impact on the on-board equipment of aircraft or drones and neutralizes precision-guided weapons," RIA quotes the OPK representative as saying.

    The weapon was for the first time presented to Russian military officials in September this year during a closed performance at the annual military expo ‘Army 2016’ outside Moscow.

    In February, US Air Force General Philip Breedlove warned of the rising electronic warfare capabilities in Russia, the National Interest reported.

    “They [Russia] have invested a lot in electronic warfare because they know we are a connected and precise force and they need to disconnect us to make us imprecise,” Breedlove said.

    The US is working on numerous projects of non-conventional weapons, including radio, electronic, infrared and laser ones.

    “We have electronic warfare capability – we probably do not have the capacity we need now,” Breedlove noted.

    In April this year, Russia’s Radio-Electronic Technologies Concern (KRET) announced it has started trials of a tactical electromagnetic combat complex fully integrated with the latest air-defense systems.

    The system is designed to suppress any existing and prospective airborne electronic equipment, making it impossible for the aircraft and satellites to proceed with their missions.

    "Weapons based on new physical principles" is code-word for photonic based EM weapons.

    nope its photonics (electron-photon duality/causality switch) and quantum entaglement or scary action at a distance principles.
    those are not new just never materialised practicaly.
    radar would make a complete comeback if this can be implemented.

    this is sooo huge deserves a separate topic on its own.

    chinese already made some statement about quantum radar detecting aircraft - probably experimental test.

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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  Vann7 Sat Oct 22, 2016 5:10 am

    Rmf wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    Mindstorm wrote:

    Tolstoy wrote:But Krasushka-4 and similar type of EW warfare systems are still being developed? So why won't there be any EW warfare in the future?

    1РЛ257 «Красуха-4» has been fully developed and is in full scale production since several years by now (only last year 15 system was delivered to armed forces).

    Do you mean the new system, developed on the basis of the know-how achieved with "Красуха" project, conceived for strategic scale coverage from air space attack planned to be completed within one / one and half years ?

    If you mean that, then maybe i was not clear enough : the transition in the "EW" domain will remain obviously "evolutional" until the introduction, at wide scale production level, of photonic systems which will represent a true critical point of break.

    Being the "front runner" ,for so say, in this segment offer to КРЭТ a very distinctive technological advantage over foreign competitors and even more give to it a privileged posistion in mid-to-long term scientific R&D planning and in conceiving ,in advance, the required changes in military force structure and system design necessary to comply with the new technological reality.

    Looks like it's here:

    Russia tests ‘unrivaled’ new radio-electronic weapon – producer

    Russia has developed and successfully tested radio-electronic weapons systems unmatched anywhere in the world, RIA Novosti reports, citing the manufacturer.

    "Real prototypes of such weapons have already been created and they have proven their efficiency,” a representative of Russia’s United Instrument Manufacturing Company (OPK), which is in charge of the production, told RIA Novosti.

    The new technology falls under the somewhat loose term "weapons based on new physical principles." The grouping includes armaments that employ physical processes and phenomena not generally used in modern weapons. Laser and sonic weapons are among other examples of such technology.

    According to the OPK representative, the brand-new Russian system is as yet unrivaled.

    “This is a completely new type of weapon, which has no analogues in our country, and I daresay, in the world."

    The announcement came during the ‘Arms High-tech’ military exhibition currently taking place in Armenia. The state-of-the-art system is capable of disabling various types of targets without using the traditional rounds or shells. Instead, the weapon uses ‘directed energy.’

    "It conducts indirect physical impact on the on-board equipment of aircraft or drones and neutralizes precision-guided weapons," RIA quotes the OPK representative as saying.

    The weapon was for the first time presented to Russian military officials in September this year during a closed performance at the annual military expo ‘Army 2016’ outside Moscow.

    In February, US Air Force General Philip Breedlove warned of the rising electronic warfare capabilities in Russia, the National Interest reported.

    “They [Russia] have invested a lot in electronic warfare because they know we are a connected and precise force and they need to disconnect us to make us imprecise,” Breedlove said.

    The US is working on numerous projects of non-conventional weapons, including radio, electronic, infrared and laser ones.

    “We have electronic warfare capability – we probably do not have the capacity we need now,” Breedlove noted.

    In April this year, Russia’s Radio-Electronic Technologies Concern (KRET) announced it has started trials of a tactical electromagnetic combat complex fully integrated with the latest air-defense systems.

    The system is designed to suppress any existing and prospective airborne electronic equipment, making it impossible for the aircraft and satellites to proceed with their missions.

    "Weapons based on new physical principles" is code-word for photonic based EM weapons.

    nope its photonics (electron-photon duality/causality switch) and quantum entaglement or scary action at a distance principles.
    those are not new just never materialised practicaly.
    radar would make a complete comeback if this can be implemented.

    this is sooo huge deserves a separate topic on its own.

    chinese already made some statement about quantum radar detecting aircraft - probably experimental test.

    Can you elaborate what is So Huge? What Russia is doing or china doing?


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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  Rmf Sat Oct 22, 2016 6:43 pm

    insteat of twt or other rf generators , the generator in this case is Laser !
    it produces photons (dual particle wave) then they are transformed into microwave em radiation in dish full of optical fibers coated in some very low magnetic resistance supremaloy or other material dont use ferrite phase shifter which has magnetic lag to it -(noise loses).  its simmilar to PESA in action.
    no noise ,very sharp focused beams ,pulse repetition can be enormous , frequencies can vary even more then aesa ,  LPI modes because lenght of optical fibers can be varied  ( imagine lenght of optical fibre 1 m accross the dish and divided in sections 1/20th and turning those parts on/off individually for evey fiber ), its so sharp you can image objects  (planes) no matter the usual  microwave wavelenght (pseudo IR like image).
    since optical fibers are used and hermeticaly sealed some electronicaly better yet more exotic expencive and fragile material can be used instead of ferrite (iron oxide) inside them...
    kw lasers optical fibers supermaloys technology is there.
    -to add you are using photons to generate microwave radiation instead of fast electrons thats why its called photonics.-
    no wonder americans are very hush hush about it ,only some article from russia or china pops up....

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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  Rmf Sun Oct 23, 2016 7:16 pm

    quantum radar is another thing where probably most of black budgets are going now . it uses quantum principle of entaglement or 2 particles sharing each other properties and ambiguities , as soon as one had been observed/contacted/influenced , the other particle gets determined even if it had no influence on it whatsoever... it works instantenious - accross any distance its faster then light. you can look at copenhagen debate Bohr vs Einstein.
    the way it works is you send microwave radiation (particle/wave) and a corresponding electrons are entangled with it but inside some mesurement apparatus.

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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  Rmf Sun Oct 23, 2016 11:07 pm

    You can have entagled pair of photons but its hard to control and contain second particle inside sam truck for observation ,while other is going out radiating (radar emission). light is too fast ,and mirrors dont work , so you use electrons ih electron-photon pair -as its called- photonics.
    you take Laser- single sourse as RF emitter and split beams going into optical fibers , half of them is converted to microwave radiation and used for emmiting radar signal and second half is utilised for example moving stationary electrons...

    you also dont  want electrons to interact with anything or you lose entaglement . unlike photon-photon pair you can set a speed ratio of about 10.000;1 , so for every 10 km the radar wave goes electron moves 1 meter.
    if that radar wave hits an object or is absorbed electron inside SAM truck  instanteniously changes  properties and that can be detected so we know distance and by angle of antena the height of an object , the same moment something happends to that electromagnetic wave you have a change in electrons. its great for survailance.
    this works against stealth or any object,  it cannot be defeated , it cannot be jammed because you dont receive anything with your antenna , you dont use it as receiver , you just send a pulse and then observe ""electron box" inside your truck if anything changes...

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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  victor1985 Wed Oct 26, 2016 7:22 am

    Rmf wrote:insteat of twt or other rf generators , the generator in this case is Laser !
    it produces photons (dual particle wave) then they are transformed into microwave em radiation in dish full of optical fibers coated in some very low magnetic resistance supremaloy or other material dont use ferrite phase shifter which has magnetic lag to it -(noise loses).  its simmilar to PESA in action.
    no noise ,very sharp focused beams ,pulse repetition can be enormous , frequencies can vary even more then aesa ,  LPI modes because lenght of optical fibers can be varied  ( imagine lenght of optical fibre 1 m accross the dish and divided in sections 1/20th and turning those parts on/off individually for evey fiber ), its so sharp you can image objects  (planes) no matter the usual  microwave wavelenght (pseudo IR like image).
    since optical fibers are used and hermeticaly sealed some electronicaly better yet more exotic expencive and fragile material can be used instead of ferrite (iron oxide) inside them...
    kw lasers optical fibers supermaloys technology is there.
    -to add you are using photons to generate microwave radiation instead of fast electrons thats why its called photonics.-
    no wonder americans are very hush hush about it ,only some article from russia or china pops up....
    one law of thermodynamics says that everything goes input must get output in the same quantity upon transformation.
    so....for have microwave wich has more energy than radio waves you must plug in a laser equal in energy. wich the laser works with electric energy. so the consume is also huge.
    only posibility would be a pure chemical laser with a very fast reaction time.....

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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  Rmf Thu Oct 27, 2016 12:36 am

    victor1985 wrote:
    Rmf wrote:insteat of twt or other rf generators , the generator in this case is Laser !
    it produces photons (dual particle wave) then they are transformed into microwave em radiation in dish full of optical fibers coated in some very low magnetic resistance supremaloy or other material dont use ferrite phase shifter which has magnetic lag to it -(noise loses).  its simmilar to PESA in action.
    no noise ,very sharp focused beams ,pulse repetition can be enormous , frequencies can vary even more then aesa ,  LPI modes because lenght of optical fibers can be varied  ( imagine lenght of optical fibre 1 m accross the dish and divided in sections 1/20th and turning those parts on/off individually for evey fiber ), its so sharp you can image objects  (planes) no matter the usual  microwave wavelenght (pseudo IR like image).
    since optical fibers are used and hermeticaly sealed some electronicaly better yet more exotic expencive and fragile material can be used instead of ferrite (iron oxide) inside them...
    kw lasers optical fibers supermaloys technology is there.
    -to add you are using photons to generate microwave radiation instead of fast electrons thats why its called photonics.-
    no wonder americans are very hush hush about it ,only some article from russia or china pops up....
    one law of thermodynamics says that everything goes input must get output in the same quantity upon transformation.
    so....for have microwave wich has more energy than radio waves you must plug in a laser equal in energy. wich the laser works with electric energy. so the consume is also huge.
    only posibility would be a pure chemical laser with a very fast reaction time.....

    nope you can use pulse repetition rate since laser is faster on/of regime compared to any emission tube and more efficient.... and you can change pulse frequencies wildly tnx to simple polarized grid dividing optical fibers to smaller chunks you can go from X to L to K to S to X to Ku.... band in a second.

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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Russian military units get cutting-edge electronic warfare systems

    Post  George1 Wed Dec 21, 2016 4:56 am

    Russian military units get cutting-edge electronic warfare systems

    The Krasukha-4 electronic warfare system is intended for countering an adversary’s radars of the strike and reconnaissance, unmanned aircraft and drones

    MOSCOW, December 19 /TASS/. Russia’s Western Military District has received about 10 state-of-the-art electronic warfare systems, including the Krasukha-4 broadband multifunctional jamming stations, Igor Migunov, the District’s press service chief, told journalists on Monday.

    "About 10 brand-new electronic warfare systems have put into service with the military units of the Western Military District as part of the 2016 state defense order. They include several Krasukha-4 mobile VHF/UHF jammers," Migunov went on to say.

    According to him, experts on electronic warfare systems are going to test the new systems during field exercises in January.

    The Krasukha-4 electronic warfare system is intended for countering an adversary’s radars of the strike and reconnaissance, unmanned aircraft and drones. The capacities of a broadband interference station make it possible to effectively combat against all modern radar stations, which are used on modern aircraft.


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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  Enera Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:22 am

    I found a new youtube video made by KRET, showcasing the components and conceptual operation of President-S for Russian-made helicopters. Very good informational video! russia


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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  HM1199 Sat Jan 21, 2017 10:12 am

    very informational video Wink  , didn't know KRET made videos like that .
    But , any info on the L402 Hymalayas? there seems to be none :/ .

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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  franco Sat Feb 04, 2017 5:08 am

    Su-34 equipped with an electronic warfare pods;

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    Russian Electronic Warfare Systems - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems

    Post  hoom Sat Feb 04, 2017 5:18 am

    I wonder if that means Russia can/will make a Growler version of Su-34?
    It has seemed odd to me that they don't appear to have any kind of Growler equivalent dunno

    Edit: or is that just because Russias' tactics assume the defensive posture where they will be operating within range of ground EW?

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