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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2


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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  franco Sun Oct 04, 2015 6:46 pm

    Off twitter - Kurds reporting Army of Islam received some man portable SAM's. This after John McCain and the KSA threaten to.

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  Guest Sun Oct 04, 2015 7:02 pm

    franco wrote:
    Militarov wrote:"Main Groups in Rastan (JaN, Ahrar & FSA) declare joint operation room to deal with current situation".

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 CQeG1CnWwAIIREh


    Russian strikes focus on Talbiseh/Rastan (Green). Might be prelude to SAA ground operation to retake Rastan-enclave
    Embedded image permalink

    Sorry can't get the map to download. The area is north of Homs and south of Hama. The Syrian Army controls most of the rest of this part of Syria. Some rebel units have already been pushed out of Homs suburbs.  

    You can use snipping tool or Print Screen to save the map.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  zg18 Sun Oct 04, 2015 7:31 pm

    Someone knowledgeable , what kind of bomb-weapon is this 00:50 sec?

    Very weird.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  Werewolf Sun Oct 04, 2015 7:36 pm

    zg18 wrote:Someone knowledgeable , what kind of bomb-weapon is this 00:50 sec?

    Very weird.

    Looks like EFP bomblets.

    Probably this one.

    RBK-250-270 with PTAB 2.5 EFP bomblets.

    Last edited by Werewolf on Sun Oct 04, 2015 7:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  iraqidabab Sun Oct 04, 2015 7:38 pm

    Maybe air dispensed landmines. Sub-munitions exploding to spread, that I think as I see no detonations.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  JohninMK Sun Oct 04, 2015 7:42 pm

    Werewolf wrote:
    zg18 wrote:Someone knowledgeable , what kind of bomb-weapon is this 00:50 sec?

    Very weird.

    Looks like EFP bomblets.

    Probably this one.

    RBK-250-270 with PTAB 2.5 EFP bomblets.

    Complete guess, anti armour 'skeet' type.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  medo Sun Oct 04, 2015 7:43 pm

    zg18 wrote:Someone knowledgeable , what kind of bomb-weapon is this 00:50 sec?

    Very weird.

    Difficult to say. No doubt it is a cluster bomb, question is what kind of smart submunition it is. Maybe it is antitank submunition for top attack on armor vehicles or anti personal munition, which explode in the air to increase effect. If RuAF attack jihadists armor vehicles or other vehicles, than they are most probably anti tank submunition.

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  Guest Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:12 pm

    JohninMK wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:
    zg18 wrote:Someone knowledgeable , what kind of bomb-weapon is this 00:50 sec?

    Very weird.

    Looks like EFP bomblets.

    Probably this one.

    RBK-250-270 with PTAB 2.5 EFP bomblets.

    Complete guess, anti armour 'skeet' type.

    Well if i had to guess. i counted 28 smokes, which means 30 bomblets.

    Which brings us to only two possible conclusions:

    RBK-500-375 with x30 AO10SCz filling

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Rbk-500_zab25sm


    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 C12

    orr... RBK-250-PTAB with x30 PTAB 2.5M filling

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 4610798705


    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Bombs_for_sale_swop_001

    I however belive more beliveable solution is RBK500 with HE fillings than PTAB. Also Russians have been observed few times dropping cluster bomblets from KMGUs instead of dropping actual cluster bombs.

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 1280px-KMGU

    It has separate storage units in which you can lay your bomblets and then open each separately when you are pleased, this makes use of bomblets more convinient, you drop as many as you find out to be useful without need to drop whole bomb so that is possible too...

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  Guest Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:17 pm

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 CQfZ49MWsAA2Jta

    Apparently first page of Newspapers Very Happy

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  Guest Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:27 pm

    New RT video of actual airstrip, SU25s taking off, SU24s and SU30s landing.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Oct 04, 2015 9:30 pm

    Majority of articles I have red lately about Russian action in Syria has comments disabled... go figure.

    Freedom of speech my a$$...angry jocolor

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  Vann7 Sun Oct 04, 2015 9:54 pm

    My main concern is that there are tons of NATO spies in the ground in Syria...and any modern weapon
    that do not detonate ,will allow them to inspect it and reverse engineer it.. Reason why Russia should
    just burn the whole place after a major attack.. to not only get rid of soft targets like terrorist that avoided
    the attack..but also of the bombs that don't exploded. and make it more difficult to capture Russian modern

    Im still disappointed with BRICS nations ,specifically India and CHINA ..that have one of the world biggest airforces and most capable too..there should have been there with Russia withing days the or a week ... but they prefer to stay in the comfort of their nations doing nothing.. and allow Russia to fix the world for them.. from the evil powers in this world ,and their support and trainning of terrorist.. [u] Something that will benefit too India and CHINA [/b] , since this terrorist will be used against them.. too if NATO major powers and Gulf allies allowed to destroy Syria.

    Russia is fighting a proxy war against Evil powers in this world who wants to totally control it.. and using terrorism and their weapon....and the rest of the world is only watching doing nothing.

    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    .....Edmund Burke


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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  Vann7 Sun Oct 04, 2015 10:40 pm

    Neutrality wrote: Splendid. The day these "moderates" unite together with the FSA and ISIS to fight against Assad's forces will also be the day that even the USA will drop their support for them..

    Yeah.. and im Peter the great and have a castle to sell too. I didn't saw your sarcasm there ,
    so looks like your really naive ,and have not look at all at any evidence that USA backup
    ISIS and ALqaeda since they exist.

    McAIN with ALqaeda leader in Lybia receiving a reward.. this is the moderates United States supported to overthrow Qadaffi..  

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Mccain-graham-ISIS

    Here ISIS leader with a "moderate leader" of FSA.. and with Alqaeda Alnusra staff fugitives
    of Syrian justice for kidnap of civilians..

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 John_mccain_visits_al_qaeda_isis_terrorists_in_syria_may2013

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Wpid-2014-08-12-15-00-14

    ISIS leader ,FSA leader and alnusra Alqaeda representatives. This is the truth about the
    "Syrian Opposition" most of the so called " opposition" today is not even Syrian . The ISIS leader is an Israeli citizen.. surprise? not.. the Alqaeda leader is from IRAQ.. many Saudis terrorist and chechen terrorist fighting in US so called FSA "opposition". They are not enemies..
    they have conflict before for loot ,weapons and money.. and have killed each other. .but USA
    have been there trying to get them together.

    They have been selected because they are terrorist.. not because they are moderates.. had they been good people with respect for civilians ,and people that you can negotiate or talk..for peace..they will not be there..  USA needs Radicals to keep their proxy wars going non stop and to terrorize anyone who stand in the middle of the US empire.

    So is the opposite.. if Any terrorist group ,choose to become a real "moderate" citizens..and drop their weapons ,and form a political party.. they will be called terrorist by the white house.London and telaviv. the west needs radicals that do not stop fighting and they can easy manipulate with money and religion.

    the US Federal Government only support terrorist..and countries they want to destroy.. whether Islamic extremist in middle east or Nazis in Ukraine.. the more corrupt and more extremist the better..because they could easily buy their support and fight to the end and not quit.

    The plan of United States is very simple.. They send several terrorist factions in northen Syria
    to fight Assad army... they call one faction good guys.. and the other bad guys.. they use ISIS as a pretext to be in Syria "to Fight them" ..and they can fool the world by just requesting ISIS
    to made it look they leaving Syria.. and they just switch to the "opposition" and in the end you will have All northern Syria controlled by the FSA..and will be used as "proof" of defeating ISIS.. but in reality is just a fraud.. the same terrorist.. just changing their names.. Not a single terrorist they bomb.. they all bomb empty buildings for show.. The white house knows very well who they are..and the millions of citizens lives that are at risk..for their support of them..but they don't care.. US is fighting for total domination of the middle east.. and will provide weapons to any terrorist or extremist that choose to fight Assad.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:02 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  franco Sun Oct 04, 2015 10:47 pm

    You missed the sarcasm.
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:37 pm

    Militarov wrote:

    New RT video of actual airstrip, SU25s taking off, SU24s and SU30s landing.

    As expected the Su-30SM aircraft are there to provide air cover and enforce the no-fly zone over the region. In this clip, they land with their weapon load unused.

    Last edited by Morpheus Eberhardt on Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  zg18 Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:38 pm

    Winning hearts & minds

    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:45 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    SU-30 attack aftermath thumbsup

    Su-30SM aircraft are there to provide air cover and enforce the no-fly zone over the region. I don't think the Russians utilize the aircraft's air-to-ground capability here. As such, in this clip, the air-to-ground action should be unrelated to the images of the Su-30SM aircraft included in the clip.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  zg18 Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:53 pm

    Operations against terrorist formations are non-stop

    night activities of Su-24s and Su-25s

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:03 am

    Moment ISIS chumps decide to seek different employment, look at that "HOLY F*CK WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE HORRIBLY!!!!'' expressions  on their faces lol1 lol1 lol1

    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 CQeqHJLWoAAuzr5

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  franco Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:13 am

    Latest from Hammond... baby steps;

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  franco Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:20 am

    And then there is this...WOW!

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  iraqidabab Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:07 am

    I read 6 SU-35 will be sent to Syria, true?
    max steel
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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  max steel Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:18 am

    Moscow scuppers US coalition plans for no-fly zone in Syria

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  Rodinazombie Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:25 am

    franco wrote:And then there is this...WOW!

    I advise anyone to follow this link just to read the comments. You will get an idea what people really think despite our government and medias propaganda.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #2

    Post  Vann7 Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:29 am

    There is reports of 300 new US marines arriving in Turkey for "rescue missions" in Syria..
    If i were to guess.. US government will now use.. 300 exconvict with US army uniforms
    or simply the same Alqaeda terrorist using American uniforms..western media will provide the show of US army and they will be used as human shields ,in IDLIB..  to block Russia bombing campaign there.  US next move will seek to Block Russia from Bombing their terrorist rebels.. by moving  Americans fake soldiers in the way..  The goal here is to demonize Russia with the American society...and justify US supplying of lethal weapons to terrorist in IDLIB to stop Russia bombing their "freedom" angels. .  This is also ideal for a false flag.. Such tactics of using cannon cannon fodder ,people that they will not mind see killed.. in very dangerous mission..
    Israel for example in the War with Syria in the 70s.. used many foreigners and when their planes shot down in Syria.. they found the pilots had chains around the pilots so they cannot eject.

    take a look what Zionism tactics used in wars before..

    So to avoid a public relations disasters ,that will be if hundreds of american marines are killed
    in Syria.. the Anglozionist powers will get mercenaries and exconvicts that have no family that cares for them..or even Alqaeda fighters and give them US army uniforms.. So if they killed..
    they will not have unrest in US cities..since they were foreigners.

    Who wants to bet that those US "Rescue missions" will be used to Block
    Russian bombing operations in the "moderates" cannibals zones... i will not be surprised if they bring not yet in service weapons.. prototype lazer weapons in trucks.. or railguns mounted in trucks if they find their stinger missiles or any other manpad cannot shut down Russian planes..  
    I also read reports of terrorist using Sidewinder air to air missiles mounted in trucks by the terrorist. Shocked  To shut down planes flying very high.. So anything is possible. What is clear
    is that the US and its alliance will increase the pressure on Russia so they leave Syria.. So also expect more conflicts in Ukraine too... and another front opened in Lebanon borders ,close to Tartus russian base.. The anglozionist forces will try to stop at any cost Russia operations in Syria.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:39 am; edited 1 time in total

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