Regular wrote:How can you fight someone much stronger than you without going nuclear? USA has much stronger presence in the region and they are just flexing muscles. Surely, there was no need for 3-4 hour bombing runs, this is what russians call pokazukha. Trying to make russia look weak especially before elections. There's not much can be done by Russia, but to be patient and wait till USA will step on their own rake.
You are wrong.. Russia ,IRAN ,IRAQ are a much stronger presence than US and Kurds.. and the few thousand terrorist in Syria and IRAQ. Putin weakness is what makes americans confident that it can get away with any attack on Syrian
ARmy. Putin should have given the order to strike American airforce when bombed Syrian army... and then later
say.. it was self defense.. So if AMericans goes nuclear , then Russia can go nuclear too.. so what?
The war in Syria is a war on Russia.. and Putin is playing a very shameful role in the world ,by not fighting back
Americans .. even when they are openly -indirectly at war with them. Again read this carefully , Putin weakness
in dealing with Americans cost Russian and Syrian lives.. And is threatening the entire operation. There are many things Russia can do.. allow Syria army to declare that any drone or plane from any foreign nation ,illegally flying over Syria that threaten the security of their military will be shotdown.. and that they will not care the country they are.
that alone will be a message for US , and NATO that no longer can attack Syria army without a proper retaliation..
But Putin weakness with Americans ,puts in danger not only their allies and soldiers in Syria but also in Ukraine too...
Putin/Russia lack of leadership in the world..
is the sole reason ,that Russia is disrespected and humiliated in the world . He is afraid of doing something that will provoke americans to cut Russia from their banking system and the american world. Why now Russia create its own system? instead ?
Americans wants to humiliate Russia in Syria and in every other thing in the world like sports.. and they are doing a very good job at that.. hopefully Russians "will stop" supporting him and get a real leader in place ,that do not beg
americans business to help him ,get good relations with US..
Taking into account the major limitations Russian military face today... ie.. Have many nations seeking to over
Run Damascus.. with Americans bombing Syria and Russian soldiers.. while Israel also bombing any place ,even
closer to Russia military base.. and Americans determination to never leave Syria.. Then the less terrible thing
Russia could do is to pressure Assad to make a deal with Turkey.. Where Turkey will get all the Kurdish zones for them.. in change Turkey will drop support for FSA/ALnusra and will kick Americans from Northen Syria.. And then Russia will allow Turkey airforce to freely operate in northen Syria and will provide Erdogan weapons to Fight Americans and kurds there..
that way Russia can..
-Take Turkey away from NATO
-Kick Americans from Syria and from IRAQ...
-Put an end to Kurdistan project and the Syrian war.
-Create a very powerful impossible to defeat alliance that will dominate middle east
of Russia,Turkey,IRAN,IRAQ.
-Put an end to ISIS and all terrorist ,that fights against Russia and Assad.
In other words.. that Turkey joins the alliance of Russia,IRAN ,Syria ,hezbola for real..
and abandon NATO and remote american military base from there. and help Russia kick
Americans from Syria.
In change erdogan will get..
-All northen Syria oil fields under kurds control..
-Modern Technology to modernize their army ,
-S-400s and S500s.. Armata -Pakfa.. and even provide Turkey with the technology to produce nuclear weapons.
-nuclear submarines , cruise missiles armed with nukes from Russia.
-and help Turkey into developing a space program.
In short recruit Turkey into an Anti NATO alliance. with full military hardware support.
So this will help erdogan , to become a Hero to Turkey people.. and then he will get rid of
the kurds fighting him. and will take their country to a new level ,economically and military.
an alliance like this will officially end NATO wars in the middle east.. and threatens to influence
Saudi Arabia to move away from the american orbit.. kicking americans from the entire middle east.
This will allow Russia to block NATO warships from the black sea..and Syria to fully stop the war.
of course for this Russia will need to abandon Kurds .
syria will lose permanently Kurds controlled zones east of euprates and the oil fields,but they already lost those territories anyway..
So Erdogan Abandon NATO and creates an ANTI NATO full scale major alliance.. Russia-Syria,IRAN -IRAQ
alliance , and Russia provides Turkey protection and technology ,all they need to defend against US .. and Syria give away Kurds controlled zones to Turkey. Russia can even kick France from Lebanon too. in retaliation for their support of terrorist in Syria.. and then in the end Syria will re-unite with Lebanon and Turkey will get all Kurdish zone east of euprates,with Syria Gov authorization. and then erdogan will close the black sea for all NATO warships..
Such kind of alliance will be a check mate to the middle east. Is not a perfect solution ,but it will be better than allowing Americans/Israel bombing Syria every day, making it impossible for Syria to recover and develop.