All the skeptics in this forum ,who praise Putin's Decisions in Space , (reducing the budget in half)
While increasing the budget in meaningless Sports ,Victory Parades and worshiping the past events , and
focusing Russia economy towards making Russia an Agriculture Power , instead of a Technology/Space power.
the next article in SPutnik , illustrate clearly how dangerous ,almost like treason ,Putin's lacks of ambitions in space.
Americans knows well ,how important is space ,why they are INCREASING the budget of NASA , NOT decreasing
it.. and people saying why would Russia need a super heavy carrier rocket simply for the Militarization of Space ,
for Instant deployment in space of powerful energy weapons , quick deployment of already pre assembled Space stations for civilians and military purposes. For mining in the moon and deployment of a moon base.. is cheaper
to send all equipment need for colonization of moon in just one rocket than dozens. For Creation of a SPACE battle station command center.. just imagine the possibilities of Russia lifting a giant Lazer gun attached to a big nuclear reactor ,to Stop Americans or NATO ICBMS attacks on Russia? Everyone in the west in the US military understand how important is Domination of space.. but people in this forum,including people who believe to be "Experts" not.
GarryB read the next quote several times until you get it....
The risk of a single power on Earth seizing control of space was inadvertently described in 1958 by then-US Senate Majority Leader Lyndon B Johnson.
"Control of space means control of the world, far more certainly, far more totally than any control that has ever or could ever be achieved by weapons, or by troops of occupation. There's something more important than the ultimate weapon. That is the ultimate position — the position of total control over the Earth that lies somewhere out in space. That is the distant future, though not so distant as we may have thought. Whoever gains that position gains control, total control, over Earth, for the purposes of tyranny or for the service of freedom," he said.
did you got that Garryb?
if not again..
"Control of space means control of the world, far more certainly, far more totally than any control that has ever or could ever be achieved by weapons, or by troops of occupation. Controlling space is worse than an Army invasion ,you heard that Garry ? An army invasion can be countered.
with insurgency.. but you can't counter space domination,space militarization,full spectrum space domination with insurgency can you? with road side bombs? oh but that will be "too expensive you will say , or no body will dare to attack Russia because have so powerrrrfulllllllll nukes , is that was your endless broken record? but the reality is ,that Russia Nuclear weapons are USELESS to defend Russia.. you heard that right . USELESS . Because they only allowed to be used if Americans attacks with Nukes first.. So all that Americans needs to do ,is attack Russia without nukes .. no problem.. or to do it with nukes but very small ones and outside Russia territory. This is how Americans plays.. they slide and move half step in and out of Russia redlines . So if the rules Are nukes used only to fight nukes.. then americans use biological weapons and chemical weapons ,and hide their hands in the attack.. or target Russia economy or Russian army fighting outside , or attack Russian allies with ISIS ,forcing Russia to come in their aid..and or provoke war on Russia.. by inciting others nations to attack Russia ,Georgia Ukraine anyone? how about Turkey attack on Russia airforce? it shows you are horrible wrong dude.. Russia nuclear weapons are TOTALLY useless , completely . If they are NOT used ,they are worthless. same with S-400s.. if theya are not used.. then Russian allies will continue being attacked . So you udnerstand nothing Garryb about modern ways of wars. US ways to fight with the same intensity of a real war but by proxy . neither understand how Putin rules of engagement and politics significantly weaken Russia capability to defend its nation.. for what Russia needs 2,000 american "diplomats" in Russia promoting "Democracy" ah? when is pretty obvious that Americans use their embassies to destabilize nations?. This is pure idiocy Garryb.. the strategy of Russia countering Americans.. allowing them to dominate and militarize space is no less that death sentence for Russia. and allowing US,UK and Israel ,hostile nations to Russia to have thousands of diplomats on Russia ,freely moving ,spying ,recruiting troublemakers is another pure idiocy.. reducing Russia space budget whether civilian or military and increasing the spending in olympics and sports is pure lunacy . Russia biggest flaw of all , is that it always UNDERESTIMATE its enemies , their determination to damage Russia and the second major flaw , is to not know how to fight back.
If Russia dominated in full space in both civilian and military, then it will have a Tremendous influence with their business , much more than stupid sports , and will inflict fear on its enemies too.. while at same time attracting friendly and neutral nations interesting in a world of peace and prosperity to move to the Russian orbit. Russia dominating space will give the power of Russia to block or sabotage any nation from its space program and to effectively neutralize ALL enemies satellites in space in a matter of hours in very short time and very easy.also cut them from internet , from TV ,from radio, and block any army or drones operations.. this is total paralization
of an army or of a nation.. This is not saying that Russia will need to do it at all.. but that by having the Power to do it , that alone will be a very real deterrence ,much more than Russia nuclear weapons or hypersonic weapons.
because Russia can simply using Energy weapons ,stealth way of fighting ,can play the same games of US and other enemies and hit them ,stealthily and hide later their hands.. Mysterious explosions of US spaceX program or damage partially US spy satellites their optics ,so they see nothing , or jam their satellites communications ,from other satellites deployed near , kamikazi satellites ,flying very close to US military satellites. all those things will be a tremendous HUGE deterrence for US to behave nicely with Russia.. IS all about Positioning.. to have your guns all in the right place , in space , aiming at their targets.. so when the times comes to counter an American hostile aggression BANG!!!! they lose a couple of billion dollars in space. in seconds in retaliation.. for just 1 soldier killed in Syria ,that was attacked by them.. See this difference? This is REAL deterrences.. no nukes used ,but any hostile actions countered with a very expensive reaction.. but if PUTIN the "Genius" pretends that Americans will respect Russia ,just because have nukes or hypersonic missiles ,he is seriously wrong. Americans only respect Leadership and Force that is used... not the one that is not.
Militarization of space also will allow Russia ,to damage enemy Power Electrical grid..
imagine a nation like US in total darkness for a week? it will be total chaos ,and surrender after 3 days without electricity to Russia in case US start a small military confrontation as it was the previous American attack on Syria .. that Russia did NOTHING as deterrence to fight back.. having those Kinzhal missiles in space ,can decapitate the leadership of any nation and provoke a major revolution to siege power and bring down Washington DC.without using a nuke.. meditate about that for hours until you get the idea.. of how INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS is for Russia to not take very very seriously its space program and allow Americans to dominate it.. If Putin really understood how Dangerous is not winning in space , then the idiot will NOT be reducing its space budget in he did ,and neither its military budget to spend it in Social aid or Olympics..
Russia have a huge major abysmal problem in the world of leadership and of power projection too..and Putin is the responsible for this. He don't understand how to counter Americans.. influence and power . he simply don't know a shit. If he sits down ,waiting Americans to "come back to its senses" then the one who needs to come back to its senses is Putin not them.. Because Americans clearly know what they are doing... They have no reason to change as long PUTIN don't do anything to Fight back.. Understand? if Putin just stays there taking hits .. turning the other cheek when slapped in the face.. then he will get more hits .. understand? Only when Americans Government face painful consequences for their actions ,they will change. But if you have a serial killer and he face no negative consequences at all for his crimes.. he will continue killing until he see his actions ,have very bad consequences for him.. and he is wounded badly every time he attack ,then the aggression will stop. Putin the idiot try to influence American government with Politeness and Good morals , with diplomacy ,that will not work. You saw Obama fired
50 Russian diplomats and Putin response? Make a party for the CIA ,for the US embassy in Russia...
So if you look at history of military warfare ,the progress always have been in finding ways how to fight your enemies , beyond the range of their fighting ,while still having them withing your range of visual contact . So the more advanced was the tactics.. the longer the range armies could fight ,without losing accuracy in their attacks.
So gunpowder changed the way wars were fought ,you fight now as much as possible from distance.. but artillery was invented , then range expanded.. so military could fight from a safer distance.. then the combat planes was invented and this combat range/fighting advantage was multiplied. Bombs could for the first time land right
above your head ,while the operators of the planes remain safe at all times and remain at safe distance.. and so and so..then air defenses invented to minimize the strong domination air combat had over ground troops.. Now what is next logical level to move forward ? after Air space domination ,that is the most Important doctrine of US military for winning wars, the next step is Space Domination.. and it will be unforgivable ,is more like TREASON , deserve an impeachment ,that Putin cut in half not only the space budget.. but now even the military budget is being cut significantly , by the idiot , in times Russia is on the brink of a potential war with US or Israel over Syria ,and in brink of a war in eastern Europe too. Americans don't deny their intentions , they openly say it.. they want militarization of space as fast as possible , [u] TO DENY RUSSIA the use of Space [./u] . But idiots will say.. oh noo , Russia is SO POWERFULLLL have NUKKKSS nobody will attack a russian aircraft no? Ask the Russian pilots killed in Syria by Turkey or ask NATO now bombing Russian army positions with the Syrian army.
who will have though such a day will come ,were American airforce will be bombing Russians military private contractors ,that obviously had to report to the Russian army ,to avoid Syria and Russia government will be looking to the sides when their soldiers killed???
By Russia having space domination , it will be the ultimate deterrence of all.. A space bomber ,that can enter any nation and leave ,and fire a hypersonic missile and the space bomber not be forced to return to a land base, instead remain in space in position for a new attack.. target NATO aircraft carriers formations right above their heads.. with them hopeless in countering an elusive stealth bomber. Lack of vision is Putin biggest issue.. He is missing so much opportunities and reducing its space budget in half and its military budget significantly too ,was the most retarded thing Putin did in his life , in times like this.. Russia needs a strong space militarization , since americans are not even hiding their intentions to deny space to Russia.. So what is Russia waiting?
Oh.. but americans will neeeeeeeeeever dare to hit Russians space satellites or Soyus.. will say Garryb because Russia is sooooo powerrrrrfullllll.. but unfortunately the short sight vision of him , will not allow to see ,that Americans are experts in throwing rocks at Russia and later hiding the hands.. A Rail Gun in space will be more than enough terror weapon ,to hide its attacks on Russia space facilities.. All those Russian Glonass satellites will go down one by one ,and Russia will do nothing about it.. because will have no way to proof Americans are behind the sabotage of the satellites.. so is sad the colossal level of ignorance of skeptics in this forum.. that do not see the serious danger it will be for Russia to allow Americans domination of space.. Russia should simply quit , and resign its sovereignty if believe ,it will be able to continue its development in the world allowing Americans a full spectrum dominance and militarization of space.
developing the Russian economy today or building warships ,submarines ,developing ANYTHING in Russia will be totally MEANINGLESS , if Russia don't recognize Americans are ALREADY in an undeclared war against Russia and don't see how dangerous will be for Russia allowing US to start deploying weapons on space.. Because Americans are already in an undeclared war on Russia..and domination of space is the ULTIMATE deterrence , then Russia can't allow US to dominate space ,in any way shape or form.. understand? It needs at least to Compete. .Which they have been saying all the time will do ,but the idiot of Putin don't listen. He thinks that by happing powerful nukes is all they need... to protect Russia..
Russian nuclear weapons , means ABSOLUTE SHIT... , in defending Russia interest in Ukraine and Syria.. So Russia will continue being attacked ,Russian soldiers killed , Russians planes shot down , Economy Attacked ,terrorism attacks all coordinated by enemies in Russia, Russia economy bring to its knees and Russia will continue to look PATHETIC weak nation in the world. Something that could completely change if Russia recognized is at war already ,and understood how vital for Russia future existence , to dominate space , before Americans do it.. otherwise it will be too late. Russia nuclear weapons are meaningless , if they can't really help Russia from its enemies attacking her. Dominating Space , is the thing that will make for the first TIME , very very Expensive any American aggression and make them truly fear Russia and that will truly make them to change... and dominating space in civilian exploration ,will give a huge bonus ,a major motivation for US to stop its hostilities against Russia.. understand? So is Russia existence what is in play... and nothing is more expensive than being powerless as Russia clearly is today ,to stop Americans attacks on Russia ,through many ways..
Russia needs 1)REAL deterrence but also 2)REAL influence.. and Full spectrum Space domination is what will do it.. Russia full militarization of space and full domination with its civilian space program ,leading space explorations is what will Force AND Influence (both) Americans to go to the negotiating table
in a major treaty and allow Russia to DEMAND a reduction of American warships and their traveling near Russia borders from a strike distance.. and to remove All American military bases near Russia and any part of eastern Europe a no NATO navigation zone , for NATO to retreat... to germany ,where they claimed will not move to the east. and even could force US to cut its naval fleet in half.. the demands of what Russia could ask ,,will all depends on how STRONG Russia is in space in both in civilian exploration and in military domination.. Cutting the budget in space by half and reducing its military spending while increasing the spending in Olympic Shit and social aid.. is the most retarded thing Putin have done.. this is like treason..
and my only hope is that all this claims of reducing budget were is more important is just a smoke wall ,to hide the most ambitious investment ever in Space for military and civilian purpose.. but i don't think so.. he have shown to be totally clueless in how to counter the west ,in a way the stop its attacks on Russia.
Nothing will be more scary for US that having a space bomber carrier (permanently above their heads) or for several hours every day ,flying right above washington DC , armed with dozens of Hypersonic Kinzhal missiles , not knowing what are Russia intentions.. if they will attack or not , if it is a training? or a preparation for a preventive strike ? or just another orbit pass of their space ship..
a dozen of space bomber with a kinzhal hypersonic missile flying over/or near washington DC or other important US military/naval bases., could strike any part of US without warning at any part of US, in less than 1 minute and completely remove the leadership of any nation ,including its parliament and provoke a civil war ,or it will be a nightmare for US aircraft carriers battle groups to observe how defenseless they are ,if Russia position their space bombers right above their nearest space zone ,above their aircraft carrier positions. meaning that Russia could wipe out with a dozen of space orbit bombers , a dozen of Aircraft carriers groups in one Shot.. in just a minute ,since the order is given to attack. The benefits are endless in space domination . this is even better than Hypersonic missiles.. that are launched from planes that needs to land ,and can't be in air all the time.. With a Space bomber ,you can have PERMANENTLY for weeks or months a bomber with a hypersonic missile ,right above potential targets. and the deterrence will be comparable of having an enemy aiming a gun at your face at all time withing 5 meters of distance and with you disarmed.. This is how Real Deterrence looks like.. to have your enemies all the time aimed with a Gun.. in this case a Space gun.and they knowing well ,than all that Russia needs to wipe US leadership is 1 minute ,and hit with a conventional or nuclear warhead. So even going to the toilet ,for a president could be a national security thing..
because of the so little time for preparations that they will have to move to the bunkers. The scary thing is that Americans are moving in this direction , they had their mini space shuttle allowed to fly for years in space..
and Putin is eating shit. not doing anything to militarize space.. Putin is really taking Russia to an abyss ,if he don't help Russia achieve Space domination.. and allows its enemies to do it.