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    Syrian War: News #19


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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Mon Jun 17, 2019 9:04 pm

    Isos wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:ISO that is beyond wrong thinking if you think Putin is going to let the Russian's Military attack the Turks first, if they attack the Russians sure then but other then that no.

    I don't even know how you think that, It's not going to happen, Turk's won't leave because russia said so. Russa isn't going to start bombing them, keep dreaming.

    I'm not saying its gonna happen but if it happens Turkey can't do much. Anyway turks are already attacked by their allies because they can't protect them from russian bombers. And they even asked the russians to bomb them. Their alliance is starting to collapse.

    They will have no choice but to leave. And frankly they have no more reason to stay on this side of Syria. Assad won the west of Syria. On the east they have kurds building up their position and its gonna be a problem for at least the next 20-30 years even more if US make them leave nato because of their close ties with russia and china. Then US will use the kurds against them and will arm them and support them military.

    Their best hope right now is that Assad takes full control of the country as fast as he can.

    And russians are not making "deals" with Turkey because they think its a major actor there, but because doing so it pisses off US. Add S-400 and su-57 to that, kurds at turkish border, the coup and Erdogan's ego and you end up with Turkey leaving Nato which means all the south eastern Nato flank collapsing (protected only by Bulgaria and other useless countries) while in the middle east US are fixed by Iran expension and in the east by Chinese expension. On the north Russia is building up military bases around the pole. On the west Europe has no more trust in US, Uk is leaving EU, and US soldiers are moving from germany to poland which is a mirror of their relations.

    Sure we do it's called control over most of Syria oil reserves one reason among many.

    Turkey isn't going to be leaving NATO, not in any of our lifetimes anyway, this is a pipe dream. I have heard people mutter, again and again, it's pure fantasy and will never happen. I mean you can keep dreaming and think it will bu that's on you.

    Ah yes the famous Brexit, At this point that is pretty much dead. May is leaving Borris is set to replace her at this point and Borris will pretty much put the nails in the Brexit coffin when he gets into office.

    Don't go and say "but they triggered the process" doesn't matter the EU will easily make something up if they need to.

    Where the hell do you get such wrong information....The already 4500 US troop in Poland are a "rotation" force. The additional troops were moved in and dropped off at Germany and will soon move into Poland under the same system to make it 5500.

    We aren't actually pulling any US garrison troop off Germany. Man I swear you need to separate fantasy from reality.


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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Isos Mon Jun 17, 2019 10:51 pm

    Sure we do it's called control over most of Syria oil reserves one reason among many.

    Kurds control it and Trump wants to leave Syria. And Trump isn't really interested by syrian oil at all. Spending billions to protect kurds for their oil that can't even be exported is fantasy like you say. Turkey on the north, Assad on the west, iraq on the east, and petromonarchies on south. None of them wants kurds to export oil through their territories. Once they find out that, US will be gone, Turkey will bomb them day and night, and they will be left with one option : beging assad for protection.

    Turkey isn't going to be leaving NATO, not in any of our lifetimes anyway, this is a pipe dream. I have heard people mutter, again and again, it's pure fantasy and will never happen. I mean you can keep dreaming and think it will bu that's on you.

    Yes it will. They don't like you nor do they do like EU. And nato doesn't love Turkey. They used Erdogan picture as a target ...

    Ah yes the famous Brexit, At this point that is pretty much dead. May is leaving Borris is set to replace her at this point and Borris will pretty much put the nails in the Brexit coffin when he gets into office.

    For us they are leaving. We are not looking at a situation involving them to stay.

    Where the hell do you get such wrong information....The already 4500 US troop in Poland are a "rotation" force. The additional troops were moved in and dropped off at Germany and will soon move into Poland under the same system to make it 5500.

    We aren't actually pulling any US garrison troop off Germany. Man I swear you need to separate fantasy from reality.

    What I saw on news is that their sending troops from germany to Poland.

    Anyway Germany doesn't see you as a reliable partener.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  JohninMK Mon Jun 17, 2019 11:45 pm

    I know its from VT but it looks pretty straight. If it is correct then the partitioning of Syria is moving ahead fast.

    Any comments from anyone?

    Posted 16th June

    by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor, …with Syrian sources

    As I promised yesterday we would be filling in on the big US-Saudi pow-wow with the SDS Kurds and Deir Ezzor Arab tribes. Nana Husaini, our Syrian correspondent has been reviewing the Arab media and will be digging into the Syrian government’s reaction to this new partition front opening up, while Damascus is focused on the Idlib stalemate.

    The Syrian government does not shoot from the hip. It will pool all of its sources before making an official statement. But it will have to, at some point.

    The big news in the stories below, with multiple confirmations, is that Israeli TV was on the ground and shooting both meetings. They were not disguised as Arab media, but were from Channel 12. Imagine that.

    As for the money part, the tribes got treated equally with each sheikh getting a million dollars for travel expenses, with more on the way behind that. Keep in mind, a lot of that gets spread out among the tribes.

    The base-expansion open coverage is sending a message to Erdogan, a counter move to his taking the Russian S-400 deliveries, which are supposed to start in July.

    Also keep in mind that from the Raqqa air base, the US can support jihadi operations in Idlib, and even an advance by the evolving partition coalition against SAA positions in central Syria. The US Iraqi airbases will be staging platforms for any offensive moves by the US coalition.

    And despite all the talk about Iraqi pride and independence, it is being worn as a shoe for the growing US footprint in the region, a sad thing to see after all Iraq has suffered through.

    Is the US saying via this move that it is going to replace Turkey as a key ally by building northeastern and eastern Syria into a new US-Saudi and Israeli mega base, with the Israelis of course not paying a dime for anything? We have come a long way from Donald’s “pull out” from Syria early in the year. Welcome to TrumpWorld … JD

    – First published … June 16, 2019 –

    … by Tom Duggan, an experienced, hard boiled, front line journalist who has been right in the middle of the Syrian conflict

    Update on Saudis and USA delegation they were inspecting facility’s and air strip at an airfield close to Raqqa. They paid special attention to the length of runway and aircraft hangers. with them was a Zionest TV crew from channel 12.

    My feelings on this are as follows that the airfield will receive a major refit runways will be expanded, more hangers and living areas for technical staff.

    During the visit they also visited tribal leaders in Dier Ezzor area and promised to help them. Hearts and minds black operation with USD going to tribal leaders who join the USA and Saudi enterprise.

    They have told tribal leaders they are in Syria to fight terrorism. strange when you consider both party’s created terrorism bribes by Saudi one million USA per tribal leader
    A new dangerous period is about to begin in Syria. If I am correct this base expansion will play a major part in Saudi and USA regime change in Syria.

    At this moment in time I see the USA and Saudi vulture circle around Dier Ezzor. And the turkish wolf’s circle around Idlib.

    Both playing games with each other. But working towards the ultimate goal Regime Change. Turkey is looking to start it’s new empire and Saudi trying to finish what it started.

    Iran is being subjected to outrageous assault by western media and politicians
    It’s clear to me the people who have most to gain are the Saud government. And the USA .
    will send more U.S. young men to die in the middle East.


    17:15 15.06.2019 (Updated 17:24 15.06.2019)

    A high-ranking US delegation accompanied by a Saudi delegation arrived late Friday in the town of Al-Tabla and inspected the airport of the military class in the western suburb of Raqqa Saturday morning, a source in the Kurdish Kessid faction said.

    The correspondent of ” Sputnik ” in the city of Raqqa, a source in the organization of the US military confirmed that a high-level US delegation accompanied by a Saudi delegation, visited this morning the military class airport in the western Rifqa countryside, and inspected the runways and hangars, airport buildings and shelters, and visited a training camp in the vicinity the airport.


    قسد تتقدم بمحيط جرابلس قبل معركتها.. وتحصل على مفتاح الرقة من أبواب منبج

    Jaafari: The alliance with the collusion with the militias of a client such as “Qdes” destroyed the tenderness

    The source added that after the departure of the two delegations to the airport several hours, they returned to resume their tour of the vicinity of the airport, where the two delegations are still in the class until the moment of preparation of this report.

    In a related context, the reporter Sputnik: The Israeli media team working in the city of tenderness for days on the preparation of reports in the streets and public squares in coordination with the factions, “Qsd” of the US occupation forces, explaining that the delegation belongs to the Channel 12 Hebrew (the former).

    The media reported on Friday the meeting included the Saudi Minister of State Thamer al-Sbahan, US Deputy Secretary of State Joel Rabion, US Ambassador William Rubak, in the field of oil age in Deir al-Zour, in addition to a number of elders and dignitaries and administrators of the tribes and councils of Deir al-Zour.

    She added that the meeting discussed the mechanism of combating the terrorist organization “Daqash”, ensuring its return, in addition to supporting the civil council in the governorate, providing services to the East Euphrates region and supporting the economy of the region through supporting projects and the health and education sectors.

    The Channel 12 broadcast on Friday, an announcement of the report of a special photographer will be broadcast through the screen for her correspondent, Efrat Lachter wandering in the city of Raqqa Syrian, and showed the ad pictures of the newspaper “Israeli” Lashter, wandering in the province of Raqqa.

    In recent months, Israeli press teams have been moving in areas controlled by the US-backed Kadhim militia, with facilities exposing the nature of the militias and their links with Israel. The Israeli channel 24 recently broadcast a report on the village of Jeannouar in the countryside of El Hasakah.

    The report was filmed for the channel freely after the facilities received by the channel team from the Qaysd militia, which hosted last March the correspondent of Channel 11, From Qaddad, including Mazloum Kubani in his headquarters in the Eastern Province and met with a number of members of the organization calling the terrorist in the countryside of Deir Al-Zour.

    Posted 15th June

    [ Editor’s Note: VT sources have confirmed that the meeting US Al-Umar Base did happen, and it was yesterday. But the story below left out some key information.

    One, the Saudis brought lots of money, lots and lots of money. And second, the big Arab tribes were in attendance.

    The purpose of the meeting was to buy off the tribes to form a united military front with the Kurds. If the tribes took the money, their answer was yes, and means they have cast their fate with the money bags men and not Damascus.

    Assad has his hands full with a completely stalled peace process and the same or the Constitutional Committee. The US coalition seems to be betting that the Syrian people will get tired of nothing getting done and eventually blame Assad for it.

    At that moment a well funded new prospective leader will appear and Syria could be dragged down into a new civil war. The Russians and Iranians will be in a delicate situation. What do they do, stay out of it or support Assad? If they do I can hear the claims of “interference” already from the aggressors.

    I fear that a new form of Balkanization is being rolled out by Saudi accountants looking back on how much was blown on the Syrian war. They see that it might have been much cheaper just to buy everybody off in the beginning, and they may be right.

    We are working on getting more details, the Holy Grail of course being what kind of political deal was cut, and who is guaranteeing it, and how Assad will respond. The Saudis of course are getting two for their money as this move takes on Erdogan, also …Jim W. Dean ]

    Al-Masdar News, AMD

    – First published .. June 15, 2019 –

    BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:00 P.M.) – A Saudi diplomatic delegation, led by Saudi Minister of Persian Gulf Affairs Thamer Al-Sabhan, met with the U.S. Armed Forces and members of the Syrian Democratic Council in eastern Deir Ezzor this week, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) first reported, later confirmed by pro-SDF media.

    According to the report, the Saudi delegation met with U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Levant Affairs Joel Rayburn and former U.S. Ambassador to Bahrain William Roebuck in the eastern countryside of the Deir Ezzor Governate.

    Another meeting was reportedly held between the Deir Ezzor tribes and the Saudi-U.S. officials at the Al-Umar Base.

    The primary purpose of this meeting was to ease tensions between the tribes and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

    Furthermore, the website Xeber 24 reported that Al-Sabhan delivered a message on behalf of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman. The message allegedly conveyed MBS’ full support to the SDF in eastern Syria.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Tue Jun 18, 2019 8:27 am

    1. Kurds are our dogs, there are routes to export Oil. Trump wants to Leave Syria? going on with this BS again?. We aren't leaving Syria, I explained this already in fact if read John's post it provides a lot of good details on what Assad at this point is NEVER getting that land back.

    I warned you all day ONE Syria will never be a full country again, and I meant that.

    Keep Dreaming we aren't leaving Syria.

    2. Lol No they aren't, we may not like him BUT we will keep turkey in NATO regardless, Also Ero isn't going to leave NATO, he has no plans nor has he ever made any mention of it.

    You see again you WANT THIS TO HAPPEN, but it's not going to happen. So don't waste my time with pure fantasy, Turkey leaves NATO lol. What kinda drugs you on.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Tue Jun 18, 2019 8:30 am


    For the most part, the information about Saudi's is true.

    The part about Isreal deploying Jets to a new Airbase isn't.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  JohninMK Tue Jun 18, 2019 1:52 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:@John

    For the most part, the information about Saudi's is true.

    The part about Isreal deploying Jets to a new Airbase isn't.

    I assumed the latter would not be correct. That airfield is going to be pretty exposed, especially as it is south of the supposed demarcation line, the Euphrates. I can understand some upgrading/repair of the infrastructure, especially if the Saudis are throwing money at it, but it will be interesting to see what actually gets stationed there.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  JohninMK Tue Jun 18, 2019 1:59 pm

    Not really war news, but they could be used for war transport, here is a batch of 200 buses just into Tartous from China. No sanction there then.

    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 D9Vfv8yX4AIOo9v

    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 D9Vf8jOWwAAeJn2
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Jun 18, 2019 7:05 pm

    Keep Dreaming we aren't leaving Syria.
    2. Lol No they aren't, we may not like him BUT we will keep turkey in NATO regardless, Also Ero isn't going to leave NATO, he has no plans nor has he ever made any mention of it.
    The US left Lebanon & will eventually leave Syria & Iraq.
    They may also leave NATO, either before or after the new EU army is set up, ending its existence. Turkey may leave the military org. of NATO, like France once did. She is on the OBOR/BRI & is getting closer to China.

    Calling Turkey a traditional Silk Road country, Xi said that China stands ready to enhance their mutually beneficial cooperation within the Belt and Road framework. ..Agreeing with Xi, Erdogan said that Turkey attaches great importance to relations with China, adding that Turkey is willing to strengthen high-level exchanges between the two countries and expand their cooperation in economy, trade, finance, infrastructure construction and other fields.
    The Belt and Road Initiative is very important to Turkey, he said, adding that his country is willing to actively participate in its joint construction and cooperation.

    Turkey can't sit on 2 chairs- be in NATO which is hostile to PRC-RF informal bloc & stay on good terms with China.
    As the Chinese saying goes: 2 tigers can't live on 1 mountain!

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Tue Jun 18, 2019 7:46 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  ATLASCUB Tue Jun 18, 2019 7:05 pm

    Amusing to see the variety of viewpoints when things simply don't go according to plan. Laughing Laughing

    At least the early narratives about the separatist Kurds have completely evaporated. I guess that's some progress.

    All the flaws from decisions made in Moscow, Ankara, D.C/"Jerusalem"/Riyadh have more or less been exposed and taken advantage of by the respective opposing side.

    A big fucking joke.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Tue Jun 18, 2019 8:30 pm

    ATLASCUB wrote:Amusing to see the variety of viewpoints when things simply don't go according to plan. Laughing Laughing

    At least the early narratives about the separatist Kurds have completely evaporated. I guess that's some progress.

    All the flaws from decisions made in Moscow, Ankara, D.C/"Jerusalem"/Riyadh have more or less been exposed and taken advantage of by the respective opposing side.

    A big fucking joke.

    I'd say aside from Assad still being in power and not having control over more of Syria then we intended, minus some pointless whining from the Turks, well the Saudi's ain't getting their pipeline, RIP.

    Everything has gone according to our plan. We have control over most of Syria's oil, via our little kurdish proxies and control a decent portion of Syria.

    Ousting Assad imo was never needed, it was more of an FU to Russia overall.

    The funny thing is this could have all been avoided if Putin just reacted faster, instead he waited too long and showed weakness and that allowed the rebels to spread wide enough and create the perfect opportunity for us.

    That's really the best part, Russia knew Syria was next and they just let us do what we needed to tear that country apart.

    Last edited by SeigSoloyvov on Tue Jun 18, 2019 8:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Jun 18, 2019 8:34 pm

    How much oil r we talking about? Was it even worth it?

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Tue Jun 18, 2019 8:40 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:How much oil r we talking about? Was it even worth it?

    Like 90 percent of it if not a bit more, Assad has some oil fields near Deir, since they captured that area we couldn't get those. Other than that we control the rest now. Basically all of Syria's oil is located across the good old River where we are setup.

    So yes very worth it just let the kurds think they can have their own country, long as they do what we want and we use them to guard everything keeping just enough guys in Syria to dissuade any attacks from Assad, the Turks, Russia.

    It's a very low-cost, high reward operation the best kind.

    After all, we don't pay the kurds shit, just give them some bullets and old gear and promise to protect from big bad old Assad and Turkey.

    The kurds know full well they better do has told cause if we do leave, hur hur they will get skull fucked by the Turks alone nevermind Assad.
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Jun 18, 2019 9:11 pm

    But what is the size of those reserves?
    Syria is a relatively small oil producer, that accounted for just 0.5% of the global production in 2010,[2][3] falling to less than 0.05% by 2016.

    The Oil & Gas Journal estimated Syria’s oil reserves at 2.5 billion barrels, as of January 1, 2015. These are located mostly in the east and northeast. Natural gas reserves are estimated at 241 billion cubic meters, located primarily in central Syria. Most of Syria’s crude oil is heavy (low gravity) and sour (high sulphur content), which requires a specific configuration of refineries to process. This places its oil at the lower end of the price range.

    The Kremlin is not motivated by the value the Syria energy sector can generate but by the strategic location of the country.

    While gaining control of key resources for partitioning Syria and destabilizing the government in Damascus, the U.S.’ main goal in occupying the oil and water rich northeastern Syria is aimed not at Syria but at Iran.

    I doubt that even if he had 100% of it to use/sell, it would make a huge difference- Russia & China will keep him & his successors afloat regardless, while Turkey is becoming to Russia what France is to the US now.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Tue Jun 18, 2019 9:29 pm

    Because without it Syria has no income, they don't produce enough rare metals, they don't produce anything anyone wants.

    Any oil is good oil, the more you control the better off you are.

    Anything they sell you can get anywhere.

    In 2010, the European Union as a whole spent $4.1 billion on Syrian oil imports and there is more oil there then 2.5B Barrels

    it's like this they went from like 5B Plus in exports from 2010 to under 700M in 2019 which is pathetic.

    By taking their oil we have destroyed them, I wonder how long Russia will carry Syria on it's back.

    They are importing MUCH more then they are exporting you don't have to be an economist to know the bad things this will lead to.
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Jun 18, 2019 9:37 pm

    As long as necessary- to keep bases there that outflank Turkey, Israel, & the US in the E. Med. Sea & the ME as whole. They & the PRC can supply Syria with anything she needs, & for le$$. A branch of the New Silk Road will bring transit fees & goods to Syria.
    Keep on dreaming of US successes there.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Tue Jun 18, 2019 9:45 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:As long as necessary- to keep bases there that outflank Turkey, Israel, & the US in the E. Med. Sea & the ME as whole. They & the PRC can supply Syria with anything she needs, & for le$$. A branch of the New Silk Road will bring transit fees & goods to Syria.
    Keep on dreaming of US successes there.

    Genius you do realize the silk road isn't going through SYRIA right?.

    Ah China oh sure they could keep Syria afloat but that's going to be a constant drain in their piggy bank. I mean hey you aren't wrong in a way Assad may as well sign over what parts of the country he has left to China or Russia formally join their country or try to. At least then he wouldn't have to worry about whose ass to kiss to get money. Not a terrible idea in the end.

    You are missing the point also, Syria is crippled and is split apart.

    We have our success, Syria is dead has a full country we control their natural resources most of it, most of our geopolitical goal was accomplished.

    Minus some things that didn't go according to plan sure.

    You can keep dreaming that we didn't succeed.

    You can Blame Putin for that, he could have stopped it all if he just acted faster. Instead, he tried to play the political game, you'd think a former KGB agent would know we don't give two fucks about that.

    Not to say he didn't save what parts of Syria he could by the time he actually committed to it.
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Jun 18, 2019 10:43 pm

    The New Silk Roads, or One Belt, One Road Initiative (Obor), will inevitably feature a Syrian hub – complete with the requisite legal support for Chinese companies involved in investment, construction and banking via a special commission created by the Syrian embassy, the China-Arab Exchange Association and the Beijing-based Shijing law firm. ..Beijing, anyway, has made up its mind. It will work non-stop for the Iran-Iraq-Syria triumvirate to become a key hub in Obor. Any bets against a future, booming Shanghai-Latakia container route?

    Don't u worry about Assad; u only "succeeded" in getting stuck in the ME quicksands again, this time on behalf of Israel. For how long can those troops & ops be sustained there, esp. after similar fiascoes in Iraq & Afghanistan?
    Russia & PRC, not to mention Iran, which can use BMs &/ its proxies to strike those oil/gas sites u control, have more at stake there.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  Vann7 Tue Jun 18, 2019 11:28 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Tsavo Lion wrote:How much oil r we talking about? Was it even worth it?

    Like 90 percent of it if not a bit more, Assad has some oil fields near Deir, since they captured that area we couldn't get those. Other than that we control the rest now. Basically all of Syria's oil is located across the good old River where we are setup.

    So yes very worth it just let the kurds think they can have their own country, long as they do what we want and we use them to guard everything keeping just enough guys in Syria to dissuade any attacks from Assad, the Turks, Russia.

    It's a very low-cost, high reward operation the best kind.

    After all, we don't pay the kurds shit, just give them some bullets and old gear and promise to protect from big bad old Assad and Turkey.

    The kurds know full well they better do has told cause if we do leave, hur hur they will get skull fucked by the Turks alone nevermind Assad.

    Listen Fool .
    Syria main economy was not based oil but Food exporting.. This was told several times by Assad on interviews if you ever saw any .even before they lost control of anything.. The oil was a bonus to Syrian economy ,but was very little , Syria was Never a major oil exporter ,so is not major business.. And You talk about Syria as if was  a "major victory"
    what Americans achieved there..  lol1   whatever makes you sleep better at nights , you can believe it..  But that doesn't means is true..

    US and UK lost a fortune in Syria financing Terrorist in hopes to over Run Syria with ISIS ,and later use Syria as a major Trophy , for Radical Islam.. to encourage Islamist world wide into Joining ISIS or Alqaeda ,because they will be paid well by NATO and Saudi Arabia .. that was one of their major goals.. To proffesionalize Terrorism , and create an army of dozens of millions of terrorist worldwide.. after the Failure of Russia in defending Assad..
    but guess what? all those plans were destroyed.. NATO backed ISIS was kicked in the ass by a small Russian airforce  with help of Syrian army... and Alqaeda wiped from most of Syria too.. So this send a major negative signal to radical muslim extremist/terrorist in the world , That NATO is not as powerful as they claim.. that whenever Russia shows up ,the Americans and the British will retreat , and Even Israel who was in DAraa /souther Syrian was forced with Bombs to leave Syria..  So this is the Major HUGE VICTORY for Russia..
    Because it sends a STRONG message to all radical terror groups ,that they will not be Safe and will die and their lives will be miserable , if Russia interfere in any conflict that NATO is helping them.. (ie.. like ISIS ,ALnusra or any other terror group)..

    So Russia destroyed forever Obama plans ,to united many millions of muslims world wide.. the SUnni muslims , in a holy war against Russia.. by defeating American plans to over run Syria and remove Assad.. which conservative Muslim hate with passion.. because under his authority , Syria is the only muslim country in the world ,or one of the very rare ones , that Muslim can convert to Christianity ,can be gays if they so desire and the government will not arrest them ,as long they keep their lives private.... and Syria is the only muslim nation that Womens have equal rights than mens in their constitution. in other words , Syria is one of the few muslim majority countries, that Religion is separated from Politics.. .. the other one moving in that direction is Egypt.. So in Syria womens can wear bikinis ,be Pilots of combat jets or be President.. equal rights for womens..  just like in any other free democratic nation.. and such freedoms are a major insult and Offense for many Sunni Muslims who follow the most conservative traditions of their religion...

    So already Russia won.. in Syria.. Not Americans , Not NATO ,and israel is the biggest loser of all... Because the Greater Israel project is dead... thanks to Russia liberation of Eastern Ghoutan and Souther Syrian with Russian airforce bombs  Cool . So Israel will be now contained on what they consider now ,their actual borders.. .. this is the result of Russia intervention..  lol1  and as a bonus.. Russia stopped the Pipeline project from Saudi-syria ,Europe... to bypass Gazprom.. Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

    So dude you are a fool ,if you believe Americans won anything in Syria.. US lost that war in Syria already , by Assad liberating enough territory to guarantee the continuation of Syria state. and Russia did it with a very small airforce ,and with a very limited ground force and with small number of casualties.. if you take into account that NATO major powers US,UK,France ,Turkey, israel ,Saudi Arabia ,Qatar ,Jordan were leading a proxy war against Russia and Syria..  So until now Russia have an A+.. achieved so much more, of what i though it was possible to do ... with such limited ridiculous small a couple of dozen of airforce planes , vs the most powerful alliance in the world.... if you take into account of how massive disadvantage Syria is ,when most of its neighbors are using its borders to send armed mercenaries to fight Syria army.. , then Putin achieved something that i don't think it was done ever in the history of military conflicts in the world . To hold most of a nation territory ,with a very small force ,even when under a proxy attack of NATO ,Gulf allies and Israel.

    You say for how long Russia will have to hold Syria.. the same can be said about Americans.. for how long they will Hold the Kurds.. with no allies .. only US..  if Americans don't pay Kurds bills ,the entire project will collapse..  as i said .. Syria major economy is exporting Food.. cotton and other things important ..

    So Is not Russia major objective to restore 100% of Syria territory ..
    The major objectives of Russia was ..
    1)Stop Obama/Pentagon/CIA attemps to create millions man army under the flag of ISIS..
      something they could have done ,had they saw Russia defeated in Syria.. it will have encouraged millions and millions ,hundreds of millions of new recruits world wide.. into joining NATO new secrets Armies division to target more nations..    More arab springs ,but now in Asia ,Latin America and AFrica will have happened.. if Russia was defeated.. with US and UK and Turkey and ISrael ..repeating the same scenario of Syria in the entire world.   but guess what? Russia stopped that.. Now US ,will think a million times ,before doing the same experiment again.. Russia can repeat the same and Ruin it.. with just a minimal force.. while US will lose BILLIONS $$ and Billions$$ in feeding and arming their armies ,so later they defeated..   lol1

    and the only reason 100% of Syria not liberated is because Turkey and US is using their soldiers as human shields to block ...any additional liberation of territory.. Something Russia could do it ,but is not worth of it..  So Russian goals is not complete liberation of syria..
    but complete destruction of American and Israel long term plans.. thats it..

    2)Russia defeated the very old dream project.. a pipeline project of Americans and Jews ,to bypass Gasprom.. with a pipeline from Saudi Arabia and Qatar ,of oil and gas ,towards Europe.. pirat   if Obama was successful in his war.. not only Russian military will have been defeated ,but a new Russia major business with europe will have been stopped too.. a major huge damage to Russia economy.. was averted .. had the pipeline was build..

    3)Is not on Russia interest to start a war with Kurds.. they can use the kurds against Turkey..  they will prefer to have kurds as allies and not enemies.. only IDLIB terrorist are the unfinished job ,but eventually they all will have to leave.. US and Turkey can continue holding forever IDLIB economy .. and Russia can take it , little by little , not a problem.

    4)Americans will not be able to stay forever in Syria.. Their citizens will continue pushing them for leaving .. is not a secret of what is US doing in Syria , allied with Terrorism..
    And Just like in previous debate of Presidential elections Syria was the major issue in Use foreign policy will continue being a major issue for americans.. Russia don't have an issue there.. they have a clear plan , of what to do , and sooner or later will do it.. is only a matter of patience.. how can Idlib will be liberated.. in full , or most of it..  

    So US and Turkey have a big problem with Syria.. their citizens don't want their military there.. While Russia don't have that problem..of having negative views of its citizens ,for their actions in Syria.. Just like in eastern Ukraine.. Russia can be forever in Syria ..with a small force and the experience gaining intercepting American and Israeli bombs will be completely invaluable..  NATO can also learn too , but Russia will learn more ,since US and Israel are not being attacked by Russia.   Russia have a very real chance of recovering 100% of IDLIB zone even  without firing a shot. The opposition to Erdogan ,in previous elections ,one of his major promises was FULL Restorations with Assad.. Very Happy that it was a mistake Erdogan actions on Syria.. and Erdogan was nervous of the massive support the opposition got..  There is a BIG opposition in Turkey.. to Erdogan.. pro Assad.. that can completely Reverse the 8 years of Erdogan hostiles policies against Syria.. and put for the first time Turkey fully cooperating with Russia in ending the Israel -US syrian conflict..
    So Russia have very big chances to even achieve full objectives ,that Russia did not had...
    from the start , that is complete liberation of 100% of Syria..  All the dynamics can be against NATO overnight with a change of Government in Turkey.. but IF not.. still Russia
    already achieved victory in Syria.. their major goals achieved.. a piece of territory more or less ,is not really important for Russia.. thats a Syrian issue.. For Russia it will be even better to get Kurds on Russian side too.. that way Russia will have a card to play against Erdogan ,in case one day , he betrays Russia again..

    So from biggest winners to biggest losers list..
    1)Russia the BIGGEST Winner in Syria war.. Stopped NATO pipeline and NATO secret terrorist millions mercenaries jihadist project.. and as a bonus learning a lot about
    how US and Israel offensive weapons works..  Russian adversaries are learning much less ,since Russia is not attacking Americans or Israel with any missile.. so they still don't know even how S-400s works..  or what can do.. since have not been used.. pirat
    2)Second major winner is IRAN and Hezbolah.. the ENORMOUS gigantic military experiences they gained.. now IRAN is Intercepting the videos of American drones..  lol1  and can see what Americans see..  and  IRAN and Hezbolah will know everything Syrian army have learned from Russia.. Hezbolah will be also armed with very lethal weapons ,that can counter israel tanks too.. this will be Russia pay back to Israel.. if they invade Lebanon again.
    3) Big Loser Americans..
       - Lost the pipeline project.
       - Lost their ISIS project.. Russia ruined it..
       - and teach Russia exactly what offensive capabilities US and Israel have.. even Israel new Rampage missiles are being studied now..
    4) Saudi Arabia and Qatar lost a lot of money and the pipeline
    5) Israel is the biggest loser of all..  The greater israel project is dead.. and now will have
      all is enemies armed by Russia modern weapons ,that can hack Israel and US drones and  
      will have plenty of experience in using drones ,hacking them , electronic warfare how it works and how to beat Israel.. as they were in Southern Syria Israel special forces..forced to retreat ..  forces they later used ,to evacuate the white helmets.. with permission of Russia..  lol1

    Now the knowledge Russia adquired in defeating US and Israel proxy war ,will be shared
    with Egypt ,ALgeria ,Venezuela ,and many other potential targets of US and Israel proxy wars.. So in summary US war in Syria was a total failure.. this was told also by the US ambassador to Syria.. and John Kerry told it too.. when Syria liberated Aleppo.. that was not supposed to happen..  Very Happy

    then damascus liberated.. and all southern Syria..  lol1
    Let some US forces be in the eastern desert.. in a no man lands zone.. it doesnt change anything in the ground . the US military continue in Syria only for appearance.. to not look like they lost the war.. in hopes someone else ,another president in the future.. in the future will have the crazy idea ,to restart the war.. knowing Russia will reverse all their gains.. and that is a stalemate already the war.. but with favorable conditions for syria to continue expanding..  at a slow pace.. Wink
    But US will leave. make no mistake about that.. they only seeking to find a way how to
    retreat that don't look too humiliating for them..  Russia absolutely don't gain anything
    with invading Kurds zones.. Thats a Syrian issue..and they will actually prefer to get kurds on Russia side.. to increase its options..versus Turkey .

    So Russia saved the world literary in Syria.. bufon..
    It stopped the islamization army proxy project of NATO..
    If Syria collapsed.. what will you think NATO will have done ?
    tell their terrorist.. alright guys.. thanks for your help ..go retire????
    No.. they will expand the wars and NATO will use them ,to target any country
    important for Russia and China security and economic interest..

    ISIS was created by CIA to repeat their partial success in afganistan versus soviet union
    that keep Russia economy bleeding ,there.. for having a large army in afganistan with Americans arming the talibans..  So ISIS was created to take to a whole new level ,world
    wide.. what the CIA did in AFganistan versus Russia..

    maps given by US military to Fox news..
    this was NATO long terms plans ,for being in Syria..what Russia destroyed.... Cool
    ISIS =NATO Secret proxy armies.. a new afgan vs Russia part 2 . to weaken first and invade later Russia..

    This is US democrats/neoliberal zionist and jews elite plans ,how to isolate and destroy Russia.. radicalization of half of the world ... and give them weapons to weaken Russia.

    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Isismap1

    This maps were being displayed all over , is US elite Defense Industry pro media..

    Not surprisingly ISIS wanted exactly the same thing NATO wanted..  Rolling Eyes
    But because NATO can't block Russia /encircle it for real ,without a world war 3..
    they planned to use "ISIS" instead as truly encircle Russia.. (with US military in the air and in the ground hiding behind ISIS)

    Notice the map carefully..
    -ISIS wanted to block Russia from the mediterranean sea.. from the Iberian straits..
    -Block Russia from the suez canal..
    -Block Russia from the bosphoruz strait.. any Russian warship that travels through there will have been attacked by Turkey terrorist..
    -After NATO capturing Ukraine.and crimea with the nazi revolution,they will have deported all pro Russia citizens away from Crimea and flooded Crimea with terrorist.  
    -Transform Russia caucasus into an ISIS friendly zone..  using  Russia muslims to betray their country. inspired them.. by Russia failure in Syria and major economic problems..and promises to convert Russia into Islam..

    Losing in Syria for Russia ,to ISIS ,will have been a major disaster .. because the morale boost for Muslim in Russia itself ,will have inspired hundreds of thousands of Russian muslims (a major 5th column) to join a mercenary jihadist group sponsored by NATO to fight Russia government and military and with the promises that Obama will help them ,to convert Russia to Islam...

    So will have be a major disaster for Russia security and major danger for Russia own existence if NATO ,with the success of Syria ,and failure of Russia ,will have used it ,to hire millions of new ISIS mercenaries from muslin majority countries in Russian borders.. . with  Russia invaded by literary millions of NATO backed jihadist in all its borders with Asia.. and with eastern Europe.. and China least..
    Naturally in the map is not accurate.. by purpose..Israel will not have been touched by reality ,and this will have made it obvious for WHO ISIS works..  Cool
    NATO and ISRAEL first create the fire.. and later behave like firefighters. and invades "to help" , so to "fight iSIS" will have been used as an excuse to invade Syria /IRAQ/IRAQ
    and all borders of Russia with asia.. . but in reality using NATO militaries role is to
    create safe zones , supply zones for ISIS , as they doing now in a limited way in Syria..

    but before NATO could convince millions of muslims to take guns ,and fight Russia on its own land..... ASSAD and Syria will have to be over run first .and all of Syria captured.. and Russia kicked from Syria. and its army defeated.. and is obvious all those plans were destroyed.

    Because Russia is too powerful and have so many nukes .. Anglozionist powers saw a plan to destroy Russia by proxy , replicating the afgan war..but a infinite bigger scale.. using radical Islam as a weapon..

    Those 5,000 chechens who were In Syria ,were Pentagon assets.. that could have lead
    the war against Russia in caucasus.. when return to Russia with their gained experience..
    and help them capture former soviet republics in asia.. and later ISIS take that fight directly to Russia mainland... because why will they stop at Russian borders?  Wink

    and RUssia can't use nukes on its own land.. on civilian zones..

    and so this is why CIA and Isrel created ISIS .. to become NATO boots on the ground..
    ,their trojan horse to invade Russia .. and NATO only role in any place ISIS fights.. is to be in the air with airforce to warn terrorist of Russia and its allies positions and interrupt Russian airforce operations .just like they do at times in Syria..

     and if all things went well , after capturing Syria ,they moved to IRAN ,and from there capture all souther borders of Russia.., send millions of terrorist to invade Russia..  This is why Sweeden ,and norway ,are welcoming radical muslins zones into their lands.. Anglo zionist elite ,wanted to use millions of NATO trained and armed Muslins to over run Russia..
    in the long term..

    basically NATO is deceiving radical sunni muslin world wide ,into making them believe
    that American and Europeans helps them only because they "want to convert to ISLAM".. but before doing that.. they need to help NATO to destroy Russia and its allies..

    NATO was planning a long term war against Russia ,using Jihadist world wide.. basically the same scenario of Syria.. do it against Russia ,but at a much bigger level.. and the OIL fields of middle east will have financed that war..
    the CIA could have sold that radical muslims a war demanded by Allah..
    to Capture Russia for Islam.. so it was not a coincidence Obama was a muslim..  Wink  he was selected for that.. is a Democrats liberals vision of how to counter Russia.. using islam as weapon ,,radicalizing them.. convincing them that NATO is on the side of ISlam.   Rolling Eyes
    and giving them weapons and salaries and a house , and even help them with a family
    (usually ISIS families are womens they kidnap in the countries they invade)
    to fight Russia and its allies..  US plans to destroy Russia was tested in Syria ,with a hundred of thousands jihadist invasion.. and Those planes failed completely.. and they know it.. . even when NATO used their own airforces,, their own navies and Israel and Turkey to help them.. and many hundreds of cruise missiles attacks by NATO and ISRAEL on syrian military base.. Syria is still standing...  they believed those manpads and stinger missiles will have been enough to neutralize Russian airforce..  but they underestimated Russia Airforce modernization and its combat capabilities..  Cool

    So Americans and Israel lost the war in Syria.. already.. all they can do now , is a policy of revenge ,with no real strategic goals other than annoy Russia and Syria with their airforces and cruise missiles attacks.. .. but is a policy that will not translate in over turning the Russian success or reversing any territory captured by Syrian army... Smile  
    I don't think any sane President in the future will want to go there again and start financing
    hundred of thousands of jihadist to restart the Syrian war..  they will now use Republican fight Russia ,total sanctions on Russia economy.. and  allies..and direct wars on Russia allies..  IRAN ,Venezuela ,Nicaragua,Serbia ,armenia ,transnistria/moldova could be next..

    honestly.. i don't know how Obama and his cronies believed this alliance with Islam will have worked.. Even if  Muslins rebelions in Russia managed to split Russia in many parts..
    The Russian military will not have forgotten it .who is behind them..and will have taken revenge.. on Americans and Britian.. and even Putin told it..

    Who wants to live in a world without Russia

    he repeated that same phrase in 2 different times ,in 2 conferences with a smile on his face.
    it was told in (warning Americans look what we have )conference.. of hypersonic missiles
    and later repeated in same way..

    Basically Putin warned United States elites.. that if Putin see ,
    Russia will no longer exist .. Neither United States will do..  (it will be a world war 3)
    and with Russian nukes destroying completely united states.. (if Putin see US proxy actions ,manage to split Russia again , in a way Russia can no longer exist).
    So if Russia will not exist.. Putin already warned.. neither United states (and ISRAEL who is behind it) will exist either.. And i personally believe also canada will be wiped too..
    because if Russia knows war can't be avoided and will be nuclear..then US could use Canada territory ,to continue its empire if US destroyed.. Australia also could be wiped.. Anglo zionist powers will be destroyed , Putin warned in revenge.. if they destroy Russia.
    is a samson option.. if Russia will not exist ,neither those who conspired and helped to destroy Russia will exist either..   US,Canada,UK and Israel ,will be very likely on hit list
    in case of a nuclear war.. started by the west...

    Everything has gone according to our plan.  

    Not really.. and by saying that proof ,you are not even in any NATO Military at all ,
    but a complete fool.. you are.. Because Russia could care less about Kurdistan..
    Russia have its own interest and not neccessarily are the same of Syria it could be or not
    different .. as i told before.. Russia is not interested in breaking relations with Kurds.. is an important faction ,they can use , against Turkey..  Even Russia government reprimanded Assad when he told on an interview ,that the war will not end ,until every inch of territory is taken..  ,the Ambassador to United nations of Russia warned assad in public, that the solution of the conflict is political..and that he have to remember that without Russia ,he could have not taken back his territory.. that he believes ,is important for Syria to be flexible with the kurds ..  This was told by Russia Government.. in other words that Assad should forget about taking any territory kurds control ,by the use of Force.. that those territories needs to be negotiated with Kurds..

    So Russia is not in Syria to return 100% of their territory .. is not their goal..
    The goal of Russia there is completely destroy US and Israel plans to break the Syrian state..and defeat all American backed terrorist.. already ISIS is gone.. and Alqaeda was beaten badly in most of Syria.. and the only zones they hold is Idlib ,because of turkey..
    but those will be taken little by little.. with a much more slower war..than before...
    IDLIB rebels have no future,, in a zone that Russia can freely bomb their positions ,is a zone that will be impossible to have sustained development in the middle of war and with Russia bombing them every day.  US achieved NO SHIT in Syria.. only someone disconnected
    with reality will claim "US won Syria war".   Rolling Eyes

    Even the former american ambassador of Syria ,the one that played a role in promoting
    the civil unrest.. told in twiiter that the war was lost.. US is still in syria because the military refuse to accept their defeat.. and to save face and find a better way. US lost in syria and lost in Ukraine too. and there is nothing you can do about it other than stop giving excuses..
    Russia support the kurds..too.. and there are ..Russia military forces standing between Kurds and Turkey backed rebels.. to proof it.. For Russia it will be better a Syria - Kurds alliance.. it can be done ,, and almost they do it.. after Trump began to talk about leaving.. Syria.. eventually US will leave and So Turkey too.. the question is not IF. but when.


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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  GarryB Wed Jun 19, 2019 12:09 pm

    Now Vann, that is not very nice... let this American mercenary gloat about how many millions of lives he and his friends have destroyed for their petty selfish interests...

    Just further evidence that the US is a force for evil in this world and so we need to push against its propaganda...

    and BTW
    May is leaving Borris is set to replace her at this point and Borris will pretty much put the nails in the Brexit coffin when he gets into office.

    May was anti brexit, which is pretty much why she sabotaged it by waiting to the 11th hour before showing Britain the deal she agreed to, and instead of talking about what Britain really wanted from the deal she just tried to push the same deal through three times and strangely it was rejected three times.

    Boris the loon supports brexit and if britain are dumb enough to support him then, well, brexit is what they will be getting... probably a hard brexit considering the EU have given their final ultimatum and boris has the negotiation skills of donald trump.

    Very simply what Syria and Russia need to do is make occupation of Syrian land too costly... perhaps make a withdrawal from Syria a requirement for a new agreement on strategic weapons... the only trouble there would of course be that Trump is unpredictable enough as to agree...

    I suspect bernie sanders would withdraw from Syria in a heartbeat... but the cia will probably kill him before he gets into office.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  nomadski Wed Jun 19, 2019 4:31 pm


    Why should we care , what other people are doing ?  Because we can predict the outcomes and channel  our efforts ( force size and direction  ) . I had this idea  , that military forces that are on the ground , can be represented by a force diagram  . A kind of visual  help .  The forces on the ground have size and direction . Similar to  a vector diagram  .

    In this way I remember  , thinking that the SAA , can facilitate the movement against a bigger and more hostile force , by either siding tactically  or allowing movement against bigger force . By smaller but less hostile force .  In this way more ground is taken , and more resources won . More of population brought under control . I think now the SAA , can  tactically  destroy oil facility under SDF control . But damage should be  slight  . Able to be repaired in the future . If yank repair facility , hit it again . Keep it out of SDF and yank control . This will be kind of scorched  Earth policy . They will soon loose hope of viable separitist state . And yank will withdraw support .
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Jun 19, 2019 5:10 pm

    In Beijing, Assad's envoy seeks construction cash

    Syria Clashes Kill 55 Fighters: Monitor
    Syria Says It Doesn't Want to Fight With Turkey
    Syria Holding 2 Lebanese Security Agents
    Turkey Says US Stance on F-35 Doesn't Fit Spirit of NATO Partnership
    Erdogan Says Turkey Will Receive Russian Defense System 'Very Soon'

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  ultimatewarrior Thu Jun 20, 2019 1:27 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:Because without it Syria has no income, they don't produce enough rare metals, they don't produce anything anyone wants.

    Any oil is good oil, the more you control the better off you are.

    Anything they sell you can get anywhere.

    In 2010, the European Union as a whole spent $4.1 billion on Syrian oil imports and there is more oil there then 2.5B Barrels

    it's like this they went from like 5B Plus in exports from 2010 to under 700M in 2019 which is pathetic.

    By taking their oil we have destroyed them, I wonder how long Russia will carry Syria on it's back.

    They are importing MUCH more then they are exporting you don't have to be an economist to know the bad things this will lead to.

    You overestimate oil. Sure. Oil is useful for transportation. But by no means it is the life blood of a nation. Hell, before the 1800s no one in the world ever used a drop of oil.

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    Post  ultimatewarrior Thu Jun 20, 2019 1:28 am

    Su-25 attack planes in action in Hama.


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    Post  ultimatewarrior Thu Jun 20, 2019 1:36 am

    GarryB wrote:Now Vann, that is not very nice... let this American mercenary gloat about how many millions of lives he and his friends have destroyed for their petty selfish interests...

    Just further evidence that the US is a force for evil in this world and so we need to push against its propaganda...

    and BTW
    May is leaving Borris is set to replace her at this point and Borris will pretty much put the nails in the Brexit coffin when he gets into office.

    May was anti brexit, which is pretty much why she sabotaged it by waiting to the 11th hour before showing Britain the deal she agreed to, and instead of talking about what Britain really wanted from the deal she just tried to push the same deal through three times and strangely it was rejected three times.

    Boris the loon supports brexit and if britain are dumb enough to support him then, well, brexit is what they will be getting... probably a hard brexit considering the EU have given their final ultimatum and boris has the negotiation skills of donald trump.

    Very simply what Syria and Russia need to do is make occupation of Syrian land too costly... perhaps make a withdrawal from Syria a requirement for a new agreement on strategic weapons... the only trouble there would of course be that Trump is unpredictable enough as to agree...

    I suspect bernie sanders would withdraw from Syria in a heartbeat... but the cia will probably kill him before he gets into office.

    Bernie Sanders ain't getting the nom. I think Joe Biden will.

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    Syrian War: News #19 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #19

    Post  starman Thu Jun 20, 2019 11:58 am

    ultimatewarrior wrote:
    Bernie Sanders ain't getting the nom. I think Joe Biden will.

    That seems most likely. But what policy would Joe pursue with regard to Syria?

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