Isos wrote:Clear message of Russia to Turkey : "leave quickly".
#BREAKING: Syrian Army artillery shells reportedly hit Turkish military position in southern Idlib, at least 4 soldiers reportedly wounded, 3 Turkish military helicopters have entered Idlib airspace and are preparing to evacuate the wounded personnel
Russia will take IDLIB mark my words..
it will be done little by little , at a very slow pace ,to not provoke a full scale war with Turkey
or Americans.. they will not allow Alqaeda or any other terrorist group to feel great in IDLIB ,
Russia can make their lives very miserable.. to them..
1)Bombing with impunity the electrical power grid of IDLIB... it will destroy any possibility
to have a working economy there..
2)bombing any communications or radar stations ,tanks or fortifications of them.. and storage munitions depot..
3)And keeping them every day living under bombs.. who will want to live in a city ,that is bombed everyday by a powerful airforce? What kind future Erdogan Believe IDLIB will have
with Russia bombing it with impunity every day ?
Only way Turkey can secure and hold IDLIB is a full scale invasion of TUrkey army on Syria to push Syrian army farther away and to target again Russian airforce and bomb Russian base... But that will be a defacto declaration of war on Russia.. Erdogan if he goes full retard mode ,and wants to secure IDLIB ,he can over run for sure the Russian base with 50k turkey soldiers backed by Turkey airforce and artillery and hundreds of tanks, since Russia only have there only 2,000 soldiers . But this will be a dead sentence to Turkey military ,because Russia can do a tactical retreat ,to Lebanon if need with his army.. while
RUssian airforce will destroy completely Turkey navy from the black sea.. turkey will be hopeless ,to stop Russian bombs landing on turkey cities.. , and send Turkey economy to the stone age with its impressive assets in the black sea and Russia Crimea and Caucasus.. In such a conflict Russia don't need to invade Turkey main land with any soldier.. Just sending Turkey Economy to the stone age and destroying Turkey navy and airforce ,will be a game changing thing and force Erdogan to concede defeat . and end the war. against Syria and their Idlib ambitions.
Russia can either make ,expensive IDLIB for Erdogan to hold it.. as it is now , since those kornets and tanks and 100k troops ,Erdogan have in the Syrian front deployed. will drag down Turkey economy.. Or if Erdogan goes full retard mode and declare war on Russia ,it will face a total destruction of Turkey army..and TUrkey navy and Turkey economy..RUssia even have the option of using a small tactical nuke in IDLIB , Putin already gave hints about that.. since 2015.. putin told " (he hopes things don't go out of control and that they don't have to use nukes)" So just a 2kiloton mini nuke,.. will send the turkey army in the opposite direction.
Because it will be a very powerful message to Erdogan ,that Turkey will be destroyed if they declare war on Russia and Syria.. Russia Iskaners will be destroying Turkey bases with impunity ,very very easily.. and Erdogan will be forced to completely leave Syria by the use of lethal force.. Russia can do that.
Any sane Turkey general from Erdogan will agree that.. IDLIB and Alqaeda are not worth of it ,to hold it forever ,if that means full scale war with Russia and total destruction of their navy and military and total destruction of turkey economy. So Putin's have much more bigger possibilities and options to restore control of IDLIB.. in a long term.. that is..
if Russia airforce is allowed to continue bombing
every day ,with impunity Rebels positions ,then it will sooner or later ,will break their morale and desire to continue in a dead city with no possibility for development. The situation in Syria can dramatically change by any change of policy in US ,Turkey or European Union.. if anyone of them retreat is game over for the rebels head shoppers.. I can't see any way ,how will US or Europe will want to permanently support Alqaeda holding a position in IDLIB... already the European Union today voted to welcome Russia back the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. And France is throwing hints of dropping the sanctions of Russia.. Nord stream 2 supported ,at the expense of US and UK.. and Ukraine.. So Europe is officially doing important steps to become closer to Russia .. So i can't imagine any way , Turkey or US can hold IDLIB ,if Europe moves closer to Russia . In my opinion IDLIB or Kurdistan will become zones ,where all refugees who move to Europe will be returned.. and those zones will be negotiated ,with removing of sanctions on Syria too.. by Europe.. This is when officially Alqaeda Greater idlib project will be over.. and Kurds dreams for an independent country ,finished too..
Predictions in Syrian conflict.. the big winners from biggest ones to the less ones
if Europe move to the side of Russia will be.....
Big winners..
3) and Russia.
5) hezbolah
6) Syria will recover all its land. but still can't be called big winners
if all their country was destroyed and in enormous casualties in their military.
Big losers in Syrian conflict will be. (if Erdogan don't go retard mode ,to pick a fight
with Russia]
4)US and UK
5) Saudi Arabia and Qatar
If Erdogan goes full retard mode and declare war on Russia..
Turkey will be the biggest loser.. even when turkey will have an advantage fighting
in Syria .. they will lose , since their entire country ,capital ,coastal zones ,and military bases ,economic centers are extremely vulnerable to Russia Navy ,airforce and missiles forces. Russia can even kick Turkey from Istanbul and hold it (for Europe control of it) ,with Greece and Europe support . and demand as condition to returning their lands ,that they leave immediately Syria ,and pay reparation damages.. to them.. So the only unknowns for now is in which side of the fence Turkey will be , in the Russian side? or in the big losers side? other unknows is when Americans will leave ? not if.. but when.. France too.
Because i can't see any way of US staying in Syria forever.. neither Europe supporting Alqaeda to grow in IDLIB. in the case of Israel.. they can punish Syria a lot ,with their airforce ,but they can't change the outcome of the war ,and reverse the victories of Syria army in the ground ,specially with Russia,IRAN and China fully backing Assad.
The real victory will be for Russia defeating Alqaeda and ISIS fully.. that will demoralize
all the islamic head choppers world wide , to never mess with Russia again...and they will never again join any CIA operation to overthrow a country if they aware Russia will be fighting against them. So Russia winning in Syria is a major kick in the ass to Sunni muslims and muslim brotherhood too.. and Saudi Arabia moving closer to Russia ,out of pure political interest. to gain sovereingty and become free of US and Israel.... will be the winning the lottery. For Russia to get Saudi Arabia on a constructive path, to change and abandon its radical ideologies ,and welcome secularism..on its country.. and welcome christians. it will be something like an historical event , that will seal the fate of those radical muslims and terrorist movements all over the world ,who wanted to conquer the world for Islam.