Interesting news.. that will affect world economy ,politics,between US,Russia and Europe..
no less that 2 headlines in 2 reports at same time ,in RT over the same issue..
West ‘starts listening to Russia’: Lavrov says Europeans want better relations after Munich talksMunich brawl: Pence clashes with Merkel and Mogherini over Iran deal, Russian pipelineThe European colonies are in open rebellion with their American masters..
US is looking now really but hurt . is painful to listen mike pence ,upset his allies
are not listening their American masters anymore and now EU is pushing to defend their interest.
i stand by what said about Germany and France recent cross border (military) peace treaty..
This took me even me by surprise..because i did not saw that happening.. i was hoping
a France -Russia and macron abandon the western world order but not a germany - france..
alliance vs United States.
Is a turning point in European history vs US relations.. This even more significant than the
creation of the European Union.. Because for the first time in history since US replaced Britain
as world leader , that Europe is now aligning forces to counter US ,whenever it threaten their
their interest..
Why this is so significant? because is WORLD LEADERSHIP what is being on dispute today..
and as i predicted before.. Putin the Outdated ,leaderless and weak president ,will not have
a leading role in any of this.. People can argue Europe system is as bad as American System. and maybe right. But still this dont change the fact that is a major division between US and Europe
never seen before...
that dont look cant be solved any time soon.. unless US retreat from all confrontation with Europe from IRAN issue and Nord Stream 2 issue.. which neither side will back down on this key issues.. So effectively if Trump real strategy was to disband NATO by annoying a lot Europeans.. notice how he demanded Europe to pay more for security , like broken record ,then he should be praised for this.. if this was his real goals.. if not..then he will be the foolest President ever of all.. But i dont think he is Dumb.. and in my opinion Trump , intentionally did this..
To break the American Empire ,annoy to hell your vassals so they take the decision to split.
lets see all the things Trump did that annoyed Europe..
1) To break the Iranian deal obama signed with Europe..
2)To leave the INF treaty.. with Russia.. that was made to protect Europe from a nuclear war.
3) To refuse to sign the climate change treaty important for france , whether is was right or wrong to do is not the point .. but that Trump opposed Europe even in this little thing.
4) Blackmail of mayor sanctions if Go ahead with Nord Stream 2..
5) Annoying Germany and many other NATO countries to pay more for their membership of NATO
after they agree to spend 2% of their GDP in security..he switched and raised the demand to 4%.
6) He do sanctions on Russia aluminiun companies that damage European cars makers ,including Britain that buys aluminium
7)He even critize Britain Theresa May , and pressure UK to leave the EU.. now..
So either Trump is the most dumb president ever ,and dont what he is doing ,how bad is to annoy your allies so much in so little time ,for an Empire to continue to exist.. or he knows what he is doing.. and he is doing this intentionally ,to force Europe , take their own way , and create his own system.. or maybe is a bit of both.. he knows and also at times dumb too..
So which is the potential scenarios for world future..
If Putin continues to be Putin.. and Europe continues to do what is doing now..
from more probable to bit less probable..
1) A new world order is EU, is not the one we all hoped.. but is a bit better.. in terms
of Russia security.. But it will not improve much the Regime Change policy of France and UK that
more likely will remain in the EU. In this new world order US dangerous missiles for Russia security
will be removed.. in change Russia stays in the INF treaty even if AMerican leave.. In the long term when EU consolidate power ,they can potentially offer Russia they will Abandon NATO , if Russia give away some of its sovereignty to Europe.. and become an associate member of the EU ,an accept
EU laws to apply to Russia in many things.. So basically Russia could end like a new UK for the EU..
one that needs to pay EU and dont have controls over its own borders.. and just like UK ,Russia can conserve its nukes.. and miltary. but all Russian banks will have to submit to EU..
So basically Russia give away some of its sovereignty in change for security ,that is Europe leaving NATO. in the best possible case EU leave NATO and US bases forced to leave Europe , turning Europe into the new America.. in the worse one ,they dont.. but they demand all missile bases of Americans in Europe. to be dismantle ,in change Russia stays in all nuclear treaties.. This scenario avoids a world war 3.. if Russia integrates into the EU.. and submits some of its sovereingty to them.
2) Second possible future Scenario is US to seek revenge and destroy the EU from the inside.. this is Sampson option of Americans ,if the world is not ours ,it will be for no one.. and So the EU Collapse like soviet union and mayor civil unrest across many cities.. this could benefit Russia if Europeans seeks to create a new Political and economic system with Russia. or could only benefit US if Europeans governments instead choose give away their sovereingty to US ,for forgiveness.
3)It could be a bit of #1 and #2.. and EU splits.. and Germany and France and Italy becomes very weak and move to Russian orbit , and everyone else to American system.. this case will benefit Russia but will not avoid a world war 3 scenario with Americans.. in short term.
4)Things remain the same.. Europeans gets scared by US sanctions and return to US orbit and leadership..and they give away their plans to lead..the world order..
In this scenario world war 3
cant be avoided.. No matter how many Hypersonic missiles or weapons Putins makes ,no matter how many olympics Russia wins , Russia under Putin ,cant avoid a world war 3 with americans that will go nuclear in no time, if Putin the moron continues being Putin,and dont counter American Leadership and influence of their business. ie.. dont create an alternative system to the American world.
so in scenarios #2,#3,and #4 ..a world war 3 ,between US and Russia is possible..because the American system/American influence, is not challenged and completely defeated.. and Only in scenario #1 ,where Europe creates a new alternative system to the American world.. only in this scenario a world war 3 can be avoided.. So in other words.. Putins and his weak vision of Russia
that offers the world healthy food and moral and values and sports entertainment ,will will play no role at all in saving the planet from a world war 3.. only Europe who have LEADERSHIP can stop
Americans from the destruction of the planet .
So this is basically Europe doing what Putin should have done ,but he didnt since he came to power 20 years ago.. ,creating an alternative system to the American System ,for the European one..and one of the major benefits , to avoid a world war 3 between US and Russia and European interest respected.. (not necessarily the Russian ones) .Only Leaders can defend properly their interest.. followers only do what they told.. if they dont want to be alone . like Putin/Russia , takes a second seat. but it will not end for sure ,European interference in sovereingty of other nations.. still it will be less dangerous system.. than a guarantee World war 3 under the American system.
Very long term 10 to 20 years.. the only thing that can avoid a world war 3 ,that will go nuclear in not time is a full integration between RUssia and Europe.. sexy or not , like it or not ,is the only
thing that can guarantee no world war 3.. if Russia and Europe integrates.. as Germany and France
are today. This is because European business and Russian business will be very integrated.. So sanctions will NOT work.. to sanction Russia ,Americans will need to sanction Europe too or vice versa. is like a sanction of crimea are useless , without sanctions on Russia too. So this integration with Europe will make it impossible for US to break Russia economy.. and if they align their militaries too.. then in order to destroy Russia , Americans will need to destroy all Europe too.. and CHina and this will not be accepted even by the vast majority of the anglo elites circles.. and they will have no other choice that to live in the same world . and respect each other interest .. NATO for sure disbanded in a million parts after a Russia -Europe integration.. in long term.. So what is in question
today.. is who will lead the world.. american system? or the European one ? If Putin was a real visionary leader.. the question today will be between American and Russian system.. with Europe seeking to join Russia and follow Russia lead.