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    Syrian War: News #20


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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  Admin Fri Oct 11, 2019 9:31 pm

    The easiest way to cripple Turkey is to turn off the GPS.

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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  ultimatewarrior Fri Oct 11, 2019 9:47 pm

    GarryB wrote:Russia and China don't tell Turkey what they can or cannot do...

    Sure they can. Sure they don't like it if Erdogan marches on Moscow or Beijing.

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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  Isos Fri Oct 11, 2019 10:23 pm

    Exclusive: Turkey bombs US special forces in Syria attack, apparently by mistake

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    Post  Admin Fri Oct 11, 2019 11:26 pm

    Isos wrote:Newsweek
    Exclusive: Turkey bombs US special forces in Syria attack, apparently by mistake

    Turkey has the exact grid coordinates for all US troop positions in the region. It was no mistake.

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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  franco Fri Oct 11, 2019 11:40 pm

    In baseball parlance "a brush back" Smile

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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  Admin Sat Oct 12, 2019 12:13 am

    I had no idea Trump was such a Pussy.

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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  George1 Sat Oct 12, 2019 12:18 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:
    Isos wrote:Newsweek
    Exclusive: Turkey bombs US special forces in Syria attack, apparently by mistake

    Turkey has the exact grid coordinates for all US troop positions in the region.  It was no mistake.  

    so why they did it?

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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  Cyberspec Sat Oct 12, 2019 12:43 am

    According to twitter reports, the Turks were shelling hard near the US compound in Kobani but didn't hit it directly. The Americans are flying over Kobani apparently and a Turkish border outpost facing Kobani has been struck by the Kurds (some suggest it was the Americans)

    Airplanes over Kobani

    A video shows the burning of a Turkish outpost facing the city of Kobani after being targeted by the SDF (could be a fake going by some of the comments)

    Turkish Air Force destroys a vehicle belonging to YPG/SDF after a drone detects it.
    Another sign that Turkish jets comfortably operate in Northern Syria, despite its exclusion from the airspace coordination with the US-led coalition

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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  Isos Sat Oct 12, 2019 12:57 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:The easiest way to cripple Turkey is to turn off the GPS.  

    US seems to not give a fuck anymore about Syria and kurds. That was his promise to bring soldiers home so je must do it before the end of its mandat and its better for him to do it as soon as possible.

    According to twitter reports, the Turks were shelling hard near the US compound in Kobani but didn't hit it directly.

    This thing smells like it was done by the same who created the chemical attack thing. So much artillery and no one was hurt ... yeah ... and the only one who can benefits from such accident are the Kurds and Clinton's mafia.

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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  Cyberspec Sat Oct 12, 2019 1:00 am

    Turkish Defense Ministry: Our forces just responded to the sources of mortar fire 1000 meters away from the US base

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    Post  Cyberspec Sat Oct 12, 2019 1:03 am

    In the meantime...

    Fierce clashes between the pro-Assad forces and Iranian militias on the one hand and the SDF on the other hand on the outskirts of the town of Tabia Jazira east of Deir Ezzor

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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  Isos Sat Oct 12, 2019 1:05 am

    Cyberspec wrote:Turkish Defense Ministry: Our forces just responded to the sources of mortar fire 1000 meters away from the US base

    So the kurds put in danger the US (or the US military told them to do so) and now amplify the whole accident against trump not protecting its military.

    The ongoing compain on twitter and the fact that it happen after 1 day of fight is suspicious for me.

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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Oct 12, 2019 1:08 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:I had no idea Trump was such a Pussy.  
    He's put between a rock and a hard place. I'm not a fan of Orangutan man's presidency, but at the same if he goes and defends the SDF against the Turks bet your ass they lose the Incilirk Base effectively killing the US/NATO's Eurasia dismemberment strategy.

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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  Vann7 Sat Oct 12, 2019 3:20 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    Vladimir79 wrote:I had no idea Trump was such a Pussy.  
    He's put between a rock and a hard place. I'm not a fan of Orangutan man's presidency, but at the same if he goes and defends the SDF against the Turks bet your ass they lose the Incilirk Base effectively killing the US/NATO's Eurasia dismemberment strategy.

    Indeed ,

    But is not only that.. US military have a long history , of sacrificing their own soldiers lives..
    using them as guinea pigs.. and provoke their killing , so to damage the popularity of a president
    they want to get rid..

    So Trump needs to remove ALL US troops ,so that the CIA and Pro Democrats Generals ,don't
    use the lives of American soldiers , as a weapon for politics.. to damage the image of Trump..
    So he have to give ultimatum to US forces to abandon Their positions and retreat to IRAQ until
    TUrkey operation is over.

    If Trump follows allows the Pentagon to take control of their actions in Syria.. then they will sacrifice
    their own soldiers and get them killed.. a few dozen of them.. and later Blame Trump for it.. for calling them
    to retreat..

    The news of IRAN fighting Syria had to be fake news.. Unless are things completely on their own temporary clashes base on misunderstanding of Groups..
    that did friendly fire or that did not get along..
    par far

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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  par far Sat Oct 12, 2019 7:55 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:
    Isos wrote:Newsweek
    Exclusive: Turkey bombs US special forces in Syria attack, apparently by mistake

    Turkey has the exact grid coordinates for all US troop positions in the region.  It was no mistake.  

    Could another country, with the grid coordinates of US troops, have done this. A false flag.

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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  GarryB Sat Oct 12, 2019 11:43 am

    The US is pulling out. The SDF will request regime assistance which will put Russian line of control up to the Turkish held areas. I can't believe Trump is just handing it to us.

    It was inevitable... because sooner or later whoever occupies the northeast of Syria will have to pay to rebuild it and the Americans don't want to pay... Trump doesn't want to pay... he wants US troops on foreign soil to be paid by the soil they are defending not from Americas coffers.

    Sure they can. Sure they don't like it if Erdogan marches on Moscow or Beijing.

    In things where they have an interest they will negotiate, and even state what they are doing and why they are doing it... ie attack forces in Idlib that attack them, but they don't order him about and tell them they are invading Idlib whether he likes it or not, because they know an influx of nutters from Idlib into Turkey would be hugely problematic for him.... he is invading Kurdish held Syrian territory to get rid of the 3 million odd Syrian refugees already in Turkey... he has said if the EU opposes this action or calls it an invasion he will instead send the 3 million Syrians into the EU instead... that I would love to see... afterall they created the situation... why should they ignore the results of their peace and democracy policies?

    Exclusive: Turkey bombs US special forces in Syria attack, apparently by mistake

    And the Student becomes the Master... how many times have the US accidental bombed Syrian government forces when going after ISIS... especially when missing ISIS forces on their way to the target...

    I had no idea Trump was such a Pussy.

    Probably his most rational decision... why should the US give a shit about Kurds... good relations with Turkey and Russia are rather more important... not that he could admit that in public... equally consolidating half of Syria is going to be a pain in the ass and expensive and I doubt the Kurds will spend much of their new oil wealth the way the Americans want it spent... and they can't grow poppy fields there anyway... so the CIA wont be interested.

    He is going to have trouble disentangling the US from this conflict in a way that both Russia and Turkey and Israel are happy... I don't really credit the guy with a lot of skill in that department... or any department in fact.

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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  AbdulhamidtheSecond Sat Oct 12, 2019 11:55 am

    Zionists are gone crazy as it seems. But their kurdistan project is doomed to fail. TSK has control over M4 at the moment.

    Camps are getting more and more definite as time goes on. Turkey has some secterian issues with Iran/Assad, but definitely not as much as it has with zionists.

    Turkey may come to terms with Assad/Iran regarding last situation over Syria. Turkey will handle Sunni population in Syria, there will be a demarcation line within 30 kilometers deep in Syria where Russian/Iranian/Turkish soldiers will keep the security. Both sides will agree on a stable ceasefire. HTS and AlQaeda will be removed from Idlib. In long run, Syria will be united once more with all local tribes and Syrians come to an agreement over future of Syria. Syrians will decide whatever they want to be. Astana participants will only make sure that no blood will be spilled among Syrians once again. Turkey will build infrastructures and residental areas in its area of responsibility. Population logs will be shared by all parties. ISIS/AQ/HTS related people and foreigners will be sent to their respective countries and the remaining will be retained in camps monitored by Astana participants.

    If these developments lead to a global confrontation, which I define Zio/AntiZio camp, will look like;


    as Zionist camp and


    As anti zionist camp


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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Oct 12, 2019 2:17 pm

    par far wrote:
    Vladimir79 wrote:....

    Turkey has the exact grid coordinates for all US troop positions in the region.  It was no mistake.  

    Could another country, with the grid coordinates of US troops, have done this. A false flag.

    They wouldn't dare

    Owner would have them whooped like there there's no tomorrow and they know it


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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  yavar Sat Oct 12, 2019 4:01 pm

    every would understand which country he is talking about because he did not mentioned any name, Putin said the country which captured oil tankers and attack oil field

    Russia west Asia (middle east) policy of President Putin : Syria

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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Oct 12, 2019 6:01 pm

    Already on Thursday, October 10, 2019, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced a decision to suspend the export of military products to Turkey in connection with the current situation. The next day, Finland condemned Turkish actions, also announcing the cessation of exports and the issuance of licenses for the supply of weapons. The Netherlands later joined in with a similar decision.

    Amelie de Montschalin, Secretary of State for European Affairs at the French Foreign Ministry, said that the issue of introducing collective European sanctions against Turkey would be discussed next week, and Sweden proposed to impose an EU embargo on the supply of arms and military equipment to Ankara.

    Let them cut off their nose in spite of their face! Forget about resettling Syrians in Northern Syria, their going to have a permanent Euro-Peon vacation. lol1 lol1 lol1

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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  AbdulhamidtheSecond Sat Oct 12, 2019 6:28 pm

    In this period, most intelligent moves came from Putin. Erdogan was behaving without sanity and reason in the beginning, but later on somewhat recovered. But Europeans were always fools. And Americans were full retards.

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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  Vann7 Sat Oct 12, 2019 6:38 pm

    US leaves Syrian outpost after reported artillery fire from Turkish forces

    According to RT , the kurds and Turkey are reporting casualties in clashes of both sides..
    depending who you ask.. and not surprisingly the biggest casualties are in Kurds side..
    TUrkey claims lost about 10-30 soldiers and that killed 400 kurds.. in the first city they enter..
    Turkey military also claim bombed near US outpost (1,000 meters distance from it) returning fire to the kurds.
    So Trump best thing he could do ,to save his Presidency is avoid any CIA trap ,of provoking him into an unwinnable war either IRAN or Turkey at any cost.. But for sure they will want to take revenge for this
    humiliation , of forcing US soldiers to retreat.. So will not be surprised if Erdogan is poisoned by mysterious
    hands ,and don't manage to hold his presidency , for long.. in a matter of weeks or months ,he could face
    a coup.


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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  medo Sat Oct 12, 2019 8:16 pm

    GarryB wrote:And the Student becomes the Master... how many times have the US accidental bombed Syrian government forces when going after ISIS... especially when missing ISIS forces on their way to the target...

    Not only Syrian army, but also their allies in Iraqi army, when they are fighting ISIS in Anbar province...

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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Oct 12, 2019 11:04 pm

    Turkish bomb, text says: Call if it doesn't explode: 0507...
    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Tayaccmr81s31

    Which reminds me of a local joke from back in the 90s about Milosevic and Saddam having a phone conversation:

    Milosevic: Saddam buddy, do you have any tips on what to do in case your country gets bombed?

    Saddam: That's easy, just kick the Kurds out in the streets to catch the bombs.  



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    Syrian War: News #20 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #20

    Post  Isos Sat Oct 12, 2019 11:33 pm

    medo wrote:
    GarryB wrote:And the Student becomes the Master... how many times have the US accidental bombed Syrian government forces when going after ISIS... especially when missing ISIS forces on their way to the target...

    Not only Syrian army, but also their allies in Iraqi army, when they are fighting ISIS in Anbar province...

    US bomb their own G.I's in "friendly fires" to remind them who is the boss.

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