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Karl Haushofer
The Ottoman
par far
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    Syrian War: News #21


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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  ultimatewarrior Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:33 pm

    par far wrote:Has Russia given Idlib to Turkey, they need to be bombing them day and night.

    Dozens of rebel dead in Saraqib today. Same thing everyday. Unless they leave Saraqib.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  ultimatewarrior Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:34 pm

    Isos wrote:Turkey has almost the same number of dead soldiers in 1 week of operation as Russia in 6 or 7 years.

    Erdogan better stop fast its operation before it get out of control. Turks will blame him if too many die in Syria. I think its a real matter for him.

    Turkey economy collapsed. Unemployment hit 15%. Erdogan won't win election come 2023. Only war and martial law can stop election. So Erdogan started war. Erdogan = Hitler. He die like Hitler.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:35 pm

    Total rout of SAA along the M5, they just lost in one evening what took them month to take over

    At this pace entire Aleppo area will go back to Sochi line in less than a week

    I wonder how long before they blame Jews for them throwing away their weapons and skedaddling out of there?

    Everyone knows SAA are trash but this is next level even for them, do they think that someone else will figh war for them while they post crap on Instagram?

    Reminds me of Palmyra fiasco, hopefully this time Russians will put the boot up Syrian asses and force them to clean up their own mess


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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  ultimatewarrior Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:42 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:

    Total rout of SAA along the M5, they just lost in one evening what took them month to take over

    At this pace entire Aleppo area will go back to Sochi line in less than a week

    I wonder how long before they blame Jews for them throwing away their weapons and skedaddling out of there?

    Everyone knows SAA are trash but this is next level even for them, do they think that someone else will figh war for them while they post crap on Instagram?

    Reminds me of Palmyra fiasco, hopefully this time Russians will put the boot up Syrian asses and force them to clean up their own mess

    The war has is only beginning. The further south Turks go. The more stretched they are. The fight to Damascus will be long and hard. Arab League is getting involved. UNSC meeting today. If Turks continue Ottoman empire building, it'll be the biggest war seen in Middle East.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Vann7 Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:53 pm

    interesting video..

    Sana news released a report of feb 27 2020 their military inside saraquib

    apparently that city is still contested and they inside in parts of it.. it could be propaganda however
    to lift morale of the syrian population , not that i think the rebels will have a chance to hold there either
    case. with airforce bombing them every day non stop. without water and without electricity. and mysterious
    snipers grinding them in the nights ,whenever they try to look in the windows.. really horrible experience
    should be living in a city like that.  russia

    interesting in this latest map image.. feb 27 2020

    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 27feb_NorthWest_Syria_Map-756x1024

    Not only souther idlib collapsing for the erdo jihadist.. and close to m4 highway.. but a pocket being formed
    now aroud saraquib and perhaps nayrab too... that will be interesting if they encircle them there ,since there are many lots of terrorist inside that pocket..

    i really think after capturing saraquib and securing its surrounding ,while they fortify it... another group
    should fully clear m4 highway all the way to .. Jisr Al shughur city.. this city will be very important in case
    of a turkey full retard invasion ,that turkey goes to war with Russia..  because one of the first targets..
    in case of a turkey full war with russia.. will be encircling latakkia , this is why erdogan wants so badly idlib..
    is a key zone that they could use in the long or medium future to invade lattakia and cut syria from access to the
    sea.. and let it die slowly from starvation later. If Syria lose latakkia.. is game over for damascus ,is even more important city ,than the syrian capital..because without access to a water port ,syria can't trade with any nation..
    specially if americans deploy across the entire iraq border.. to block them..  so capturing all latakkia is the most important territory of syria.. every inch of it ,is worthy of any human life sacrifice..  because is that city ,where
    NATO was planning to take to starve syria economy to a quick death..   also Russia should try diplomatic move ,
    for lebanon to unite with syria in some kind of federation to share same military defense and borders.. this will push back israel airforce.. and help end the pressure on latakkia by turkey.. syria needs more territory in the coast line , to make it more harder for NATO to lock syria from a water port.

    as crazy as this sound.. if Russia manage his diplomacy right .. in like of erdogan incapability to cooperate with
    Russia.. for his love of terrorist.. syria economy and infrastructure could be restored with Saudi arabia - jordan help, and in change allow saudis to build a pipeline throught syria ,and from there to southern europe.. so the Russia ,Syria ,Jordan,egypt and Saudi arabia axis will form in the zone.. it will give Saudis access to the mediterranean sea..which will be extremely important for them.. and it will boost not only syria economy ,but
    Russian one.. selling weapons to nearly the entire zone.. and turkey isolated.. because iran will also be in russian side.. even if they never restore relations with their saudi neighbors.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Thu Feb 27, 2020 6:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Azi Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:56 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:

    Total rout of SAA along the M5, they just lost in one evening what took them month to take over

    At this pace entire Aleppo area will go back to Sochi line in less than a week

    I wonder how long before they blame Jews for them throwing away their weapons and skedaddling out of there?

    Everyone knows SAA are trash but this is next level even for them, do they think that someone else will figh war for them while they post crap on Instagram?

    Reminds me of Palmyra fiasco, hopefully this time Russians will put the boot up Syrian asses and force them to clean up their own mess

    Yes! SAA can't fight at 2 fronts at the same time! Most SAA soldiers and militia run like chicken, if they only see the enemy. SAA has only a hard core of a few thousands really good soldiers, the rest is crap... and they are deployed now in southern parts of Idlib.

    I'm not that negative, because sooner or later SAA will return with main forces to Saraqib again. Problem now is Kansafrah and Al Barah, if they need too long to take this 2 towns headchoppers could make more gains.

    And to be honest...Turkish Army is shelling the SAA very heavy around Saraqib and SAA/Russia is not responding proper to this provocation, because they hope to find a diplomatic solution. A few Tu-22M over Saraqib and Sarmin and headchopper party is over!

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  ultimatewarrior Thu Feb 27, 2020 6:04 pm

    Azi wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:

    Total rout of SAA along the M5, they just lost in one evening what took them month to take over

    At this pace entire Aleppo area will go back to Sochi line in less than a week

    I wonder how long before they blame Jews for them throwing away their weapons and skedaddling out of there?

    Everyone knows SAA are trash but this is next level even for them, do they think that someone else will figh war for them while they post crap on Instagram?

    Reminds me of Palmyra fiasco, hopefully this time Russians will put the boot up Syrian asses and force them to clean up their own mess

    Yes! SAA can't fight at 2 fronts at the same time! Most SAA soldiers and militia run like chicken, if they only see the enemy. SAA has only a hard core of a few thousands really good soldiers, the rest is crap... and they are deployed now in southern parts of Idlib.

    I'm not that negative, because sooner or later SAA will return with main forces to Saraqib again. Problem now is Kansafrah and Al Barah, if they need too long to take this 2 towns headchoppers could make more gains.

    And to be honest...Turkish Army is shelling the SAA very heavy around Saraqib and SAA/Russia is not responding proper to this provocation, because they hope to find a diplomatic solution. A few Tu-22M over Saraqib and Sarmin and headchopper party is over!

    SAA should ask for some Zoopark-1 1L219 counter battery radars. Rebel artillery will be silenced very quickly.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Vann7 Thu Feb 27, 2020 6:24 pm

    SAA should ask for some Zoopark-1 1L219 counter battery radars. Rebel artillery will be silenced very quickly.

    Counter battery not need at all when russia have full control over idlib airspace.. Wink
    their airforce can bomb turkey outpost positions without problems.. or they could provide SAA with
    coordinates to bomb them , no problem.. so is not an information or coordinates problem.. what allows
    Turkey to shell SAA... is more a political problem.. Putin don't want to provoke Erdogan yet.. into a full war
    with Russia. and probably he wants to see ,what kind of agreement if any they could get in the next meeting
    between France ,germany , russia and turkey in europe.. to avoid a major war between Russia and Turkey.
    So is likely Putin wants to keep things in a gray zone , war or no war..? versus turkey until he have used
    every diplomatic and pressure option.. also Russia is interested to know how the SAA can handle
    the fight versus ERdogan army and his head choppers....if they can handle it ,with the limited air support of Russia. . because if SAA can handle it.. then russia will not need a full that is uncertain when it will end ,
    to stop turkey and so that he can continue playing the ERdogan game of gray zone in their relations ,similar to
    the relation Russia have with Israel.


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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Isos Thu Feb 27, 2020 6:36 pm

    Turks play on both side. Proof that they can't be trusted.

    Rob Lee
    59 min
    Another two Turkish soldiers were killed in an air strike today in Idlib. Meanwhile, Russia and Turkey conducted another joint patrol in NE Syria. 212/

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  nomadski Thu Feb 27, 2020 6:47 pm

    Will Erdo stop war? Why should he? Is he loosing anything personally? Turkey loose. Soldiers loose. Population loose. But Erdo kissing the Rats. I hear numbers of Turk dead. So far posted. Three dead. Two dead. Twenty injured. But there is no photo of them. No corpses. There was photo before. On this forum. But there is no photo on RT news.

    I think RT, should put photo of minced meat Turk corpses on RT news. First news. You say, this can be escalating?  No I don't think so. Because the Turk population know their government wrong. They will tolerate these photo. Instead they will start feeling bad about death. Real faces. Real lives. They can stop war. They loose. Erdo will not loose personally.........

    Last edited by nomadski on Thu Feb 27, 2020 6:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  ultimatewarrior Thu Feb 27, 2020 6:48 pm

    nomadski wrote:
    Will Erdo stop war? Why should he? Is he loosing anything personally? Turkey loose. Soldiers loose. Population loose. But Erdo kissing the Rats. I hear numbers of Turk dead. So far posted. Three dead. Two dead. Twenty injured. But there is no photo of them. No corpses. There was photo before. On this forum. But there is no photo on RT news. Same as there was no photo on RT news, when yank hit Syria with cruise missile. And Russian news language TV, ( NOT ENGLISH LANGUAGE RT EXTERNAL NEWS)  then put photo of nuclear explosion on TV. Did they launch some ICBM? Only to exploded them in mid flight. I complained then, that there was no photo on TV.

    I think RT, should put photo of minced meat Turk corpses on RT news. First news. You say, this can be escalating?  No I don't think so. Because the Turk population know their government wrong. They will tolerate these photo. Instead they will start feeling bad about death. Real faces. Real lives. They can stop war. They loose. Erdo will not loose personally.........

    Turkey economy collapse. He won't win election with 15% unemployment. So he must have war to declare martial law and be dictator for life.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  JohninMK Thu Feb 27, 2020 6:50 pm

    Now you see them, now you don't

    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 ERvMheVXUAU0FPw?format=jpg&name=small

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  JohninMK Thu Feb 27, 2020 6:56 pm

    A lot can happen in 5 days

    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 ERxhJmrWAAI-Kcp?format=png&name=900x900

    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 ERxhKcwWAAAqd-z?format=png&name=900x900

    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 ERy02UDWsAEDaqF?format=jpg&name=small

    Last edited by JohninMK on Thu Feb 27, 2020 7:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  nomadski Thu Feb 27, 2020 6:58 pm

    @ Ultimatewarrier

    Winning election important for professional politicians, who get a good wage, doing technocratic job. Important for them to get re-elected. Poor wages mean they find different master. Another electorate. Martial law not important for someone who lives in another country and has property there. Millionaires have many homes in the world. They make war for profit . Not peace. Economy not important for someone with stolen loot in Swiss Bank. He lives in Swiss Bank. That is his country. Like mercenary.

    Also a politician can act in particular way. Because he is afraid. For his life. This is true of politicians who have been in prison. By establishment. Their spirit is broken. And they act in strict accordance with the laws of  ruling elite. Or a combination of both factors.

    If a politician, does not act in the national interest. Then he is not a national element. But a trans - national element. Prime example is Saudi Royal family. With more money invested in USA than Saudi. Destroying their national wealth and regional stability for sake of big business and arms manufacturers and foreign interests.

    Last edited by nomadski on Thu Feb 27, 2020 8:26 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  JohninMK Thu Feb 27, 2020 7:00 pm

    Yeah, right!
    #Turkey requests access from #Russia to use armed drones in #Syria’s airspace #UAV

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Azi Thu Feb 27, 2020 7:05 pm

    Someone on Twitter wrote it's at moment a 7. dimensional chessgame, with turkish and russian soldiers do together patrols in NE Syria, turks shelling SAA and RuAF bombing turkish positions! Very Happy LOL

    At weekend Erdo will start full scale war with Syria, because his ultimatum will be over. And Erdo will attack, for sure... he is thinking he can win, Saraqib told him the lesson that he can advance against SAA. So next week we will see a lot of action in Syria...maybe a few beautiful Tu-22M and more beautiful cruise missiles, from Russia with Love Wink But maybe they will find a diplomatic solution, Russia hopes to find a solution and to be honest would be better for the innocent people in Idlib and Syria.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Azi Thu Feb 27, 2020 7:06 pm

    JohninMK wrote:Yeah, right!
    #Turkey requests access from #Russia to use armed drones in #Syria’s airspace #UAV
    Turks have a special sense of humor! lol!

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Azi Thu Feb 27, 2020 7:09 pm

    ultimatewarrior wrote:
    nomadski wrote:
    Will Erdo stop war? Why should he? Is he loosing anything personally? Turkey loose. Soldiers loose. Population loose. But Erdo kissing the Rats. I hear numbers of Turk dead. So far posted. Three dead. Two dead. Twenty injured. But there is no photo of them. No corpses. There was photo before. On this forum. But there is no photo on RT news. Same as there was no photo on RT news, when yank hit Syria with cruise missile. And Russian news language TV, ( NOT ENGLISH LANGUAGE RT EXTERNAL NEWS)  then put photo of nuclear explosion on TV. Did they launch some ICBM? Only to exploded them in mid flight. I complained then, that there was no photo on TV.

    I think RT, should put photo of minced meat Turk corpses on RT news. First news. You say, this can be escalating?  No I don't think so. Because the Turk population know their government wrong. They will tolerate these photo. Instead they will start feeling bad about death. Real faces. Real lives. They can stop war. They loose. Erdo will not loose personally.........

    Turkey economy collapse. He won't win election with 15% unemployment. So he must have war to declare martial law and be dictator for life.
    Usually we don't agree...but you are right. The economy of Turkey is facing serious problems in the last years and Erdo will lose next elections for sure.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  JohninMK Thu Feb 27, 2020 7:13 pm

    Hi def of positions today. Definitely one of the best I've seen for those of us who don't know Syria well.

    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 ERy02UDWsAEDaqF?format=jpg&name=large

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Thu Feb 27, 2020 7:57 pm

    Tiger forces and some other units have been re-deployed.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Feb 27, 2020 8:24 pm

    Word is that VKS did something to Turks near Saraqib and it wasn't pretty, we should have some fresh news soon if true...

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Hole Thu Feb 27, 2020 8:35 pm

    Depends on which side you are. Very Happy

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Isos Thu Feb 27, 2020 9:18 pm

    Emma Beals
    13 min
    Initial reports say a large number of Turkish soldiers killed today in Idlib. Lots of activity now at Reyhanli hospital in Turkey. Erdogan chairing an emergency meeting right now, with CHP party chairing their own tonight as well. If all confirmed, could signal major escalation.

    Russia refused to allow use of Syrian airspace to Turkish Air Force helicopters in order to conduct evacuation of wounded soldiers

    Last edited by Isos on Thu Feb 27, 2020 9:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  ultimatewarrior Thu Feb 27, 2020 9:20 pm

    About 40 Sultan Erdogan's soldiers killed tonight by Russian jet.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 7 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Isos Thu Feb 27, 2020 9:23 pm

    Video in the link

    Turkish soldiers in Idlib under heavy airstrikes

    Video got deleted in the upper link

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