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    Syrian War: News #21


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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Vann7 Sun Mar 01, 2020 5:32 am

    i think ,that people are over reacting about Putin refusing to start a war now with Erdogan army ,when
    SAA and Russian airforce are still holding and causing major casualties on their factions.. there
    are other events happening , that could allow Russia to defeat Turkey without firing a shot on their soldiers..
    like this..

    Ottoman Dreams UP in SmokOFFLINE#310787
    Turkish Stocks, Lira Sink as Showdown With Russia in Syria Escalates

    Turkish stocks and bonds plunged as tensions between Ankara and Moscow soared while authorities stepped up their interventions to slow the lira’s slide and banned short-selling in equities.

    The Borsa Istanbul 100 Index slumped 10% at the open, its biggest intraday drop in almost seven years.

    State run banks continued to prop up the lira by selling about $2 billion on Friday.

    The lira weakened 0.4% to 6.2345 per dollar, its fifth day off losses.

    So Russia is not yet starting sanctions and already turkey economy is being hammered by their own
    war on syria.. The drones incident could be attacks that happened in 2019 most of them or earlier..
    we don't know yet.. the claims that turkey drones not shot down are not true..either case it could
    be a mistake of putin of temporarily allowing them.. but  just today 2 turkey drones
    were taken down.. and yesterday apparently 2 more.. unless were the same ones..

    What is very important to understand  is what will be the definition of a victory..???? .

    Because people could believe that once SAA reach the turkey border ,the war is over.. and Turkey will give up
    and then Russia and syria with turkey shake hands.. lol1 but this is far from the truth.. the war will not end
    folks.. will not end ,when all idlib any side..  turkey can continue bombing cross border forever.. if they are pushed back..  and Russia and SAA can continue bombing turkey army forever if they are the ones
    pushed back from idlib..   So the war will not end with any territory capture...

    The war will end when Turkey experience massive economic damage ,that they can't sustain any more..
    and massive public outcry ,demanding and end to erdogan war , also international public opinion pressure..
    will have also a major impact too..  and this in combination of turkey army losses.. become too much for them..
    only when Erdogan realize .. that idlib war is not worth of it.. for the economic damages , soldiers casualties and risk of war with russia.. and isolation of turkey in the world.. where no nation wants to trade with them.. or very few.. then only then he will back down..

    Russia do have the power to crush turkey army very easily ,just detonating a couple of nukes in idlib.. but this will not help Russia to ever restore relations with turkey again.. they will continue at war.. and so russia will have to send a full scale army ,to invade turkey and remove erdogan by force.. the cost of such operation ,should be seen as a defeat.. for Russia ,even if they plant a flag in turkey capital..because the cost of such occupation will be incredibly expensive and not mentioning the cost on russian soldiers to hold ankara and capture istanbul with half a million russian soldiers..  such operation will not be seen as a victory at all.. capturing land is not always a victory ,if the war doesn't end.. that say , Erdogan needs to retreat and or its military to sack him.. in a coup..
    this will be a much better option , one where russia can have peace and no longer in war. So a victory for Russia in idlib should be defined ,when turquey retreat ,after they get tired of their occupation ,or erdogan remove ,  this could happen ,if SAA hold territory and Turkey army struggle to continue the fight for longer.. after economy damages and soldiers casualties. Russia will always have the best weapons ,so the casualties for turkey army will be enormous for the longer time they stay..

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Mar 01, 2020 5:38 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sun Mar 01, 2020 5:35 am

    Detonate nukes on Idlib....This is why no one takes your rants seriously.

    Not even Erdogan would be that dam insane to use a Nuclear Warhead.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  crod Sun Mar 01, 2020 5:37 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Andrei Martyanov's take on this whole thing:

    no idea who this punter is, what his claim to fame is nor why we should listen to anything he says of anyone else etc but it's clear the SAA has been pounded and Russia has done fucking nothing.

    and the SAA are shite narrative is not applicable here, the turks are smashing them with arti that they cannot do anything against.

    the BIG question here is wtf are Russia playing at...

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sun Mar 01, 2020 5:38 am

    crod wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Andrei Martyanov's take on this whole thing:

    no idea who this punter is, what his claim to fame is nor why we should listen to anything he says of anyone else etc but it's clear the SAA has been pounded and Russia has done fucking nothing.

    and the SAA are shite narrative is not applicable here, the turks are smashing them with arti that they cannot do anything against.

    the BIG question here is wtf are Russia playing at...

    100 Percent accurate.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sun Mar 01, 2020 5:50 am

    In other news, this is only a rumor I heard so do not assume its FACT or it's true.

    France had some talks with SSA about the limited deployment of some special forces.

    AGAIN just a rumor I heard going around.


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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Vann7 Sun Mar 01, 2020 5:52 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:Detonate nukes on Idlib....This is why no one takes your rants seriously.

    Not even Erdogan would be that dam insane to use a Nuclear Warhead.

    1 kiloton nuke will not destroy more than 7km radious.. and if used at high altitude not even radiation..
    the pressure wave will do the killing.. i have seen already.. what will happen in idlib.. in a nuclear scenario..

    using nukemap you can simulate a nuclear attack..
    to wipe out almost the entire turkey army positions.. all that russia need is 2 bombs.. of 2 megaton each.

    but that will kill civilians families of the terrorist too.. so is not so good solution. but 1 kilon nukes can wipe out
    any city in idlib.. capture Saraqib with one nuke.. and then warn erdogan every city alqaeda hides will be nuked
    and his soldiers to move . and he if doesn't move is his fault..

    i don't consider this crazy at all .. because in a full scale war.. economy of a nation is the blood of a country.
    and if the economy collapse ,the entire nation is at risk of collapsing .. as soviet union did.. so in order to save russia from a long war with a quarter of million soldiers wounded or killed.. the russia have the option to use nuclear weapons.. this is not crazyness.. even putin said it.. so like i told you , he is in war extremely
    practical.. if nukes can be used without damaging much the environment and defeating terrorist in idlib with very little or no civilian casualties.. then why not?  he already hinted about this..

    Putin weighs use of nukes against ISIS

    So this is an option ,if that the only way Russia have to stop a full scale army invasion of turkey ,,
    and save him from sending a full scale army invasion in syria.. and avoiding many casualties..
    he will do it.. why not nuke Alqaeda ? in a city in syria they control ?  that will make them reconsider
    the war and will leave.. because once they wiped from saraqib ..who wants to be nuked again ?
    they will abandon syria .. if russia start using nukes..
    the you will see how idlib will be nuked.. he already warned about the possibilities of using nukes..
    just 1kiloton nuclear attack even 1/10 lower than what US used in japan ,will be a 10km-15km destruction
    in heat wave and air pressure.. will break all bones of anything alive.. the message.. to erdogan that his soldiers will be very clear.. no turkey army soldier will go to a war ,that nukes are used against them..  lol1
    to learn to evade nukes if they start a war against russia..or syria..

    this will be perfectly justified ,whether isis or alqaeda.. to save an entire nation. why not>?

    erodgan will get the message that he can't win and will leave unless he wants to see their entire soldiers
    destroyed. .. just 1 kiloton nuke in saraqib full of terrorist is all russia need to completely pulverise the terrorist
    in that city..lure them into the trap.. the more the better and boom.. it will take just 30 seconds to kill them.. and send a very powerful message to erdogan ,that he can't win in syria ,that russia will use the full power of its nation if that is what it takes to force Erdogan and his terrorist to leave.

    in crimean conflict... Putin told on interview.. that he was ready to use nukes too..
    when saw an american warship , moving to crimea..

    the story is cut.. because putin described in the interview ,what made him to deploy their nuclear
    forces in crimea.. he told he didn't wanted to do it.. but an american warship with cruise missiles
    was moving to crimea..

    if for example obama began to bomb crimea with cruise missiles ,when their soldiers were capturing it..
    im sure putin will have used nukes to destroy the lonely american will be self defense and because attacking crimea that for russia is russian territory .was a red line for Russia. did they need nukes to sink a warship..?? absolutely not.. but to send a message ,will have been
    priceless how you sink it.. putin will use nukes first time ,regardless of russian laws.. when it is for saving
    many russian soldiers lives and sending a big message to any nation that attack russian territory or russian army deployed any where. and the US army will have done the same too..  if russia sends a warship and start attacking florida.. then the response will be nuclear , to send a big message.. and that it never happens again.
    and this is erdogan don't understand.. he is risking being nuked his soldiers in idlib.. if start a full scale war ,that threatens to reverse the progress of russia in syria in the past 5 years.. if for example erdogan try to take all aleppo..or lattakia it will be nuked their soldiers.. because treathen the russian base or the existence of syria..

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  ultimatewarrior Sun Mar 01, 2020 6:33 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    ultimatewarrior wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:diplomatic maneuvering is worthless however, Erdo won't back down. It's not happening if Putin is stupid enough to think so then his age is getting to him.

    It's possible Putin is thinking long and hard about what to do here but he has only TWO choices at this stage no more. Time for Russia to shut up or put up we will see soon which they choose.

    1. Let the Turks do what they want.

    2. Fully engage the Turkish Army. Which means bomb their arty attack their troops etc.

    They don't need to bomb their arti. Simply shoot down drones. Without drones they don't have coordinates for their arti. Unless they randomly shell cities and civilians blind fire.

    No Turk arty gets the coordinates from frontline members on the ground, not drones.

    Maybe against SDF, not in Idlib. Too dangerous for them.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Vann7 Sun Mar 01, 2020 7:10 am

    Alright ..
    don't say i didn't told it..
    new evidence surface.. that the videos of Erdogan of his "revenge" against syrian army
    for his 33 soldiers killed.. included videos.. of lybia..  Laughing

    in spanish..
    the great charly website strike again explaining everything in details... Smile

    this is the same guy that explained why the 2 pantsirs destroyed by israel failed.. ---> saturation attack.
    they had no more missiles to fire.. and so any system in the world will be vulnerable if saturated.. is not
    a technical problem.. but a tactics issue.. pantsirs are not suppose to be alone versus a rain of several
    dozens of missiles ,they need backup... of other pantsirs ,decoys and electronic warfare... to help missiles.. but that was too much to ask for the syrian army lack of experience.. by centralizing and automating
    all syrian a network, working as a team,  that helps a lot in efficiency.. so that 2 pantsirs don't fire on the same target wasting missiles.

    use google translate..

    Libyan Interior Ministry: Russian Pantsir missile system belonging to Khalifa Haftar army has been destroyed

    So the pantsir destruction video have been confirmed it was lybian one..but the tricky turks
    wanted to lie to us and gave up a montage video with kills that probably were not even done by them but
    by US  given by UAE to haftar army... for sure they did not have a strong area of denial and radars to cover their airspace.. Cool so perhaps putin gave permision to erdogan to retaliate to lybia at their pantsirs ? lol1

    In wars.. disinformation (information warfare) is part of the game.
    if they included 1 video from lybia.. what makes anyone think there aren't more ??
    probably the turkey army generals are lying to erdogan and created that video to calm him... lol1
    so about half of the video or maybe half of it ,or 90% of it.. could be old videos ,that they compiled from syria
    ,iraq and lybia and the real casualties in the so called revenge ,just 1/10 of the actual numbers of SAA killed,

    so like someone told.. the biggest war is not in the battlefield.. but in twiiter instead.. with disinformation.
    Erdogan generals.. in light of no success penetrating syrian air space..  they could have easily compiled
    videos of turkey drones bombing in lybia ,iraq and syria.. during many months or years and later claim
    they were recently.. Wink  to make Erdogan happy and his followers..

    So calm down people ,you have been duped.. by turkey military.. it is possible that some of the videos are
    real.. for example hezbola soldiers died.. but probably those videos were done by israel.. and passed to turkey
    for greater propaganda.. like i said , just 2 turkey drones were shotdown in past 24 hours.. and no pantsir
    destroyed until now by turkey in syria.. but they could manage to do it in the future if amateurs put in charge of them.. like the ones israel destroyed. that left their vehicle on ..and where caught off guard.. having fun in
    a social conversation ,while the pantsir (unarmed) was attacked.

    Interesting is ,that Russia military have not reported the loss of a pantsir missile.. contrary to previous times..
    but they will have reasons to not question the video.. if that helps calm erdogan rage with fake victories.
    then they will be happy with it.. is a win /win.. turkey soldiers smashed and no major casualties for SAA in
    reality as they claimed. Wink

    So lesson learned ,don't believe everything that is being reported in twiiter ,there is a lot of propaganda
    on internet ,specially from erdogan factions ,to raise the morale of their terrorist.
    some of the videos are old videos being recycle by pro erdogan followers.. and used to raise the morale of their alqaeda buddies. they also used avideo of 2015 ,of an attack on a syrian helicopter base.. this is why someone explained it very well..
    the war in internet is bigger than the reality on the battlefield... SAA have retreated in some zones but in others
    they have gained.. so is not all bad. they are still in the game..


    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Mar 01, 2020 7:24 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 01, 2020 7:21 am

    Amusing that the person suggesting Putin do something is also the person talking about the use of nuclear weapons...

    Can we accept that Putin knows better than any of us what is happening in Syria, he has said several times that Russia wont help Assads forces fight turkey, the purpose of Russias presence is to fight terrorists... of all types... now agreed that can include Turkish and even western forces when they are actively helping head choppers and rapists, but it is not in Russias interests to openly attack turkish forces or western forces... if they happen to be co-located then it can't be helped of course.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Mar 01, 2020 7:39 am

    There is so much bullshit flying around Garry and many of our "experts" here also got caught up in it. As someone who said it on twitter "the war is mostly been raging on twitter".

    Russian planes been flying, last six hrs no turk drones. SAA been bombarding areas with apparently Tiger forces moved again.

    Russia is a small contingent in Syria. Most people here and twitter think it's Russia's control. It isn't. Russia provides necessary support. SyAF were to fly and provide air support but they didn't. Those drones are easy target for a MiG-21, so they should have shot it down. They didn't.

    Russia didn't tell not to shoot down drones. There is not a single shred of official documentation of that. Just hearsay and wannabe soldiers acting with "intelligence" (Sieg). Whom just rely on twitter.

    SAA got caught with their pants down. And due to piss poor command, they got wrecked by drones. Mind you many drone footage was fake. But SAA did lose a lot. And where was their AF and AD? What they did was sent soldiers in to fight this area with no support. And while they knew the drones were active, they (command) didn't bother to order the shoot down of those drones.

    Russia is blamed though. Because people think it's Russia's duty to be 24/7 flying for SyAF in Air patrol. No it isn't. They already stuck their necks out to intercept the Turkish F-16's. If they came near contact of the drones maybe they would have shot them down, don't know.

    Russia for last couple of hrs been bombing Idlib. But I guess they should be air patrolling too.

    Question is: where are SyAF MiG-29's?

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sun Mar 01, 2020 7:46 am

    GarryB wrote:Amusing that the person suggesting Putin do something is also the person talking about the use of nuclear weapons...

    Can we accept that Putin knows better than any of us what is happening in Syria, he has said several times that Russia wont help Assads forces fight turkey, the purpose of Russias presence is to fight terrorists... of all types... now agreed that can include Turkish and even western forces when they are actively helping head choppers and rapists, but it is not in Russias interests to openly attack turkish forces or western forces... if they happen to be co-located then it can't be helped of course.

    Problem with that idea is Turkey is side by side with HTS and such, at this point you CANNOT fight the HTS but not attack Turkey, they are too tied together., The SAA cannot beat turkey one vs one Turks are simply too powerful compared to them.

    Erdo has shown he will not separate, he has shown he will mix his troops in with the rebels, he has shown he will use all manners of equipment. Let's not forget the SAA doesn't have unlimited men, Even if they kill a few here and there a day, that will slowly bleed the SAA dry.

    I mean think about it if you are Erdo and you know you can bomb the SAA to death slowly without any reaction from Russia you've already won, you just need to play it slow and kill SAA forces here and there and widdle them down to the point they have too little ground forces left to oppose you. Turkey arty has been bombing SAA every day for weeks now and it's taking a toll on them.

    So if Putin follows this route the SAA will be out of troops sooner or later if he just lets the turks do as they wish. So those Rebels will overrun all the land they can if they know Russia won't do jack shit long as they have Turks with em. Now if that's what he intends to do he needs to come out and say, Idlib is Turkish land now to him and then people will know where Russia stands on the matter.

    If he intends to help Assad take back Syria from the Turks then he has to at this point attack the Turkish Army there is no if, ands or butts about this.

    The idea he can try and reason with Erdo is moronic, Erdo isn't going to give in at all. Diplomacy is futile, the time for talk is over. Russia will show the world where it stands in the next week or so. Look at whats going on in Libya, Turkey is getting it's teeth kicked in because of major powers aren't playing games with them at all. Unlike in Syria where the turks are just given free rein for the most part.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Vann7 Sun Mar 01, 2020 8:09 am

    miketheterrible wrote:
    Question is: where are SyAF MiG-29's?

    according to @ziad the owner of syrian  which have family members in Syrian army with inside information.. Syria have about 30 migs 29 ,that have been upgraded modernized by Russia..
    they also have mig-31 and S-300s way before the war began.. and they will be used
    only in case of a major life threatening emergency to the state ,like a full scale invasion of NATO ,turkey or Israel.
    they also have apparently more missiles than hezbolah ,that can reach all parts of israel.. so if hezbolah claims to have up to 10,000 , then syria should have way more... they likely underground in bunkers.. hidden from radars
    and israel airstrikes..  Syria also have onyx anti ship missiles.. they have a 300km range .. to sink warships.
    so they have several things before Russia came and Russia only expanded it to a new level..
    those s-300s Russia gave are likely only for major emergency , of a full scale war with syrian neighbors ,turkey and or israel..

    they not used now ,to save the missiles for real event of full war and to not reveal too early ,the signal
    at which the missiles operate ,so to take by surprise the israel or nato airforces.

    So in case of a full war , russia will have their S-400s ,S-300s ,a couple of dozen of pantsirs ,tors,buks, russia will have 20 planes combat planes and +30 migs 29 from the syrian army to defend syria. And off course syria have about 100+ older planes like migs-21 from korean and vietnam war..and others ,su-24 that have been upgraded and improved a bit by russia ,to carry better bombs.. and enhance their efficiency and usefulness.
    which are the planes SAA have been using largely through the entire war. probably lost 1/3 of them. and about 5,000 tanks .. losing hundreds but still have many ..

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Mar 01, 2020 8:54 am

    How many MiG-21's they still have? Those would be enough.

    Many are asking where the heck SyAF?

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:04 am

    miketheterrible wrote:How many MiG-21's they still have?  Those would be enough.

    Many are asking where the heck SyAF?

    53 with an average readiness rate of 50 percent so about 26 Mig-21 should be active at any given time.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Isos Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:07 am

    Russia and Syria let Turks bomb SAA. That's a fact.

    SyAAF mig-29 are grounded.

    Russia should say a russian soldier was killed in turkish attacks and launch some kalibr to the operating room of the drones but also make them fly above Erdogan palace.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:08 am

    Isos wrote:Russia and Syria let Turks bomb SAA. That's a fact.

    SyAAF mig-29 are grounded.

    Russia should say a russian soldier was killed in turkish attacks and launch some kalibr to the operating room of the drones but also make them fly above Erdogan palace.  

    100 percent correct, but people prefer to make up excuses here and call anyone who points that out trolls.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:10 am

    Isos wrote:Russia and Syria let Turks bomb SAA. That's a fact.

    SyAAF mig-29 are grounded.

    Russia should say a russian soldier was killed in turkish attacks and launch some kalibr to the operating room of the drones but also make them fly above Erdogan palace.  

    Definately SyAF let their soldiers die Russia protect from F-16 but so far SyAF can deal with those drones no problem. But low and behold, they blame Russia.

    Syria has more jets in Syria than Russia has jets in Syria.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:12 am

    SAA has lost more villages to the rebels/Turks.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  ahmedfire Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:49 am

    China could deliver FD-2000 air defense missile systems to Syria

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  ahmedfire Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:51 am

    #SAA begins the military operation in the city of sanamayn in daraa province amid violent clashes between army units and armed gangs groups led by known terrorist (Walid Al-Zahra).


    For photos

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  ahmedfire Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:53 am

    First Regiment Special Task of the 5th Legion has sent reinforcements from Jableh to Idlib. The First Regiment is composed of Former Desert Hawk & Faouj Maghawir al-Bahr Soldiers.
    #SAA #SyrianArabArmy #SyrianArmy

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Vann7 Sun Mar 01, 2020 10:02 am

    10hours ago
    14 cruise missiles crossed the mid section over the Syrian coast line and landed in #Idlib

    So apparently there are invisible warships firing kalibr missiles from the syrian coast..

    major problem with russian frigates.. is that they don't have that many missiles..
    each one carry only 2 x 4 kalibr.. which is 8 missiles.. this is incredibly low for any real offensive.
    never understood why Putin allow such limitation.. they need frigates that at least have the option to fire
    50 cruise missiles.. even if their range is short.. like 300 km..

    Us destroyers albeit they are larger ,can launch close to 100 cruise missiles each..
    Russia need real offensive warships power.. will have been awesome if they each one had 50 cruise missiles
    and they fired 100 strikes.. at terrorist positions. that will truly shake them..

    interesting updates... no idea if they are true..
    from syrian perspective popular users..

    Otomans Crusin For BrusinOFFLINE#310844
    Reports Of Victorious Russian Air Force Intercepting Turkish F16 Warplanes As Turkish Regime Bombs Syria *Iran Warns Turkey*


    S350 Syria Friendly SkiesOFFLINE#310842
    Victorious Russia Now Has ‘Cruise-Missile Killer’ Missiles For Early Deployment in Syria

    The S-350 has the potential to hold up to four-times the ammunition load of the Pantsir, as it has twelve tubes.

    If the larger 9M96 missiles are used, this gives it an equivalent missile load to the Pantsir, albeit with longer ranged and more powerful missiles.

    But presumably, the 9M100 missile could be dual-packed or quad-packed in the 9M96 tubes, allowing for a single S-350 launcher to carry from twenty-four to forty-eight missiles.


    Reports that the terrorist lost Saraqib

    Igor BundyONLINE#310834
    Saraqeb has become under control of the Syrian Armed Forces .

    Iran to Turkey: ”All your soldiers in Syria are within our firing range, stop attacking our bases, we don’t want to hurt you.”

    Waki WakiOFFLINE#310830
    The potential for the Syrian war to erupt into a world catastrophic war are far greater than governments or the corporate media care to acknowledge.

    Last week, the Russian news website posted a column by its main military analyst, Col. Mikhail Khodarenok (ret.), who stated  “the only way for Russia to prevail would be the threat or use of tactical nuclear weapons.”

    there are erdogan minions claiming pakistan is coming to help turkey..

    so there you have it.. even russian military analyst are pushing for the use of tactical nukes..
    to send a strong message to erdogan. .that he will not over run idlib.. just 1 kiloton will be enough
    for a message ,to wipe out terrorist in one major city , and launch a major assault ,on the city as soon the expansion wave on ground stop.. american practiced this tactics with the us soldiers..  nuking a place..
    then later send an army to charge.. to take the zone.

    Whatever it happens.. there is something that people should be completely clear..
    Russia will not allow/they know can't allow turkey to over run latakkia or disband syria.. they will rather declare war on erdogan using nukes than to allow that..  because allowing alqaeda to win..or anything that looks like a
    victory , will encourage millions of more muslim ,to join erdogan and fight other nations ,including russia.
    if they believe they have a chance to capture any nation as long as turkey helps them.. this is why
    erdogan needs to be defeated in syria and in lybia.. the time of that happening is not what matters.
    actually the more time pass ,that erdogan is in syria theory is the better.. because sink erdogan popular
    support and more risk of erdogan removed in acoup.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Mar 01, 2020 10:44 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sun Mar 01, 2020 10:36 am

    ahmedfire wrote:First Regiment Special Task of the 5th Legion has sent reinforcements from Jableh to Idlib. The First Regiment is composed of Former Desert Hawk & Faouj Maghawir al-Bahr Soldiers.
    #SAA #SyrianArabArmy #SyrianArmy

    The SAA is losing more and more ground now combined with this the damage the Turks did really messed them up.

    As I said unless Russia fully commits, Idlib is fully lost to Assad. SAA is no match for Turks/Rebels combined

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  Arrow Sun Mar 01, 2020 10:49 am

    Islamists are conquering more territories. SAA in reverse. Russia will do nothing. Soon the entire Idib province will be under Turkey's control.

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    Syrian War: News #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #21

    Post  nomadski Sun Mar 01, 2020 11:11 am

    Russia will most probably avoid direct confrontation with Turkey or USA or Usrael in Syria. They have shown this to be true in practice , over past few years. They have however supported the Syrians to defend against Islamist extremists in the west. Since they suffer from this problem also in Russia. And they would like to maintain their bases in Syria. For geopolitical reasons. However they have defacto agreed with the Americans over partition of Syria into East and West regions. This policy does not bring territorial integrity to Syria. Neither can they protect fully Syria. Even west Syria against Usrael attacks. Simply by pure defensive measures of intercepting some missiles. Russia is also limited in political and economic sphere, since their national interests also included their natural desire to maintain economic relations with the west. So even if they can supply Syria through Iran. Rather than through Turkey. They will still avoid major or direct fight with Turkey. So we have to accept the help from Russia and not expect too much from them. Their involvement, like others in Syria, can only be limited by nature.

    I can say the same for all outside powers now involved in Syria. They all share the same fate. Their national interests will not allow major or direct involvement in Syria. It is simply the nature of the beast. No good shouting that country A or B or C, SHOULD, do this or that or other. The reality on the ground is different.

    As I said, the only people that are willing to live and die in Syria and for Syria. Are the Syrians themselves. All those Syrians, who are firstly Syrian, than Shia or Kurd or Druze or Christian or Sunni. To unite and fight for Syria. So Syrians should look to Syrians. In this war, there are some extremists left in IDLIB. How many fighters do they have? Forget for now about Turk. I doubt they will die in large numbers for Syria. Same as other foreign forces. Do the extremists have 40,000 troops?  Then the SAA, to liberate west Syria needs to give at least 40,000 martyrs. Yes ugly it is. Difficult to accept. But no other way. Must now gather forces and continue with advancing North. If Russia and Iran simply provide logistic and support. And SAA use clever tactics. And ready for sacrifices. Then victory is near.

    Last edited by nomadski on Sun Mar 01, 2020 11:20 am; edited 2 times in total

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