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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Mon Dec 07, 2020 6:42 pm

    Note the testimony about intimidation of Republican observers at polling stations by D. Party activists of all stripes.
    Imagine if this happened in Russia where United Russia party activists threatened and intimidated liberast observers.
    You would not hear the end of it.

    The fact that there is basically no reporting in the NATzO fake stream media of actual irregularities and abuse
    during Russian elections demonstrates that they do not happen. All that the west and its patsies in Russia can
    do is engage in unscientific BS about the shapes of voting Gaussians. The sort of cheesy fraud you saw in the
    USA would make for propaganda gold when it comes to Russia.


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  Kiko Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:03 pm

    The whole fraudulent process is slowly but surely moving towards the SCOTUS appraisal:

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  AlfaT8 Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:15 pm

    Yes, hopefully SCOTUS would be able to put this nonsense on blast.
    The rest of the Judicial Branch is utterly useless.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  Maximmmm Tue Dec 08, 2020 12:53 pm

    I mean why would SCOTUS not be beholden to the deep state anyway. The court has shown that it's prerogative is to maintain stability and letting old senile biden take the helm is still more "stable" than overturning an "election".

    Trump is just gonna tweet a bunch, walk out and slam the door shut behind him.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Tue Dec 08, 2020 6:05 pm

    The need by the US to maintain its propaganda facade image requires that the brazen fraud in this election be brushed under the
    carpet. The fake stream media is already going full tilt painting it as some "conspiracy theory" and "fake news" so that part is
    on track. Now there needs to be a coverup in the legal cases which will involve some cheesy kangaroo court decisions that
    will not allow any consequences to ensue from this fraud.


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  Kiko Tue Dec 08, 2020 6:11 pm

    Texas sues Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin at SCOTUS over election fraud:

    Last edited by Kiko on Tue Dec 08, 2020 6:11 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Correct typos.)

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Tue Dec 08, 2020 7:38 pm

    Kiko wrote:Texas sues Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin at SCOTUS over election fraud:

    My prediction is the case will be dismissed on BS technicalities and irrelevant arguments. We already have the crap
    being spewed by the defendants. Also, the case is being argued on some flimsy basis about differences in rules. We are
    not dealing with rule differences, we are dealing with outright criminality. What should be happening is that the FBI
    should be investigating these crimes and applying criminal law including the racketeering clauses.

    The SCOTUS is stacked with D. Party hacks anyway.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  Kiko Tue Dec 08, 2020 8:34 pm

    Of the 9 current SCOTUS judges, 6 were GOP President appointments and only 3 Dems.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Tue Dec 08, 2020 8:51 pm

    Kiko wrote:Of the 9 current SCOTUS judges, 6 were GOP President appointments and only 3 Dems.

    I judge them by their decisions.   A lot of Republicans are D. Party bootlicks.

    Bush Jr. was a Republican who was a neocon.   The neocons clearly run the D. Party and before Trump ran the Republican
    Party as well.

    US Democrat = Neocon = anti-Trump Republican.

    BTW, the neocon fathers in the US are mostly ex-Trotskyists. They are part of the same cultural Trotskyist agenda that
    is being enabled by the D. Party.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Tue Dec 08, 2020 11:13 pm

    SCOTUS has shown its face.

    Just hours after the deadline for the petition's deadline, The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected a request by Trump ally Mike Kelly, a Pennsylvania Republican, to nullify Joe Biden’s election victory in Pennsylvania.

    Kelly argued that virtually all of the state’s mail-in ballots were unlawful.

    The rebuff came without explanation and with no noted dissents.

    As I said, this is a criminal case and not a case of arguing finer points of law, which is what the SCOTUS is for.
    It is like going to the Supreme Court in a murder case. The criminal law and other regulatory law is already
    in place. The rotten system just does not apply it.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  AlfaT8 Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:04 am

    Actually that "nullifying" votes thing is pretty much fake news, his argument was the Constitutionality of it all, since the constitutions of both the Pennsylvania and the U.S itself instruct how absentee Ballots are handled and implemented.

    And the way Pennsylvania implemented their mail-in voting clearly violate both constitutions.
    Mike Kelly was simply asking how they should proceed given this Fact.
    To the constitutions absentee and mail-in votes are one in the same, mail-in is simply an extension of absentee voting, at least that's one of the major arguments, since both are done by mail.

    So this is well within SCOTUS's jurisdiction.

    Either way, SCOTUS is gonna have to accept this suit, because Texas just dropped a very similar suit to SCOTUS and their is no Rejecting an entire State, and more States have joined Texas in this suit.

    If SCOTUS screws this up, these states need to form the new Confederacy. Twisted Evil

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  Kiko Wed Dec 09, 2020 9:34 am

    Arkansas, Alabama & Louisiana support Texas before US Supreme Court, alleging ‘unconstitutional’ election in four states:

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  Kiko Wed Dec 09, 2020 11:01 am

    US Supreme Court Orders 4 States to Reply to Texas Election Lawsuit By 10 December:

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  JohninMK Wed Dec 09, 2020 12:34 pm

    Kiko wrote:US Supreme Court Orders 4 States to Reply to Texas Election Lawsuit By 10 December:

    This it it. The only case that matters. If Texas wins so does the US electoral system and as a side effect so will Trump.

    All the fraud etc is now a side show, it has done its job, it has created sufficient doubt to force other States to react to protect themselves and their own Constitutions. There are very, very few entities able, by right, to approach SCOTUS which has no option but to hear their case and US States are among them. This is why SCOTUS has reacted so quickly, they had no choice. If they don't side with these States there will be a constitutional crisis in the US.

    So, it is now down to what SCOTUS is all about, interpreting the Constitution and there is a majority of 'constitutionalists' i.e. those who abide by it almost to the letter, now on SCOTUS.
    This is likely to be a quick, in legal time, decision.

    Following that will be the legally require report to the President by the DNI on any foreign interference in the election, due at the latest on the 18th December.

    This will be an interesting 10 days.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  JohninMK Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:05 pm

    An analysis of what now?

    Get ready for some fireworks.

    The state of Texas (along with Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and South Dakota) is suing the states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in the Supreme Court.

    Texas is arguing that those four states violated the constitution when they passed new election laws to allow mail-in voting and other changes to their election process.

    The Constitution of the United States is explicit that only state legislators NOT state governors, attorney generals, or secretary of states can change how elections are processed.

    The media is keeping pretty quiet about this, or attempting to frame it as nothing, but it is a HUGE deal. The Supreme Court has already docketed the case meaning that the SCOTUS will hear it.

    If the SCOTUS rules that of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin did in fact violate the constitution (they did), then either:

    1) Those votes that were allowed under the new laws are thrown out.


    2) The elections in those states become null and void.

    If the outcome is #1, then President Trump wins all four states in a landslide.

    Remember, the mail-in ballots were pro-Biden by a massive margin (90%+). If those votes no longer count, Biden loses tens of thousands of votes in all four key states (his margin of victory is only 1% or lower in all four of them).

    If the outcome is #2, then 62 electoral college votes vanish from the vote count.

    This means NO ONE hits the required 270 electoral college votes to win the election outright and the election moves into Congress as per the 12th Amendment.

    There, the House of Representatives votes for the President on a one vote per state basis. The GOP has 26 states, the Democrats have 24 states.

    This again, means Trump wins the election.

    You can be furious at this all you want, but it’s the law. The fact the media doesn’t bother explaining this only reveals that they’re ignorant of how elections work in the U.S. or are so biased they can’t be bothered to consider an outcome in which Biden doesn’t win.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:09 pm

    YouCrap will censor videos dealing with the fraud during the 2020 US presidential election.

    Because nothing says freedom like capricious suppression of information that disagrees with
    the owners a of a media platform. Keep on drooling like Pavlov's dogs you NATzO sheeple
    when your fake stream propaganda factory MSM and social media corporations bring up
    the trigger phrase "state run media". How is Alphabet (owners of Google, YouCrap, etc.)
    deciding for me what information I should see better than elected government operated
    MSM? As if corporations are somehow totally unrelated to dictatorships. A corporation
    is a dictatorship where the board of directors is the junta.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  Kiko Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:45 pm

    JohninMK wrote:An analysis of what now?

    Get ready for some fireworks.

    The state of Texas (along with Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and South Dakota) is suing the states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in the Supreme Court.

    Texas is arguing that those four states violated the constitution when they passed new election laws to allow mail-in voting and other changes to their election process.

    The Constitution of the United States is explicit that only state legislators NOT state governors, attorney generals, or secretary of states can change how elections are processed.

    The media is keeping pretty quiet about this, or attempting to frame it as nothing, but it is a HUGE deal. The Supreme Court has already docketed the case meaning that the SCOTUS will hear it.

    If the SCOTUS rules that of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin did in fact violate the constitution (they did), then either:

    1)    Those votes that were allowed under the new laws are thrown out.


    2)    The elections in those states become null and void.

    If the outcome is #1, then President Trump wins all four states in a landslide.

    Remember, the mail-in ballots were pro-Biden by a massive margin (90%+). If those votes no longer count, Biden loses tens of thousands of votes in all four key states (his margin of victory is only 1% or lower in all four of them).

    If the outcome is #2, then 62 electoral college votes vanish from the vote count.

    This means NO ONE hits the required 270 electoral college votes to win the election outright and the election moves into Congress as per the 12th Amendment.

    There, the House of Representatives votes for the President on a one vote per state basis. The GOP has 26 states, the Democrats have 24 states.

    This again, means Trump wins the election.

    You can be furious at this all you want, but it’s the law. The fact the media doesn’t bother explaining this only reveals that they’re ignorant of how elections work in the U.S. or are so biased they can’t be bothered to consider an outcome in which Biden doesn’t win.
    And all the up-till-now Biden appointees will be driven out as netted fish.

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  AlfaT8 Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:52 pm

    Ok, apparently the PA lawsuit from Mike Kelly is still on, reports of it's untimely demise were greatly exaggerated (aka:total Fake news).
    The suit is pending.

    And Supreme Court accepts Texas suit, obviously.
    Plus national security concerns about Biden and his numerous links to China.


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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  Kiko Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:53 pm

    ‘This is the big one’: Trump vows to ‘INTERVENE’ in Texas lawsuit aimed at overturning battleground results:

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    Post  Kiko Wed Dec 09, 2020 8:56 pm

    The Last Line of Defence, by Kirill Benediktov:

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  kvs Wed Dec 09, 2020 9:18 pm

    Is Michigan Rep. Cynthia Johnson trying to stoke civil war?

    In a three-minute video posted to her Facebook page, the Democrat from Detroit said "This is just a warning to you Trumpers... be careful. Tread lightly. We ain't playin' with you..."

    One of the PC chickens coming home to roost. Somalia must be her model for a properly run country.


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    Post  kvs Wed Dec 09, 2020 9:26 pm

    CA Jonson last night threatened to have Trump voters killed.

    Recently during a voter fraud hearing, she asked witnesses to dox themselves.

    Racist hater posing as a victim of whitey. BLM and its supporters are total frauds.


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    Post  Kiko Wed Dec 09, 2020 10:01 pm

    Seventeen US states, where GOP is in power, have sent a document to the SCOTUS, which upheld Texas' claim to review the presidential election, the text is posted on the court's website.
    Texas was supported by the states of Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North & South Dakota, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Oklahoma and West Virginia:

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  LMFS Wed Dec 09, 2020 10:44 pm

    Youtube as a prime example of corporate faceless, unaccountable dystopian dictatorship:

    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 EozkIi_XYAIHFz8?format=jpg&name=large

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    2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war? - Page 12 Empty Re: 2020 US elections. What's the status of pindostan and their 2nd civil war?

    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed Dec 09, 2020 11:27 pm

    AlfaT8 wrote:Ok, apparently the PA lawsuit from Mike Kelly is still on, reports of it's untimely demise were greatly exaggerated (aka:total Fake news).
    The suit is pending.

    And Supreme Court accepts Texas suit, obviously.
    Plus national security concerns about Biden and his numerous links to China.

    I don't know why so many goobers and useful idiots actually think Bidet is a Chinese ally, when all the think tanks that back him advocate "confronting China". One of those think tanks, "The American Security Project (ASP)" has 3 main objectives:

    -A huge rebuilding of the United States’ military bases,

    -Countering China in the Pacific,

    -Preparing for a war with Russia in the newly-melted Arctic.

    The 'Chinese ally' dying goat bleat has as much credibility as the Trump admin being a 'Russian ally', which amounts to mountain sized pile of bullshit. clown  Instead of just parroting the same bullshit over and over again, people should investigate claims before they start regurgitating them.

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