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    Western propaganda


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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sat Aug 22, 2020 3:36 am

    Werewolf wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Regular wrote:Plenty of Russian youtube channels are getting banned. There was interesting one called Tsargrad tv. I usually watched it for a laugh. They had a give away where they bought plane tickets and helped people who are homosexuals and hate Russia to emigrate abroad. Very Happy And gays did actually call them up and were sent away. If you don't like it here, we will help you leave.
    Then YouTube banned them with no warning.

    Youtube has banned more American youtube channels then Russian ones.

    That kind of activity is against their TOS and will get you auto-banned.

    Yes, red pill channels that call them out on their bullshit like many channels who call out this degenerate mentality to glorify fat people, push LGBTQ agenda, people who challanged the MSM and called out their bullshit.

    ANNA news which was the only news channel reporting directly from fronts of Syrian battles was banned several times because it was not the narrative of the tyrant dictator killing his own people, but the opposite.

    It's fine to be unhappy if youtube bans channels for being anti-LGBTQ, but youtube bans any channels who violate their TOS. They do not target Russians only is my point, they ban anyone who does this.

    ANNA news was also banned for the type of footage is uploaded, youtube has been cracking down on how graphic they will allow things to show.

    Channels that report Syrian news from the pro-assad side, have never been touched long as they do not show overly graphic imagery.

    A fox news contributor even posted a video calling the gas attack BS and he was fine and the video is still there.

    So I am sorry but you are wrong, if you show overly graphic images, youtube will ban you.

    Not that I doubt at times youtube has hit something due to narrative but its not nearly as widespread as you make it out to be, not to mention the Russians do the something over in their neck of the woods.

    As I say if both sides are doing it, you can't complain its fair game.

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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Waco

    Post  calripson Sat Aug 22, 2020 6:20 am

    kvs wrote:

    PolitRussia has been banned by Youtube without any strikes and without an explanation.   This is a sample of NATzO "freedom".
    People are so stupid.  They think that those that bleat about "human rights" and "freedom of expression" are genuinely interested
    in them.  It is primitive ploy to cover up their real ambitions, which are: power and economic control of the planet.   The US
    has been involved in the following:

    1) Build up of Nazi Germany's war potential by direct construction of factories used for war production.   Supply of oil to the
    Nazis before 1939 and after throughout the war.    Supply of financial services to the Nazis where Prescott Bush was one of
    the US bankers to the Nazis.   Hiding behind the fact that it was private US corporations such as Ford and IBM doing the
    economic support of the Nazis is pure BS.   As we saw with the Nord Stream construction, the US is really quick to pressure
    private corporations as part of its global control ambitions.

    2) Organizing the installation via coup and subsequent support for death squad juntas throughout Latin America and in other
    parts of the world, such as in Africa and Oceania (e.g. Indonesia).   Then we have the 1953 coup against the democratic
    government of Iran for daring to "nationalize" its own oil.   Meanwhile the Saudis who did the same thing in the 1970s did
    not even get sanctions.  

    3) Ongoing oppression inside the USA of so called "secessionists" and "militias" that are not breaking any laws.   The Branch
    Davidians in Waco were demonized as a pedophile operation after the fact.   The ATF had no excuse to attack them since
    US law and constitution allowed all the "illegal" weapons they possessed.   They were singled out to send a signal to all
    other Americans who think that they can resist the government (a de facto one party regime in the USA).

    4) Excessive incarceration with the US having the highest per capita prisoner population.   If ever there was a metric
    for oppression this is it.   If "totalitarian hell holes" like China have less per capita, then the US has no excuse.  Treatment
    of prisoners in the USA is bad.   The US fake stream media loves to bleat how Russian prisoners doing work in prison is
    "slavery" but ignores the fact that the US uses prisoners routinely as work gangs to clean highways and in other ways.
    That is, US prisoners are not just sitting in jail.   They are made to work.

    Actually they were guilty of not registering and paying a $200 tax to the ATF for auto sears in their Ar-15 style rifles. (Converts the weapon to automatic fire which is legal in most states including Texas and legal under federal law with the aforementioned ATF approval and tax).

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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Werewolf Sat Aug 22, 2020 4:03 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    It's fine to be unhappy if youtube bans channels for being anti-LGBTQ, but youtube bans any channels who violate their TOS. They do not target Russians only is my point, they ban anyone who does this.

    Wrong. Youtube's flagging/report mechanism is used and abused to take down anyone regardless if any of the Youtube's rules are broken or not.
    That is not how it works. You can even claim copy right when someone only mentions your channel or your report and is constantly used and abused to shutup people. There is even a term for it "Cancel culture" and is very present on Youtube.

    Youtube is a propaganda tool not an independent plattform. They showed their true colors with the wave of bans against any red pill channels that do not spew the "free media" bullshit.

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    ANNA news was also banned for the type of footage is uploaded, youtube has been cracking down on how graphic they will allow things to show.

    That is not the reason at all. There are still terrorist execution videos to be found on Youtube since several years, hell you can even see Porn there since years.
    They are censoring nothing else.

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Channels that report Syrian news from the pro-assad side, have never been touched long as they do not show overly graphic imagery.

    There were only 2 or 3 ever that were reporting from inside Syria and those were blocked or so insignificant that they had no viewers.

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    A fox news contributor even posted a video calling the gas attack BS and he was fine and the video is still there.

    Because FOX news is part of the propaganda machinery.
    RT was several times either banned or struck with our german Censorship tool "GEMA" which is a label protection agency to protect music owners from playing music without paying a fee, but they were caught those motherfucking zionist ass lickers. Several times videos of RT were censored this way. They even tried several times to ban entire news network in germany, UK and the US.
    It is what it is CENSORSHIP.

    The very fact that today Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and all the other CIA/NSA/Mossad assets are spewing propaganda by flagging RT as "State propaganda" but not anything of their own is Censorship the soft way. This is the same soft censorship as pushing the narrative that anyone who is not believing the US lies being a conspiracy theorist. To discredit anyone they constantly throw in anyone who challanges their Propaganda in one busket with Flat earthers, 5G Corona Towers, Lizard people and what not.

    Conspiracy theorist is a weapon of censorship same as the old and beloved "Nazi" and "Anti-semite" used by jews who don't want people to call them out on their bullshit.

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    So I am sorry but you are wrong, if you show overly graphic images, youtube will ban you.

    You're delussional. Youtube has even a specific FLAG for graphical images so you get a warning before you see any of such videos. So nobody gets banned for this.

    Millions of videos proof you wrong.

    Link to Graphic execution unbanned:

    Firing squad execution 1,1 Mln views (2019)

    Mexican cartel execution 26K views (2018)

    ISIS execution 121K views (2014)

    You can find more executions and graphic images in spanish/portugese language, arabic and russian.

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Not that I doubt at times youtube has hit something due to narrative but its not nearly as widespread as you make it out to be, not to mention the Russians do the something over in their neck of the woods.

    As I say if both sides are doing it, you can't complain its fair game.

    There is an open propaganda campaign against everything non MSM related.

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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sat Aug 22, 2020 4:56 pm

    The denial from SS is pathetic. NATzO based social media have a clear filter in place against views that do not conform to
    SJW PC dogma. ISIS/Daesh accounts on Twitter are not banned, but mild US conservative voices are silenced:

    Most recently, it was revealed that Twitter’s senior editorial executive for Europe, the Middle East and Africa is an active officer in the British Army’s 77th Brigade, a unit dedicated to online warfare and psychological operations.

    Just like "Human Rights Watch", staffed by US military and intelligence agents.

    SS and his knee-jerk defense of Uncle Scumbag's snake oil utopia has zero C-R-E-D-E-B-I-L-I-T-Y.

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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Werewolf Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:16 pm

    Operation Mockingbird.

    All "free media" are owned and directed by think tanks of the CIA, MI6, Mossadand other intelligence organisations.

    Social Media and big companies like Microsoft are even founders of things like PRISM.

    Everything is controlled and everything is propaganda, don't tell otherwise when there are clear evidence to back it up but non of the opposite.

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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sun Aug 23, 2020 6:22 am

    Youtube also deleted the channel of Stefan Molyneux. This pure censorship. Nothing he put out could be categorized as
    hate speech and violation of any guidelines. Having an informed opinion that does not conform to SJW dogma is not a
    reason to ban. But Youtube is run by an SJW cunt and is part of the identity politics fake left makeover of the west.


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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Wed Sep 02, 2020 6:30 pm

    Hilarious BS for NATzO sheeple to consume.

    1) Nobody in Russia would officially call a chemical agent "novichok".   It sounds exactly as stupid as calling VX "newbie" since that is the
    literal meaning of "novichok".  

    2) Attempts to claim that "novichok" is a state-only accessible chemical are total BS since the formula (*) was actually published in a book by some
    so-called defector who supposedly worked at the Soviet chemical warfare lab that developed "novichok".   So this NATzO asset spread around
    the formula around 1990.

    The Russian government should send Deutschland a clear signal: go and get fucked.  

    Since Nord Stream II is likely to be curtailed to 27.5 bcm/year capacity,  Gazprom needs to cancel this project and let the yanquis supply EU-tardia
    with overpriced LNG.   This is not Russia's problem.    

    The Russian media must link this retarded smear attempt with the termination of friendly relations with Germany and EU-tardia.   It is time to stop
    sugarcoating over EU-tard hate spew.   EU-tards must pay the price.

    (*) Unlike a vaccine, a chemical formula actually is something that can be used to make the chemical. Humans can't manufacture custom organic
    molecules on demand, but various industrial agents, including synthetic neurotoxins can be manufactured with inorganic chemical processes under
    industrial conditions.

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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  LMFS Wed Sep 02, 2020 7:48 pm

    What a bunch of clowns for gods sake... when one thought that they would not dare doing something so ridiculous and blatantly false, again, they better themselves. Even worse, these fucking idiots represent us Europeans in the world... not even going to comment on the details of such a pathetic stunt

    clown clown clown clown

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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:58 pm

    Yeah, been reading comments and majority are calling bullshit.

    - if Russian government poisoned him, why send him abroad willingly or treat him to save his life?
    - why use a make belief sarin that doesnt work.
    - why did all private viral labs not pick up anything but a military viral lab did?


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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Wed Sep 02, 2020 10:24 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:Yeah, been reading comments and majority are calling bullshit.

    - if Russian government poisoned him, why send him abroad willingly or treat him to save his life?
    - why use a make belief sarin that doesnt work.
    - why did all private viral labs not pick up anything but a military viral lab did?


    The NATzO fake stream media never gives the proper context and never brings up such facts.   It just spews shallow propaganda and lets the credulous western
    sheeple fill in the blanks themselves.    But I could care less about what western morons believe.   They have always been full of racist shit against Russia
    and by always, I mean always, as in going back over 1000 years ago.    The only thing that matters is that nobody with a functional brain will believe this
    intellectually insulting rubbish in Russia.    And liberast, pro-pedophile NATzO sycophants don't count.

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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  thegopnik Thu Sep 03, 2020 3:46 am

    Navalny is surely being treated as a martyr as a guy that is to bring change in Russia and Putin losing power. A guy that is trying to appease the west by returning Crimea and supporting same sex marriage. What this politician presents is the exact complete opposite of what Russia or any eastern European country would ever want which at this point makes me question if he is to just exist as a jester in Russia's politics. There are at least 3 politicians with more poll popularity than Navalny if Putin is truly terrified as media states than those 3 politicians would have been executed before Navalny.

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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:13 am

    thegopnik wrote:Navalny is surely being treated as a martyr as a guy that is to bring change in Russia and Putin losing power. A guy that is trying to appease the west by returning Crimea and supporting same sex marriage. What this politician presents is the exact complete opposite of what Russia or any eastern European country would ever want which at this point makes me question if he is to just exist as a jester in Russia's politics. There are at least 3 politicians with more poll popularity than Navalny if Putin is truly terrified as media states than those 3 politicians would have been executed before Navalny.

    The whole propaganda smear is retarded. A bullet to the back of the head or in the temple is all it takes. And that is using a gun instead of a million other lethal tools.

    The notion that Russia would "botch" assassinations one after another is designed to appeal to the imbecilic mentality of the average NATzO mass media consumer.


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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:11 am

    Amazing... Putin can get Trump elected but he can't kill a third rate political activist in Russia.... just like Russia itself... either on the verge of total collapse, while about to invade everyone and take away our democracy and freedom....

    The only reason he is not a Bond villain is because he keeps winning..... Twisted Evil

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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Thu Sep 03, 2020 11:16 am

    While I doubt the Russians are incompetent enough to fuck up a killing, you could just catch him outside make it look like a robbery gone bad, etc. The problem there is also, no matter what happened to him or how the first ones to be blamed would be the Russians. Giving their history with him.


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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  The-thing-next-door Thu Sep 03, 2020 1:02 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:While I doubt the Russians are incompetent enough to fuck up a killing, you could just catch him outside make it look like a robbery gone bad, etc. The problem there is also, no matter what happened to him or how the first ones to be blamed would be the Russians. Giving their history with him.

    Well they could use a lightning strike, not that that would avoid retarded conspiracies, but rather that if published it would get your average westerner to shit his pants.

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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  nomadski Thu Sep 03, 2020 6:15 pm

    Funny this Navalny incident coincided with Belorus .  It seems everybody is getting poisoned by most lethal nerve agent. And getting headache and then ( political)  Asylum  in the west. New condition for refuge for malcontents in West  :  Must survive Novichok  attack !

    Russia to keep good relations and pipeline deal with Germans. Offer not affected by political theatre of  NAZTO. Recently a German also shouting :  " won't sell arms to Iran..! ". To please somebody in America. Get paid. Stay in good books with Yank. Pay no attention......

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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Sep 03, 2020 6:36 pm

    In the meantime Secretary Pompous has his boot on top of the necks of the ICC, so expect to see a 'show-trial' at the Hague in favor of Navalny.

    US places sanctions on International Criminal Court prosecutor. Pompeo said other ICC officials have already faced denial of visas to the United States over the investigations of war crimes of US military personnel.

    The Rules Based Order?

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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Thu Sep 03, 2020 6:46 pm

    BTW, if whatever the alleged Soviet nerve agent called by NATzO "novichok" was to have an informal name, it would have been "novinka".
    The Russian language and Russian speakers distinguish between humans and inanimate objects. One only uses the word novichok for
    humans (i.e. newbie). The diminutive term for a new object (e.g. chemical) is "novinka".

    It is obvious that the name "novichok" was concocted by NATzO. Since NATzO claims that is its Russian designation, NATzO merely confirms
    it is a pathetic smear job of its own devising.

    Also, real nerve agents produce serious nerve damage if they do not kill. Navalny had no symptoms of nerve damage.

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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Sep 03, 2020 6:58 pm

    What a clown show, how Novichok was treated in 2018 vs 2020. Embarassed lol1 clown
    Western propaganda - Page 8 Eg6_3oTWsAEpUNX?format=jpg&name=large

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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Fri Sep 04, 2020 6:13 am

    While I doubt the Russians are incompetent enough to fuck up a killing, you could just catch him outside make it look like a robbery gone bad, etc. The problem there is also, no matter what happened to him or how the first ones to be blamed would be the Russians. Giving their history with him.

    The western media are calling Navalny the leader of the opposition... the guy barely registers in elections.... that Jill Stern Green party member got more votes than Navalny in the 2016 US election... there were no calls from Reps or Dems to kill her... because there is no point... she never had a chance anyway.. Navalny has no chance either... the bloody communist party gets 100 times more votes than this loser gets, killing him would be like trying to win a running race by shooting the guy right at the back that is walking anyway... even though it will obviously get you caught and unable to continue the race because the police would be arresting you...

    More important he was in Russia... he went to a Russian hospital and then was allowed to be transferred to a German hospital... if they wanted him dead why would they do that?

    He is worth more to Putin alive and being an incompetent clown to show the west in its true light... conversely he is worth more to the west dead so they can scream martyr... snipers in Maiden proved everyone is expendable in this war.

    I hope the sanctions are enormous and irrational because Russia is better off without the EU and the US...

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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  thegopnik Sat Sep 05, 2020 5:01 am

    Besides Navalny we have another martyr

    Western propaganda - Page 8 Floyd10

    If the officers are being trialed for intentional homicide and they get acquitted mark my works they will go ape-shit with riots.


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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sat Sep 05, 2020 5:15 am

    GarryB wrote:
    While I doubt the Russians are incompetent enough to fuck up a killing, you could just catch him outside make it look like a robbery gone bad, etc. The problem there is also, no matter what happened to him or how the first ones to be blamed would be the Russians. Giving their history with him.

    The western media are calling Navalny the leader of the opposition... the guy barely registers in elections.... that Jill Stern Green party member got more votes than Navalny in the 2016 US election... there were no calls from Reps or Dems to kill her... because there is no point... she never had a chance anyway.. Navalny has no chance either... the bloody communist party gets 100 times more votes than this loser gets, killing him would be like trying to win a running race by shooting the guy right at the back that is walking anyway... even though it will obviously get you caught and unable to continue the race because the police would be arresting you...

    More important he was in Russia... he went to a Russian hospital and then was allowed to be transferred to a German hospital... if they wanted him dead why would they do that?

    He is worth more to Putin alive and being an incompetent clown to show the west in its true light... conversely he is worth more to the west dead so they can scream martyr... snipers in Maiden proved everyone is expendable in this war.

    I hope the sanctions are enormous and irrational because Russia is better off without the EU and the US...

    It's all plausibility pap for morons.   Propaganda works by letting idiots think they are smart by feeding them retarded crap that their inadequate brains can process and "theorize" with.
    Propaganda panders to the vanity of the ignorant.   The ignorant are not meek and think they are smart most of the time.  

    Start with the claim that "novichoke" is only something that the Russian government could obtain and proceed from there.   If some Japanese cult can make Sarin, then there is enough tech out there
    attainable by non-state actors.    I recall various morons running around in the wake of the Litvinenko farce yammering about Plutonium.   These idiots didn't even know it was Polonium and
    what Polonium was.    One could buy Polonium as a private citizen since it was extensively used as an anti-static agent for car painting and photographic development.    The dose allegedly
    given to Litvinenko was not in the kilogram range but microgram range, easily scavenged from commercial sources.  

    So these "signature" weapons "used by Putin" are a pathetic attempt to bypass motive and to brand instant guilt.   Because Putin wants to make it easy for his enemies to smear himself and
    Russia.    The mind boggles at the stupidity of the average NATzO fake stream media consumer sheep.    Projection of hate fantasies is the only thing happening here.   There is no information
    about what really happened and cui bono from these absurd "assassination" attempts.

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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sat Sep 05, 2020 5:21 am

    Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.

    Voltaire was right on target. You saw this sort of BS at the Salem witch trials when some hysterical cunts claimed they were being spectrally attacked by accused inside
    the court room. Nobody saw any spectres but this was "evidence".

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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  AlfaT8 Sun Sep 06, 2020 5:31 am


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    Western propaganda - Page 8 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sun Sep 06, 2020 5:49 am


    Read the parade of retarded comments below the video. Russian dictator, Russian aggression, freedom for Koenigsberg, ad nauseam.

    As is always the case, westerners are brainwashed cannon fodder who engage in naked aggression against Russia. Just so it is clear to all
    the Poolaks who trash talk against Russia: half your fucking country was given to you at the expense of Germany at the end of WWII. If
    you feel cocky that only Russian lands will be redivided for your benefit, you have an epic lesson coming your way.

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