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    Western propaganda


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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Wed May 26, 2021 5:36 am

    It is a long term historical revision plan. In the future we will have morons seeing samples of this coin and concluding that
    it must have been a victory, otherwise why would such a coin be issued. This sort of plausibility pap is the base of propaganda.
    Propaganda throws out some claims and lets the saps who swallow it fill in the details. Too much detail is actually risky for spreading
    lies since there is more chance of direct contradiction.

    For example, the tin foil hat drivel from the western MSM about novichoke and Polonium poisoning of so-called Putin critics. There
    is no real analysis in any of the hit pieces. This rubbish then builds up over time and various lemmings see it is pure fact. Lying by
    omission is very potent in propaganda. We have the routine military activity of NATzO near Russia's borders ignored, but lots of hype
    about some Tu-95 being "intercepted" in the nebulous air identification zones that have no legal weight but sound like they do. So
    every koolaid drinker runs around hating on Russia for "harassing" precious NATzO countries.

    We had the awarding of medals to the criminals that shot down Iran flight 655 from Iranian territorial waters. The US tries to create
    reality in the way that Karl Rove described. Imperial hubris on steroids.

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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Wed May 26, 2021 12:25 pm

    At the moment English is the world's most recognizable language, by setting up a Russian YouTube alternative in English, Russia will be able to reach a higher number of audience, the alternative would be to make individual contents in many different languages which would be time consuming and inefficient

    First of all making it in Chinese or Indian would make more commercial sense because improved communication with both countries would be more valuable to Russians than better communications with the west... ie countries spending money trying to destroy the Russian economy and steal its resources.

    But obviously you could very easily and cheaply set up a troll farm.... get 2,000 western people or even people in third countries to each sign up to 1,000 gmail email accounts and then get them to log on to this new website and complain that they own the copyright of the video being posted... videos would of course need to be taken down while it is determined who is the actual creator etc etc, meanwhile they will be complaining about other videos with other email IDs.

    From a users point of view with most videos not working because they are being disputed, they will go elsewhere.

    In some third world countries a us dollar an hour would do the trick... forty hours a week and 2,000 people... that is $80K a week.... that is chump change compared with most CIA programmes.

    Russia should invest money in things that are useful to Russia.

    Things that make life and living in Russia better and easier.

    Just forget the west... ignore them... trying to suck up to them only makes them feel special, trying to fight them at their own game just makes you no better than them so in the rest of the world market why deal with Russia when they are just the same as the west?

    The point is that they are not the same as the west... not angels... but not devils like the west are.

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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Fri May 28, 2021 12:25 am

    The west loves to smear Russia and others that refuse to bend the knee as corrupt tyrannies.   The above case begs the question:
    if a cop can be fired for not having the right opinions, then only cops that have the right opinion are hired.   This means that they
    are political tools and not real law enforcers.  

    I don't recall there being any referendum on critical race theory and the PC agenda in the USA.   That Americans still voted for Biden
    is like a conditioned reflex since that is how people vote in America, it is not an endorsement of the regressive "left" makeover.  
    So we have a non-representative ideology dictating even the selection of cops.   This is dictatorship and anyone who thinks it is
    not is in serious denial or an apologist.

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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  andalusia Tue Jun 01, 2021 10:05 am

    Yesterday was Memorial Day here in the US and their was nonstop talk about American troops fighting for our freedom.  I saw this movie Hunter Killer and would like people's thoughts about it.  It is about an American submarine crew trying to rescue the Russian President who was removed in a coup by the Russian military.

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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Jun 01, 2021 8:51 pm

    andalusia wrote:Yesterday was Memorial Day here in the US and their was nonstop talk about American troops fighting for our freedom.  I saw this movie Hunter Killer and would like people's thoughts about it.  It is about an American submarine crew trying to rescue the Russian President who was removed in a coup by the Russian military.

    My man Jeremy points out a colossal plot hole in this movie in his review:

    This gentleman also touches upon that movie here (among many others, good watch):


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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Tue Jun 01, 2021 9:05 pm

    Hollywood is not about plots. It is about dazzle. You get two hours of CGI and car chases, but in terms of story it may as well
    be written by a 3 year old autistic. Frankly, it is a form of brainwashing. If you are fed a steady diet of illogical drivel that not only
    has plot holes but does not conform to physical and social reality (*), then your brain thinks that this is a plausible mode of operation.
    That is what propaganda is predicated on and Goebbels knew this.

    (*) How many movies do we have the protagonist leave a trail of dead bodies like it is nothing when in reality he would be chased
    down by the system for the first "revenge kill". Then we have the one-man army drivel where the hero can kill hundreds of "baddies"
    as if he is bullet proof. I am so tired of watching the baddies wait in queue to attack the protagonist. That is especially bad in all
    those cheesy Kung Fu movies from the 1970s but is par for the course to this day.

    And the dumbing down via mass media including mass entertainment does not mean that people go out and start shooting. Like all those
    idiots who think video games are responsible for crime. It is not that simple. What happens is that the consumers of this crap do not
    have fully developed critical thinking skills and are easier to manipulate by the elites. The ambient environment shapes human intellectual
    development. We are not born with a fully developed brain. If your school fails you and all you see is garbage, then that is what you
    are likely to become. There are outliers who blaze their own trail, but they are hardly the mass of the public.

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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  elconquistador Wed Jun 02, 2021 12:01 am

    Hollywood is a vessel for subversion, cultural degeneration and predictive programming. Its meant to introduce and normalise new ideas and concepts, and demonize old ones

    One of the best analysts of this phenomenon is Blackpilled (Devon Stack)

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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Backman Wed Jun 02, 2021 6:37 am

    Charles Lister is the biggest middle east propagandist on the beat. Its his job to whitewash an Al Quada offshoot. This is some sinister shit. I remember watching Frontline documentaries as a propaganda victim when i was younger.

    Here is the tweet thread

    .@frontline's documentary on #HTS leader Abu Mohammed al-Jolani begins at 10pm EST tonight -- it's already caused shockwaves in the jihadist world.

    I've been studying #HTS (& its predecessors) & Jolani's leadership for 10yrs -- the story has profound analytical implications.

    Few could have imagined in 2012-13 that Jolani's Jabhat al-Nusra would years later have a new name & be speaking in quasi nationalist tones; running a semi-technocratic "govt"; proactively engaging w. international NGOs & media; & seeking to establish dialogue w. Western govts. scratch scratch

    A few other highlights

    When #Turkey sent troops into #Idlib, they did so with an #HTS escort, after extensive mediated consultation with #HTS leadership.

    That TSK entry into NW #Syria has come to define much of what's happened since -- and it's constrained/shaped #HTS too.

    What #HTS represents today is hard to define -- it's a hodgepodge of several strands of jihadist, revolutionary & Islamist effort.

    But what's clear is its changed & that change has arguably revealed a "3rd way" for jihadists worldwide; one that appears intelligent & viable. lol1 wtf


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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  andalusia Wed Jun 02, 2021 9:36 am

    I have heard a lot about the Korean War about who started it.  Here in the US, they usually blame North Korea but I found this article as a good explanation.

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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Wed Jun 02, 2021 2:32 pm

    Here is a quote from the original source of the article by Justin Raimondo who has unfortunately passed away.

    We were fighting on behalf of Syngman Rhee, the US-educated-and-sponsored dictator of South Korea, whose vibrancy was demonstrated by the large-scale slaughter of his leftist political opponents. For 22 years, Rhee’s word was law, and many thousands of his political opponents were murdered: tens of thousands were jailed or driven into exile. Whatever measure of liberality has reigned on the Korean peninsula was in spite of Washington’s efforts and ongoing military presence. When the country finally rebelled against Rhee, and threw him out in the so-called April Revolution of 1960, he was ferried to safety in a CIA helicopter as crowds converged on the presidential palace.

    The mythology that has coagulated around the Korean war is epitomized by Obama’s recent peroration, a compendium of uplifting phrases largely bereft of any real history. When history intrudes, it is seen only in very soft focus. The phrase "Korea reminds us" recurs throughout, like the refrain of a pop song, but nowhere does this anonymous presidential speechwriter remind us of the origins of this war. How did it come about?

    The standard neocon-cold war liberal line is that the North Koreans, in league with Moscow and Beijing, launched a war of aggression on June 25, 1950, when North Korean troops poured across the disputed What this truncated history leaves out is that, in doing so, they preempted Rhee’s own plans to launch an invasion northward.

    The reality of the US-led west and its self-perception are diametric opposites.

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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Thu Jun 03, 2021 5:38 pm

    Western "freedom of information" and "freedom of expression". The western MSM is politically aligned garbage.

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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Here Comes the Money Shot!

    Post  calripson Fri Jun 04, 2021 11:08 pm

    For all those scratching their collective heads about the US media's sudden infatuation with UFOs and the U.S. militaries sudden willingness to release video evidence of said aircraft, the question has always been what is the end game? Is there a reason why little green men are visiting U.S. military installations on a "daily" basis? How come they are not hovering over Russian or Chinese ships? Do they love American baseball and barbeque? What gives? We also have the rather inconvenient truth that the U.S. government classifies everything down to the color of toilet paper in the Pentagon - if UFOs were actual alien spacecraft from a far away planet you can bet your life the American public would be the last to know. Well, the NYT is "leaking" that the UFO report will indicate that those nasty spacecraft violating "sensitive off limit" airspace are not from Mars and are not a secret US military project. Anyone want to guess where they are allegedly from??? Well here's a hint from the NYT article:

    Intelligence officials believe at least some of the aerial phenomena could have been experimental technology from a rival power, most likely Russia or China.

    One senior official briefed on the intelligence said without hesitation that U.S. officials knew it was not American technology. He said there was worry among intelligence and military officials that China or Russia could be experimenting with hypersonic technology.

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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sat Jun 05, 2021 12:40 am

    As I posted before this UFO BS is a redux of the 1950s UFO hysteria. Same clowns, with the same objectives.

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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:16 am

    I hope it creates a lot of new movies... I really enjoyed that early UFO genre of crappy movies about alien invasions... not so much independence day, but the others were good.

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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sat Jun 05, 2021 4:28 pm

    GarryB wrote:I hope it creates a lot of new movies... I really enjoyed that early UFO genre of crappy movies about alien invasions... not so much independence day, but the others were good.

    That was a unique time. Modern Hollywood can't make B movies or any movie without SJW propaganda being the primary purpose. This kills creativity.
    There were some weird 1950s sci-fi movies which indicates freedom in plot choice. There is no longer any freedom in plot choice.


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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sun Jun 06, 2021 1:13 am

    Western search engines are filtering searchable content by hand. The above excuse proves it. While western propagandists
    bleat about the Great Internet Wall of China, they are establishing an Orwellian censorship environment without any fanfare.


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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jun 06, 2021 3:27 am

    GarryB wrote:I hope it creates a lot of new movies... I really enjoyed that early UFO genre of crappy movies about alien invasions... not so much independence day, but the others were good.

    Independence Day is awesome

    Fresh Prince dogfighting the UFOs, it's perfection

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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Sun Jun 06, 2021 11:40 am

    Yeah but it was very unrealistic... did he take a USB micro or USB mini cable with him to upload the virus?

    Without knowing anything about an alien species how the hell do you write a virus that will run on the computers on their space craft?

    How could we even comprehend what sort of computers they would have?

    Maybe instead of words they use colours or smells... silly.

    Agree Fresh Prince is cool though.

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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jun 06, 2021 4:02 pm

    The virus part was explained in deleted scene: all human computers are derived from the wreckage in Area 51 so programing languages are compatible and since aliens are hive mind they don't have the concept of cybercrime so no anti virus software for them

    I have no idea why they didn't leave that in the movie, it was important bit

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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Mon Jun 07, 2021 7:59 am

    Still a shit movie... even if the aliens used binary, which is just maths, translating it into human communication languages to get it to work with their systems would be impossible.

    Our computers are really not that amazing to be the sort of thing propelling huge starships through the universe... would not be like giving a caveman a cigarette lighter... he could probably use it but has no chance of making a copy. It would be more like being handed and optical computer or organic computer from 2,000 years in the future... we would have no idea how it is made or how it works let alone copy bits of it or work out their language and culture and be able to communicate with them.

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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Mon Jun 07, 2021 6:21 pm

    GarryB wrote:Still a shit movie... even if the aliens used binary, which is just maths, translating it into human communication languages to get it to work with their systems would be impossible.

    Our computers are really not that amazing to be the sort of thing propelling huge starships through the universe... would not be like giving a caveman a cigarette lighter... he could probably use it but has no chance of making a copy. It would be more like being handed and optical computer or organic computer from 2,000 years in the future... we would have no idea how it is made or how it works let alone copy bits of it or work out their language and culture and be able to communicate with them.

    The premise of a computer virus taking down the alien mothership in this Hollywood rubbish was retarded. Advanced aliens would be more than likely using quantum
    computers. Interestingly, ternary type computers are somewhat similar since there is a third state in addition to "true" and "false". So non-Boolean logic would be
    the most likely computing framework. Hollywood junk always presents massive technical problems as being solvable with some gumption and a bit of time. It
    never, ever presents the reality that some problems could be unsolvable for decades, centuries or longer with the effort of thousands of researchers working full time
    around the world. Always, some American or western genius can stick a finger in his nose and pull out a solution goober.

    At least the "War of the Worlds" by HG Wells had the aliens being neutralized by Earth bacteria. That is vastly more plausible than some computer virus written
    in total absence of the knowledge of alien computer systems delivered on a magical interface medium. I think the Hollywood script writers tried to be smart and
    replace the biological pathogens in the story by Wells with fancy high tech computer pathogens. But that was inane.

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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Mon Jun 07, 2021 9:25 pm

    Turkey is the only sane member of NATzO. Miracles do happen.

    Note the insane accusations against Russia:

    1) Hacking of the US. No proof offered whatsoever just guilt by accusation.

    2) The ludicrous "GRU bombing" of an illegal and decrepit arms depot in the Czech-tardia. The one
    "perpetrated" by the two novichoke agents.

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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Tue Jun 08, 2021 12:18 am

    Anyone else noticed a "broken" loading of Russian speaking videos on Youtube? A video takes forever to load and requires a refresh
    to sort of load but then the play button does not work.

    Looks like Google, aka Alphabet, is engaging in dirty tit for tat with the Russian authorities that promised to slow down Alphabet internet
    traffic if they did not follow Russian law. I say ban their asses outright and force the Russian speaking channels to migrate to the new
    Rutube. It is a catch 22 since there will always be some pretext to stay on Youcrap. Make them bite the bullet. I and others will
    start using Rutube to view the content, which will help it grow.


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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Jun 08, 2021 12:36 am

    kvs wrote:Anyone else noticed a "broken" loading of Russian speaking videos on Youtube?    A video takes forever to load and requires a refresh
    to sort of load but then the play button does not work...

    New YouTube design is trash

    It used to load videos first and everything else in the background but now it's ads first, then general page content and then maybe video in the end

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    Western propaganda - Page 32 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:31 pm

    NATzO bleats about freedom and human rights. In the real world it is quickly devolving into an Orwellian toilet.

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