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    Western propaganda


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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  lyle6 Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:21 am

    PapaDragon wrote:

    New YouTube design is trash

    It used to load videos first and everything else in the background but now it's ads first, then general page content and then maybe video in the end
    I use brave for android when watching youtube on the go. No ads, plus there's a setting that allows you to play videos on the background which would've been a feature in the paid youtube app.

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  higurashihougi Sat Jun 12, 2021 4:35 pm

    US state-run outfits RFE/RL and Voice of America are refusing to comply with Russian legislation on the work of foreign agents within the country, the government’s media regulator Roskomnadzor revealed on Friday morning.
    In a statement published on the agency’s website, Roskomnadzor said Russian law describes restrictions and regulations “in detail” in order to prevent “ambiguous interpretations,” and there could be serious penalties for non-compliance.

    “American media outlets Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty [RFE/RL], which are listed as foreign agents, are defiantly refusing to comply with the law in full,” the regulator said. “In particular, Voice of America is yet to establish a Russian legal entity, and Radio Liberty is systematically failing to comply with the requirement to mark the materials it posts.”

    According to Roskomnadzor, the Russian laws are “much more tolerant than similar regulation in many foreign countries.” In particular, the regulator referenced the US Foreign Agents Registration Act, which requires foreign agents to submit regular financial reports and give a detailed description of contacts with government officials.

    The regulator also noted that Russian media outlets deemed foreign agents by the US – in particular, Russia Today and news agency Sputnik – have completely fulfilled their requirements under American law, unlike US state media in Russia.

    Moscow’s media watchdog has warned that some of the world’s largest tech companies are continuing to host shocking illegal content online, despite thousands of requests from officials in the country to take down prohibited posts.

    Roskomnadzor, the state internet regulator, issued an audit of illegal activity on Friday. Among the posts it takes issue with is material that features “child pornography, suicidal and pro-narcotic content, the involvement of minors in illegal activities and illegal mass events,” as well as “materials from extremist and terrorist organizations.”

    California-based Twitter has seen its service speed slowed down for not complying with the demands to remove posts, with officials warning it could face a total ban in the country. Since then, the number of prohibited materials flagged on the platform has reportedly dropped from more than 6,000, although 490 pieces of illegal content remain on the site, the regulator says.

    Facebook, and its subsidiary photo-sharing site Instagram, are said to have ignored more than 3,700 takedown requests since 2015, while Silicon Valley giant Google, which owns YouTube, is still being urged to remove 5,200 items.

    The officials also expressed concern that a number of Russian outlets, including RT, have faced censorship across the platforms, with content as diverse as Yuri Gagarin’s flight into space and material featuring the Russian national anthem being restricted.

    Twitter has previously said it was “deeply concerned” by Roskomnadzor’s policies, which it said were characterized by “increased attempts to block and throttle online public conversation.” However, the company has reportedly since met with officials and is working to bring its services in line with Russian rules.

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  PhSt Sun Jun 13, 2021 5:47 am

    Here's another PATHETIC PROPAGANDA HIT PIECE from NATzO mouthpiece Dumb Welle News  Rolling Eyes

    Its so obvious that this video is meant to tarnish Russia's image and portray it as a kind of third world sh*thole, the comments in the video makes this clear. I demand that RT makes a similar "documentary" about dirty water sources in NATzO countries especially in the US and its chihuahua Germany  attack

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:08 am

    In Germany (Munich to be precise) they told me specifically that tap water is most definitely not for human consumption and that I should only drink bottled water

    Tap water there definitely smelled like something you should not be drinking, ever

    For a person coming from a country where tap water is fully clean and fit for human consumption at all times this was a massive pain in the ass (and a fuckin rip-off)

    Deutsche Welle has no legs to stand on here

    (And don't even get me started on 2€ just to use the compressor to pump the fuckin tires on a gas station, I could go on about that shit for days)


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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  lyle6 Sun Jun 13, 2021 7:02 am

    I've always been iffy of drinkable tap water. Sure it might be pristine as all hell when they pump it after treatment but still, you got to consider that water went through dozens of kms of pipes to get to you and it only takes one damaged pipe to let all the tasty contaminants in pale.

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Jun 13, 2021 8:19 am

    higurashihougi wrote:

    US state-run outfits RFE/RL and Voice of America are refusing to comply with Russian legislation on the work of foreign agents within the country, the government’s media regulator Roskomnadzor revealed on Friday morning.
    In a statement published on the agency’s website, Roskomnadzor said Russian law describes restrictions and regulations “in detail” in order to prevent “ambiguous interpretations,” and there could be serious penalties for non-compliance.

    “American media outlets Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty [RFE/RL], which are listed as foreign agents, are defiantly refusing to comply with the law in full,” the regulator said. “In particular, Voice of America is yet to establish a Russian legal entity, and Radio Liberty is systematically failing to comply with the requirement to mark the materials it posts.”

    According to Roskomnadzor, the Russian laws are “much more tolerant than similar regulation in many foreign countries.” In particular, the regulator referenced the US Foreign Agents Registration Act, which requires foreign agents to submit regular financial reports and give a detailed description of contacts with government officials.

    The regulator also noted that Russian media outlets deemed foreign agents by the US – in particular, Russia Today and news agency Sputnik – have completely fulfilled their requirements under American law, unlike US state media in Russia.

    Moscow’s media watchdog has warned that some of the world’s largest tech companies are continuing to host shocking illegal content online, despite thousands of requests from officials in the country to take down prohibited posts.

    Roskomnadzor, the state internet regulator, issued an audit of illegal activity on Friday. Among the posts it takes issue with is material that features “child pornography, suicidal and pro-narcotic content, the involvement of minors in illegal activities and illegal mass events,” as well as “materials from extremist and terrorist organizations.”

    California-based Twitter has seen its service speed slowed down for not complying with the demands to remove posts, with officials warning it could face a total ban in the country. Since then, the number of prohibited materials flagged on the platform has reportedly dropped from more than 6,000, although 490 pieces of illegal content remain on the site, the regulator says.

    Facebook, and its subsidiary photo-sharing site Instagram, are said to have ignored more than 3,700 takedown requests since 2015, while Silicon Valley giant Google, which owns YouTube, is still being urged to remove 5,200 items.

    The officials also expressed concern that a number of Russian outlets, including RT, have faced censorship across the platforms, with content as diverse as Yuri Gagarin’s flight into space and material featuring the Russian national anthem being restricted.

    Twitter has previously said it was “deeply concerned” by Roskomnadzor’s policies, which it said were characterized by “increased attempts to block and throttle online public conversation.” However, the company has reportedly since met with officials and is working to bring its services in line with Russian rules.

    Hopefully Russia starts to clamp down on these media groups. REFL was banned in Azerbaijan for instance. Russia should make it clear if they continue, they will be banned.

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  flamming_python Sun Jun 13, 2021 2:19 pm

    I read this social commentary by a Russian emigre who recently has started returning to Russia, and I found it very telling, in terms of the total US cultural & propaganda victory among the Russian liberal and petit borgouise class

    Evgenia Kovda: “My thoughts on Russian culture”

    Putin might be flexing Russia’s muscles in Syria and Russia in general is acting more like a powerful state in its foreign policy. But internally, culture wise, nothing has changed from the 1990s.

    I’ve started to work again on the script for a film I plan to make: “Наследство” — or, Inheritance. Yasha and I wrote the first draft a few years ago and I’m reworking it a bit. It’s a Soviet zombie horror film that tries to make sense of the surreal environment in Russia today and its Soviet past. It’s a genre film, yet it’s a personal story that’s in part based on my ambivalent relationship with Moscow and my somewhat traumatic time there as a teenager. I don’t give away too much away, but the film is fantastical reflection of what it feels like for me to be in Russia. As Adam Curtis would put it, it’s an “emotional history.”

    I’ve been getting into the right state of mind for the film, so I wanted to write a bit about the Russia I know.

    Watching and reading the news here in America, many people get the sense that Russia is still very much the USSR, a formidable communist enemy state that’s out to destroy American democracy. The media constantly uses hammers and sickles, red banners, and Soviet imagery to describe Russia, as if America, the leader of the Free World, was still locked in combat with the Evil Forces of Collectivism.

    When I was teaching at Hunter College in New York a few years ago, one of the brighter students in my film class asked me once if Russia was still communist. I was surprised and couldn’t help but laugh. But then I remembered that even Soviet immigrants here in the U.S. refer to Russia as the Soviet Union and imagine it to be no different from the place they ran away from. If former Soviets think Russia is still the evil USSR, what can I expect from Americans at large?

    I even noticed that some people on the anti-imperialist left also think that Russia has a bit of its old Soviet spirit left in it. They think that Putin is out there on the world stage opposing American neoliberalism.

    When I tell my friends back in Moscow that a lot of people here in America think Russia is still the Soviet Union, they can’t believe it’s true. They think I’m exaggerating. They like — and some of them even love — America, so they can’t really fathom it. This new American Red Scare — and the ongoing conflation of Russia with the Soviet Union — makes no sense to them.

    The idea that modern Russians are a bunch of nefarious, retrograde communists who hate the western liberal way of life is weird and can’t be further from the truth. Many Russians shudder at the mention of socialism and equate democracy with capitalism. Most Russians I know personally hate socialism and the Soviet Union as much as the American establishment does, maybe even more so.

    I was born in Moscow and lived there for first twenty one years of my life. I got most of my schooling there, including a BA in Iranian studies — which isn’t worth much here in US, unless I go work for the State Department.

    I haven’t been living in my motherland for a decade now. But I do take long trips back to Moscow every year or so — sometimes twice a year. And I keep in touch with my friends and follow most of the major political and cultural events there. Every time I went back, the city seemed very lively — and was getting better every year. There was a good feeling there. The buses and subways were being modernized and expanded. There were new parks and movies theaters, cafes and art museums, and even a brand new film school. People were becoming political, joining protests movements. Things were improving, people were positive about the future, enjoying the bounty of western consumerist society.

    My friends in Moscow were doing better and better, too. They were still in their 20s but some of them already had successful careers — some had switched career tracks on the fly. Things were flexible and fluid and easy for them. No one had any student debt — they got their college education almost for free. They became entrepreneurs, climbed corporate ladders, opened cafes and bars, bought apartments and dachas, travelled for six moths at a time. So while I was still very confused about what to do, had no real job, and had no straight path to follow as an immigrant in America, they were doing great. In fact they were doing much better than most Americans I knew their age.

    There was a particularly intoxicating feeling you got there from being in a place where young people run the cultural side of life. You can be an editor-in-chief of a major magazine at twenty. At twenty five, you can be at a point in your career people in America only reach at forty or fifty — if they are lucky.

    Russia seemed to be at the peak of its game.

    So I was surprised that when I moved back in 2016 for a year and was considering staying for good to see my friends shocked at the thought. Why would I ever think of returning? Why would I come back home to this crappy Russia from America, the Promised Land, seemed to be the refrain.

    They couldn’t understand any emotion but excitement about America. Excitement that was based on spending a month sightseeing in Los Angeles and New York and San Francisco and Las Vegas and going on a cross-country car trips. They thought America was real thriving democratic society — that it was a “normal” country, unlike Russia.

    My friends simply did not want to hear anything negative about America. I was very annoyed with this persistent attitude. I was also annoyed by their constant complaining about their life in Russia. They definitely were not checking their privilege.

    Then I started noticing something. I began to see that everything that seemed to me to be dynamic and alive and happening in Moscow only appeared that way because I had been passing through as a kind of tourist — there for a few weeks or a month and then gone again. My reading of what was going on was superficial. Once I had spent some real time at home, I started looking more closely at what was going on and very quickly realized that my positive assessment of recent Russian cultural growth was misplaced. What I was seeing wasn’t dynamism. It was stagnation papered over with derivative American cultural and material imports.

    It wasn’t just the nightlife and entertainment and general consumer lifestyle stuff — like cross fit studios and boutique boxing gyms and cold press juice bars and gourmet burger joints and hip pour over coffee shops. It was also culture in general. By that I mean everything from TV shows to films to books to visual art and art galleries and museums. It all looked like a cheap copy of what was recently the rage in New York and Los Angeles — things that were already not so great to begin with, considering that today’s American culture is itself stagnant and stuck in a consumerist death trap. I mean, some of the most progressive political ideas that hit the mainstream in the last years has been a rehashing of the New Deal of 1930s combined with watered down 1960s radicalism. Even America’s preeminent global entertainment industry is stuck in a cul-de-sac, dominated by never ending film franchises, remakes, and dull algorithm-driven television series.

    Back in Russia, I started referring to this Russian cultural copy phenomenon as evrostandart. Or as Russian liberals like to say it, they’re doing things “like in a normal country.”

    What I found curious about this is that no one in Russia seemed to notice this evrostandart copycat phenomenon. Their colonial mindset was so internalized that it didn’t even register for them.

    You can see it in the way that coolest and hippest Russians consume American entertainment content. They passionately discuss all the latest shows on HBO, and are elated if America produces Russia-themed shows like ”Chernobyl” or “Queen’s Gambit.” The coolest and hippest Russians swoon when an American TV series focuses its eye on them. They’re flattered that people in Metropole seem to be interested in them, a small people on the periphery.

    This seems an embarrassing sentiment considering that Russians were at the forefront of early cinema and Soviet filmmakers were one of the best innovators and theoreticians of film theory, whose ideas are still taught at film schools all over the world.

    This turn of events testifies to the general hegemony of the American popular culture. And similar attitudes can be surely found in Paris or Berlin as well. But in Moscow, this is particularly pernicious. The creative class here is obsequiously pro-American. When you hear them talk — their conversation is full of English words injected frequently with an American pronunciation. It’s considered very very trendy among the trendiest people in Moscow, even though it reminds me of the Russian immigrant parlance you hear in Brighton Beach.

    My American friend from New York visited me in Saint Petersburg when I was living there, and found it embarrassing how obsequious people were to her, an American. She genuinely wondered, “shouldn’t they hate me?” “Hate you?” I replied. “Very funny — You are a native English speaker!”

    I grew up watching Tom and Jerry, Popeyes, and Disney cartoons cartoons which I preferred to the Soviet ones. I ate Snickers, Mars, Skittles. I listened to N’Sync and Britney Spears. I did all this not because I sought out to steep myself in mass American culture, but because I was naturally surrounded by it. Russia was flooded with western goods and western advertising and western cultural content. I mean, MTV Russia appeared when I was 8 and from then on I watched everything the channel showed: the new music videos, Beavis and Butt-Head and Cribs. Other Russian channels showed American films every day. I couldn’t get away from it, even if I wanted to. I remember how at 11, I watched and absolutely loved Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood. I didn’t understanding that it was satire. But it was funny and interesting. It felt like a window into a magical colorful faraway world.

    Yet despite being surrounded by all things American, I spoke Russian and lived in Russia where it wasn’t so colorful. Moscow seemed grim and gray. It wasn’t festive like the world that America projected — like what I saw on MTV or in Don’t Be a Menace or in Olsen twins comedies. So I naturally thought of everything that was in Russia as sort of second rate — like the black and white life from those TV shopping commercial. You know the grey and frustrating image of what life is like before you buy that new blender or pillow or super sharp kitchen knife.

    That was twenty years ago now. And this basic sentiment still has not changed.

    Sure, Putin might be flexing Russia’s muscles in Syria and Russia in general is acting more like a powerful state in its foreign policy. But internally, culture wise, nothing has changed from the 1990s: Russia is still the colonized society, in thrall of everything western, treating every new western trend with an almost religious zeal.

    Russia’s creative and liberal class feels like a new expat community in itself. Once I moved back there, I realized that they had replaced American expats, who mostly left home during the mid-to-late 2000. With them gone, Russians ran their own western-style businesses and made their own copies of metropolitan artifacts. In fact, Russians are much more effective at introducing western trends into their home country than the expats. They are well-traveled and well-steeped in everything western, and they’re also Russian and so know better what will work in their own domestic market. They don’t need people from Metropole telling them what to do anymore. They know perfectly well themselves — just copy what already exists — adapt an American show, open a chain of third way espresso shops, build out some Moscow apartments in the style of upscale Meatpacking District lofts and sell them at a ridiculous premium to a fawning clientele.

    The more avant-garde clique of Moscow’s creative class might make slightly higher quality copies. But it’s still copy, copy, copy. There’s nothing else to it.

    Just look at the list of the latest hit shows and films to come out of Russia: Optimists (a Mad Men ripoff), Sputnik (an Alien ripoff), Sleepers (a Homeland ripoff). I can go on an on.

    There’s another thing about Russian cultural production that’s just as destructive and stagnant as the evrostandart copycatting: it does not want to look at the present.

    Even the most avant-garde liberal “creators” working the scene don’t actually want to look at Russia as it is — because it’s too uncomfortable, because there’s nothing evrostandart about it, and never was beyond the tiny centre of Moscow that they’ve retrofitted in the image of a western city. They deny the importance of the October revolution and try to paint the 70 years of the Soviet Union as some kind of horrific mistake of history. They do not like to be reminded of their Soviet past or their radical two-generations-removed peasant heritage. It’s only a source of embarrassment for them. They like pretending to be some sort of royalty and align themselves with the Romanov family, which was officially canonized as saints in 2000 just when Putin took power. They’re in denial and don’t want to look honestly at their own society, so it makes sense that they’re so drawn to making shitty copies of imported western culture.

    What is interesting is that the people who are in power — the Putin clan types that most of Russia’s creative class viciously opposes — have the same exact cultural values. Because they are liberals, too. And it’s the hardest thing to explain to someone who is not Russian.

    The difference between the Putin’s power clique and the opposition that’s now represented by Alexei Navalny is rather minimal. It is not even cultural really — not everyone in the Kremlin is some brutish goon in a gold plated armchair, as they are often portrayed. It’s one clan against the other. The liberal clan is a bit more technocratic and has more Western MBAs under their belts. But even that doesn’t fully explain it.

    The Russian political landscape is so confusing to the outside observers that it’s hard to describe it in a straight manner. I think Imaginative fiction does a much better job. The 90s Russia is best captured by Victor Pelevin in his novel Generation P — or, Homo Zapiens. While Russia today seems to elude all the Russian writers for now. No one really pinned it down well. Vladimir Sorokin tried to portray Russia of the mid-oughts as a semi-medieval brute monarchy in his satirical novel Day of the Oprichnik, and there is some truth to it. But even Sorokin — the best that Russia’s liberal creative class has to offer — misses the mark. Because he fails to see that Putin’s people are actually like him.

    Surveying Russia’s cultural scene, I can’t really find a single recent film or book that reflects the schizophrenic reality of Russia today. It’s something I’m trying to fix.

    —Evgenia Kovda

    PS: Tomorrow Yasha and I are releasing a new podcast ep where we talk about this issue more broadly. Stay tuned.

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  ALAMO Sun Jun 13, 2021 2:31 pm

    Hollywood is the biggest asset Murica has.
    Not a fleet of rusty carriers.
    The enormously effective, world's biggest lie factory.
    Opened 24/7/365.

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sun Jun 13, 2021 3:44 pm

    PhSt wrote:Here's another PATHETIC PROPAGANDA HIT PIECE from NATzO mouthpiece Dumb Welle News  Rolling Eyes


    Its so obvious that this video is meant to tarnish Russia's image and portray it as a kind of third world sh*thole, the comments in the video makes this clear. I demand that RT makes a similar "documentary" about dirty water sources in NATzO countries especially in the US and its chihuahua Germany  attack

    Cute. Meanwhile in the USA we have burning tap water in fracking regions. The combustible products in the water are not merely methane and
    include carcinogens. Visibly dirty water does not mean lethal water. Invisibly dirty water can be lethal.

    DW is pulling a CBC and filming a dirty outhouse hole and trying to present it as the generic state of the country. The chutzpah is strong with
    these clowns. I suppose the precious NATzO west has no infrastructure problems and every town is super rich with premium spring water in
    the taps.

    The job of the DW propagandists is to deflect attention from problems in NATzO.

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sun Jun 13, 2021 3:49 pm

    The article posted above about American sycophants is misleading. The only thing that the Russian majority and "Putin clans" can be accused of
    is not foaming at the mouth with hate for NATzO and its owner, America. But they for sure cannot be accused of the sort of inane liberasty exhibited
    by the friends of the author in Russia. If I went back to Russia none of my relatives would ask me why I left paradise.

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  higurashihougi Tue Jun 15, 2021 6:06 pm

    Russia complains to YouTube after US tech giant blocks MP's video accusing West of discriminating against Sputnik V Covid-19 jab

    Russia's media regulator Roskomnadzor has sent a complaint to Google after the US tech giant blocked a video published by a politician, who claimed that the West is discriminating against the Russian Covid-19 vaccine Sputnik V.
    In a statement published on Monday, Roskomnadzor revealed that it sent a letter appealing to the heads of Google to remove all restrictions on the clip “as soon as possible.”

    “Roskomnadzor's letter notes that such actions by Google violate key principles of the free dissemination of information, unimpeded access to it, and are an act of censorship,” the regulator explained.

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:35 pm

    When Russia passed a law against the LGBTXYZ indoctrination and solicitation of minors it was denounced by NATzO as being worse
    than Saudi Arabia towards gays. Routinely western lie factory mass media claimed that Russia made homosexuality in Russia illegal.
    Total, unmitigated spew of lies and defamation.

    Minors have fundamental human right to not be subjected hormone blockers and genital mutilation. They also have a human right
    not to be subjected to recruitment by LGBTXYZ activists. Nobody represses minors for acting gay or whatever. If they are still
    feeling this way after puberty, then they can freely do whatever they want, including surgically removing their genitals. The key
    is that they have to be responsible adults and not bamboozled children.

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:31 pm

    No one in Russia gives a shit anyway. The west can cry their crocodile tears all they want.

    See how the people at the St.petersburg football match booed the Dutch team as they did the BLM took the knee?

    Yeah, Russians are based while west are not.

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  mnztr Fri Jun 18, 2021 9:56 pm

    Russia is launching a "surveying satellite" and will lease it to Iran. I think its a good move. Iran can use it to prevent from being surprised by the US or Israel and also to lock in coordiantes for potential targets. It raises the risks of attacking Iran.

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:36 pm

    mnztr wrote:Russia is launching a "surveying satellite" and will lease it to Iran. I think its a good move. Iran can use it to prevent from being surprised by the US or Israel and also to lock in coordiantes for potential targets. It raises the risks of attacking Iran.

    The western fake stream media and its puppet masters are staining their undies over this alleged transaction. Mercouris has the right take on it.
    Kanopus V is a civilian satellite and the negotiations have been ongoing since 2018. NATzO crapping about how its 1.2 x 1.2 m^2 resolution will
    put precious western military assets at risk takes the cake for stench. NATzO does not have any rights to engage in aggression against Iran.
    All of the accusations about "state sponsor of terroris" are pure hate propaganda and that title belongs to US protectorate Saudi Arabia. Iran's
    support for Hezbollah is not terrorism. Hezbollah are the liberators of southern Lebanon. Fighting against Israeli occupation does not make anyone
    a terrorist. I don't hear a single squeak from NATzO about the terror shelling of Donbass civilians by their stooges in Kiev.

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Russia is launching a "surveying satellite"

    Post  mnztr Fri Jun 18, 2021 11:53 pm

    Yes it is. But it does have very useful surveilance capabilities as well

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  11E Sun Jun 20, 2021 12:15 am

    miketheterrible wrote:No one in Russia gives a shit anyway.  The west can cry their crocodile tears all they want.

    See how the people at the St.petersburg football match booed the Dutch team as they did the BLM took the knee?

    Yeah, Russians are based while west are not.

    I'am Dutch and I don't give a shit about the BLM craziness. Stick to the rules and laws of the country and you don't have problems with law enforcement, ,white, black red, yellow or whatever. And I'am not responsible for actions more than 100 years ago so I don't pay a single euro cent to anyone for ''compensation''. All RAL-numbers have have the same changes as me in the Netherlands, stop whining, behave, study and you will have no problems.

    I kneel for nobody, except for my wife when I proposed her Cool

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sun Jun 20, 2021 12:29 am

    Europe should not subject itself to American norms and problems.   The concept of a "white race" is an American label.   Like "Asian" and
    yes, "black".   In the real world there are different countries and ethnic groups.   Africa is not some monolithic "black" entity.   Asia is not
    some monolithic "Asian" entity.   Neither is Europe.  

    It is especially galling when people from the ex-USSR, and ex-Warsaw pact and even most of Europe are treated as if they are American
    whites responsible for slavery.

    1) Slaves were owned by the 1% and US whites are not collectively guilty of US slavery.   In fact, indentured servitude create de facto
    white slaves especially women.   Who is going to pay reparations to whites?

    2) Most whites in Europe have nothing to do with the African slave trade.  And the UK banned slavery in the 1830s.  In fact, as I posted
    before, British colonialists acted to destroy slavery which was common around the world.

    Long, but that is the nature of knowledge.   No 2 minute soundbite can encode wisdom.

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Sun Jun 20, 2021 9:03 am

    Slavery is actually a cultural thing... local Maori took slaves from tribes they conquered... and if you think that is bad obviously the slaves had a choice... be slaves, or be dead. They chose to be slaves.

    Most of the African slaves sent to the US and other places as literally slave labour were sent by black tribes and the slaves they sent were men and women from tribes they had defeated in combat... a bit like in Rwanda where one tribe fights the other... the tutsis and the Hutus... it would not be white people in Rwanda sending black slaves to the US, it would be the Hutu majority making the Tutsis more of a minority in their country and earning some cash.

    Just the same today the human traffickers sending people to the EU making lots and lots of money are not white either...
    Many of them make extra money over and above the thousands of dollars they charge by having connections with organised criminals in the EU offering jobs to these illegal migrants, but of course when they get there they use them as slave labour as sex slaves or making clothes or other sweat shop crap.

    Normally these criminals come from the countries these people are coming from, which is where the connections come from so as a smuggler you might get 20K per person you take across the Med, but you might get another couple of thousand from the people these people end up owned by to keep them coming and of course to buy a new boat...

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  ALAMO Sun Jun 20, 2021 9:10 am

    Slavery used to be just the same popular in Europe.
    Early Poland under the rule of the Piast dynasty, provided a waste number of slaves to both Arabic countries and Byzantine. It provided huge assets to its budget, enabling the conquer and rapid development.
    Just the same as The Great Moravia, later Czechia.
    Maybe we should run a Slav Lifes Matter campaign or something Laughing

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  slasher Wed Jun 23, 2021 11:23 am

    Not for the first time... be warned!
    US government seizes dozens of US website domains connected to Iran

    Western propaganda - Page 33 D3c355c7-1823-4505-8560-b7dcc80c831c

    Not sure which thread particularly deals with the US imperialism... er sorry, US led "rules based" global order, based on "values" of "freedom" and "democracy".

    Countries need to come together to create alternate international structures and institutions. US dominant control over these is more and more being utilized to contain and punish sovereign states. Russia and China have an opportunity to show some leadership here.
    IIRC, there was some news about Russia looking to register web domains domestically. The internet should never be under one single nation's jurisdiction or control.

    Countries such as Russia's paramount concern should be to sufficiently and quickly insulate (not necessarily detach) itself from US controlled international structures/institutions, including the international financial system, by which measures can be taken to exert maximum pressure on states to yield to US dominance.

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Wed Jun 23, 2021 3:04 pm

    Russia proposed at the UN to internationalize, yes really, the internet and remove it from the control of America and its pals.
    But countries ignored the proposal.   They can reap what they sow.

    This is why Russia has set up its own internet infrastructure such as domestic name servers and domain names that cannot
    be shut down in the US.   Even if the precious west tries to cut Russia off from the internet, it will no longer be able to do
    this.   As long as connections exist,  Russians will be able to access the world wide web even in the US itself.   So the US
    and its minions will have to setup the Great Firewall of NATzO to keep Russian web traffic out.    

    Note how the above effort is cast as Russia "censoring" the internet by western scumbags.

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:33 pm

    Are we going to have the John McAfee act passed by the US over the death of this individual in a Spanish prison cell?
    Browder's corrupt accountant Magnitsky died in jail, which was not convenient for the state but was convenient
    for Browder, and Russia got perpetual sanctions in the form of the Magnitsky Act.

    The west is so full of shit that it has formed an ocean around it.

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  andalusia Thu Jun 24, 2021 6:00 am

    There was these two guests on Coasttocoastam with George Noory here in America, one was Gary Grossman and the other Ed Fuller talked about Putin and the Russian China partnership. What do you guys think of this:

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    Western propaganda - Page 33 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Thu Jun 24, 2021 8:52 pm

    Western propaganda - Page 33 B%20efore%20and%20after

    Western MSM propagandists pounce on every infrastructure problem in Russia and China to prove how inferior both are to the stellar west.

    Now you clowns can eat your own shit. This is an epic building fail in the land of the "best in the world in their own minds" people.

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