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Karl Haushofer
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par far
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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest


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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Arkanghelsk Thu Jan 06, 2022 6:58 pm

    So 76th and 45th will be in almaty. Possibly to let kazakhs move to other zones of instability.

    I was wrong, 15th brigade is in Nagorno Karabakh , that's the peacekeeping brigade from samara.

    Theres shit ton of units still deployable. 41st CAA and 6th tank regiment of 90th tank div sitting pretty by Yelnya.

    You still have huge forces of 58th army and 49th army can be deployed, and eastern district.

    55th brigade is out by yelnya too

    Even with some of the CMD deployed by Belarus, theres still ample forces that can augment kazakh ground forces and security forces. 

    Even Rosgvardiya can get some action and MP units if the situation escalates

    Last edited by Arkanghelsk on Thu Jan 06, 2022 7:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  mnztr Thu Jan 06, 2022 7:05 pm

    Backman wrote:

    Russia has needed a new color revolution strategy for a long time. Injecting double agent provocatours to turn the protests violent is a welcome innovation.  Then they can control the temperature instead of having the CIA turn them violent with snipers.

    But we'll never really know.

    We will once we see how the situation develops. But not for a while.
    par far

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  par far Thu Jan 06, 2022 7:12 pm

    flamming_python wrote:

    Protestors in Aktau, Western Kazakhstan are saying that their demands are satisfied, now that Nazerbayev has been run out of power, and they're going home. I guess they've seen which way the wind is blowing. Or maybe they got the order to stand down.

    The opposition in Kiev meanwhile has stated that Tokayev is Nazarbayev's man, and that there won't be justice until Nazerbayev is removed completely (implying Tokayev as well given that he is his chosen successor)

    Well that's a lot of intrigue alright.
    Also the fact that Nazerbayev has not been heard from since the crisis erupted, apparently he's getting medical treatment. Is he co-operating with Tokayev about keeping quiet for fear of inflaming the situation, and handing over the national security council position to Tokayev for the sake of stability of the country?
    Or is he under house arrest while Tokayev is orchestrating an effective coup like what the State Committee tried to do with Gorbachev in 1991?

    For sure the opposition instruments, telegram channels, etc... were all activated in the Ukraine along with the opposition there, as well as opposition networks in Belarus, the Czech-based Current Time Russian-language TV channel, the Polish based NEXT Russian-language channel, the Russian Dozhd TV channel, and liberals in the Russian establishments like Kseniya Sobchak, the Echo Moscow radio station - were all agitating in favour of the protest movement, prophesising the end of the Kazakh regime and major coming problems for Russia.
    It was at least some of these networks that made the first move, and are probably behind some of the armed groups too - Tokayev would have never had the opportunity to grab the reigns of power like he did without them.

    Question is, was Tokayev reacting to the events and used the opportunity created, or did he co-operate with and initiate them in the first place using his own people and connections, so that he could achieve his aims?

    Well either way it's an internal matter for Kazakhstan. Good for Tokayev. The main hope is that he's genuine about restoring order and inviting the CSTO in for that goal, and that goal alone. No funny business or provocations involving Russian soldiers so that he could later sell an 'anti-Russian' position to the masses. I suspect though that he has gotten what he wants already.

    I don't ultimately expect Tokayev to be neccessarily less inclined to run a double game and 'multi-vector policy' than Nazerbayev was. But he has put in his cards with Russia publicly. In addition, and what's no less important - is that all the Russophobic forces in Kazakhstan have one way or the other suffered a major blow to morale, even if they won't be disbanded. Their overseas organizers and all the Maidanists in Kiev, Belarus, Eastern Europe are also going to be associated with the sort of sights and sounds we saw coming out of Almaty over the last couple of days. Russia meanwhile gets to play the peacekeeper and affirm Tokayev's legitimacy.

    So not a bad deal all in all.

    About the bolded statement flamming_python, I think they will be slowly disbanded, now the Russian Intelligence has a better idea, I think we will see these networks hit hard where ever they can be reached.
    par far

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  par far Thu Jan 06, 2022 7:25 pm

    Steppe on Fire: Kazakhstan’s Color Revolution

    By Pepe Escobar posted with permission and cross-posted

    Maidan in Almaty? Oh yeah. But it’s complicated.

    So is that much fear and loathing all about gas? Not really.

    Kazakhstan was rocked into chaos virtually overnight, in principle, because of the doubling of prices for liquefied gas, which reached the (Russian) equivalent of 20 rubles per liter (compare it to an average of 30 rubles in Russia itself).

    That was the spark for nationwide protests spanning every latitude from top business hub Almaty to the Caspian Sea ports of Aktau and Atyrau and even the capital Nur-Sultan, formerly Astana.

    The central government was forced to roll back the gas price to the equivalent of 8 rubles a liter. Yet that only prompted the next stage of the protests, demanding lower food prices, an end of the vaccination campaign, a lower retirement age for mothers with many children and – last but not least – regime change, complete with its own slogan: Shal, ket! (“Down with the old man.”)

    The “old man” is none other than national leader Nursultan Nazarbayev, 81, who even as he stepped down from the presidency after 29 years in power, in 2019, for all practical purposes remains the Kazakh gray eminence as head of the Security Council and the arbiter of domestic and foreign policy.

    The prospect of yet another color revolution inevitably comes to mind: perhaps Turquoise-Yellow – reflecting the colors of the Kazakh national flag. Especially because right on cue, sharp observers found out that the usual suspects – the American embassy – was already “warning” about mass protests as early as in December 16, 2021.

    Maidan in Almaty? Oh yeah. But it’s complicated.

    Almaty in chaos

    For the outside world, it’s hard to understand why a major energy exporting power such as Kazakhstan needs to increase gas prices for its own population.

    The reason is – what else – unbridled neoliberalism and the proverbial free market shenanigans. Since 2019 liquefied gas is electronically traded in Kazakhstan. So keeping price caps – a decades-long custom – soon became impossible, as producers were constantly faced with selling their product below cost as consumption skyrocketed.

    Everybody in Kazakhstan was expecting a price hike, as much as everybody in Kazakhstan uses liquefied gas, especially in their converted cars. And everybody in Kazakhstan has a car, as I was told, ruefully, during my last visit to Almaty, in late 2019, when I was trying in vain to find a taxi to head downtown.

    It’s quite telling that the protests started in the city of Zhanaozen, smack into the oil/gas hub of Mangystau. And it’s also telling that Unrest Central immediately turned to car-addicted Almaty, the nation’s real business hub, and not the isolated, government infrastructure-heavy capital in the middle of the steppes.

    At first President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev seemed to have been caught in a deer facing the headlights situation. He promised the return of price caps, installed a state of emergency/curfew both in Almaty and Mangystau (then nationwide) while accepting the current government’s resignation en masse and appointing a faceless Deputy Prime Minister, Alikhan Smailov, as interim PM until the formation of a new cabinet.

    Yet that could not possibly contain the unrest. In lightning fast succession, we had the storming of the Almaty Akimat (mayor’s office); protesters shooting at the Army; a Nazarbayev monument demolished in Taldykorgan; his former residence in Almaty taken over; Kazakhtelecom disconnecting the whole country from the internet; several members of the National Guard – armored vehicles included – joining the protesters in Aktau; ATMs gone dead.

    And then Almaty, plunged into complete chaos, was virtually seized by the protesters, including its international airport, which on Wednesday morning was under extra security, and in the evening had become occupied territory.

    Kazakh airspace, meanwhile, had to contend with an extended traffic jam of private jets leaving to Moscow and Western Europe. Even though the Kremlin noted that Nur-Sultan had not asked for any Russian help, a “special delegation” was soon flying out of Moscow. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov cautiously stressed, “we are convinced that our Kazakh friends can independently solve their internal problems”, adding, “it is important that no one interferes from the outside.”

    Geostrategy talks

    How could it all derail so fast?

    Up to now, the succession game in Kazakhstan had been seen mostly as a hit across Northern Eurasia. Local honchos, oligarchs and the comprador elites all kept their fiefdoms and sources of income. And yet, off the record, I was told in Nur-Sultan in late 2019 there would be serious problems ahead when some regional clans would come to collect – as in confronting “the old man” Nazarbayev and the system he put in place.

    Tokayev did issue the proverbial call “not to succumb to internal and external provocations” – which makes sense – yet also assured that the government “will not fall”. Well, it was already falling, even after an emergency meeting trying to address the tangled web of socioeconomic problems with a promise that all “legitimate demands” by the protesters will be met.

    This did not play out as a classic regime change scenario – at least initially. The configuration was of a fluid, amorphous state of chaos, as the – fragile – Kazakh institutions of power were simply incapable of comprehending the wider social malaise. A competent political opposition is non-existent: there’s no political exchange. Civil society has no channels to express itself.

    So yes: there’s a riot goin’ on – to quote American rhythm’n blues. And everyone is a loser. What is still not exactly clear is which conflicting clans are flaming the protests – and what is their agenda in case they’d have a shot at power. After all, no “spontaneous” protests can pop up simultaneously all over this vast nation virtually overnight.

    Kazakhstan was the last republic to leave the collapsing USSR over three decades ago, in December 1991. Under Nazarbayev, it immediately engaged in a self-described “multi-vector” foreign policy. Up to now, Nur-Sultan was skillfully positioning itself as a prime diplomatic mediator – from discussions on the Iranian nuclear program as early as 2013 to the war in/on Syria from 2016. The target: to solidify itself as the quintessential bridge between Europe and Asia.

    The Chinese-driven New Silk Roads, or BRI, were officially launched by Xi Jinping at Nazarbayev University in September 2013. That happened to swiftly dovetail with the Kazakh concept of Eurasian economic integration, crafted after Nazarbayev’s own government spending project, Nurly Zhol (“Bright Path”), designed to turbo-charge the economy after the 2008-9 financial crisis.

    In September 2015, in Beijing, Nazarbayev aligned Nurly Zhol with BRI, de facto propelling Kazakhstan to the heart of the new Eurasian integration order. Geostrategically, the largest landlocked nation on the planet became the prime interplay territory of the Chinese and Russian visions, BRI and the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU).

    A diversionary tactic

    For Russia, Kazakhstan is even more strategic than for China. Nur-Sultan signed the CSTO treaty in 2003. It’s a key member of the EAEU. Both nations have massive military-technical ties and conduct strategic space cooperation in Baikonur. Russian has the status of an official language, spoken by 51% of the republic’s citizens.

    At least 3.5 million Russians live in Kazakhstan. It’s still early to speculate about a possible “revolution” tinged with national liberation colors were the old system to eventually collapse. And even if that happened, Moscow will never lose all of its considerable political influence.

    So the immediate problem is to assure Kazakhstan’s stability. The protests must be dispersed. There will be plenty of economic concessions. Permanent destabilizing chaos simply cannot be tolerated – and Moscow knows it by heart. Another – rolling – Maidan is out of the question.

    The Belarus equation has shown how a strong hand can operate miracles. Still, the CSTO agreements do not cover assistance in case of internal political crises – and Tokayev did not seem to be inclined to make such a request.

    Until he did. He called for the CSTO to intervene to restore order. There will be a military enforced curfew. And Nur-Sultan may even confiscate the assets of US and UK companies which are allegedly sponsoring the protests.

    This is how Nikol Pashinyan, chairman of the CSTO Collective Security Council and Prime Minister of Armenia, framed it: Tokayev invoked a “threat to national security” and the “sovereignty” of Kazakhstan, “caused, inter alia, by outside interference.” So the CSTO “decided to send peacekeeping forces” to normalize the situation, “for a limited period of time”.

    The usual destabilizing suspects are well known. They may not have the reach, the political influence, and the necessary amount of Trojan horses to keep Kazakhstan on fire indefinitely.

    At least the Trojan horses themselves are being very explicit. They want an immediate release of all political prisoners; regime change; a provisional government of “reputable” citizens; and – what else – “withdrawal of all alliances with Russia.”

    And then it all gets down to the level of ridiculous farce, as the EU starts calling on Kazakh authorities to “respect the right to peaceful protests.” As in allowing total anarchy, robbery, looting, hundreds of vehicles destroyed, attacks with assault rifles, ATMs and even the Duty Free at Almaty airport completely plundered.

    This analysis (in Russian) covers some key points, mentioning, “the internet is full of pre-arranged propaganda posters and memos to the rebels” and the fact that “the authorities are not cleaning up the mess, as Lukashenko did in Belarus.”

    Slogans so far seem to originate from plenty of sources – extolling everything from a “western path” to Kazakhstan to polygamy and Sharia law: “There is no single goal yet, it has not been identified. The result will come later. It is usually the same. The elimination of sovereignty, external management and, finally, as a rule, the formation of an anti-Russian political party.”

    Putin, Lukashenko and Tokayev spent a long time over the phone, at the initiative of Lukashenko. The leaders of all CSTO members are in close contact. A master game plan – as in a massive “anti-terrorist operation” – has already been hatched. Gen. Gerasimov will personally supervise it.

    Now compare it to what I learned from two different, high-ranking intel sources.

    The first source was explicit: the whole Kazakh adventure is being sponsored by MI6 to create a new Maidan right before the Russia/US-NATO talks in Geneva and Brussels next week, to prevent any kind of agreement. Significantly, the “rebels” maintained their national coordination even after the internet was disconnected.

    The second source is more nuanced: the usual suspects are trying to force Russia to back down against the collective West by creating a major distraction in their Eastern front, as part of a rolling strategy of chaos all along Russia’s borders. That may be a clever diversionary tactic, but Russian military intel is watching. Closely. And for the sake of the usual suspects, this better may not be interpreted – ominously – was a war provocation.
    par far

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  par far Thu Jan 06, 2022 8:26 pm

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Hole Thu Jan 06, 2022 8:34 pm

    Somewhere between the first and the second brown revolution in Kiev the russian government decided that they had enough. Since then at every crisis they were doing two things with the "leaders" of these so-called "states":

    1. You wanted to be an independent state. Now you see what happens!
    2. You wanted to play with the west. Now you see what happens!

    With the exception of Pussynjan (to deep into the pocket of Soros or some other oligarchs) the "leaders" learned their lessons. And they are getting faster. Maybe after Luka and Toky the other guys will stop playing around with western countries/oligarchs.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Arkanghelsk Thu Jan 06, 2022 8:50 pm

    Well to be fair pussynian got with the program and even deployed the CSTO after own Armenians almost lynched him

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Scorpius Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:08 pm

    "We are closely monitoring reports that the Collective Security Treaty Organization has sent its Collective peacekeeping Forces to Kazakhstan. We have questions about the nature of this request [from Kazakhstan], about whether it was a legitimate invitation or not. At the moment we don't know that," Psaki said.
    Ooo, the US State Department is back in the arena, and again the same clowns.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Scorpius Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:12 pm

    Arkanghelsk wrote:So 76th and 45th will be in almaty. Possibly to let kazakhs move to other zones of instability.

    I was wrong, 15th brigade is in Nagorno Karabakh , that's the peacekeeping brigade from samara.

    Theres shit ton of units still deployable. 41st CAA and 6th tank regiment of 90th tank div sitting pretty by Yelnya.

    You still have huge forces of 58th army and 49th army can be deployed, and eastern district.

    55th brigade is out by yelnya too

    Even with some of the CMD deployed by Belarus, theres still ample forces that can augment kazakh ground forces and security forces. 

    Even Rosgvardiya can get some action and MP units if the situation escalates

    You forgot about the Chechen military police battalions - besides, they already have experience working in Syria.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  kvs Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:44 pm

    Scorpius wrote:"We are closely monitoring reports that the Collective Security Treaty Organization has sent its Collective peacekeeping Forces to Kazakhstan. We have questions about the nature of this request [from Kazakhstan], about whether it was a legitimate invitation or not. At the moment we don't know that," Psaki said.
    Ooo, the US State Department is back in the arena, and again the same clowns.

    Anyone who has any doubts about the puppet masters of this coup can go home and stay out of the discussion. I hear people demanding
    proof that Washington did it. Recall all the mafia bosses in the USA who were put on trial? None of them were charged with all the murders
    they ordered. The most famous is Al Capone who only went down on tax evasion charges.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  ALAMO Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:50 pm

    Scorpius wrote:

    0:58 an on.
    You must be careful guys, I have already seen that material, but with faked sound&comments.
    It was prepared in Russian, with a female voice discussing that the soldier on the ground has shot wounds, and is bleeding.
    We have all the well known & trained propaganda campaigns in the air right now.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Urluber Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:53 pm

    Scorpius wrote:"We are closely monitoring reports that the Collective Security Treaty Organization has sent its Collective peacekeeping Forces to Kazakhstan. We have questions about the nature of this request [from Kazakhstan], about whether it was a legitimate invitation or not. At the moment we don't know that," Psaki said.

    Ooo, the US State Department is back in the arena, and again the same clowns.

    Someone should give her a reality-check by reminding that no one has asked from USA what they think is legitimate.
    If someone cared, they would have asked beforehand.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  ATLASCUB Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:18 pm

    Can't even secure or keep your own backyard stable but expect "legal" security guarantees from the masters of deception and chaos cause "I'm Putin, and I'm a big boy"..... good luck fellas.

    I'm loving the spin doctors at work. "This might strengthen Russia's hands"....."Russia's not messing around this time"...... lol1 lol1 and the sheep will believe this, if it sounds plausible enough. They'll believe anything that soothes the anxiety, and makes the elephant in the room disappear.... if only temporarily.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Airbornewolf Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:40 pm

    ATLASCUB wrote:Can't even secure or keep your own backyard stable but expect "legal" security guarantees from the masters of deception and chaos cause "I'm Putin, and I'm a big boy"..... good luck fellas.

    I'm loving the spin doctors at work. "This might strengthen Russia's hands"....."Russia's not messing around this time"...... lol1 lol1 and the sheep will believe this, if it sounds plausible enough. They'll believe anything that soothes the anxiety, and makes the elephant in the room disappear.... if only temporarily. would like to give arguements to support your antagonisations?.

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    Post  kvs Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:44 pm

    Broken record trolling from the troll. Russia fails when it wins. This regime change operation has been a massive backfire for the
    yanquis. Before they had Nazarbayev still acting as a soft stooge. Now he is gone and so are his minions. The pants crapping
    is already apparent in Washington as they start chiming in about legitimacy of the CSTO support force. Boohoo. Poor babies.

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    Post  ATLASCUB Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:45 pm

    Search my post history maybe? Laughing

    As for the troll farm troll with a professional degree in damage control... please... save your babble.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  par far Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:54 pm

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Airbornewolf Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:57 pm


    That is not an answer,

    i do not expect others to go trough my previous posts either.
    you might want to try to put some effort in explaining your standpoint.

    If i disagree and go trough the effort to push "quote" or "reply" i make sure to highlight what i meanth.
    No need to go scrounging trough my historical posts.

    If you can not back up your accusations and antagonistic behaviour with arguements.
    Than your post just rings hollow with no value to the discussion.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  ATLASCUB Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:01 pm

    My standpoint is pretty clear on Russia's reactionary foreign policy, and Putin's record of it at particular flashpoints. I'm making a drive by comment on the situation. Simple as that. I've wasted enough time trying to explain the source and root causes of it - the way of thinking that leads to such decision making. The U.S and its allies will continue to do what is competent of them to do... encircle Russia, and keep it down as much as humanely possible without triggering world war. Great power competition 101. That Russia struggles in its responses to such is of course of interest to any observer.

    The spin doctors do what they're supposed to do and sheep will believe them cause they're predisposed to believe it to avoid cognitive dissonance... it's 100% normal for some humans to do this. Nothing controversial, except to those catching feelings cause maybe they believe the description fits them... and as we know, no one likes to feel like their brain matter is made of sheep sauce.

    Last edited by ATLASCUB on Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:07 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:06 pm

    Most of you probably don't know but tonight is Christmas Eve here in Tracksuit Land and good old St.Nick has gotten me a gift of ROFL-LOLZ this year santa lol1

    Armenian government okays the participation of troops in CSTO peacekeeping operation in Kazakhstan

    And it even came with a Reddit tread:

    Oh Pasha, how times have changed.... Cool

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Airbornewolf Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:12 pm

    ATLASCUB wrote:My standpoint is pretty clear on Russia's reactionary foreign policy, and Putin's record of it. I'm making a drive by comment on the situation. Simple as that. I've wasted enough time trying to explain the source.

    Thanks for clearing up your standpoint on the need for minimum effort on your part interacting with fellow forum members.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  kvs Fri Jan 07, 2022 12:29 am

    There is no doubt that this was a NATzO organized regime change attempt. We have clear subversion attempts against
    Tokayev from Ukraine. Ukraine is acting like a pirate port state according to the observer interviewed in the video.


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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Arkanghelsk Fri Jan 07, 2022 12:50 am

    This atlascub has already been disproved many times.

    Hes whining that Russia regains the sphere of influence while it looks like marvel's avengers, and at invitation of states that should have provided washington with staging areas to surround Russia

    Let's tally up the places Russia did not have a presence until clowns in Dixie land bungled up another color revolt.

    Let's see nagorno karabakh, pretty nice to manage turkish customers, I mean going from not having influence with azerbaijan to managing their military posture is cool too. Armenia is like that old uncle you cant get rid of.

    south ossetia and Abkhazia , pretty nice coastal real estate with added bonus that it's only a short drive from tbilisi

    Crimea, the black sea fleet has a rent free home thanks to this nice berg, the S400 coverage of all Black Sea NATO members are like sprinkles on top. donetsk and Lughansk, the perennial wedding crashers of european Ukraine, ahhh what will be done about em... I think theyl just keep crashing Kiev's EU wedding plans, rinse , repeat that sort of thing till Kievs dowry runs out.

    Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, nuff said, washington had airbases here , and now...well nothing really, washington went home bout 3000 miles that a way.

    And now... kazakhstan... idk what to say about this one, I mean Russia hasn't had military here, since Buran flew its last mission. But seeing as how Uncle Sam couldnt contain itself, I mean shit if your gonna give it to Russia, the least one could do is put a lil bow on it! Now it just feels like taking candy from a baby

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  lyle6 Fri Jan 07, 2022 2:06 am

    Arkanghelsk wrote:
    And now... kazakhstan... idk what to say about this one, I mean Russia hasn't had military here, since Buran flew its last mission. But seeing as how Uncle Sam couldnt contain itself, I mean shit if your gonna give it to Russia, the least one could do is put a lil bow on it! Now it just feels like taking candy from a baby
    And ain't it beautiful how the Western spin doctors cope with this shit: they say Russia is getting stretched thin and has to scrap its impending plans for a Ukrainian offensive. N*gger, they're only sending 3000 dudes thus far, and 3000 elite paratroopers, while worth more than their weight in precious metal (as we've just seen with this remarkable alacrity they afford the Russian planners - they're there in just baarely half the day) is not even 1% of the combat power that Russia can muster for Ukraine. And even if they did chose to delay - then who cares? It might take months and they obviously could sustain the forward deployment of such size as they've been doing all this time (lol, maybe NATO thinks these are peasant levies you have to disband every 3 months) but at the end, Ukraine still gets smashed flat once they get to it. In the meantime this little distraction just gave the Russians the a foot in the door, no, they blew wide open the Kazakh halls to power. What f*cking geniuses, these bioluminescent basketball americans are! Twisted Evil

    GarryB, Big_Gazza, kvs, VARGR198, miketheterrible, LMFS, Hole and like this post


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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 8 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  mnztr Fri Jan 07, 2022 2:54 am

    ATLASCUB wrote:My standpoint is pretty clear on Russia's reactionary foreign policy, and Putin's record of it at particular flashpoints. I'm making a drive by comment on the situation. Simple as that. I've wasted enough time trying to explain the source and root causes of it - the way of thinking that leads to such decision making. The U.S and its allies will continue to do what is competent of them to do... encircle Russia, and keep it down as much as humanely possible without triggering world war. Great power competition 101. That Russia struggles in its responses to such is of course of interest to any observer.

    The spin doctors do what they're supposed to do and sheep will believe them cause they're predisposed to believe it to avoid cognitive dissonance... it's 100% normal for some humans to do this. Nothing controversial, except to those catching feelings cause maybe they believe the description fits them... and as we know, no one likes to feel like their brain matter is made of sheep sauce.

    Ahh yes the exit from the Afghanistan defeat of NATO was handled with such

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