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Karl Haushofer
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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest


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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Arkanghelsk Fri Jan 07, 2022 3:16 am

    5d western chessmasters, refrain from sticking pieces of the board in derriere, the ass hurt from it is just not worth it

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  mnztr Fri Jan 07, 2022 3:18 am

    lyle6 wrote:
    Arkanghelsk wrote:
    And now... kazakhstan... idk what to say about this one, I mean Russia hasn't had military here, since Buran flew its last mission. But seeing as how Uncle Sam couldnt contain itself, I mean shit if your gonna give it to Russia, the least one could do is put a lil bow on it! Now it just feels like taking candy from a baby
    And ain't it beautiful how the Western spin doctors cope with this shit: they say Russia is getting stretched thin and has to scrap its impending plans for a Ukrainian offensive. N*gger, they're only sending 3000 dudes thus far, and 3000 elite paratroopers, while worth more than their weight in precious metal (as we've just seen with this remarkable alacrity they afford the Russian planners - they're there in just baarely half the day) is not even 1% of the combat power that Russia can muster for Ukraine. And even if they did chose to delay - then who cares? It might take months and they obviously could sustain the forward deployment of such size as they've been doing all this time (lol, maybe NATO thinks these are peasant levies you have to disband every 3 months) but at the end, Ukraine still gets smashed flat once they get to it. In the meantime this little distraction just gave the Russians the a foot in the door, no, they blew wide open the Kazakh halls to power. What f*cking geniuses, these bioluminescent basketball americans are! Twisted Evil  

    Its not remotely 1% of Russias military power. Not really using much heavy weapons, air power or armour. Really just some heavy policing.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  ATLASCUB Fri Jan 07, 2022 3:34 am

    By the time the great leader retires there won't be a single post soviet state that hasn't experienced a color revolution, a former allied state that isn't part of NATO or, if a holdout, experienced a color revolution instead.

    But... "we winning..."  jocolor  jocolor

    The only hope for Russians is for the Chinese to pre-occuppy the U.S (already happening), and for internal U.S strife to tear the empire from within (already happening). Without that... with the geniuses at the Kremlin playing grand strategy... just imagine.

    Here is what you won't see till the great leader retires and someone with balls take charge. You won't see a Russian puppet regime as a result of a soft coup or color revolution in any of the following: NATO member states, allied protectorates of the U.S (Korea, Japan, Mexico, Saudi Arabia etc)...

    It's what it's.

    Without reciprocal pressure, the U.S will continue to be at the offensive, for as long as it can keep the effort - which is dependent on the push-back, plus other variables. Looking at the speed in which they pull these, the clear assessment is that the push back is rather meak thus "keep doing it".

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Arkanghelsk Fri Jan 07, 2022 3:54 am

    Why does Russia need to care about any of those places?

    Uncle Sam has enough to worry about without Kimmy launching the odd HGV over Seoul and Tokyo,  

    Russia can fart on the far east all day long without having to look in this direction.

    Ass cash or gas, noone rides for free, and china is paying for all 3 baby.

    As for Mexico, this is a problem for Washington without Russia even being in the neighborhood.

    They could finish the wall, and Juan Pablo could fall, and all the kings horses and all the kings men, could not stop jose, pablo, and Juan from getting over again.

    Saudi Arabia,  let's not even start, f15E, m1 Abrams, patriots, and these buffoons are getting f*cked by some houthi Saleh tusken raiders

    Honestly putin can and should retire, cus this shits getting boring

    But honestly noone cares, russia doesnt care about destabilizing some countries to get back at the rednecks, that's what yanks do cus they're mad inside. 

    Russia just wants to develop trade and cooperate with other states , and develop for the next decades without war and without bs coming from spastic a holes out west

    Last edited by Arkanghelsk on Fri Jan 07, 2022 4:03 am; edited 1 time in total

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  kvs Fri Jan 07, 2022 3:57 am

    So the predictable consensus in the USA is that the "regime" in Kazakhstan is shooting "civilians".
    Americans may as well live on another planet, except they live on this one and mess it up with
    their willful ignorance.

    People who always reflex to a Mickey Mouse fairy tale template are beyond hope. These are
    even the same people who realize that there was no insurrection on Capitol Hill in 2021. They
    need to always frame the rest of the planet into an idiotic category which pumps up the
    exceptionalism of the USA. So the world consists of "good guy" US bootlicks and "evil doers"
    who do not bend the knee. Thanks to the exceptionalism crack that the Americans smoke daily
    they feel they have the right to judge the rest of the planet and execute their judgment accordingly.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Arkanghelsk Fri Jan 07, 2022 4:22 am

    They will never get the plot right. For them everything is a black and white sort of demented game that only a BPD patient would play alone in the padded room.

    It's all political sloganeering and dumb bs with them. What about the people of kazakhstan? What about stability and development?

    They could care less about this, they'd be happy to fan the flames, and then cry on their tv all day long about an insurrection after shooting a female military vet for rocking the door to their offices back and forth a little too hard for the poor congress people who pooed their diapies from the big bad evil murican insurrectionists, a bunch of first world rednecks without the slightest intention of actually using their 2nd amendment rights.

    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Cnn-he11

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Airbornewolf Fri Jan 07, 2022 5:08 am

    Al  Jazeera going full retard.

    "we show you the face of a new country".

    Yes, of western-backed beheading islamist thugs...

    Because this picture does not show at all an riot officer being dragged away after being shot by an AK by "protestors"
    Not to mention the RT footage of regular cops executed next to their squad cars.

    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Captur36

    First thing comming to my mind is "capital punishment" after order is restored.

    You have to admire how "journalists" can be so devoid of an moral compass.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  kvs Fri Jan 07, 2022 5:42 am

    No event of significance for NATzO and its lickspittles (e.g. Qatar) will ever be covered objectively in the controlled media.
    Lies are the foundation of modern western civilization. The biggest lie is that the west is composed of democracies. Covid
    has broken the thin veneer. But most are suckers and think their votes mattered.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 07, 2022 6:35 am

    I hear people demanding
    proof that Washington did it.

    They have all the proof they need.... because it is clearly highly likely...

    Can't even secure or keep your own backyard stable but expect "legal" security guarantees from the masters of deception and chaos

    But Russia is not allowed a sphere of influence so why should Russia be held responsible to keep the peace in Kazakhstan... a country that is not part of the Russian Federation.

    That would be like the US having to keep the peace in Haiti or Cuba of Venezuela or indeed Mexico...

    I'm loving the spin doctors at work. "This might strengthen Russia's hands"....."Russia's not messing around this time"...... lol1 lol1 and the sheep will believe this, if it sounds plausible enough. They'll believe anything that soothes the anxiety, and makes the elephant in the room disappear.... if only temporarily.

    Acts of violence and destruction dressed up as protest and human rights.... this has western fingerprints all over it...

    Russia can't stop the west from being the total censored that they are... all they can hope for is to be able to clean it up and put a positive spin on it that benefits them.... you know... like not having to pay rent on Sevastopol, and having a major military contingent in Syria and helping people in that region while getting to kill scum.

    My standpoint is pretty clear on Russia's reactionary foreign policy, and Putin's record of it at particular flashpoints.

    Up until now Russia has not been an aggressor so there was no other foreign policy they could adopt realistically.

    Now this will be seen as a chance to secure a much better relationship with this country and to hunt down and eliminate people who were being used by Russias enemies...

    Sounds like a good thing all round from Russias perspective.

    The West did the equivalent of a Russian invasion of the Ukraine and seem to have lost, so now Russia will make changes and take action to solidify their position and essentially push the west out... as shown by the timid response from the UK likely worried about their investments in the region...

    The U.S and its allies will continue to do what is competent of them to do... encircle Russia, and keep it down as much as humanely possible without triggering world war. Great power competition 101.

    So you keep saying, but before they pulled all this bullshit the Ukraine was never friendly with Russia because they wanted their separate identity and they had the Crimea... which was the Russian Navy by the Balls, and Luka was looking to play Russia against the west to get a good deal from both so he could play games and enjoy a comfortable position, and Kazakhstan seemed to be interested in both western investment and Russian investment too...

    But western bullshit games has Gained Russia the Crimea but cut away the rest of the leech, push Luka into being Putins best buddy, and now Kazakhstan seems to be turning to the CSTO to help them rather than HATO or UN peacekeepers... where exactly are Putins losses and the wests wins?

    That Russia struggles in its responses to such is of course of interest to any observer.

    What struggles... they asked for help and Russia has already sent help....

    The spin doctors do what they're supposed to do and sheep will believe them cause they're predisposed to believe it to avoid cognitive dissonance... it's 100% normal for some humans to do this. Nothing controversial, except to those catching feelings cause maybe they believe the description fits them... and as we know, no one likes to feel like their brain matter is made of sheep sauce.

    Accusing the opposition of doing what you do is an old tactic... we are unspin doctors... we unwrap the spin to work out what is actually happening and who started it and why... and it is highly likely that the west tried to start 2022 with a revolution and seem to have failed... I am sure this will be the fuel Putin needs to make some difficult decisions.... Russia wants to be part of the international community but unfortunately the international organisations that facilitate that are often dominated or outright controlled from Washington.

    Russia is realising cutting itself off from the west will probably damage the west more than it will damage Russia, and is likely to be Russias best chance for a decent future.

    I think Russia will close its embassies in the US, which will be interesting in regard to the UN which the US dominates too... this attempt at a colour revolution will be a real warning to China, with the west prattling on about both Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the Muslims in China... like they care a damn about any of them...

    By the time the great leader retires there won't be a single post soviet state that hasn't experienced a color revolution, a former allied state that isn't part of NATO or, if a holdout, experienced a color revolution instead.

    Yeah, Kiev is such a prize... by not invading all this time... don't you realise the message is... that place is broken and full of more anti Russian people than Washington and Brussels together... have fun, and enjoy yourself.

    Same with Georgia... you can keep that...

    The only hope for Russians is for the Chinese to pre-occuppy the U.S (already happening), and for internal U.S strife to tear the empire from within (already happening). Without that... with the geniuses at the Kremlin playing grand strategy... just imagine.

    Maybe that is their solution, but I doubt it... it is not Putins style... he could easily have banned gas going through the Ukraine... they didn't need new gas transit contracts with Kiev... he didn't want the ukrainian people to suffer for the leadership in the Ukraine or the EU or US being animals.

    The US is breaking itself... Russia wont bother helping, because there are plenty of factions in teh US desperate to find someone to blame and no doubt they are going to blame Russia and Putin anyway... just like the Steele report... when there is no evidence just make shit up.

    Putin is president of Russia, the US and EU are not his problem.

    It is the west that fears peer rivals that it will destroy by any means... that is the culture I would like to see end.

    You won't see a Russian puppet regime as a result of a soft coup or color revolution in any of the following: NATO member states, allied protectorates of the U.S (Korea, Japan, Mexico, Saudi Arabia etc)...

    But the king pays the wages of his court jesters.... the king will buy million dollar table cloths but having to fund all the support staff is also weakening the structures that actually pay taxes and fund the whole programme.

    Without reciprocal pressure, the U.S will continue to be at the offensive,

    But that is the point... Russia being as offensive as the US makes them just more of the same.... same asshole same flag colours... it would be like an American election... you can choose one rich white old guy or another white rich old guy... we go to war either way...

    Looking at the speed in which they pull these, the clear assessment is that the push back is rather meak thus "keep doing it".

    The west are wasps... they like to use their sting any chance they get... it means they can throw their weight around and have their way... small and annoying, but with enough numbers to make even the biggest animal move on. Putin and Russia are a bee... they know when they sting they probably die, so only serious self defence to protect the hive will they sting.

    What you say... the west is going to win... but the difference is the west destroys and has no value for anyone but itself... Russia is making honey and so it has beekeepers and a product that is wanted by others so if wasps start to infest the area near the beehives the humans amongst us will spray those wasp nests and help to protect the bee hive.

    Humans like Assange and Snowden and Manning... like them or loathe them, they paid serious prices for their morals... which is ironic in the moralistic west that treats these people as criminals and ignore the criminal activity they exposed, because the west is criminal.

    But honestly noone cares, russia doesnt care about destabilizing some countries to get back at the rednecks, that's what yanks do cus they're mad inside.

    Mad angry people...

    No event of significance for NATzO and its lickspittles (e.g. Qatar) will ever be covered objectively in the controlled media.

    But didn't that UK press release urge that the protests should be peaceful and law enforcements responses should be proportunate... getting fired at with assault rifles and grenades and having officers beheaded... suggests the protesters can be treated fairly roughly now can't they?

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  mnztr Fri Jan 07, 2022 7:14 am

    ATLASCUB wrote:By the time the great leader retires there won't be a single post soviet state that hasn't experienced a color revolution, a former allied state that isn't part of NATO or, if a holdout, experienced a color revolution instead.

    But... "we winning..."  jocolor  jocolor

    The only hope for Russians is for the Chinese to pre-occuppy the U.S (already happening), and for internal U.S strife to tear the empire from within (already happening). Without that... with the geniuses at the Kremlin playing grand strategy... just imagine.

    Here is what you won't see till the great leader retires and someone with balls take charge. You won't see a Russian puppet regime as a result of a soft coup or color revolution in any of the following: NATO member states, allied protectorates of the U.S (Korea, Japan, Mexico, Saudi Arabia etc)...

    It's what it's.

    Without reciprocal pressure, the U.S will continue to be at the offensive, for as long as it can keep the effort - which is dependent on the push-back, plus other variables. Looking at the speed in which they pull these, the clear assessment is that the push back is rather meak thus "keep doing it".

    You think US internal strife, Brexit riots in France, etc are just spontaneous events that rise out of thin air? Man, you are even dumber then you sound.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  mnztr Fri Jan 07, 2022 7:16 am

    GarryB wrote:

    But didn't that UK press release urge that the protests should be peaceful and law enforcements responses should be proportunate... getting fired at with assault rifles and grenades and having officers beheaded... suggests the protesters can be treated fairly roughly now can't they?

    If they actually did that, drive a tank over the MOFOs

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Airbornewolf Fri Jan 07, 2022 7:26 am

    mnztr wrote:
    ATLASCUB wrote:By the time the great leader retires there won't be a single post soviet state that hasn't experienced a color revolution, a former allied state that isn't part of NATO or, if a holdout, experienced a color revolution instead.

    But... "we winning..."  jocolor  jocolor

    The only hope for Russians is for the Chinese to pre-occuppy the U.S (already happening), and for internal U.S strife to tear the empire from within (already happening). Without that... with the geniuses at the Kremlin playing grand strategy... just imagine.

    Here is what you won't see till the great leader retires and someone with balls take charge. You won't see a Russian puppet regime as a result of a soft coup or color revolution in any of the following: NATO member states, allied protectorates of the U.S (Korea, Japan, Mexico, Saudi Arabia etc)...

    It's what it's.

    Without reciprocal pressure, the U.S will continue to be at the offensive, for as long as it can keep the effort - which is dependent on the push-back, plus other variables. Looking at the speed in which they pull these, the clear assessment is that the push back is rather meak thus "keep doing it".

    You think US internal strife, Brexit riots in France, etc are just spontaneous events that rise out of thin air? Man,  you are even dumber then you sound.

    i learned a life-lesson today.....some people are not worth responding to on this forum Wink
    the guy you are responding to included.


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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Jan 07, 2022 7:30 am

    On tech sites, propaganda is spread by a Ukrainian.

    Wonder if he realizes that new government is being formed?

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Jan 07, 2022 8:11 am

    So still some fighting in Almaty but I guess issue is more or less localized to that city and the authorities will continue to clamp down till they capture or remove remaining scum.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  nomadski Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:00 am

    It seems that Russia understands very well the importance of not being seen by the Kazakh people , as acting against them . The vast majority were peacefully demonstrating . A few were rioting and burning and looting . And an absolute minority were armed insurgents , shooting and killing . And I think , distinction should be made , in the approach towards them .

    I saw the uniforms of what I think were Kazakh military uniforms . I also saw the uniforms of the CSTO soldiers going into the plane . And they looked similar green colours . I think uniform of CSTO , maybe the colour of Helmet or soft hat , could change . To distinguish them from local forces .

    In this way , if local forces , acting under political local conditions , do something , then they can not be confused with CSTO forces , as far as the public concerned . In this way the public can not be misled into thinking that the CSTO are doing this or that by media or false propaganda . Like the UN blue helmets . Could be yellow helmets ?

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  ALAMO Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:22 am

    PapaDragon wrote:

    Oh Pasha, how times have changed.... Cool

    He was on the edge of rope&lattern scenario not so long time ago. That helps with priorities. Give him some space, bud! Laughing

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  flamming_python Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:38 am

    Moral of the story here actually is -
    don't forget to take out an insurance policy I love you

    Last edited by flamming_python on Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:41 am; edited 1 time in total

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  ALAMO Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:40 am

    Maybe shi did, and just trying ... you know ... Twisted Evil

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:48 am

    This is what I hate about RT. They aren't flicking protestors at this point.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  JohninMK Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:49 am

    ALAMO wrote:Maybe shi did, and just trying ... you know ... Twisted Evil

    Almost certainly did, but this situation would almost certainly be in the list of exclusions. Never expected to happen.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  JohninMK Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:52 am

    When the Russians want to show the others that they really mean business they put one of their best 4* on the job. Whilst Moscow MoD is releasing info on progress.

    The commander of the Russian Airborne Troops (VDV) Gen. Serdyukov has been appointed as a head of the CSTO contingent in Kazakhstan.

    Russian forces lead by Colonel-General Andrei Serdyukov (former military leader for operations in Syria)

    Konashenkov confirms that the Almaty airport captured by VDV

    Rob Lee
    The Russian MoD said more than 70 Il-76 and 5 An-124 transport aircraft are being used to deliver Russian forces to Kazakhstan around the clock. That is a really huge share of its transport aviation if true, and could transfer a large force quickly. 65/


    Shaun Walker
    Kazakhstan president Tokayev: “Abroad there are calls for the two sides to hold negotiations for a peaceful resolution. What idiocy. We were dealing with armed and well-prepared bandits, both local and foreign. Bandits and terrorists, who should be destroyed."

    ASB News / MILITARYPart alternation mark
    Tokayev thanks Putin for his rapid action & response to his appeal regarding the peacekeepers.

    Tokayev also says internet is back up in a number of regions (stable ones)

    Aldin Flag of Bosnia & Herzegovina
    Reports circulating that #Kazakhstan has closed five out of seven crossings with Kyrgyzstan.

    ASB News / MILITARYPart alternation mark
    BREAKING: CSTO forces take control of Almaty airport amid Tokayev declaring that the “foreign trained terrorists have not laid down their weapons” — Tokayev orders all authorities to shoot-to-kill all terrorists on sight.

    Last edited by JohninMK on Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:09 am; edited 2 times in total

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  JohninMK Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:04 am

    ASB News / MILITARYPart alternation mark
    We hear that very well armed “rioters” have scattered across buildings all over the city. Special forces have the work cut out for them. Ground to roof clearing of buildings against well armed & definitely trained individuals.

    Almaty is currently a warzone.

    Yes, Kazakhstan’s males are all military trained. But this is not basic military training. These are clear urban warfare tactics and insurgency strategies.

    1. Seize airports
    2. Disrupt govt buildings
    3. Demoralize military
    4. Occupy govt buildings
    5. Disrupt banks
    6. Huge Disinformation campaign by Turkic social media against the government & against Russia, basically running psy-ops on Kazakh population through media with fakes
    7. Urban warfare strategies are not taught in basic military service
    8. Random weapon drops, well organised
    10. Training like this takes at least a year. Nobody knows who these individuals are. Russia is VERY quiet with official statements. So is Kazakhstan. They’re releasing basics to calm the population.
    11. The speed of CSTO deployment was unbelievable, there’s a reason for this.
    12. They specifically targeted govt institutions, starting from the very basic ones. Police, fire dept & ambulances.
    This is a clear strategy to wreak havoc on the population. This is terrorism by every definition, these aren’t protests nor riots. This is likely something bigger

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:15 am

    I've asked this question but received no answer. Has Almaty more or less been surrounded and control of flow of people coming in and out?

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Scorpius Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:44 am

    According to the Russian Defense Ministry, 74 VTA aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces participate in the transfer of the CSTO peacekeeping contingent. These are IL-76MD and AN-124 Ruslan.

    One of the columns of equipment of the peacekeeping forces being transferred from the Ulyanovsk region:
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Unknown

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 9 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:50 am

    Kyrgyzstan has signed that they are sending 150 troops and some equipment to Kazakhstan under CSTO operation.

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