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Karl Haushofer
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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest


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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  AZ-5 Sat Jan 08, 2022 6:12 pm

    flamming_python wrote:Some people just can't handle the latest developments. Sucks to be them

    True that, just translated the script (the video was insightful).
    Here comes the money shot:

    The West looks on as Putin crushes Kazakhstan's democratic uprising

    This is a political earthquake with profound implications — we should be doing more. Two statues toppled, two worlds apart. In Bristol, a jury acquits protesters who vandalised a monument to Edward Colston, an 18th-century philanthropist whose fortune was built on the slave trade. In Kazakhstan, a huge effigy of the dictator Nursan Nazabayev is torn down by demonstrators engaged in a fight to the death between people power and a police state....

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  JohninMK Sat Jan 08, 2022 6:18 pm

    AZ-5 wrote:
    kvs wrote:The post by flamming is highly relevant since it debunks the Kazakh nationalist claims on the country's current borders and beyond.
    The Russians have the same historical timeline as the Kazakhs on this land.  Ethnically cleansing them is a war crime.   Russia
    must support both the Donbass and northern Kazakhstan Russian populations.   This does not mean any Sudentland style invasions
    but it also does not allow for ethnic cleansing.

    This requires lobbying, is Russia ready to lobby for this w the local clans? dunno

    I would hope that, once stability returns, the Russians ram down the locals throat (sorry, advise the Kazakhstan Government Very Happy ) of the benefits of evening up the distribution of wealth in the country, especially in the poor or Muslim areas.

    It seems pretty pointless to me that to have a continual threat of revolutions when there are not only healthy oil revenues but vast sums of wealth stuck in a huge Sovereign Wealth Fund benefiting many foreigners. This isn't Norway or the UAE with relatively few rich locals.

    Perhaps a revised deal with Chevron and the others?

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  flamming_python Sat Jan 08, 2022 6:44 pm

    A bit of a naive take in terms of refuting foreign involvement and clan rivalries, but the interview was written right at the beginning of the events, and before the facts were clear.
    Many interesting insights:

    A Color Revolution or a Working-Class Uprising?: an Interview with Aynur Kurmanov on the Protests in Kazakhstan

    By Zanovo Media
       January 6, 2022

    LeftEast gratefully acknowledges Zanovo-media, where this article was originally published in Russian.

    Today all post-Soviet mass-media and TV channels are riveted to the protests that suddenly engulfed Kazakhstan. To some they arouse hope, to others – horror and rejection. There are contradictions and different interpretations of what is happening: righteous people’s protest, clan wrangling, conspiracy of pro-Western and pro-Turkish forces or even “Islamist reaction”. But what is really happening? A Zanovo-media correspondent interviewed Aynur Kurmanov – one of the leaders of Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan.

    A model republic

    Kazakhstan is one of the biggest post-Soviet countries, which is only second to the Russian Federation in that system of political and economical relations, which was built after Soviet collapse. And this is not just because Nursultan Nazarbayev was one of the architects of the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States). The Kazakh model of smooth transformation of former party and Soviet nomenclature into a capitalist oligarchy with “an Asian face” was seen by many as a model. Indeed, this model had superficially attractive features not only for the ruling elites in other republics, but also for the average citizen: a high economic level, the presence of formal attributes of democracy, and few restrictions on Western culture. Large reserves of natural resources, including oil, and the industrial potential inherited from the socialist period proved a good launching pad for the young state. At the same time, the official propaganda of the Russian Federation and the CIS channels liked to set Kazakhstan as an example of preserving “the union traditions”, honoring the memory of the Great Patriotic War, the absence of nationalism, and so on.

    Mass protests broke out immediately after the New Year holidays, on January 2. The reason for protests was the rise in price of liquefied gas for cars, from 60 tenge to 120 tenge per liter. The first unsanctioned demonstrations began in the west of Kazakhstan, in the Mangistau region, the heartland of large oil-producing enterprises. It is here that the notorious Zhanaozen is located, where ten years ago a workers’ strike was brutally suppressed: 15 strikers were killed and hundreds injured in Zhanaozen.

    On the next day – January 3 – the protesters in the Mangistau Province added new social and political points to their initial demands: reduction of food prices, taking measures against unemployment, solution to the drinking water shortage, resignation of the government and local authorities. On this day, the protesters also began to gather in the squares and streets of Almaty, the capital city Nursultan and other cities. In a number of places, roads were blocked and protesters did not disperse even at night.

    On Tuesday, January 4, protesters clashed with police. In Alma-Ata, security forces used stun grenades to disperse protesters. In turn, protesters overturned police cars. In the evening of the same day, mobile Internet, messengers and social networks stopped working.

    Kazakhstani authorities tried to explain the gas price increase by the fact that its price is now determined by electronic bidding. As they say, “the market has decided”. The administration of the Mangistau Region firmly stated that everything was within the frames of the modern market economy, and the previous price was not coming back.

    But on January 4, under pressure from the protesters, the government was forced to lower the price of gas in the Mangistau region to 50 tenge per liter. The President of Kazakhstan Kasim-Jomart Tokayev said that the rest of the demands of the population would be considered separately. And then on January 5, the current Cabinet of Ministers was dismissed. The director of the gas processing plant in Zhanaozen was detained.    

    Region of total poverty

    The co-chairman of the Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan Aynur Kurmanov described the situation in the following terms:  

    The workers of Zhanaozen were the first to rise.  An increase in the gas price served only as a trigger for the popular protests. After all, the mountain of social problems has been accumulating for years. Last fall, Kazakhstan was hit by a wave of inflation. It should be taken into account that products are imported to the Mangistau region and they have always been 2-3 times more expensive there. But on a wave of rising prices at the end of 2021, the cost of food rose even more, and substantially. We must also take into account that the West of the country is a region of solid unemployment. In the course of neoliberal reforms and privatization, most of the businesses there were shut down. The only sector that still works here are the oil producers. But for the most part, they are owned by foreign capital. Up to 70 percent of Kazakhstan oil are exported to western markets, most of the profits also go to foreign owners.

    There is practically no investment in the development of the region: it is an area of total poverty and poverty. And last year these enterprises began to undergo large-scale optimization. Jobs were cut, workers began to lose their salaries, bonuses, many enterprises have turned into just service companies. When in Atyrau region the company Tengiz Oil fired 40 thousand workers at once, it became the real shock for the whole Western Kazakhstan. The state did nothing to prevent such mass layoffs.  And it should be understood, that one oil worker feeds 5-10 family members. Dismissal of a worker automatically condemns the whole family to starvation. There are no jobs here except for the oil sector and sectors that service its needs.

    Kazakhstan has actually built a raw-material model of capitalism. The population has accumulated a lot of social problems, there is a huge social stratification. The “middle class” is ruined, the real sector is destroyed. The uneven distribution of the national product has a considerable corruption component. Neoliberal reforms have all but eliminated the social safety net. And most likely, the owners of transnational corporations calculated – 5 million people are needed for servicing the “pipe”; the whole 18+ million of Kazakh population is too much. And that’s why this revolt is anti-colonial in many ways. The causes the current protests are rooted in the workings of capitalism: price of liquefied gas really rose on electronic trades. There was a conspiracy of monopolists who benefited from exporting gas abroad, creating a shortage of it and an increase in gas prices on the domestic market. So they themselves provoked the riots. However, it should be noted that the current social explosion is directed against the whole policy of capitalist reforms that have been carried out over the last 30 years and their destructive results.

    Traditions of Workers’ Struggle. Spontaneous Strike

    The form of protest initially was a classic “proletarian” strike. On the night of 3 to 4 January, a wildcat strike began at the Tengiz Oil enterprises.  Soon the strike spread to neighboring regions. Today, the strike movement has two main focus points – Zhanaozen and Aktau.

    As conspiracy theorists write today, the unrest in Kazakhstan was carefully prepared in the West, as evidenced by the careful organization and coordination of the protesters. In Kurmanov’s words:

    This is not a Maidan, although many political analysts are trying to present it this way. Where did such amazing self-organization come from? This is the experience and tradition of the workers. Strikes have been shaking the Mangistau region since 2008, and the strike movement began back in the 2000s. Even without any input from the Communist Party or other leftist groups, there were constant demands to nationalize the oil companies. The workers simply saw with their own eyes what privatization and foreign capitalist takeover was leading to. In the course of these earlier demonstrations, they gained enormous experience in struggle and solidarity. The very life in the wilderness made people stick together. It was against this background that the working class and the rest of the population came together. The protests of the workers in Zhanoazen and Aktau then set the tone for other regions of the country. Yurts and tents, which protesters began to put up in the main squares of the cities, were not at all taken from the “Euromaidan” experience: they stood in the Mangastau Region during the local strikes last year. The population itself brought water and food for the protesters.

    In Kazakhstan today there is no legal opposition, the entire political field has been cleared. The Communist Party of Kazakhstan was the last to be liquidated in 2015. Only 7 pro-governmental parties remained. But there are plenty of NGOs working in the country, which actively cooperate with the authorities in promoting a pro-Western agenda. Their favorite topics: the famine of the 1930s, the rehabilitation of participants of the Basmachi movement and collaborators of World War II, and so on. NGOs also work on the development of nationalist movement, which in Kazakhstan is completely pro-government. Nationalists hold rallies against China and Russia which are sanctioned by the authorities.

    According to our interlocutor, the sinister Islamists allegedly behind the recent events are also extremely weak and poorly organized in Kazakhstan. As he assured us, in fact, modern Kazakhstan is committed to building a mono-ethnic state, and nationalism is its official ideology. All reports of “pro-Soviet” Kazakhstan by the likes of Mir TV channel are a myth:

    Back in 2017, a monument was erected in Kyzyl-Orda to Mustafa Chokai, the inspirer of the Turkestan legion of the Wehrmacht. Today, the state is radically revising history. The process has especially intensified after Nursultan Nazarbayev’s visit to the USA a few years ago. The pan-Turkic movement is also becoming more and more active. More recently, i[on the initiative of Nursultan Nazarbayev, the Union of Turkic States was established in Istanbul on Nov. 12, 2021. Kazakhstan’s elite keeps its main assets in the West. That’s why the imperialistic states are absolutely not interested in the downfall of the present regime; it is already completely on their side.

    But perhaps not everything is so unambiguous with the geopolitical priorities of Kazakhstan? It seems that its leadership all the same tends to conduct notorious multi-vector policy, maneuvering between Russia, the West, China and Turkey. But one condition suits all foreign partners here – the local “loyal” legislation allows foreign companies to take the profits out of the country. However, if possible, none of the global players will stop at changing the government into an even more obedient one. And, of course, the liberal opposition will try to establish and is already establishing its control over the mass protest movement.  

    Nazarbayev’s resignation as president to head the Security Council was motivated by the desire to create the appearance of democracy, including to the West. In reality, he maintains full control over all the branches of power and only increased his power while at the same time completely avoiding responsibility. President Tokayev is a decorative figure, a pawn within the ruling family. Undoubtedly, the current protests can lead to some factions attempting a palace coup or similar actions. You can’t reduce everything to conspiracy theories. You shouldn’t idealize the current protest movement either. Yes, it is a grassroots social movement, with a pioneering role for workers, supported by the unemployed and other social groups. But there are very different forces at work in it, especially as workers do not have their own party, class trade unions, a clear program that fully meets their interests. The existing left-wing groups in Kazakhstan are more like circles and cannot seriously influence the course of events. Oligarchic and outside forces will try to appropriate and or at least use this movement for their own purposes. If it wins, the redistribution of property and open confrontation between various groups of the bourgeoisie, a “war of all against all,” will begin. But, in any case, the workers will be able to win certain freedoms and get new opportunities, including the creation of their own parties and independent trade unions, which will facilitate their struggle for their rights in the future.        

    Kazakhstan’s armed forces try to confront the protesters

    P.S. After the article was published, it became known that in Almaty and some other cities there are heavy clashes, the protestors have seized many key infrastructure buildings in Almaty and other cities. Under pressure from the protests, President Tokayev made unprecedented social concessions – he promised state regulation of gas, gasoline and socially important goods, a moratorium on raising utility bills, subsidized rents for housing for the poor, and the creation of a public fund to support health care and children. Protesters also demanded a return to the 1993 Constitution and a government made up of people outside the system. And they still demand lower food prices and a reduction of the retirement age to 58-60, higher wages, pensions, child benefits, and so on.

    Liberal opposition activists hastened to declare that it is they who coordinate the movement.

    By the evening of January 5, it was reported that Nursultan Nazarbayev was no longer the chairman of the SB. President Tokayev took his place and stated his intention to act “as tough as possible. At the same time, it was promised that “consistent political reforms” would soon be carried out.

    Later on that day Takayev called for a “peace-keeping” (in fact, police) operation of the Collective Security Treaty Organization countries (Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan) to suppress the protests, which the Kazakh were now declaring an attempt of intervention from outside. By the morning of January 6, CSTO council had approved of the request and there are already reports of Russian troops in Kazakhstan.

    Last edited by flamming_python on Sat Jan 08, 2022 6:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  nomadski Sat Jan 08, 2022 6:46 pm

    I think in the short term , an effort should be made to address the economic hardship that people feel . As evident from the protests , the economic factor , in extreme form , of looting , was evident . Burning property , and shooting was more political .

    Someone mentioned China contributing to or becoming member of CSTO . And I think this be a good idea , based around the belt and Road initiative . That is , to protect their investments and new towns and urban centres , a joint force can be assembled . Even including other nations , with investments in B&R .

    I mentioned before , that the route that the B&R initiative takes , should pass through , where possible , in areas with great ethnic diversity but least homogeneity . And it should establish industrial or commercial hubs , in the most deprived areas .

    All Asian nations , especially those with regressive ethnocentric foreign policy , such as Turkey , should sign on the dotted line . Implying that they will abide by this development plan . And a comprehensive security and development plan is needed . Where the Road goes , the plan goes with it !


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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  kvs Sat Jan 08, 2022 7:23 pm

    That is the wrong take. The looting was military operations designed to destabilize the country. It had very specific targets:
    banks, emergency response vehicles and stations (ambulances, fire trucks), police stations, and other targets that starving
    people would not be bothered with. There was no mass looting of grocery stores. The people in the worst hit areas are not
    suffering under a yoke of poverty. By that logic, Russians should have been rioting since 1991.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Scorpius Sat Jan 08, 2022 7:36 pm

    It has not been officially confirmed yet, but there are such rumors:

    In connection with the protests caused by the increase in prices for liquefied gas, the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, during consultations with Moscow, expressed his intention to place a permanent Russian military base on the territory of the country.

    According to sources of the telegram channel Nezygar, the headquarters of the CSTO forces in the form of a cadre of peacekeepers will be based in Baikonur, which is under Russian jurisdiction on the basis of an indefinite lease of the territory of the cosmodrome.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  ATLASCUB Sat Jan 08, 2022 7:38 pm

    The fact that Turkey is anywhere near the discussion at all... least of all counseled with and thanked for, in a time of crisis in a post soviet Russian satellite is highly telling of how far Russian power in the region has fallen relative to previous historical control. It's only bound to get worse as the Chinese expand this millennium - sooner or later fixtures will appear. Of course everyone is hoping for the "later" scenario due to obvious reasons. What a mess. The West can do the bare opportunistic minimum here and still do damage.....just sit back and laugh at it all.

    Last edited by ATLASCUB on Sat Jan 08, 2022 7:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  AZ-5 Sat Jan 08, 2022 7:41 pm

    Scorpius wrote:It has not been officially confirmed yet, but there are such rumors:

    In connection with the protests caused by the increase in prices for liquefied gas, the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, during consultations with Moscow, expressed his intention to place a permanent Russian military base on the territory of the country.

    According to sources of the telegram channel Nezygar, the headquarters of the CSTO forces in the form of a cadre of peacekeepers will be based in Baikonur, which is under Russian jurisdiction on the basis of an indefinite lease of the territory of the cosmodrome.

    They're pulling a 'Crimea lite' right in the middle of the desert. Interesting.
    More detail on this mobster guy under arrest, who flew in from TR:


    Kazakh Criminal boss Arman Dzhumageldiev, who came to the country from Flag of Turkey #Turkey has been detained in #Kazakhstan
    He is considered one of the organizers of protests and attacks on security forces.
    Five people were detained together with #Kazakh crime boss Arman Dzhumageldiev.

    Four pistols, ammunition for them, edged weapons and an armored vehicle were confiscated from them.
    It is curious that Arman Dikiy recently returned to #Kazakhstan from #Turkey

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sat Jan 08, 2022 8:18 pm

    This is all really nice, it's in line with the Eurasianists like Dugin and Zhirinovsky.

    Zhirinovsky is always on about Russian troops washing their boots in the Indian Ocean.

    Well I guess the main direction of Russia is now to the south, with latakia, tartus, nagorno karabakh, south ossetia, Abkhazia, crimea, almaty, Astana, aktau, kant, Dushanbe and soon Uzbekistan.

    Its like a giant pincer move enveloping middle Asia, the Levant, and balanced on the other side with wagnerites running mali, mozambique, sudan, CAR, Libya. That base in the Red sea would do nicely as well giving russia sea denial across east med , to red sea, to Indian Ocean by naval assets discounting long range aviation.

    All in all it makes sense. Europe is a lost cause , and with power of siberia 2, collective security is more than a symbolic headline now. Bets have been hedged, and Russia is just cashing in.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  AZ-5 Sat Jan 08, 2022 8:26 pm

    recent updates.. Almaty on turmoil one more night @disclosetv ·38m
    NOW - Sirens and a curfew announcement in Almaty, #Kazakhstan. Residents are asked to stay home as the crackdown continues.

    Shooting sounds heard again in Kazakh Almaty's Republic Square


    Moreover, there were the sounds of sirens in the evening in Almaty, Kazakh Orda publication said. NUR-SULTAN, January 8. /TASS/. The sounds of shooting were heard again in the Kazakh city of Almaty late on Saturday, the Kazakh Orda publication reported. A spurt of fire was heard in Almaty to the west of the Republic Square where clashes between the participants of mass riots and law enforcement forces occurred over the past several days, according to the publication.

    Situation in Baikonur, spaceport’s facilities remains calm, says Roscosmos chief

    8 JAN, 16:42

    MOSCOW, January 8. /TASS/. The night and day were without incidents in Baikonur, Roscosmos Chief Dmitry Rogozin said on Saturday. "The situation in the city of Baikonur and at the spaceport’s facilities is calm. The night and day were without incidents," he wrote on his Telegram channel.

    Иван Шмаков @ivan_a_shmakov ·44s
    The detained terrorists in Kazakhstan reported that they had been trained at the PMC of the European Security Academy in Poland near the city of Pozran.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  nomadski Sat Jan 08, 2022 8:32 pm

    @ KVS

    ".....That is the wrong take. The looting was military operations designed to destabilize the country. It had very specific targets:
    banks, emergency response vehicles and stations (ambulances, fire trucks), police stations, and other targets that starving
    people would not be bothered with. There was no mass looting of grocery stores. The people in the worst hit areas are not
    suffering under a yoke of poverty. By that logic, Russians should have been rioting since 1991......."

    you could be right of course . But what does it matter ? Well it matters , as far as finding the cause of any disturbances . I think , where there is greater political power existing within a population , and people feel empowered and decide their own fate , then economic hardships are better tolerated . And where they do not decide their own fate , then there is less tolerance to economic hardship .

    This could explain , why in some countries , despite economic hardship , there are no protests . But it could also be , that very harsh rule by the ruling  minority , stops protests . But in this case , it can not last for long . Certainly not years or decades .

    Protests then happen mostly in places without political freedoms and with economic hardships . Economic protesters do not have to take from a food store , in order for us to think of them as such . It makes more sense to take jewels or electronics or Cars or money from a Bank , to improve your condition !

    Therefore it we had facts about number of robberies and arson attacks or attacks against police vehicles or shootings or attacks against government buildings , then we could get a good picture of the nature of this society .

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Backman Sat Jan 08, 2022 8:56 pm

    The Drive is reporting like its as unstable now as it was in the first day  dunno

    Now, with the unrest showing no signs of abating, Tokayev has gone on the offensive, giving a hardline address today. As well as giving the order for the use of lethal force against the protesters, without warning....

    The Kazakh regime vows to continue fighting what it calls “bandits and terrorists” as possible armed rebel opposition group emerges.....

    While unconfirmed, there are also reports that a first organized rebel group has been established to challenge the regime. A video that has appeared on social media purports to show the self-styled Kazakhstan Liberation Front, with militants apparently armed with AKM assault rifles and an RPK light machine gun. There is also an apparent manifesto and flag. Again, this remains unverified, but if true, the first such rebel group would be a significant development.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Airbornewolf Sat Jan 08, 2022 9:12 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Imperial Guard detachments deployed in order to support local PDF units on planet Kazakhstan Cool

    I think few here will get the refference Razz.
    but salutations to you good sir, for being an fellow fan of the Astra Millitarum.

    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Captur38

    Meanwhile RT's Murad is embedded with the russian peacekeeping force.
    Its funny to see his face wherever shit hits the fan.
    Got to love his willingless to jump into dangerous situations at a moments notice.

    Murad in video "peacekeepers".
    *Me looks at RPG on russian soldiers back.*

    "uhu, i was a peacekeeper too. and needed an PZF-3 anti-tank weapon too to enforce said "peacekeeping" Razz

    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 P1230010

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  AZ-5 Sat Jan 08, 2022 9:31 pm

    Airbornewolf wrote:Murad in video "peacekeepers".
    *Me looks at RPG on russian soldiers back.*

    "uhu, i was a peacekeeper too. and needed an PZF-3 anti-tank weapon too to enforce said "peacekeeping" Razz

    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 P1230010

    Yeah same here, I was looking at them. They're fully kitted for proper, shooting war. As if once they disembark their APC/truck they might need to fight their way through.
    I can also recognize the feel on their faces (fully wired). Are things worse than we see reported? Neutral

    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Fdgdg10
    par far

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  par far Sat Jan 08, 2022 9:37 pm

    Backman wrote:The Drive is reporting like its as unstable now as it was in the first day  dunno

    Now, with the unrest showing no signs of abating, Tokayev has gone on the offensive, giving a hardline address today. As well as giving the order for the use of lethal force against the protesters, without warning....

    The Kazakh regime vows to continue fighting what it calls “bandits and terrorists” as possible armed rebel opposition group emerges.....

    While unconfirmed, there are also reports that a first organized rebel group has been established to challenge the regime. A video that has appeared on social media purports to show the self-styled Kazakhstan Liberation Front, with militants apparently armed with AKM assault rifles and an RPK light machine gun. There is also an apparent manifesto and flag. Again, this remains unverified, but if true, the first such rebel group would be a significant development.

    I think the peacekeepers will need time to get thins set up, also, it maybe be that the intelligence agencies want more time to study these groups.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Godric Sat Jan 08, 2022 9:42 pm

    i hope the Kazakh forces catch American and other foreign agents on the ground ... personally i would f**king execute the b*st*rds that's how they used to deal with saboteurs, it would send a signal interfere in Russian or CTSO countries and you will be given no mercy and you will be sent home in a body bag

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Airbornewolf Sat Jan 08, 2022 9:52 pm

    AZ-5 wrote:[/b]

    "uhu, i was a peacekeeper too. and needed an PZF-3 anti-tank weapon too to enforce said "peacekeeping" Razz

    Yeah same here, I was looking at them. They're fully kitted for proper, shooting war. As if once they disembark their APC/truck they might need to fight their way through.
    I can also recognize the feel on their faces (fully wired). Are things worse than we see reported? Neutral

    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Fdgdg10

    No i do not think so.

    AT weapons are also effective to engage shooters that are inside buildings.
    you do not need an direct hit, if you launch an Rocket trough the window you will take out whoever is in that room.
    The blast is intensified in sturdy buildings as the blast wave has very little room to expand.
    When it encounter's your meat-suit, its going to do serious damage to your organs and blood vessels.

    In Afghanistan we used them for this purpose too.
    The Quala's, the afghan-style buildings are actually tough as hell, 30MM AP does not even get trough.
    They build them in layers of reed and mud that just turns hard in the sun.
    It is better than reinforced concrete. it absorbs almost anything you fire at it.

    So....if we took fire from an sturdy building. We send Mr. Rocket over to say hello.
    no need for high-risk CQB.

    That is why the russians take them with them.

    Also.... soldiers being soldiers.
    If i stand in an armoury and are granted acces to something that goes boom. And i do not have to march with it for miles..i take it with me. just to be sure Cool

    Feeling wired/excited is natural for any deployment.
    as soon the aircraft is on the way, the group mentality takes over and all is okay.
    Then the mission is what matters, and trying to get home together in one piece.

    That said, i hope they all get home.
    Alive and in one piece.

    Last edited by Airbornewolf on Sat Jan 08, 2022 9:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  AZ-5 Sat Jan 08, 2022 9:56 pm

    Airbornewolf wrote:No i do not think so.

    AT weapons are also effective to engage shooters that are inside buildings.
    you do not need an direct hit, if you launch an Rocket trough the window you will take out whoever is in that room.
    The blast is intensified in sturdy buildings as the blast wave has very little room to expand.
    When it encounter's your meat-suit, its going to do serious damage to your organs and blood vessels.

    In Afghanistan we used them for this purpose too.
    The Quala's, the afghan-style buildings are actually tough as hit, 30MM AP does not even get trough.
    They build them in layers of reed and mud that just turns hard in the sun.
    It is better than reinforced concrete. it absorbs almost anything you fire at it.

    So....if we took fire from an sturdy building. We send Mr. Rocket over to say hello.
    no need for high-risk CQB.

    That is why the russians take them with them.

    Also.... soldiers being soldiers.
    If i stand in an armoury and are granted acces to something that goes boom. And i do not have to march with it for miles..i take it with me. just to be sure Cool

    I know all of this and don't doubt it as I've been a soldier myself. Esp. if it was day-2 or day-5 for them, coming out of whatever forward base they'd have established. It's just that these guys disembarked the actual plane from Russia with both launcher and rockets on their back. That's unusual for 1st minute in deployment, it means they are going (or they are) somewhere rather non-secure, immediately. Or it means uncertainty and insecurity in Kazakhstan is higher than reported from the local Goverment in Astana. Ergo the state is out of control.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Urluber Sat Jan 08, 2022 10:00 pm

    Godric wrote:i hope the Kazakh forces catch American and other foreign agents on the ground ... personally i would f**king execute the b*st*rds that's how they used to deal with saboteurs, it would send a signal interfere in Russian or CTSO countries and you will be given no mercy and you will be sent home in a body bag

    Yes. Otherwise they will turn out like John McCain; get involved in criminal war, get shot down, get prisoned and interrogated. Return home, all thanks to the mercy of the people you tried to kill, and then start acting tough.

    BTW, I hope the biological laboratories ran by USA in Kazakhstan are secured. Russian ex-Duma member Gennady Onishchenko warned about these:

    This is a military biological laboratory with a high level of protection, biological protection, that is, it is possible to work there with an unlimited composition of viruses, bacteria, microbes, and so on. Such laboratories were also built in Georgia, but this work was always most active in Kazakhstan.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Hole Sat Jan 08, 2022 10:00 pm

    Backman wrote:The Drive is reporting like its as unstable now as it was in the first day  dunno

    Now, with the unrest showing no signs of abating, Tokayev has gone on the offensive, giving a hardline address today. As well as giving the order for the use of lethal force against the protesters, without warning....

    The Kazakh regime vows to continue fighting what it calls “bandits and terrorists” as possible armed rebel opposition group emerges.....

    While unconfirmed, there are also reports that a first organized rebel group has been established to challenge the regime. A video that has appeared on social media purports to show the self-styled Kazakhstan Liberation Front, with militants apparently armed with AKM assault rifles and an RPK light machine gun. There is also an apparent manifesto and flag. Again, this remains unverified, but if true, the first such rebel group would be a significant development.

    A flag. Great. According to western propaganda the poor are rising up but miraciously their is money for a new flag! And a manifesto! thumbsup

    If someone had any doubt if this is a colour revolution, the flag thing proved the outside meddling.

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    Post  AZ-5 Sat Jan 08, 2022 10:05 pm

    Some videos and news.



    45th Spetsnaz Brigade:

    Rob Lee
    K-53949 Typhoon-K MRAPs, possibly from the GRU/GU's 3rd Spetsnaz Brigade, and Tigr-M SpN with an Arbalet-DM, likely from the VDV's 45th Spetsnaz Brigade. Also a UAV Patriot.

    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 FImzxgFXoAAdDkp?format=jpg&name=large

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  flamming_python Sat Jan 08, 2022 10:30 pm

    Backman wrote:The Drive is reporting like its as unstable now as it was in the first day  dunno

    Now, with the unrest showing no signs of abating, Tokayev has gone on the offensive, giving a hardline address today. As well as giving the order for the use of lethal force against the protesters, without warning....

    The Kazakh regime vows to continue fighting what it calls “bandits and terrorists” as possible armed rebel opposition group emerges.....

    While unconfirmed, there are also reports that a first organized rebel group has been established to challenge the regime. A video that has appeared on social media purports to show the self-styled Kazakhstan Liberation Front, with militants apparently armed with AKM assault rifles and an RPK light machine gun. There is also an apparent manifesto and flag. Again, this remains unverified, but if true, the first such rebel group would be a significant development.

    Here we go

    The new narrative

    Need to nip this all in the bud before it becomes a new Syria, Free Kazakhstani Army and all

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sat Jan 08, 2022 10:39 pm

    In actuality if these guys are seriously armed and they start to give kazakh forces casualties, VKS needs to get in there with SSO to laze targets for SU25sm3 and su34.

    98th and 76th should not be put in harm's way, if these rats need to get pummeled Aleppo style

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  flamming_python Sat Jan 08, 2022 10:46 pm

    AZ-5 wrote:
    Airbornewolf wrote:No i do not think so.

    AT weapons are also effective to engage shooters that are inside buildings.
    you do not need an direct hit, if you launch an Rocket trough the window you will take out whoever is in that room.
    The blast is intensified in sturdy buildings as the blast wave has very little room to expand.
    When it encounter's your meat-suit, its going to do serious damage to your organs and blood vessels.

    In Afghanistan we used them for this purpose too.
    The Quala's, the afghan-style buildings are actually tough as hit, 30MM AP does not even get trough.
    They build them in layers of reed and mud that just turns hard in the sun.
    It is better than reinforced concrete. it absorbs almost anything you fire at it.

    So....if we took fire from an sturdy building. We send Mr. Rocket over to say hello.
    no need for high-risk CQB.

    That is why the russians take them with them.

    Also.... soldiers being soldiers.
    If i stand in an armoury and are granted acces to something that goes boom. And i do not have to march with it for miles..i take it with me. just to be sure Cool

    I know all of this and don't doubt it as I've been a soldier myself. Esp. if it was day-2 or day-5 for them, coming out of whatever forward base they'd have established. It's just that these guys disembarked the actual plane from Russia with both launcher and rockets on their back. That's unusual for 1st minute in deployment, it means they are going (or they are) somewhere rather non-secure, immediately. Or it means uncertainty and insecurity in Kazakhstan is higher than reported from the local Goverment in Astana. Ergo the state is out of control.

    It's quite normal. It's essentially the dislocation of an entire battalion to a new temporary location of deployment. It's going to take all its equipment with it and that means each soldier taking what gear he has been assigned.

    You are deploying into a warzone before you even get to your new location of deployment.

    Last edited by flamming_python on Sat Jan 08, 2022 10:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 15 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  flamming_python Sat Jan 08, 2022 10:51 pm

    Hole wrote:
    Backman wrote:The Drive is reporting like its as unstable now as it was in the first day  dunno

    Now, with the unrest showing no signs of abating, Tokayev has gone on the offensive, giving a hardline address today. As well as giving the order for the use of lethal force against the protesters, without warning....

    The Kazakh regime vows to continue fighting what it calls “bandits and terrorists” as possible armed rebel opposition group emerges.....

    While unconfirmed, there are also reports that a first organized rebel group has been established to challenge the regime. A video that has appeared on social media purports to show the self-styled Kazakhstan Liberation Front, with militants apparently armed with AKM assault rifles and an RPK light machine gun. There is also an apparent manifesto and flag. Again, this remains unverified, but if true, the first such rebel group would be a significant development.

    A flag. Great. According to western propaganda the poor are rising up but miraciously their is money for a new flag! And a manifesto! thumbsup

    If someone had any doubt if this is a colour revolution, the flag thing proved the outside meddling.

    The flag is just the Kazakh national flag

    And these 4 posers apparently did their little instagram session in the Ukraine, someone leaked the info while others analyzed their accents

    So they're just a bunch of clowns

    What worries me is the Western media line, with The Drive at least talking about the rise of an armed insurgency in response to the security crackdown. Um no, the armed insurgency acted right from the beginning and was well trained by appearances.

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