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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19

    Post  sundoesntrise Fri Jun 24, 2022 5:26 am

    caveat emptor wrote:
    sundoesntrise wrote:
    caveat emptor wrote:You fuckers could start taking care of quotes in your messages for starters, instead of acting as some big brain geopolitical minds.

    You can tell how the war is going by the demeanor of the shills. You guys are really seething lately

    Listen balsero, your bias is getting best of you. Outcomes in life are never binary. You should know that , a big brain analyst. Same thing goes for every other member of the forum on opposite side.

    Bro, clean up your quoting game its polluting the thread.

    Seething so hard you lost the ability to speak proper English. Very Happy

    The Kremlin-tards never fail to provide some gold standard comedy.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19

    Post  PapaDragon Fri Jun 24, 2022 5:29 am

    sundoesntrise wrote:
    caveat emptor wrote:You fuckers could start taking care of quotes in your messages for starters, instead of acting as some big brain geopolitical minds.

    You can tell how the war is going by the demeanor of the shills. You guys are really seething lately

    Yo special-ed case, he told everyone to clean up their quotes and stop posting text walls made out of them

    He said nothing about content

    And I agree with him, cut that reposting bullshittery

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19

    Post  ArgentinaGuard Fri Jun 24, 2022 5:55 am

    sundoesntrise wrote:

    You can tell how the war is going by the demeanor of the shills. You guys are really seething lately

    Russia goes to Iran haha, yes and also to China and India. His back is covered. You find it hard to accept the new rules of a multipolar world.
    The future of the West is quite dark between economic and social collapse.  Europe a dead continent (a youth that does not even reproduce as a biological function) without natural resources at the most necessary moment (when the rest of the powers have them). I would be worried about what awaits them in the next 20 years when these changes are more profound. And I won't even tell you if the dollar is abandoned by China (which will be the final blow to US hegemony). You are going to collect papers like the Germans in the Weimar Republic.
    The good news is that you will be able to continue celebrating your day of pride with the colored flag.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19

    Post  ArgentinaGuard Fri Jun 24, 2022 6:28 am

    The interesting thing is that Russia is selling more oil than before the war. Who buys it? India to resell it at a higher price to Western idiots and China to strengthen its competitive position against the United States. It is very simple. But the idiot forgot an important factor: food. And I assure you (for living in a country that produces food) that these will not go down in price for a long time.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19

    Post  Scorpius Fri Jun 24, 2022 6:44 am

    I am really interested in how local experts in geopolitics and macroeconomics simultaneously manage to combine in their heads ideas about the successful isolation of Russia from the world economy and at the same time about the need for Western investment. Guys, either Russia is isolated or deprived of investment - these two dishes do not lie on the same table. In any of these cases, Russia can continue to issue money by issuing money - the Russian economy is experiencing an acute shortage of money supply. So acute that we can double the amount of money supply with zero inflation.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19

    Post  OminousSpudd Fri Jun 24, 2022 7:13 am

    sundoesntrise wrote:You can tell how the war is going by the demeanor of the shills. You guys are really seething lately
    Irregardless of Russia's future or the war, it is clear that the Western world is not in great shape. National psyche plays a significant role in the outcome of trying times, something that is often disregarded. In general there seems to be a positive attitude amongst the Russian public about the future, even with the understanding that they'll be "roughing it" in some senses. In the West there is a growing disenfranchised public, many who are one minor mishap away from bankruptcy. Another aspect that should be taken into account is the endless self-purging that modern globohomo governments have subjected themselves to in all sectors of management; financial, academic, bureaucratic, even defense. The dogmatic pursuit of sacrificing all who are considered against the "system" on the pyres of progress, with an ever-shifting and totally arbitrary moral rule-set can only lead to a delusional catharsis, potentially ending in a messy suicide. Not to mention this process of flagellation is literally removing the most capable individuals and would-be leaders and replacing them with, for lack of a better term, degenerates. Contextualizing the Western world, particularly the US with history, there are more than a few indicators that their model of empire is running on borrowed time. How this all stacks up in a "East" vs. "West" I don't really know, but it seems to me that your viewpoint is reactionary to the point of handing Russia's enemies the W without factoring in elements beyond the economic.

    I might add that the likeliness of shills existing on a backwater site like this is probably nought. Trolls, idiots and bad faith actors, yes, but shills nah

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19

    Post  ALAMO Fri Jun 24, 2022 7:23 am

    kvs wrote:The Kiev "retreat" played the west like a violin.   The clowns in NATzO and their sock puppets in Kiev "smelled blood in the water"
    (LOL) and thought that their wet dreams of regime change in Russia were within reach.    It is now clear that if Kiev and its
    puppeteers were to take the negotiations seriously, then they would have retained all their territory without the LDNR.   That
    would have been a small "sacrifice" for them.   Now these losers are going to get next to nothing.   Russia will take real estate
    corresponding to Novorossiya and Lavrov has basically stated this in the last day.   That is, any hypothetical negotiations are
    going to start from the facts on the ground.
    Also, all the wankers who think that NATzO weapons are slowing down the special military operation need to stop living on
    delusional fantasies.   The progress of the operation in the LDNR was always going to slow down in the fortified military district
    built up by Kiev since 2015 in part of the LDNR it managed to secure in the Minsk Appeasement.  
    The pace is going to pick up as this district is neutralized.

    Not even that.
    The Minsk Agreements were all about retaining the territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state, yet granting the LDNR special and constitutionally granted status. It was the federalization of Ukraine, as simple as that. What is even more interesting, is that corresponded to some internal currents that flew inside Ukraine well before 2014, and used to be fueled from western Ukraine more than from the East.
    Russkies were so determined to retain the integrity status, that pushed for several Normandy Format meetings in 2015-2020, the last attempt used to be a fan song of stepping down Angela Merkel.
    Russia is a FEDERATION. Germany is one either. Switzerland is one. Lots of prosperous countries in Europe have this political status, and run great - this is one of the smartest ways to secure the statehood of territory populated by different nations/religions/languages.
    But no! Not good enough for Ukraine, because it was not about Ukraine from the beginning. Ukraine is just a tool that was created by the Anglosaxons and sharpened for the whole period for one purpose only. This purpose was to inflict maximum damage to the RF, using a proxy zombie state, that needed to be brought to the edge of humanity for this purpose. It is not the first case when Anglosaxons used a nationalistic ideology to meddle in continental Europe.

    From the wider perspective, the actual status is much better for RF, as - first of all - Crimea is connected with mainland Russia with land roads and railway, plus the water supply is finally secured. Only those two factors will increase the economic value of the peninsula by a factor, and improve the living conditions of the population accordingly.

    As soon as Odessa will be taken, the issue of Transdnistria will be resolved once and for good.

    All that combined will bring Russia 15 mln new citizens at once, and resolve several important problems existing for years or decades.

    Both US missile bases will be in the range of Russian tactical weapons, with the time needed to turn them into nice holes in the ground in a few minutes.

    And all that because Putin is an idiot, and the US deep state is run by superheroes and superbrains only, remember that!

    ArgentinaGuard wrote:
    The interesting thing is that Russia is selling more oil than before the war. Who buys it? India to resell it at a higher price to Western idiots and China to strengthen its competitive position against the United States. It is very simple. But the idiot forgot an important factor: food. And I assure you (for living in a country that produces food) that these will not go down in price for a long time.

    Europe, pretending that they are not there.
    Just the same way as US-based importers are crazy hungry for fertilizers and buying them like crazy.
    Belarussian fertilizers were sanctioned for years, yet widely imported by, let's say, Columbia ... Twisted Evil

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19

    Post  lancelot Fri Jun 24, 2022 8:10 am

    sundoesntrise wrote:'Russia' is a generational plan and what we are seeing here is a paradigm shift. I don't expect the parish here to fully understand the gravity of these developments, as they are mostly disadvantageous to Russia, but they are YUGE

    The UK + EU have abruptly broken with their 60 year long energy policy regarding Russia. They have received a slap in the face+wake up call and now realize that you can't rely on Russia for anything. Not even the SU reached that stage of hostility at any point past the 60s-70s. The rapid re-assessment of energy security and will result in a rush to new nuclear power, coal power and renewable. This isn't a gesture, and Germany's gas storage levels standing at 56 percent (without budging) isn't 'winning' or taking 'le stand', it's a paradigm shift.
    Quite the opposite in fact. Russia continued energy supplies to EU according to contracts way beyond the call of duty. Watch what the US did to Venezuela to know how the US wields energy trade to bend other nations to its will. And then complain about Russia. On the other hand the EU breaks all contracts. So Russian civilians now can't get parts for their European cars. Do you think they will buy more European cars in the future? I will tell you one thing, once people switch car brands they seldom switch back.
    The hostility is entirely one sided. Or should I say, was, one sided. Soon it won't be.

    Europe will be de-industrialized to a degree the Morgenthau Plan never achieved. All heavy industry will collapse. Bye bye Bayer and BASF. Perhaps they will move to Turkey.

    As for your supposed EU nuclear renaissance, maybe it will happen once France can make an EPR nuke plant which actually works. Because all the ones which supposedly should be in operation, the ones in China, the one in Finland, all of them seem to suffer from broken components from poor metallurgy. You don't stop making nuclear reactors for 20-30 years and then expect to smoothly begin building them again just like that. Factories closed. Workers retired or went to pasture. Etc. Maybe in 5 years they will fix the issue. And they better start making those EPRs in less than the 13 years or so it took to make the still not functioning one in Finland.

    The world leaders in nuclear reactor construction at this time are Russia and China.

    They only reason "detente" ever happened was because of the so called Sputnik event. i.e. the Soviets had the capability to destroy any city in the West at a push of a button. And the West couldn't strike the Soviets back. This was the R-7 rocket. The first ICBM ever designed. The US only understands pure power. Nothing else.

    sundoesntrise wrote:Bytheway can any of the Kremliners here explain how this type of EU escalation relates to Russia's previous 'Greater European Initiative' policies, and master strategos Putin's aim at breaking up NATO through building European energy dependancy/economic interlinking?

    I wonder what's going to happen when that economic recession/depression kicks in now that the FED has clearly hit the brakes on QE. BCO at 40 USD with hardly any gas infrastructure existing in the East because grand wizard Putin thought he had his customers set in the West.
    Did you bother reading Putin's PhD thesis? The idea the Russian energy industry was a ploy to break NATO has always been US bullshittery. Reagan was claiming the same thing about the first gas pipelines to Europe that the Soviets built. It was just a way to finance the reconstruction of Russia's economy for the XXIst century. But imagine that. Wanting to have regular trade relations with someone else. Something UStards can't even imagine.

    Screw the FED. Russia now is isolated from the Western economy thanks to the West. Do you see a recession in China? Do you see inflation in China? Russia will have a recession but it won't have anything to do with FED policy. It will have to do with the forced breaks in trade linkages. Huge economic destruction at play. But eventually it will come out and go into new mode of production. It typically takes 2 years to build most factories. And it can take 5 to 10 years to develop the most complex products. However by that time most of Europe will have likely turned into a middle income economy worse than Mexico. Watch how well Japan's economy has faired under conditions of high energy prices. Continuous QE, negative population growth, the Central Bank buying the entire stock exchange so it can pretend the market exists, and their entire export businesses being taken over by China.

    Over the next decade Europe and the US will lose their duopoly on the aviation industry. They will also lose most of automotive industry market. They proved themselves UNRELIABLE as suppliers. They will become more and more confined to their own markets. They will become a basket case like how South America is today.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19

    Post  Serberus Fri Jun 24, 2022 9:02 am

    Victory banner raised over Zolote/Katerinovka administration building

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19

    Post  RTN Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:04 am

    Nine more Russian soldiers surrendered


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    Post  Erk Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:14 am

    RTN wrote:Nine more Russian soldiers surrendered

    Oh no!, shock horror, the special operation is doomed!

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19

    Post  Hinex1988 Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:26 am

    ⚡Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine (June 24, 2022)

    Part 1 (read Part 2)

    ◽Successful offensive of Russian units towards Lugansk within 5 days has resulted in the liberation of Loskutovka, Podlesnoye, Mirnaya Dolina, Shchebkaryer, Vrubovka, Nyrkovo, Nikiolayevka, Novoivanovka, Ustinovka and Ray-Aleksandrovka.

    ◽Group of Ukrainian units has been completely isolated near Gorskoye and Zolotoye.

    ◽This pocket has encircled 4 battalions: 3rd Mechanised Battalion of 24th Mechanised Brigade, 15th Mountain Assault Battalion of 128th Mountain Assault Brigade, 42nd Mechanised Infantry Battalion of 57th Mechanised Infantry Brigade, 70th Battalion of 101st Territorial Defence Brigade, as well as an artillery group of 57th Mechanised Infantry Brigade, a group of Nazis from Right Sector organisation and a detachment of foreign mercenaries.

    📊 In total, the Gorskoye pocket has isolated up to 2,000 people: about 1,800 servicemen, 120 Nazis from Right Sector, up to 80 foreign mercenaries, as well as over 40 armoured combat vehicles and about 80 guns and mortars.

    ◽41 servicemen abandoned their resistance and surrendered voluntarily just over the past 24 hours.

    ◽According to the prisoners, the encircled Ukrainian units are exhausted. The units are currently manned by less than 40%. Higher Ukrainian command has lost control over these units. Armament, munitions, fuel and other logistic supply is completely stopped.

    ◽Russian troops are straitening the Gorskoye encirclement by launching uninterrupted attacks at the enemy. Half of Zolotoye had been taken under control over yesterday.

    ◽The enemy suffers considerable losses in other directions, too.

    💥High-precision attacks of Russian Aerospace Forces at three bases of foreign mercenaries in Nikolayev, Golitsyno (Nikolayev region) and Oleshki (Kharkov region) have resulted in the elimination of more than 200 'soldiers of fortune' and up to 100 Ukrainian nationalists.

    ◽Desertion and refusals to be involved in operations are becoming widespread in the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). Over 30 Ukrainian servicemen from one of the battalions of 25th Airborne Brigade have abandoned their positions and personal weapons near Aleksandropol (Donetsk People's Republic).

    ◽To replenish the losses in manpower, Ukrainian command are forced to form separate rifle battalions formed by untrained, mobilised citizens in each regions towards Donetsk and Lugansk.

    #MoD #Russia #Ukraine

    ⚡Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine (June 24, 2022)

    Part 2 (read Part 1)

    ◽The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

    💥 Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery have neutralised AFU manpower and military equipment at 367 areas. 5 depots of munitions, missiles, artillery armament and logistic supplies near Privolye (Lugansk People's Republic) and Nikolayev, as well as artillery and mortar units in 62 areas, including an artillery battery of M-777 howitzers near Oleshki (Kharkov region).

    💥Bastion coastal missile system has launched an attack at the firing position of S-300 air defence missile system near Odessa. The target has been eliminated.

    ◽Attacks launched by aviation, missile troops and artillery have resulted in the elimination of more than 620 nationalists, 19 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, as well as 17 special vehicles.

    💥Russian air defence means have destroyed 2 Su-25 airplanes near Dolgenkoye (Kharkov region) and Vysokopolye (Nikolayev region).

    💥5 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles have been shot down near Popasnaya and Kapitanovo (Lugansk People's Republic), Verbovka, Donetskoye (Kharkov region), as well as 5 Tochka-U tactical missiles near Stakhanov, Lugansk and Izyum.

    💥In total, 213 airplanes and 132 helicopters, 1,334 unmanned aerial vehicles, 350 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,769 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 659 combat vehicles equipped with multiple rocket-launching systems, 3,002 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 3,835 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.

    #MoD #Russia #Ukraine

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19

    Post  Serberus Fri Jun 24, 2022 12:54 pm

    More Wehrmacht POW’s from the Zolote cauldron
    I count several more than 9  😉 reports indicate more than 800 were taken in the cauldron plus around Lysichansk

    Also unconfirmed reports that Wehrmacht and Mercs attempted a withdrawal from Azot (Severodonetsk) under cover of darkness last night, across the S Donetsk river, suffering mass casualties.

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    Post  kvs Fri Jun 24, 2022 1:15 pm

    Scorpius wrote:I am really interested in how local experts in geopolitics and macroeconomics simultaneously manage to combine in their heads ideas about the successful isolation of Russia from the world economy and at the same time about the need for Western investment. Guys, either Russia is isolated or deprived of investment - these two dishes do not lie on the same table. In any of these cases, Russia can continue to issue money by issuing money - the Russian economy is experiencing an acute shortage of money supply. So acute that we can double the amount of money supply with zero inflation.

    Western "investment" has been a creaming racket. It is a liberast 5th column talking point to endlessly call for more of and insinuate that Russia
    cannot do without it. If Russia needs a Macdonald's substitute then it can invite some Indian or Chinese chain franchise. But as we see, it can
    replace it with domestic investment.

    Russia is not isolated. Not letting western parasites in does not stop Russia from engaging with the rest of the world.

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    Post  Big_Gazza Fri Jun 24, 2022 1:54 pm

    Isos wrote:S-500 is a useless weapon.

    Credibility is like virginity. Once its gone it can't be regained, and you just lost your bud. Razz

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    Post  Isos Fri Jun 24, 2022 1:58 pm

    Big_Gazza wrote:
    Isos wrote:S-500 is a useless weapon.

    Credibility is like virginity.  Once its gone it can't be regained, and you just lost your bud.  Razz

    When would it be useful ?

    A su-57 can be used against any enemy which makes it a valuable weapon.

    S-500 is designed for intercepting ICBM so only useful in a nuclear war so totally useless because missiles will fly everywhere. Pantsir and tors are more useful than s-500.

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    Post  ludovicense Fri Jun 24, 2022 2:02 pm


    Russia state-affiliated media
    Germany makes major announcement on #NATO

    Chancellor #Scholz has promised to make the Bundeswehr the “biggest conventional army” among European NATO member states


    This should give butterflies in the stomach in some populations of European countries.... but not in Russians who are well prepared.....

    I don't know why Sholtz hates Russia so much. I think it's disproportionate for a leader whose country depends so much on its resources.... sometimes I have the perception that he is jealous of the fact that Russia will bring Ukraine back. The same goes for Poland, which certainly dreams of Western Ukraine every day.

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    Post  Big_Gazza Fri Jun 24, 2022 2:12 pm

    sundoesntrise wrote:The UK + EU have abruptly broken with their 60 year long energy policy regarding Russia. They have received a slap in the face+wake up call and now realize that you can't rely on Russia for anything.

    Who sanctioned who?  Who stole whose national reserves?  Who blocked who from Swift?  Who announced an oil embargo? Who is banning whose sportsmen & women?  Who is stealing the assets of whose oligarchs? Who openly gloated about expecting to crush whose economy, destroy the value of their currency, cause hyperinflation and openly anticipated regime change?

    Writing mindless nonsense like this, you could get a job with the UK Foreign Office, or be a henchman for Ursula van der Crazy.  Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz

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    Post  Isos Fri Jun 24, 2022 2:16 pm

    Sholtz is making a political move with desperate promises because of tge pression of NATO so that he can discuss with Putin in the future.

    If does nothing and discuss directly with Putin he is dead.

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    Post  ludovicense Fri Jun 24, 2022 2:17 pm

    Isos wrote:
    Big_Gazza wrote:
    Isos wrote:S-500 is a useless weapon.

    Credibility is like virginity.  Once its gone it can't be regained, and you just lost your bud.  Razz

    When would it be useful ?

    A su-57 can be used against any enemy which makes it a valuable weapon.

    S-500 is designed for intercepting ICBM so only useful in a nuclear war so totally useless because missiles will fly everywhere. Pantsir and tors are more useful than s-500.

    A country like Russia has to be prepared for nuclear war.... that's a fact. The S 500 is a defensive tool that can intercept ICBMs at high altitudes. It is not a useless weapon. Obviously not an appropriate weapon for a localized conflict like the Ukrainian one.

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    Post  ludovicense Fri Jun 24, 2022 2:23 pm

    Isos wrote:Sholtz is making a political move with desperate promises because of tge pression of NATO so that he can discuss with Putin in the future.

    If does nothing and discuss directly with Putin he is dead.

    I think it's more than that.... Sholtz has a hate speech. Just compare it with Macron's speeches, which are sometimes protocol, almost forced......


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    Post  ludovicense Fri Jun 24, 2022 2:27 pm

    Russian & allied forces number about 200K

    Ukraine has an army of more than 250K with about 400K Reserves

    Russia has not mobilised, Ukraine has mobilised several times. Russia is outnumbered 3 to 1 by an army pumped with NATO weapons & is still winning....


    Firepower is not just measured by numbers of soldiers... Isreal defeated Arab army with inferior numbers of soldiers. But I am very curious about how many Russian troops are currently in combat in the Donbass region..

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    Post  Big_Gazza Fri Jun 24, 2022 2:30 pm

    Erk wrote:
    RTN wrote:Nine more Russian soldiers surrendered

    Oh no!, shock horror, the special operation is doomed!

    Now, now, be fair.  He's cutting down on his Copium intake, so now needs some "replacement therapies" to get by...  Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Fri Jun 24, 2022 2:31 pm

    Russian Air Strikes Eliminate 300 Ukrainian Troops in Kharkov and Nikolaev Regions, MoD Says

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19

    Post  Mir Fri Jun 24, 2022 2:32 pm

    Isos wrote:
    Big_Gazza wrote:
    Isos wrote:S-500 is a useless weapon.

    Credibility is like virginity.  Once its gone it can't be regained, and you just lost your bud.  Razz

    When would it be useful ?

    A su-57 can be used against any enemy which makes it a valuable weapon.

    S-500 is designed for intercepting ICBM so only useful in a nuclear war so totally useless because missiles will fly everywhere. Pantsir and tors are more useful than s-500.

    The S-500 is not just a ICBM interceptor missile. It can intercept all hypersonic ballistic type missiles as well as spacecraft and satellites (in low orbit?). That outer space tin can troop transporter will be a sitting duck for this type of missile. The S-500 is probably intended as a AWACS killer as well and it will also be able to use missiles for the S400 system. Then there is also the S-550 with similar capabilities. It is unclear at this stage but it seems to be a longer ranged version of the S-500?

    GarryB, Big_Gazza, kvs, Sprut-B, Hole, lancelot, Broski and Belisarius like this post

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19 - Page 14 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #19

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