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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Isos Thu Jul 14, 2022 12:33 am

    kvs wrote:The drones are more HIMARS "game changer" onanism.   This is social media "war" and not real war.   Gamer faggots are fighting
    glorious battles by proxy.   Some wonder waffle is always needed to get desired results.  Yes, even Russia needs precious Iranian tech
    or it will lose.  When nothing happens gamer faggots just forget and move onto to another "game changer".    BTW, I have been
    a gamer for a long time, but I do not fancy myself a real life warrior.   Maybe these clowns think that they can turn on God mode.

    Well it's not about game warrior or real warrior.

    Russia army has a lot to learn from this conflict and even people with no real experience can draw conclusions.

    Drones are important for modern conflicts. Ukrainian did very well with dumb civilian drones armed with fancy grenades managing to destroy million dollar tanks. Russians copied this after seeing their good results.

    Small drones + artillery isn't as good as bigger armed drones against moving targets. They need a lot of armed Orion and other Forpost R.

    Drones are also good for intel gathering which would help hunting enemy artillery. They have hard time destroying those HIMARs and relying on AD to intercept their rockets is just dumb and doesn't work.

    Their AD isn't perfect as some here may think. Plenty of rockets and BM will go through.

    Their sukhois have hard time in environment contested by AD systems which is surprising knowing that this was the case in 2008 and they still can't enter an airspace where systems they designed and operate are present.

    Plenty of lesson and they better learn from them than think like you it's all ukrainian propaganda and they have perfect weapons and a perfect army.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Regular Thu Jul 14, 2022 12:40 am

    Few things I don't understand about rumors regards these drones.

    Only reason Russia would purchase foreign drones would be the need to fill the gap in domestic manufacturing. Currently, I can only think of Russia not having have a man-portable quadcopter in service and there is a need for that (as per Russian/DNR soldier interviews). But doesn't Iran has a small capacity to fulfill these needs? Why Iran and not China that is a leader in UAVs?

    There is no doubt that DJI commercial drones are the world leaders at the moment and they and they are loved by the soldiers on both sides. It's China who makes them, not Iran. China also has cheaper military versions of these drones and they have the capability to produce them in large numbers.

    Other type of drones - it would take time to integrate them, both comms and training, logistics and etc. As far as I know Russia has cheap shitty drones in number of thousands and not that it needs Iranian cheap shitty drones that wouldn't not even have integration.

    If we are talking about UCAV, then ... it even makes even less sense. China has so many of them for sale, alot of them are battle tested. Russia is closer politically and economically with China for this to happen.

    But then again, I suspect it's just anti-russian/anti-iranian rhetorics.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Arrow Thu Jul 14, 2022 12:56 am

    It makes an impression.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Arkanghelsk Thu Jul 14, 2022 1:21 am

    Isos wrote:
    Well it's not about game warrior or real warrior.

    Russia army has a lot to learn from this conflict and even people with no real experience can draw conclusions.

    Drones are important for modern conflicts. Ukrainian did very well with dumb civilian drones armed with fancy grenades managing to destroy million dollar tanks. Russians copied this after seeing their good results.

    Small drones + artillery isn't as good as bigger armed drones against moving targets. They need a lot of armed Orion and other Forpost R.

    Drones are also good for intel gathering which would help hunting enemy artillery. They have hard time destroying those HIMARs and relying on AD to intercept their rockets is just dumb and doesn't work.

    Their AD isn't perfect as some here may think. Plenty of rockets and BM will go through.

    Their sukhois have hard time in environment contested by AD systems which is surprising knowing that this was the case in 2008 and they still can't enter an airspace where systems they designed and operate are present.

    Plenty of lesson and they better learn from them than think like you it's all ukrainian propaganda and they have perfect weapons and a perfect army.

    It's not a question of not having them

    Tochka U was in storage , and only just started to be brought out in numbers

    Same could be said about drones

    This has been more of an experimentation of weapons and methods, more than a serious effort at regime change, or even territorial liberation

    They are experimenting how to clear towns, villages, cities, trenches

    They test this missile, that missile, or this rocket or that drone

    There is no serious effort on behalf of Russia

    It's more like an experiment which they tweak every now and then

    Those targets they hit killing hundreds of Ukrainians, you think they didn't know about those targets ? They know where it is, bridges, weapons, troops

    And they deliberately don't hit it

    These things got the Moskva sunk, and it goes from the top down

    It's a mental / cultural thing

    Like fire on Gremyaschiy or Crane hitting Kuznetsov

    Some of these guys are fucking hard heads and even if they can change something they won't

    Arrogance and cultural things are at play

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  dionis Thu Jul 14, 2022 1:26 am

    Arkanghelsk wrote:

    Charlie company is a Ukrainian unit trained by the US army

    They are a very experienced unit in the area

    You can hear about them from Belarusian Dima

    On "military summary" in youtube

    Dima is very balanced and has the nice map from

    The website is a Russian site where live updates are submitted by warriors on the front

    The map is the most updated and comprehensive one right now is good but it lags in updating territory and doesn't show unit disposition

    Dima recently added another map with units themselves , and made note of Charlie company

    I've been following Dima/his YouTube for a little while now, but he never explained who they were or I missed it - so thanks.

    Any idea how to pay for that map? I only have US-based payments, and as far as I can tell all they take are Russian credit cards (including local Visa/MC) plus other Russian payments.


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Regular Thu Jul 14, 2022 1:41 am

    Arkanghelsk wrote:

    Arrogance and cultural things are at play

    Wouldn't call it a cultural thing, Russians in my family and those I know prepare. Be it winter supplies, datcha preparation for the off-season, unexpected events, rubble fluctuating and etc. It's hard to catch unprepared Russian, you guys are preppers thanks to Soviet times where you had to plan in the future for long time, both for car, apartment or some nice deficit good. It's not same mentality that "I wake up, I get hungry, I take a banana from the tree" that some people have.

    It's just the gov and it's structures that get caught with their pants down and always playing catch-up. Not that it's much better in other countries. It always has to be shock therapy for the militaries to learn. From Romans facing Carthaginians, to IDF tanks getting decimated by first-gen ATGMs.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Isos Thu Jul 14, 2022 1:52 am

    This has been more of an experimentation of weapons and methods, more than a serious effort at regime change, or even territorial liberation

    They are experimenting how to clear towns, villages, cities, trenches

    Having 6000 of your soldiers dead to go easy on SS units and just test weapons...

    If people find out it was what you are saying is true Putin and his generals may end up overthrown by the soldiers. They better say it was shitty tactics and lack of weapons.

    Either do the war and win it or don't do anything.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Arkanghelsk Thu Jul 14, 2022 2:34 am

    Isos wrote:

    Having 6000 of your soldiers dead to go easy on SS units and just test weapons...

    If people find out it was what you are saying is true Putin and his generals may end up overthrown by the soldiers. They better say it was shitty tactics and lack of weapons.

    Either do the war and win it or don't do anything.

    People know about it - what are they gonna do?

    Mostly everyone agrees with what you say

    Everyone wants it done fast

    Unfortunately it won't be that way, it will be slow, methodical and keeping KIA low

    Your figures of 6000 may hold true for LDNR

    Anyway people are well aware of losses

    The politicians are restraining the military, its well known

    Last night we caught a glimpse of what they can do when they put intensity

    However, it will be at the pace and rythym the leadership want

    They have many variables in the equation of SMO

    Economics, political bargains, and other things the average person would consider cynical

    But, on the other hand, moving so fast and taking over without a real plan, or having to occupy a hateful population would result in the same losses in the end

    Maybe not by combat, but by IED and other booby traps which sapped 7000 NATO troops

    So pick the poison

    Anyway it will speed up , look at the current battles , this is the last big bastion of Defense

    And then after, we cannot say, maybe Putin will get everyone out, maybe they go to Kiev

    Noone will know , only draw your own conclusions

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Arkanghelsk Thu Jul 14, 2022 2:35 am

    Seversk will be completely liberated by the end of the week, hopefully even by the beginning of the weekend. We will let you know.

    Mop-up is ongoing and is having much success.

    - Gleb Bazov

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Arkanghelsk Thu Jul 14, 2022 3:01 am

    There are high-credibility reports of Ukrainian troops withdrawing in smaller groups from Seversk and Soledar, with trucks full of stolen property from burglared residential dwellings of local civilians. The same pattern is starting, but is not as apparent in Artyomovsk (Bakhmut).


    I don't know anyone who can answer why this area is collapsing

    The reports must be true, the brigades here have been left from 30 to 80% decimated

    That is the only way to explain the quickness of the advance here,

    The Ukrainian defense, was not prepared here, it was solid near the DPR LPR borders, and Avdeyevka and Artemovsk represent the harder targets, but Seversk and Soledar are indefensible

    This means they could cut off M03 from Artemovsk/Bakhmut and focus on Barvenkovo west of Kramatorsk, then the whole agglomeration would be in danger of collapse

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  kvs Thu Jul 14, 2022 3:12 am

    The Kiev regime forces may collapse faster than expected. They appear to be exhibiting degeneration into marauders and are not
    putting up the fight one would expect from all the yapping by Kiev and NATzO. The fortified districts are their best environment to
    push back on Russia but they are crumbling. I guess this partly explains all the yammering about HIMARS and drones and other
    crap that is, according to Kiev regime propaganda, ruining Russia's "plans".

    GarryB, flamming_python, d_taddei2, Big_Gazza, GunshipDemocracy, JohninMK, Hole and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Vann7 Thu Jul 14, 2022 3:44 am

    Back to reality , the other side of the Coin, of what is going on with Russia military.
    More and more people notice this , which i  have been reporting about this since First Week of war.  So better late than never.  lol1  

    Special report ,must see for the "ALL is GREAT" with Russia military forums..  Smile

    Why is Russian Air Force performance in Ukraine so abysmal?

    I don't agree 100% with every conclusion he says , but still is quite good report.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Thu Jul 14, 2022 3:50 am

    Isos wrote:

    Russia army has a lot to learn from this conflict and even people with no real experience can draw conclusions.

    agree.  each army does

    Drones are important for modern conflicts. Ukrainian did very well with dumb civilian drones armed with fancy grenades managing to destroy million dollar tanks. Russians copied this after seeing their good results.

    Small drones + artillery isn't as good as bigger armed drones against moving targets. They need a lot of armed Orion and other Forpost R.

    I respectfully disagree. So you think Russians didnt know this?  your and mine knowledge is only form Russian and western reports we know a little what is happening there.  Yiu got right to speculate so  do I.  My educated guess is that preparation of drone's production was delayed by "deep stat"  in Russia i.e. middle management doing a little and not on time. Now Orions' production has been ramped up to 3 shifts yet it will take time to saturate units.

    Yu think why in Security Council senators mentioned restoring "sabotage act" from Soviet times?

    Idk whether Iranian drones story was just next US hoax or real.  It might help to saturate army NOW idk how to explain then about value of Orions?

    Drones are also good for intel gathering which would help hunting enemy artillery. They have hard time destroying those HIMARs and relying on AD to intercept their rockets is just dumb and doesn't work.

    Their AD isn't perfect as some here may think. Plenty of rockets and BM will go through.

    Against saturation attack no AD is immune. Same with US CVG.  Russians use what they have what would you suggest they shall use right now? beside obvious more AD?

    Their sukhois have hard time in environment contested by AD systems which is surprising knowing that this was the case in 2008 and they still can't enter an airspace where systems they designed and operate are present.

    Plenty of lesson and they better learn from them than think like you it's all ukrainian propaganda and they have perfect weapons and a perfect army.

    Not only Sukhois. Saudi super duper F-15 was shot down by a "village locksmith" missile made of old Soviet AAM. In absolutely not contested environment.

    Ukrainians are not alone they are only  cannot fodder and front troops everything else is money support logistics of the whole NATO, Real time data and intel too.

    I would love to hear your suggestion regarding how would you reorganize Russian tactics with means which are available?

    Last edited by GunshipDemocracy on Thu Jul 14, 2022 3:57 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Thu Jul 14, 2022 3:56 am

    Vann7 wrote:
    Back to reality , the other side of the Coin, of what is going on with Russia military.
    More and more people notice this , which i  have been reporting about this since First Week of war.  So better late than never.  lol1  

    … Relax, don't do it
    When you want to go to it
    Relax, don't do it
    When you want to come

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Arkanghelsk Thu Jul 14, 2022 5:17 am

    dionis wrote:
    Arkanghelsk wrote:

    Charlie company is a Ukrainian unit trained by the US army

    They are a very experienced unit in the area

    You can hear about them from Belarusian Dima

    On "military summary" in youtube

    Dima is very balanced and has the nice map from

    The website is a Russian site where live updates are submitted by warriors on the front

    The map is the most updated and comprehensive one right now is good but it lags in updating territory and doesn't show unit disposition

    Dima recently added another map with units themselves , and made note of Charlie company

    I've been following Dima/his YouTube for a little while now, but he never explained who they were or I missed it - so thanks.

    Any idea how to pay for that map? I only have US-based payments, and as far as I can tell all they take are Russian credit cards (including local Visa/MC) plus other Russian payments.

    Basically you can't use it

    What a sucky situation man

    I know Yandex checkout and Yookassa used to accept US card but VISA suspended all operations

    You can't get MIR card, unless you physically came to Russia and opened a Sberbank account or Credit Europe account, even then you'd have to be registered here as a citizen or have residency

    You can do crypto, but youd need an intermediary to convert you crypto to rubles

    Tough shit

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Thu Jul 14, 2022 5:41 am

    Arkanghelsk wrote:
    Basically you can't use it

    What a sucky situation man

    I know Yandex checkout and Yookassa used to accept US card but VISA suspended all operations

    You can't get MIR card, unless you physically came to Russia and opened a Sberbank account or Credit Europe account, even then you'd have to be registered here as a citizen or have residency

    You can do crypto, but youd need an intermediary to convert you crypto to rubles

    Tough shit

    what about UnionPay?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Jul 14, 2022 5:52 am

    dionis wrote:
    Regular wrote:
    dionis wrote:Is there any info on which parts of Ukraine the reservists and volunteers are coming from? (E.g. west,  central, non Donbas east?)

    At this time? From everywhere. UA is trying to muster a meat shield for their more experienced troops.

    I mean it would make more sense for Zelensky to try and send the most pro-Russian groups to their likely demise from a political standpoint. ...

    lf they are stupid enough to go and fight they should be torched just like everyone else

    These are the same type of people who would be protesting in the streets the moment war ends because their owners in EU ordered them to

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Arkanghelsk Thu Jul 14, 2022 6:03 am

    GunshipDemocracy wrote:
    Arkanghelsk wrote:
    Basically you can't use it

    What a sucky situation man

    I know Yandex checkout and Yookassa used to accept US card but VISA suspended all operations

    You can't get MIR card, unless you physically came to Russia and opened a Sberbank account or Credit Europe account, even then you'd have to be registered here as a citizen or have residency

    You can do crypto, but youd need an intermediary to convert you crypto to rubles

    Tough shit

    what about UnionPay?

    You can use union pay domestically, but for international transfers , you still need a bank or intermediary here to receive the money

    As for paying directly from a unionpay account it's possible but not if you have the depository account in a western country

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Arkanghelsk Thu Jul 14, 2022 6:04 am

    🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡The forces of the LPR and Russia entered Seversk, the city is under operational control, said a source close to the People's Militia of the LPR.


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Arkanghelsk Thu Jul 14, 2022 6:06 am

    Bakhmut 🤣🤣🤣

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Vann7 Thu Jul 14, 2022 6:07 am

    GunshipDemocracy wrote:
    Against saturation attack no AD is immune. Same with US CVG.  Russians use what they have what would you suggest they shall use right now? beside obvious more AD?

    Russian forces was defeated by NON saturation attacks , just a dozen of himars missiles launched and not at the same time.. So this is endless excuses what people create to justify Russia incompetence.
    Russia knows for  months that US was saying was going to supply HIMARS to ukraine..

    SO if Russia knew ,what you say , why the **** they put so much munition in just one big storage site?

    Stop justifying russian military incompetence..  Their best warship sinked too , by incompetence ,
    their cities bombed in Russian mainland ,  just 1 fucking drone , and destroyed a fuel depot in rostov,
    so what is the fucking excuse for that?  oh nooo saturation attacks.. lol1  
    or the 2 x mi-8 helicopters that enters and leave striking fuel depots and return to ukraine without
    a scratch in the paint.. saturation attacks too? Laughing   The good thing is that ukraine  bombed 2 fuel depots at same time far from each other , in different places , because other wise people in -all is great in Russia military  -forums- will be claiming that it was a accidental detonation of fuel depots.. nothing to see ,lets move on.  Rolling Eyes  

    You guys don't understand the difference between Mistakes and incompetence.
    When people do a mistake , is normal.. But when that mistake is repeated over and over and over ,is not mistake is incompetence.  Russia have incompetent general staff , starting with Shoigu ,  that in months of war have been unable to capture of kharkiv right next to russian border, that is as important and any other city ,that ukraine use to strike in Russia main land.  
    Never in my wildest imagination i though , the performance of Russian army would be so bad , so slow ,so mediocre , So ridiculous . Is like is a totally different army ,that what we saw in Syria. Neutral

    This confirms , that Russian military was very ill prepared to fight modern wars ,  with an enemy very well armed with strike drones and good artillery and very strong surveillance of Russian army movements.

    Russia can still win the war , if NATO don't fix the ukrainian land forces problems that is the weakest link in Ukranian side ,and provide major reinforcements . But im afraid NATO is could indeed be preparing to launch a major big offensive using foreign forces , this is based on the Syrian experience. that they did the same.. after Syria began to liberate territories ,and Alqaeda began to run away , a second invasion started with ISIS mercenaries ,that came from Turkey ,invaded IRAQ without a fight and then crossed kurds zones without a fight too.. a very well planned operation.
    NATO is not going to give up so easily Ukraine , so expect a lot of pain for Russia , in the form of more HIMARS and NATO artillery for increase the pain in Russia , more strike drones and a new big army invasion ,likely trained by NATO too.. to push back Russian forced gains. I think a new invasion could happen from Romania or Poland borders. or they infiltrated already , and deployed in kiev as civilians ,  waiting for the signal to join the war.

    if i were to bet money of results.. i give NATO from a 30% to 40% chance to defeat the incompetence of The Russian army. Reason for this is that Still Russia have more meat to send to the
    battlefield to call this game over. But unfortunately looks like any victory of Russia ,would be too slow and in the end could become a phyrric victory , with too many soldiers killed and that it will sink Russia economy. All of this consequence of the abysmal failure of Russian airforce in Ukraine.
    Is amazingly stupid how can Ukraine do artillery duel strikes in flat terrain in plain day light ,and Russian airforce no carpet bombing those positions and neither sending strike drones.. is a total failure. without a doubt the airforce.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Thu Jul 14, 2022 6:18 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Regular Thu Jul 14, 2022 6:10 am

    Vann7 wrote:

    I don't agree 100% with every conclusion he says , but still is quite good report.

    He is relying too much on US info to the point that this cumsock bases all his video on this. I think most of it is BS. Especially the flight training time, when all active Russian pilots have combat experience in Syria, it's irrelevant what those textbook numbers say. Also, Russian airforce can't be employed the same as US over Iraq not only due to technical limitations (yes, they exist, who is denying that?) but due to the size of Ukraine, AD layers and so on... It would be different with PAKFA and PAKDA and their new weapons in service, but at the moment Russia has to fight with what it has and I don't see how this is some sort of revelation.

    Keep in mind that Russia doesn't rely on one branch to win the war. VKS has its role and every time UA sounds air raids over the country it means they are working their ass off.

    It's not all positive - it's war, Russia is more effective at dealing death to the Ukrainian side, what problems they have to be ironed out if possible, the rest - after the war. Look at what new weapons are Russians testing in Ukraine, I hope you like this video

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Vann7 Thu Jul 14, 2022 6:33 am

    Regular wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:

    I don't agree 100% with every conclusion he says , but still is quite good report.

    He is relying too much on US info to the point that this cumsock bases all his video on this. I think most of it is BS. Especially the flight training time, when all active Russian pilots have combat experience in Syria, it's irrelevant what those textbook numbers say. Also, Russian airforce can't be employed the same as US over Iraq not only due to technical limitations (yes, they exist, who is denying that?) but due to the size of Ukraine, AD layers and so on... It would be different with PAKFA and PAKDA and their new weapons in service, but at the moment Russia has to fight with what it has and I don't see how this is some sort of revelation.

    Keep in mind that Russia doesn't rely on one branch to win the war. VKS has its role and every time UA sounds air raids over the country it means they are working their ass off.

    It's not all positive - it's war, Russia is more effective at dealing death to the Ukrainian side, what problems they have to be ironed out if possible, the rest - after the war. Look at what new weapons are Russians testing in Ukraine, I hope you like this video

    That's the kind of airforce Russia needs . Ultra precision strikes but at all times.. or at least a dozen of times per day , not just one , per moon eclipse.
    And the use of a lot TV/camera guide missiles.. This is very important to access the damages and /or correct any mistake and fire another missile if the target moved..

    Full spectrum realtime video recording of every bomb dropped in Ukraine by airforce and drone strikes is very important.. and if possible of artillery too,   Because it provide additional intelligence ,  not only if the target hit the intended place but of other potential targets. Russia also need high  quality  optics , high resolution quality images , because  this can help with the information war . to inflict fear on opposing forces ,so they know there  is no safe place for them to hide if fight Russia.
    and very powerful true Close air support airforce with ultra precision weapons is badly need by Russia. To neutralize artillery and moving targets . .

    Perhaps Russian stealth planes could help , but i rather see , strike drones/loitering munition used correctly.  in combined operations with airforce and armor.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Thu Jul 14, 2022 6:42 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Arkanghelsk Thu Jul 14, 2022 6:40 am

    KVS , what do you think about it? I post it here as it's not related to the war in Ukraine, but is a Baikal computer,  and relates to import substitution

    KVS is this marketable as only a custom laptop, or a full main line laptop

    This is quite interesting , no AMD, no M1 cpu

    Bitblaze titan!

    It's a good start, the gov is ordering some, and work is needed to switch the systems to this

    Windows needs to be taken off Russian gov, and replaced , for now it will be Linux based

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20 - Page 27 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #20

    Post  Erk Thu Jul 14, 2022 6:59 am

    Just watched this Grayzone interview, with a German journalist in Donetsk since 2014, who is being persecuted by the German government for reporting on the conflict there. It's not a great interview because her mobile data rate is poor, nevertheless she raised a point which has prompted me to post.
    She said the shelling of Donetsk is going on all the time, and it's getting worse, worse than it was in 2014, and she can't understand why it's still going on.

    I too would like to know why a big city like Donetsk has not been a priority for the Russian special operation, to push the UAF away from the city?

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