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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22 - Page 22 Empty Likely

    Post  calripson Thu Aug 11, 2022 7:55 pm

    Sujoy wrote:
    GarryB wrote:When I first saw that missile... right warhead weight but lacks range to be Iskander... this is at best an upgraded Tochka... and would very much appear on radar.
    Despite the fact that a Ukrainian defence official was quoted in the NY times saying "A device exclusively of Ukrainian manufacture was used.” the U.S could well have been behind this attack on the Saki air base.

    These impact craters ( more than 10m wide craters) are way to big for a UAV like TB2 to have delivered a warhead. To make a crater like that we are talking several 100´s of kg off TNT.
    Craters are also symmetrical round, indicating the impact came straight from above.

    These are most likely ATACMS or something similar that U.S fired from Odessa, over the sea and into Crimea.

    AGM-88 is being used along with HIMARS. The AGM-88 can hunt & take out any radar or EW in a +150km range from when it's fired in the air.

    Russian Air Force was probably using their radars in on/off mode. Works on slow targets TB2, helos etc. But, an ATACMS @ 3700km/h needs ON mode.

    Given the proximity to the evidence of AGM-88 use and the public admission of such use it is likely that Russian radars reacted to this threat. US/NATO would be well aware of this with 24/7 signal monitoring and would likely have anticipated this reaction and planned accordingly. Publishing the airbase photo just before the strike was as I mentioned earlier a clear tell.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22

    Post  Werewolf Thu Aug 11, 2022 8:05 pm

    flamming_python wrote:

    What special forces?

    The airbase strike was either done using missiles or by some insiders/saboteurs paid off from among the personnel working there or at least people living in the Crimea

    Israel failed to achieve any of objectives against Hezbollah in the last big war. The US lost against the Taliban. The Saudis have been stuck in a quagmire in Yemen for years now and are looking for a way out of the war.
    Whatever equipment of Russia's was destroyed; the war is comparatively going a lot better for it. It's gaining ground and the enemy forces are running out of manpower at a rapid pace. The promised counter-offensive in Kherson failed to materialize and the Donbass front has become a Verdun for the Ukraine.
    You're telling me some lost aircraft on the ground is supposed to be a turning point? What because of 'prestige'? Is it prestige, and perceived rather than real at that - which will win or lose the war, do you think? The West seems to think so, but if you agree with them then you're out of your mind, and susceptible to psychological warfare operations. Snap out of it.

    And why would Russia use special forces against Ukrainian airbases or HIMARS systems when it can eliminate them remotely with greater speed and without risking any personnel?

    People here astound me more and more...

    Many of you guys are sitting somewhere outside Russia and outside first point of contact if shit is directly casted between Russia and PONOS countries. You react emotionally to something that the West has made it clear since over 2 decades that it wants war with Russia. Every head of anyone in Russia is on the chopping block if they succeed. You are emotionally unstable to not see the big picture but care more about losing prestige in a sense that some aircrafts are lost in the very first steps of what is the third World War.

    Hearing half the members here I have the feeling if you chess grandmasters would run the show we would not only have lost Ukraine as some here call for nuking or FOABing civilians, where the big majority of citizens are silent as they fear for their lifes but hope to  be liberated. Some of you would kill millions as a revenge for some aircrafts and lose in the process all hope and support from Russians, turn all russians in Ukraine against you. Sounds really great.

    Others here seem to know exactly what needs to be done and play the reaper amongst the leadership who "let it happen". Ohh yeah...that certainly sends the right message to your military decision makers! You will end up with more pussyfooting than necessary, because nobody will be eager to risk their units or anything and always play it safe in fear some of you idiots swinging the Hangman's Hatchet at them.

    Internet generals demanding explanations from the ones that are saving our arses for something that would happen to any big player and worse happened to bigger players (Iran shooting US base - unpunished). If that was the Soviet Union and you would ask such questions in war time to the authority, then you would find yourself next to red painted wall with a bag over your head and if you asked the same question nicely you would be placed in a stravbat and send to the front the next day.

    Fact is, Russia made a huge mistake saying anything about the event. Even amongst our students of western educational system it should be clear by now, that the West is an american cop and will twist everything you say against you. The best option you have is to shut up. It should be a great lection for future events, since the Moscva event wasn't lesson enough, but I don't have high hopes that the responsible people for propaganda and statement really understand the situation and what their job is.

    The reports on this event are big red flag that is waving that the pentagon has more to do with it than anything or anyone else.
    Contradicting reports on what it was and who it was is the first indication. Then this magical weapon the Ukrops have, a domestic "Wunderwaffe" that was finished just now! Elensky probably has this nonense seen and heared for the past 40 years from the Israeli's about the Iranian Nuke that will be finished any second now and holocaust them ...hurr.buurr.

    By introducing another Wunderwaffe that is not supplied by the West is just yelling that Pentagon was directly involved and wants to test the reaction of the Russians. If the Hohols had this weapon Grom-2, which was developed over 4 years ago. Why didn't they attack more Russian places with this Wunderwaffe? The West would spend the 40 bln USD only on them if they were available and such a Wunderwaffe.

    Question regarding that event is still open with only a handful of candidates...
    Sabotage, which would be indicated by the reports of eyewitnesses and the lack of missiles seen or heard.
    If it was sabotage, then the people who did it must have detonated the explosives very soon after placing them to avoid being found and defused. A logical assumption in that case would be that they had help internally to avoid detection. Meaning they will be somewhere in Crimea or had a rendezvous point somewhere near to get away. If they are not found the collaborators will be as it is logical to search amongst the personal that knew the place and had access to vulnerable and highly sensible infrastructure.

    The other possibility is the direct involvement of US missiles, which would contradict the reports from eyewitnesses and the lack of missiles being identified visually or acoustically. The reports have to be taken with some salt as majority of non military personal can't distinguish a tank from a BMP. A cruise missile napping a few meters above trees from a less populated direction and most of the sound is muffled and not traveling far with the average background noise, it would be hard to pin point a whizzing sound to a cruise missile.

    The reaction needs to be adequate and with the current propaganda in the EU, which are actively advocating for nationalism even amongst the libtards with slogans as "de-eurocentralization for green energy" they are making a focus on nationalizing the EUtards against Russia. Germany as a libtard country and Scholz on top as the "offended Leberwurst" who is hated almost by everyone and Germans included, is not fit to be perceived nor to be the head of Nationalistic movement in Europe. Physically not in shape nor close to the front the only plausible action I see is, they will form Poland to Ukraine levels of Russophobia and put some form of a Anti-Hero role model on the Polish as the necessary evil to stop the bigger evil Russia.

    World War 3 is unavoidable, time to pick up one of the decision making centers. Russia needs to be clever about this and they certainly have a plan for this, be it independent Poland without NATO membership and no dead Polish or be it Turkey. One of them is a candidate with different amount of uncertainty. Belarus is staying put in case the Polish will attack or a second front is opened against Russia, then the phase two of SMO will begin to end Ukraine quicker to avoid being on two fronts.

    Poland and Kazakhstan are second fronts, but Kazakhs are not yet were the Polish are, but be not blind as the Turks are being bold and influencing the turkish speaking world and nationality sentiments are growing and manifest themselves in Russophobia amongst the simple minded.

    GarryB, franco, d_taddei2, Airbornewolf, Big_Gazza, JohninMK, Azi and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Thu Aug 11, 2022 8:36 pm

    No WW3 isn't around the corner or guaranteed to happen, There is a reason the Russians aren't targeting the people sending the weapons, because long as they don't do that no one will go to war over Ukraine.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22

    Post  Azi Thu Aug 11, 2022 8:51 pm

    Sujoy wrote:
    GarryB wrote:When I first saw that missile... right warhead weight but lacks range to be Iskander... this is at best an upgraded Tochka... and would very much appear on radar.
    Despite the fact that a Ukrainian defence official was quoted in the NY times saying "A device exclusively of Ukrainian manufacture was used.” the U.S could well have been behind this attack on the Saki air base.

    These impact craters ( more than 10m wide craters) are way to big for a UAV like TB2 to have delivered a warhead. To make a crater like that we are talking several 100´s of kg off TNT.
    Craters are also symmetrical round, indicating the impact came straight from above.

    These are most likely ATACMS or something similar that U.S fired from Odessa, over the sea and into Crimea.

    AGM-88 is being used along with HIMARS. The AGM-88 can hunt & take out any radar or EW in a +150km range from when it's fired in the air.

    Russian Air Force was probably using their radars in on/off mode. Works on slow targets TB2, helos etc. But, an ATACMS @ 3700km/h needs ON mode.
    No! Crimea has layered AD bubble not a single fly can slip through it. No missile or cruise missile was reported from civilians and the whole area is full with visitors of the beach. The craters come from the force of the explosion. You don't seriously believe that dozens of rockets and bombs exploding on the ground don't leave a crater???

    We must face the simple was an accident or some ukrainian saboteurs.

    What makes me believe it was an accident? Too much ammunition outside, planes not too far away, no hangars...if you calculate 1 + 1 this is the perfect breeding ground for an accident. Russia will learn quick, for example Hmeimim in Syria...they built nice hangars for the planes after terrorists tried million times to penetrate the base. Guys I'm sorry...but shit happens sometimes...sometimes billion dollar space projects fail because of tiny little microscopic mistakes.

    Sabotage is still possible! Maybe a team with a quadcopter but the quadcopter would be blown out of the sky after the first big boom. Maybe a sabotage team inside the base?! Or maybe most likely if it's sabotage...a payed soldier (a lot of people would do extreme things for million dollars). But after all I think sabotage is more unlikely.

    So no need to cry the shit out of the body...pilots are alive and that is important. Su-24 will be replaced by Su-34 and Su-30 by hopefully something better Wink

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22

    Post  Firebird Thu Aug 11, 2022 9:03 pm

    jhelb wrote:My unwavering support for Russia notwithstanding I need to say this ....the only reason the Ukros have been able to continue fighting for so long is because they are SLAVS.

    Any other European country would have given up by now and third world countries would have surrendered without a fight.

    SLAVS from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine are the finest martial race for a reason.

    Those fighting against Russia are nothing but scum.
    Nazis and other fascist filth.
    THey think they aren't slavs because their bitch master Uncle Satan-Sam told them.

    Some will claim they were forced to fight. But anyone with a brain can see this is what would happen.

    Any prick who fights against Russia has nothing heroic about them. They deserve everything they get.
    Make friends with the Devil... and pay for it.

    Its just time Russia started going for the root cause of the verminous disease, not just parrying the punches.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Thu Aug 11, 2022 9:10 pm

    To label every single Ukie who fights against the russians as Nazi's  and Scum makes you nothing but a Grade A, Piece of shit IMO.

    Has I have said before many of them are merely men fighting to defend their homes in their eyes. This doesn't make them Nazi's or scum but rather average guys doing what they think is right.

    Just like any russian soldiers, they are the unfortunate victims of the Scumbags in power.

    Do you know why you Buffon, the average Russian soldiers treat the average Ukie soldier they capture with respect? because they know neither of them WANTED this, both are just doing their duty.

    So to insult them for doing that duty, well has I said POS.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22

    Post  Urluber Thu Aug 11, 2022 9:47 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:To label every single Ukie who fights against the russians as Nazi's  and Scum makes you nothing but a Grade A, Piece of shit IMO.

    Has I have said before many of them are merely men fighting to defend their homes in their eyes. This doesn't make them Nazi's or scum but rather average guys doing what they think is right.

    Just like any russian soldiers, they are the unfortunate victims of the Scumbags in power.

    Do you know why you Buffon, the average Russian soldiers treat the average Ukie soldier they capture with respect? because they know neither of them WANTED this, both are just doing their duty.

    So to insult them for doing that duty, well has I said POS.

    Kievan controlled area is not attacked by some evil invader who wants their homes and lands as lebensraum.
    It is being liberated by Russia which has over the centuries built every piece of structure on that landmass worth mentioning.

    And every Kievan knows this. It's not like they don't know who Russia is. They are located in Malorossiya after all. So they have every possibility to lay down their arms and stop fighting on behalf of American imperialists. Many have in fact surrendered and Russia has let them to. The pos' fighting are doing it because they are nazis.
    Many civilians like the elderly are a different thing; they don't have a choice. They can be regarded as victims of circumstances. It's not reasonable to expect people over 60 yo to stage anti-nazi protests when there is a risk they are punished by the aforementioned scum.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22 - Page 22 1024px-Little_Great_and_white_Russias_1747_Bowen_map

    Last edited by Urluber on Thu Aug 11, 2022 9:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22

    Post  Airbornewolf Thu Aug 11, 2022 9:55 pm

    Donetsk, RF SU-25's overhead.

    LPR artillery neutralizing Ukrainian trench

    another destruction of an American howitzer M777

    Allied forces clearing enemy saboteur caches in Izyum region

    Medal for the revival of fascism

    RF Airborne Forces active on frontlines

    Ukrainian troops tried to ambush RF forces at Peski

    more here:

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22

    Post  ucmvulcan Thu Aug 11, 2022 10:09 pm

    How to know this was a Saboteur or an accident? At first Ukraine denied involvement. Then after the explosions showed up that narrative changed into a momentum changing wunderwaffle domestically developed by Ukraine. As such I dismiss the missile thing.

    So it's down to Saboteur or accident. Saboteur? Well it's not as unlikely as you'd think. You'd just need to get someone on base, maybe you have a sleeper agent, maybe you have someone who doesn't want to be at war. It's possible.

    Most likely, it's an accident. Shit happens in war, and human beings are error prone. Honestly, it's too early to tell exactly what happened but the missile strike narrative can be dismissed out of hand as Ukraine didn't take credit for this until they saw satellite picks.

    That tells me its sabotage or accident.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22

    Post  Airbornewolf Thu Aug 11, 2022 10:13 pm

    @ Werewolf, your Post n°527
    i could not agree more with your words.
    Nicely written. thumbsup

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22

    Post  Hole Thu Aug 11, 2022 10:28 pm

    AGM-88 is being used along with HIMARS. The AGM-88 can hunt & take out any radar or EW in a +150km range from when it's fired in the air.

    To achieve such a missile range the aircraft has to be above 8.000m. At such height it will be seen by long-range radars at 400 to 500km.
    Which means a little later the plane is toast. Even if it were able to come into range to the target there are Tor and Pantsir systems around
    bases and SAM systems like the S-400. One of their objectives is to shoot down ARM´s. They were made for this. Not to mention ECM systems
    and even chaff and flare launchers.

    Looking at the performance of russian AD systems in this SMO (95% of all targets eliminated, at least) I doubt that anything less then 30 planes
    launching 60+ ARM´s would achieve anything against the AD in Crimea. To many radar systems and SAM units there.

    The chances are even smaller for some mythical plane coming from the North because of the SAM and radar units based in Kherson region.

    A tactical ballistic missile launched from Odessa would be seen not only from radars in Crimea but also from ABM radars in southern Russia.
    No chance of "surpressing" or "blinding" all those radars. That´s why it´s called a Integrated Air Defence Network.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22

    Post  Isos Thu Aug 11, 2022 10:57 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:To label every single Ukie who fights against the russians as Nazi's  and Scum makes you nothing but a Grade A, Piece of shit IMO.

    Has I have said before many of them are merely men fighting to defend their homes in their eyes. This doesn't make them Nazi's or scum but rather average guys doing what they think is right.

    Just like any russian soldiers, they are the unfortunate victims of the Scumbags in power.

    Do you know why you Buffon, the average Russian soldiers treat the average Ukie soldier they capture with respect? because they know neither of them WANTED this, both are just doing their duty.

    So to insult them for doing that duty, well has I said POS.

    Actually after 2014 nazi there started replacing the army by neo nazi groups.

    Azov and other were the main force since then.

    Soldiers that aren't nazi generally are under trained army soldiers or civilians and are more likely to surrender quickly. IMO russians can differentiate them when fighting.

    The one that fight hardly are nazis.

    They also have tattoos that gives them away. Russians have spent the last years collecting intel about them at all levels so when captured, one picture is enough yo look in the database and know about their history.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22

    Post  Arkanghelsk Thu Aug 11, 2022 11:00 pm

    Werewolf wrote:

    People here astound me more and more...

    Many of you guys are sitting somewhere outside Russia and outside first point of contact if shit is directly casted between Russia and PONOS countries. You react emotionally to something that the West has made it clear since over 2 decades that it wants war with Russia. Every head of anyone in Russia is on the chopping block if they succeed. You are emotionally unstable to not see the big picture but care more about losing prestige in a sense that some aircrafts are lost in the very first steps of what is the third World War.

    Hearing half the members here I have the feeling if you chess grandmasters would run the show we would not only have lost Ukraine as some here call for nuking or FOABing civilians, where the big majority of citizens are silent as they fear for their lifes but hope to  be liberated. Some of you would kill millions as a revenge for some aircrafts and lose in the process all hope and support from Russians, turn all russians in Ukraine against you. Sounds really great.

    Others here seem to know exactly what needs to be done and play the reaper amongst the leadership who "let it happen". Ohh yeah...that certainly sends the right message to your military decision makers! You will end up with more pussyfooting than necessary, because nobody will be eager to risk their units or anything and always play it safe in fear some of you idiots swinging the Hangman's Hatchet at them.

    Internet generals demanding explanations from the ones that are saving our arses for something that would happen to any big player and worse happened to bigger players (Iran shooting US base - unpunished). If that was the Soviet Union and you would ask such questions in war time to the authority, then you would find yourself next to red painted wall with a bag over your head and if you asked the same question nicely you would be placed in a stravbat and send to the front the next day.

    Fact is, Russia made a huge mistake saying anything about the event. Even amongst our students of western educational system it should be clear by now, that the West is an american cop and will twist everything you say against you. The best option you have is to shut up. It should be a great lection for future events, since the Moscva event wasn't lesson enough, but I don't have high hopes that the responsible people for propaganda and statement really understand the situation and what their job is.

    The reports on this event are big red flag that is waving that the pentagon has more to do with it than anything or anyone else.
    Contradicting reports on what it was and who it was is the first indication. Then this magical weapon the Ukrops have, a domestic "Wunderwaffe" that was finished just now! Elensky probably has this nonense seen and heared for the past 40 years from the Israeli's about the Iranian Nuke that will be finished any second now and holocaust them ...hurr.buurr.

    By introducing another Wunderwaffe that is not supplied by the West is just yelling that Pentagon was directly involved and wants to test the reaction of the Russians. If the Hohols had this weapon Grom-2, which was developed over 4 years ago. Why didn't they attack more Russian places with this Wunderwaffe? The West would spend the 40 bln USD only on them if they were available and such a Wunderwaffe.

    Question regarding that event is still open with only a handful of candidates...
    Sabotage, which would be indicated by the reports of eyewitnesses and the lack of missiles seen or heard.
    If it was sabotage, then the people who did it must have detonated the explosives very soon after placing them to avoid being found and defused. A logical assumption in that case would be that they had help internally to avoid detection. Meaning they will be somewhere in Crimea or had a rendezvous point somewhere near to get away. If they are not found the collaborators will be as it is logical to search amongst the personal that knew the place and had access to vulnerable and highly sensible infrastructure.

    The other possibility is the direct involvement of US missiles, which would contradict the reports from eyewitnesses and the lack of missiles being identified visually or acoustically. The reports have to be taken with some salt as majority of non military personal can't distinguish a tank from a BMP. A cruise missile napping a few meters above trees from a less populated direction and most of the sound is muffled and not traveling far with the average background noise, it would be hard to pin point a whizzing sound to a cruise missile.

    The reaction needs to be adequate and with the current propaganda in the EU, which are actively advocating for nationalism even amongst the libtards with slogans as "de-eurocentralization for green energy" they are making a focus on nationalizing the EUtards against Russia. Germany as a libtard country and Scholz on top as the "offended Leberwurst" who is hated almost by everyone and Germans included, is not fit to be perceived nor to be the head of Nationalistic movement in Europe. Physically not in shape nor close to the front the only plausible action I see is, they will form Poland to Ukraine levels of Russophobia and put some form of a Anti-Hero role model on the Polish as the necessary evil to stop the bigger evil Russia.

    World War 3 is unavoidable, time to pick up one of the decision making centers. Russia needs to be clever about this and they certainly have a plan for this, be it independent Poland without NATO membership and no dead Polish or be it Turkey. One of them is a candidate with different amount of uncertainty. Belarus is staying put in case the Polish will attack or a second front is opened against Russia, then the phase two of SMO will begin to end Ukraine quicker to avoid being on two fronts.

    Poland and Kazakhstan are second fronts, but Kazakhs are not yet were the Polish are, but be not blind as the Turks are being bold and influencing the turkish speaking world and nationality sentiments are growing and manifest themselves in Russophobia amongst the simple minded.

    Has nothing to do with prestige, but crossing of red lines by NATO of which something has to be done about it

    Also , the amount of fronts make no difference - there are barely any regular Russian units currently fighting in Ukraine

    You will not see many regular units in Donbass as you saw in Gostomel or Kiev or Chernigov, Sumy , Kharkov when first phase happened

    There we saw videos of regular Russian ground forces moving quickly , in the quantities mentioned before, maybe 60-90 thousand troops

    As of today, most of the fighting are done by LDNR militia and Russian special forces with volunteers folded into the LDNR operating structure

    Russia troops wear the distinctive digital pattern with st. George stripes on the uniform

    The only Russian units you see today in Ukraine, are pilots of VKS, spetsnaz, SSO, some Rosgvard, and mostly artillery troops from missile and rocket forces

    But very little of real infantry sukhoputnye Voyska is actually on the ground,  or VDV or naval infantry from any CAA

    Most of the BTG are volunteer composed from Akhmat or LDNR battalions ,

    The Russian army has been pulled out and is chilling at moment

    Hence the western reports of astronomical KIA on Russian side, reality is most of the ground forces vacated the battlefield long ago

    What you see is LDNR and volunteer , with Russian army in a supporting role only doing logistics and reconnaissance strike complex missions or CAS missions for volunteer battalions

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22

    Post  ALAMO Thu Aug 11, 2022 11:56 pm

    Hole wrote:
    To achieve such a missile range the aircraft has to be above 8.000m. At such height it will be seen by long-range radars at 400 to 500km.

    Much higher than that.
    HARM is "high speed" only in Murican wet dreams.
    That leaves no space for speculations.
    First, it is hardly believable that it can reach 150 km operational range.
    Most of the materials state 110 km, and that applies for high altitude/high speed release and new versions.
    Can't remember any case of it being released more than 50 km away in a real life.
    Ch-58 reaches 120 km only when fired from MiG-25RB, and its follower, the BM version and Ch-58U goes up to 160 km. That is high altitude and extremely fast carrier release. The usual usage is in 40-100 km envelope, and that's it.
    It's ancestor, Ch-28 when fired from Su-17/22 had a range of engagement of not more than 40 km, while rated at 120 max range nominally.
    I will remind you that Ch-58 is DOUBLE the speed of "high speed" HARM Laughing Laughing to give you some perspective.
    Another hype is grooming and will be forgotten in 3 weeks, just as any NATO provided Wunderwaffe that is inferior to 30-40 y/o toys Ukros had since forever. But not now, wonder why dunno Laughing
    Supa dupa hyper precise hyper mobile GTFO Laughing

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22

    Post  Firebird Fri Aug 12, 2022 12:51 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:To label every single Ukie who fights against the russians as Nazi's  and Scum makes you nothing but a Grade A, Piece of shit IMO.

    Has I have said before many of them are merely men fighting to defend their homes in their eyes. This doesn't make them Nazi's or scum but rather average guys doing what they think is right.

    Just like any russian soldiers, they are the unfortunate victims of the Scumbags in power.

    Do you know why you Buffon, the average Russian soldiers treat the average Ukie soldier they capture with respect? because they know neither of them WANTED this, both are just doing their duty.

    So to insult them for doing that duty, well has I said POS.

    Crawl back into the sewer, moron.
    Half of my family are from the UKraine, Kiev btw.

    You're no better than the Nazis yourself with your "only obeying orders" garbage.

    EIGHT years to get out of it. But no you want to defend Azov, the other Fascist trash and the idiots who think killing Russian soldiers and civilians is cool.

    You're a moron of the levels of Farion, Yarosh, Biletsky, Nuland, McCain, Obummer and all the rest. And more to the point, you should know better.

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    Post  JohninMK Fri Aug 12, 2022 12:59 am

    Four HIMARS holes, still in use.

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    Post  kvs Fri Aug 12, 2022 1:04 am

    It's the imperialist lemming sanctimony disease. All sorts of westerners who have no links to "Ukraine" are sermonizing about
    how evil are the people whose lands these are for over 1000 years. If you notice that every single event around the world and
    in history is always cast as do-goodering by colonialists from Europe and their spawn in North America and the fighting is always
    against evil. Evil aboriginals who resist the will of the colonialists.

    I recall some cheesy 1980s TV show where the writers decided to have the main character engage in rabid apologia for the
    My Lai massacre. You see, the poor US invaders were all stressed out and and it really wasn't their fault. I heard more of this
    revisionist drivel from some UK derived WWII documentary where the atrocities by the Nazis in the USSR were justified because
    local resistance dared kill some German soldiers. How could those untermenschen resist the superior "civilization" of the west.
    The list of these infantilism goes on and on including WWII themed video games where Soviet forces are shown killing their own
    civilians because they can't fight like real soldiers from the precious west. This is exactly the same excrement that Kiev spews
    about events in the Donbass and elsewhere.

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    Post  kvs Fri Aug 12, 2022 1:06 am

    The term "game changer" in the context of NATzO support for its Kiev quislings should become an immortal joke to be
    memed and derided after the events of the last few months.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22 - Page 22 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #22

    Post  Airbornewolf Fri Aug 12, 2022 1:18 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:To label every single Ukie who fights against the russians as Nazi's  and Scum makes you nothing but a Grade A, Piece of shit IMO.

    Has I have said before many of them are merely men fighting to defend their homes in their eyes. This doesn't make them Nazi's or scum but rather average guys doing what they think is right.

    So to insult them for doing that duty, well has I said POS.

    some examples for general reference.

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    Post  ATLASCUB Fri Aug 12, 2022 1:33 am

    So many lines have been crossed.... What's another one to the list?

    The flirting that's going on with the continuous sporadic shelling of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant is a well calculated provocation, and a clear signal that says that even sabotaging a nuclear power plant is on the cards if the Kremlin toy boys don't behave. If you can't win the battle, then spoil the territory and its people, after all, it's not a fair fight for the Ukrainians - or so is the rational? I continue to be amazed at how with a limited set of cards as far as Ukraine goes, the outsider puppet masters in the US/UK manage the escalation ladder so well and the Kremlin simply just takes it in the ass (utter, criminal incompetence). Not to the mention the masterful job they've done in neutralizing any internal coup attempt for 8 years and counting. They've created an environment where there is little to no incentive for "heroes" to exist and pull of a coup - definitely not to defend Russia's elite interests in Ukraine.

    Now you've got the Kremlin crying in the UN, and with their propaganda arms about a potential nuclear catastrophe. If a catastrophe does indeed occur, then the Russian elite shares as much blame if not more than those doing the act, and should answer to the people affected forever (but then again to the Russian elite, those people are simply cattle - in words and deeds they get treated as such by them, and everybody else - the only variable is who treats them with worse contempt). It's within the Kremlin's power to neutralize the threat completely to leave no room for the threat ever materializing, even if it has a slim chance, which is more than it should ever have aka 0 chance. But instead this incompetent leadership leaves everything to a little games, and "sticking to plans" (whatever the fvck those are...a plan inflexible is no good plan at all), not "biting baits"......aka a dangerous gamble of... "they wouldn't dare".... until they do and then the bluff is called and Russia gets shit faced not knowing what to do against such a brazen act (as it has happened so far with a great many "red lines"). Crying to the "international community" won't do shit even in the event such a catastrophe comes to be.... you can't clean yourself by pointing fingers at the U.S/UK... pointing fingers don't solve problems - this is elementary. At the end of the day, nobody will lift a finger for Russians/Ukranians against the anglo-alliegiance + West if such a catastrophe comes to be. Nobody did it for Japan, nobody did it when Chernobyl went kaput. Mind your turf and take care of it well, cause no one else will.  This conflict is a great teacher for the younglings, if studied correctly.

    At the end of the day, a nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine does nothing to harm the U.S/UK since Russia won't nuke them for it... but it will be a great spoiler against Russia, an ultimate "fvck you", "we do mean business bitch" message. The Kremlin toy boys are allowing this dangerous game to be played... crazy to watch.

    Last edited by ATLASCUB on Fri Aug 12, 2022 2:54 am; edited 4 times in total

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    Post  Big_Gazza Fri Aug 12, 2022 2:10 am

    Firebird wrote:Those fighting against Russia are nothing but scum.
    Nazis and other fascist filth.
    THey think they aren't slavs because their bitch master Uncle Satan-Sam told them.

    Some will claim they were forced to fight. But anyone with a brain can see this is what would happen.

    Any prick who fights against Russia has nothing heroic about them. They deserve everything they get.
    Make friends with the Devil... and pay for it.

    Its just time Russia started going for the root cause of the verminous disease, not just parrying the punches.

    All good things come to those who wait Twisted Evil

    The best way to defeat these bastards is to WIN a TOTAL victory. Militarily. Politically. Technologically.  Economically.  Socially. Culturally.  Once victory is achieved Russia then takes her sweet time using her influence (or hard power) to squeeze her enemies slowly and methodically until they pop. The way to hurt the Murkans and their Eurotrash faggot slaves is to take away their fledging hegemony and break it into little pieces before their crying eyes.  Putting them in the poor-house by cancelling their unfair global financial/economic racket is just icing on the cake. Razz

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    Post  crod Fri Aug 12, 2022 2:23 am

    Guys, personally speaking I have to agree with Sieg here.

    I think it’s wildly inaccurate to believe every soldier fighting for Ukraine is a nazi or nazi affiliated. A lot of these guys would be no different to many of you that would jump straight into the Russian military should your homeland be attacked.

    Are there nazi units not only within but that were also tolerated in the uki military? Clearly this has been evident for a long time but to the extent we are only seeing as Russian forces and allies sweep West. We know that some of these units originated from soccer hooliganism and neo nazi thug gangs – how and why they were then deemed suitable for military life is troubling and a real stain on Ukrainian leadership. There is a real problem here and I do not want to dilute it in any shape or form.

    But a lot of these guys are doing what Sieg has said, fighting for their homeland – all the decision making is above their pay grade. I wonder how many of them actually think or believe they have good leadership at government level but nationalism trumps that I guess as they might always hope that new leadership will follow and lead to better times for the generations to come but first the country has to be saved. I feel sorry for these people, my own country was under British rule for 800 years – I understand why they want to fight however futile it may be, their intentions are honourable and as I have said above, no different to what you guys would be doing were NATO tanks spilling over into mother Russia.

    To be clear, from the outset I have blamed NATO for this conflict and see that Russia most likely had not no more options left. Diplomatically both Minsk agreements failed to be adhered to by the Ukrainian side. Furthermore, and as I oft ask of people who mindlessly blame Russia for this, I do so by asking, what would the US do were Russian or China to convince Canada or Mexico to install missiles and anti-missile defence systems? We know the answer as it’s not exactly unprecedented…what happened post the Bay of Pigs invasion…

    I have zero sympathy for these nazi filth and believe they should all be executed FULL STOP but I definitely separate these scumbags from the patriotic soldiers. I wish any many ways Russia went harder at the beginning and killed the leadership outright – things might have been different and many lives saved or perhaps I’m being naïve, I am not a soldier.

    @Firebird I couldn't disagree more with your post if I tried tbh.

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    Post  crod Fri Aug 12, 2022 2:34 am

    Ps and that chap who took pleasure in calling parents of dead russian soldiers...he deserves everything that's coming to him.

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Fri Aug 12, 2022 4:04 am

    Looks like the attacks on the NPP are quite serious

    But nothing is done about it, in spite of advance knowledge of the catastrophe it would be

    But it's the same shit as Moskva, they knew there were weapons on the coast, and deliberately allowed it to sail into danger by itself

    Same with leaving the border, they knew Ukros would go there and start to hit Russia, lo and behold strikes from Belgorod to Rostov killing several civilians

    Same with Antonovsky bridge, they hit it several times, and they knew they would just keep targeting it, and now they're hitting Kakhovka dam, but hey it's okay there's no offensive coming so **** it

    Same with Saki airbase, they left a military airbase completely undefended and lost su30 planes which are on short supply- it's not a big deal it's an accident, there's some planes coming in 2028 so who cares

    This shit happened with kuznetsov, one disaster after the other - a fire ate the Gremyaschiy, and crane took out Kuznetsov , and the floating dock sank to top it off

    As happened with Khmeimim with a plane of officers destroyed by syrian friendly fire, allowing Israel to **** around in our airspace , as happened with Artsakh sending a helo to get shot down instead of nipping it in the bud to teach Pussinian a lesson, but as it turns out its not HIS guys on the line, but OURS, as happened with Kazakhstan allowing these maniacs to riot and waiting to go in anyway, only to let kazakhs walk off with a sale to Ukraine basically in weapons

    Or even with the Seversky Donets River crossing, sending multiple waves of tanks across the same crossing until several company worth of armored vehicles are destroyed

    Or with phase 1, where guys were sent into ambushes repeatedly, and the same shit kept happening with units from Kiev to Chernigov , guys taken prisoner, tortured, castrated,

    Whichever way you cut it, it's the same shit, negligence, incompetence, and flat out disregard for preventative measures that could avoid any of this shit in the first place

    There's several other ways to have gone about all the things I listed, and more, but these incompetents continue playing the same game

    It would not be surprising Lavrov gets arrested in New York, and exchanged for Griner


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    Post  kvs Fri Aug 12, 2022 4:12 am

    For all the yapping about "game changer" HIMARS all I have seen from its use is damage to a bridge and damage to high rise apartment
    blocks resulting in the death of civilians. It really looks like this precious system is not even used for real combat and is a type of
    terror weapon. Then again, the Kiev regime forces have been launching MLRS rockets and artillery shells on civilians since 2014.

    BTW, where is the massive insurgency promised to us before February 24? I recall clearly how the whole of Ukraine would rise up
    to fight Russian invaders.

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