Hole wrote: Airbornewolf wrote:Reconstruction progress in Mariupol
Already more reconstruction then NATO did in 20 years of their "successful" Afghanistan mission.
i know what you mean, i don't know how many towns NATO wiped off the map in Afghanistan.
Some where really desperate situations, but most where avoidable with some restraint and professional attitude.
NATO is not an organization that has "reconstruction" in mind....ever.
It only destroys and put's people against one another.
local civilians are nothing more than "collateral" to be thrown a handful of dollars at to put an legal end to it.
Be damned their living conditions.
NATO's only purpose is taking out all the chess pieces on the global chessboard under it's U.S overlord.
All under this western mass-media propaganda driven disgusting, self appointed image of world-policeman and hollow, self righteous morals and values.
It is cancer, that is due for an serious chemo-therapy course Called Russian Federation or China.
I am really happy to see Russia is establishing such an great measure of control in civilian infrastructure.
Reconstructing water facility's, gas, electrical, erecting housing complexes. etc.
This is the way how it should be done, Everywhere.
Power is not only measured in one's ability to destroy.
But also in limiting suffering of people and rebuild quickly.
I deeply respect Russia for this.
All the RF organisations involved do an amazing job.