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    Russian Economy General News: #13


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    Post  Kiko Tue Jul 25, 2023 12:50 pm

    Siluanov explained why Russia cannot print a lot of money following the US example, 07.25.2023, by Elena Manukyan for Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 

    Russia does not print money in unlimited quantities, as the US does, because the ruble is not a reserve currency. This means that if we want to dramatically increase our debt, we can only rely on our investors, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said in an interview with

    And the dollar and euro have the status of reserve currencies, he says, and many other countries keep their gold reserves in US and EU securities.

    But such a policy has consequences, because the laws of economics cannot be deceived. The result will be inflation and high rates. Ultimately, all this will hit the economy and people.

    "This is a misleading feeling that you can simply print as much money as you like and nothing will happen. The United States has increased its public debt and, according to their own analysts, they are expected to have a recession at the end of the year. In Europe, the situation is even worse," Siluanov stressed.

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    Post  franco Tue Aug 01, 2023 12:22 am

    Russian cash circulation hits all-time record

    The volume of cash in circulation in Russia amounted to 17.8 trillion rubles ($198 billion) as of July 1, 2023, up by more than 9% since the beginning of the year, according to data released by the central bank last week.

    The figure is $42 billion higher than the same month of 2022, and represents an all-time record since statistics became publicly available.

    The central bank earlier said the “elevated demand” for cash was partly due to the additional need for paper money in Russia’s new regions, where all settlements switched to ruble banknotes from January. The Russian ruble has become the official currency of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions, former Ukrainian territories that voted to join Russia in referendums last year.

    The central bank also cited the role of public-sector payments that people tend to withdraw partly in cash, and the needs of tourists visiting Russia.

    A report by Bloomberg last month suggested that the surge in cash circulation in Russia could indicate a decrease in confidence in local banks, worsening tax compliance, and a growing share of the shadow economy. The outlet also linked the increase in cash use with payments made to the Wagner private military company, which until recently played a prominent role in the Ukraine conflict.

    Analysts have also attributed the growing cash circulation in Russia to the financing of the four new regions, inflation, and the population’s transition to a savings model of behavior, preferring to store cash at home.

    In addition, demand for the national currency has increased throughout the country on the back of the rising dollar and euro exchange rates, experts say.

    The share of the US dollar and euro in Russia’s settlements slumped from 90% in early 2022 to less than 50% by the end of the year, and will keep falling, Russian Deputy Minister of Economic Development Vladimir Ilyichev told RT last month. Depending on various scenarios, the Russian Finance Ministry expects the share of the greenback and euro to diminish to 10-15% by the end of the year, the deputy minister revealed.

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    Post  kvs Tue Aug 01, 2023 2:25 am

    Believe it or not Russia has still not equilibrated in terms of "monetization" of the economy (I am using the term differently than the debt context).   Clowns in the early 1990s
    that f*cked Russia over with shock therapy claimed that the economy would monetize in a year.   This was and remains total nonsense.   In the command economy period
    economic transactions were not primarily cash based.   The ruble was a voucher token and prices were ad hoc and fixed (e.g. printed on books, etc.)   It was not functioning
    like market economy cash.   To this day Russian companies still provide localized welfare services and other social engagement that is not priced at western levels.  This is
    why the Russian GDP is small.   It has not saturated in terms of pricing for the full spectrum of transactions.  

    Unfortunately, clowns like Nabiullina drank the early 1990s koolaid and think that Russia is fully monetized for economic transactions and consider any cash volume
    increase to be "inflation".   Here we have some grudging admission that Donbass is driving some of the demand for more cash.   But otherwise the CBR monetarist
    clowns slow down the monetization of the Russian economy.   They do this even though it is clear that the Russian economy sucks up rubles like a sponge.   The
    money supply growth in the 2000s was more than 50% per year but the inflation rate was under 15%.   This totally destroys the monetarist theorists and their
    BS ideas.   Russia should have been in a state of hyperinflation by 2010 if these f*cks were right.

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    Post  Kiko Fri Aug 04, 2023 2:14 pm

    How the Russian economy manages to show growth, by Olga Samofalova for VZGLYAD. 08.04.2023.

    Despite the sanctions and the SVO, the Russian economy continues to perform better than expected. The Russian president spoke about what has become the main engine for the growth of our economy in 2023. First of all, this is the industry, which fulfills the increased orders of both Russians and the defense industry. Real incomes of the population showed the maximum growth in two years. How does it work?

    The Russian economy continues to perform better than expected. In the first quarter, Russia's GDP grew by 1.5%, in the second quarter - by 4.6%, and in June - by 5.3% (estimated by the Ministry of Economic Development). Economic activity has been high for two months, the main industries show growth.

    If last year the growth driver of the Russian economy was the construction sector, this year the engine is the industry.

    Russian industry is gaining momentum, as evidenced, in particular, by employment rates and wage growth. “Employment remains at the level of 2021, and it is about 10 million people - this is 14% of all employed in our economy. This is a decent level. Wages are growing: in May, they exceeded last year's level by more than 20 percent, in nominal terms - 69.2 thousand rubles per month,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said. In general, the Russian industry receives orders and develops new directions, he added.

    In turn, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Denis Manturov, stressed that the growth rate of manufacturing could outpace the planned figures.

    According to the president, at least 1/3 of the growth in industrial production in the Russian Federation is due to the growth in consumer demand, and 2/3 is provided by the defense and related industries. Empty niches after the departure of Western companies were occupied by domestic manufacturers.

    The growth of the construction sector helped the economy last year. Here, state programs of preferential mortgages played an important role, and the demand for housing was supported as a reliable and protective asset for citizens' savings in the face of geopolitical and economic uncertainty, said Vladimir Chernov, an analyst at Freedom Finance Global. This year, industry has really become the driver of the Russian economy. In many areas of industrial production, an import substitution program is actively developing, for example, in the field of auto and mechanical engineering, Chernov says.

    For example, AvtoVAZ is increasing production volumes and is gradually replacing imported components. In the Leningrad Region, the former Nissan plant was bought out, which will now also localize Russian car production, other production sites are also being bought out, the production and production of Moskvich cars, etc. has been established.

    Gradually solve their problems and oil and gas companies. “For example, gas turbines, which had big problems last year against the backdrop of external restrictions for Siemens, will now be built in Russia under a Chinese license, which was purchased in the Celestial Empire from the USSR,” recalls Chernov.

    “Import substitution is taking place at a rapid pace, but the volume of products that need to be replaced is so large that the pace does not seem high,” the expert believes.

    “The general package of measures to support the economy and business, which in 2022 amounted to about 1 trillion rubles, had a revitalizing effect on the economy. Last year, economic growth was provided by construction and wholesale trade, which is associated with a shorter investment cycle compared to machine-building and metallurgical complexes. By 2023, investment infusions into the manufacturing sector of the economy were fully utilized and made it possible to increase production, primarily in the machine-building sector.

    In turn, mechanical engineering through cooperative chains revived the metallurgical sector, which also demonstrates acceleration from month to month,” says Anatoly Kolesnikov, Associate Professor of the Department of Corporate Governance and Innovation at the Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov.

    An important role is played by financial injections into the economy from the National Wealth Fund for structural reforms. We are already seeing the first effect. “The structure of import substitution in the manufacturing sector has been significantly rebuilt, when under the conditions of sanctions restrictions, domestic enterprises are forced to replace the components and materials that have fallen under the restrictions with their own efforts,” says Anatoly Kolesnikov.

    “Statistics by industry shows that this year one of the main drivers of high economic growth is engineering, as well as metallurgy and the mining industry with growth rates of 40.2% and 17.7% year-on-year. At the same time, a number of other sectors – construction, agriculture and industrial production – have seen a predictable slowdown due to the weakening of the low base factor,” says Natalya Lavrova, chief economist at BCS Mir Investments.

    At the same time, retail trade is growing - by 10% in June against 9.3% in May, which indicates an increase in consumer activity.

    “The labor market remains tight – as a result of a shortage of personnel, a record low unemployment rate has fallen to 3.1% in June. This is clearly supporting real income growth, which reached 5% in the second quarter of 2023, the highest growth in two years. This, combined with high lending activity, is driving retail growth faster", Lavrova says.

    “The many times increased demand for military products is also one of the drivers of the observed economic growth. Enterprises of the military-industrial complex traditionally act as a backbone element of the so-called Keynesian model of economic regulation due to their high-tech level and maximum integration into the system of intra-industrial cooperation and allow realizing the maximum multiplier effect,” Anatoly Kolesnikov notes.

    However, economists warn that the growth structure of the Russian economy depends on several sectors and relies on the favorable effect of a low base. In the second quarter of last year, the economy fell by 4.5% and then quickly recovered in the second half of 2022. Therefore, the low base effect will disappear soon. Plus, the cycle of raising the rate by the Central Bank may begin to dampen lending and investment activity. According to Lavrova, Russia's annual GDP growth will slow to 3.7% in the third quarter and to 1.7% in the fourth quarter. “However, the continued strong economic performance in the first half of the year forced us to raise our forecast for 2023 to around 2% yoy,” Lavrova said.

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    Post  ALAMO Fri Aug 04, 2023 2:18 pm

    In the newest Wold Bank data Russian economy surpasses German, becoming 5th in the world.
    Considering that there is GDP decrease in Germany, and 2% increase in Russia - the gap will only getting wider.

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    Post  Hole Fri Aug 04, 2023 5:12 pm

    This will be known as the Habeck gap in History books.

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    Post  franco Fri Aug 04, 2023 5:38 pm

    ALAMO wrote:In the newest Wold Bank data Russian economy surpasses German, becoming 5th in the world.
    Considering that there is GDP decrease in Germany, and 2% increase in Russia - the gap will only getting wider.

    But yet the IMF reversed them somehow for 2023 data and projected the exact opposite Suspect No Rolling Eyes dunno

    May all that is holy protect us from experts... and fools (usually the same Very Happy )

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    Post  JohninMK Fri Aug 04, 2023 7:46 pm

    Rossa Primavera International News
    The World Bank has updated its estimates of GDP by PPP of the world's countries by the end of 2022. According to the WB estimates, #Russia has become one of the five largest economies in the world and the first economy in #Europe, surpassing #Germany

    Russian Economy General News: #13 - Page 13 F2oP9CRWcAM9e3F?format=png&name=small

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    Post  GarryB Sat Aug 05, 2023 6:32 am

    This will be known as the Habeck gap in History books.

    Which is also the name of the vacuum between her ears... Twisted Evil

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    Post  Hole Sat Aug 05, 2023 1:06 pm

    Habeck is a guy. Sort of. You´re thinking about Baerbock.

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    Post  lyle6 Sat Aug 05, 2023 3:59 pm

    She's an inspiration to all feminists on the globe.

    She might be a woman but she didn't let that stop her from fucking Germany's foreign policy bareback.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Aug 05, 2023 4:55 pm

    Europeans all sound the same to me... Twisted Evil

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    Post  Arrow Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:09 pm

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    Post  caveat emptor Tue Aug 15, 2023 2:15 pm

    Very substantial bump in interest rates. Personally, i expected up to 150bps. Pressures on ruble exchange rate must be bigger than what appears on the surface. IMO, further interest rate raises or further tightening of capital controls are not off the table.

    Bank of Russia raises key rate to 12% from 8.5% per annum

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    Post  AlfaT8 Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:48 am

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    Post  kvs Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:58 am

    So the prices for internally produced foods are cheap but for imported they are high. Nothing surprising. Russia's food import dependence
    has dropped a lot in the last 20 years and so food prices are not affected like before by forex games. I guess it sucks that olive oil
    is expensive, but it's f*cking expensive in Kanada too. The bread prices are very cheap by Kanadian standards.

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    Post  Hole Wed Aug 16, 2023 11:23 am

    So the prices for internally produced foods are cheap but for imported they are high.
    Good for domestic producers.  Very Happy
    High olive oil prices gives an incentive to add a few more "new" territories along the Black Sea coastline.  lol1

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    Post  Krepost Thu Aug 17, 2023 3:48 am

    Hole wrote:
    So the prices for internally produced foods are cheap but for imported they are high.
    Good for domestic producers.  Very Happy
    High olive oil prices gives an incentive to add a few more "new" territories along the Black Sea coastline.  lol1

    No need to add.
    The Idlib region of Syria is full of olive oil plantations.
    Once the government re-establishes control over that area. Russian can import all the olive oil it needs from Syria.

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    Post  flamming_python Thu Aug 17, 2023 8:50 am

    Krepost wrote:No need to add.
    The Idlib region of Syria is full of olive oil plantations.
    Once the government re-establishes control over that area. Russian can import all the olive oil it needs from Syria.

    Pretty sure that the rebels and the Turks have stripped all those plantations bare, along with the ones in Afrin too. No doubt there is going to be a lot of permanent output reduction if not outright deforestation.

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    Post  franco Thu Aug 24, 2023 12:19 am

    The intruder of the Russian Federation has determined quotas for foreign workers for 2024, taking into account regional needs and types of economic activity (OKVED). The draft government decree has already passed the necessary stages of discussion and will soon be on the table for Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to sign. The effective date of the document is January 1, 2024.

    General rules

    The document establishes that enterprises that grow vegetables (code 01.13.1), forest resources (codes 02, 46.73.1, 46.73.2), as well as work with wood products, cork (except furniture), straw and materials for weaving (code 16) may employ migrants under a quota of up to 50% of the total number of employees.

    The share of migrants in the construction sector (section F) is set at 80% of the number of employed workers. Alcohol retailers (code 47.25.1) and tobacco retailers (code 47.26) must employ no more than 15% of foreign employees.

    As for the trade in medicines (code 47.73), only Russians will be allowed to this activity. Also, a zero quota for foreigners has been established for trading outside stores: from non-stationary stalls and counters, as well as in markets (codes 47.8 and 47.99).

    Enterprises in the field of passenger land transportation, with the exception of railway (code 49.3), as well as road freight transport (code 49.41), can hire up to 24% of foreign representatives.

    In the field of property management (code 68.32) and building and territory maintenance (code 81), which includes a large layer of work from cleaning and maintenance to garbage collection, laundry and security services, the quota is set at 70% of the sum of all employees .

    At enterprises in the field of sports (code 93.19), the number of foreigners should not exceed 25% of the total.


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    Post  Kiko Sun Aug 27, 2023 9:28 pm

    Russian business activity soaring, 08.27.2023.

    The RSBI index was well above the 50-point threshold in July, a new study shows.

    The activity of small- and medium-sized businesses in Russia hit a record high in July, with the RSBI (Russian Small Business Index) reaching 57.1 points, according to the latest study by Promsvyazbank (PSB). The figure is well above the 50-point threshold which indicates that business activity is growing.

    “The current dynamics of business activity of small- and medium-sized businesses indicates an acceleration in its growth rates in all key components,” the bank’s statement reads.

    “For the first time in two years, the sales of entrepreneurs have entered the upswing zone, indicating there are opportunities for the segment to grow at a faster pace than the economy.

    The high availability of financial instruments in July stimulated entrepreneurial activity, providing companies with more opportunities, which is especially important during their development,” said PSB’s vice president Kirill Tikhonov.

    At the same time, he pointed to negative factors, such as a shortage of personnel, which were holding back hiring when businesses were ready to recruit staff. Tikhonov indicated that entrepreneurs had high expectations about growth in the near future.

    A recent report by business news website RBK, citing data from the Federal Tax Service, showed that revenues of Russian businesses almost doubled in 2022 for the first time ever.

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    Post  par far Tue Aug 29, 2023 9:28 pm

    I don’t where to put his, so I will put it here, it is economical related.

    I live in Canada and recently had a relative that come on a student basis, as a international student and that is why I am asking this.

    In Canada(and the west), international students are big business, in Canada it bring in $25 billion per year.

    I went to the event with this relative and I was shocked to see how many students were there, it does bring in home but how are all these people going get jobs?

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    Post  Gomig-21 Tue Aug 29, 2023 9:50 pm

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    Post  higurashihougi Wed Aug 30, 2023 4:13 pm

    Gomig-21 wrote:

    May I ask this testing prototype still used the French-made SaM-146 engine and the domestic PD-8 will only be used in the second one will be tested in December, right ?


    The Chinese began to buy salt in Primorye due to emissions from the Fukushima nuclear power plant

    Chinese citizens began to actively buy salt in the Primorsky Territory after the discharge of radioactive water from the Fukushima-1 station in Japan began, the Ussuri customs reported.

    We are not talking about tons transported by trucks; individuals transport them in backpacks and bags containing several kilogram packs. The volumes are still small, so customs does not register the weight. So far, this is typical only for one checkpoint, “Borderline - Suifenhe” in Heilongjiang province. At another crossing, Kraskino, leading to Jilin Province, this phenomenon is not observed.

    In China, it is believed that harmful substances may be present in sea salt if it is obtained from sea water contaminated after discharge from an emergency nuclear power plant. In addition, the Chinese believe that salt protects against radioactive contamination, especially if it is iodized. By the way, the salt rush was typical for the Celestial Empire in 2011, when the accident occurred at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

    Meanwhile, media in Japan are reporting that some Japanese schools operating in China have been stoned and thrown with eggs. And calls to boycott Japanese goods have been noticed on social networks. In Japan itself, after the discharge of water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean, phone calls with threats from private individuals began to arrive en masse. It is believed that they come from neighbors - China and South Korea.

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    Post  Gomig-21 Wed Aug 30, 2023 5:00 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:
    Gomig-21 wrote:

    May I ask this testing prototype still used the French-made SaM-146 engine and the domestic PD-8 will only be used in the second one will be tested in December, right?

    If you expand the tweet, it says the following at the end:

    "Previously, the SSJ-100 aircraft had an engine of the joint Russian-European development SaM-146, but due to sanctions, its production stopped, so we had to create a completely domestic PD-8."

    So accordingly, not only did they create a completely domestic engine(s) in the PD-8's and are in this Super Jet, the original SaM-146 was actually a joint European & Russian development.  The whole reason for having this flight test and celebration.

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