Belisarius wrote:
At the beginning of July, the armed forces include:
dead - 76640
wounded - 42704;
prisoners - 7244;
missing - 2816; non-combat losses - 1610.
Total - 131014 people.
Losses in other law enforcement agencies (SBU, NGU, GPSU, etc.) are not included in these numbers.
This is obviously unconfirmed and can easily be disinformation, but it is what’s circulating at the moment.
It is nearly impossible for the number of wounded to be lower than the number of killed, as a rule of every war ever, the number of wounded is always about 3x higher than the number of killed.
That document understates that number heavily.
If 76.6k are dead, about 150k to 180k are wounded.
The rule of 3 for 1 shouldn't apply today. Weapons are way more precise and deadly. When they hit they kill. A kh-101 going through your window will blow up anyone in the building. A WW2 bomb falling next to a building with less power will kill few and hurt many.
I think in a war like this where one has an army that crushes the other, the rule will be 1 for 1 for the weak army.