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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  Tsavo Lion Mon Nov 21, 2022 6:38 am

    Erk wrote:
    Tsavo Lion wrote:
    It is indeed very likely that Ukraine hoped to use the incident to get a NFZ.
    Not convinced, if it was a false flag, Ukraine would have used an offensive Russian missile, not an air-defense missile.
    they may not have a real Russian missile that they can launch; the US/NATO monitors all activity & would have detected it. Ukr. has an excuse as it was defending herself against Russian CMs, & it could be a stray missile but they decided to blame Russia for it to rip the imagined benefits. But NATO wasn't fooled!

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  Erk Mon Nov 21, 2022 7:31 am

    For some reason I can't quote posts.

    I find it hard to believe that in 8mths of battle Ukraine haven't captured some Russian equipment they could use as a more convincing false flag to hit Poland, than an S-300 missile.

    I think the most likely scenario is Ukraine screwed up, then lied about it and tried to blame someone else.

    They are essentially cowards.
    You can tell by all the censorship, banning political parties, Russian language, burning books.
    These are all hallmarks of cowards.
    Heck, Zelensky even wears high heels sometime to make himself look taller.

    Last edited by Erk on Mon Nov 21, 2022 7:40 am; edited 3 times in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  crod Mon Nov 21, 2022 7:34 am

    me too - some glitch

    re false flag. it was a missile that backfired for whatever reason, most likely age or whatever and dipshit thought he could milk it as oft times before but perhaps the winds of change are upon us???

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  andalusia Mon Nov 21, 2022 7:42 am

    This is a good alternative search engine:

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  ALAMO Mon Nov 21, 2022 7:58 am

    The sole and only reason to consider that as a false flag was a fact, that Ukrs lied deliberately from the very beginning.
    Cocainsky not only made a comment very, very soon after the incident where he fired all big guns, including "terror state" and "art. 5", but denied multiple times the Ukr origin of the missiles later on. De facto he shut up only when summoned by the Sullivan, who called him and ordered to keep his mouth shut.
    This way, an incident that is fully understandable and tragic accident turned to be political show.
    The whole situation caught Cocainsky unprepared. He had lied so many times, in so many cases, and in such a naive way, that simply forgot that those lies can be fact checked. Nobody in the western shitstream was doing that, as they used to be a part of this narrative. Now, surprisingly, not only multiple NATO officials almost immediately figured the whole situation, but said that openly and loud. It was Biden who closed the case at the very beginning, and in my opinion because of being afraid what those idiots from the Polish govt will do carried by a wave of fear and incompetence.
    That sole situation should tell us a lot about changes that are going on. Slow but steady.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  Sujoy Mon Nov 21, 2022 8:24 am

    Had mentioned last week that anti Russian hatred is a White, European construct and most of Asia, Africa are not anti Russia. Here is a recent example of anti Russian hate speech

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  ALAMO Mon Nov 21, 2022 8:26 am

    But she is right.
    Russkie do have a different attitude towards life&death.
    They never carried a genocide of conquered nations.
    Europeans did. Multiple times.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  GarryB Mon Nov 21, 2022 8:34 am

    Vonderlyen literally said it too. I cant find the clip but look at about 3:00

    How Putin uses washing machines to produce missiles: Russia’s neighbors help to bypass sanctions

    Dude... UATV? You think Ukrainian propaganda centres are credible sources?

    - Everything coming from Ukrainian, pro-Ukrainian and Western sources should be taken with a mountain of salt.
    - Russian information sources are relatively weak but are far more credible than Ukrainian/Western ones.

    Would have to say that Ukrainian sources have been proven wrong often enough to be called liars and with no credibility at all... salt or no salt.... but yes , they seem to be very salty about this situation of their own creation.

    I looked it up and there might be a way of doing things a smarter way without banning anyone

    Indeed there is... I can just turn off the Quote button.

    Why are they trying to get that wheel off, the tank doesn't look saveable? Or are they just desperate for parts?

    Likely removing damaged wheels or wheels attached to damaged parts so they can tow it.

    Your nested post is ban territory Shocked Suggest you trim it quick.

    Good advice John, but he doesn't seem to have understood the message...

    Surely you are aware the the Tu-95s release their weapons over the Caspian or similar? Don't think that the Hawk has that range.

    As to a B-52, words fail me.

    He is basically saying HAWKS are to engage big slow heavy bombers flying at altitude and not drones or other more difficult targets... in that sense he is right.

    I wonder if they will test some kh-15 against them. Hawk and patriot were they systems that kh-15 would have targeted during cold war mostly. That would be a great fight of grandpa's.

    The reason the Kh-15 was phased out because it only ever came with a nuclear warhead... they considered an antiship model but never actually developed it AFAIK.

    The reason I want them is to show some friends that DPR/LPR had access to Ukrainian BUK systems, before MH17, thus the notion of Igor Gerkin having to fetch one from Russia as the Dutch report claims, seems absurd.

    There are videos of them crashing in cities in Ukraine during relocation... and there is plenty of evidence they have them now or had them... ie pictures of them being hit by drones... do your friends think the Ukraine didn't have any when MH17 was shot down but suddenly got all the ones that have been seen and destroyed now since then?

    Not convinced, if it was a false flag, Ukraine would have used an offensive Russian missile, not an air-defense missile.

    S-300 might be all they have left...

    They already tried that Tupolev drone...

    Ukr. has an excuse as it was defending herself against Russian CMs, & it could be a stray missile but they decided to blame Russia for it to rip the imagined benefits. But NATO wasn't fooled!

    HATO has never been afraid of lying... if they wanted to fight Russia they have had every opportunity... but obviously they are aware of what an escalation that would be and so far Russia has been competent in what it is doing... can't say the same for the west.

    I would say even if it was an Iskander and it came from Belarus they would claim they didn't know who fired it...

    me too - some glitch

    Not a glitch... solution to a problem.

    But she is right.
    Russkie do have a different attitude towards life&death.
    They never carried a genocide of conquered nations.
    Europeans did. Multiple times.

    Yes, the irony is that white europeans are the monsters... Russia should be glad they didn't join that gang of fools.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  ALAMO Mon Nov 21, 2022 9:04 am

    This is all part of the very same propaganda that is being carried out in Europe.
    What the Europeans are doing, is de facto white supremacy, while pretending vice versa.
    And a funny thing is, that even in that they lack logic.
    A whole migration crisis of the 2010+ was designed in the US with a goal to destabilize EU, and they have carried part of the whole plan with the very same European hands Shocked
    The situation calmed down a bit because what the EU is doing right now, is subsidizing the slave trade that is being carried in Northern Africa.
    And all that with the mouth full of shit about European values, democracy, freedom and human rights Shocked Shocked

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  Erk Mon Nov 21, 2022 9:09 am

    And all that with the mouth full of shit about European values, democracy, freedom and human rights Shocked Shocked

    I figured out back in the Bush era, whenever he spoke of "Freedom" and "Democracy", someone was about to loose their freedom in an un-democratic way.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Empty Ceterum autem censeo Unionem Europaeaem esse delendam

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Mon Nov 21, 2022 1:33 pm

    caveat emptor wrote:Sounds great. We just need to find Russian Cato the Elder. Only one that keeps repeating that is Medvedev, atm.

    No please, Cato was a envious racistic pompous bastard who hated the much greater than him Scipio Africanus for being successful and criticized him for being fluent in Greek and loving the hellenic culture.

    He was also partially responsible for the horrible treatment Rome reserved to one of its greatest citizen ever born (again Scipio Africanus).

    Anyway, destroying Carthage at that time was not that important, and many people, including Scipio's son in law opposed the war and believed  that the survival of Carthage was import to preserve Roman unity.

    "the fear of a common enemy was necessary to keep the people in check"

    A curious anecdote was that, like Cato, he (Corculum, Scipio's son in law)
    ended all his speeches with the same phrase, "Carthage must be saved" (Carthago servanda est).

    Anyway we cannot compare this with the Ukraine. Carthage was one of the greatest powers of its time and at its peak was equivalent to Rome in military power and influence. Current Ukraine is a Metastasis that happened in some of Russia's historical regions.  But yes, Russia cannot allow it to persist in its current form,  otherwise it can compromise the future of Russia itself.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  JohninMK Mon Nov 21, 2022 3:34 pm

    This is the core of quite a long article on electrical power issues, but will those with electricity have the sense to turn off their lights?

    In our time, this is how the Stavka’s electric war is being waged, according to electrical engineering experts. Firstly, the GRU and other Russian military intelligence sources gather Ukrainian energy data on every emission source, including electromagnetic pulse, heat, sound waves, carbon dioxide and other gas releases, and diesel particulate matter from the substitute, emergency and private generators which have been activated as the national grid has been disrupted or destroyed. This is how some of these detection systems work when they are engaged in non-military applications. In commercial industry, the technology to perform detection, measurement, and target discrimination has been evolving for decades, so it can be backward or forward-engineered as the Russians see fit now.

    “You can be sure,” advises a NATO veteran of infrastructure warfare operations, “that as the main grid goes down, and the Ukrainian government offices, military commands, and business elites switch to private generators and diesel-fuel sources, Russian engineers are working on warheads which will home in on their heat and emission signatures.”

    “They will be roaming over the cities and command bunkers with instruments calibrated to detect n of x. They will then convert the emission data into locational coordinates, programme the drones and missiles, home in and destroy.”

    Open Ukrainian sources are reporting not only that the destruction of the main grids of most of the targeted cities is approaching non-repairable, but also that the majority of the Ukrainian population can see with their own eyes that the elite neighbourhoods have light, heat and water while they do not. “As to heat and light in the elite homes”, says a source from Kiev and Odessa, “the dachas have generators. In Kiev 20% of the buildings in the city have lights and water; 80% do not. This 20% could have light because they are connected to separate substations or are in emergency supply systems. Some buildings might have them too. Those are private arrangements. In Odessa nearly all buildings are seeing cuts.”

    Another source says: “I heard this evening from some more friends in Dniepropetrovsk and Odessa that the blackouts are now absolute and across the board. In Kiev many dachas and apartments have their own generators. Electricity is being rationed for the water stations.”

    Alexander Kharchenko, Director at the Energy Industry Research Center, Kiev: “The condition is extremely difficult. After Monday’s strike [November 14], the system is really badly damaged and we have not yet had time to restore it to the level when we will be able to survive the next attack. I mean the situation where an uncontrolled exclusion of at least certain regions from grids may begin, the so-called blackout, after which it will take quite a long time to restore power and electricity supply’…The Director at the Center noted that despite the fact that the attack was very powerful, the power engineers were working tirelessly — restoration work continues.”

    “The question is, who is getting the lion’s share of what’s certainly a short supply of diesel fuel for those gensets [private generators]?” the NATO veteran comments. “I wonder also how many linemen are being injured or killed by those generators backfeeding on to utility lines due to improper connections.” 

    This open post from an Odessa city resident is explicit. “For the last 24 hours no light, no water, no electricity… where there are little children you can’t go to cook, you can’t go to the toilet to flush… This is the city of Odessa. There are elite houses in zones where there hasn’t been the tiniest bit of switching-off of lights. Not at all. But for us it’s not fair. Why is it like that?… Please deal with this… I can see that Trukhanov does nothing for the city.”

    Gennady Trukhanov is the mayor of Odessa. Until the latest round of Russian raids, he had convinced most Odessans the city would not be affected as severely as Kiev or Lvov, and the fate of the city statue of Catherine II was more pressing.

    A source in Kiev claims that from the ground in Maidan Square the lights appear to be burning in the elite apartments, including the one listed on Sofiivska Street owned by Canada’s deputy prime minister Chrystia Freeland. This cannot be corroborated.

    A British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) broadcast from the centre of Kiev on Friday night, November 18, failed to detect or comment on the lights visibly burning in elite apartments in the background. The BBC headlined its report: “Leave if you can to save energy – Ukraine power boss….The head of Ukraine’s biggest private energy firm says people should consider leaving the country to reduce demand on the country’s power network. ‘If they can find an alternative place to stay for another three or four months, it will be very helpful to the system,’ DTEK chief executive Maxim Timchenko told the BBC.”

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  flamming_python Mon Nov 21, 2022 3:45 pm

    It's rather Russia which is Carthage and the West which is saying that it 'must be destroyed!'

    If we're going to make analogies with ancient history, then we're in the times of the 2nd Punic War.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Nov 21, 2022 4:16 pm

    Rodion_Romanovic wrote:...Anyway, destroying Carthage at that time was not that important, and many people, including Scipio's son in law opposed the war and believed that the survival of Carthage was import to preserve Roman unity.

    "the fear of a common enemy was necessary to keep the people in check"...

    Well, it turned out that junior didn't know shit because Rome reigned supreme for centuries to come

    Exterminating the enemy is always the right move

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  Arrow Mon Nov 21, 2022 4:51 pm

    It seems that the actions of both sides are looking to freeze in positonal warfare.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  JohninMK Mon Nov 21, 2022 5:10 pm

    Chronicle of the Special Military Operation for 19-20 Nov 2022⚡

    #Belgorod Region:

    ▪ Ukrainian militants shelled the settlements of #Shebekino, #Karabanovo, #Razumnoye and Nizhniy Olshanets in the #Belgorod region. At least 3 civilians were wounded and civilian infrastructure was damaged.

    #Starobelsk Direction (MAP):

    ▪ In the #Kupyansk - #Svatovso section, the enemy made another unsuccessful attempt to storm Russian positions towards #Kislovka.

    ▪ In the #Svatovo sector, Russian SRGs conducted a reconnaissance battle near the #Medvezhye tract. In the battle, the Russian forces destroyed one armoured vehicle and wounded at least five Ukrainian fighters.

    ▪ The AFU took up a positional defence after several unsuccessful attempts to advance in the direction of #Chervonopopovka.

    #Soledar Direction (MAP):

    ▪ In the #Bakhmut (#Artemovsk) area, units of the Wagner PMC blocked one unit of the 53rd Mechanized Brigade. After regrouping, the enemy attempted to regain the lost positions but failed and suffered significant losses.

    The AFU command is redeploying additional forces due to the difficult situation in the area.

    ▪ In the #Soledar area, fighting in the vicinity of the #Bakhmut - #Soledar highway is going on with varying success.

    #Lugansk People's Republic:

    ▪ Ukrainian militants shelled #Lysychansk, Nizhnyaya Duvanka and #Kremennaya with HIMARS MLRS. At least three civilians were killed and five others wounded.

    #Donetsk Direction:

    ▪ Ukrainian militants have again hit #Gorlovka, #Ilovaysk, #Makeyevka, #Yasynuvata and Krasny Partizan. An aluminium profile factory in #Donetsk came under fire.

    #Zaporozhye Direction (MAP):

    ▪ Russian forces conducted several missile strikes on the Motor Sich plant in #Zaporozhye, where various components for the Ukrainian defence industry are produced.

    ▪ Ukrainian militants, in turn, shelled the #Zaporozhye nuclear power plant again. Enemy shells landed in the area of the dry storage facility for spent nuclear fuel.

    ▪ Ukrainian forces continue to accumulate reserves in the area, with personnel and equipment arriving at #Volnyansk, #Preobrazhenka and #Zaporozhye.

    #Kherson Direction on Southern Front (MAP):

    ▪ Russian forces destroyed an AFU fuel depot near the shipyard on Quarantine Island (Karantinny Ostrov) in #Kherson.

    ▪ The enemy continues to entrench on the right bank of the #Dnipro River. Ukrainian Territorial Defence units were moved to #Belozerkha and #Novokaira.

    ▪ The 59th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade of the AFU has crossed the #Ingulets at Daryevsky Bridge and occupied the and occupied the #Nikolskoye - #Novotyaginka line.

    ▪ Ukrainian authorities announced the evacuation of #Kherson.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  JohninMK Mon Nov 21, 2022 5:18 pm

    The operational and tactical situation in Avdiivka.

    Over the past month, the Russian Armed Forces, Sparta, and other units have been storming Pervomayske, Opytne, and Vodyane southwest of Avdiivka.

    As of today, Peski and Opytne are completely under our control and the situation there has been stabilized.
    Vodyanoye, Pervomaiskoye, and Nevelskoye are still under the enemy and are being stormed and consolidated in these settlements.

    On the line Nevelskoye-Vodyanoye, the Russian Armed Forces are breaking through the resistance of the AFU in the direction of Severnoye, Tonenkoye, and Orlovka, to enter the flanks from the west of Avdeevka.
    On the Krasnogorovka-Veseloye-Kamianka line, the Russian Federation forces broke through a stronghold in Kamianka, and troops entrenched along the Avdeevka-Kramatorsk road section.

    In addition, the Russian Armed Forces have confirmed their operational success in leveling the Ugledar bridgehead along the Ugledar-Maryinka route. There has been an advance deep into the enemy defense to the line Ugledar-Konstantinovka-Pobeda-Maryinka.

    In general, the situation on the front has a consolidating character and is aimed at eliminating the unequal distribution of the enemy's troops along the front to concentrate his forces for the main strike in the chosen direction.

    Also yesterday, during reconnaissance activities, the area of the enemy's forces and equipment concentration on the Zaporizhzhia front (Orekhov) near Nesterianka-Novodanilovka was revealed.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  Hole Mon Nov 21, 2022 5:42 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Fifzap10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Fifzap11
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Fifzap12
    Mobilised from Tver.

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    Post  Hole Mon Nov 21, 2022 5:43 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Figvci10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Figvf010
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Scree504
    Happened close to Orlyanka, Kharkov region. Possibly good old TM-62 mine(s).

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    Post  Hole Mon Nov 21, 2022 5:44 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Figvg610
    German hand grenade.  angry

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    Post  JohninMK Mon Nov 21, 2022 5:58 pm

    Ukraine Weapons Tracker
    #Ukraine: The first photo of German-donated Dingo MRAP infantry fighting vehicles 🇩🇪 in service with the Ukrainian Air Assault Forces along with T-80BV and very interesting BMP-2 with BMD-2 turrets.
    30 Dingos were already delivered to Ukraine with 20 more to be transferred soon.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 FiGO9kuWYAEV5bj?format=jpg&name=small

    EDIT from Drive poster

    A battalion of the new 77th Air Mobile, trained in the UK. Looks like they're getting T-80BV's, some unusual BMP's with BMD-2 turrets, and various MRAPS including the German Dingos.

    More here on Twitter: "📷On the day of AirAssault troops, Ukrainian 77th Airmobile brigade took an oath of paratrooper and will soon be deployed to the front. #UkraineRussiaWar" / Twitter

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    Post  littlerabbit Mon Nov 21, 2022 6:58 pm

    According to Rybar, Russian troops entered the center of Marinka today and pushing nazies to south and west of the

    settlement. Exclamation

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Marink10

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    Post  Hole Mon Nov 21, 2022 8:08 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Figqb210
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Figwqp10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Figxtt10

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33

    Post  franco Mon Nov 21, 2022 9:18 pm

    The LPR announced the presence of up to 10 foreign PMCs in the Donbas

    Up to 10 foreign private military companies (PMCs) are fighting on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). This was announced on November 21 by an officer of the People's Militia of the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) Andrey Marochko.

    He pointed to an increase in the number of mercenaries arriving from post-Soviet and Eastern European republics, as well as NATO member states.

    "There are also quite a few private military companies here. < ... > there are about ten of them <...> They are a cover for those regular NATO forces that are located here in Ukraine," Marochko said on the Rossiya 24 TV channel.

    The officer recalled that in Ukraine, even before the start of the special operation, there was a "foreign legion", which included representatives of Poland and the Baltic republics.

    "Now this' foreign legion 'has been pretty badly battered by our troops, and they have broken up into smaller groups," he added.

    Earlier in the day, it became known that the founder of the Ukrainian International Legion, Frenchman Gaston Besson, who fought on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine , was killed in Ukraine.

    In early November, it was reported that Russian intelligence officers destroyed a detachment of Polish mercenaries and the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    The special military operation to protect the Donbas, which was announced on February 24, continues. The decision to hold it was made against the background of the aggravation of the situation in the region due to shelling by the Ukrainian military.

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    Post  Hole Mon Nov 21, 2022 10:14 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Figg-t10
    Restored monument
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Fihkcj10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #33 - Page 6 Fihnp810

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