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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40

    Post  lyle6 Wed Mar 22, 2023 3:29 am

    Russia is a slow student but they always surpass their master. If the health of future innocents and the environment is an acceptable collateral damage in war then fine, message received.

    Just don't come crying when they sink the UK with Poseidon. Razz

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40

    Post  Regular Wed Mar 22, 2023 3:38 am

    Again, do you honestly think uranium rounds are not being used now as we speak? Also, we are talking about Chernobilistan, Ukrainians love their radiation.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40

    Post  kvs Wed Mar 22, 2023 4:01 am

    Even if the Kiev regime is using such shells, the UK and the rest of NATzO have no "moral authority" to supply it with such munitions.
    At least the Kiev regime's use of Soviet DU rounds is limited by the number of Soviet tanks they still retain.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40

    Post  Arkanghelsk Wed Mar 22, 2023 4:05 am

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 A9740710
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    VSU apparently captured T90M and posted some of the electronics on forum

    They are mocking the presence of 90mm Chinese chips

    To my understanding, this is a scary thing

    The entire supply chain has been substituted in 1 year - ergo all of Russian electronic systems are streamlined with secure chip procurement from China

    Imagine all the electronic components in use which have been fully transitioned to Chinese chips?

    This means all Russian technology has a secure supply of controllers, boards, chips

    90mm for military application is perfectly within spec of machines like thermal imagers for T90, ranging devices

    And even cruise missile components... it means the kalibr has a fully secured supply chain and production line

    The chips are coming from a country who's president visited Moscow to sign 12 major deals and points of an agenda with Putin

    It's scary indeed

    When US talks about China supplying weapons to Russia, people have no idea what they mean

    We not talking about rifles, bullets, or other primitive material support

    We talk entire production of chips of all varieties from military application to consumer grade electronics

    We talk about thousands of drones coming from all retailers across china

    We talk about Baidou satellite integration with glonass

    It's serious shit here

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40

    Post  ucmvulcan Wed Mar 22, 2023 4:12 am

    hurray, with chips, Russia now has smart lawnmowers and shovels to do some gardening with Ukronazi compost.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Wed Mar 22, 2023 4:23 am

    If Ukraine captured t90m that's bad, as now the US will get all the data and tech from it

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40

    Post  lyle6 Wed Mar 22, 2023 5:13 am

    Most of those components are not even of Chinese design or make. They are commercial products anyone can buy anywhere anytime. It would be impossible to control the flow of supplies for these items, for the same reasons drug smuggling is as persvasive as ever, so no one really bothers.

    But there are core craft components of very limited production that can be controlled like microbolometers for thermal sights for example. Russia just has to focus on developing those for their own use - just as they did for the microbolometers when they secured a production license for the manufacture of Thales thermal sights. The license has been revoked but the know how and infra is still there.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40

    Post  lancelot Wed Mar 22, 2023 5:23 am

    Most of those chips are actually US designed and made wherever (probably Asia), it is just that they are really common and easy to get since they are basically obsolete. The only Chinese component in there is the thermal sensor. Oh and BTW the Chinese company which makes the thermal sensor is already sanctioned by the US. So I am pretty sure they do not care if the US tries to sanction them again or not.

    Last edited by lancelot on Wed Mar 22, 2023 5:24 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40

    Post  sepheronx Wed Mar 22, 2023 5:24 am

    The microbolometers Russia uses since 4 or so years ago are of the ones used in Irbis K which are made entirely by UOMZ (NPO Cyclone) part of the Rostec corporation. Performance similar to Catherine XP. I'm unsure of the more recent advancements but that was of the cooled variant of microbolometers. Uncooled ones used in rifle scopes are also made in Russia.

    Correction: UOMZ is a different company, NPO Orion is the company.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40

    Post  xeno Wed Mar 22, 2023 5:53 am

    Don't listen to Arkanghelsk, and stop spread this bullshit.
    This Chinese thing is not from T-90M or T-72B3M. It is used on thermal imager of type 1ТПП1-Т for Тунгуске-М1 in very small amount.
    The thermal imagers on T-72B3M are Catherine FC(G2) made in France, you can see it in this Ukraine clown show.
    There is nothing from T-90M shown this time, all electronics you see is from T-72B3.
    Russia made domestic thermal imagers(G2) at the same level of Catherine FC for T-90M which hasn't been shown.
    T-14 has the thermal imager of Catherine XP(G3) or its Russian domesctic version...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40

    Post  sepheronx Wed Mar 22, 2023 5:57 am

    Russia doesn't have Catherine XP thermal imagers since they can't get from France.

    Russia has been making their own for 8 years, overdrive in 4 years. Very specific parts to the imager like the microbolometer itself wasn't made in Russia but sold to Russia. Russia had to start its own production fresh but they used the basis of the Catherine FC to make their own - ФЭМ18М-03

    I believe Archs story as much as I believe anything a Ukrainian would say.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40

    Post  GarryB Wed Mar 22, 2023 6:32 am

    Edit : Backman wrote " What demands is Russia making that are of concern to China ? China is helping where it can. What should they do? Send troops ? " Why not ? The western nations sending troops and advisers , many were killed . Why not China and Iran send troops ?

    The west is sending advisors and volunteers because they are stealing its assets... coal and steel and titanium and the rich soils simply cannot be carted off in retreat, they have to fight for them so they allow token numbers of their own go and pretend they are helping thinking their super economic sanctions will isolate Russia and make it collapse and get rid of Putin once and for all... it hasn't worked.

    China and Iran could send men, but how could they help more than the locals that have been fighting their fellow Ukrainians for the better part of the last 10 years?

    Troops from China and Iran would be useful for China and Iran to learn a bit of modern combat against a real peer enemy, but Russia wont benefit that much from their assistance...

    When it comes to opinion who can say who is right and who is wrong... this situation is very complex so there is no 100% right and 100% wrong, but even more complex you can be right for the wrong reasons and wrong but your reasoning is sound, there are so many factors involved here that everyones input is important... just because an opinion sounds stupid or wrong does not mean a party to this conflict doesn't hold that opinion as correct.

    I see Bolton just opposed the US cooperating with the ICC... but only because he wants Kiev to try him or a western puppet regime that takes over in Russia to do it instead.

    Right for the wrong reasons.

    There is lots of talk about use of best soldiers implying limited supply. I suppose that these
    are the ones who were trained before the start of the operation last year and are still left alive.

    I guess it might include troops that were stationed at the Belarus border or in rear areas, either as an elite reserve, or because mummy and daddy had money and power but not enough to keep them out of uniform.

    The expectation for the spring offensive by Dima and others is being overly generous with the resources that the Kiev regime has.

    They talk about a spring offensive, but they don't mention if it will be successful or not, but I guess that is not the point, because when it fails it will be because the west didn't give enough ammo and weapons and obviously they need F-35s and F-22s and B-21s... no crappy B-2s are not good enough, they want the new B-21s...

    And they are saving the west from Russia so you owe them everything...

    Quadcopter with MON-50 mine

    Trench clearing tool... would like to see the bigger model with the MON-300 mine... imagine a formation of a dozen of these working together as a swarm to blunt an infantry charge over open ground... hover at about 3m altitude and bam... with overlapping kill zones...

    Problem is that even "depleted" uranium is mildly radioactive, and while not a problem in case of external exposure (handling it etc), it becomes a problem if ingested or breathed in, as the body's natural defenses against ionizing radiation (the dead outer skin layer etc) are bypassed.

    First of all depleted is a nice term, this is spent uranium fuel rod material... it is nuclear waste, and it is cheap because you can either use it as ammo or armour or you bury it for 10,000 years with the other low grade nuclear waste.

    The situations with human beings is made rather worse because the human body mistakes depleted Uranium for another metal... calcium... so it uses this mildly radioactive material to build bones where it comes in close contact with bone marrow which is a critical part of the human bodies immune system...

    It is genotoxic... it damages human cells at the DNA level...

    The new born children are going to be monsters if you have this in your system it will be your children that suffer, but you will likely get cancer and wont see their life of suffering.

    Worried about DU ? Well they are allowing atmospheric tests . All you need to know is the wind direction !

    A few atmospheric tests off the coast of the UK in the Atlantic might be a good idea... it is only radiation after all.

    UK wants to put radiation in Russian dirt then Russia could put radiation in UK air...

    Russia should demonstrate a fake heavy fallout explosion near the Polish border with strong westerly winds and should really use uranium ammunition by Ukraine using a dirty bomb very near the Polish border. Not with a lot of uranium dust, but the message is unmistakable!

    I would prefer the message to be directed at the UK rather than Poland in this instance for obvious reasons.

    Instead of throwing around empty threats why aren't Russians already using these same projectiles?

    Because you don't shit where you eat... most of the Ukraine is going to be Russian territory by the way HATO is fighting... why create a long term radiation problem for yourself?

    HATO used DU in Serbia and Iraq because they never intended to stay.

    Commander of logistics forces of Ukrainian Navy Rear Admiral Igor Stupnitsky staunchly defends his homeland in one of saunas in Odessa

    Poor bastard... there is no condensation on that beer... it must be room temperature!

    Oh the suffering!

    In time, we will see if RF forces encounter these DU rounds. And what the RF response will be.

    I appreciate what you are saying but I think it is the wrong tactic... Russia needs to quickly find a button to push to prevent DU rounds being delivered, because after they are delivered will be too late.

    This isn't a game about who is cooler... if the UK wants to start playing with toxic materials perhaps really attacking the UK with toxins might be a solution... I am sure if the Russians really used what the west calls novachok then the wakeup call would be loud and clear and those thinking this is still just a game will retire hurt.

    Russia's fault honestly, for the DU rounds.

    Bullshit, this is just evidence that the west never listened to what is being said... Putin talked about Red Lines and they called him weak and stupid and then Russia invaded what is now new bits of Russia and they were shocked and horrified at the unprovoked Russian aggression... many still haven't worked out a link between Russia telling the west where its red lines were and the current situation and many still think the solution is to get Kiev into HATO and properly arm and equip them to win...

    Russia will not miss the west, there is no doubt in my mind that at some stage Russia is going to close its embassies in the EU and US and "west" and close their embassies in Russia so it can focus on the rest of the world for trade and cooperation.

    Who needs lectures from the most evil countries on the planet.

    Again, do you honestly think uranium rounds are not being used now as we speak?

    The inbred west can't reprocess its uranium so everything coming out of all their nuclear reactors... military and civilian, can be used as ammo and armour... they have an enormous supply and so letting them start will lead to that being the only type of ammo the nazis use for everything.

    If Ukraine captured t90m that's bad, as now the US will get all the data and tech from it

    In their arrogance I would doubt they will learn any useful lessons... with the quality of the steel for the subs is substandard (intentional pun there) then I doubt the steel they use for their armour is much better...

    Russia doesn't have Catherine XP thermal imagers since they can't get from France.

    They don't, but they are skilled engineers just as capable as any anywhere in the west... they were behind the development curve because the Soviet Union didn't invest a lot of money and effort into thermal imagers because they were expensive, but producing French thermals for the domestic and export market has gotten them up to speed and I would suggest they are likely making state of the art systems as we speak.

    With the Sidewinder missile, it was not that it was more advanced than Soviet missiles, in fact it was simpler and that was what was worth copying, its modular design so parts could be upgraded or replaced if faulty and the design was simpler too.

    I believe Archs story as much as I believe anything a Ukrainian would say.

    I gave him a like because the core of what he was saying was true... China is selling electronic components to Russia even though Russia will be making a lot of their own electronics it makes sense to not ruin washing machines by taking out their electronics because your clothes quickly get stinky.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40

    Post  Mir Wed Mar 22, 2023 7:06 am

    Seigh Heil wrote:Russia's fault honestly, for the DU rounds. They keep pussy footing with this war, they keep giving time for these things to happen and occur DU rounds were always coming, just a matter of time.

    Thing is the NATzo tanks will have to come within range of the Russian armour to fire these DU rounds. Without any air support it would be a tough ask - and in all likelihood impossible. The crew will probably eat their own radio active dust.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 11235310

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40

    Post  nomadski Wed Mar 22, 2023 8:50 am

    Agree with all those who say that something must be done now , to stop the use of DU shells in war . Since their use will increase and poison the entire Ukrs territory . Retaliation should be proportional and directed against the guilty party only . Are there any Russian satellites with nuclear battery , that can be de- orbited over the said territory ? Also , I think that Iran and China sending advance guard to fight along Russians against NATO aggression is needed now , just as much as material support . Small groups of special forces , taking out NATO mercenaries , firing missiles behind enemy lines , will be invaluable morale boost . It will shorten the war . It worked in Syria .

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40

    Post  GarryB Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:16 am

    Are there any Russian satellites with nuclear battery , that can be de- orbited over the said territory ?

    Would not be accurate enough...

    I was going to suggest offering Argentina some Kilo class subs for lease, along with the training and support to actually make them effective, and then perhaps some Su-30s with RVV-BD AAMs and long range anti ship missiles too... might allow them to assert their authority over land that was taken from them, but of course the problem with that would be if the UK then said they would not send DU rounds to the Ukraine...

    The difference in actual performance would be minor while the potential damage would be significant, but the latter would not effect the UK either way so there has to be another reason for them not to send them.

    Perhaps another leak of Novachok around Portam Down that kills tens of thousands like a real leak of the real weapon would do might be too much... but will they pay attention to anything else?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40

    Post  famschopman Wed Mar 22, 2023 10:05 am

    Russia has sufficient non-lethal retaliatory capabilities at her disposal. You think those transatlantic communication cables are of no importance to the UK; a country that is surrounded by water and by no means can mitigate such a loss by using satellite links?

    Cutting those cables introduces far more (economical) damage to the country than a nuclear attack. And how stable do you think the country is after years of importing poorly educated immigrants from poorly developed countries; what will happen when you get a sudden significant collapse of the economy. What is happening now in Paris can also happen in London; quite easily.

    Nukes are scary but has (somewhat) local effect. An economic collapse is the worst if the demographics of the country significantly shifted.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40

    Post  Kiko Wed Mar 22, 2023 10:11 am

    Cool it down, gentlemen! It's just a provocation from the Whitehall military high command.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40

    Post  Kiko Wed Mar 22, 2023 10:37 am

    [size=35]Russian forces practically blockaded Artemovsk, 03.22.2023.[/size]

    MOSCOW, March 22 - RIA Novosti. The Russian military practically blocked Artemovsk, said Jan Gagin, adviser to the acting head of the DPR, on the air of the Rossiya 1 TV channel.

    [size=32]“You can say that the city is practically blocked,” he said.

    On Friday, he also reported that all access roads to Artemovsk are controlled by Russian artillery. Allied forces liberated about 70 percent of the city.

    Artemivsk is located in the Kyiv-controlled part of the DPR north of Gorlovka. This is an important transport hub for supplying the Ukrainian group in the Donbass . For more than six months, fierce battles have been going on outside the city.

    According to the latest data, Russian troops have cut off or taken control of all paved roads, and the slush that has begun is seriously complicating the delivery of ammunition and replenishment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


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    Post  GarryB Wed Mar 22, 2023 11:37 am

    Cool it down, gentlemen! It's just a provocation from the Whitehall military high command.

    Talking about their options is interesting, but most of these options would never be implemented... but I think it would be good for the UK and US to hear a few of the more extreme responses just to take this all a bit more seriously and be a bit more cautious about their escalations.

    Damaging data cables would be going a bit too far, but talking about damaging them might help things...

    I am sure if they look carefully there will be things they can do to damage the UK in a way that hurts the politicians making this decision without hurting everyone in the country... perhaps a promise to count up the volume of DU material they deliver to Kiev and perhaps say dumping that in UK waters via an underwater drone, or perhaps using some of those captured water surface drones they used to attack the Russian fleet in the Crimea to attack the British fleet at anchor anywhere in the world.

    The irony is that the DU the west is planning to use can be used for fuel by Russia, so it really isn't a waste product for them...

    I am sure they will come up with a solution to this issue that will make those UK officials regret their decision.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40

    Post  JohninMK Wed Mar 22, 2023 11:45 am

    Arthur Morgan
    The United States offered #Slovakia 12 Viper attack helicopters in exchange for 13 MiG-29 aircraft transferred by it to #Ukraine, the head of the Slovak Ministry of Defense said.

    The Borg Cube-Tatanka
    Zelensky warned Syrsky that the defeat near Bakhmut would be the end of his career, this prevents him from adequately assessing the situation and forcing him to spend large reserves on holding the city.

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    Post  Hole Wed Mar 22, 2023 11:59 am

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Frzpin10
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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Frzqhf11
    Kiev was visited last night, fighters were staying in these buildings

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    Post  Stealthflanker Wed Mar 22, 2023 12:45 pm

    Arkhangelsk wrote:We talk about Baidou satellite integration with glonass

    It's serious shit here

    well good for them.. and i guess China could be also willing to sell some imageries from their Gaofen-11 Satellite. Thus there would be no need to rush with Razdan or new Persona satellite.

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Wed Mar 22, 2023 12:50 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 76ff5a11
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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 A052a110

    HIMARS computers and chips captured by Russia

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Wed Mar 22, 2023 12:52 pm

    JohninMk wrote:Zelensky warned Syrsky that the defeat near Bakhmut would be the end of his career, this prevents him from adequately assessing the situation and forcing him to spend large reserves on holding the city.

    Supposedly Syrsky will attack from Chasov Yar at Wagners flank with the reserves meant for Zaporozhye- and those probes at Orekhov are distractions to tie down Russian reserves from reinforcing Wagners flank

    But reports already came out which said Russian Armed forces began taking positions around Bakhmut

    So anywhere Ukraine attacks , will be a suicide for them

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #40

    Post  mavaff Wed Mar 22, 2023 12:55 pm

    Good maps (pro-Ukr)

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