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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Fri Jun 16, 2023 8:43 pm

    Podlodka77 wrote:TO Sieg Heil....

    You better run, don't you see that they are tearing your ass apart like hungry wolves..
    USA and Britain killed over 600000 civilians in Nazi Germany in WW2 in bombings alone..

    Yeah and the Soviets killed more, this is what I find funny the utter hypocrisy from people like yourself "Oh they killed all these innocent people" while ignoring the mountain of bodies behind yourside

    Why should I run? Also cute implying, I am a nazi when you have gone off the rails and demanded Ukie civilians be killed off like dogs.....but you are mentally unstable, srs do seek mental help.

    My record is clear, I do not advocate for nuclear death, I have called people out for wanting to kill innocents etc, in none of my posts here will you see me saying "Yeah kill all of this ethnic group" I will acknowledge what happened but that is it

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44

    Post  Podlodka77 Fri Jun 16, 2023 8:56 pm

    To Sieg Heil....

    Read carefully.. You really are a piece of shit..
    The US and the UK have perfected terror against other nations.
    To be more precise the English are number 1 and have passed on their knowledge to their stupid big cousin on the other side of the Atlantic
    The Germans killed 18 million civilians in the USSR and you write "Russians killed more than the Allies in WW2".
    When ???
    And while your barbaric country, like the entire West, CELEBRATES 6 million murdered JEWS - NO ONE in the West recognizes the civilian victims of the USSR - the largest number are Orthodox Russians and Belarusians, of course..

    And what does that tell you except that for the current West, just like for the former Nazi Germany, those people are untermenschen or subhumans.

    You didn't hear from me that I EVER wrote that Russians should kill civilians...I wrote that Russia should kill every Ukroshitstanian who goes against Russia with weapons, regardless of gender and age. I don't deny that.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44

    Post  Werewolf Fri Jun 16, 2023 9:15 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Nope just saying what happened, happened is all. I see people here wishing for genocide against Ukie's innocent or not, so tell me where is the double standard?. Soviets killed more of their own people then we ever have, but people here like to pretend how great those people were....again the double standard.

    Tell me which double standard?
    Please quote me directly where I am in favor of genocide or support someone else saying he is for genocide?
    Most of the idiots who called for that have been called out by some people and myself.
    You are quoting and talking to me, so do not even try to lay words in my mouth which were never coming from me!

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Really so in the past 228 years...we have 100 percent been the aggressive in all wars....come on man, I assume you are smarter to know basic history.

    You are right. This was a dishonest take on that complex subject.

    The US exists from 1776 i.e. only 247 years in total.
    In its entire existence it was only 17 calendar years uninvolved in any wars. Meaning it was 230 years involved in wars. I genuinely apologize for forgetting 2 years worth of death and misery the US has brought on so many innocent souls somewhere on this damn planet!

    Not a single decade of its existence without war or presidents who have not started a war or changed politics to abolish their "exceptionalism".
    Geographically isolated with only two borders it was only for 5 years in a row un-involved in wars between 1935-1940 due to the great depression. Somehow they managed to evolve their entire industry for profit making on wars and conflicts.

    For a country geographically so secure and physically impossible to be successfully attacked by any or multitude of nations on this planet, how exactly was it possible for the US being involved in so many wars and it's always someone else's fault?

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Like fing Russo-Persian War where we behind that, Oh no your right you see we framed Japan for the attack on Pearl Harbor, we stole a shit ton of their planes, bombed ourselves, got the Japanese to admit to doing it right after it happened and everything, dam how did ou find this out? it was top secret...Its baffling you just said something to stupid

    I genuinely can not even frame you for playing dumb, because you genuinely don't know what you are talking about.
    Do I need to remind you about false flags the US has committed just to get involved into WW1 with St. Lusitania? The build up of US naval and air force at Pearl Harbor, intercepted communications and coordination of naval flot was a clear sign to Japan it was about to get dirty. They attacked when they saw the opportunity. You always keep saying it's war and Ukraine can strike when it sees fit, legitamtely. In a cynical but military stand point of view you are right, so don't cry. The US wanted war and they got it but they could not even finish Japan conventionally and feared the Soviet Union would defeat not only Nazi Germany but also Japan, since in 1945 of July and August the negotiations between Japan and Soviet Union for Japan's capitulation under compromisses was taking place. The US feared to have not only lost the european theatre of WW2 but also had no upper hand against the Soviet Union, thus they announced themselves and their fragile opportunity of becoming a super power with demonstration of nuclear capability. They did not do it to "safe" lifes like you are indoctrinated since your school years. They did that with the sole purpose to have any leverage in Europe against the Soviets.

    I would suggest you come up with a List of US being the victim of all it's 230 years of war history or just keep quite.

    We have a track record of 230 out of 247 years of evil doing, meaning the US is to 93,11% evil. With such track record, who exactly is willing to trust such a friendly country like the US? Mongolian golden horde has a better reputation.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44

    Post  Sprut-B Fri Jun 16, 2023 9:18 pm


    This is a small glimpse of what Pindos did to helpless Vietnamese.....  No wonder you're so proud of what your country did to the Vietnamese.

    GarryB, Werewolf, d_taddei2, Airbornewolf, Big_Gazza, kvs, Manov and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44

    Post  Werewolf Fri Jun 16, 2023 9:33 pm

    The US sooner or later like all empires will fall down and only the presence of nuclear triad is keeping away Asians from tearing you apart, since the Asians have a very good historical memory and do not forget or forgive. Hopefully we east slavic people will start doing the same, we never forget but unfortunately we do not take revenge.

    Who knows what the future really brings and how the US will disintegrate but hopefully coordinated by BRICS and your population will pay reparations for all the wars and genocides you have committed. Personally even that I am a fucking nobody to this world but at least I have integrity and many like me will never forget, forgive nor accept the US as long as the native americans are not rulers of their lands.

    The time we live now is a historical turnover of old to new and no matter how hard you and your exceptional country will hate on Russia or China, one thing is for sure. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin will be remembered as a great leader and initiator of downfall of the US empire.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44

    Post  Podlodka77 Fri Jun 16, 2023 10:02 pm

    If Abrams also comes to Ukroshitsan, we will be able to compare it with Leopard 2 on the same principle as Clarkson did the Allegro vs Marina test...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44

    Post  sepheronx Fri Jun 16, 2023 10:37 pm

    Sprut-B wrote:@SiegHall

    This is a small glimpse of what Pindos did to helpless Vietnamese.....  No wonder you're so proud of what your country did to the Vietnamese.

    The person in charge of this was also awarded a medal.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44

    Post  Regular Fri Jun 16, 2023 10:55 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:we suffered about 60k dead in Vietnam and killed over one million combatants alone in harsh jungle warfare, also that video is very overdramatized tho it is true that being a radio operator made you a target just like in ww2.

    Keep stating your BS I guess whatever makes you feel better

    How many “allies” have died?

    I also think Vietnam comparison is not suitable. This is war on its own and much harsher and more dangerous.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Empty Well... Casualties and casualties...

    Post  pavi Fri Jun 16, 2023 11:43 pm

    Oh yeah we bombed the **** outta them, but I was rebuffing the claim that we suffered super heavy loses in nam when in reality we didn't [/quote]
    Casualty rate is relative. For Vietman, absolute values vere much higher, but the rate was sustainable. For yankees rate maybe was much lower, but on the other hand, so was ability to sustain the casuality rate.
    It was unability to sustain even these moderate casuality rate which just made you lose the war. And spare me from that shit that yankees did not lose...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44

    Post  mnztr Sat Jun 17, 2023 12:16 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Podlodka77 wrote:TO Sieg Heil....

    You better run, don't you see that they are tearing your ass apart like hungry wolves..
    USA and Britain killed over 600000 civilians in Nazi Germany in WW2 in bombings alone..

    Yeah and the Soviets killed more, this is what I find funny the utter hypocrisy from people like yourself "Oh they killed all these innocent people" while ignoring the mountain of bodies behind yourside

    Why should I run? Also cute implying, I am a nazi when you have gone off the rails and demanded Ukie civilians be killed off like dogs.....but you are mentally unstable, srs do seek mental help.

    My record is clear, I do not advocate for nuclear death, I have called people out for wanting to kill innocents etc, in none of my posts here will you see me saying "Yeah kill all of this ethnic group" I will acknowledge what happened but that is it

    HOW did they kill more, they did not really conduct any major bombing campaigns like the USA and UK. they DID kill a lot more military, but not more civilians.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44

    Post  PhSt Sat Jun 17, 2023 12:28 am

    SeigSoloyvov. wrote:

    but you are mentally unstable, srs do seek mental help.

    You are in NO position to accuse people of being "mentally unstable" when your country elected a President who is mentally retarded and have advanced dementia.  Laughing

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44

    Post  JohninMK Sat Jun 17, 2023 1:15 am

    Looks like they are planning to seize vehicles now. Interesting that they are increasing these activities in the west. Must have run out of Russkies in the east.

    🇺🇦☠ General mobilization with mobilization of all vehicles announced in Ivano-Frankivsk region

    ▪The military registration and enlistment office issued a decree on the mandatory appearance of all those liable for military service at the city recruitment center within 10 days.

    ▪Also announced the mobilization of vehicles and a ban on changing the place of residence without the permission of the military commissar.

    ▪All firms, organizations and citizens are instructed to ensure the delivery and transfer of vehicles and equipment on time, in volumes and at the addresses specified in the orders for the supply of equipment during mobilization, the decree published by the media says.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44

    Post  mnztr Sat Jun 17, 2023 1:21 am

    We should set up a Go Fund Me for Krills casket... while he is still fighting for his life lol

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44

    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Jun 17, 2023 3:26 am

    Excellent vid from Brian Berletic with guest Mark Sleboda. Well worth the viewing time. thumbsup

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44

    Post  GarryB Sat Jun 17, 2023 8:49 am

    Another very dumb point about article above is that the Author still thinks that Russia can rule others by fear.

    The west ignores Russian interests unless there are consequences... the west could care less about Russias fears about expanding of HATO so Russia invaded the Ukraine, the west claims that these things are unrelated and Russia is just evil... well if that is the case then the only solution can be a nuclear war where Russia is eliminated... love to see the west try that.

    Those times are over also. And is result of USSR heavy suppressing and ruling East Europe for decades. East Europeans experienced stability and freedom past three decades, they will not yield to any nuclear or any other treat if they feel that their hardly won values are under the threat.

    Eastern Europe was the buffer zone between the west and Russia and nothing has really changed... the battlefield stats show that the western powers... ie the US couldn't give a shit about Ukrainian lives... you think they care about Polish or Hungarian or Baltic countries lives?

    They barely care about American lives with wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria and Libya while Americans live in greater and greater poverty.

    As soon as Russia starts to use nuclear weapons I can imagine Ukraine and Poland to develop their own programs in no time.

    And the second they announced having such weapons Russia will immediately eliminate the threat with nuclear strikes... do you think London or Washington will save them?

    Both countries have skills and will to do it if put under existential threat. To me Russia still does not understand what really means multipolar world for its own external ambitions.

    Actually Poland and Ukraine getting nukes greatly simplifies Russias problems... locate and destroy... and then fence off the radiation zones.

    Russia never wanted to take the Ukraine or Poland... they just wanted to eliminate the obvious threat both states clearly pose to people in Eastern Ukraine whom they have been trying to murder for the better part of the last 10 years.

    This was the west plotting with Kiev to attack autonomous regions in eastern Ukraine and the Crimea... this is not Putin trying to restore the Russian empire.

    Russia is better off without Finland and the Baltic states and Georgia and the Stans to its south etc etc... otherwise it would be spending big money and buying up media outlets in those countries to spin lies the way the US and the west is currently doing to turn the population one way or another.

    There is excellent BBC article about Russian losses in the war

    No such thing as an excellent BBC anything that is not intentionally a comedy... their comedies are funny and their documentaries are comedies that are not funny but perverted.

    Besides... (So far NGOs and volunteers in Russia identified an verified 25 000 dead,) what... the Ghost of Kiev shot down 10,000 planes in the first week... how could that number be so small... but of course even one dead is too many.

    There is no solace that the enemy has suffered more, but lots of nazis are not breathing because of these guys and their sacrifice and doing that means they did more in their lives than a lose like you who will no doubt live to a ripe old age and die in your sleep... and have done nothing other than spew venom on men dying to make the world a better place for others.

    Article explains huge Russian tradition to hide number of dead in war that goes way beyond what other countries are doing in similar situations - for me that is very interesting fact.

    From an organisation that is essentially the propaganda arm of the UK government... that is rich.

    Again it looks like Ukraine is evolving to be indeed Vietnam for Russia.

    Vietnam is a country.... only the west talks about a country like it is a war or event.

    That is the sort of thing a colonial power talks about and if you talked to someone from Vietnam about their enormous losses in men and material and the suffering they have had to endure since because the big powers that wanted to own it are nasty vindictive bastards when they don't get what they want so the attacks and persecution didn't end when their forces left... they will probably say it was worth it but their only regret was not making the French and the Japs and the Americans and their allies pay a higher price for what they did.

    The rest of the world understands...

    Russians don't fully understand but people like you gloating over Russian deaths from this totally unnecessary conflict will help them understand the evil of the west and why this was a lucky escape for Russia and the Russian people.

    Full integration into the west turns you into a mindless zombie as we can clearly see in Europe... cutting economic ties with Russia cutting billions of dollars in trade and cutting themselves off from resources their economies need to operate normally.

    Enjoy your freedom gas...

    Please don't compare the Maidan regime, puppet of the USA, as equal as the Vietnamese who fought against USA imperialism.

    It is an insult to Vietnam.

    It was literally a fight against colonialism, first against the French, then the Japs during their occupation of western colonial states during WWII, and then afterwards the French and then the Americans... it was all about keeping the natives working in the fields while the white foreign land owners raked in the money...

    "The Poles have their own goals, they sleep and see the return of Western Ukraine, and, apparently, they are moving towards this gradually," the head of state said.

    Hahaha... yes... in many ways the Poles are feeding their friend... the Ukraine... head first slowly into a furnace... head first so that at the last second they can whip off those boots which look strong and comfortable and which they have had their eye on for quite some time...

    Friends like that...

    Interestingly enough he talks as if Russia plans to Annex all of Ukraine, which don't get me wrong is the correct move

    Well what were you expecting... this whole thing is about US pressure... the whole conflict could have been avoided and sorted out almost a decade ago, but the US wanted war and now it has war but it wants its side to win and the Russian side to lose and that isn't happening and it doesn't know what to do except continue to escalate... it is how the Crimea joined the Russian Federation and it will be how Russia ends up talking to probably European countries about the terms they agree to regarding the return of some land as new boundaries get negotiated.

    This is really harrowing, the evil in some people is hard to believe.

    Nazis being nazis... it is actually good of them to remind the Russians why they are fighting and losing men, these guys are evil and need to be dealt with.

    Oh yeah we bombed the **** outta them, but I was rebuffing the claim that we suffered super heavy loses in nam when in reality we didn't

    You spent 60K lives of your young men to protect the US from communism... how long did that communism in Vietnam take to reach the US after you left BTW?

    Money and blood well spent.

    You could have just ignored it completely.

    Russia is not really in the same position... Russia has been under western sanctions since 2014 over an internal conflict in Ukraine that they were no party to except in negotiating a peace deal. The west was controlling Kiev like a puppet and Germany and France and HATO was supplying weapons and ammo and training directly to Kiev, while accusing Russia of invading Ukraine with proxy forces pretending to be Ukrainians but were actually Russian soldiers with Russian supplied equipment.

    Since Russia actually got involved I hope those western claims are clearly shown to be lies and the intent all along by western forces was to start a conflict to try to damage Russia... economically you have made them stronger, internationally you have made them stronger shifting their trade from the EU to the rest of the world... all you have is... look how any of their young men our nazis have murdered... I would say double that if you wanted to include Ukrainian civilians the Nazis are murdering and have murdered, but where Vietnam was totally pointless expensive and terribly wasteful endeavour, this conflict is necessary and while good young men are dying, at least they are making the supreme sacrifice for the greater good of their own country and those in the Ukraine who don't want to be a puppet of the evil US of A colonial super power.

    My record is clear, I do not advocate for nuclear death, I have called people out for wanting to kill innocents etc, in none of my posts here will you see me saying "Yeah kill all of this ethnic group" I will acknowledge what happened but that is it

    When the west cannot back down and can only escalate and will not talk to Russia let alone listen how do you see this as ending.

    Besides, any use of nuclear weapons by Russia will have purely military targets until WWIII actually starts and then it will be population centres that are targeted.

    A massed force of HATO troops moving towards Kaliningrad and an Iskander battery there can nip that in the bud all by itself.

    Polish troops mass up to cross the border into Ukraine and boom on them in the Ukraine.

    It is pretty simple... the nuke is just there to say... be very careful about what you do next...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44

    Post  Hole Sat Jun 17, 2023 11:36 am

    Shoigu strolling around factories and depots:
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Scree736
    Looks like a T-72B3M with all extras. Roof protection is getting more and more "stylish".
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Scree737
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Scree738

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    Post  Hole Sat Jun 17, 2023 11:37 am

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Scree739
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Scree740
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Scree741
    Russia is running out of artillery. lol1

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    Post  Hole Sat Jun 17, 2023 11:38 am

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Scree742
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Scree743

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44

    Post  Mir Sat Jun 17, 2023 12:02 pm

    Hole wrote:Roof protection is getting more and more "stylish".

    Making sure troopers feel right at home Smile

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    Post  T-47 Sat Jun 17, 2023 12:08 pm

    Hole wrote:
    Looks like a T-72B3M with all extras. Roof protection is getting more and more "stylish".

    That's T-80BVM

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44

    Post  Podlodka77 Sat Jun 17, 2023 12:16 pm

    То Т-47.....

    Yes !

    Т-72B3 (Т-72B1) obr. 2022

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Photo_61

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Photo_60


    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 T-80bv10
    Relikt ERA in the front projection of the tank turret..

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    Post  T-47 Sat Jun 17, 2023 12:22 pm

    Podlodka77 wrote:
    Yes !
    The turret solution is quite similar now and you got confused due to Nakidka. Those are T-80 road wheels, only shared by early T-14 prototypes. And Shoigu visited Omsk factory which works with T-80.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44

    Post  Hole Sat Jun 17, 2023 12:29 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Fy0pma10
    Second truck burning in Riga. scratch If this would happen in Russia some here would take about saboteurs. Wink
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Fyucxx10
    Kremenaya forests
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #44 - Page 29 Fyzx3k10
    Bushmaster, looks more like a Bushloser. lol1

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    Post  Godric Sat Jun 17, 2023 1:37 pm

    Regular wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:we suffered about 60k dead in Vietnam and killed over one million combatants alone in harsh jungle warfare, also that video is very overdramatized tho it is true that being a radio operator made you a target just like in ww2.

    Keep stating your BS I guess whatever makes you feel better

    How many “allies” have died?

    I also think Vietnam comparison is not suitable. This is war on its own and much harsher and more dangerous.

    how many Vietnamese and Cambodians and Laos citizens dies every year as a result of America carpet bombing of those 3 countries with agent Orange, they knew how dangerous it was as Britain used it first in Malaya and Britain set up new concentration camps in Malaya holding between 400,000 to 1 million civilians, not a real surprise considering Britain invented concentration camps during the Boar war and the fact America used Agent orange after they saw the affects against the Malayans just shows how evil the Americans were/are

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    Post  d_taddei2 Sat Jun 17, 2023 2:41 pm

    I know the source isn't always the greatest.
    1st kill by artificial intelligence S-350 downs Ukrainian MiG-29

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