kvs wrote:The equipment is fine and works. It is the human meat that is the problem. In this case it smells that "human error" involved
thruster firing after docking. Since the meat was unlikely to be a retard, it must have had other motives for this "error". This
is the first time I hear of such a case. All of those Progress cargo transports docking over the last 20 years somehow did not
involve any post docking thruster activity. The parade of claims of problems indicates a concerted effort. Some clown had
to put out at all costs. I hope they identify him and have him shot.
I've been thinking about Naukas problems since launch, and haven't commented thus far, but I now suspecting that there has been an element of foul play involved. My suspicion is that Nauka has been subjected to a cyber-attack of sorts, namely software-bombs inserted in her operating systems designed to incapacitate the vehicle and prevent a successful rendezvous and docking.
Many will think this is far fetched, or that I am attempting to cover for "incompetence" by Roskosmos, but that isn't the case. I'm struck by the nature of the problems - multiple failures on multiple systems without any common root cause. The failures have affected critical systems, where the disablement of any one could result in a failed mission.
Telemetry system
Main propulsion
Kurs rendezvous system (antenna deployment)
Attitude control problems post-docking
If someone wanted to disable Nauka (or worse yet, damage the ISS) they would have targeted these exact systems.
Russia launches unmanned free-flyers to ISS on a regular basis, yet none of these encounter even a fraction of Naukas problems. Not just routine Progress cargo carriers, but the bespoke customisations responsible for delivering modules such as Poisk, Pirs and Rassvet. How can we explain the routine missions of these systems, and the litany of problems encountered by Nauka?
There are many actors who would dearly
love to see Nauka re-enter over the Pacific. US deep state actors including the 3-letter agency spooks who spend the day plotting BS like MH17, Ukro-maidan, sports doping allegations and Rodchenko, etc etc. Ukrainian nationalists and their sympathisers. Russian liberals embittered by their failures and inability to return to power.
Any of them could conceivably pay off a software engineer to introduce logic bombs into Naukas code to activate once launched. Assuming foul-play, the fact that mission specialists have been successful in overcoming the problems suggests he/she wasn't a team leader with full access and oversight, otherwise the sabotage would likely have been successful.
Russian agencies would never admit sabotage even if it occured as they won't admit vulnerability, but I expect that the feds will be all over this after the dust settles. Its also interesting that the Feds have recently cracked down hard on reporting of the Russian space programs and activities - it's almost like they know they have saboteurs in the industry and that a general tightening of information controls are needed to combat them.
The upcoming launch this year of Luna-25 now takes on added significance, as does Exo-Mars next year.
I hope I'm wrong, but think I smell a rat....
P.S The attitude thruster firing post-docking is very interesting. Scuttlebutt is that the firing was as prolonged it was as they needed to wait until the ISS was again in range of Russian downlink stations before the thrusters could be commanded to stop. Clearly wasn't an action by ISS crew that lead to this mis-firing, so could be either a pre-programmed "retributive strike" to screw with ISS in the event of a failed sabotage (ie triggered by successful docking and downlink going offline), or a command issued from ground by persons unknown.