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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF


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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Maximmmm Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:08 pm

    Can't post links yet, but didn't see the news on here. Some opposition Italian mp's confirmed they'll be visiting Crimea in the autumn.
    Wouldn't be surprised if more followed.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  ExBeobachter1987 Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:15 pm

    Maximmmm wrote:Can't post links yet, but didn't see the news on here. Some opposition Italian mp's confirmed they'll be visiting Crimea in the autumn.

    Manlio Di Stefano and 7-9 other Italian MPs from the Five Star Movement.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:19 pm

    Maximmmm wrote:Can't post links yet, but didn't see the news on here. Some opposition Italian mp's confirmed they'll be visiting Crimea in the autumn.
    Wouldn't be surprised if more followed.


    Hungarians too


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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Maximmmm Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:26 pm

    ^ Cheers guys, good to hear about the hungarians. Good stuff. Real interesting would be if some Germans dared to go and confront Merkels united front.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  sepheronx Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:30 pm

    Time will tell how all of this will go down. Clearly there are oppositions to the US lapdogs in europe, but the question is: "how popular are they and will they ever obtain power?". Issue I have is, is voting real? Does the choices matter? I am starting to think not.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Werewolf Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:49 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Time will tell how all of this will go down. Clearly there are oppositions to the US lapdogs in europe, but the question is: "how popular are they and will they ever obtain power?". Issue I have is, is voting real? Does the choices matter? I am starting to think not.

    Of course we have no choices. The US finances not only one party in each EU slave country but do it across all of them, along with the same strategy like they do at home, setting up parties (presidential candidates) that make all kind of ridiculous comments and proposals so they never face actual oppossition with the goal to split some votes away, while those constantly re-(s)eletected parties, candidates and coalitions are driving the same politics and like here in germany there is an obamination of kids voting for the same shit their parents have voted, because they do not know jackshit about politics but believe most of the crap our politicians spit.

    This pseudo-democracy is very simple in its set up control the majority of parties and any real opposition has no chance becoming the position due the tactic of mass "critizism" of one Opposition party like here in germany which is or maybe was the left party, but it appears they are already infiltrated with Transatlantic bridge and western lobby NGO's like Gregor Gisi who justifies one of left party member being member of Transatlantic bridge to "carry the left party politics into that NGO"... which is the entire oppossite since such NGO's do not welcome anything from outside but only deliver orders, politics and push one agenda and not the other way around.

    Going to votes is compling with the system, no change possible not without something big that wakens up even the dumbest Honey Boo Boo watcher out there.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  ExBeobachter1987 Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:49 pm

    Maximmmm wrote:^ Cheers guys, good to hear about the hungarians. Good stuff. Real interesting would be if some Germans dared to go and confront Merkels united front.

    A couple of German MPs from the Linke party visited the Donbas in early 2015.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Aug 01, 2015 7:26 pm

    Sanctions? What Sanctions? US, UK Tourists Enjoy Crimean Sun

    While Washington is expanding its sanctions against Moscow and Kiev is threatening to penalize all foreign ships calling at Crimea, American and British tourists are enjoying their vacations on the peninsula.

    In June and July 2015, 31 tourist yachts visited Crimea, including 11 vessels from the US and seven from the UK, the Russian Border Guard Service reported.

    Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk earlier ordered to penalize all ships that visit Ukraine after calling at Crimea.

    "Such threats do not scare foreign sea tourists. They probably are not going to visit Ukraine," the border guard service commented.

    A Tripadvisor discussion on visiting Crimea for Americans shows that such journeys have posed no problems.
    Following the ouster of legitimate president Viktor Yanukovych, Crimea held a referendum on the peninsula's future in March 2014. Over 96 percent of the population voted for reunification with Russia.

    Neither Ukraine nor the United States have recognized the Crimeans' choice.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  medo Sat Aug 01, 2015 8:17 pm

    Собственная генерация в Крыму тоже активно строится и модернизируется.

    Так, в этом году будут введены в экплуатацию 2 солнечных электростанции на 70 и 110 МВт (одна из них — во Владиславовке станет самой мощной в России), а также будут модернизированы существующие ТЭЦ, их совокупная мощность увеличится с нынешних 180 МВт до 400 МВт:

    К осенне-зимнему периоду все тепловые электростанции Крыма будут модернизированы

    К следующему отопительному сезону все тепловые электростанции Крыма и Севастополя будут модернизированы. Об этом в интервью Крыминформу сообщил министр топлива и энергетики Республики Крым Сергей Егоров.

    По его словам, реконструкция «КрымТЭЦ» предусматривает работы на Симферопольской, Сакской и Камыш-Бурунской ТЭЦ. Модернизация ведется за инвестиционные средства. Она позволит довести общую мощность до 400 МВт. «Мы закончили ремонтные работы на Симферопольской ТЭЦ. Заканчиваем работы в Саках. Продолжим до сентября работы на Камыш-Бурунской электростанции. К осенне-зимнему периоду у нас все тепловые электростанции, включая Севастопольскую, будут готовы к использованию», — заверил министр.

    вот как было в прошлом году:

    Симферопольская ТЭЦ завтра к вечернему максимуму потребления электроэнергии в Крыму должна быть запущена на полную мощность — руководство компании сегодня «под протокол» в региональном штабе безопасности электроснабжения обещало запустить на 100% мощности, это порядка 105 МВт", — сказал Егоров.

    То есть при Украине совокупная мощность четырех крымских ТЭЦ была 143 МВт, к зиме 2014 мощность Симферопольской ТЭЦ увеличили до 105 МВт (т.е. суммарная мощность крымских ТЭЦ стала 180 МВт), а к зиме 2015 будет уже 400 МВт! Рост мощности сразу на 220 МВт!

    Еще через год, к 2016 мощность крымских ТЭЦ доведут до 600 МВт:

    Проект по реконструкции Симферопольской ТЭЦ предусматривает увеличение генерирующей мощности станции на 230 МВт (в настоящее время установленная мощность ТЭЦ составляет 100 МВт). Ориентировочная стоимость проекта — 16 млрд рублей.

    Мощность ТЭЦ Сакских тепловых сетей планируется увеличить

    на 84 МВт (сейчас — 12 МВт), Камыш-Бурунской ТЭЦ — на 126 МВт

    (сейчас — 30 МВт). Ориентировочная стоимость проектов — 6 и 8,8 млрд. рублей соответственно.

    Срок реализации проектов — 2 года. Увеличение мощности ТЭЦ будет достигнуто как за счет реконструкции имеющегося, так и за счет установки нового оборудования. Работы по реализации всех трех инвестиционных проектов уже начаты.

    Кроме того, в Крыму есть 6 крупных солнечных электростанций:

    "Владиславовка" — солнечная электростанция общей мощностью 110 МВт, расположенная возле села Владиславовка Кировского района Крыма.

    "Перово" — солнечная электростанция общей мощностью 105,56 МВт, расположенная возле села Ключи Перовского сельского совета в Крыму.

    Электростанция состоит из 440 000 кристаллических солнечных фотоэлектрических модулей, соединённых 1 500 км кабеля, и установленных на более 200 га площади

    "Охотниково" — солнечная электростанция общей мощностью 80 МВт, расположенная возле села Охотниково в Крыму. Занимает площадь более 160 гектар и состоит из примерно 360 000 модулей.

    "Николаевка" — солнечная электростанция общей мощностью 69,7 МВт, расположенная в Крыму. Электростанция состоит из 290 048 кристаллических солнечных фотоэлектрических модулей, установленных на площади в 116 га.

    "Митяево" — солнечная электростанция мощностью 31,55 МВт, расположенная возле села Митяево в Крыму. Состоит из 134 760 модулей. Занимает 59 гектар.

    "Родниковое" — солнечная электростанция мощностью 7,5 МВт, расположенная возле села Родниково в Крыму. Состоит из 32 600 модулей. Занимает 15 гектар.

    Суммарная пиковая мощность солнечных электростанций в Крыму к осени 2015 составит 400 МВт (в 2014 она составляла 224 МВт).

    Понятно, что в с учетом пасмурных дней и ночных часов среднесуточная мощность солнечных электростанций в зимний период составит около 100 МВт, но это тоже неплохая прибавка к собственной генерации! В 2014-м средняя мощность была около 60 МВт.

    Плюс в Крыму есть 8 ветроэлектростанций:

    Останинская ВЭС (Останино) мощностью 25 МВт (10 ВЭУ FL2500)

    Сакская ВЭС (Крыловка, Воробьёво) мощностью 19 МВт (155 ВЭУ типа USW 56-100, 3 ВЭУ типа Т-600-48)

    Тарханкутская ВЭС (Красносельское, Новосельское) мощностью 16,65 МВт (127 ВЭУ типа USW 56-100, 4 ВЭУ типа Т-600-48)

    Судакская ВЭС (мыс Меганом, у Судака) мощностью 6,3 МВт (58 ВЭУ типа USW 56-100);

    Пресноводненская ВЭС (Новониколаевка) мощностью 6 МВт (52 ВЭУ типа USW 56-100)

    Донузлавская ВЭС (у Новоозёрного) мощностью 2,9 МВт (39 ВЭУ типа USW 56-100);

    Восточно-Крымская ВЭС мощность 2,8 МВт (15 ВЭУ типа USW 56-100 и 2 Т-600-48);

    Черноморская ВЭС (у Новосельского) мощностью 1,2 МВт (2 ВЭУ типа Т-600-48).

    Суммарная пиковая мощность всех крымских ветроэлектростанций 80-87 МВт. Среднегодовая мощность ветроэлектростанций — около 10-15 МВт.

    Плюс в Крым в начале 2014 завезено из материковой части России 13 мобильных газотурбинных электростанции мощностью по 22.5 МВт каждая.

    Размещаются на трех площадках возле одноимённых подстанций:

    «Симферопольская» (село Денисовка — 6 МГТЭС),

    «Севастопольская» (село Штурмовое — 3 МГТЭС),

    «Западно-Крымская» (Сакский район — 4 МГТЭС).

    Совокупная мощность — 292,5 МВт.


    Кроме мобильных газотурбинных станций в Крыму размещены 1500 дизель-генераторов общей мощностью 310 МВт. Они не подключены к сети Крымэнерго, а используются в аварийном режиме для снабжения социально-значимых объектов.


    Итого. Среднее потребление электроэнергии в Крыму 1000-1200 МВт, пиковое максимальное — 1400 МВт.

    Было в 2013 при Украине:

    143 МВт своей генерации ТЭЦ

    224 МВт пиковой генерации СЭС (в среднем 60 МВт)

    80 МВт пиковой генерации ВЭС (в среднем 15 МВт)

    В сумме — 218 Мвт своей генерации. Это 21% от среднего потребления и 15% от пикового максимального.


    Стало к зиме 2014:

    180 МВт своей генерации ТЭЦ

    224 МВт пиковой генерации СЭС (в среднем 60 МВт)

    80 МВт пиковой генерации ВЭС (в среднем 15 МВт)

    292 МВт МГТЭС

    310 МВт дизель-генераторов

    В сумме — 550 МВт своей генерации + 310 МВт аварийных дизель-генераторов (всего 860 МВт). Без учета дизель-генераторов — это 55% от среднего потребления или 40% от пикового максимального потребления. С учетом дизель-генераторов — это 86% от среднего потребления или 61% от пикового максимального потребления.


    Будет к зиме 2015:

    400 МВт своей генерации ТЭЦ

    400 МВт пиковой генерации СЭС (в среднем 90-100 МВт)

    80 МВт пиковой генерации ВЭС (в среднем 15 МВт)

    292 МВт МГТЭС

    310 МВт дизель-генераторов

    350 МВт первая очередь энергомоста

    В сумме — 800 МВт своей генерации + 350 МВт энергомоста + 310 МВт аварийных дизель-генераторов (всего 1450 МВт). Без учета дизель-генераторов — 1150 МВт, это 100% от среднего потребления или 80% от пикового максимального потребления. С учетом дизель-генераторов — это 120% от среднего потребления или 100% от пикового максимального потребления.


    Будет к лету 2016:

    600 МВт своей генерации ТЭЦ

    400 МВт пиковой генерации СЭС (в среднем 90-100 МВт)

    80 МВт пиковой генерации ВЭС (в среднем 15 МВт)

    292 МВт МГТЭС

    800 МВт первая и вторая очереди энергомоста

    В сумме — 1000 МВт своей генерации + 800 МВт энергомоста (всего 1800 МВт). Это 100% пикового потребления без учета МГТЭС, или 120% от максимального пикового потребления при использовании МГТЭС.

    Некоторая избыточность по мощности необходима на случай аварий или поломок электростанций.

    Quoted from Skycsrapercity. To the end of the year, Crimea will be more or less self sufficient regarding electro energy. To the end of this year existing four thermal power plants will be modernized to 400 MW, in 2016 they will be increased to 600 MW. They also build new solar power plants and increase their capabilities from 224 MW to 400 MW. There are also 8 wind power plant fields with 80 MW together. Than there is 290 MW in mobile gas turbine power plants and 310 MW in diesel generators. So together with electro energy bridge with Russia, Crimea will have enough electro energy at the end of the year for their need and will not need to import from Ukraine. With building new thermal power plants, those mobile power plants and diesel generators will be in reserve as well as energy bridge, considering that they will have 1 GW in new thermal power plants, 600 MW in existing 4 thermal power plants and cca 500 MW in solar and wind power plants. Actually Crimea will be able to export electricity to Ukraine.

    Anyway, Crimea already solved problem with water using their own water sources in Crimea and at the end of the year, problem with electricity will also be solved. Next step in Crimea is to solve food production, specially regarding meat and milk and first steps are already done in this regard. I think in 2020 we will see effects of all this works and Crimea will be far richer than it was in 2014, when they go out from Ukraine.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  marat Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:56 pm

    Great news thank for posting translation Wink


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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:12 pm

    Looks like Ukrainian economic paradise was not good enough... I guess there is no pleasing some folks... Cool

    ''Most Crimean Tatars Have Returned Since Referendum

    According to the deputy prime minister of Crimea, those Tatars now seek Russian citizenship''


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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  PapaDragon Fri Aug 14, 2015 5:45 pm

    E tu Brute? Cool

    ''What Sanctions? Polish Lawmakers May Visit Crimea After October 25 Election''


    ''EU Companies Cooperate With Crimea Agriculture Sector Despite Sanctions''

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Rodinazombie Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:27 pm

    Any update on those italian diplomats that were supposed to be visiting crimea?

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Aug 16, 2015 3:03 pm

    Installation of supports for Kerch Straight bridge has started!  russia

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 AW1hZ2Uua2VyY2guY29tLnJ1L1BpY3R1cmVzL0FydGljbGVzLzAwMDUwNDcyL2JfNTA0NzJfMDAxLmpwZz9fX2lkPTY2Mjg5

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 AW1hZ2Uua2VyY2guY29tLnJ1L1BpY3R1cmVzL0FydGljbGVzLzAwMDUwNDcyL2JfNTA0NzJfMDAzLmpwZz9fX2lkPTY2Mjg5

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 AW1hZ2Uua2VyY2guY29tLnJ1L1BpY3R1cmVzL0FydGljbGVzLzAwMDUwNDcyL2JfNTA0NzJfMDA2LmpwZz9fX2lkPTY2Mjg5

    Housing for construction workers completed (this is just first phase for 500 people, more to come soon). Temp housing for 5000 will be built, at its peak 10000 will work on construction. thumbsup

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Y3M2Mjc1MTYudmsubWUvdjYyNzUxNjQyNi9mNjUxL1g0RlpEN21fYndjLmpwZw==

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Y3M2Mjc1MTYudmsubWUvdjYyNzUxNjQyNi9mNjYzL25adkd2VnAtWUVBLmpwZw==

    Energy bridge construction:

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 CHAudmsubWUvYzYyMjYxOS92NjIyNjE5NDI2LzNmOGRmL0dKTDIyTnhNUG5BLmpwZw==

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 CHAudmsubWUvYzYyMjYxOS92NjIyNjE5NDI2LzNmOGVmLzN1cDBCNE9UZmg0LmpwZw==

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 CHAudmsubWUvYzYyMjYxOS92NjIyNjE5NDI2LzNmOGZmL0JmMnFaVWl6RGZrLmpwZw==

    Lots more photos in the comment section of the source page!

    Russ Bear has been busy little Beaver!!! russia thumbsup respekt

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  flamming_python Sun Aug 16, 2015 4:30 pm

    Rodinazombie wrote:Any update on those italian diplomats that were supposed to be visiting crimea?

    Nope, but since then we're heard that Hungarian, German and Polish delegations are in the pipeline too; all from various opposition parties.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Aug 18, 2015 4:35 pm

    Concrete and asphalt production plants for Kerch Straight bridge in Taman and Kerch:

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Cm9zYXZ0b2Rvci5ydS9zdG9yYWdlL3AvMjAxNS8wOC8xNy8xNDM5Nzk5MTUxXzYwNjY0OF8zOC5qcGc_X19pZD02NjMyNQ==

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Cm9zYXZ0b2Rvci5ydS9zdG9yYWdlL3AvMjAxNS8wOC8xNy8xNDM5Nzk5MTUxXzEwMzIyMV8yMS5qcGc_X19pZD02NjMyNQ==

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Aug 18, 2015 7:02 pm

    Tuzla Island, construction of temporary bridge to Crimea:

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 C2RlbGFub3VuYXMucnUvdXBsb2Fkcy80LzEvNDExMTQzOTgxNTc5OV9vcmlnLmpwZWc_X19pZD02NjMyOA==

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 C2RlbGFub3VuYXMucnUvdXBsb2Fkcy82LzkvNjk4MTQzOTgxNTgyMF9vcmlnLmpwZWc_X19pZD02NjMyOA==

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 C2RlbGFub3VuYXMucnUvdXBsb2Fkcy8yLzMvMjM5MTQzOTgxNjA4NV9vcmlnLmpwZWc_X19pZD02NjMyOA==

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 C2RlbGFub3VuYXMucnUvdXBsb2Fkcy8xLzUvMTUzMTQzOTgxNjEwN19vcmlnLmpwZWc_X19pZD02NjMyOA==

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 C2RlbGFub3VuYXMucnUvdXBsb2Fkcy84LzAvODA4MTQzOTgxNjE1MF9vcmlnLmpwZWc_X19pZD02NjMyOA==

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 C2RlbGFub3VuYXMucnUvdXBsb2Fkcy80LzEvNDE5MTQzOTgxNjE3Nl9vcmlnLmpwZWc_X19pZD02NjMyOA==

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  George1 Fri Aug 21, 2015 1:35 am

    Russian presidential chief of staff donates $6,800 to support museum in Crimea

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  franco Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:46 pm

    The "Open Democracy" NGO does some extensive survey taking in the Crimea;

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  KoTeMoRe Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:49 pm

    Holy Fuck it's happening they're really building it...Good.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  KoTeMoRe Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:55 pm

    franco wrote:The "Open Democracy" NGO does some extensive survey taking in the Crimea;

    Did 15% of the Tatars in Crimea consider themselves Absolutely European? Wut? Is this a joke?

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Werewolf Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:47 am

    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    franco wrote:The "Open Democracy" NGO does some extensive survey taking in the Crimea;

    Did 15% of the Tatars in Crimea consider themselves Absolutely European? Wut? Is this a joke?

    I find the funnier outcome when they were asked if Russia is going into the right direction, where lot of tartars voted for "Absolutley Not", well then go back to ukraine, let us see how that direction will fit you turks with the very friendly environment of mentally stable people with xenophile tendencies.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  KoTeMoRe Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:54 am

    Werewolf wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    franco wrote:The "Open Democracy" NGO does some extensive survey taking in the Crimea;

    Did 15% of the Tatars in Crimea consider themselves Absolutely European? Wut? Is this a joke?

    I find the funnier outcome when they were asked if Russia is going into the right direction, where lot of tartars voted for "Absolutley Not", well then go back to ukraine, let us see how that direction will fit you turks with the very friendly environment of mentally stable people with xenophile tendencies.

    It's a hard case of schizophrenia by media brainwashing...What kills me though it is the Ukrainian answers and their gradual acceptance of the current Crimean situation. Damn better rule of law (even anecdotical) will do that to everyone. That one must hurt the Eurotrash like hell.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Werewolf Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:56 am

    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    franco wrote:The "Open Democracy" NGO does some extensive survey taking in the Crimea;

    Did 15% of the Tatars in Crimea consider themselves Absolutely European? Wut? Is this a joke?

    I find the funnier outcome when they were asked if Russia is going into the right direction, where lot of tartars voted for "Absolutley Not", well then go back to ukraine, let us see how that direction will fit you turks with the very friendly environment of mentally stable people with xenophile tendencies.

    It's a hard case of schizophrenia by media brainwashing...What kills me though it is the Ukrainian answers and their gradual acceptance of the current Crimean situation. Damn better rule of law (even anecdotical) will do that to everyone. That one must hurt the Eurotrash like hell.

    Political based knowledge is perceptional oriented by own or foreign agendas, meaning they will not see such a turn out survey in the first place and if only a very minor amount of people.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 6 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Aug 31, 2015 3:43 pm

    Temp bridge over Kerch straight.

    Age of the beaver is upon Russia! thumbsup russia

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