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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF


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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  auslander Wed Sep 02, 2015 6:51 am

    The electric supply feeds from Kraznodar to Krim will be online by late December and the first is online now from what I hear. By the end of December if not earlier the orcs can be told to pack sand. Water supply is in hand since spring using the deep aquifers in the peninsula.

    I do not know how the coming winter will affect construction but the Kerch Straights storms are legendary from time to time. I expect a slowdown starting in mid November through mid March, the winter on the east side of the peninsula is much worse than the one we get in our village.

    With the huge increase in ferry facilities and the number of bottoms the problems of last summer for transport to and from the mainland to Kerch were pretty much alleviated by early summer. I no longer hear the screams concerning 6 and 8 hour waits to get across the water from either the locals or the tourists.

    Now we've got to address the price gouging going on for some goods, in particular around the coast areas for The Season, and some visitors from Up North have to be sent elsewhere. Seems they have fallen in to their old habits whilst safely riding out the war in safety. While you may never hear of it, in the last couple weeks and for the next couple months there's some noses going to get a pretty hard slap along with some comfortable summer residences being raised to the ground at the owner's cost and the odd shadowy business shutting down.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Sep 06, 2015 4:59 am

    That is great to hear auslander, I guess this winter ukrops will be eating humble pie of yet another flavor. thumbsup

    Also, temp bridge construction video:

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  auslander Sun Sep 06, 2015 8:05 am

    New information in the last day. The electric we have been 'buying' from Ukraine is actually Russian electric sent through the uke power grid, in other words we have been paying exorbitant transit fees for Russian power to the ukes. This will end later this year.

    The gas that Krim produces is more than enough to feed Krim. The excess has been sold to the ukes for years and for years the ukes never paid a kopek for it, their arrears is quite some millions of dollars. The bill will be presented early next year and of course the orcs will never pay it, at which point the spigot will be turned off.

    The roads are still hideous in many areas. It is an amazement that DNR and LPR can repair and totally repave more kilometers of road in the middle of a war than this village can repair in 18 months of peace. Go figure. 25 years of abject neglect for all physical plant in the entire peninsula means 25 years of strenuous work to bring said plant up to some modicum of serviceability. That being said, electric does not go off now for a day and more as under the ukes, now it will go down for an hour or two because of system modernization and unlike before the outage is announced beforehand.

    Water service is dramatically better, at least in this town, and pressure is so much better I have had to reset the pressure regulator on our house system, actually I had to set it. Before it was simply in the line with the pressure adjustment set a max pressure. Now it needs regulation to maintain proper pressure for the appliances and heating system. Still, with the ancient pipes everywhere the main feed filter is full of rust in two months, read in summer about 30 meters of water. Winter the usage goes down to a third of that, the irrigation system is off and drained.

    All in all things are slowly improving. The main thing is we have peace and quiet down here and the *%#!!#$%! tourists have mostly left as of this past Monday. Praise de Lawd, we can finally move on the other side of the ditch.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:21 pm

    Wehrmacht’s Black Death: Wartime Soviet ‘Flying Tank’ Found in Crimea

    The remains of a World War II Soviet warplane and its two man crew were discovered on the sea bottom off the coast of Crimea.

    The plane, an Ilyushin IL-2, nicknamed by the Nazis as “Wehrmacht’s Black Death,” was shot down in 1945.

    For 70 years, the warplane and its crew remained buried in a watery grave until earlier this month when they were found by divers lying under a thick layer of mud in the Kerch Strait not far from shore.

    The serial number on the plane’s engine helped the finders determine the names of the crew and the exact time it was shot down.

    The legendary Il-2 ground attack plane, or “Flying Tank” as it was lovingly called by Soviet airmen and soldiers on the ground, was widely used during the war.

    With over 36,000 units out, the heavily armored Il-2 was the most mass-produced warplane ever built.

    Found during Kerch bridge survey.

    Pilots have been identified, RIP to the heroes.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  PapaDragon Fri Sep 11, 2015 9:56 pm

    Food Blockade to Crimea Likely to Cause More Harm to Ukraine Than Peninsula

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  medo Fri Sep 11, 2015 10:51 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Food Blockade to Crimea Likely to Cause More Harm to Ukraine Than Peninsula

    I think it will not last long, when Ukraine will start buying food from Crimea. In Crimea food production is increasing and in Ukraine is decreasing. When Ukraine will run out of fuel, Ukraine farmers will not be able to go to the fields for the new season. There is a good chance, that Ukraine will starving in coming years, because without money, they will not be able to buy fuel and at the moment fuel go primarily for tanks on the front. Also without coal and gas, fuel will go for diesel electro generators to supply electricity in the winter.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  auslander Sat Sep 12, 2015 6:48 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Food Blockade to Crimea Likely to Cause More Harm to Ukraine Than Peninsula

    Some product does come from 404 but it is not much. Last early summer magazines and kiosks all over the peninsula and Sevastopol pulled 404 food products, both fresh and preserved, from shelves over a two week period, reason being the products did not meet the new food safety and testing laws put in to affect. Gone are the days when the food and health inspectors could be bought off. This has had an affect on magazines and kiosks to an extent although one still should be careful of what and where to buy foodstuffs.

    404 has repeatedly imposed various product and services blockades in the last 18 months. Nothing happens, nothing changes. The only event that affected Krim was blocking the water canal from the Dniepr. This canal was built originally to control the spring and early summer floods of the river from melt and runoff. The rice farms were out of business, these in north Krim, last summer. I do not know if they have resumed operations with the now adequate water supplies from aquifers.

    Bottom line is there is no shortage of anything in Krim. With over 5 million tourists this summer, meaning 5 million extra mouths to feed, house and supply and that does not include the over 100,000 extra guests from up north living down here for the duration, we never saw a single shelf in any kiosk or magazine that was not full, product did not matter. Even our one large food emporium on northside reopened this past spring after being closed for a year. Used to be owned by the Witch of the North in Kiev, don't know who owns it now, but it's spotless inside today. When they opened it was a bit of pleasure for us to see most of the original workers employed by the new owners. The same thing happened with our local bank office. Raifessen closed ops in Krim in spring of last year, reason being that in RF that bank is for commercial customers, not private. All accounts were honored, no one lost a kopek, and a week later another, Russian, bank opened in the same office using all the employees from the original bank.

    Life ain't perfect down here but it's livable, no doubt.


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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  auslander Sat Sep 12, 2015 6:51 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Wehrmacht’s Black Death: Wartime Soviet ‘Flying Tank’ Found in Crimea

    The remains of a World War II Soviet warplane and its two man crew were discovered on the sea bottom off the coast of Crimea.

    The plane, an Ilyushin IL-2, nicknamed by the Nazis as “Wehrmacht’s Black Death,” was shot down in 1945.

    For 70 years, the warplane and its crew remained buried in a watery grave until earlier this month when they were found by divers lying under a thick layer of mud in the Kerch Strait not far from shore.

    The serial number on the plane’s engine helped the finders determine the names of the crew and the exact time it was shot down.

    The legendary Il-2 ground attack plane, or “Flying Tank” as it was lovingly called by Soviet airmen and soldiers on the ground, was widely used during the war.

    With over 36,000 units out, the heavily armored Il-2 was the most mass-produced warplane ever built.

    Found during Kerch bridge survey.

    Pilots have been identified, RIP to the heroes.

    Hadn't heard of that deal, I'll check it out. They are also finding ordinance scattered on the sea bottom. Generally it is destroyed in place. It's no big deal, they're still finding bombs and mines in Sevastopol harbor and again they are destroyed in place.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  sepheronx Sat Sep 12, 2015 4:26 pm

    Leader of Japan's Issuikai organization may get a resident permission in Crimea
    SIMFEROPOL, September 11. /TASS/. The leader of the Japanese right-wing political group Issuikai, Mitsuhiro Kimura, may get a resident permission in Crimea, deputy president’s envoy in the Crimean Federal District Vladimir Bobrovsky said on Friday.

    "You are visiting the peninsula for the fourth time," Bobrovsky said. "We should appeal to the Federal Migration Service to provide you with a resident permission."
    Mitsuhiro Kimura expressed his interest adding that he was in favour of creating "Crimean representation in Japan," an organization uniting Crimeans living in Japan.
    The delegates from Issuikai were present at 2014-September’s elections to the Crimean parliament. This year the organization intends to participate in a number of elections to the City Councils of the peninsula.
    Set up in 1971 by followers of world-acclaimed Japanese writer Yukio Mishima, Issuikai is one of Japan’s biggest far-right organizations. It stands for Japan’s independent foreign policy and reforming the United Nations.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Sep 12, 2015 7:17 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Leader of Japan's Issuikai organization may get a resident permission in Crimea
    SIMFEROPOL, September 11. /TASS/. The leader of the Japanese right-wing political group Issuikai, Mitsuhiro Kimura, may get a resident permission in Crimea, deputy president’s envoy in the Crimean Federal District Vladimir Bobrovsky said on Friday.

    "You are visiting the peninsula for the fourth time," Bobrovsky said. "We should appeal to the Federal Migration Service to provide you with a resident permission."
    Mitsuhiro Kimura expressed his interest adding that he was in favour of creating "Crimean representation in Japan," an organization uniting Crimeans living in Japan.
    The delegates from Issuikai were present at 2014-September’s elections to the Crimean parliament. This year the organization intends to participate in a number of elections to the City Councils of the peninsula.
    Set up in 1971 by followers of world-acclaimed Japanese writer Yukio Mishima, Issuikai is one of Japan’s biggest far-right organizations. It stands for Japan’s independent foreign policy and reforming the United Nations.


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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:56 pm

    Construction of Sevastopol thermal powerplant has started:

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 C2RlbGFub3VuYXMucnUvdXBsb2Fkcy8zLzgvMzgzMTQ0MjM5ODUxN19vcmlnLmpwZWc_X19pZD02NzgzOA==

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  zg18 Mon Sep 21, 2015 6:23 pm

    North Crimean canal - inside mainland Ukraine , August 2015

    Ukraine blocked canal transporting water from Dnieper river but Russian military started to drill water from huge Crimean artesian reservoirs

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 12049123_1913317135560309_665895459243405994_n

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 12038449_1913317208893635_274638741768232706_n

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  auslander Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:49 pm

    PapaDragon wrote: russia
    Construction of Sevastopol thermal powerplant has started:

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 C2RlbGFub3VuYXMucnUvdXBsb2Fkcy8zLzgvMzgzMTQ0MjM5ODUxN19vcmlnLmpwZWc_X19pZD02NzgzOA==

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 C2RlbGFub3VuYXMucnUvdXBsb2Fkcy85LzYvOTYzMTQ0MjM5ODU5MF9vcmlnLmpwZWc_X19pZD02NzgzOA==

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    That's just south of Inkerman and just east of the bypass before Yalta Ring. Good place for such a plant, the main rail line is right next to it with the Inkerman Yards west, IOW to the back of the photographer.

    It's going to be an interesting year, new power plants, new bridges, huge number of ferries working the Kerch Straights. Now, if they can just fix the !*#!! roads in this berg.........

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  marat Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:06 pm

    PapaDragon wrote: russia
    Construction of Sevastopol thermal powerplant has started:

    On which fuel that PP shall be working? On Gas or what? And when it will be finished?
    I gues that answers are in link you posted but i do not speak Russian and translator suck.
    Prince Darling

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Prince Darling Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:22 pm

    marat wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote: russia
    Construction of Sevastopol thermal powerplant has started:

    On which fuel that PP shall be working? On Gas or what? And when it will be finished?
    I gues that answers are in link you posted but i do not speak Russian and translator suck.

    Thermal would indicate coal. Maybe even powered by Donbass coal. But a gas powerplant would make a lot of sense, as the main (export) line runs pretty close to Crimea, a few 100km extension which needs to be built anyway, but the garranted consumption from a power plant makes the project more viable

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  medo Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:41 pm

    marat wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote: russia
    Construction of Sevastopol thermal powerplant has started:

    On which fuel that PP shall be working? On Gas or what? And when it will be finished?
    I gues that answers are in link you posted but i do not speak Russian and translator suck.

    They will be gas power plants and Russia will next year build additional gas pipeline from mainland to Crimea for those new power plants and other users.

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Guest Fri Sep 25, 2015 7:29 pm

    They should totally restart this project, not sure tho how extensive is the damage to the already done work but i suppose its doable.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  NationalRus Fri Sep 25, 2015 8:11 pm

    Militarov wrote:

    They should totally restart this project, not sure tho how extensive is the damage to the already done work but i suppose its doable.

    its rotting since dacades, they would need to bulldoze it and build a new one, crimea doesnt need a damn nuclear power plant, 1 big modern coal plant and a gas plant will take all of ther energy needs.

    crimea is also very good for solar power which had the most instalation in ukraine and even one of the biggest in europe, but i would wait for technolgy advances for 10+ more years befor investing in solar

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Guest Fri Sep 25, 2015 8:43 pm

    NationalRus wrote:
    Militarov wrote:

    They should totally restart this project, not sure tho how extensive is the damage to the already done work but i suppose its doable.

    its rotting since dacades, they would need to bulldoze it and build a new one, crimea doesnt need a damn nuclear power plant, 1 big modern coal plant and a gas plant will take all of ther energy needs.

    crimea is also very good for solar power which had the most instalation in ukraine and even one of the biggest in europe, but i would wait for technolgy advances for 10+ more years befor investing in solar

    Well to us it looks like ruin, but maybe its still doable to continue work, i saw one huge project here in my city that was abandoned for 30 years almost and they restarted it and finished building few years ago, looking from side it looked like ghost town and pile of rubble but still it could be mended. Well coal is bulky and quite "dirty", one nice nuclear plant would allow Crimea to deal with possible infrastructure and population increase. And yeah Crimea has nice base for solar energy powerplants that should be used too, but i dont think its wise to place coal burning facility on such gem like Crimea is, at least i wouldnt do it.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  marat Fri Sep 25, 2015 9:58 pm

    NationalRus wrote:

    its rotting since dacades, they would need to bulldoze it and build a new one, crimea doesnt need a damn nuclear power plant, 1 big modern coal plant and a gas plant will take all of ther energy needs.

    crimea is also very good for solar power which had the most instalation in ukraine and even one of the biggest in europe, but i would wait for technolgy advances for 10+ more years befor investing in solar
    Does Crimea have coal?
    Solar power is jet very expensive.

    But i agree, there is no need for npp.

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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  NationalRus Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:23 pm

    marat wrote:
    Does Crimea have coal?
    Solar power is jet very expensive.

    But i agree, there is no need for npp.

    RUSSIA has coal, coal is cheap and modern coal plants are not even closly as dirty as they once were, they basically getting burned clean and filltered, also crimea is not Liechtenstein, i didnt proposed to build the plant on the beach in yalta, crimea is by itself bigger then quite a few countrys some people seem to forget that...

    oh and i said wait more till investing in solar, the technology needs to evolve first

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Guest Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:43 pm

    NationalRus wrote:
    marat wrote:
    Does Crimea have coal?
    Solar power is jet very expensive.

    But i agree, there is no need for npp.

    RUSSIA has coal, coal is cheap and modern coal plants are not even closly as dirty as they once were, they basically getting burned clean and filltered, also crimea is not Liechtenstein, i didnt proposed to build the plant on the beach in yalta, crimea is by itself bigger then quite a few countrys some people seem to forget that...

    oh and i said wait more till investing in solar, the technology needs to evolve first

    That is not really 100% true. Coal is not that cheap anymore and even worse: "Coal -- the dirtiest fuel in terms of air pollution and climate-warming carbon emissions -- accounts for just over half that total. By shouldering these costs, we are, in effect, granting a massive public subsidy to coal and other fossil-fuel companies."

    Dragging coal from Russia to Crimea sounds like very... very stupid idea. Almost everywhere in the world coal burning plants are near actual mines, if you drag coal from Russia kW of that electricity is going to be more expencive than if you gave every house a generator and fuel...

    My country is getting big portion of its electricity from coal burning plants so does public heating in some cases, and its not really that cheap or clean as you would imagine, filter and furnace producers tend to claim many things that are not true. Natural gas on other hand doesnt have to be bad idea, if they actually build that gas line towards Turkey they can simply make TNG burning facility like Anegasaki Power Station for an example, not that Crimea needs that many generators but two would be more than sufficient.

    From what i am aware Crimea till this point was getting certain amounts of coal for its needs via Ukraine from Donbass mines (Chelyuskintsev most notably), now however after all this happening there post Maidan they are dragging coal to Novorossisk and then by ship to Crimea. As you can notice such practice is not worth it whatsoever. So smartest solutions would be NPP or Natural gas furnaces that can burn heavy oil for any case, and suplement it by wind farms since Crimea kinda has quite alot of windy enough days and that technology unlike solar cells is at its peak atm.


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    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  George1 Sat Sep 26, 2015 6:44 pm

    Crimea ready for electricity turn-off by Ukraine

    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Guest Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:39 pm

    "Crimea in December will start receiving electricity from the Kuban to reduce its dependence on Ukraine.

    This was stated by Minister of Fuel and Energy of Crimea Sergey Yegorov. According to him, in the fight for energy independence Crimea primarily relies on energy bridge to the Kuban, as well as on its own generation, which uses among others, alternative energy sources. "... This year in December it is planned to put into operation the first stage of an energy bridge, which can provide a flow volume of 350 MW. And at the end of construction and after commissioning of the second stage - about 800 MW more ... We are also planning to develop the Crimean TPP ... Plus alternative generation and mobile gas turbine power plants, "- said the Minister. According to him, the alternative generation this year will count for 7% of the total electricity consumed in Crimea. This year, in June, we plan to launch a solar power plant in Nikolaevka with a capacity of 70 MW and to connect it to the grid. And before the end of the year, perhaps another station - in Vladislavovka. It will be able to give the output of 110 MW, "- said Yegorov. The minister added that it is considered in Crimea the potential of another type of alternative generation - underground thermal water."


    Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF - Page 7 Empty Re: Crimea and ex-Ukrainian/Black Sea regions integration into RF

    Post  Guest Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:40 pm

    "On August 1 in Simferopol district there was put into operation SES "Nikolayevka" with a capacity of 75 MW. In addition, according to Fuel and Energy Minister of Crimea Sergey Yegorov, in September in the area of Kerch there will be launched another solar power station - "Vladislavovka" with a capacity of 110 MW. By the end of this year it is planned to complete construction of the energy transition line from the Krasnodar Territory to Crimea with a maximum load of up to 403 MW."


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